Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota. Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota Do-it-yourself jar antenna for 4g modem

Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota. Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota Do-it-yourself jar antenna for 4g modem


Mobile Internet still loses to home in speed. Subscribers are not always in a stable coverage area. If the signal is weak, the page loading speed will be slow. One solution is an external antenna to the USB modem. You can either buy it or make it yourself from improvised means.

When do you need an antenna for a modem

The antenna will improve mobile Internet if there are two or even one division on the signal icon. External antenna components will pick up the signal where the built-in antenna cannot. If there is no signal at all, there is a chance that even an external antenna will be powerless in your case.

Many modems have a connector on the side for connecting a cable from an external antenna

If the problem is only in speed - there are a lot of divisions, most likely the reason is that the operator's base station is overloaded with requests from subscribers. Even if you install an antenna, the speed will not increase. In this case, it is recommended to change the operator or try to direct the antenna to another tower of the company.

What types of 3G / 4G antennas are there

Antennas (both purchased and home-made) are divided into several types depending on several indicators. If we talk about the installation method, there are indoor or outdoor antennas. The latter are more efficient, as they work in open space, where there is the least interference. They are suitable for those subscribers who live far from the tower.

Indoor antennas are not as efficient as outdoor antennas

According to the receiving signal, antennas are divided into broadband and narrowband. The first ones are more functional - they are able to receive a 2G and 3G signal, when, for example, 4G does not catch.

Antennas are also divided into directional, omnidirectional and sector. The last two species are able to catch a signal from several towers at once. They also distinguish between conventional devices and MIMO antennas - advanced equipment with two antennas at once, which receive the signal separately from each other, but transmit the signal to the modem at the same time. They are able to increase the speed up to 100 Mbps.

A MIMO antenna essentially has two receivers, hence its effectiveness

Depending on the presence of an amplifier in the antenna, the devices are divided into active and passive. Passive ones, where there is no amplifier, do not improve the mobile network signal as much as active ones, but they do not need to be connected to an outlet (the amplifier is powered by the mains).

Making an antenna from a tin can

The advantage of this homemade antenna is accessibility. In every house you can find a free tin - whether it's from coffee or carbonated drinks. It is better that it be cylindrical - without corners. The bank will be a kind of "hearing apparatus" for the waves. They will reach the bottom and be reflected from it. As a result, a standing wave will form in the bank.

What needs to be done with a jar to make an antenna out of it:

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for all cases, for example, if you live on the first or second floor and your house is located far from the tower. It can help you if the signal problems are not too serious. Thus, the antenna is easy to manufacture, but not as effective as, for example, the Kharchenko antenna.

A more complex variation of the can antenna - with a metal connector inside and a wire that stretches from it:

wire antenna

Another primitive way to amplify a fading mobile network signal is copper wire. She needs to wrap around the bottom of the modem, where the internal antenna is located. Somewhere 20 - 30 cm of the wire should remain free. We bend this free piece - it should be perpendicular to the modem, that is, vertically. We place the modem with a homemade antenna on the window and connect it to the PC using an extension cord.

Make a few turns around the modem and straighten the cable vertically

An extension cable can be purchased directly with the amplifier - this will also help improve performance.

Antenna Kharchenko (biquadrat): a simple step-by-step instruction

The scientist Kharchenko proposed this model of a loop antenna in 1961. It was used as a TV receiver. The antenna is very effective - it acts as both a receiver and an amplifier. It is broadband, capable of increasing the signal power up to 3 - 4 dB in the absence of a reflector and up to 8 - 9 dB with a reflector (a metal panel that reflects the signal). It doesn't matter if it's 3G or 4G.

Its minus is the complexity of manufacturing compared to previous home-made antennas. However, with due desire, everyone can cope with its creation:

  1. First, make a "figure eight" from a monolithic wire with a cross section of 4 mm 2. The squares should be as equal as possible. There must be clear symmetry. To achieve it, mark the wire with a marker before bending. Then put the pliers on the wire markup. Now you need to bend the wire at an angle of 90 o. Use a square to get the exact angle.

    Make a symmetrical "figure eight" of copper wire

  2. Take an aluminum plate - 22 mm thick. The total area is 140 x 140 mm. The plate will be a reflector (reflector). Make a hole in the center of the plate (drill).
  3. Fix the "figure of eight" right in the center of the reflector at a distance of 3.6 cm. The panel and wire should not touch.

    Secure the antenna with wooden sticks on the sides

  4. Drill holes in the reflector for the clamps, put the structure on the bracket (take from the satellite dish). Now you need to solder the cable, passing it through the hole in the plate in advance.

    Route the cable from the antenna to the modem

  5. If the modem has an antenna connector, connect the cable to it through an adapter.
  6. If there is no connector, take some copper foil. Make a cap according to the dimensions of the modem. Fix the cable on the cap (you need to solder) and put it on the device.

    If there is no antenna connector, use a copper plate to secure the wire to the modem

  7. After connecting the antenna, tune the signal - turn it until you get the maximum result in the form of several divisions. They are displayed in the proprietary program of the device or your provider, which is downloaded and installed on the computer to set up the connection. Try placing the antenna at different angles, such as 45 degrees or 70 degrees.

Video: how to make a Kharchenko antenna

Other options for homemade antennas

Ideas for homemade antennas can be as follows:

  1. Colander 4G. Everyone in the house has a simple aluminum colander. You need to fix the USB extension cable on the handle of the dishes. Connect a modem to it - it should eventually be within the circle of the bowl. We send a colander to the base station and catch the signal.

    You can amplify the signal with a regular colander

  2. Satellite dish 3G/4G. If you have an old satellite dish, use it. The signal will be amplified significantly, since the antenna will be outdoors. Remove the converter from the stem. Fix the modem in this place. Naturally, you will need a USB extension cable - carefully stretch it to the modem and connect it. Now aim the dish at the operator's tower. For tuning, you will need to rotate the cymbal slowly to achieve maximum effect.

    Click "Measure" on the website

    If you need a simple antenna that does not require special skills and knowledge to make, make a wire or can antenna. You can also take the option with a colander or an old satellite dish. For the more experienced, more complicated methods are suitable - the Kharchenko antenna or the "Double Ring".

Many people in the modern world use the mobile Internet - with the help of it, a person can remotely communicate, receive information and even work. But the provider does not always provide users with a stable connection speed due to the characteristics of communication reception, which may be limited by terrain features, a large distance to the transmitter, and other factors.

A homemade antenna for a 3g modem will help you improve the speed and range of signal reception. We offer you some instructions on how to make an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands.

Kharchenko's method

Recently, we wrote how to make an antenna for receiving television with our own hands. But did you know that you can make a homemade antenna for a 3G modem in the same way?

We will need:

  • Copper wire or wire, you need a section of about 30 centimeters;
  • 50 or 75 ohm coaxial cable;
  • A piece of foil or a DVD as a reflector;
  • Tools: knife, soldering iron, pliers, glue, ruler and pencil;
  • Plastic bottle cap to separate the antenna from the reflector.

Making a Kharchenko Bisquare

In the photographs of homemade antennas for 3G modems, you can see its approximate appearance. First you need to make markings on the copper wire with a pencil: the length of the outer side of each of the squares should be approximately 35-36 mm.

Gently bend the wire along the markup, helping yourself with pliers. You should get a symmetrical design of two squares touching at the corners. Remove the remaining pieces of wire.

Make a hole in the cover, thread the end of the cable through it. Separate the cable, exposing the inner conductor and the shield for soldering.

Next, solder the antenna to the cable and connect it to the modem. Soldering is as follows: solder the central core to the middle of the antenna on one side, and the screen on the other. Then move the cover to the antenna, you can further strengthen and insulate the structure with glue or sealant.

Through the hole, insert the reflector disk into the wire, move it to the antenna and glue it to the cover. Solder to the cable on the other side the connector for connecting to the modem. Connect the antenna to the modem. Enjoy the result of your work!

Antenna “double ring”

The next way to create a homemade antenna is more difficult to perform, but gives a greater effect. To complete it, you will need:

  • Copper wire or wire;
  • Reflector - a flat long tin can, a piece of foil, etc.;
  • 75 ohm coaxial cable;
  • A short metal tube into which a cable can be threaded;
  • Connector for connecting the antenna to the modem;
  • Tools: soldering iron, knife, ruler and pencil.

Detailed manufacturing instructions:

  • Look on the Internet for a Bi-Loop antenna scheme for a 3g modem - on it you will see a design similar to the Kharchenko antenna, but in the form of two rings;
  • Make a marking on the wire with a pencil: for waves with a length of 2050 MHz, the length of each ring should be approximately 146 mm;
  • Gently bend a double ring from the wire. It is also possible to make two rings with gaps about 3 mm long and solder their ends to each other, leaving the gaps open;
  • Build a reflector. Minimum dimensions: height - 120 mm, width - 170 mm. Any metal panel will do; from improvised means, you can use foil or tin from a tin can;
  • Make a hole in the middle of the reflector through which to insert a metal tube - from the connection side with the antenna, the length of the tube should be approximately 18 mm! Solder the tube to the reflector on the other side;
  • Separate the cable with a knife: the screen should be soldered, and the conductor should be slightly exposed;
  • Thread the cable into the tube and solder the antenna to it: the upper part should be soldered to the conductor, and the lower part to the copper tube;
  • Solder the tube and cable sheath;
  • Additionally, to amplify the signal, you can use a satellite dish by installing the finished antenna on the bracket;
  • The other end of the cable should be connected to the modem connector using a soldering iron;
  • Connect antenna to modem. Ready!

Now you know several ways to make an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands. The above methods should help you solve problems with low Internet connection speed.

Photo antennas for 3g modem

Existing mobile communication networks are used for more than just making calls and messaging. Thanks to the digital transmission method, data transmission is also possible using existing networks. These technologies, depending on the level of development, are designated 3G and 4G. 4G technology is supported by the LTE standard. The data transfer speed depends on some network features (determined by the operator), theoretically reaching up to 2 Mb / s for a 3G network and up to 1 Gb / s for a 4G network. All of these technologies work more efficiently in the presence of a strong and stable signal. For these purposes, most modems provide for the connection of external antennas.

panel antenna

On sale you can find various options for antennas to improve reception quality. The 3G panel antenna is very popular. The gain of such an antenna is about 12 dB in the frequency range 1900-2200 MHz. This type of device can also improve the quality of the 2G signal - GPRS and EDGE.

Like the vast majority of other passive devices, it has a one-way directivity, which, together with an increase in the received signal, reduces the level of interference from the sides and behind. Thus, even in conditions of unstable reception, it is possible to raise the signal level to acceptable values, thereby increasing the speed of receiving and transmitting information.

The use of panel antennas for 4G networks

Since the operating range of 4G networks is almost the same as the range of the previous generation, there are no difficulties in using these antennas in 3G 4G LTE networks. For any of the technologies, the use of antennas makes it possible to bring data rates closer to the maximum values.

A new technology that uses separate receivers and transmitters in the same frequency band has made it possible to further increase the speed of receiving and transmitting data. The design of the existing 4G modem provides for the use of MIMO technology.

The undoubted advantage of panel antennas is their low cost and exceptional reliability. There is practically nothing in the design that can break even when falling from a great height. The only weak point is the high-frequency cable, which can break at the point of entry into the case. In order to prolong the life of the device, the cable must be securely fastened.

MIMO technology

To increase the throughput of the communication channel between the receiver and the data transmitter, a signal processing method has been developed when reception and transmission are carried out to different antennas.

Note! Using LTE MIMO antennas, you can increase throughput by 20-30% compared to working with a simple antenna.

The basic principle is to eliminate the relationship between antennas.

Electromagnetic waves can have different directions relative to the ground plane. This is called polarization. Mainly used vertically and horizontally polarized antennas. To exclude mutual influence among themselves, the antennas differ from each other by polarization at an angle of 90 degrees. In order for the influence of the earth's surface to be the same for both antennas, the polarization planes of each are shifted by 45 degrees. relative to the ground. Thus, if one of the antennas has a polarization angle of 45 degrees, then the other, respectively, 45 degrees. Relative to each other, the displacement is the required 90 gr.

The figure clearly shows how the antennas are deployed relative to each other and relative to the ground.

Important! The polarization of the antennas must be the same as that of the base station.

If for 4G LTE technologies, MIMO support is available by default on the base station, then for 3G, due to the large number of devices without MIMO, operators are in no hurry to introduce new technologies. The fact is that in the MIMO 3G network, devices will work much slower.

Do-it-yourself installation of antennas for a modem

The rules for installing antennas do not differ from the usual ones. The main condition is the absence of obstacles between the client and base stations. A growing tree, the roof of a neighboring building, or, even worse, a power line serve as reliable shields for electromagnetic waves. And the higher the frequency of the signal, the greater the attenuation will be introduced by obstacles located in the path of propagation of radio waves.

Depending on the type of mounting, the antennas can be mounted on the wall of a building or mounted on a mast. There are two types of antennasMIMO:

  • monoblock;
  • spaced.

Monoblock already contain two structures inside, installed with the required polarization, and spaced - consist of two antennas that need to be mounted separately, each of them must be directed exactly at the base station.

All the nuances of installing a MIMO antenna with your own hands are clearly and in detail described in the accompanying documentation, but it is better to first consult with the provider or invite a representative for installation, paying not a very large amount, but receiving a certain guarantee for the work performed.

How to make an antenna yourself

There are no fundamental difficulties in self-manufacturing. You need skills in working with metal, the ability to hold a soldering iron in your hands, desire and accuracy.

An indispensable condition is strict observance of the geometric dimensions of all, without exception, the constituent parts. The geometric dimensions of high-frequency devices must be observed to the nearest millimeter and more precisely. Any deviation leads to performance degradation. The gain will drop, the relationship between MIMO antennas will increase. Ultimately, instead of amplifying the signal, its weakening will be observed.

Unfortunately, exact geometric dimensions are not widely available. As an exception, the materials available on the net are based on the repetition of some factory designs, not always copied with a given accuracy. Therefore, you should not place high hopes on schemes, descriptions and methods published on the Internet.

On the other hand, if super strong amplification is not required, then a MIMO antenna made independently, in compliance with the indicated dimensions, will still give, although not a big, but a positive effect.

The cost of materials is low, the time spent in the presence of skills is also not too high. In addition, no one interferes with testing several options and choosing the one that is acceptable according to the test results.

In order to make a 4G LTE MIMO antenna with your own hands, you need two absolutely even sheets of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm, and preferably one-sided foil fiberglass. One of the sheets will be used for the manufacture of a reflector (reflector), and the other for the manufacture of active elements. The cable to connect to the modem must have a resistance of 50 ohms (this is the standard for modem equipment).

TV cable cannot be used for two reasons:

  • 75 ohm resistance will cause mismatch with modem inputs;
  • great thickness.

You also need to select connectors that must exactly match the connectors on the modem.

Important! The specified distance between the active elements and the reflector must be measured from the foil layer in case of using a foil material.

In addition, you will need a small piece of copper wire 1-1.2 mm thick.

The fabricated structure must be placed in a plastic case. Metal cannot be used, because in this way the antenna will be enclosed in an electromagnetic shield and will not work.

Note! Most of the drawings do not refer to MIMO antennas, but to panel ones. Outwardly, they differ in that one cable is connected to a simple panel antenna, and two are needed to MIMO.

Having made two panel antennas, you can get a spaced version of a do-it-yourself MIMO 4G antenna.

Summing up, we can say that making a MIMO antenna with your own hands is not a very difficult task. With due diligence, it is quite possible to get a working device, saving some amount of money. It is somewhat easier to make a 3G antenna with your own hands. In a remote area where there is no LTE coverage yet, this may be the only option to increase the connection speed.


Today, many people complain about poor internet connection and slow download speeds. In this regard, providers have developed a new connection - 4G. It outperforms 3G and LTE internet. To connect to 4G, you need to strengthen or create a new antenna.

4G antenna will not only increase the connection speed, but also improve the quality of its reception. The new generation Internet allows you to play online games without lags. With a new connection, your fps will increase and your ping will decrease. This will allow you to get a better Internet connection even at the same speed.

Today, people are trying to connect to the new high-speed Internet, but not everyone is able to get a quality connection. What is it connected with? In this, oddly enough, it is not the operator who is to blame, but the equipment. In small towns or villages there is no quality connection. In this case, only a 4G antenna will help, which you can make yourself. We will return to this. Let's look at what interferes with the Internet connection.

As a rule, this is a normal network congestion, but at the same time, there may be other reasons:

  • Long distance from the station to your modem. This does not make it possible to get a high-quality connection in villages or small towns.
  • Modem location. Everything is taken into account from the height at which it is located to the material used in the construction of the house.
  • Modem location. In this case, forests, skyscrapers or power lines can act as an obstacle.

What can be done about it? How to solve a problem? As we have already found out, a 4G antenna will correct the shortcomings of signal transmission. It will strengthen the Internet connection and allow you to get high speed even in the most abandoned village.

Homemade antennas

The antenna is for the only way to improve your internet connection. Many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to make the necessary design yourself?

Of course, if you have the necessary knowledge of working with radio engineering, you can start manufacturing. A 4G antenna is a great way to improve your level of working with technology, learn how to select the right elements and learn something new. You must understand that the antenna for a 4G modem can burn out if it is not made correctly. In order not to lose your money, you must follow all the recommendations for manufacturing.

If you live in a small town or village, then you can use an amplifier for a 4G modem. Now you can find many different schemes for assembling such a structure. Of course, if you do not have the necessary knowledge, and you cannot cope with self-production, then the best option is the proprietary 4G antenna MTS or Megafon.

Amplifier for 4G modem

To make an amplifier for a 4G modem, you need to take a can of peas or coffee. At the bottom you need to make one small hole. It will be needed for the sleeve, which is made of tin.

After that, the sleeve will need to be soldered. First, you can cut a hole in the body in the shape of the letter "H". It must be the size of the modem section.
It is necessary to insert a modem into the manufactured structure (the center of the can to the top of the modem). After that, you need to direct the amplifier to the side where the operator's tower is. It remains only to connect the Internet to the computer via a USB extension cable.

If you want to get a high speed Internet connection, then you need to use the cable that is used to connect the antenna with the modem, as short as possible. This has been proven experimentally.

Also, the modem should be installed near the ceiling so that nothing interferes with receiving the signal. If you use these recommendations, you can increase the speed of the Internet.


DIY 4G antenna can be made in different shapes. There are reflective or collective forms. As a rule, the collecting form is attached to the modem, and the reflective ones need to be connected only to the 4G output. Reflectors or reflectors come in different shapes, the main thing is the correct connection.


Unfortunately, such designs can only be used for indoor use. They, like factory amplifiers, are not able to withstand moisture or temperature changes. Therefore, they are used only at home.

Unfortunately, a simple reflector is not able to qualitatively improve the signal. 4G is about 10 times more powerful than our homemade one. But this does not mean that the reflector is not able to improve the quality of the Internet connection.

DIY antenna

To amplify the signal to the 4G modem, you can make an antenna from a satellite dish. This method is quite effective, since the dish can be tuned to any station, and it receives the signal well. How to make this design? There is nothing complicated here, we need to take a modem and a satellite dish. A 4G antenna with your own hands will be quite primitive. In the focus of the dish, you need to install the modem and tune in to the desired station. So we get a pretty good receiver. This shouldn't be a problem. Another issue is the setting.


The setup method is similar to how a satellite dish is installed on a television satellite. The internet is a little different. You need to send the plate below. You may even have to point down. This is due to the curvature of the reflection. In order to set up the satellite dish with the highest quality, you need to rotate it and use a special program to monitor how the Internet connection changes. After you make sure that you get the maximum value, the antenna must be fixed.

The external 4G antenna is fixed, now we can move on to the next step. Now it's worth experimenting with focus. For different models of modems, it is necessary to configure the converter holder in different ways. To do this, you need to change the position of the focus and watch the quality of signal reception.

In order to correctly set the focus, you need to know that the modem's antenna is on the opposite side of the USB. Of course, not all models work this way, so it's worth taking it apart to understand where the receiver is located.

If you have not achieved the condition of line of sight, then you should raise the structure. Increasing the mirror diameter can also help to increase the signal quality. 4G directional antenna is capable of picking up a signal at a great distance. How is diameter related to reception quality? On average, a dish with a diameter of 1 m provides a fairly good Internet connection at a distance of 30 km from the station. To connect the modem to a computer, you need to buy a USB cable. What should he be? Of course, you should use a high-quality cord, of a small section with shielding and ferite at the ends. You can also purchase several of these cords and connect, the quality is not lost from this.

It should be remembered that you will not be able to use a satellite dish for television and strengthen your Internet connection. Of course, you can attach a modem to a satellite dish to boost the signal a bit. But it should be remembered that if the dish is tuned to TV, you do not need to turn it away from the satellite. A high-quality signal can be obtained if it is configured for a line-of-sight condition.


To protect the modem from precipitation, you can make a protective structure. To do this, you can use a regular bottle or bag. Of course, it is better to create a high-quality protective case from materials that can withstand temperature extremes and moisture.


That's all. If you live in a small town or in a village, you can use the advice and Of course, people who live in megacities will not need this. The quality and speed of the Internet connection depends on the range of the modem from the station, the height of the modem and the obstacles that may get in the way. Of course, if you do it right and connect the amplifier, then regardless of various obstacles, you can get high-speed Internet.

Devices / 11/14/2017

DIY external antenna for 4g lte modem

A Russian person will never refuse this if he has the opportunity to save money. If the Internet speed is low in a country house or outside the city, in an apartment or a cottage, why buy additional devices? Let's tell you how to make the simplest and cheapest external antenna for a 4g lte modem with your own hands.

Characteristics of external amplifiers for the modem

Antennas are signal amplifying devices. They are of different types:

  • narrowly focused;
  • sector;
  • omnidirectional.

The simplest are omnidirectional. They can receive and transmit a signal in all directions with the same intensity. An example is a conventional quarter-wave vibrator. To put it simply, this is an ordinary piece of wire having a length of a quarter wave of the received signal.

Sector is able to limit radiation in a certain sector. For example, if you put a sheet of iron behind an omnidirectional antenna, you get a sector antenna with a sector of 180*. Such a sheet of iron is called a screen.

The most efficient is a directional antenna, which is a special case of a sector antenna. Due to the selection (of course, accurate calculation in fact) of the curvature of the screen, you can get a narrowly directed beam of radio wave radiation.

The two main characteristics of any transceiver are sensitivity and gain. Sensitivity affects the quality of the received signal, the gain - transmitted. These parameters are measured in dBi. Sensitivity is measured as a negative number, gain is positive. The more modules of these numbers - the better, the better your device. For example, a sensitivity of -75dBi is worse than -83dBi. The gain of 11dBi is better than that of 6dBi. The higher these parameters, the greater the range of the established connection.

DIY simple external 4g antenna

An ordinary collecting focusing external amplifier for a modem is sold in a store and costs money.

If you have a case from an old PC (and they usually feel sorry for throwing them away and taking them to the country - suddenly it will come in handy), then you can make an external 4g directional antenna with your own hands. You will need the whole case, scissors for iron and you will have to buy a USB cable for an external amplifier.

We will not describe the steps, they can be seen from the drawing.

And here is the result.

You can simplify the design.

If there is no piece of metal, take thick cardboard and cover it with foil.

If you are too lazy to paste over, look in the kitchen among the dishes. You can make just such an antenna for a 4g modem with your own hands.

Thanks to the user Ukshuinik, who was not too lazy.

DIY 4g panel antenna

To make an external homemade antenna for a 4g lte modem with your own hands, you will need:

  • Galvanized iron sheet for panel size 334mm*290mm and for four patches each size 118mm*70.5mm.
  • Coil of copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm.
  • A piece of copper foil for cutting a patch with a diameter of 21 mm.
  • Styrofoam for patches.
  • Adhesive for gluing patches to foam.

All dimensions of the external device are shown on the drawing.

Make a drawing of an external amplifier on paper in full size, lay out the patches. Then bend the wire and solder it to the patches. Drill a hole for the cable plug in the base and solder the plug. Then cut out circles from the foam, glue them to the base in place of the patches. Glue the design on top.

To use such an external antenna to amplify the 3g / 4g signal with your own hands, the modem must have a cable connector.

Do-it-yourself Kharchenko antenna for a 4g modem

The device is named after the engineer who first invented it. This powerful external antenna for a 4g usb modem is made by hand, a diagram of the desired option can be found on the Internet. We will present the simplest one.

All parameters are calculated depending on the frequency of reception and transmission of the modem.

You will need copper wire, a sheet of aluminum 2mm thick. First you need to bend the wire so that in the middle its sides do not touch. And solder the ends.

A hole for the cable is drilled in the center of the plate.

Then a wire is attached to the platinum. It should not touch the reflector.

Distance 3.6 cm.

If the modem has a connector for an amplifier, then it remains only to connect. If not, then you also need to prepare it yourself. Need copper foil for printed circuit boards. Wind the modem 2/3. Solder the cable. Make a second layer. And fix it.

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