Vkontakte promotion: a guide to action. Promotion of the VKontakte group Links to the address of the group page from other places

Vkontakte promotion: a guide to action. Promotion of the VKontakte group Links to the address of the group page from other places



As soon as you create your own group in contact, there will immediately appear a need to fill it with people, or in other words, to promote it. In order for users to get the opportunity to learn about the group and want to join it, there are several ways and strategies of promotion.
How to promote a group in contact

This article is devoted to how to properly promote a group in contact, what promotion methods exist, how to bring your group to the TOP of the search and how not to get banned.

Contact group owners have several options for promoting their communities. Depending on the direction of the group's activity (social or commercial), these methods can be used in different combinations and with different intensities.
There are paid and free ways to promote groups in contact.


These methods include those that, to one degree or another, will require financial costs from you:
advertising through advertising exchanges;
advertising through agencies;
contextual advertising in contact;
promotion services.


These methods are characterized by large time and labor costs, but the effect of them can differ favorably from paid methods, because your subscribers will not be purchased users, but real readers. Free methods include:
newsletter about joining the group;
optimization of the group for search in contact;
promotion of a group in search engines for a search query;
attracting visitors from outside resources;
mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact;
contests and announcements through profiles;
the use of programs and scripts to promote the group in contact.

This is the most popular, easy and less expensive way to promote a group, which consists in sending applications to unfamiliar users. According to the rules of the VKontakte site, each user can send no more than 40 invitations daily. Therefore, if you are going to promote your group in this way, we advise you to create several fake accounts in advance in contact. In addition, it is better to invite those users who are online at the time of promotion, in order to avoid wasting applications for "rare" users.
Simplicity and availability;
Does not require cash costs;
This method can also be implemented by simple group members, if it is correct
organize an action with prizes for the largest number of invited friends;
No ban threat.
It takes a lot of time.

This method is one of the most modern, effective and safe ways to promote a group in contact. It is aimed at providing the user with a quick search for the group when entering certain words in the search. In this case, you can use not only search by groups, but also by audio recordings, videos, topics, etc.
Group optimization consists in the introduction of popular keywords in the name and description of the group, the titles of audio recordings, video captions, and more.
High efficiency of getting active members, because you do not impose your group on users, but only help them get what they were looking for;
With the correct use of keywords, there is almost no threat of a group ban;
Lack of cash costs;
Not a very high conversion rate.
labor intensity

Similarly to optimization for contact search, you need to promote your group in search engines such as Google, Yandex, Rambler and Mail.ru.
The optimization principle is the same: you add popular keywords to the name and description of the group so that search engines more often show a link to your group or public in search results. The number of posts and members in the group also plays a role. It is recommended to put external links to the group. Promotion is complicated by the fact that search engines can show a limited number of groups in the top for a search query. You can find keywords, for example, for Yandex, using the Wordstat service.
among other things, wide audience coverage;
labor intensity;
albeit small, but still the likelihood that the interested user is not registered in the contact.

The principle of operation is the same as for website promotion. You just post a link to your group on various thematic resources and get transitions.
Only interested users will migrate;
The lack of the possibility of a ban on the part of the VKontakte site.
Users who are not registered in the contact will not become members of your group;
Time consuming.

This method is accomplished by placing a link to your group in the "Friends" column of other groups. In this case, the partner group should be thematic and will require a backlink in the friends of your group.
There is also the option of one-way placement of a link to your group, but this will certainly require payment on your part.
The similarity of the active audience of the groups will provide you with effective transitions;
Minimum costs for mutual cooperation.
The threat of leakage of its users via a backlink.

This method of promoting a group in contact is quite effective, it has a very high efficiency. The bottom line is that you announce any competition or announcement of an event through a person who has 500 or more friends. All friends see this announcement in the news and many follow the link. The loyalty of such visitors is much higher and the number of those who joined is much higher as they follow a friend's link.
high efficiency;
labor intensity.

You can send invitations not only manually, but also using special programs for sending invitations, such as VKInviter and (Attention, you should use the programs with caution, as they can be banned for them)
the least time-consuming way to increase the number of group members;
there is a high probability of a ban from the administration of the contact;
a large proportion of participants who are not interested in the topic of the group.

Whichever way of promoting your group you choose - to maintain activity and the number of group members, as well as to constantly find the group in the first positions in the TOP search, you must constantly update information, write news, add albums, audio and video recordings, open new discussions and delete spam ... No one will join abandoned and spammed groups. Before promoting a public, you need to artificially catch up with subscribers, no one wants to join a group (public) if there are only 10 people and 5 posts in it.

When placing ads - be sure to use a prominent image and inviting text.
The text should not be too large (no more than 140 characters or 3 lines);
Advertise in groups similar in subject matter and gender characteristics. We also advise you to advertise in large communities on general topics;
It is better to buy advertising in 10 groups for 200 rubles than in one for 2000 rubles;
Too expensive posts (more than 1500 rubles) buy only in special cases;
The best time to publish posts and reposts is from 19:00 to 21:00 in the evening.
Useful infographic (when they are more in touch, like, comment):
Vk.com user activity

01.02.2017 | 18:20

Greetings! Today we are continuing the topic of Internet marketing and correct promotion their projects. In previous articles I told you that the most promising way to promote goods, services and any other things is SMM promotion... It is advertising on social networks that can give the maximum return, attract the maximum number of users to your projects. Just think, Vkontakte alone has managed to gather an audience of 80 million people, and this number is growing daily. Since we have a sufficient human flow, the only thing left is to attract it to our trading pages and platforms. How to do it? Of course, with the help advertising! Since today we have the opportunity to use specialized services to promote our sites, blogs, online stores and groups in social networks, finding a successful and effective place for promotion is greatly facilitated. Only one VKontakte advertising exchange is ready to find the most suitable places for you to place your ads and attract new traffic to your projects. Today we will talk about how this structure works and how to use its services.

A short tour of the VKontakte exchange

First of all, let's find out what is an advertising exchange, because it is unlikely that it has anything to do with the currency or stock exchange, where brokers constantly shout something, constantly buy and sell, periodically waving a pile of papers.

In the case of the VKontakte exchange, we work with a regular site where we can place our ads in VK publics, offer our own group as a platform for promotion, compare the prices of ads in different communities, and evaluate the coverage of advertising posts. The main task of the VKontakte exchange is balancing the advertising market.

Remember how recently the prices of ad posts in different groups were not burdened, limited or regulated. The advent of the exchange made it possible to settle this chaos, bring advertising prices to the weighted average value and, thereby, help advertisers plan their budget, calculate the return on investment and their effectiveness. In my opinion, with the advent of the exchange, the advertising market began to develop much faster. Analyzing the work of the exchange, one can note such dignity:

  1. Equalizing prices to publish advertisements
  2. The ability to carry out a comparative analysis of several sites, getting statistics
  3. Automation of monitoring the presence of advertisements on the sites. Guaranteed fulfillment of the terms of the transaction

In general, the VKontakte PR exchange can be safely considered the main method of SMM promotion and the guarantor of the development of the advertising industry as such.

The main ways to place your ads on VK

Since many social media users today are looking for options, the question is competent and efficient promotion of projects is more acute than ever. In this regard, it seems to me that it makes sense to talk about the main working methods of promotion in social networks.

Official exchange operating instructions

So, this information will be interesting and useful to those who care about how to make money on a group in contact. For quite a long time, community administrators and advertisers have been patiently waiting for the VKontakte group exchange to appear. Since today we no longer need to repeat the experience of the world famous Hachiko, let's figure it out. how the exchange looks and works.

As the owner of a large public or community, you have the opportunity to make good money on advertising. To do this, you need to add your group to the exchange and invite other users to place advertising posts on your site. For those of you who have no idea how to get listed, you can take advantage of quite simple and unpretentious instructions to connect the community to the promotion service:

Post cost calculation

You should understand how much advertising in VK groups actually costs, because if the price of posting is too high, users simply will not use the services of your site. The VKontakte commission is almost 48% of the price that you set at the start. That is, the total cost your post for the customer will be:

(The price you specified / (100 - 20 (commission))) * 100 * 1.18 (VAT) = price * 1,475

Once again, I would like to draw your attention: social network commission is 47.5% from the cost of accommodation specified by the group administrator. Thus, it turns out that the cost of the post for the customer is simply gigantic.

Rules for posting and displaying posts

If you are interested in how to order advertising for your project through the VK exchange, then you need to know about rules for placing advertising posts... In accordance with these rules, by analogy with buying advertisements under unofficial agreements with group administrators directly, advertisements are fixed in the top of the public. exactly one hour, and after that it stays in the tape for a day. It is physically impossible to circumvent this rule and break it.

Remember that in the “ Advertising exchange»You should specify the topic of the community in which you would like to place your ad post. There you can also write comments to advertisers. The text will be available to everyone in the list of advertising sites.

For one day you will be able to place up to 5 advertising posts, but not more. For more information on the rules of interaction with the exchange, you will find link .

What do you need to know when starting to work with the exchange?

Those who are interested in promoting the VKontakte group on their own should know: the principle of the exchange is in many ways similar to targeted advertising. The only difference is that in the case of the VKontakte service, there is also additional selection specific sites for posting. You submit applications to these groups and either get rejected, or your posts are approved and published. In addition, on the exchange, you have the opportunity to independently choose the type of advertising message - a repost of an existing record in your public or a new post on behalf of the group in which you are promoting your project.

Personally, I really liked the fact that every single post has its own stats... Thanks to it, you can find out how many people viewed your ad, how many clicked on the link, and the like.

For your ad to get the most out of it, it's very important choose the right place to place it. The effectiveness of the promotion depends on the communities in which your post will appear. In order to choose the right sites for promotion, I advise you to read my article on. In it you will find detailed instructions on the selection of effective publics for advertising your project or product.

How profitable is it to use the VKontakte exchange?

The undoubted advantages of the service can be considered:

I must admit that the exchange is equally friendly with both advertisers and community administrators... Thanks to this system, you can no longer worry about the quality of the promotion of your project, because for a certain amount of funds they will do all the work for you. In addition, the exchange solves the problem of making money on existing pages. All you have to do is figure it out and get it up and running. If you already have a group, but have difficulties with promotion, I advise you to use the help that will make your project popular and in demand.

As for the shortcomings of the system, here I would note high cost services. In my opinion, 48% commission is just a rip-off! In addition, you do not have access to all public pages of the network, but only to those that have a daily reach of over 20 thousand people.

If we talk about the benefits that advertisers who have asked for space prices get, then the conditions are really very attractive. However, in this case, it will be much more profitable for customers to use services they are already familiar with, such as Sociate or Plibber, in which a huge database of communities for posting has already been developed. In addition, there is always the opportunity to go around and contact the community administrators directly without overpaying for the exchange services. Let's find out what alternatives we have, and how to make VKontakte advertising cheaper and not to lose in quality and efficiency.

Alternative services

So, suppose that the offer of the contact exchange turned out to be too expensive for us, but we still need advertising. What to do and where to run? Of course, for specialized services for placing advertising posts. Among the most popular exchanges with which I would advise you to work, I would like to highlight:

  • Sociate - the system provides an opportunity to independently select sites for advertising, while avoiding direct contact with the owners of the selected communities. In this case, the exchange acts as an intermediary that takes control of the payment and timeliness of posting. I talked about how to work with this system in a separate article. If you need instructions, I strongly advise you to read this review.
  • Plibber.ru - an analogue of sociate, which provides a high-quality selection of sites for advertising. The main advantage of the service is to provide detailed reports for all ad placements
  • webartex - it article marketing service, here you can order advertising. The system has a fairly large range of tools for promotion and offers advertisers to use an extended set of filters to select advertising sites

We buy advertising space without intermediaries

Despite the fact that working with specialized services allows you to save on buying space for advertising posts, this option of interaction is still not the cheapest. If you are working on a very limited budget, then it makes sense for you contact the community administrators directly where you want to post your posts. This type of interaction remains the most popular and widespread today.

You just need to choose the communities in which you would like to promote your projects, write to the administration of these groups, specifying the conditions for posting, the cost of the service, and then prepare the post itself for posting. Perhaps some of you do not know how to set up VKontakte advertising and write a high-quality and enticing ad. In this case, you can ask the public administrator to do this work for you for a fee.

Features of the method

When choosing a site for posting, remember these important points:


In conclusion, I just want to add that social networks are powerful foothold for promotion goods, services and all sorts of projects. If you are still in doubt whether to use VKontakte advertising or not, put aside all your suspiciousness and get down to business... Remember that almost all large projects have their own pages on social networks! Start promoting your projects right now, do not postpone this business on the back burner. Effective advertising to you, huge traffic and good luck. See you soon, friends!

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Good day everyone! Today we will continue to study monetization VKontakte groups. If you have already managed to create your community on a social network, then we can safely proceed to more serious tasks. I believe that it would be completely logical to devote this article to the topic of how the promotion of groups on VKontakte should look like. This review will be presented in the form of a kind of instruction, which I advise both beginners and experienced Internet businessmen to familiarize themselves with. In order not to pour water on the importance of my review, I propose to start promoting the VKontakte group right now!

Community building and ways to make money

I will not waste your time on stories about how, since I have devoted a separate review to this topic. If you are not familiar with this topic, you do not know, I strongly advise you to get acquainted with my previous publications. In them I tried as accessible and detailed as possible disclose these issues.

Why are you promoting the community? What are your goals?

Before I start telling you about how it happens, I want to ask: “ How do you generally imagine the promotion of the community?". It is clear that everyone wants to have a popular public, but for what? If you find it difficult to give an answer to this simple question, then the situation is not as good as we would like, although not critical.

If you clearly you know why, why and for what it is necessary to create and promote a VKontakte group - to increase activity, motivate people like your entries, do reposts to your pages, comment on posts, participate in discussions, that's great. The most important thing in our business is having a clear goal... Perhaps some of you have more serious intentions, and you have set a goal to sell goods and services in your VKontakte publics

In short, before you continue to study this article, think about what purpose you are pursuing and what do you expect from the promotion of the VKontakte community... Perhaps you just want to attract new readers to your website or blog, or perhaps you want to make a career as a successful "salesperson" and you need to be active in the public in order to advertise your company quickly and for free, tell as many as possible about it potential clients. Basically, goals can be completely different... I have given examples of only the main ones that may be of interest to business groups.

If you have already formulated your aspirations, you can write them down on a piece of paper and visualize, then you are welcome to read our instructions further!

The main ways of promotion

Since both paid methods of promoting a VKontakte group and free ones can be effective, I think it would be appropriate to talk about both. After evaluating each of the options described, having analyzed it, you will be able to decide which is more suitable. for you.

Free of charge

I propose to start with economical promotion, not requiring investment of funds, but with sufficient time... The most popular means for attracting subscribers to communities are the following.

Invite friends to a group

You can promote a VKontakte page free of charge both by sending mass invitations and using the “ Invite a person to a group". Thus, you can not become a trivial spammer, but invite only individual people who, you think, may be interested in your public. In turn, the invited person can either accept or reject your offer. To send an invitation you need to go to the group and go to the section " You are in a group».

After that, a menu will open in front of you, where you will need “ Invite friends". Invitations will be received by all users whose privacy settings are not prohibited from accepting invitations to groups.

Alternatively, you can create several accounts for yourself, recruit friends and send them all invitations. Agree, pretty good, and most importantly, free advertising of the group? You can find friends on special communities, which are called so - " Add to friends". Here, in the shortest possible time, you can recruit a huge number of friends. All you have to do is reply to the posts of users who want to be added as friends, and leave your corresponding post.

Optimize group name for queries

Another proven and effective way to recruit followers to publics can be considered capacious and high-quality name community. In order for your group to appear in the search, write its name in Russian letters, since this is the language in which requests are most often made.

Don't neglect competition data... Try punching out the word you want to use as the name of your public, and see how many namesake groups already exist in contact, and how popular they are. At the first stage, it is extremely important to find a name that would not yet have competitors, reflect the theme of the public, attracted users... Try a few options, and then see which name brought the most followers to the community.

I think you noticed that the names of some groups change from time to time. Moreover, these changes are associated exclusively with the addition of certain keywords associated with some important upcoming event... It can be both an important sports match and a large-scale celebration. Such inconsistency of the name is associated, first of all, with the attraction of new people to the public. Users simply search the network for some information about the event of interest, and as a result, they get to your group.

Reciprocal exchange of advertising with another group in contact (links and posts)

Perhaps one of the most effective options for attracting subscribers to a group can be considered interaction with administrators other communities. You just need to agree with your colleagues about the mutual placement of advertising posts on the walls of your public pages, linking to your groups, and wait for the influx of new users into your communities. Informative posts that contain useful materials.

To find groups for the exchange of advertising, you need to enter in the search VKontakte a request close to the topic of your public... Scroll through the suggested options for thematic groups in which you can find your target audience, and contact their administrators. Reciprocal publications in communities with an equal number of subscribers are interesting to almost all moderators, and therefore you only need competently state your proposal for cooperation.

Frequent posting to your group

At least once a day Remind your followers of your community. One new publication per day is the bare minimum. Ideal if you can post 5-10 fresh posts daily. It is on this principle that VKontakte algorithms work. If you neglect new unique posts, update your news feed at the wrong time, then get ready for the fact that you will not only not increase the number of your subscribers, but also lose existing ones.

Links to the address of the group page from other places

We all understand that on VKontakte the light did not converge like a wedge. That is why I advise you put up advertisements in other places- thematic sites, blogs, forums, alternative social networks such as facebook, classmates and twitter.

Behavioral factors (group activity)

Perhaps some of you will not take this promotion method seriously, however registration of your account for your group can bear very good fruit. Post an engaging advertising post about your community on your wall and pin that post so that it will be at the top and immediately catch the eye of your page visitors.

Now you need create a portrait of your target audience, find out who might be interested in your public, and start looking for potential subscribers.

To attract their attention and get them to go to your page, it's quite simple like avatars these users or leave some flattering comment.


You all know that hashtags- these are the tags that characterize this or that post on the Internet. Most likely, each of you, at least once in your life, has used hashtags. If I'm right, then you have to make friends with this toolkit and start adding it to records in your public. It is the presence of hashtags that will help you attract the attention of the target audience and increase the number of subscribers in the group.


You can find more complete and detailed information on the topic of community promotion in my article on the step-by-step promotion of a public. In the meantime, I suggest you get to know some effective methods, which, with the investment of a certain amount, are capable of much increase the popularity of your community.

Buying a group with a lot of people

Perhaps the simplest, but at the same time expensive, option for promoting a group can be considered the purchase of an already more or less promoted public with a large number of subscribers. Be prepared to spend on this purchase quite a tidy sum... However, in the case of a profitable investment, you will not need to worry about promoting your resource in principle. All that is required of you is to keep the community popular, stir up the interest of users to his news and publications.

To find a group to buy, just go through seo forums like searchengines.guru or forum.antichat.ru in topics "Social networks: pages, groups"... Often, group owners make publications themselves that they want to sell their business. In any case, regardless of how you find a free public, remember that purchase / sale transactions must be concluded only through reliable guarantors... Also, before making a purchase, view group statistics, make sure that the seller is indeed the creator of the public.

Paying money to users for joining a group in a contact

As you know from my past reviews, there are special sites on the network where ordinary people do certain actions for little money. One such paid assignment is joining a community in contact. Think, the usability of such services is obvious- you do not need to “bother” about negotiating with each individual person about joining your public, you just pay money and get the desired result. So, for 1000 rubles, you can easily buy the same number of subscribers. In this case, the cost of VKontakte advertising will be only 1 ruble per person. Agree, very inexpensive?

I suggest you get acquainted with a small list of sites where you can buy new subscribers for your group:

  1. Socelin.ru - perhaps one of the best sites for promoting not only VKontakte groups, but also on Facebook, and on classmates, and on other social networks. This site will be quite enough to make initial set of subscribers
  2. likesrock.com Is a fairly economical and, I would even say, a budget site where users are paid mere pennies for completing tasks. From this we can make a logical conclusion - you have to work very hard to make money and risk being banned by the social network. I don't think you need users in the group with a dog on the avatar and, as a result, a ban for cheating subscribers
  3. vktarget.ru Is an opportunity to attract the attention of new users to your community for reasonable money
  4. vkserfing.ru - differs in that they work exclusively with the VKontakte platform

Use Socelin to boost your public subscribers

Buying ads in communities through the VK exchange

The social network VKontakte has developed special exchange which allows advertisers to use the site as advertising platform... Its idea is that you, being the owner of the community, advertise your public in the free space of the site for money (you all see small ads in the left block of your page every day). To do this, you need to go to the section " Advertise community»And choose what exactly you want to promote (in our case it is a group, public or community). After that you set up After that you commit setting up advertising according to the specified parameters- upload an attractive image, indicate the geolocation and demographic characteristics of potential subscribers, their interests.

Do not neglect the rules of advertising, write all the information according to a given template. Then indicate what exactly will you pay for(these can be clicks on your link or ad impressions) and proceed to direct advertising.

It is likely that this promotion method will allow you significant way to increase the number of subscribers to the community. However, as you can imagine, advertising is a risky business, every little thing is important here. Despite the fact that this method of promotion is quite costly, it's worth trying it in action. To save some money, I advise you to pay for impressions of your ad, not for clicks. The effect in this case is about the same, but it costs 4 times cheaper.

Personally, I believe that using this type of paid advertising is advisable only for those who sell goods, services, affiliate programs in their groups. If you are the owner of the information community, then it seems to me that it is better to refuse this method of promotion.

Promotion using software

Alternatively, you can seek help from professional software that will perform the promotion for you. So, for example, he will be engaged in sending out offers to join your community instead of you, and publication automators- they will back you up and publish the latest news in the feed in a timely manner. I will present you with a small list of "assistants" who will perfectly cope with your work and will perfectly promote the public:

  • Brobot ;
  • Sobot ;

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

I will not go into details in this review, but I strongly recommend that all interested readers find out detailed information about these programs in my reviews devoted to the disclosure of this topic, and choose your bot engine for VK.

Advertising on the walls of other groups for a fee

I have already mentioned above that you can negotiate with the owners of other publics about mutually beneficial advertising placement. However, I clarified that in this case you need to look for public pages with a similar topic and equal popularity to your community. If you want to promote your group in a more popular public, then you can agree with the administrator about placing your ad for a fee. I want to note right away that advertising cost in the VKontakte news feed of a particular VKontakte group will differ depending on the number of her subscribers.

There is a wonderful site called sociate.ru ... On it, you can buy advertising posts in various groups or sell space for them on yours. Works in a similar way plibber.ru ... In my opinion, the use of these services makes it much easier for us to find advertising sites, on which you can place ads of the nature we need. In addition, official services solve the problem of how to pay for VKontakte advertising so as not to become a victim of scammers and unscrupulous admins who took money but did not place advertising.

Conducting contests

To replenish the number of subscribers of the group with different freeloaders wishing to win some kind of prize, you can hold a corresponding drawing. The only thing you have to spend money on is to buy a gift, which will be drawn as a result of your competition. Most often, contests are held among those who joined the group and shared the necessary contest entry on their page. The selection of the winner takes place randomly, it is selected by a special program. To avoid accusations that the rally was played unfairly, it is best to make a video recording of the moment when the favorite was determined.

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Promotion with unique text (content)

An important point in promoting the group is uniqueness and originality the material used to fill it. Do not just try to distort articles and images from competitors or download from the net. Remake the texts you like, make changes to them, make them different from others.

Considering that not everyone can independently write a high-quality text on a given topic, I advise you to contact for help at special copyright exchanges, where you can not only order the necessary content, but also select the ready-made content offered in the list for sale.


Summarizing all of the above, I want to note that the promotion of VKontakte very versatile and requires a systematic approach... Only the use of different methods in combination will allow you to achieve the desired result and make your group truly popular and in demand. Experiment, try, take risks. Remember, any advertisement has a right to life. Be persistent and persistent, see you soon!

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Quite detailed, where they told all 10 ways to promote on Instagram.

The next couple of days they answered questions when there will be the same article about promotion in contact. Since putting things back on the back burner is not our mug of tea, here's the material for you.


According to our tradition, we will start with facts and end with concrete actions. Judging by the latest information provided by Vkontakte, one can once again confirm that quite a few companies should start their development there.

Although, personally, we have now shifted our focus towards Facebook. But we will also discuss and raise this topic, however, next time.


You got it right. 64.4 million unique users visit Vkontakte every month. Just imagine this figure! Well, as they say, to completely finish you off, here's another picture:

Another statistic

And then you got it right. Vkontakte is in the first place in terms of attendance and leaves behind such projects as: Youtube, Yandex and Google.

By the way, remember earlier there was a myth that mostly schoolchildren are in contact (by the way, I don't know a country where 80% of Internet users are schoolchildren).

Audience yield

Do you think this is old information? No. If you pay attention, the study was conducted in 2017 with the involvement of the best analytical agencies in the world. So I think it's worth trusting.

The agony of choice

Well, with the fact that there are people in VK, there are a lot of them and they can buy, I think we figured it out. Now let's take a look at how and what you can advertise on VK. And if you are in doubt that your business needs social networks, then read the article.

Let's start with the main types of sites that we can use for our military operations:

1. Personal page

Strictly speaking, the personal page of a specific person. But if earlier everyone was cunning and designed a page for their business and added to friends, now this method of promotion is practically dead.

The page will be constantly frozen, blocked and, ultimately, banned, so I do not recommend promoting your business like this.

Since, firstly, it is now forbidden to create a page without a real name (in special cases, they even ask for a scan of the passport).

Secondly, they began to be banned quite often for their increased activity, especially if these are young pages. In general, one hemorrhoid. Do you need it? So it's better to use your personal one for its intended purpose.

2. Group or public page

But for the promotion of a business, either a group or a public page (public) is suitable. Almost the same, with minor differences.

Groups are mainly aimed at communicating with people, while publics, in turn, are aimed at informing people. In order not to go into details, in 99 cases out of 100, you need a public page. Trust us.

By the way! Now the group can be transferred quickly and free of charge to the public, and vice versa. This can be done in the "community settings" or write to the technical support of the site.

3. Activities

Events are of course created for holding any kind of event. These can be workshops, concerts, seminars or, for example, an opening.

When creating them, be sure to indicate when they begin and when they end. Therefore, you need to know the date, time and even a specific place.

Again, in practice, if you plan to notify about the opening of your business, for example, it is better to do this immediately through the public page.

So what can you do?

Types of advertising in VK

Okay, let's say you created a community. Or even perhaps they decided not to attract people as subscribers to the group, but immediately lead them to your site or to your company through advertising.

By the way, many people forget about this, everyone thinks that it is necessary to attract subscribers to the group, when you can immediately advertise and attract them to your business. Think about how it will be more profitable for you.

Made a decision? If not, write in the comments, we will help you with advice on how to do it better.

Still, let's continue, how do you invite people and promote your business ?! This is the most important thing, otherwise it will come from the series “The restaurant was opened, but they forgot to make the door”. But before that, there are a few terms that I will use and maybe you do not know them:

  1. Fake - a page completely created and filled with the program, with an imitation of the real one;
  2. Brutus - abandoned accounts of people who have lost access to them. New access is obtained by hacking;
  3. Dogs - pages that have been blocked for which are awaiting the restoration of access or complete deletion;
  4. Repost - when you share someone else's post on your page without changing the authorship.


Invite friends

This is not advertising, but one of the types of promotion, so I'll tell you more. In this case, there are two variants of events, however, I would call the second one no longer working. Although, if you work on a very small scale, then why not.

Option 1

If you have a group, you can invite your friends to join it. Only this has limits. You can send no more than 40 invitations per day.

If you have a public, then you, as a member of the public, can tell your friends about it by clicking “Tell” in it.

tell friends

Option 2

Remember I told you about personal pages? One of the many-way deals is buying fake accounts and adding friends to people with the criteria you need (possibly with the subsequent invitation to your group).

Naturally, because of the limits, you need not 1 or 2 fakes, but hundreds. For this, special programs or services are used (for example, Bosslike). If anyone thinks that this is a cheap form of advertising, then let's count.

  1. One hundred brute or fake accounts - 700 rubles (100 pieces for 7 rubles);
  2. One hundred proxies for each account - 3,000 rubles (100 pieces of 30 rubles each);
  3. Program - 1,000 rubles per month.

The total is about 5 thousand rubles per month. And you still need to learn how to use this and update bots, because they will be banned constantly.

Targeted advertising

Side Advertising Advertising in the feed

It can be either in the form of a banner on the left, or flicker in the news feed. Here are some examples ...

I will say right away that I will not describe in detail about this in this article. This is a whole science.

But we will definitely open it on our blog, it is useless to keep secrets for such a good person like you. I'll just tell you why she is so wonderful.

If you know your target audience, then you can create an ad just for that audience. Gender, age, place of residence, preferences, interests - all this is indicated by Vkontakte users.

And it is by these criteria that you can find them and show your ads. Engaged girls from 18 to 22 who have an iphone and have a birthday in 2 weeks? Easy!

Find them and make them an offer you can't refuse. By the way, you can pay for it in two ways:

  1. For impressions;
  2. For clicks (transitions to a group or website).

I know there is a desire to set up everything on your own and I am not discouraging you. Just be prepared that it will take quite a long time.

Life hack. If you are going to set up targeted advertising in VK yourself, then I recommend the Getuniq service. Passage of moderation is many times faster and a good bonus when replenishing the advertising budget.

There is no SMM direction in our agency, so we can safely recommend our partner in social networks.

I devote this article to the basic questions of a beginner smo-schnik, how to properly promote a VKontakte group, what promotion methods exist, how to bring a group to the TOP and not get banned. There are many options for promotion, they can be divided into paid and free:

- Promotion through advertising exchanges;
- advertising agencies;
- contextual advertising;
- services of online promotion services.

A few tips for advertising in groups:
- Use a prominent, vivid image and motivating text;
- The text should not be too long (maximum 140 characters), otherwise it will not be read;
- Advertise your group in groups with similar topics and user characteristics.
- We advise you to advertise yourself in large groups on general topics;
- More is better. Advertising in 20 groups for 200 rubles, better than one for 4000 rubles;
- Overly expensive posts do not always bring the desired effect.
- Choose the time to publish your posts, the "hottest" time is from 19:00 to 21:00.

VKontakte contextual advertising
This method involves advertising a group on pages for a given targeting. There are two main ways to pay for ads - clicks and impressions. Impressions are significantly cheaper, but less effective.

- You only pay for unique live transitions;
- Wide targeting settings to select the target audience;
- High efficiency.

- Very high cost, even more expensive than Facebook;
- Guarantee that after the transition the user will join the group or the event is not.

Specialized services for promotion
There are services that provide services for the promotion of communities in a social network. The most popular are Sarafanka, SOC-service, ForumOK. Here everything is so that you pay other users for the fact that they will advertise your community, invite friends, like, post comments, etc. P.

Free ways to promote a VKontakte group.
1. Sending invitations to join the group manually or by bots;
2. Optimization for VKontakte search;
3. Promotion of a group for a search query in google or Yandex (yes, groups are indexed);
4. Attracting traffic from other sites to the group;
5. Collaboration with thematic communities;
6. Contests and promotions;
7. Ads through user profiles;
7. Programs and scripts for promotion.

1. Sending invitations to join
The most popular and easy way to promote a group is to send applications to unfamiliar users. Limit of 40 invites per account. Create several fake accounts in advance. It is better to invite users who are online at the time of the mailing, the chance that a person will join is many times greater.

2. Optimization for VKontakte search
This method is effective and safe. Focus on ensuring that your group is quickly found when you enter some words into the search. Optimization includes the introduction of popular keywords in the title, description, video, audio group.

3. Promotion of a group for a search query in google or yandex
Do the same as in the previous method with keywords. The main thing is to choose the right keywords.

4. Attracting traffic from other sites to the group
The principle of operation is the same as for website promotion. Place a link to the group on thematic resources.

5. Collaboration with thematic communities
Place a link to your group in the "Friends" section of other groups. The partner group should be thematic. Paid or free, that's how you agree.

6. Contests and announcements through profiles
Most effective method. Announce any competition or announcement through people who have many friends. All their friends see this ad in the news and many follow your link. The loyalty of the visitors received in this way is much higher, as well as the number of those who will join, since they follow their friend's link.

7. Programs and scripts for promotion.
I will not describe all the advantages, only the name of the main programs VKInviter, FvCheat and VKBot, all descriptions and purposes are on the net. It is worth noting that for active promotion through such programs, you may be threatened with a ban.

Whichever demand for promotion you choose, you need to remember that the most important thing is to constantly update the information on the page, write interesting news, add photos to albums, audio and video, also do not forget to open new discussions and delete spam. Nobody wants to join abandoned groups with a lot of spam. Before promoting a group, you need to artificially catch up with subscribers. The number of already established active users is very important for new entries.

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