Types of surveillance. How to track a person: situations you need to know more about

Types of surveillance. How to track a person: situations you need to know more about


The cost of the service is from 3000 rubles.

Sometimes in a family one of the spouses begins to suspect the other of treason. But no one wants to bring unfounded accusations to the second half. In this case, it is worth contacting a detective agency, whose employees will monitor the client's spouse.

Surveillance for many of the spouses is a last resort. Not everyone is ready to go for it, fearing to violate the personal space of a loved one. But to live in constant doubt is also impossible. That is why people decide to insure themselves. They decide to hire a detective who will find out what the other half of the client does during those hours when she is not at home, with whom she communicates, how she spends her time.

If you want to get rid of doubts, contact our detective agency "Private detective". We are located in Moscow and are ready to provide surveillance services for the client's spouse. We are often approached by people who begin to doubt the sincerity of the relationship with their partner. Our frequent clients are people with a big difference in age, wealthy businessmen, employees of companies who, by the nature of their activities, are often on the road.

Features of the work of a detective

Surveillance of a person by our specialists is carried out in such a way that he does not notice the detective who continuously follows him. In our work we use specialized equipment. Often we use a GPS beacon, which allows us to receive data about the location of an object. It is a small transmitter that the client needs to fix on the clothes of his other half, put it in her bag or briefcase, install it in the car in which the husband or wife moves around the city. A feature of GPS beacons is that they transmit signals over a long distance. Therefore, there is no risk that the detective will lose track of the object.

Surveillance will allow the client to find out the truth. And this is the best option than to suffer in ignorance all the time. Contact us if you have doubts about the fidelity of a husband or wife. Our detectives will conduct an investigation, draw up a report that will indicate all the movements and meetings of your second half. In the event of a divorce proceeding, you can use the information provided by us as evidence of the reason for separation from your spouse.

Detailed instructions for spying on a person through a phone with an overview of cool applications. In various everyday situations, you have to figure out how to follow a person on the phone. This is necessary when suspicions arise regarding a company employee, husband or wife, there is concern for the life and health of relatives.

Spying on a person by phone can be:

  • illegal;
  • official.

People wishing to use this service should remember that the collection of information about a person from closed sources becomes a direct interference in his private life. Such interference is considered a violation of the law and is punishable by penalties of varying severity. How can you legally spy on a person? To do this, you must obtain his consent. Surveillance without permission is considered illegal. If a person has given permission to collect information or provides it himself (for example, location data), then such surveillance is considered official and does not contradict the norms of the law.

What information can be tracked

With the help of surveillance, you can get information that is usually stored on a mobile device:

  1. the contents of the subscriber's call log;
  2. message text along with exact time and date of receipt;
  3. the content of letters sent to the user's e-mail box;
  4. user's current location.
  5. photo from cameras.
  6. recording from a voice recorder.

All 4 federal operators cellular communication offer those who wish to purchase from them the service of spying on their subscribers. The functionality and capabilities of the services of each operator are somewhat different, so it is worth talking about each separately.

How can I find out the location by phone number without the consent of the person

Cellular operators provide information about the location of a person only with his consent and under certain conditions. Federal companies operate in accordance with official legislation. But some citizens neglect these rules, trying to get information in a roundabout way. Realizing that they will not get the consent of the person, they establish mobile applications without the knowledge of the user. Applications provide the necessary information, but without the consent of the user, their work is illegal. It is not recommended to use this tracking option in this format.

Spyware for Android phone

Based on Android, there are several effective programs with positive reviews for tracking the user. They are easily installed on a mobile device, operate in background and are unmarked. Popular options include the following:

  1. . The customer of the service receives a report on the subscriber's calls, audio recordings of conversations, intercepted SMS, recordings from the microphone, and the history of visited pages in the browser on his e-mail.
  2. . The program works in the same way as the previous application, it will determine the geolocation of the subscriber, but it asks for a password at startup. This is a significant disadvantage that can reduce the effectiveness of the program.
  3. . This spyware for Android phones monitors the location of the smartphone, views the picture from the device's camera, records the sound of the environment. The program is suitable for people who want to monitor their children.

Tracking apps for iphone

  • . This is an IOS program with a wide range of tools. The iPhone application is sold in two versions - Gold and Basic. The basic version offers a standard set of features. Features of the gold version allow you to view photos on your smartphone, emails, notifies of replacement SIM cards, creates backups data.
  • . No less advanced program that includes all spy functions, including Spy Call. Spy Call feature provides wiretapping telephone conversations in real time.

Tracking your phone using OS Android or iOS (Iphone)

How to spy on other people without third party installation paid apps? This is possible using the built-in functionality of IOS and Android systems. For example, the necessary information is obtained by the program Google Maps, which is available in any devices based on IOS and Android. Added "Show me where I am" feature to Google Maps. In order to follow a person in this way, you need to activate it on yourself and on his smartphone, have access to the e-mail of the object of surveillance. In the function menu, you need to select the tracking period, contact details, and the object of surveillance.

The "chronology" service, available for any mobile devices, works in a similar way. To obtain information about the movements of a person for a selected time period, you need to enter his account Google through the browser and go to the "timeline" page.

GPS Trackers: An Alternative to Phone Tracking

GPS tracker- electronic equipment designed to determine the position of objects using satellite navigation systems. The tracker has a receiver that determines the coordinates of the object and a transmitter of information. The transmitter operates on GSM technology. Location data is transmitted via the GPRS Internet channel in the form of text messages. Also, the device is equipped with a rechargeable battery or removable batteries, an antenna and a memory unit. Modern models of trackers are small in size. Now they can be built into bracelets or key rings.

After activating the tracker, it connects to satellites using a GPS receiver. Satellites transmit information about the location of a person to mobile device or a server where the data is parsed.

We track the location of a person through popular instant messengers

The most popular instant messengers that have the function of determining the geolocation of a person remain Watsapp and Viber.

— How to track geolocation data via viber
This function in Viber is provided for exchanging location data with your interlocutor or a group of subscribers in a chat. Viber cannot determine the position of the user without his knowledge. This information is provided at will only by the subscriber himself. In the dialog box, to enable the location, you need to activate the arrow symbol next to the send message button. If the user wants to know the location of the interlocutor, he will need to perform a similar operation on his mobile device.

— How to receive geodata through watsapp
To provide geodata in WatsApp, as in Viber, only the subscriber himself can provide. For this you need:

  1. Go to the settings of your smartphone.
  2. Open the "Applications" section.
  3. Select the WhatsApp application.
  4. On the page dedicated to the application, select the "Permissions" section.
  5. Allow the app to determine the location.
  6. In any WhatsApp chat, click on the paperclip symbol.
  7. Send the place to the interlocutor by selecting the appropriate address from the list.

What does the law say? Liability for surveillance without consent

Under Russian law, information about a citizen of a country can only be obtained from open sources - pages in in social networks, from him personally, photos, comments. Installing spyware, hacking accounts, and other methods of obtaining information that is not publicly available is against the law. Reading correspondence without the consent of a person is considered a violation of privacy. The person who committed this violation is punished under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Hacking social media or email accounts mailboxes is considered illegal access to computer data and is punishable under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Installation spyware regarded as spreading malware. The punishment for this violation is prescribed in Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Establishing control over a particular person in some situations is vital. Especially when it comes to young children or elderly parents. But obtaining hidden information in Russia is strictly punishable by law. It is strongly recommended to carry out such activities only after obtaining the personal consent of the object of control in paper or electronic form.

■ Decided to follow a friend, suspecting that she is cheating on you with her husband? To begin with, take care of the ability to quickly change appearance.

■ You don't have to rent a tuxedo, just a reversible jacket in neutral colors, sweatpants underneath your jeans, a compact windbreaker in your pocket, and a pair of sneakers in your bag. It will also be convenient to hide jeans in it when you take them off.

■ If you wear blue and yellow striped socks, get a spare pair in a different color. Yellow and blue, for example. To one of your images, pick up characteristic glasses and a discreet hat.

■ Clothes, by the way, must be absolutely new, so that in the midst of the operation, the brother of your girlfriend's wife, walking around the city, does not recognize you.

■ So that the object of observation certainly does not suspect anything, ask friends for help and put together a reconnaissance group of 4-6 people. You can walk not only alone, but also in twos, pretending to be spouses or Siamese twins.

■ When you need a car, take the most inconspicuous: not too big and not small, gray or white. If your own fleet is small, borrow a car from a friend or take it for a test drive in a showroom. If you do not have the opportunity to pass the baton to another driver, throw a partner in the trunk so that you can change during the pursuit. Do not deliberately slow down, run red lights, and make the same stops as the target. What if he has eyes and a rearview mirror? He might be worried.

■ Don't avoid eye contact. If it happens that the victim turned around sharply and went in the opposite direction, your jump under the trolleybus may seem suspicious. Better tell your partner to take over. Buy a bluetooth headset. This is the case when the resemblance to the hero Bezrukov from "The Irony of Fate" should not scare you.

■ Yes, and distribute assistants along the entire proposed route in advance so that they can, at your signal, "accidentally" leave the alleys and continue to monitor the object, taking over the baton. Having passed the necessary section, they can hide, change clothes, overtake the pursued and go to him already from the next public toilet.

■ Did the game enter the café? A job for a “couple in love” (is there such a thing in your reconnaissance group?). Have the detectives order a few dishes and pay in advance so they can leave the cafe in case of an emergency. Just don't let the "couple in love" keep spying: they've got enough exposure already. Let them pass the baton to you, crumpling at the entrance.

■ B mall can't do it alone either. Let your companions disperse into different sections. It is unacceptable for a person under surveillance to notice the same person in different departments, unless it is looking from an election poster.

By the way, in the case of overlays, we will deny that we know you, and we will try to get you out of the police as early as next month.

Today on the Internet you can find many different programs for tracking your phone that work on the Android platform. But are they effective? That is the question. The main advantage of all programs is that they are easy and simple to install on a mobile phone. You can track your phone using a computer via email, where all the information from the phone comes. Also, all applications work only in stealth mode, and it will be very difficult to detect them on mobile. Let's take a look at five of the most popular spyware that can be found on the Internet:

  1. VkurSe;
  2. Cell Phone Spy PRO+;
  3. talklog;
  4. track view;
  5. FlexiSpy;

talk log

Let's start with the Talklog app. The program has the following features:

  • call log. You will receive a full report on all calls to your e-mail;
  • audio recording of telephone conversations. Each conversation can be recorded and then stored on the server;
  • receive SMS messages. You can intercept all messages from the phone;
  • phone location;
  • web browser. You can get history from internet browser;
  • applications. Talklog can also keep records and monitor applications on the phone;
  • audio control. The program allows you to turn on the microphone on your phone.

This is the whole list of possibilities. « program" for spying on the phone talklog. Not enough, isn't it?

Cell Phone Spy PRO

The Cell Phone Spy PRO + program is mainly aimed at convicting a loved one of treason. It works in much the same way as all other spyware programs. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this program may be in jeopardy, because during launch it requires a password and thus it can be easily removed from a mobile phone. Despite this, Cell Phone Spy PRO + will determine the location of the phone, its calls and messages.

track view

The TrackView spy program is able to track the location of a mobile phone, view messages and listen to calls, listen to ambient sound, and also view the picture from the camera. This program Perfect for spying on a child's phone. The only negative is that the functionality of the application is small, so if you need a program with wide functionality, then it is best for you to install another mobile spy.


Stands out among the first three described programs for spying on the phone FlexiSpy. This application has a lot more options than the first three. All data will be sent to your Personal Area on the site. In addition to all the known capabilities of any mobile spy, FlexiSpy can also crack screen lock passwords, email and application passwords. In addition, you will receive notifications when the owner of the phone visits forbidden places. But it is worth noting that none of the above mobile spy guarantees the safety of information from third parties.

Service VkurSe

The VkurSe service not only guarantees the safety of all transmitted data from third parties, but also has a huge list of features. Such as:

Just look at the entire list of program features. None of them has such wide functionality. program "for spying on the phone. That is why most users choose VkurSe mobile spy. The program was created not only for tracking and finding the location of the phone, but first of all, this is one of the ways parental controls, as well as protecting your phone from theft, increasing employee productivity, finding a device when lost, and much more. See for yourself by downloading the VkurSe phone spying app.

With our service you will always be aware of everything that happens with a mobile phone and its owner!

Many people know that MTS has a service with which you can track certain subscribers that you connect, but few people understand how it can be quietly used and, most importantly, why.

  • I'll tell you with my own example. I have a retired mother. I often worry when she goes out into the city alone. She is using a mobile phone. In this regard, I had a question so that I would always be aware of where she is.
  • Another example where the service is useful is when you have children and you always want to know where they are, whether they skip school or whether they went exactly where they said.
  • The third example is jealous people who always want to know where their other half is.

In this article I will tell you how it is very easy to connect this service, and how to constantly use this service for a very small amount and at the same time, that subscriber will not be able to understand that he is being watched, unless you yourself tell him about it.

  1. You and the person you want to follow must be MTS subscribers
  2. You must have access to mobile phone this person (once for registration - about 10 minutes)
  3. The cost will be only 50 rubles per month for an unlimited number of requests for three people.
  4. You can follow the subscriber either by SMS requests, or on the site, where you can also see all the movements of this person during the day.

So, let's get started, if you are not an MTS subscriber, then become one. In addition, you can buy two SIM cards, activate the service and give this number to this person in order to resolve the issue of access to this number.

The service is called "Child under supervision", but we understand that you can use it not only on children's phones.

To begin with, you register in this service from your number, for this you send MUM or DAD to number 7788 .

Example: MAMA HOPE

After that, the system will automatically register you and send you THE CODE, which will be used to register other subscribers, to combine them into a separate group.

Next, you register the number of the subscriber you need to monitor. At this point, you will need access to this number for 5-10 minutes in order to register it. To do this, send the following command via SMS from this number: CHILD<ИМЯ> <КОД> to number 7788 .

Example: CHILD PETIA f54g8 (f54g8 is the code that was sent to you when registering your number). Next, you wait for a response SMS about the connection and delete your traces so that the subscriber does not suspect anything (in case you connect a person secretly from him) . You need to remove:

  • Outgoing SMS to number 7788
  • Incoming SMS about connection.

This subscriber will no longer receive any SMS indicating that he is connected to this service. He will be able to find out about this only if you yourself tell him about it or he himself will make a special check by sending a certain SMS to a certain number.

Besides, cash behind subscription fee, as well as requests (if more than 3 people) are debited from your account (the one who initially connected and received the CODE), so these subscribers will not have any signs by which they will understand that they are being monitored.

How to follow a subscriber

You can via SMS. By sending a command WHERE ARE CHILDREN to number 7788 in response, you will receive a message with the approximate location of all registered subscribers. If you need to find out a specific user, then send the command WHERE<ИМЯ> to number 7788 .


All requests to the number 7788 are free (up to 3 people), if more, then for each request 5 rubles.

In addition, you can register on the MTS WAP or WEB site search and see the location or even the movement of the subscriber on the map. It is very convenient and visual.

There are many different features for the convenience of using this service. Detailed information you can read on official page http://mtspoisk.ru/family/

I hope that my article was useful to you, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

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