Laptop monitor not working. Why is my laptop screen not working?

Laptop monitor not working. Why is my laptop screen not working?


Welcome to the blog! Today I will tell you what to do if the laptop does not turn on, you see a black screen, the coolers are working and the indicators are on. It turns out that the laptop itself is loaded, but only the screen works. I bring my rating Top 5 laptop black screen reasons based on personal experience. This top is suitable for laptops from Asus, Acer, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Dell, MSI, Samsung and others.

Reason 1 - Switching display mode

If you have an old laptop, then the backlights fail over time. They need to be replaced with new ones of the same or modern . Fortunately, now such a laptop or monitor is sold in abundance.

If only the backlight inverter failed, then they can be found on and . Malfunctions of lamps, LEDs and the inverter are usually found by external inspection and less often by a dial tone.

Reason 3 - video card overheating

When the laptop boots up, but the black screen does not turn on, we can also sin on overheating and video card malfunctions. In laptops, video cards are implemented in two ways - they are built into the processor or into the south bridge, or as a discrete video card that connects to a separate Mini PCI-e slot. Most often they fail due to a decrease in the efficiency of the cooling system clogged with dust. Also, the reason may be the deterioration of the properties of the thermal interface - or.

Diagnostics of such a malfunction in the service is usually carried out using notebook or a known-good processor or graphics card. At home, you can only focus on signals from the BIOS, if any.

When you have an integrated video card in the southbridge or in the processor, the malfunction can be identified by excessive heating. Reballing The southbridge or chip built into the motherboard used to be a frequent occurrence and just a disaster for Acer, MSI and even ASUS laptops. Currently, this problem has been almost eliminated by manufacturers, with the exception of defective batches of electronics.

Reason 4 - Black Screen and BIOS Issues

When the laptop does not turn on and it is clearly visible that the black screen is on, and the video card is working, there may be problems with loading BIOS commands. Often this is due to a dead battery or BIOS glitches. To start reset BIOS by closing the Clear BIOS pins or remove the battery (often this) and close the contacts to which it was connected. Sometimes they put a battery in laptops, but they also lose capacity over time. After resetting the BIOS, you may have to set it up again. Most of the time the default settings work.

If the circuit for generating secondary supply voltages can still be repaired by replacing transistors and drivers, then burnout of tracks and chips of the board are a direct way to

What to do if your favorite laptop, which has never shown signs of a malfunction before, suddenly stops starting? Most people immediately panic, not knowing what to do.

If the device is not old, and there is a valid warranty card for it, then after checking the power, you can safely go to the service center. And the rest should try to correct the situation on their own, and there are several ways to do this.

To figure out what is the cause of problems with a laptop, you need to know that it, like any computer, goes through certain stages of loading:

  1. The moment of inclusion.
  2. The appearance of an image on the display, which corresponds to the beginning of initialization.
  3. The start of the operating system.

Breakdown can happen at any stage. Her search should begin with the first, and continue until the last, until an accurate diagnosis is established.

So, when you press the power button, the laptop does not turn on, the indicators do not light up, there is no noise.

Maximum - the power indicator is visible. There may be several reasons for this:
  1. Power supply failure. At the same time, the device continued to work from the battery, or simply stood while it gradually sat down. You can confirm the diagnosis by replacing the power supply with the same one. If everything is eliminated, then the cause has been identified correctly.
  2. Not working battery. The laptop does not turn on - the indicators do not light up. A failed battery due to a short circuit can sometimes block the device from starting. To check this version, you need to remove the battery and turn on the laptop without it. If everything works, then the battery just needs to be replaced.
  3. No electricity in the network. The laptop turns on and immediately turns off. This is not a problem with the device, but it can cause it to refuse to turn on if the user does not notice the lack of recharging, and the battery has exhausted all the charge, and it is not enough to start successfully. To solve the problem, just plug the charger into a working outlet.
  4. Motherboard related failure. This malfunction is the most difficult, and its elimination is the most expensive, and one cannot do without special experience, or a service center. There can be many reasons - from a simple short circuit in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe power microcircuit, to a breakdown of the main microcircuits, which can be caused by overheating, liquids getting inside the case, mechanical damage, etc.
  5. beeps (blinksCapsLock) and does not turn on. If the laptop makes sounds when you turn it on, then everything is not so bad. The signal indicates that the motherboard is in order, and the problem is in some part, the replacement of which is not so expensive. By the BIOS signal, you can simply diagnose a breakdown by looking at the decryption on the official website of the manufacturer.

If the laptop still turned on, the indicators started working, the image went on the screen, but Windows did not load, then everything happened during initialization.

The most typical causes of failures in this boot phase are:
  1. All indicators are on, the device turns on, but does not boot. The HDD just lights up, which indicates damage to the RAM or processor, incorrect or damaged BIOS firmware, damage or a defect in the north bridge.
  2. Shutdown or reboot before starting the operating system. Occurs due to problems with or south bridge mat. fees.
  3. When turned on, after a few moments, a blue screen appears with some information. Occurs due to problems with memory, the file system on the hard disk, or physical damage to the boot sectors on it. In the displayed information, you can find the BSOD error code (0X-000000), and, depending on the BIOS version, determine the malfunction using it.

The system started to boot, but at a certain stage it fails. This phase is characterized by the fact that the system can boot when the monitor is not working.

The most typical malfunctions when loading the OS:
  1. The screen works, the download is in progress, but at some point it reboots. Unless artificially turned off the power, this continues indefinitely. It is called a cyclic reboot, it occurs due to a malfunction of the north bridge or video card (see).
  2. The operating system freezes when loading, turning off the power and restarting leads to the same result. The reason is usually software. Boot files could have been damaged by a virus or by careless handling by the user.
  3. The monitor does not turn on - black screen, coolers work, indicators are normal.

Breakdowns can be as follows:

Video card failure. It is checked by connecting a separate monitor to the VGA output of the device. If there is an image, then everything is in order with it and there is a problem with the monitor.

The screen is dark, but at a certain angle, the image of the booted OS is barely visible on it. Signs indicate a failed display backlight.

The screen is black, showing no signs of life. The reason may be damage to the cable that transmits the signal to the monitor, poor contact with the cable, or a breakdown of the monitor controller.

Laptop repair

All laptop malfunctions can be divided into two groups: those that are relatively easy to fix without special knowledge and tools, and those that require a well-qualified specialist.

Complex breakdowns include all soldering operations, as well as those associated with the complete disassembly of the laptop case.

These include:
  1. Replacing burnt and damaged connectors.
  2. Replacing parts and chips on the motherboard.
  3. Replacing the screen matrix, cables, thermal paste under the chips or processor (see).
  4. Works related to the repair of the hull.
  1. Replacing the hard drive, memory module, Wi-Fi controller and, of course, the power supply. There are plugs in the laptop case, by opening which you can get to the above parts, pull them out, and replace them with new ones.

But before that, it does not hurt to read the step-by-step instructions, which indicate the sequence of actions when replacing any part.

It should be noted that all electronic boards, and especially RAM, are afraid of static electricity, therefore, when replacing them, they should only come into contact with antistatic materials.

  1. Cleaning the cooling system in case of overheating. High-quality cleaning of the system can be carried out by disassembling the case, gaining access to its elements. Some models have the ability to do it yourself by removing the cover from the bottom of the case. It often brings results if the fan and radiator are not thoroughly clogged with debris, and then blow it out with compressed air, alternately directing the jet into the holes of the cooling system.
  2. Software problems that are fixed without replacing or repairing parts.

Reinstalling the operating system. It is used when the hardware is in perfect order, but the system cannot be restored in any other way.

This is considered an extreme measure, but the most reliable, in which the disk FROM:\ all errors, viruses, as well as all information are removed, so important data should not be stored on the system disk.

If you experience problems with your system, you can fix it by rolling back to the last working configuration.

So, when loading a laptop with the F8 button, a menu is called up in which the “last working configuration” item is launched. In most cases, everything goes well.

Flashing the BIOS. The operation is very responsible, because in case of a failure or an incorrect version, the laptop will not be able to start, and it will be possible to sew a new BIOS into the microcircuit only by unsoldering it and using the programmer.

VAD sectors on the hard drive. This is one of the reasons why operating systems refuse to boot when they fall on boot files.

Failed clusters can be software, then they can be fixed, and physical - if the hard drive magnetic platters are damaged.

In this case, it is better to replace the hard drive, although there are programs with which the OS ignores such places, for example, Victoria. The same program will check for their presence. Software bads will remove formatting.

To avoid situations related to laptop repair, you need to follow a few rules: protect it from mechanical stress, extreme temperatures and liquids, regularly clean the cooling system, and use reliable software, and have a good antivirus program.

One of the most annoying problems for owners of laptops of different brands is the situation when the laptop has already turned on, but there is no image. Just as usual (well, or almost the same) the lights flash, the sound of the cooler is heard, but instead of the splash screen of the operating system, there is only a black void. If a laptop screen not turning on- then this is a sign of a number of problems that require laptop repair to solve. What should be done in this case, and what information can you get before visiting the service center?

First, take a close look at the screen. The laptop turns on, but the screen remains completely dark? Or in strong light, if you rotate the matrix at different angles, you can see a hint of a faint, barely noticeable image? If at least something can be seen on the display, it is possible that the backlight lamp is faulty in the laptop, or the inverter or matrix cable is faulty.

If you have the opportunity to connect another monitor, try displaying the picture on it. To do this, turn off the laptop, connect your external monitor via the VGA or DVI port, and turn on the monitor first, and then the laptop. If this did not work out automatically, try connecting it manually using one of the function keys of the top row (in different models - from F4 to F8, on the key itself there is an image of the display). If what should have appeared on the laptop display was highlighted on the monitor, then, most likely, the laptop matrix (or its cable) does not work normally. But if the display of the external monitor remains black, then there is a high probability: you will need to video card replacement on your device.

In some laptop models, it is possible to diagnose the problem in a hardware way. If you have a Hewlett Packard laptop, look at the keyboard to see if the Caps Lock or Num Lock key light is blinking? By counting the number of blinks, you can get a signal from the system about a possible breakdown. In particular, four flashes mean that the video card is faulty. The ability to determine what the problem is is also on Dell. Problems with the video card are signaled by 6 short beeps that are heard during boot. Another indicator is the blinking of indicator lights next to the power button. There are three of these bulbs; the problems with the video card are indicated by the flashing of the first two while the third is steadily burning.

A malfunction of the video card can be indicated not only by the complete disappearance of the image, but also by the appearance of various artifacts on the screen: stripes, strokes, filling the screen with one color, disappearance of parts of the image. And of course, all this makes the normal use of a laptop impossible. Often this phenomenon occurs due to overheating of the video card. In this case, you can do without replacing the video chip in the laptop if you carry out preventive maintenance of the device in a service center in time. Cleaning will remove the dust accumulated inside it, and the laptop will heat up less.

In some cases, it happens that the video chip is irreversibly damaged. It is almost impossible for the user to cope with such a problem on their own. There are two types of laptop video cards: integrated and discrete. The integrated video chip is part of the motherboard. The discrete video card is autonomous, it can be changed entirely.

In order for your laptop to return to normal functioning as soon as possible, contact the A-Service service center. Our specialists will diagnose the problem and, depending on the situation, perform a component repair. Laptop Repair or video card replacement. Qualified specialists will promptly and effectively sort out the problem, and in just a couple of working days you will be able to use the capabilities of your laptop at full capacity!

If you got to this article, then you had to face a problem when the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears. This is the most common problem associated with the laptop hardware, and to be more precise with the hardware settings.

We thank the FIXIT.BY laptop repair service (Minsk, Belarus) for their help in preparing this material.

Below we will look at how to perform a hardware reset. This method helps when the hardware settings are off, but it will not help if your laptop has been flooded with water.

Reset BIOS settings

If the problem “the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears” appeared after changing the BIOS settings, then you just need to reset and roll back to the factory settings. This action is performed in several steps.

You can learn more about the information “how to enter BIOS on Windows 10” or “How to enter BIOS on Windows 7” in our articles.

If these steps don't help, check out the next step.

Reinstalling the RAM module

The image may also not be displayed due to incorrect installation of the memory module or problems with contacts (very often this method helps to get rid of the problem “the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears” after water or moisture gets on it, but before that, make sure that your laptop completely dry and in any case do not perform any action if it is not dry).

To do this, remove the RAM module, purge the connectors.

- If you have one stick of RAM installed, and 2 slots are available for it, just swap them.

Now let's figure out how to extract the RAM.

If you have a problem when Acer laptop screen not working, then first you need to connect the laptop to the monitor to check if there is an image on the external screen. If there is, then the reason is most likely in the matrix or laptop cable. If the image is missing, then problems arose in the gland. We will consider examples of breakdowns of this nature below.

In a situation where the screen has stopped working, try closing and opening the laptop lid. In this case, you can see that in the closed state the monitor turns off, is in sleep mode, and in the open state it turns on again after pressing the button. It is usually located on the keyboard in the upper corner, or on the panel near the display, or at the end, in the place where the laptop lid snaps into place. And, if the button is faulty (due to mechanical action or from the presence of a large amount of dirt), then it may close. To fix this problem, you need to replace it.

If the Acer laptop works, but there is no backlight, as a rule, this indicates a malfunction of the inverter or the backlight. They, in turn, are responsible for lighting the display. If they are faulty, they are either repaired or replaced with new parts, which you can always purchase at our telemama service center at very competitive prices.

If the laptop display turns black and does not show, while the backlight either appears or disappears, then this problem is related to hardware problems, namely:

  • In 80% of cases, there is a problem with the video chip, which occurred as a result of overheating.
  • In 5% there is no contact: perhaps a memory module, power supply, etc. In this case, you need to check if everything is connected.
  • If the matrix does not function, 5% of the fault may be due to a faulty southbridge.
  • In 10% of cases, the display may stop functioning normally due to other problems that require diagnostics to clarify. You can always order and carry out this procedure in our telemum service center for free.

Acer laptop screen won't turn on

The situation when Acer laptop screen won't turn on, occurs if the following malfunctions occur:

  1. The loop has failed. To check if this is the case, close and open the lid of the Acer laptop, if at the same time the stripes on the display disappear or appear, then the cable has failed and needs to be either restored or replaced.
  2. Perhaps the matrix is ​​faulty. If it reacts to a slight bend and impact on the monitor by the fact that the stripes disappear and reappear, then this indicates a malfunction of the matrix or cable.
  3. The situation when the screen turns off may occur as a result of overheating. In this case, the video chip is desoldered. Overheating occurs if the cooling system is very dirty or the ventilation holes are not open. As a result of soldering the video chip, stripes appear.
  4. Very often, when the screen turns off, the reason for this is the damage to the video card or the north bridge.
  5. Also, the display may not work correctly even if the printed circuit board has received a mechanical shock or moisture has penetrated into the device. Here, a detailed diagnosis of the laptop is needed, with the help of which it will be possible to understand what exactly provokes the problem.

If the laptop is loaded and at the same time it starts to freeze.

  1. First, there may be a hard drive failure.
  2. Secondly, there may be errors on the hard drive.

If the Acer laptop (model range Aspire One, Extensa, Travelmate or TimeLine - it doesn’t matter) was subjected to mechanical damage (shocks, falls), then other problems may arise to prevent their occurrence, it would be better if, when the first breakdowns appear, you immediately contact our workshop for help. Our highly qualified specialists will be able to answer the question why this or that problem has appeared, and in a short time to eliminate it, no matter how difficult it is.

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