Contest live classics personal account. International competition for young reciters "living classics"

Contest live classics personal account. International competition for young reciters "living classics"


The All-Russian competition for young readers "Living Classics" is a unique-scale event to promote reading among children. Within the framework of the competition, teenagers aged 10-13 years old recite excerpts from their favorite prose works. The competition was established in 2011. The pilot project was attended by 20,000 sixth graders from 7 cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tomsk, Kirov, Gavrilov-Yam). The jury of the competition included famous Russian writers M. Weller, A. Korolev, V. Popov and others. In 2012, the I All-Russian competition for young reciters "Living Classics" received the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Minis ...

The All-Russian competition for young readers "Living Classics" is a unique-scale event to promote reading among children. Within the framework of the competition, teenagers aged 10-13 years old recite excerpts from their favorite prose works. The competition was established in 2011. The pilot project was attended by 20,000 sixth graders from 7 cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tomsk, Kirov, Gavrilov-Yam). The jury of the competition included famous Russian writers M. Weller, A. Korolev, V. Popov, etc. press and mass communications and was supported by the heads of all regions of the Russian Federation. From February 1 to June 1, 2012, sixth graders from all over the country read aloud their favorite prose literary texts, trying to reveal their meaning and imagery as fully as possible. In 2013, the reading competition became international. In total, in 2013, about 2.5 million teenagers from 83 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the competition, as well as Russian-speaking children from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poland and Turkey.

The International Competition for Russian-Speaking Readers was established by the Living Classics Non-Profit Foundation in 2011. The project is aimed at increasing the popularity of literature among the younger generation, at nurturing thoughtful young readers and at restoring the traditions of family reading.

The winners of the Living Classics competition, who have passed all the selection stages, are awarded educational trips and trips, valuable gifts, certificates for staying in international children's camps, as well as theater master classes.

The final of the project takes place on Red Square, and among the members of the jury are famous artists, writers and TV presenters. To be able to apply for participation in the competition, you must register on the portal and have access to your personal account Live Classics.

Personal account features

Access to your personal account Live classics opens up a lot of opportunities for the participants of the competition, parents and curators:

  1. There is access to the "Live Classics" community, where you can quickly receive information about ongoing events, the dates of the stages of competitions, as well as communicate with other participants on the forum.
  2. You get the opportunity to apply for participation in the Live Classics contests for young readers - both face-to-face and online.
  3. Authorized users have the right to vote for the members they like.
  4. Registered participants have the opportunity to view media materials presented on the portal, subscribe to webinars, and also use the online library.

Users of the Living Classics community can view archived materials on the portal, as well as study the lists of schools participating in various stages of the competition.

Personal account registration

To create a personal account on the "Live Classic" portal, you need to find the "Register" button on the main page of the site. After the transition, you need to choose who you are - a participant or a curator, since registration forms and the functionality of a personal account for children and adults differ significantly. Live classics registration

Prospective participants in the competition must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Select the "Registration of children" tab.
  2. Fill out the registration form, which includes fields for entering important contact information (name, phone number, e-mail, address, school number, class, age, gender).
  3. After filling out the form, press the "Register" button.
  4. Go to the personal mail specified during registration and open an automatically generated letter with an individual identifier.
  5. Return to the registration section and enter the password that came to your mail in the appropriate field.
  6. From the SMS that came to the phone, enter the digital code in the required field.

Member status selection: participant, curator, fan

Email confirmation

Password input

This completes the registration of the participant on the Live Classics portal. Now you will have access to all the features of an authorized user, and most importantly, you will be able to apply for participation in face-to-face and online contests established by the Non-Profit Foundation.

A similar procedure with the introduction of data is carried out by curators (parents, school directors, librarians, teachers), but when registering on the portal, they also need to indicate their place of work, as well as inform their position.

Login to your personal account

Subsequent authorization on the portal and entry into the personal account of the Live Classics is carried out according to a simple algorithm: the e-mail specified during registration is used as the login, and the personal identification code that you received by mail acts as the password. entrance to your personal account Live Classics

Recovering a forgotten password is also a fairly simple procedure. Click on the active link "Forgot your password?", Located under the authorization form, enter your e-mail address in the field and click on the button. A new identifier will be sent to your e-mail. Enter the received password in the required line, wait for the SMS with the code to arrive on your phone. After all these manipulations, you will be able to use all the functionality of the "Live Classic" personal account again.

Contacts and technical support

You can register in the LC, as well as receive information about events and competitions held on the official website of the non-profit foundation

Log in to your personal account Live Classics by following the link

If you have any difficulties during registration, subsequent authorization, or if you have questions about using the service, you can always contact technical support by sending it to the address [email protected] email.

In general, all the activities of the organization and the specifics of participation in competitive programs are detailed in the relevant sections of the portal. Here curators can get all the necessary information about the algorithm for submitting applications, instructions for linking schools to a personal account, as well as the rules for conducting school and regional stages of the "Living Classics" competition and posting reports on their results.

Dear curators of the municipal (district) stage!

During the school phase, many schools encountered difficulties in registering and posting reports. We ask you to follow our instructions for work during the district stage.

1. Registration.

If you have already registered on the site last year or earlier, recover your password, please follow the link or on the Live Classic website open the Personal Account section. Enter the login (email) you used to register. Leave the password field blank. You will receive a new password by email. Use the link in the letter to enter your personal account.

When filling out the questionnaire, you must indicate the phone number in the format +7,

In field school need to choose "My school is not on the list."

After registration, you will receive a letter by mail. Follow the instructions in the letter. The site will require authorization - you need to enter the code from the SMS message, it will come to your phone number.

2. Submit information about the district stage.

Log into your Personal Account, click on Profile, check your details, the Profile must be completely filled out (except for the school).

Complete the District Stage page (Create District Stage). Indicate the place, date and time of the stage, your contact information. Save.

3.To tie schools.

Click "Edit district stage". You need to link the schools of your district to your personal account. Find "Manage school stage links", click on the box after the instructions, tick your schools, click "Link school stages".

These schools will appear in the upper left after the venue information. When you click on the school, you will be taken to the page of the school stage, you will be able to see the winners, photos.

If you do not see any schools and cannot link them to your area, it means that they either did not register, or did not post a report, or they encountered technical difficulties.

We ask you to admit to the district stage all winners of the school stage, regardless of whether they are registered or not. Now it is not technically possible to add all schools and all winners of school stages so that you can see them in your personal account. These works will be carried out all the time, but by the end of the regional stages we may not have time to find and bring in everyone.

4. Submit a report on the regional stage.

After the stage, you need to mark three winners, indicate works and authors, upload photos.

We ask you to conduct a competition. If, according to the results of the competition, there are unregistered children among the 3 winners, please inform us about this. We need the following information - contacts of the school supervisor, surname, name of the child, school number. We will add them to the site so that your report is complete.

In the subject line, please indicate - DISTRICT STAGE, I CANNOT MARK THE WINNER.

If you have questions about the work of your personal account in the subject line, please indicate - DISTRICT STAGE, PERSONAL OFFICE.

"Living Classics" is an international competition for young readers, established by the non-profit foundation of the same name in 2011 as a project aimed at increasing the popularity of literature among young readers. Over the years, among the members of the jury were famous artists, TV presenters, actors and writers, and the winners were awarded educational trips to other countries, certificates for children's international camps, valuable gifts, teaching theatrical skills. You can register as a participant in the competition through the Live Classics personal account, available on the official website of the competition.

Personal account features

By registering a personal account Live Classics, future participants of the competition, as well as their parents and curators, have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in the Live Classics community.
  • Apply online to participate in the Young Reading Contest.
  • Vote for other members.
  • Use an extensive library, view media materials.
  • Participate in discussions.
  • Subscribe to webinars.
  • View the latest competition news and communities.

Registration and login to your personal account

To register a personal account, you must select the appropriate menu item on the left side of the main page of the site. Next, you should indicate which participant is registered: an adult, a curator or a student. Registration forms for them will be different.

For the actual future participants of the competition, you will need to fill out a form containing only the data of the name, e-mail address and the desired password. After that, the entrance to the Live Classics personal account becomes available. However, to fill out an application for participation in the competition, you must fill out separately and send a special form by clicking the button in your personal account "Take part in ...".

You can recover your account password directly on the website by using the appropriate button on the Live Classic account login page. Further, in the field that appears, enter the email address specified during the registration of the account. Detailed instructions for restoring credentials will be sent to it. Proceeding as instructed, you should reset the old password and create a new login password.

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