What to do if the laptop is flooded with water. Restoring a flooded laptop keyboard What to do if you spill water on your laptop

What to do if the laptop is flooded with water. Restoring a flooded laptop keyboard What to do if you spill water on your laptop


If such a nuisance happened to you and you filled the laptop with liquid, then in this situation you should never hesitate. Every missed minute can cost the life of the device. First of all, you need to very quickly disconnect from the power supply and pull out the battery.

A flooded laptop or netbook is one of the most common reasons why they fail, and you have to contact a computer service center. Manufacturers of equipment are trying in every possible way to protect their devices from liquid getting inside the case. Cover the internal parts with protective layers of paint and varnish. But, unfortunately, it is far from always possible to count on the fact that such measures will help save a laptop if you spill a cup of coffee on it, for example.

All liquids can be divided into two classes, depending on their danger: aggressive (this includes alcoholic beverages, as well as sweet tea and coffee, and other sugar-containing drinks) and non-aggressive (pure water, tea and coffee without sugar).

Here is some algorithm of actions and measures to be taken first of all if liquid has got into the laptop:

  • immediately turn off the power. In order not to waste precious time and not look for the outlet that the laptop is plugged into, you can simply pull the plug out of the device.
  • get the battery. If your laptop is flooded, then you should not worry about safely shutting down the operating system and saving open documents and files.
  • it is necessary to turn the laptop over so that the liquid that has got into it can flow out and does not penetrate even deeper into the case.
  • if you spilled a small amount of liquid and it is non-aggressive, then you can simply leave it to dry for at least a day. However, do not try to turn it on before this time. You can also try drying it with a regular hair dryer.

If the measures taken were not enough, and after a day the laptop does not turn on or turns on, but, for example, the keyboard does not work, you will have to contact the service center or try to fix the problem yourself. However, you can not do without a complete analysis of the laptop.

Depending on what kind of liquid the laptop or netbook was filled with, you also need to act differently. Consider the simplest option, when water was spilled by negligence. Be sure to determine how far and deep the fluid has leaked into the housing. Therefore, if after flooding and daily drying, the laptop does not work properly, you will have to disassemble it.

The laptop keyboard is flooded. We repair ourselves

First you need to remove the keyboard and carefully look to see if the liquid has leaked onto the motherboard or only the keyboard has been flooded. If it has a protective film pasted on the back side, it can delay the penetration of liquid into the laptop case for a while. Therefore, if the liquid is drained in time, then the losses can be minimal and only the replacement of the keyboard will be needed, and in the best case, even it can be reanimated.

To do this, you need to rinse the keyboard under running warm water, clean all the keys with a toothbrush. You need to dry for about a day in a warm, dry place, for example, on a battery. If you are lucky, then the flooded laptop keyboard will fully return to its working capacity, if not, you will have to buy a new one.

Poured laptop or netbook motherboard

If you are still unlucky and the liquid spilled on the laptop was able to penetrate to the motherboard, then you will have to disassemble it completely. In the case when it was possible to quickly turn off and de-energize the equipment, there is a good chance to completely restore its operation on your own.

However, if, after the laptop was flooded, it turned off by itself, then, most likely, it will not be possible to do without the help of computer service specialists and special equipment for diagnostics and repair. The best option is to contact the service as soon as possible. Corrosion can quickly damage the motherboard so much that it will be impossible to repair it.

Sometimes liquid gets on the laptop keyboard, which can be dangerous for it. In order not to repair a flooded laptop, you need to act quickly, and these actions may differ depending on what kind of substance got on the input device. Next, we will tell you what to do if water, beer, sweet tea or coffee is spilled on the device, as well as what to do to prevent a laptop flooded with beer or water from breaking down in the future.

What to do if the device is flooded with water

If the user flooded the laptop, immediately after that it must be disconnected from the power supply and the battery removed - do not click on "Shut down" and do not wait for the laptop to turn itself off. Nevertheless, a film is glued to the keyboard, which protects the motherboard if moisture is spilled on the device. Therefore, when the liquid has entered in a small amount, if it is pure water, and not beer or tea, coffee, then you need to do the following:

  • remove any remaining water with a soft cloth;
  • then remove the device and dry it properly.

If the last point is not performed qualitatively, then moisture will remain between the films of the polyethylene printed circuit board filled with beer or water, which over time will lead to corrosion damage to the conductive tracks and failure of the input device.

To dry a keyboard that has been spilled with clean water, it is not necessary to disassemble it. In a ventilated room or under a radiator, it will dry completely in about a day.

How to remove the keyboard from a laptop to dry

Some users have difficulty removing the input device from the laptop. But on modern mobile computers, it is quite easy to dismantle it, since it is attached to ordinary plastic latches. Dismantling must be done according to the following scheme:

After complete drying, the keyboard filled with beer, water or tea can be put back in place. If it dries well, make sure that the device turns on and the buttons work. There should be no further problems with the further operation of the laptop, on which the user has spilled a clean, non-aggressive liquid.

What to do if the device is flooded with aggressive liquids

When the user spilled beer or sweet tea, coffee on the keys, sticky marks remain on the surfaces after drying. At first, the keys of the input device may start to stick, and after a while, after the oxidation of the conductive tracks on the board (usually spilled beer is effective in a day), the keyboard will stop working. To avoid this, it will have to be removed, completely disassembled and cleaned. Disassembly must be done in the following order:

Wipe the board with a damp soft swab. Try to use only distilled water. An aggressive liquid like solvents or alcohol can not only remove the remaining beer, but also severely damage the conductive tracks of the board.

If the laptop turns on, but individual keys stop working, you can clean their contacts on the board. To do this, it will have to cut off the corresponding rubber caps with a clerical knife, and gently wipe the unprotected contacts, thereby removing the dried beer and tea. The caps themselves must also be thoroughly cleaned.

After carrying out the described procedures, you should proceed to assemble the device. It will be possible to glue the caps in place with superglue, trying to use the minimum amount of it for this, so that the substance does not get on the components of the printed circuit board, which can also damage the keyboard.

The laptop was flooded with liquid - what to do first

So an unpleasant story happened and the laptop or netbook was filled with liquid. This article will tell you how to restore a laptop after liquid (water, tea, coffee, beer, juice, etc.) has been spilled on it at home.

Immediately you need to perform the following steps and only then decide what to do with it next.

1. Unplug your laptop (unplug charger from laptop)

2. Remove the battery from a laptop

3. Wipe off excess liquid dry paper towel or rag

All these actions must be performed immediately after water hits the laptop, without waiting for the computer to turn off normally.

The laptop keyboard is flooded with water, juice, beer, etc.

Now you need to determine how far the liquid has flowed. To do this, you need to disassemble the laptop.

First of all, you need to remove the keyboard and see if the liquid has leaked deeper onto the motherboard or only the keyboard has been flooded.

If the motherboard is not affected - already lucky. There is a chance that you will be lucky on a large scale and the keyboard will not even have to be changed.

So, if the keyboard was flooded with water, then you can try to just dry it, but it is still advisable to rinse it first in distilled water. If tea, coffee, beer, juice is spilled on the keyboard, then rinse in distilled water necessarily. It is highly likely that after drying it will be fully functional. For drying, you can use for example an electric oven. Set the temperature to 70 degrees and dry the keyboard in it for 4 hours or more. You should not set the temperature higher, because. buttons may melt. You can just put it in the sun for at least 1 day, and preferably for two. It is better to spend more time drying than buying a new keyboard later. After all, if you do not dry the keyboard, moisture will remain between the films and corrosion will gradually eat the tracks.

Traces of corrosion on the tracks and pads of the keyboard

After that, try to connect the keyboard and check its performance in a text editor. If the keys print other letters or the letters print themselves, then the keyboard is not dry enough and there is moisture between the films with sputtered tracks. Repeat the drying process.

If the keys, on the contrary, do not work, then there is a dielectric or corrosion on the contact pads. Try rinsing again more thoroughly and drying for a longer time.

laptop motherboard flooded

In the event that you are unlucky and the liquid gets on the motherboard, the laptop will have to be completely disassembled. If, when liquid hit the laptop, it did not pass out and continued to work and you managed to de-energize it in time, then there is a high probability of restoring it at home. If, after getting the liquid, he himself passed out, then almost certainly it will not be possible to restore it at home. In this case, it is better to immediately contact laptop repair serviceso as not to aggravate the situation. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find and resolder a burned-out element or chip at home without the appropriate equipment and experience. It is not worth delaying the repair, since the bill goes to the clock and over time, corrosion can destroy the motherboard so much that it will be impossible to restore it.

Corrosion on motherboard flooded with liquid

Remove the motherboard by disconnecting all cables from it and removing all devices. You also need to remove the processor. Remove or solder (depending on the implementation on the motherboard) the CMOS battery.

Now you need to thoroughly rinse the board in distilled water and dry it. You can dry it simply by laying it in the sun.

When the motherboard dries out from the outside, you need to arm yourself with pure alcohol and a syringe with a thin needle. Draw alcohol into the syringe and pour it under each microcircuit on the motherboard, with the exception of the chips filled with compound. Alcohol dissolves water and helps it evaporate from hard-to-reach places and micro-crevices. After all the elements on the motherboard are treated with alcohol, continue drying.

Now assemble the laptop and try turning it on. If no electronic elements on the motherboard have burned out during liquid ingress, the laptop will turn on and work for a long time. For example, my laptop has been working for 4 years after a glass of tea was poured on it :-)

If the laptop does not turn on - your way to a computer service.

Notebook - demanded device in the modern market. It is purchased not only for work in the office, but also at home. Unlike a computer, it is small in size, easy to use, mobile, which makes it easy to change the location.

In terms of power and capabilities, it is not inferior or superior to its counterparts. Laptops are the weakest point of a laptop. They are easily damaged and difficult to repair.

Only a careful attitude will ensure a long service life of the equipment. In practice, this is quite difficult to do. Spilled coffee, tea or water on the device is one of the most common situations and is familiar to many.

Exposed to liquid laptop immediately goes out of order. This is the first enemy of any technology, which should be feared. What to do in this case, how to avoid serious damage, we will analyze further.

What liquid was spilled?

Before looking for ways to solve the problem, it is important to determine the type of liquid spilled on the laptop. It directly affects the algorithm of actions.

There are two types: non-aggressive, aggressive. The first group includes water, tea without sugar. They will cause minimal harm to equipment, it is unlikely that there will be problems in operation.

As for the second group, the situation is more complicated. This includes drinks that contain salt or sugar. These substances are dangerous for the device and will cause serious damage to the device.

It is extremely difficult to restore its performance on your own and you will need the help of a master. Examples of such liquids are soda, beer, coffee, juices and others.

Where to begin?

Spilling liquid on a laptop is an unpleasant situation and requires immediate action. There is no time to get upset, you need to calm down. If promptly take the necessary measures, then the problem will be successfully eliminated.

Quite often and in the flooded state, it continues to function. This is deceptive and does not mean that there were no problems with the laptop.

Important, immediately after the liquid has entered, unplug the computer, remove the battery.

Image: Turning off the laptop before drying

How to drain liquid?

Regardless of the type of spilled liquid, you must open the laptop. Then experts recommend turn the part over and leave for a while. At the same time, it is important to fix the device so that it does not fall and is not damaged even more.

To speed up the drying time will allow the flow of fresh air and sunlight. Therefore, it should be placed near the window.

The duration of the drain of the liquid is long. It will take at least one or even two days. It is worth noting that until the laptop is completely dry, you can not turn it on.

Violation of the requirement will aggravate the condition of the laptop and lead to more complex problems and malfunctions, which are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to deal with.

This method of restoring the operation of equipment is budgetary. But it is only suitable if a non-aggressive liquid is spilled.

Drying Features

Waiting for perfect drying after draining the liquid is not worth it. It will bring a positive result if the amount of drink is insignificant. Yes, and moisture will be eliminated only from the laptop, and it will remain in the user. You can dry the latter yourself, using a vacuum cleaner.

To do this, you need to open the laptop and remove the back panel. Blot inside with a napkin and vacuum the area. The power of the latter should be small.

Ideal for this purpose, a device for cleaning furniture. Now the equipment can be assembled, turned on and tested.

How to wash?

Flushing the device is necessary if a corrosive liquid is spilled. It will help minimize damage. They contain sugar and most likely that the keys will stick. This will significantly affect the operation of the device.

In addition to performing the basic steps, or rather, turning off, disassembling and drying the laptop, the keyboard must unscrew and wash the buttons under water using a detergent. Then leave them to dry for 24 hours in a sunny place.

A vacuum cleaner and wipes will help speed up the process. As soon as the buttons are completely dry, the device is assembled and the quality of work is checked.

How to save the motherboard and what to do when the laptop does not turn on?

Moisture quickly spreads through the technique. Most likely, it will get to the motherboard and cause a lot of trouble to the owner. It will cause significant damage to the details.

Especially when it comes to aggressive liquid. Moisture is removed from the board by drying. It is carried out, as for a laptop, with a napkin and a vacuum cleaner.

If the above manipulations did not bring success, then the owner will quickly understand. The device will not turn on. In this case, a specialist will help.

Gadget needs to be attributed to the service center. The master has everything necessary to solve such a problem: knowledge, skills, experience and modern equipment. The likelihood that he will bring the device back to life is quite high.

As practice shows, it is better to prevent the situation described above than to deal with the consequences. It will take a lot of time, and if you turn to a specialist, it will cost a pretty penny.

It is possible that the device will become completely unusable. The only right decision would be to purchase a new one.

These tips will help extend the service life of equipment:

  • Do not place drinks nearby;
  • Do not drink liquids while working on a laptop;
  • Get a vacuum cleaner with low power. Let him always be in the house, it is possible that it will come in handy;
  • Cover the keyboard with a special moisture-retaining film. Will increase the level of protection of the part from the penetration of liquid.

If a drink is spilled on the gadget, then you should immediately help him. This will increase the likelihood of a successful solution to the problem.

Even after first aid, the laptop should be taken to a service center. Experts will appreciate the level of damage done if necessary, perform additional manipulations so that the equipment works for a long time and with high quality.

A common cause of laptop failure is spilled drinks and water. The substance spilled on the case of the device immediately gets inside and envelops the hardware components: the main motherboard, sound card, processor, cooling system and other elements. Users spill tea, beer, coffee, soda, water and other drinks on the PC. According to statistics, every 200th laptop owner spills a cup of liquid on their device. Keep the cups away from the PC so you never experience the mechanical damage that comes from spilled tea, coffee, and so on. Consider a few recommendations on how to fix a keyboard on a laptop and save a PC.

A liquid-filled laptop or PC needs to be repaired

Types of liquids and their effect on the device

If the liquid got on the motherboard, this means that the contacts of the board are closed, so the computer does not turn on. In this case, you need to show a specialist. In the first minutes after the incident, you need to wash the laptop keyboard. Never use damp cloths, wipe the keys only with dry antistatic cloths.

Do the keys crackle after spilling water? If a laptop key is stuck, thoroughly clean the keys with an old toothbrush and some regular nail polish remover. The product removes dirt and instantly disappears due to the alcohol and acetone in the composition.

Nail polish remover effectively helps in cleaning the keyboard

To better understand what to do, read about the types of liquid spilled. The type of repair directly depends on the type of substance. Liquids are:

  • dangerous (aggressive). Such substances penetrate the device very quickly and instantly cause serious damage to all hardware components of the system;
  • safe (not aggressive). PC "cures" from such funds in most cases.

Spilled non-hazardous liquid

Follow the instructions below to promptly reanimate the PC after being flooded with water:

    if the user spilled water on the laptop, turn off the laptop first. Hold the power button for five seconds, the device will turn off completely. Take out the battery. The sooner you turn off the power to the PC, the more effective the repair will be;

    First step is to disconnect the laptop battery.
  1. turn the laptop upside down so that all the water drains out. Leave the laptop in this position for a day. 24-48 hours is enough for the computer to dry completely;

    Never turn on a computer that has not dried out and do not dry anything with a hair dryer!

  2. by quickly completing the first steps of the instructions, you will save time on further repairs. After complete drying, the device will turn on. Buttons do not work after turning on? You can replace the keyboard on a PC at home. Buy the buttons for your PC model and install them following the instructions for your PC model.

    power off and dry the PC completely. More details are described in the previous instructions;

    in eighty percent of cases, the liquid first hits the buttons, and then penetrates the case and floods the hardware components: the processor and the main board. Manufacturers add a special film under the buttons that prevents the penetration of moisture. If the user spilled tea on the laptop, first you need to rinse the laptop keyboard after pouring, and then clean it on the laptop. Clean the sticky surface with an alcohol solution;

    Flushing the keyboard from aggressive liquid
  1. if you flooded the PC, first of all it must be turned over and the keys snapped off. Humidity under the keyboard is a direct indicator that the hardware components are flooded and vice versa, the computer is not damaged from the inside if the key tray is dry. Wash the removed keyboard with warm water and detergent.

PC won't turn on after drying

If the PC does not turn on, take it to a professional laptop repair shop. During the incident, the motherboard was flooded. It is very difficult to fix it yourself, and replacing the keyboard in a PC with your own hands is a completely possible action on the part of the user.

To replace the buttons, unpin them and wash the keyboard. After all the excess components are washed off, it can not be thrown away. Buy only the original keyboard that matches the device model.


If you understand the structure of a PC, repair the internal components yourself: open the case and remove the main board. Dry the board thoroughly and brush it with a dry brush (cosmetic or artistic).

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