Replacing glass on a smartphone on your own: description, recommendations and requirements. How to install a protective glass on your phone yourself

Replacing glass on a smartphone on your own: description, recommendations and requirements. How to install a protective glass on your phone yourself


Articles and Lifehacks

Broken glass is one of the most common problems for mobile device owners. Our article will help you figure out how to replace the glass on your phone, and also tell you what we need for this.

Replacing glass: when to do it

Glass is the most fragile part of our apparatus, and therefore, when it falls, it breaks in the very first place.

But if earlier its replacement was inexpensive, today it can become a real problem. With ubiquitous distribution touch phones everything has changed, and the procedure has become much more complicated.

In addition, it is not cheap (do not forget about the cost of work).

Modern mobile devices may have a touch panel connected to the glass. In this case, a separate glass replacement is not possible, and this increases the cost of replacement.

However, it is still not as expensive to do as changing the glass on expensive flagships. The most advanced mobile devices (like the Xperia Z from Sony or the Galaxy S4 from Samsung) have a rather complicated screen design.

It consists of a liquid crystal display that transmits images, a sensor (also known as a touch-screen) that responds to finger touches, and glass.

The latter performs not only decorative, but also protective functions. Note that the screen module of such smartphones is an integral element, all components of which are glued to each other.

The manufacturer's instructions call for a complete replacement.
Of course, in the absence of sufficient skills, it is better to contact service center.

If we decide to do it ourselves, it is recommended to search YouTube for a video instruction on how to replace the glass on our device model. Here are some tips.

Replacement procedure

  • The replacement starts like this: we heat the display module with a special hair dryer, after which the glue becomes softer, and we get rid of it using a plastic tool.
  • Residues are removed with a solvent and napkins. New glass is fixed with 2-sided adhesive tape or UV-glue.
  • At first glance, everything seems simple enough, but in practice, difficulties often arise.
  • First, it is very difficult to achieve uniform heating of the surface of the display module.
  • There is always a risk that we will overheat both the display and the touch-screen. We can do irreparable harm mobile device.
  • It is easiest to remove the glass yourself if there are large cracks on the glass surface.
  • If the cracks are small, the procedure is quite risky, since the glass may crumble, and small fragments will damage the sensor. In other words, we still have to completely change the module.
  • In conclusion, we note that in order to glue new glass, you need to have certain skills, and therefore it is best to use 2-sided tape instead of glue.

Interior doors are often decorated with additional decorative elements, you can often see the decor in the form of a glass insert. But when using low-quality glass inserts or improper and careless operation of the door leaf, it may be necessary to dismantle this fragile part. We will talk today about how to properly replace glass in an interior door.

How to remove cracked glass?

Replacement of broken or cracked glass in an interior door begins with its removal from the door leaf. The greatest difficulties arise if the glass insert is cracked, because it must be removed in such a way that the glass does not crumble into pieces during dismantling.

It is best to perform all work after the door is removed from the hinges and laid on a flat horizontal surface. If this is not possible, it is necessary to open the door and fix it securely at the bottom so that the door leaf does not wobble during operation.

On the cracks themselves, it is necessary to glue a transparent strong adhesive tape in several layers on both sides of the glass. It is very important at the same time that the adhesive tape also captures its intact part. Such a manipulation will fix the glass and prevent it from falling apart during the dismantling process.

You will also need:

  • gloves, best rubberized on a fabric basis;
  • broom and scoop;
  • chisel;
  • several pieces of thick paper;
  • small hammer.

All work must be carried out with gloves, this will help protect your hands from damage. The further procedure for removing cracked glass will consist of the following steps:

  • It is necessary to establish how exactly the glass insert is fixed in the door leaf. It can be brought in through the end or fixed with glazing beads.
  • If the glass is installed through the end, then the door will still have to be removed from the hinges. It can only be removed through a special hole.
  • If the insert is fixed with glazing beads, then using a chisel and a hammer, they must be slightly moved to the side. There is no need to completely remove these fasteners.
  • Then the glass is slowly removed from the canvas. It is better to perform this operation with two people, especially if the insert is large. One person will have to hold the glass at the location of the cracks, while the second will carefully remove it from the door.
  • It is necessary to clean all grooves of sawdust, door putty or sealant.

The dismantled insert should be disposed of immediately after wrapping it in prepared paper. If in the process of work a piece of glass broke off, it should be carefully swept in the room.

There are no particular difficulties in performing such work. The main thing is to immediately prepare all the necessary material and perform the actions slowly.

Worth paying attention to gum condition, which is located between the glazing bead and the glass itself. If it is severely damaged or torn, it must be replaced with a new one.

What can be replaced?

After removing the cracked glass from the canvas, a new insert must be installed in its place. Many people have difficulty choosing the right replacement material. Before proceeding to the description of possible alternative inserts, I would like to say that sometimes you can just fix broken or cracked glass with the following options:

  1. A special decorative film in cases where a crack or chip is small. It is glued to all the glass at once, so that the door looks harmonious and complete.
  2. Hardboard sheet. This option is temporary and can only be used until a new glass is selected. To improve the appearance, it is also recommended to paste over the temporary insert with a decorative film.

For the final replacement of cracked glass in the door, you can use other materials:

  1. Ordinary glass. This material does not have any decor of its own, it is completely transparent, widely available and low price. When choosing this option for a replacement, it becomes possible to decorate it in any way in the future.
  2. Organic glass has high level strength, and it is very difficult to break it, but at the same time, scratches on such material appear quickly enough. You can eliminate this drawback with the help of a decorative film, which will decorate the door itself and protect the insert from minor damage.
  3. Decorative (stained glass) glass. This replacement option is the most stylish, beautiful and expensive. An insert made of such glass is distinguished by its unusual appearance and high strength. True, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection of a drawing suitable for the general style of the interior. Some varieties of this material will not be possible to install at home.
  4. The tempered glass, differs in the increased durability, fire safety and a noise isolation.

There are quite a few materials to replace old cracked glass. It is worth giving preference to the one that most accurately fits not only in its own technical specifications but also in appearance.

How to paste with your own hands: step by step instructions

The installation of a new decorative part in the door leaf should not begin with the work itself, but with measurement. It is necessary to accurately determine the size of the future insert. When performing measuring work, you need to remember that the glass itself should not fit too tightly into the grooves, otherwise it may burst again from strong pressure.

To install a new insert, you will need the following equipment:

  • sealant;
  • small nails;
  • hammer;
  • glue;
  • rubber insert.

The replacement itself is quite simple in several steps:

  1. The sealant is applied on one side of the door leaf in special grooves for glass.
  2. The newly acquired insert is inserted into the elastic and then installed into the grooves. It is possible to glue glass and wood directly without using such a rubber seal, however, such an installation will be unsafe, and the glass itself will not be securely fixed in the grooves.
  3. Sealant is applied again, but on the other side of the door.
  4. After 5 minutes, the previously removed glazing beads are installed. If necessary, they should be securely fixed using special small nails.
  5. The door leaf must be left stationary for another couple of hours. During this time, the entire structure is completely fixed inside the door.

You can glue glass into a wooden door not only using a sealant, but also a special wood or universal glue. The application of sealant also remains a mandatory part, but this stage is performed after the installation of the glass.

It is best to do this work after removing the door from the hinges. This installation option is the simplest and is suitable for glasses of ordinary rectangular shape.

The very technology of performing the work can also be used for other types of inserts installed not only in ordinary doors, but also sliding or collapsible ones.

If the glass is located in the side door, and it is not possible to remove the leaf itself from the hinges, then it is necessary to fix the door leaf firmly in such a way that so that it does not move during operation.

How to change in the royal door?

In addition to ordinary interior doors, today you can also find side doors, which can also have a damaged glass insert. The side door leaf differs from the usual one in that it has special reinforcement bars that securely fix the structure itself in the doorway. The replacement of the insert in such a door will be carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the door from the hinges, using a screwdriver and removing the plugs first. Unscrew the bolts from the inside of the hinges.
  • The door leaf is laid on a flat horizontal surface located above the floor level.
  • Using a ruler or chisel, it is necessary to remove the remaining plugs located along the edges of the canvas.
  • Remove fasteners with a screwdriver.
  • With the help of a hammer and a wooden block, it is necessary to disconnect the drawer along the entire perimeter from the door itself. The direction of movement is from bottom to top. It is necessary to start removing the drawer from the place where the fasteners were located.

  • After detaching the drawer, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the canvas and, wearing gloves, remove the cracked glass from the grooves along with the silicone seal.
  • We measure glass and purchase replacements.
  • But we put on a new insert and insert it into the grooves.
  • We install the tsargi in place.
  • Now you need to assemble and install the entire canvas in the reverse order of the analysis of the structure.

Replacing glass inserts in a tsargovy door is considered more difficult than the work performed on ordinary interior doors, therefore, it should be approached very responsibly and carefully.

How to fix shaky glass in the apartment?

The glass in such door panels does not always crack or break. Much more often you can hear that it just starts to stagger strongly and make loud and unpleasant sounds at the same time. There are several ways to solve this problem without replacing the decorative insert:

  • You should purchase a special "sanitary" sealant, which is applied in a thin strip into the cracks formed between the insert and the tree.
  • Ordinary matches, one at a time, are inserted into the corners of the glass panel. Instead, you can use acrylic putty, which is also applied to the corners of the insert.
  • Small pieces of cork are liberally lubricated with universal glue and inserted into the slots along the perimeter of the glass.
  • You can also carefully remove the glazing beads themselves, apply sealant to the glass, and reinstall them on top, but closer to the decorative panel itself.

All these ways to eliminate noise and glass movement in the doors really help get rid of the problem, and their implementation does not take much time.

Installation options

There are two main ways to replace glass in interior doors, and each of them, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Installation of a new insert with preservation or increase in size. In the first case, the cracked or broken glass is removed and a new one of the same size is installed in its place. Such work is considered the simplest and fastest.
  • In the second case, after dismantling the damaged insert on the door leaf, he draws an image of a new one with a pencil, then measurements are taken, and then glass of a suitable size is purchased. With the help of a hacksaw, the desired shape of the hole is cut, special grooves are made in it, and only then the installation takes place. Such work requires special care in measuring and care when cutting out a new shape in the door, otherwise you can only spoil all the material without solving the problem.

The glass on a mobile phone is one of the most fragile elements. Should a mobile device fall on asphalt or rubble, the screen will break in most cases. And even the use of durable types by manufacturers does not save - the displays still beat. In this case, you have to buy a new one and also spend money on replacing the glass on your smartphone. However, you can try to carry out this operation yourself.


Before you start manipulating the software on your smartphone, you need to know what you have to deal with. The main elements here will be:

  1. Matrix, which is a liquid crystal panel. It is on it that the image that you see is formed. In some phones, the matrix is ​​located under the protective glass, while in other models, these two elements are one. The matrix is ​​connected to the main board of the smartphone through special loops.
  2. Touchscreen. This is a glass panel that breaks when the smartphone is dropped. That is what needs to be changed. If the touchscreen with the matrix is ​​​​one solid element, then if the touchscreen breaks down, the matrix will also have to be changed. It is expensive.
  3. Frame and buttons.
  4. Backlight.
  5. Loops.

The procedure for replacing glass on a smartphone

When falling, the touchscreen always suffers first of all, and then the matrix may also break. In any case, the replacement order will look like this:

  1. Smartphone disassembly.
  2. Removing the main module from the case.
  3. Screen heating.
  4. Separation of the touchscreen from the main module. Sometimes it is removed along with the matrix.
  5. Removal of adhesive residue and dust.
  6. Applying adhesive to mount a new touch glass. Irradiation with a lamp for quick drying.
  7. Case assembly.


If in your phone the matrix and the touchscreen are different, separate elements, then you can handle the simple procedure yourself. This will help save money, because the price of replacing glass on a smartphone can cost 1000 rubles, and there are only 10 minutes to do there.

For work we need:

  1. Curly screwdrivers.
  2. Fen. Preferably assembly.
  3. Tape or glue.
  4. Mediator.
  5. Gloves.
  6. A plastic card.
  7. Shoulder blade.

Some of these attachments come with the new screen.

You need to start with bolts. We unscrew the bolts with a small curly screwdriver. Most often, an asterisk screwdriver is required. Put all the bolts in one place so as not to lose. An ordinary matchbox is ideal. Many models have a hidden bolt at the top left of the smartphone. It also needs to be unlocked.

Now we take a mediator and with its help we try to remove the smartphone case around the perimeter. This tool is perfect for this purpose. Many people try to remove the cover with a screwdriver, but small dents remain on the sides of it, which are immediately visible and even felt when you pick up the phone. Therefore, the mediator is an ideal tool for removing the smartphone case.

Pay attention to the side latches. They need to be pressed a little to remove the case. These latches are fragile and break easily, so be careful. If you break any of them, then the case will not fit as tightly as before.

Now you need to dismantle the buttons that are on the sides. Take the tweezers and carefully remove them without touching any plumes. If there is a top button on / off the smartphone, then it must also be removed.

After dismantling the buttons, we move the main board away, but we do it very carefully, because under it there is a cable to the touchscreen. You need to disconnect it and connect the cable of the new touch glass. This is required for performance testing. After connecting the cable, turn on the smartphone and slide your finger over the new touchscreen. If it works, then you can proceed to the full removal of the previous glass.

Removing the old glass and putting on the new one

To remove the glass with a hair dryer, it is necessary to warm up the areas of its attachment to the case (usually the touchscreen is attached to the front of the case). Warming up is done at a temperature of 70 degrees for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the mounting adhesive will melt, and the touchscreen will easily come off. You can then attach the new sensor to the main body of the phone. At this stage, there are 2 options:

  1. Remove old glue residue. Glue double-sided tape instead of it and attach a new sensor to it. Note that this The right way, but it is more labor-intensive, because it is necessary to remove the old glue, and this is quite difficult.
  2. Replace the protective glass on the smartphone on the old glue. This can also be done, and the adhesion of the new sensor to the adhesive will be strong. But first, the old glue needs to be warmed up with a hairdryer after you have torn off the old touchscreen.

Got new glass? Now you need to insert the cable from the sensor into the connector where the cable from the old glass was connected. After you need to assemble the phone in reverse order.

How much does it cost to replace glass on a smartphone?

If you contact the workshops, then you will have to pay for the screen and the work of the master, which, depending on the workshop and region, can be estimated at 500-1000 rubles. By replacing the glass yourself, you will save money. In this case, it is better to order the sensor through the well-known Chinese site, which will save even more.

If you change the display in the cabin on a new smartphone, then the replacement will be very expensive and often results in 50% of the cost of the phone itself, and sometimes even more. Therefore, if you have the skills to replace displays and sensors, then sometimes it is beneficial to do it all yourself, even if it takes much more time than in the workshop.

In cases where the sensor and the matrix of the smartphone are one, the replacement will also be expensive, because the matrix itself is an expensive element, and the price of the sensor is cheap. Of course, the image on such displays looks high quality, but in the event of a fall and damage to the glass, the repair costs a tidy sum.


Do-it-yourself glass replacement on a smartphone is a simple task that requires experience, nothing more. If you want to learn how to do this, then practice first on an old smartphone that you don’t mind ruining. After one or two procedures, you will learn and be able to easily replace it yourself. True, in different models There may be subtleties, but you'll figure it out.

As we wrote earlier, the main reason why they turn to our Repair48 service center in Lipetsk for repairing phones, iPhones is broken glass, broken touchscreen (touch glass), broken screen (no or distorted image).

When the display does not show an image or shows a grid or blots, the picture twitches, everything is clear for both the master and the client - you need to change the display. And as a rule, the display is damaged along with the touchscreen (touchscreen). Therefore, you have to change both the touchscreen and the display.

In modern mobile phones the display module is installed. The display module is the gluing of the display (screen) and the touchscreen (touch glass) into a single whole. And they are glued not around the edges, but over the entire area! So you can't change one without the other.

For example, if your phone fell and the touchscreen (touchscreen) broke, and the display shows an excellent picture, you still have to change the display module, because it will be difficult to separate the broken touchscreen from the display without damaging the latter. The chance of successfully splitting the display module is only 50%.

Separation of the display module takes place on the separator, which heats up the adhesive and makes it soft. Using a special string that is inserted between the display and the touch glass, the adhesive layer is carefully cut off. If the string touches the display, then it is damaged. In the picture on the left, a damaged display (unsuccessful separation), on the right, the display remained intact. There is no way to predict the outcome of the division.

But splitting the display module without damaging the display is half the battle. After separation, the display must be cleaned of adhesive residue. After that, you need to glue the display and touch glass also over the entire area. In no case should you leave an air gap between the touch glass and the display, as was done before on older phones. Here, the gap between the sensor and the display is much smaller and the touchscreen will stick to the screen from being touched. And the main drawback is that the viewing angle will narrow and the brightness will drop. In sunny weather, you will not see anything at all on such a display!

On some phone models, it is possible to replace only the touch glass (touchscreen) separately. These are mostly old or budget phone models.

Modern Samsung phones(A3, A5, A7, J3, J5, J7, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8), iPhones (iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6plus, 6s, 6s plus, 7, 7plus, 8, 10) are equipped with protective glass. The sensor of such phones is applied to the display, and the glass performs a protective function. Quite often, even if the glass is badly damaged after a fall or impact, the sensor and display continue to work properly. And in this case, you can try to replace only the glass. But here again, you need to use expensive equipment and high-quality consumables.

Some "craftsmen" can offer replacement glass for an inexpensive cost and glue the glass with LOCA glue. This type of adhesive is no longer used in the manufacture and repair of displays, but it does not require special equipment for its application. LOCA glue, especially cheap ones, turns yellow over time, bubbles may appear between the glass and the display, the backlight of the display can be flooded with this glue when replacing the glass.

Currently, OCA glue (film) is used to glue glass to the display. To bond the glass to the display, you need a laminator and a separator to remove air bubbles between the glass and the display. This is the only way to achieve high-quality gluing without bubbles.

On Samsung EDGE series phones, the sides of the display are rounded, so it is not possible to separate the glass from the display using a string and a separator. To do this, you need a freezer in which cooling occurs to -150 degrees Celsius.

The low temperature breaks down the adhesive and the glass easily separates from the display. Then it is necessary to clean the display from adhesive residue and glue the new glass on special equipment.

Replacing only glass on Samsung phones, Apple iPhone, touch screen on modern phones (Xiaomi, Meizu, Lg, Sony Xperia, Asus Zenfone, etc.) is cheaper than replacing an entire display module. But in order to qualitatively and with a guarantee to replace glass or a touchscreen, expensive equipment and high-quality consumables are required. Not every service center has all this, and if you are offered a replacement for only glass or a sensor, ask if there will be a guarantee for work? It must be at least 3 months old. During this time, if the glass was replaced by a homemade method, Loca UV glue, the display module may begin to stick, turn yellow, air bubbles will appear, and the sensor may fail in some areas or completely.

At present, our service center is ready to offer the replacement of the touch screen (touchscreen) on phones, where it is provided, or the replacement of the display module. We always have original display modules for Samsung phones in stock. They are expensive, but this is factory quality, which guarantees the operation of the display module without any problems. Apple iPhone comes with modules of different quality classes (ААА, REF, Orig, Orig 100%). For other smartphones, display modules are supplied with a quality class of at least AAA or orig.

Before installation, we always check the display module for possible problems in operation, which eliminates the installation of defective spare parts in almost 100% of cases. But some shortcomings in the work may appear after a week or two, so we always provide a guarantee for the installed touchscreen, dislay or display module.

Currently, there are a huge number of offers to buy a touchscreen, screen, display module in an online store or order from China. After watching the video on replacing the display, you can try to replace it yourself. But if there is no experience at all in this matter, and no special tools(screwdrivers, mediator, spatula, separator), you can easily damage the cable and the phone's motherboard. Also keep in mind that static electricity tends to accumulate on the hands. When you touch the system board of the phone with your hands, a discharge may occur, the potential of which will be enough to destroy the microcircuit. This will lead to partial or complete inoperability of the device.

As for spare parts ordered from China, retailers mainly sell defective spare parts. Think for yourself, who will sell a high-quality display for a low price, and even with free shipping?

Our service center purchases spare parts from time-tested suppliers who work directly with factories and purchase a huge batch of touch glasses, displays, display modules. Due to the large volumes of purchases, the price of spare parts for the supplier is low. Our purchase volumes are also not small, so the supplier provides us with a good discount on spare parts. As a result, we are ready to offer you a high quality touch screen, display or display module replacement at a relatively inexpensive price!

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