How to make an implementation register in 1C 8.3.

How to make an implementation register in 1C 8.3.


Often, in the work of an accountant using the 1C Accounting 8.2 program, there is a need to open or print a register of documents of a certain type. Exactly one, specific, because The program offers to use the standard ability to display documents - open a journal. But such information is often redundant and not entirely convenient. In addition, it is not always possible to correctly print the required data. How to create a registry in 1s 8.2?

However, as we already had the opportunity to verify earlier, the program is quite functional and scalable. Therefore, let’s look at the capabilities built into it that allow you to print the required registry.

To do this, open the “Group processing of documents and reference books” processing, which is located in the “Service” main menu block.

By the way, this processing, in addition to creating a register, has very broad capabilities for operating with directories and documents.

So, after clicking on the corresponding menu item, the processing form will open. To solve our problem, let’s select “Documents” instead of “Directories” in the drop-down list.

And press “+” - “Add” or the “Ins” key to select the desired type documents in the table box below. Let's choose, for example, tax invoices.

By the way, if you need to create a consolidated register of several types of documents, now is the time to select the necessary types by marking them. After making your selection, click the “Select” button.

Press “+” - “Add” or the “Ins” key to select the desired selection criterion. The list of parameters can be quite extensive; to view it as a whole, you need to use the scroll bar.

After selection, click “Ok”. If you need to add another selection parameter, repeat the procedure again.

We indicate the type of comparison and values.

In our example we use a date range. After assigning the conditions, click the “Select” button.

A bookmark with selection according to our criteria has opened.

Next, to display a printed form of the register of selected documents, we will define the parameters of the “Action” section. These will be the options “Print documents” and “Register of documents”. Next, click the adjacent “Run” button.

We agree with the security question and observe the generated register, which can now be printed, regular means programs.

This completes the formation of the document register.

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

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Formation of a printed form of the register of documents

1C: Accounting 7.7 for Ukraine

The document register can be generated using the “Document Processing” processing. The list of documents can be filtered by date, organization, counterparty and comment.

1C: Accounting 8 for Ukraine

You can use one of the following methods:

    1. Built-in platform capability for generating lists. In the list, click the “Actions” - “Display list” button. In the output settings window that opens, specify which of the details should be output, select the output format ( Text Document or spreadsheet document) and click OK.

    In this case, a list of documents will be generated taking into account the previously established selection.

    Processing “Group processing of directories and documents” (menu “Service”). In processing, you can configure any filtering by document details or tabular section details, as well as by details of the objects used (for example, by type of contract or group of counterparties).

    Other materials on the topic:

    They find us: how to print a register of documents in 1s 8 2, how to create a register of documents in 1s 7 7, how to print a register of documents in 1s 7 7, a register of documents in 1s 7 7, 1s 7 accounting print a list of materials, how to print a register of documents in 1s 8, how to print a register of documents in 1s 8 2, how to create a register of documents in 1s 8 2, how to create a register for a counterparty in 1s 7 7, how to print a register of documents in 1s 7

    © Training center "Stimul", 2011-2018.

    E.Maria said: 11/27/2012 10:48

    List (register) of sales of goods and services ONLY CARRIED OUT, as.

    Danil75 said: 11/27/2012 11:18

    E.Maria said: 11/27/2012 11:19

    E.Maria said: 11/27/2012 11:23

    Danil75 said: 11/27/2012 11:38

    E.Maria said: 27.11.2012 14:23

    Danil75 said: 11/27/2012 2:28 pm

    E.Maria said: 11/27/2012 2:40 pm

    TRIAN said: 11/28/2012 08:45

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 08:50

    vdi1950 said: 11/28/2012 09:16

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 10:25

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 11:07

    vdi1950 said: 11/28/2012 11:55

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 12:33

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 12:34

    vdi1950 said: 11/28/2012 12:47

    vdi1950 said: 11/28/2012 12:49

    TRIAN said: 11/28/2012 4:30 pm

    I'll tell you a terrible secret, there is already 8.2.17

    installation is no more difficult than installing games. follow the instructions, everything will install itself.

    8.3 is still a test version.

    E.Maria said: 11/28/2012 4:41 pm

    TRIAN said: 11/28/2012 5:03 pm

    I won’t say anything about 8.2.16 in this situation, I don’t use this feature. I download directly from the site.

    balabolec said: 11/28/2012 6:26 pm

    What exactly do you need, dear?
    the same “display list” table, only those not marked for deletion and posted?

    I'll try to make an external report somewhere on Monday. no time now

    balabolec said: 28.11.2012 20:45

    balabolec said: 28.11.2012 21:11

    Service group processing can be done, but printing is done based on the document and not a list. ahhh found it

    output, and then right-click “output list” and check the box “only posted” - print

    I can’t just set the period. everything is displayed en masse.

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 15:59

    Register of documents in 1c accounting 3.0

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 18:39

    Bazil said: 01/23/2013 18:46

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 18:50

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 18:55

    Bazil said: 01/23/2013 18:57

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 18:59

    It does not exist and will not exist precisely because all its capabilities are implemented directly in the magazine.
    1 example: Select several documents, for example, by holding ctrl and clicking the desired ones. Or hold down Shift with the down arrow. All actions are to be carried out (mark for deletion, cancel execution or whatever you need).
    Example 2: Set the date interval, configure selection if necessary. Ctrl-A (select all) - all actions - carry out (cancel or whatever is needed).

    Working directly in the list is much more convenient than opening a separate report.

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 19:01

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 19:08

    Bazil said: 01/23/2013 19:18

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 19:46

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 20:03

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 20:10

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 20:19

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 20:23

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 20:27

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 20:37

    Danil75 said: 01/23/2013 20:47

    Silence said: 01/23/2013 20:52

    I don’t understand where to turn and where is the print button

    Now I’ve selected it, I think I understand how to print them out, I don’t understand.

    How to create and send a register of sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund?

    At the moment, using the functionality of the 1C-Reporting service, it is possible to send registers of information such as:

  • Register of information in the Social Insurance Fund on disability benefits,
  • Register of information in the Social Insurance Fund about monthly care benefits,
  • Register of information in the Social Insurance Fund about benefits for the birth of a child.

Sending information register data is only possible from configurations:

  • "Enterprise Accounting", edition 3.0 (starting from
  • “Salaries and personnel management”, edition 2.5 and 3.0;
  • “Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions”, edition 1.0;
  • "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", edition 1.3;
  • "Complex Automation", edition 1.1;
  • "Authorized Representative", version 1.0
  • To use the program's capabilities for a pilot project in the configuration "Enterprise Accounting", edition 3.0, you need to go “Salaries and personnel” - “Salary accounting settings”

    Open the line of the required organization

    In the salary accounting settings, on the tab "Salary" fill in the field “Start date of calculation of sick leave by the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund”

    The field is filled in if the organization is located in a region included in the Social Insurance Fund pilot project for calculating temporary disability benefits in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2011 No. 294


    To create a registry, you need to go to the section “Reports” – “Regulated reports”(or "Salaries and personnel"“Transferring information about benefits to the Social Insurance Fund”).

    A registry form will open in front of you.
    After filling out the registry form, you must click on “Conduct” → “More” → “Submit” → “Send to FSS” in order to generate and send a register

    After pressing the button “Send to FSS”, an indicator of receiving results from the FSS will appear.

    If the report is accepted and does not contain errors, a window with a processing protocol will appear.

    C: Questions and answers » Questions and answers for 1. C. Part I A selection of answers to questions for 1. C: The enterprise of our subscribers and users. Question: When unloading an invoice, an error appears: -- Beginning of checking the report using the xsd scheme. Scheme. Add. Scheme("",Path.

    Schemes+Name. Schemes+". XSD"); ! Q 1. C Enterprise 8.2, edition 2. Answer: Is any specific detail not filled in or is nothing transferred at all from the primary document? Perhaps there are no services in the primary document, but only an item with the “product” type. In this case there is indeed a discrepancy. Check it out. Question: Where in 1 C 8.

    Answer: In the configurator, in a specific document, you need to change the field responsible for the number of digits. Think carefully about whether you need it.

    So at the bottom there should be a ‘Register’ button in the ‘Shipment’ journal. Here you click on it and print.

    If the configuration is typical, then you will have to remove it from support. For example, for an application for purchase and sale currency is the “Accuracy” attribute Question: Help please. Thank you. Answer: Look at the article on personnel records. How to hire an employee? In the settings directory window, you need to turn off the selection and then delete everything related to the settings for the OSV profile under which the error appears.

    Question: As in 1. C 8. Answer: In the Document “Changing the state of the OS”, check or uncheck the “Accrue depreciation” field Question: Program 8.

    Help me restore the Payroll window. The view has changed and data entry is not possible. The “Accruals” tab is half visible Answer: First of all, try rebooting the computer. If it doesn't help, then do it first backup copy(How to make a backup copy in 1. C 8. 2? And after that you need to delete everything from the C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\1 folder.

    C\1. Cv. 8 except v. User" - your profile name. Question: Program 1. C 8. 2. At the enterprise, several users have access to it: an administrator, an accountant and 4 salespeople. For the seller, the “Sales Management” interface is selected by default.

    How to deprive the seller of the ability to switch the interface and limit access to information of other users (so that they only see their sales and reports)? Please tell me. Answer: You can create a role in which you can set rights to work with individual documents, which will limit access.

    Transition: Home News Auto Work Home Leisure Business Dating Health Mail Forums Weather Real Estate Announcements Tourism Poster JV Food Catalog Help Communication. Where to create a register of invoices for a month in 1C 8. The Logs tab, there are Goods, sales, you set the desired period, in the window that opens at the bottom there is a Register button, then at the top there is a print button.

    After creating the role conditions, apply it to the user. Question: Please clarify HOW to create a role with which you can set rights to work with individual documents? Through the configurator? Answer: Yes, indeed through the configurator. First check whether the configuration can be edited. If not, then remove from support.

    After that, go to Configuration - General - Roles. There you can either edit an existing role or create a new one, you can copy it.

    Question: can one user use only one role or several? And what does the “all functions” mode in the “Permissions” section include? Answer: One user can be assigned multiple roles. In the All Functions window, you can open any of the configuration objects according to the viewing rights of that object. Question: how can I see in 1C which invoices were deleted and when? Answer: You can view it through the log from Enterprise mode (Service menu.

    It contains information about events that occurred in the information base at one time or another or what actions a specific user performed. If you need information on specific invoices and users, you can write a specialized report. Contact us - contact us. Question: Please tell me, somewhere in the program I saw a certificate confirming the main type of activity, but now I can’t find it. Answer: B 1. C 8. 2 Zi.

    The latest edition of the UP added the following document: Payroll calculation by organization - Reports - Regulated reports. Next, click on the “Report Directory” button, in the window that opens, select the “Reporting to Funds” folder. It is stored in this folder. Question: Please tell me what should I do? I’ll describe the situation: I have database 1 with 8. I’m trying to launch it, it says: a license for your program was not detected!

    Instructions on how to print a register of the required type of documents in the 1C: Accounting program 8th ed. The document register in 1C:Accounting 8 can be created using group processing of directories and documents. Using such a register, it is convenient to check the availability of documents before preparing reports. For those who are accustomed to using the document registry, it is quite sad without it in 1C 8.2. Today I will tell you. Evgeniy consultant 1C 06/08/2010 Comments are disabled. A document register in 1C Accounting 8 can be created using group processing of directories and documents. Register of invoices in 1C 8.2. Reply Ask a question Unsubscribe from topic Print Add to bookmarks Remove from bookmarks. In addition, it is not always possible to correctly print the required data. How to create a registry in 1s 8.2? Therefore, let’s look at the capabilities built into it that allow you to print the required registry.

    The program is licensed! It gives you three options, which one should you choose? Answer: The difference between basic 1. C1. IN basic version in one database you can manage only one enterprise, in contrast to the professional version, where you can manage an unlimited number of enterprises in one database.

    The basic version excludes the network option. When you purchase the basic version, you receive free online support. You or a programmer can modify the professional version to suit the needs of your enterprise, change directories, documents and other objects, etc.

    Remove the second enterprise from the database selection window and continue working with one. Or purchase a license for the professional version. Question: How to change ch. Please tell me how, for example, to change ch.

    Change it in this window. Question: SOS! After an emergency shutdown of the computer it displays: “The database is damaged.” What to do? Is everything really lost?

    It may be possible to restore. I would be grateful for any advice and tips. XP. 1. S: P. I go through the configurator and open the required printed document in the layout. And nothing happens.

    Maybe with information base something wrong? Answer: It all depends on how you insert the picture and what you do after that.

    The picture is inserted in the form of a dialog called from the corresponding control panel. After installing it in the active field of a printed document, you need to save the configuration and update the database configuration. After this, you will be able to see the drawing on the document. Choosing a layout the required document. In the required section, select “Table” - “Drawings” - “Picture” or via the button on the toolbar. Select a picture, for example from a file.

    We place it in the document field. We update the database configuration. We are pleased with the updated document with the logo. Question: How to transfer databases from earlier versions (5,6,7) of 1c to version 8? Answer: In version 8, in standard configurations, there is a mechanism for transferring the database from the previous version.

    You can view it, for example, in Accounting, on the Service tab. Question: Tell me how to add the counterparty’s debt to the invoice? Or (if possible) print all unpaid amounts on the invoice?

    Answer: Entering into the tax or expense invoice amounts for debt in settlements with counterparties is not provided for in standard configurations. This can be done by further modifying the standard documents. Question: I have 1. C Enterprise 8. 2 (8.

    Configuration “Accounting for Ukraine” (1. I want to update the program, but it’s not clear how to do it. They said that I need to update the platform, but I don’t understand how to do it. I found information on how to update the configuration - it’s written very clearly. Please explain clearly how to update the program to latest version. Answer: You need to make a backup copy (How to make a backup copy in 1.

    From 8.2? How to update configuration 1. From 8.2? Along the way, we install new versions of the platform. Question: How to install a telephone number for our company so that it can be seen in invoices, acts, etc. Professional version. Answer: In the directory of organizations, assign a phone number to your organization.

    On the “Contact Information” tab Question: Dear people! I have a question for you: I recently signed up for a course in accounting on a PC (1C accounting) and also purchased 1C: Enterprise 8. I would like to know how in demand 1C programmers and 1C accountants are, do I need to have a higher education since I myself I have only secondary education and will receive a certificate of completion of the above courses after passing the exams? Answer: There is a demand for these professions, but I’m afraid there won’t be enough courses.

    You need to gain experience both in programming and in the subject area. Question: how to install 1c on your computer.

    Answer: To do this you need to obtain a distribution package of the program. Install the program, set the protection key and deploy the database. It's not complicated. Question: I want to study 1. C 8. 2. I need to go through everything myself using a numerical example.

    Where can I get this numerical example? Answer: You can try to find a demo database on the Internet. It is better to go through specific tasks. For example, you need to create a nomenclature - find the article “Details about accounting for nomenclature in 1.

    From 8.2.” http://www. How to calculate salaries in 1. From 8.2?” http://www. Question: Please tell me how to carry out routine repairs of fixed assets in program 1. C 8. 2 Accounting for Ukraine? For example, a broken lever was replaced in a car. We bought the lever ourselves and had it replaced at a service station.

    B 1. C Enterprise 8.2, edition 2. Answer: Perhaps there are no services in the primary document, but only an item with the “product” type. In this case there is indeed a discrepancy. Check it out. Question: The loss from last year has not been carried forward. A balance was found at the beginning of the year. Answer: After closing the year with routine operations, try adjusting (transferring) the loss to another account and subaccount using a separate manual operation.

    Question: Tell me? Sale of currency on 1. From 8. 2 . The message states that the update is now not possible. How can I fix this without rolling back, so as not to damage the remaining databases? Answer: If the problem is the platform for 1.

    With 8.2 - you can simply indicate in starter 1.C, on the last tab, which platform to use for opening. If the matter is something else, then it’s better to do it again and do everything in order.

    Question: I entered the bank statements incorrectly. I deleted them. When I look at bank statements, as of a certain date there is an account balance and movement on it.

    How can this be? Answer: You may have completed additional documents. Look at the topic, maybe it will suggest the right solution for your case: How to post a bank statement 1c 8. C 8. 3? Without a basis and an accurate description of your case, it is difficult to give more extensive advice. Question: please tell me the algorithm for selling goods using payment cards in 1. C 8. 2 Accounting for Ukraine. Receipt from sales according to payment

    The amount on the card appears on this account after the document has been swiped. Next, the corresponding payment order is processed.

    We indicate the type of operation “Receipt from sales on payment cards and bank loans.” After carrying out PP 3.

    Question: please tell me how to do it correctly or how to get around the situation correctly.

    Where can I find and how to make a reconciliation report in 1C?

    Reconciliation acts are a mutual form of information exchange between business entities. Timely preparation of the document allows you to identify errors in the accounting of both parties, as well as check the status of payment for services provided or goods shipped.

    The processing can be used by any person in the organization who has appropriate access to the work area. Data output is carried out on the basis of primary transactions entered into the database by responsible persons.

    Where can I find such an speaker?

    There are several ways to invoke the processing of the formation of a reconciliation report. According to the first algorithm, the operator (accountant) of the accounting program must follow the 1C menu in “sales management”, then the user will see a register of already formed accounting system reconciliation acts that have been registered and sent to the counterparty. The work can be done either in a ready-made document or a new one can be created.

    Depending on the version of the accounting program and the type of business entity, the reconciliation report may be located as a separate development in the “processing” section. Often, such a report is not included in an organization’s licensing package, and therefore it can be developed by a service organization to suit the characteristics and needs of the enterprise. Processing is stored in the system program folder and called up using menu items. If reconciliation statements are not in the standard hierarchy, you can call it through its location path. Click “File”, then “open” and go to the place where the processing is located. Most often the file location is network.

    How to make a reconciliation report in 1C

    There are quite a lot of options here. It all depends on what tasks the performer faces. The practice of business entities usually involves group processing, that is, the creation of quarterly new documents for all counterparties is specified. Most often, group formation is carried out by the chief accountant or support specialist.

    The need to create a reconciliation report may be caused by a request from employees of the organization itself (repeated notification) or a request from a counterparty to create a document with certain parameters. For example, this could be the past year or five months of the current tax period. The user of the program sets the necessary parameters, such as the period, the parties to the transaction (there may be several names in one’s own organization, if it is a financial group and a consumer of services), an agreement (if a sample is required) and the currency of settlements.

    Versions 8.3 and 8.2

    The main difference new version platform is an improved program interface. If you could “get” to the reconciliation report in 1C 8.2 through the “sales” menu item, then in 1C 8.3 the user calls this option through the settlements with counterparties field.

    After starting processing, similar tabular forms appear that must be filled out.

    Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 s An example of filling is shown in this video:

    For correct operation for the exchange of documents between business entities, it is necessary to have a software component with operational accounting modules. Processing, unlike the updated versions, is distinguished by its simplicity of form and the fact that only transactions from accounts 60 and 62, respectively, are included in the report.

    Register of documents in 1C: Accounting 8 edition 2.0

    Instructions on how to print a register of the required type of documents in the 1C: Accounting program 8th ed. 2.0.

    The document register in 1C:Accounting 8 can be created using group processing of directories and documents. It is located in the “Service” menu:

    In the “Object type” field, select “Documents”:

    Using the “Add” button, we add to the tabular section the type of documents whose register we need to create (for example, “Sales of goods and services”):

    You can install additional filters, suppose we need to create a register of documents for a certain period - from 01/01/2010 to 04/27/2010. In the “Selection” section, using the “Add” button, add selection by date:

    In the “Comparison type” field, select an interval, in the Value field, set the start and end date of the interval:

    Additional selection by interval is set, click the “Select” button at the bottom. The program takes us to the “Processing” tab and we see a list of documents selected according to the established conditions. All that remains is to select the action: “Print documents” and “Register of documents”.

    Click the “Run” button and receive a register of documents “Sales of goods and services” for the period from 01/01/2010 to 04/27/2010:

    How to fill out a VAT return in 1C: Accounting 8

    This article will discuss not only how to fill out a value added tax return in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0, but also how to properly prepare for VAT reporting: what needs to be done before generating a return in the program to The correct numbers were included in the report. How to enter everything in the correct sequence and what to pay special attention to so that compiling a VAT report takes a minimum of time.

    You need to start by checking whether all the primary documents are included in the program? First of all, we are talking about bank and cash documents, as well as received and issued invoices. In addition, the documents must indicate the correct VAT rate and amount. Check the documents on the current account and cash register especially carefully, because... they do not always pay attention to the VAT rate. And for accounting in the program, it is very important that all details are filled out correctly, because this can be decisive when accounting for VAT on advances issued and received.

    In order to check whether all supplier invoices have been entered into the program, use the “Availability of Invoices” report, located on the “Reports” tab.

    The figure shows that for one of the documents there is no invoice. In this case, you need to open the document by clicking on its name in the report, enter the number and date of the supplier invoice and click the “Register” button.

    After this, all documents need to be re-posted, because there are often situations when invoices are entered retroactively or a bank statement is loaded into the program once every few days, and receipt and sales documents are entered daily (because of this, difficulties arise with offsetting advances, which may interfere with the correct calculation of VAT).

    You can repost documents by going to the “Operations” tab and selecting “Group reposting of documents.”

    Then you need to check mutual settlements with counterparties to see if there is a negative balance on settlement accounts. This situation may arise if the documents incorrectly indicate the account of advances or the method of offset.

    The assistant form looks like this.

    If necessary, you need to review the documents again; as a rule, this happens if changes have been made to one or more documents since the previous review. The assistant will inform you if this is necessary.

    Then the invoices for the advance payment are registered. To do this, click on the link “Registration of invoices for advance payments”, and then select the item “Open transaction”. Specify the period, organization and click on the “Fill” button, and then “Run”.

    After completing all operations, the assistant form should look like this.

    And the last thing you should do before filling out the declaration is to run the express check, which is located on the “Reports” tab.

    Select the organization, period and click the “Run check” button. If the program reports errors, then you need to try to correct them and ensure that errors are not detected.

    Now you can start creating a sales book, a purchase book and a declaration. To do this, it is convenient to return to the VAT Accounting Assistant form and select the appropriate items. The declaration is filled out automatically when you click the “Fill” button.

    After filling out, you can check the declaration by clicking the “Check” button, selecting the “Check control ratios” and “Check unloading” items.

    And if you want all the main issues related to calculating VAT and filling out the declaration to be sorted out for you, then I recommend you our new video course “VAT: from concept to declaration”! We share our practical experience and help you put your database in order. The course is structured according to the “theory + practice in 1C” scheme. detailed information about the course is available at the link VAT: from concept to declaration


    Printing the register of certificates of conformity

    Once upon a time, at the dawn of my study of the 8.x platform, I wrote processing for printing a register of certificates for trading management, as well as for printing images of certificates.

    Now I decided to rewrite the processing using “more modern technologies", as well as improve functionality.

    An external printing form for printing a register of certificates works on the “Trade Management ed.” configurations. 10.3" and "Accounting ed. 2.0", including on basic configurations.

    Can print certificate registry

    1. Automatically register in system. The user does not need to perform additional actions to register processing in the system. All you have to do is open the external processing file and that’s it;

    2. Processing works on several configurations- UT 10.3 and BP 2.0 (and also 1.6, but this is no longer relevant);

    3. There is a possibility storing and printing pictures certificates;

    4. Processing has intuitive interface;

    5. Possible to store unlimited amount certificates for each item.

    6. Live editing information about certificates.

    Setting up the certificate registry

    7. The latest version has a function scan pictures of certificates directly from the scanner.

    Setting up processing for printing certificates

    To register in the system, click file-open, select the external processing file. When asked about auto-registration, click “Yes”, after which the certificate register print is ready for use and appears in the list of printed forms for the document “ Sales of goods and services«.

    Basic form of certificate registry

    When you select “Register of Certificates,” a form appears with a list of products. If certificates for goods were previously indicated (set), then the fields of the table will be filled in and these lines will be included in the register.

    The main form also has controls:

    Flag " Print your own certificates"(4 in the picture). If the flag is checked, then images of certificates will also be printed along with the register, if they were downloaded earlier.

    - Certificate editor(in the picture - 2). Opens when pressed mini certificate editor, in which you can specify several certificates for the same item.

    - Seal(in the picture - 1). Actually displays printed form certificate registry.

    - Close(4 in the picture). Closes the form.

    03/15/2010 Released version 2.1, which added the ability to drag and drop images from Windows Explorer directly on the form in the certificate image field.

    Certificate details

    There are 4 visible props in total:

    1. Certificate number;

    3. Validity period

    4. Authority that issued the certificate

    If the Issue Date is less than current date, then the certificate is considered expired and is highlighted in red everywhere.

    If the Nomenclature has several certificates, then the one with the longer validity period is automatically inserted into the printed form.

    Ability to quickly edit certificates

    Simplified form of the certificate editor

    When you double-click on a certificate, a simplified mini-editor form opens, where you can quickly add a certificate, change data, or delete it.

    That seems to be all.

    What a video

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    Collect the necessary ones of one category, that is, documents related to one type (confirming production costs, acceptance/sales documents, etc.). Separately collect administrative documentation: orders, instructions. Sort them according to authorship (orders of the head of the organization, orders of department heads, etc.).

    Create based on documents a table with the corresponding fields, dividing the sheet into columns and rows. Label the columns according to the purpose of the document and its functionality. At the same time, remember that registry should contain comprehensive information about the documents so that for one reason or another you do not have to open and study it again and again each time. So, for example, registry documents, confirming the expenses incurred, must contain the following columns: document number, name, contents of the document, amount and note on the return of the document.

    In its turn, registry documents shareholders of OJSC, CJSC, etc. must include the necessary data to identify all registered registry e persons, recording their rights to shares, receiving income on shares registered in registry e persons, collecting data on all shareholders, as well as information about their receipt of all kinds of information about meetings and other events.

    You should know that when compiling registry A documents For your convenience and speed of search in the future, it is necessary to keep all records in chronological order.

    A personal file represents the entire volume of documents for an employee, which contain the necessary personal information about the employee and data on his work experience. A personal file is kept individually for each employee, in a separate folder. In order for an employee’s personal file to conveniently systematize information about the employee, there are definitions divided rules for its formation.


    Remember that personal files are required to be kept only for employees of public service institutions; all other employers decide whether or not to conduct personal files at their own discretion. At the same time, if a decision has been made to manage employees’ personal files, documentation should be drawn up in accordance with office work standards.

    The employee’s personal file includes a fairly large amount of documentation, including the employee’s profile, his biography, recommendations and characteristics, documents on education received, etc. One of the indispensable attributes of the personal file is the internal inventory case documents.

    Make up an internal inventory documents - this is the first document that is included in the case. Since the personal file is compiled in chronological order, the inventory. Thus, initially in inventory The entire list of documents drawn up and received from the employee upon hiring is entered. In the future, when new documentation arrives, file the documents and enter them into inventory in chronological order.

    When maintaining an employee’s personal file, assign a serial number to each filed document. Mark pages with separate numbering. In addition, depending on the category of the document, assign a special index to it.

    When entering data into the internal inventory personal file documents, indicate information about the serial number and index of each document, the full name of the document and the number of sheets in the file that this document occupies. Sheets on which it is written inventory, number separately from the general case file. Internal inventory certify with your own signature and its transcript indicating the position. Correctly filling out the internal inventory allows you to systematize the personal files of employees and make access to information about the employee convenient and prompt.


    • how to make an inventory document

    In order to send a letter or parcel by mail, you must make inventory attachments. To do this, you need to fill out a standard form, which can be drawn up by hand, printed on a computer, or received Form 107 by mail. The inventory must include the name of the items, as well as their quantity and estimated value.

    You will need

    • - inventory form 107;
    • - pen.


    In order to compose inventory attachments That's right, you need to fill out two forms. In the inventory, indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the addressee, zip code and postal address. Then write down the names of the items or documents being sent. In addition, be sure to indicate the quantity of each item and the amount of its valuation. When evaluating items, please note that the estimated value affects the amount of compensation that the sender receives in the event of loss of mail accompanied by inventory Yu attachments. On the other hand, it should be taken into account that the amount of the assessment affects the amount of the insurance premium.

    Each copy of the inventory form must be certified by the sender’s signature. If the inventory contains items that are not valued by the sender, in the “declared value” column opposite these items, put a dash in both forms. If you wish, you may not indicate the estimated value of items on the form intended for attachments V mailing.

    Next, both copies of the inventory are transferred to the postal worker, who must complete the final execution of the inventory attachments. The postal employee compares the entries in both inventory forms, then compares the correspondence between the address and the surname, first name and patronymic of the addressee, indicated by the sender in the inventory and on the address label (on the back of the shell). After this, a comparison is made between the items included in the message and the entries in the inventory. attachments. After this, the postal employee must verify the identity of the total amount attachments and the amount of declared value.

    For each copy of the inventory attachments a calendar stamp is affixed, certified by the signature of a postal employee. The first copy of the inventory is included in the postal item, which is immediately sealed. The second copy, along with the receipt, is issued to the sender.


    The message intended for inventory must be brought to the post office unsealed.

    Helpful advice

    Keep the receipt and a second copy of the contents list until you confirm that the message has been received by the addressee.


    • Attachment inventory form

    Inventory documents is a reference book that reveals the composition and contents documents, systematizes and takes them into account within the entire set documents. Drawing up inventories is an important stage in processing and organizing documents, the purpose of which is not only the safety documents, but also their clear design.

    Many people know that in order to correctly and quickly create a register in 1C, you need to have a list of knowledge, or entrust this labor-intensive process to professionals. To avoid spending financial resources, many people often prefer to perform these actions on their own. It is known that assistance in this process for a person who is doing it for the first time will not be superfluous. Therefore, we decided to describe in as much detail as possible in our article how to create a register of documents in 1C, and show it with an example using screenshots.

    Companies that have an accounting field may often be faced with the need to generate various reports, documentation registers and other difficulties. Therefore, this process is quite relevant among modern society who wants to improve the workflow as a whole. Receiving for all sorts of actions the establishment of work activities. Thanks to this, following our recommendations, you can create a registry yourself in 1C 8.3. And in the future you will not encounter these difficulties. By following the recommendations, you can do the process yourself and eliminate this difficulty.

    The entire process can be completed using specialized group processing of all kinds of reference books and all kinds of individual documentation. It is located in the specialized menu:

    In a special field, select and click on “Documents”:

    Using “Add”, we load the type of documentation into a special tabular part; the registry of them must first be performed with the following steps:

    If necessary, you can implement special filters:

    That’s all, following the recommendations, interested parties will no longer have questions about how to create a register of documents in 1C 8.3, as well as other hassles associated with this difficult process. By performing these steps yourself, you can achieve the desired result without cost. Money and other difficulties.

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