Cases for making money on the Internet, do they need newbies.

Cases for making money on the Internet, do they need newbies.


Hello everyone, if you are reading this article, then you are probably familiar with my previous articles and you know that one of my main niches was the sale of purses (now it is not the main one) from one-pagers. If you have not read my articles, then start with and gradually read others. This article will present a whole case, with the results of my work with this offer for the first 2 months of work. And at the end there will be a video about everything that is written in this article. Be sure to watch. So, let's begin.

As soon as I saw that I had arrived, I was in a slight shock. But there was nowhere to retreat and I started selling them. (with vinegar slightly brought out the smell of fish)

After I paid for the order, I began preparations for the arrival of the party. First of all, I started learning how to make a landing page. Looking at it now, I can hardly understand how it could bring money at all, if I started working with such a landing now, I would 100% burn out. But at that time, there were few competitors for these models, since they were just starting to be sold, so my site began to bring me money. I basically didn’t want to order from someone, because I didn’t have money and I wanted to learn it myself. My first landing was like this.

I made this landing page in about 2 weeks. Then I started thinking about where to launch traffic to the site. I knew that there are some contextual advertising systems and so on, since for about 1 year I read in general about business on the Internet and gathered my thoughts about opening my own. Naturally, I had no idea how to set up the context and thought that it was not difficult. Having chosen Ya.Direct as the main source of traffic, I began to configure it. You can see the results for the month of June on the screen (I launched the ad at the end of June).

Naturally, I had 1 ad for all keywords, plus YAN was not disabled, etc. As a result, I leaked more than 2000 rubles in 2-3 days, received 1-2 leads and, to put it mildly, panicked. At that time, given that I was almost at zero, it was a lot of money. After that, I started learning Direct, reviewed a bunch of lessons, re-read a lot of articles, the final step was getting a job in a fairly good company as an intern Internet marketer. There I learned how to set up Ya.Direct, and in the end things went uphill. As you can see, in July, the cost per click decreased several times, leads appeared at an affordable price. And by mid-July, I had sold out the entire batch (in addition to Direct, there were leads from bulletin boards and from contact).

Then there was already a new batch, in the amount of about 70 pieces (already normal wallets), about 32-35 thousand rubles came out in terms of purchase costs.

In the screenshot above, I screwed up a little with setting goals in Y.Metrica, which is why such a crazy conversion. I note that the cost on the screen is in USD, and 1 USD = 30 rubles in Ya. Direct. Price in USD since I used an agency account from Elama.

In fact, this month I received about 30 leads from direct, at a cost of no more than 150 rubles (in principle, as it was in July). But advertising in AdWords also worked actively for me (unfortunately, there are no statistics, since the campaigns were old, I deleted them a long time ago) on Avito and in free VK groups. I sold out this batch for the whole of August, and earned my first solid money. The price on the landing page was 1590-1790 rubles.

Total 70*1690=118300 rubles.

The cost price was about 35 thousand + about 10 thousand advertising + other costs of about 10 thousand = 55 thousand rubles.

Profit amounted to about 63.3 thousand rubles. (shipping was at the expense of the buyer).

These values ​​are approximate, since at that time I did not have any analytics, except for an excel file with customer data, and I don’t remember all the expenses. Plus there was a certain percentage of non-redemption. In order not to be idle talk about the fact that the leads were from VK, I will provide some of the screenshots that I managed to find. Unfortunately, I can’t show calls from Avito))

In general, the statistics are as follows, the data are given for a period of approximately 2-2.5 months. As you can see, I reached a fairly good level of earnings from my business, plus I received 20 thousand for working as an intern Internet marketer (honestly, I would work for free, as I got very good experience there) There were a lot of empty costs that could be easily avoid, I just did not know about it and realized only later. But again, this is an experience, and in subsequent niches I no longer do this.

Now I have 2 sites working for these models, I almost never use context and other types of similar advertising for a purse, except perhaps on holidays. I set up SEO optimization well, one of my sites is always in the top 5 for hot queries in Yandex, the other is in the top 3 in Google. The VK group (more than 1000 living people), an Instagram account, Avito and other bulletin boards also work.

Again, screenshots to confirm my words.

As you can see in the charts, more than 60% of visitors come from search engines. This traffic is very cheap and of sufficient quality. I advise you to achieve just such traffic and your profit will increase significantly. You will not depend on the advertising budget, and you will always have leads.

Again, to confirm your words that my sites are in the top, you can check for yourself by entering in the search for example "Baellerry Italia". And I will show you statistics on requests.

It is well indexed in Google, for Yandex I have another site, on the screen below.

The screenshots show how there are 3 “drawdowns”, this is due to the fact that I forgot to deposit money, and these days the analytics system did not work))))

Here is such a case for a Baellerry purse.

In the end, I want to sum up the most important result. It doesn't take long to think about starting your own business. We need to act, the sooner the better. As they say, while you decide, others are already earning. Now, of course, I do everything from the height of experience and the results in earnings are many times higher.

If at one time I had read such articles that I am writing to you, I would have achieved results many times faster! You are lucky;)

And here is a video about everything that I described above. Look for clarity!

Anna Sudak

# Online business

What are the chances of profit?

Most sites exist for several days, then are removed by law enforcement or scammers. But even this time is enough to deceive a huge number of users.

Article navigation

  • The essence of the proposal
  • Scheme of deception
  • How to expose a scammer
  • Sites where you can earn money by opening cases

In this article, we will get acquainted with earnings on cases. Is it really possible to make money on this? Or is this another deception of gullible applicants? Read the article to the end and find out the result.

The essence of the proposal

Just recently, we learned that there is a way to earn money by opening online cases with money without investments, and we became interested in this. Is it really that simple? Digging deeper and...

Earning money by opening cases on the Internet is a banal casino. No, no one talks about it directly, but the fact remains. You are offered to make an investment - to buy a cash case. You open it and either win or lose. But not everything here depends on luck.

According to our observations, case sites can be divided into three types:

  1. Give win and withdraw money.
  2. They let you win but don't pay out.
  3. Scam.

Scheme of deception

And here is how people are deceived on win-win cases. We found two patterns.

In the first case, scammers develop the same sites. Of course, they change some details: domain names, resource names, background and button colors. Like for example here:

These are two different sites, but with a completely identical interface. Even the texts in each section are no different. In general, as soon as we saw them, we already doubted a positive result. On these resources, we tried to figure out how to make money by opening cases for free. But we did not succeed in doing this, since all the invested funds were drained instantly.

And it all happens like this. The user replenishes the account, receives a bonus, opens a case and loses. We opened six cases of different value, and in each of them failure awaited us.

For example, we chose the cheapest case “Novichok” for 20 rubles as the first one. Upon entering it, this amount was debited from our account. That is, in order to win, the amount dropped in the case must be higher than its value. If not, you are losing money. In all six cases of different cost, we did not manage to earn a penny. Although sites scream that this is a completely win-win type of income. FALSE! Was merged 1000 personal and 1000 bonus rubles.

The essence of deception. The software on the site is initially set up to prevent people from winning. The same tricks are used in online casinos.

It will not work to open cases and earn stable money, because:

  • It turned out to be very difficult to find an honest resource, 90% of the sites are fake, created to deceive.
  • Even if you manage to find a site that pays out money, it is not certain that it will allow you to win more than you invest.
  • Free cases are pure scam. Under the pretext of winning, scammers will swindle money from you in all ways.

In the second case, scammers create special courses, “loot” buttons, “cracks” of cases (and other nonsense) and sell it wherever possible, promising you mountains of gold. Remember, if you are promised 10, 20, 50 thousand rubles per day with minimal investment - in 99.9% of cases this is a hoax! And this project was no exception. Meet:

It is a great pity that such a sensational project was not personally touched, but what they write about it on the net made me laugh, upset and made me think. But the case is already covered with dust, so I will say briefly, the project threw tens of thousands of people in the amount of more than ... one million dollars.

Unfortunately, we were not able to catch an active fraudulent site that resells the services of fraudsters, since the second type of fraud often overlaps with the first and one fraudster makes money on the ideas and developments of another fraudster. Here it is either by agreement (most often), or at your own peril and risk. In fact, the lifetime of fraudulent resources is short, up to three days. But they show up all the time. They are simply cloned for more profit, as in this case:

Everything is simple here, you are offered to go to the site, register, deposit money into the account and pay for the cases. Your money immediately goes into the hands of a scammer, and whether you win or lose is not important at all. You will never see your money again. What is the point. There is a person - the owner of the site with cases. By the way, most often it is made "on the knee".

These are not all schemes used by scammers. Every day they become more subtle, although their essence does not change. Therefore, be vigilant and always check projects that require even the smallest investment.

One of the most common tricks is projects to expose scammers, which are run by scammers themselves. The bottom line is that you pay for the activation of the platform, they allegedly broadcast fraudulent resources to you, you transfer them to the black list and take money from the scammers.

So, this doesn't happen. There are no resources that calculate unscrupulous sites, and even more so, no one can withdraw money from someone else's site. If, in your search for making money on cases, you stumble upon an invitation to take control of scammers in this niche, ignore it.

And the invitation might be something like this:

At the time of this writing, the resource was located at this address: If, after clicking on the link, you do not find it, then the scammer most likely changed the domain.

How to expose a scammer

It's short here.

It is better to check the resource with three methods at once in order to completely add up the picture and make a choice - to invest or not to invest your money.

Sites where you can earn money by opening cases

Consider a list of sites with cases for making money that offer free (conditionally paid) money, but don't get paid.

  • Playscash;
  • Luxecash;
  • goldspin;
  • Listcash;
  • Visichcash.

If you look closely at these sites, it seems that they are clones made by one person or one team. It's funny that even the errors in the texts of all resources are the same. But not the point. The main thing is that the so-called support service did not respond to a single request, so the conclusion suggests itself - a scam.

But even this business has its exceptions. Namely:

  • Coinscube. The site is young. The first thing that caught my eye was the different design. It's really different from anything we've encountered. The site is only a little over 3 months old, but we could not find anything negative about it. Of course, it is impossible to say that he is 100% honest. But we will not say that he is deceiving either. The site pays. Well, whether you win or lose depends on the luck and conscience of the administration.
  • Vcash. The site pays. We personally did not manage to win anything on it, but judging by the reviews from the forums, the people to a greater extent have no complaints about the resource.
  • Vk-money. The main task of the service is the promotion of projects. Here, entrepreneurs leave tasks and pay money to those who complete them. As a bonus, all active project participants are offered to try their luck and open (buy) a case. If you're lucky, you'll get more money. Unlucky - you will say goodbye to the existing ones.

Outcome. If you are still trying to figure out how to make money with money cases, we strongly recommend that you give up on this idea. Why?

I have selected 101 cases to show you how to work with this or that type of traffic: context, teasers, targeted advertising in social networks, advertising in public and large content platforms, mobile advertising, e-mail newsletters, video advertising, etc. d.

In these cases, I will talk about different types of offers, how to work with them and what kind of traffic they convert better.
Here we separately consider offers that work according to the following payment schemes: CPA, CPL, CPO, CPS, CPI, etc.

I also tried to describe in detail where and how traffic was purchased, on which offers it was merged and from which ads, what profit was from this or that ad, and so on.

In general, in these cases I fire very bold topics for you.

What will you do if you get fired tomorrow?

“Give me 3 minutes and I will change your idea of ​​making money on the Internet!”

Working cases

Case from public VK to Detonator (Actionpay)

  • Affiliate network: Actionpay
  • Offer: Exciting chewing gum "Detonator"
  • Traffic source: VK publics
  • Spent: 2000 rubles.
  • Earned: 40400 rubles.
  • Profit: 38400 rubles.

The case itself for draining from VK publics to the exciting chewing gum "Detonator"

Since about March, I began to actively pour on this offer to the Actionpay affiliate network from the “Chicken” groups in different cities. Payment for a confirmed order is 560 rubles, as the turnover increased, the payment was increased to 600 rubles per lead.

Why did I leak from these groups: 100% male audience, high activity of groups, the ability to adjust the post to the topics of these groups, relatively low cost of posts.

Why did I leak from this group, the audience and attendance statistics, as for me, seemed to be very personal, and the ability to publish a post suitable for the topic of the group was approved by the community administrator.

The post was posted in the Krasnoyarsk Hens community

The cost of the post is 1000 rubles.

Community admin agreed to delete negative comments


After the post was published, positive comments from fake pages were written under the post, all negative comments that were written by the users of the group were deleted, so I got a post under the short, only positive comments were written in youth colloquial jargon. The post lasted on the wall of the group for 3 days.

Post result:

Summary of the 1st post.

  • Spent: 1,000 rubles.
  • Earned: 20,160 rubles
  • Profit: 19,160 rubles.

A week later, he was placed in the same group from an alleged person who had already received this chewing gum and expressed his admiration. Work with comments was done in the same spirit as with the first one.

Post result:

Summary of the 2nd post.

  • Spent: 1,000 rubles.
  • Earned: 20,240 rubles
  • Profit: 19,240 rubles.

From experience I realized that even very small groups can give good results, for 3 months of work, work was done with all similar groups almost throughout the Russian Federation. The overall profit on this offer was not even bad.

Guys, do not be afraid to experiment with small groups, especially if they are also narrow topics, communicate with admins and post directly and the results will not keep you waiting long!!!

P.S. Photos of girls for posts were taken from foreign social networks. networks so as not to accidentally offend or offend the dignity of any CIS girl.

Case VK and Empire: Four Kingdoms (Adsup)

  • Affiliate network: Adsup
  • Offer: Empire: Four Kingdoms
  • Traffic source: Targetka VK
  • Spent: 2022 rub.
  • Earned: 34380 rub.
  • Profit: 32358 rubles.

The case itself from VK to Empire: Four Kingdoms

After the appearance of the VK application for iOS, the sweet times of offers for Android with a wide GEO, such as Apus Launcher, Mico, etc., were remembered. (when it was possible to spin at 5p per 1000 impressions in the CIS). Therefore, we decided to look for offers with this GEO for iOS and found several, one of which was Empire four Kingdoms. Despite the fact that the offer was for Ipad, it was decided to test it on VK.

Here's what surprised us: the spin-off went for 3 rubles, sometimes the rate reached 13 rubles, but from the first tests there was already a profit. This is most likely due to the fact that there are very few iOS offers with such a GEO. The offer had a daily limit of 55 installations for all, so almost every day we squeezed the limits in 1 hour. We paid 90 rubles for the installation.

What was done:

1. 57 ads uploaded.

2. About 20 of them were tested, because they were partially repeated.

3. The right approach was found, which gave a good CTR for a wide GEO.

They merged from 3 accounts, so it's not very convenient to look at the statistics.

At first, they leaked it to one account with a weak CTR (that's why the statistics on the screenshots are so different), until the text + creative we needed was moderated. Moreover, on one account, a lot of interesting creatives went through the second time, and on the other, we managed to launch the ad we needed from 8 times. ads were identical. Therefore, we post the statistics of the cabinet in which we made the most profit.

Cabinet vk:

Partner stats:

The screenshots show that the advertisement from Subaidi 11 brought the most profit.

Below is his example. Announcement with a twist for the game "Cossacks". Although the text with this game is no longer original - CTR for all men for all GEOs could not but rejoice)) The price of a click on this ad in this account turned out to be 17 kopecks!

Below are the age statistics for this ad. If we compare these two charts, we see that men aged 21 and older clicked the best. This is most likely due to the fact that people under the age of 21 are hardly familiar with such a game as Cossacks.

Here are a few more creatives to show off:

These screenshots show that the ads were tested for a very wide audience with virtually no targeting. This helped to achieve the fastest and cheapest unscrewing.


1 office: No bonus: 596 rubles

Cabinet 2: With a bonus: 958/1.17=819 rubles

Cabinet 3: With a bonus: 710/1.17=607 rubles

TOTAL: 2022 rubles - 8783 clicks purchased.

The average cost per click is 23 kopecks.

Cabinet 1:

Cabinet 2:

Cabinet 3:


1 account: 2700 rubles

2 account: 21150 rubles
3 account: 10530 rubles
TOTAL: 34380 rubles - 382 installations for 90 rubles.

Account 1:

Account 2:

Account 3:

PROFIT: 32358 rubles


1. The best envelope was in Kazakhstan. In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the envelope was approximately the same, but the RF traffic was much less.

2. It was also possible to turn around the Russian Federation, but very slowly.

3. The offer was for the iPad, but as it turned out later, conversions from the iPhone were also taken into account.

Case Liquid chestnut and Public VK (KMA)

  • Partner network: KMA
  • Offer: Liquid chestnut
  • Traffic source: VK publics
  • Spent: 11350 rubles.
  • Earned: 34850 rubles.
  • Profit: 23500 rubles.

The case for draining from public VK to Liquid chestnut

Perhaps I'll start with the tools that I used during the drain from the public.


1) hollypasta is a service for analytics of communities and advertising posts. With it, I chose pictures for my posts.

2) people4u - With the help of it, suitable communities for advertising. The advantage of this service is that you can see the target audience you set in percentage terms.

With the help of people4u, I selected communities for my posts. The selection parameters were:

  • Gender: Female from 80%
  • Age: from 27
  • Minimum number of target audience: 2000
  • Post no more than 500 rubles.

On the first day, I found an admin who has 9 publics and they fit the target audience. I bought a post in each public, it cost me 1350 rubles. The results were positive, applications for 4000 rubles were approved.

After analyzing all 9 sites, I removed 2 small communities, which gave about 20 clicks and 0 conversions. Having agreed with the admin, I took 70 posts from him for 10k. (here's another plus of buying directly, you can ask for discounts). Post every day at 11:30

Here is a stat from KMA:


The most interesting thing in the case, I think, is the posts.

For 10 days, 10 different posts were scheduled, with different pictures and reviews.

For all questions, please contact: [email protected]
skype: freilezakaz

Surely many of you have already been looking for unusual ways to earn money, but in the end they found only some kind of swindler and, at best, just left, and at worst, they lost their money. And for sure, many no longer want to look for something unusual and work exclusively in their field.

3 years ago I didn't have any projects of my own, and I was surfing the Internet in search of information. Along the way, I studied the most banal things, among which were: spam, clicks, affiliate programs, and so on.

And then one day I found online lending. I registered, looked what was there, and how I left. A day or two later, or maybe on the same day, a thought flashed through my mind: maybe try spamming your referral link for lending in VK groups on the same topic? Then I quickly figured out how much I could earn on this and all the emotions ran to test it. As a result, I managed to raise more than 100,000 rubles on this topic, and half of the amount was received thanks to referrals with whom I shared this technique.

I can give five or six more similar examples only from my own experience. But the essence of the story lies in the fact that working cases for earnings are born in the minds of competent and experienced people. Do not be mistaken and think that such topics are always a scam - it really can be.

Where can I find these earning instructions?

In fact, there are many sources, mainly blogs and forums, which are very difficult to find through search engines.

Why spill your secrets?

Before we move on to the topic, let's figure out why people generally post their ideas for making money on the Internet?

Agree, it is not entirely clear why someone would just leak information to the network. I’ll answer right away that everyone who tells such secrets does it for a reason. Remember the example above, do you think I just described everything in detail and posted it on the network? Not! In fact, I selfishly counted on the fact that referrals would do all the work, and I would not have to spam for hours, wandering from one group to another and entering this nasty captcha.

Some want to get additional credibility to their name, or, due to this, promote their blogs and websites.

There are also those who merge not quite working instructions for earning money, which no longer give a lot of income due to their irrelevance, or due to the fact that hundreds of moneymakers already use them.

Where can I find work cases?

All working cases are called "information products" and, unfortunately, there is much more slag among them than something useful. Therefore, before buying, you should look at the credibility of the creator and be sure to read the reviews about him.

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