How to work on Instagram for a beginner from the phone. How to use Instagram on an Android phone or an iPhone, and what is it? Subscribe to pages

How to work on Instagram for a beginner from the phone. How to use Instagram on an Android phone or an iPhone, and what is it? Subscribe to pages


Instagram is a free social network that offers the ability to quickly publish a variety of visual content (images and videos). Among the visitors, 79% are young and mature women with an active lifestyle. The material spreads here at a very high speed, so many people use this platform primarily to promote themselves or their project.

    • The secret of the popularity of Instagram
    • How to install Instagram on a smartphone and computer
    • Registration on Instagram
    • How to start using Instagram
    • How to subscribe to a channel on Instagram
    • How to add a photo to Instagram?
    • What filters are there?
    • Instagram user profile
    • Instagram settings
    • How to make money on Instagram

Instagram has pretty strict rules, it's easy to get banned here. For example, for inappropriate behavior or for publishing someone else's photo. The project offers to upload many images and short videos. They can be pre-processed to achieve the desired effect. After registration, smartphone owners will have 23 filters and several frames at their disposal, plus additional features.

The secret of the popularity of Instagram

How to install Instagram on a smartphone and computer

For iPhone owners, just go to the AppStore and download the special Instagram application. For those with Android, this can be done via GooglePlay. Then you can create a new one or log into an existing account.

If you want to install Instagram on your computer, you first need an emulator program like BlueStacks. Without an emulator, you can view other people's photos, but you cannot log into your account, add photos and videos, as well as put likes and comments.

You can read how to download and install Instagram on your computer here. And registration on Instagram through a computer is described in detail in this article.

Registration on Instagram

You can register for the service directly or via Facebook. In the first case, you need to indicate your mail or phone number, and then confirm the registration. In the second, existing accounts are automatically combined: just go to Instagram once through the second social network.

Please note that there are 2 types of accounts on Instagram. Personal makes it possible to upload content, process, communicate with subscribers, exchange messages in Direct. A business account attracts with a large number of functions: you can call, correspond by mail, ban visitors and moderate comments. In addition, analytics are available here.

How do I get all of the listed features? You need to create a Facebook page for your company first. And then register a business account (or give a new status to a personal one).

You can close the page on Instagram. Then the added material will be seen only by those to whom you give permission. And, of course, already existing subscribers.

How to start using Instagram

So, you already have an account, what next? Then you get into your own feed. It shows the posts of everyone you follow. The video is easy to distinguish: by the camera icon in the upper right corner. Any material can be liked and commented on.

If you especially liked or remembered someone, you can go to the profile and view everything that he published, as well as read the brief information. By the way, you are also advised to fill in the data " About Me" in profile.

Would you like to look at the material that has received the most likes in the world? Look in the tab "star". At the same time, you can replenish the feed.

Pay attention to the tab "Alerts". There will be constantly received notifications about all likes, comments and subscriptions. You will immediately know if someone mentioned you in the discussion under the pictures or in the photo.

How to subscribe to a channel on Instagram

To keep your Intstagram feed from being empty, you need to add friends there, in other words, subscribe to the accounts you are interested in. Please note that this subscription is not reciprocal. That is, when you follow someone, that user does not necessarily follow you.

We go in the application to the tab "Options" using the gear in the upper right corner. There we are looking for the section "Subscribe to people", then the active fields "Find friends on VKontakte or on Facebook" and invite the users whom we want to see in the list of our Instagram friends. To subscribe to these people, you click either "Subscribe to all" if you want to add the entire list, or "Subscribe" in front of each specific person.

How to add a photo to Instagram?

How to choose an existing photo? Quite simple: click on the shortcut representing multiple shots. It is located in the lower left corner. Then you can choose a ready frame.

Now no one bothers you to apply Instagram filters. When you have done everything that needs to be done, click "Next". And don't forget about the description of the picture, as well as geolocation. So subscribers will understand where exactly the frame was shot. At the same time, you can mark any of the users if we are talking about a group photo.

What filters are there?

Immediately after registration, 23 default filters are available to you. Not everyone knows, but their number can be increased. To do this, at the very end of the filter list, click on the button "Settings", if you have iOS, or "Control", if you prefer Android.

So, a new menu has opened in front of you. Here you can select additional filters. If you've never heard of them before, try everything, and those that you don't like, just delete.

What options are offered? There are several of them:

  1. Clarendon. Initially used for video only. Lightens the photo and brightens the colors. Draws attention to objects in the foreground.
  2. Gingham. The favorite of the hipsters. A bright picture with it becomes, as it were, shrouded in a light haze, the fading effect appears. A dark photo looks yellowish and vintage.
  3. Lark. Brightens and brightens everything except red. Ideal for snapshots of food or beautiful nature.
  4. Juno. Makes pictures clearer and brighter. Removes the brightness of yellow, red and orange. Often used for street photography.
  5. Ludwig. Saves when the picture needs contrast. With it, cold tones become darker, and warm ones lighter. In addition, the image receives additional highlights and shadows, which makes it deeper.
  6. Inkwell. Converts a color photo to black and white, adds shadows.
  7. Kelvin. Adds brightness, great for landscape shots, especially when shooting sunrise or sunset.

There are not just a lot of filters: new ones are constantly appearing. So, in 2017, the owners of the project released a whole package of interesting solutions specifically for selfies. In short, on Instagram, you can make your picture very unusual with a couple of clicks.

Instagram user profile

Finding your profile is pretty easy: it's the very last tab in the horizontal menu at the bottom. There you can view what you have already published (and delete if you want), the total number of those you follow and who follow you. Also in the profile, the user indicates all the necessary information about himself. Finally, there are settings here. This is a very useful tab that you should definitely get acquainted with.

Instagram settings

Through the settings, you can find friends, contact technical support if you have any problems, and also re-view everything that you liked. Also, this tab provides the ability to edit the profile, change the photo in it, clean up the search, and also deal with PUSH notifications. What is it about?

PUSH notifications show everything that happens with your account with special pop-up windows. Thanks to this, you can quickly respond to comments and likes. But since sometimes these messages are annoying, you can turn them off.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. But at the same time, Instagram opens up excellent opportunities for promotion and earnings.

How to make money on Instagram

What is Instagram in terms of making money? In addition to the advantages of the comfortable use of Instagram, there is also the opportunity to earn extra money on this social network.

Here are the main ways to make money:

  1. On special exchanges, find a task and perform simple actions (likes, comments, adding to groups), for which you are paid little money.
  2. By placing advertisements. Many bloggers manage to use this way of making money. For example, if a user has a large number of subscribers, he can place an advertisement on his page, while receiving a certain fee for it. This is good for both the subscriber and the advertiser. But the biggest winner is the account owner who gets paid to advertise the product. Sometimes it happens that users manage to establish contacts directly with large retail chains selling various goods.
  3. One of the types of income on Instagram is creating and maintaining accounts for other users.
  4. Instagram can be used to promote your products or services. That is, you can create your own online store on the basis of Instagram or promote your services (as a photographer, designer, stylist, etc.)
  5. You can also make money on affiliate products - many CPA networks offer good conditions for mediating a deal.
  6. Help in promoting other people's accounts. If you have a promoted page, you can help someone else get promoted - of course, not for free.

Watch the video instructions - Registration on Instagram via a computer:

You can find out about what other ways of making money exist here. 50 Ways To Make Money Online. There are many different options collected there, so you are sure to find the right one!


We decided to write an article on how to learn how to use Istagram, so to speak, the Instagram app for beginners. So boys and girls sit down and listen. We will learn about the basic functions of the social network Instagram, learn how to take photos, apply filters and upload them to the network.

To start…

First, let's talk a little about Instagram: what it is and how to use it. This is an application that is also a social network. With it, you can take photos, process them and publish them. Someone considers Instagram to be a worldwide evil (like other social networks), while others see it as a gold mine. Whatever opinions exist, in order to develop your own, you need to try.

Of course, we won't be able to learn how to use Instagram until we download and install it. This is described in detail in other articles on our site, here we will only slightly touch on the topic.

Reasonable and sane boys and girls don't take Instagram installer files anywhere. There are situations when you have to do this in order to start using it. If this is not your case, do not experiment. It's always best to use the app from the official store. And we hasten to rejoice: recently the version of Instagram for Windows Phone appeared in the Microsoft Store - Instagram Beta. Therefore, you can now download Instagram from three stores - App Store, Play Market and Microsoft Store. We also have an article on how to use Instagram on a Windows Background smartphone.

  • Find the application there and click "Install".

It will be installed, after which we open it and go to the registration page. You can register in different ways: via your phone number, email address or Facebook. The first two involve entering your data.

Let's proceed to the next step - how to use Instagram on your phone.

After registering, we get to the feed - this is the main page, where the latest publications of all users you subscribe to appear. Your pictures will also appear there.

If you like something, like it (click on the heart under the photo). To leave a comment, tap the cloud. These functions are very easy to use.

And if you touch the arrow, you can send a photo or video to a friend via Direct.

To take a photo, click on the small camera image below. First we will get to the gallery (from where you can also take a picture), but to take a picture of something right now, you need to click on "Photo", and then - on the big circle below.

Now let's move on to filters. To use filters, you need to click on one or another window under the photo. The effect will be visible immediately:

If you need to change the brightness (the effect will be quite light), press on the sun from above, and then adjust it with your finger.

In the field on the right, write something with a hashtag. If you have already used a similar function, then you know that the words are written together. If you want to write separately, then put a hashtag in front of each word. It is not necessary to write, but this way your photo can be found by these words, and those who have not followed you can appreciate it. Instagram will show all posts that were made with the same or similar tags.

Finally video

This video is about how to use Instagram. It will be useful for those who lack a verbal description. Here we take a closer look at installing the app, what Instagram is and how to learn how to use it.

What else is worth knowing?

To use this social network, using all the functions, you need to not only post photos, but also watch. And this is already possible on the website And we will tell you in a separate article how to use this service.

So, don't forget to watch the video. It tells you how to use Instagram on your phone. And check out other articles. They have a lot of interesting information about how to use Instagram.

If you have just recently joined a popular social network, you should read the following instruction “How to use Instagram”, which will help you understand all the intricacies of the service. The service interface is intuitive, so it will be quite easy to get used to it. But still, we will tell you about the basic steps so that you can quickly become an active member of this multimillion-dollar social network and photo editor in one bottle.

Install and register

Although the idea of ​​a social network is to share pictures taken "on the go", that is, from mobile devices, you can also use Instagram from a computer. If you want to run Instagram from your computer, you will need to install an Android emulator.

After downloading and installing the free application on your mobile device, you will need to go through a simple registration. The application offers 2 options to choose from: and via Facebook. If you do not have a Facebook account, choose the option with email. Further actions take place according to the following scheme:

  1. In the window that opens, enter your email address.
  2. Below we indicate a unique username. If you want to change your name on the social network a little later, you can do it.
  3. We come up with a password and indicate it below.
  4. To continue, you must click on the arrow at the top of the screen.
  5. In the next step, the application will ask you to enter your first name, last name and mobile number, but you can skip this for now.
  6. Then the service will offer you to immediately find your friends on such popular social networks as Vkontakte and Facebook. You can also skip this step for now.

That's it, the procedure is complete, you can use it! Immediately after starting Instagram, you are taken to the main page - a feed, where you will see your new pictures and photos of those to whom you subscribe. Each picture can be "liked" and annotated.

Setting up notifications

The first step is to set up notifications. To receive push notifications from the system about important events related to your account, go to the "Push notifications settings" menu item. This item is located in the general settings, to open which you must click on the gear icon. Push notifications that appear on your screen will inform you about the following actions:

  • You have been "liked" or left a comment under your photo.
  • You have been tagged in the picture.
  • You were mentioned in a comment and left a link to your profile.
  • Your photo has been featured in Popular.

By choosing to disable push notifications, these events will only appear in the News section.

Setting up integration with social networks

Instagram can be linked to popular social networks such as Vkontakte and Facebook. To do this, you need to go to the "Post Settings" menu item, and then select those social networks with which you want to link your Instagram account.

By doing this, all the images that you add to Instragram will be published in the selected services.

Add photos

When you click on the button with the camera image, you will be prompted to post the photo stored on your device on the network or take it right now. It is more convenient to post photos taken immediately from the application, since then you can use filters and cropping, since all photos on Instagram are square.

When you go to the gallery of pictures stored on your device, you can select any of them, and then process it and add it to Instagram. The gallery icon is located in the lower left corner. You can upload any old picture to the network, even taken with a professional camera.

Getting to know filters

- this is what makes the photos from the application special and interesting. Today there are 23 filters in total, which differ from each other and can make your picture vivid and expressive. You can choose a filter for any photo, depending on its subject, white balance, lighting or contrast.

Applying filters is very simple: as soon as you take a new photo or upload an old photo, a window with filters will open, clicking on which you will immediately see how your photo will look. When you find the filter you want, click on the button at the top of the screen to apply it.

Using the tilt-shift effect

On Instagram, you can create pictures as if they were taken not with a mobile phone camera, but with a professional camera with a tilt-shift lens. These lenses allow you to tilt and rotate the plane of your photo at a specific angle. This unusual effect creates the illusion of a toy world in the picture. Thanks to him, your pictures will become even more three-dimensional and cooler.

This effect works best for cityscape shots, but can be applied to other photos as well. To successfully apply the tilt-shift effect, the objects in the photo that you want to select must be in the foreground. After applying the effect, these objects will be in focus, and everything behind them will be in the haze. If the photo is not suitable for this effect, the result may be porridge. In principle, the effect is applicable to background objects as well, but the attention should be focused on it when viewing the picture.

We shoot videos

On Instagram, you can shoot and add videos to the feed, up to 15 seconds long. Of course, this feature is less popular than taking a photo, but many people actively use it. To make your videos even more interesting, you can process them using special effects. As with photos, you can record a new video directly from the app or add a video you already have. There are 13 effects in the application today, including:

  • Stinson - Adds more light and haze to the video.
  • Maven - Offsets colors towards green.
  • Skyline - makes the image richer and brighter.
  • Dogpatch - Adds clarity and contrast to videos.
  • Moon - makes your video black and white.

Subscribe to pages

The "Recommended" section contains the most interesting network accounts. To follow the news of stars or people of interest to you, click on the "Subscribe" button. After that, the color of the button will change to green. By doing this, the pictures and posts of everyone you follow will be displayed on the home page.

Looking for friends

In addition, by going to the official website of the application, you can perform all basic actions with your account, for example, change the data in your profile, view the feed and comment on friends' photos. We hope this tutorial will help you quickly get used to the popular social network Instagram.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. This is my first mobile app review. However, it is worth it, because in terms of the popularity and the number of users involved in its networks, this mixture of a photo editor and a social network can rise, and other super popular social services in the world. The fact that about a year ago Facebook bought it out for a crazy sum, close to a billion dollars, speaks of the exclusivity of this mobile application.

I do not think that there can be discrepancies here, because there are probably no other options suitable for the above description. I'm talking, of course, about instagram... What is it and why in a year and a half a common application for iPhone(now supported and Android), with a team of a dozen people, made the largest social network in the world shell out such a fantastic amount? Well, let's see.

What is Instagram?

What is Instagram? Probably, this is primarily a social network, in which there are already one hundred million active users. Slightly less than the number of residents in Russia. On the other side, Instagram is An intuitive and easy-to-use photo editor for mobile devices.

Instagram saves you from this dilemma - take a photo and then post it (all in one application). Moreover, modern mobile phones provide a completely digestible quality of the pictures taken, at least such that it would not be a shame to upload them to a social network, which will be viewed by everyone from the same mobile phones, where the flaws and wretchedness of the camera will not be visible.

However, when viewing the online version of Instagram from a computer, some flaws in photos taken on a smartphone may still appear, but that was the genius of the developers that, before sending photos taken by a mobile phone, they offer literally in one click put a professional filter on it, which will turn your mediocre and not-so-high-quality image into something similar to an artistic photograph.

Only a few are puzzled by the question of how to use Instagram - we open the application, take a picture (or take it out of our album on a mobile phone) and apply a filter in the mobile editor. Next, we call the picture and send it to our feed, where all users of this unique social network can view, search, like and comment on the pictures. Everything ingenious should be simple. In addition, the interface of this mobile application and the online version is almost completely translated into Russian, which is good news.

This whole orgy began with the fact that in the fall of 2010 the first version of the application was released exclusively for Apple phones, received a resounding success there, and after a couple of years they made Android users happy, and in the near future it is planned to release a version of Instagram for devices based on Windows Phone (large some modern Nokia smartphones work on it).

It turns out very peculiar social network(with a bias in the photo, as in the ones that are gaining popularity now or), but for almost everyone, because smartphones even based on Android (their Chinese variations are sold with might and main by mobile operators for very little money) already have many inhabitants of the world (a little less share IPhones and iPads).

And not only the economic component plays a role. Someone is tightly hooked on Blackberry, someone (like me, for example) uses Nokia on Symbian out of love for physical, not painted buttons. It turns out some discrimination, which probably only fuels interest in the upstart.

In this regard, many people are interested in the possibility register on Instagram from a computer and use it from it as a regular social network. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to fully implement this, but there is a trick with your ears that allows you to install it on your own, which is called BlueStacks.

This emulator is quite convenient and you will have practically no boundaries between Android and Windows (a shared clipboard, mouse, keyboard, file system and network connections). BlueStacks can be installed both on a regular stationary computer (control will be carried out with a mouse), and on tablets on Windows (control will be carried out by swiping your finger across the screen).

Actually, Instagram is already installed from under BlueStacks like a normal Android application, after which you can register in this application without using a smartphone, directly from your computer, laptop, netbook or tablet. But we will talk about this in a little more detail below in the text.

Registration and login to Instagram via a mobile device based on Ios (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) or Android

So, registration in instagram what from a smartphone on Android or Ios, what from a computer from under the BlueStacks emulator will look about the same. It is clear that first this application must be downloaded and installed by logging in from your mobile device or in App Store, either in Google play... Actually, there no one bothers you to type in the search bar "Instagram" and initiate the installation of this application.

I just don't understand how, having such monstrous payments from Facebook, the developers did not bother to make versions of the iPad adapted to the screen size. You can install on this "bloated smartphone" (iPad) only the version designed and sharpened for the iPhone, and it looks pretty wretched on the tablet - either a small program window, or blurry and indistinct elements and fonts. Some kind of mess, although, maybe the bourgeoisie have their own reasons not to do this (by the way, screenshots for this article I merge with the iPad using - a very convenient thing is cloud storage).

True, there are applications for iPad (for example, Instapad) that use the API of this social network and allow you to view feeds, search for images, like and comment on photos. As well as there are similar online Instagram(eg that allow you to be socially active on that network, but do not allow you to upload your own photos. But more on that later.

The main thing is to come up with a username that is not yet occupied by others, a strong password (you can store it in, then store it), indicate your Email and name, and, if you wish, also a phone number:

Next, you will be offered to immediately find on Instagram all your friends whom you managed to make on Facebook (apparently this was the whole point of the purchase, however, the price of a billion US dollars seems too high - in my opinion, by three orders of magnitude, for sure, although, again, who will understand these bourgeois). They explain this quite logically - it would be better to immediately follow your friends, what would be someone to follow and what to watch.

Well, by tradition, you will be asked to subscribe to the feeds of those who are now very popular on Instagram. In general, they are trying to immediately show all the charm of this social network, so that you do not jump off the hook. But in my opinion, you should first look around, and only then subscribe.

Then you will be offered to receive various messages about the events that have occurred, well, they will offer to open access for this application to the photos stored on the phone, so that you can then publish them in your feed:

Well, that's all, registration is over. Now you can use this application.

How to use Instagram - photo processing (effects, filters) and social network features

How to use Instagram? Almost like Twitter, in fact, but instead of text messages, pictures rule here. At the bottom of the screen, you will find five tabs:

  1. View new photos from the feeds of those users to whom you subscribed. You can like the image you like with a double finger, well, or using the "Like" button. It will also be possible to leave a comment there - everything is like people have, i.e. from other social networks.
  2. Search box or of people on this social network, or photos(which the user assigns to the photo he uploads):

    When you realize that one of the authors of the photos you have found is so interesting to you that you are ready to subscribe to his feed, then do not apply it by clicking on his login above the photo and clicking on the corresponding button on his account page:

  3. The third button is the most interesting because it allows you to:

    In any case, then you will be offered to carry out a simple, but rather effective processing of the taken or the selected photo.

    For this purpose Instagram has:

    After that, you will be taken to your Instagram feed on the social network, where you can contemplate the masterpiece you just added and, if you wish, can be deleted or do some other actions with it with a simple finger on the button with three dots and select the desired option from the context menu:

  4. The fourth button of the main window of the Instagram program will show you the news that happened to your feed - who subscribed to it, who liked it, what comments appeared, etc.
  5. Well, the fifth button will allow you to see and, if necessary, edit your Instagram profile.

    When editing a profile, you can set your photo, for example, by photographing yourself from the front camera of the phone, as well as add a description to your account and indicate your site, well, you can also close the viewing of photos from your feed to all Instagram users (to them only your subscribers will have access). Some of these settings can be made in the online version of this social network.

    You will find the application settings on the same tab behind the gear icon. There you can find friends on Facebook, if you have not done so yet, see all the photos that you liked (which you liked), read the Russian-language help on the Instagram application.

    What will seem useful to many, you can configure the automatic cross-posting(forwarding) your new photos from Instagram to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr. This is done in the settings in the "Preferences" - "Publishing settings" area. To communicate with your own, you can use the appropriate applications for the latter. By the way, for deferred publications on Instagram, you can.

Recently, this social network has been actively used by merchants to sell or draw attention to their goods and services. It works with a bang (true, true -), but for sales you need to increase traffic, and therefore the question comes to the first place -. I described one of these solutions using the link provided - suddenly you decide to earn extra money on this network.

It is possible that earlier, when Instagram did not yet speak Russian, any problems could arise with its use, but now it is unlikely, as you probably understood yourself from the above description. The strong point of this photo editor and the social network is in its extreme simplicity and transparency.

Instagram for computer via BlueStacks - download and install Android emulator for Windows for registration

As I already mentioned, not everyone who wants to start communicating and sharing photos on Instagram smiles to acquire an iPhone or an Android-based smartphone for this purpose. There may be a lot of reasons for this reluctance, and money does not always play a decisive role here. In the end, buying an expensive gadget and being disappointed in this social network would not be very pleasant either.

However, there is a way to try Instagram by registering directly from your computer or laptop and posting your photos to this social network, like a trial balloon. There is a place to be quite advanced and well done emulator of the Android operating environment for the computer running Windows and MacOS called BlueStacks.

Moreover, it works like any program on your computer, i.e. can be launched in a window, you can use the mouse and keyboard, you can copy data from Windows to Android through the clipboard or through the common file system. And, of course, BlueStacks sees your computer's network connections and uses them with success.

So, first you need to download BlueStacks and install it on your computer like a regular program:

True, you cannot choose the installation location for this emulator, but this is not so important. Upon completion of the installation, a green shortcut will settle on your desktop, clicking on which you can open the BlueStacks window, and an icon will be visible in the tray, from the context menu of which you can reboot Android in this emulator, if there is a reason for that:

If the full screen mode of BlueStacks is inconvenient for you, then click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the emulator window (located on the right). It will be possible to delve into the settings of this program using the button in the form of a gear.

However, at the moment we are primarily interested in Instagram installation and registration in this social network from our computer, so we will use the search icon on the main tab of BlueStacks and fill in the "instagram" form:

The required application will be the first in the resulting list and you just have to click on the "Install" button:

Since the Android operating system is the development of the great and terrible Google (read about this good corporation), you will have to first log into your Google account to download Instagram (well, or):

I have a Google account with two-step authentication, so I had to first create my own password for this emulator and only then use it to log into my account. It is clear that with normal authentication these difficulties will not exist, but there will be no mailbox security either (read more in the article about Google mail, the link to which is given just above).

After logging in with your username and password in Google Play:

You will be able to download Instagram from any Android store convenient for you from those integrated into the BlueStacks emulator:

The BlueStacks emulator is also able to synchronize your phone's data on Android, which can be useful. But we will not be distracted by this, because our goal is to install instagram on a computer and register in it.

After installation, you just have to go to the "My Applications" tab from the BlueStacks home page and launch Instagram.

After that, you will be asked to register in it or log in.

Actually, the further registration process on a computer will not differ in any way from the registration process described above on a mobile device, so I consider it unnecessary to repeat myself.

Instagram online - options for viewing a social network not from a mobile phone, but from a computer through a browser

Well, as if such an opportunity suggests itself, because the phone is the phone, but at the computer most of us also spend a very decent time period. I would like to have access to this social network through a browser. Actually, there is such a possibility, but with some restrictions.

You can see the profile of any member of this social network on the site knowing his login:


On official online profile page Instagram has a dynamic header, the number of photos added by this person, the number of his subscribers and his subscriptions is indicated.

For example, in this way, you can see the online profile of a gum resident. The profile contains a list of all photos added by the author and it is possible to view them in full size and read the comments left to them.

You can only like, subscribe or leave a comment after logging into your account.

Also after entering instagram:

These are, perhaps, all the possibilities of the official website for online access to the Instagram social network. What's missing, right? Well, for example, the possibilities upload photos directly from your computer... Unfortunately, this is not implemented at this stage of service development even in Api.

But it also lacks the ability to search by hashtags and usernames or browse popular topics. But this Api allows you to do and there are many online services (sites) and even programs that implement all this mess.

Let's take a look at one such online service called Webstagram.

This and similar online services use the Instagram API and therefore registration on such sites occurs precisely through his login form. If you have already logged in to in the same browser, then your login data will be taken from the browser cookies:

  1. You can follow the feeds of those people you subscribed to (in fact, the official website allows you to do this)
  2. You can like and comment on the photo (the same is supported by the official resource)
  3. You can subscribe and unsubscribe from the feeds of other users (also not unique)
  4. Receive information about subscribers and unsubscribers from your feed
  5. View popular photos, tags and users, while also search on them (this official site was missing)

True, you get blocks in the load, but it shouldn't be any other way, because advertising is the engine of progress.

You can find the photos you added at this address:


We will not go into lengthy conversations about what Instagram is and why it is needed. As a starting point, we take the fact that you really need it, and you want to quickly figure out how to use Instagram on your phone. Don't strain yourself! Everything is not as complicated as it might seem, but it is better to proceed in order so as not to waste extra time on repeated downloads and installations. So here we go!

Installation and registration

To install something on your phone, you first need to download it. Therefore, we are looking for the desired application in the AppStore or GooglePlay, download it and install it. There is no point in explaining how to do this, you just press the buttons as instructed by the gadget, and everything will be installed automatically. Finding Instagram is also not difficult - it is one of the first in the list of the most popular requests.

Next, the registration process begins. And again, there is nothing complicated. The application will ask you to enter your personal data and email address, you will also need to come up with a password. For those who are not in the know, no verification code, letter of notification, mailing or other spam will be sent to the specified "soap", therefore you can safely specify any email address. The same applies to your data. But since you will still be using Instagram, so that there is no confusion when integrating with social networks and finding friends, it makes sense to indicate normal real data. For example, so that acquaintances and potential clients can find you without any problems.

Let's check the actions:

  • you have downloaded and installed the application on your gadget;
  • you have provided your personal information and email address;
  • you have come up with a password.

Welcome to Instagram!

You can start using the application right now. You will see a menu consisting of 5 items: "Feed", "Camera", "Popular", "News", "Profile". Now you are interested in the "Profile" section - it is through it that you will make all the settings.


Notifications or push notifications are messages from the system about everything that happens to your account. With their help you can find out:

  • about comments or "likes" to your pictures;
  • that you have been tagged in any photo;
  • mentioning you with a link to your account;
  • that your photo is posted on the Popular page.

In other words, you cannot do without notifications in any way, but first you need to connect them. To do this, we proceed as follows:

  1. In the profile, we find the gear icon - these are the personal settings of your profile, which is where we need it, click on it.
  2. A menu will open, in it you should find the column "push-notifications-settings". We select it.
  3. Now you just have to choose from whom you want to receive notifications: from those to whom you are subscribed; from those who follow you; from all of us.

You can also turn off all notifications completely. But then you will have to learn about all the events from the "News" column on the main page of your Instagram account. They will also be displayed there, you just will not receive a notification about this.

What is displayed in other sections of the menu:

  • "News" - here, as mentioned above, you can find out about everything that has happened recently with your account or with the accounts of your friends;
  • "Feed" - all the latest events, photos, videos added by users are displayed in the feed. You can view, like and comment on them;
  • "Popular" - this page contains the most interesting posts. If you use Instagram for business purposes, you have to go here several times a day, that's all for you.

There is no need to explain why the "Camera" section is needed, this is the main working tool of Instagram.

Integration with social networks

Why is it so important to figure out how to link Instagram to Facebook via your phone? Because it is through Facebook that you will manage your personal account and business group, if, of course, you decide to create one. Actually, without Facebook, you won't do it at all, so it's still worth connecting.

Important: There is one more point that needs to be considered. Instagram is an application created specifically for mobile gadgets. That is, you can enter it from a PC, but for this you will have to download and install an Android emulator.

But if you link your Instagram account to the Facebook social network, using the application will become much more convenient.

How to do it:

  1. Go through the profile to "Settings".
  2. Select "Linked accounts".
  3. The program will give you a list of all services with which you can integrate. You just have to select the ones you need and put a checkmark in front of them.

After you click the "Finish" button, your Instagram account will be integrated with all the selected social networks. Now all the photos that you post will automatically be displayed there too.

Attention! Unfortunately, so far not all social networks are available in the Instagram application, for example, Google+ is not yet on the list. But since the creators of the application are constantly working on improving it, there is every chance that it will appear there while you master how to use Instagram from your phone.

Adding photos

How to post a photo on Instagram from a phone is extremely important for those who keep their store, for example, and plan to regularly post fresh photos of their goods. We advise you to immediately get used to taking photos directly from the application. That is, first you go to Instagram, and then you open the camera. Why is it better this way?

There are two main reasons:

  • It's faster and easier, no need to open the "gallery" and transfer the taken pictures, moreover, you can immediately apply filters to the taken pictures;
  • Instagram has a specific 1: 1 format, if you take a photo right from the application, you don't have to crop it.

So, open the camera through the Instagram application. To take a photo, click on the bluish circle in the center below.

Now let's look at the opposite situation: how to save a photo from Instagram to your phone. No way. Everything is saved automatically. And, as mentioned above, it is transferred to all your accounts in other social networks with which you integrated your Instagram account.

If you want to upload a photo taken earlier and saved on your phone to Instagram, pay attention to the icon in the lower left corner of the screen when you open the camera. This is a link to a gallery of all the photos that you took before and decided to save on your device. Click on it, select the frames you want and transfer them to Instagram.


Filters are the very thing with which you will make your photos more attractive and beautiful. And they, by the way, are one of the main features of the application, for which everyone loves him so much. The creators of Instagram have provided two dozen filters - this is enough to make any photo taken in any light bright and colorful.

It is very easy to use them. Immediately after you take a photo or upload it from the phone gallery, it goes to the application processing page. At the bottom of the screen, all twenty filters are located on the ribbon. You can simply flip through and try them on in turn until you find the one you want, then save a beautiful picture and send it to anyone you want.

Immediately you need to tell about the "drop" at the top of the screen. This drop allows you to apply a blur effect to your photo. With its help, you can select any one object in the picture, sometimes it is very important. The blur can be sharp, square, slanted, or circular. Those who are just discovering the "drop" begin to "blur" every picture. Don't abuse it, just know it is there.

There is nothing difficult in how to save videos from Instagram to your phone. Everything is similar to the actions with the photo.


  • tag the people in the photo;
  • add location;
  • add hashtags to the photo description.

Find friends

It never hurts to find friends - after all, someone should look at your masterpieces and appreciate them! But this is especially important if future friends are at the same time your potential clientele. How to make sure that there are as many friends as possible, we have already described in detail in separate articles. But more about the quantity later, for now let's talk about how to technically find a friend in the app.

You can find friends on Instagram in different ways:

A little tip from experienced users: check the Popular page regularly. Here you will always find a couple of interesting accounts that you would like to add to your friends list. How many of them have already been added, you can find out if you click on the star in the main menu.


As mentioned above, the creators of the application are constantly improving their brainchild and adding more and more features and functions. Recently, on Insta, you can perform all the basic actions with your account. Therefore, follow our news and master new features. And we told you about the basic options that allow you to master Instagram from your phone.

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