Which telecom operator is best for making calls. The most profitable tariff plans from all Russian mobile operators have been named

Which telecom operator is best for making calls. The most profitable tariff plans from all Russian mobile operators have been named


In order to choose the best and most profitable tariff of a mobile operator, most often, you don't need to change your usual phone number... It is enough to familiarize yourself with the tariff parameters of your telecom operator and it is banal to switch to a new one ... or stay with what you have. However, the prices of your current TP also do not interfere with "refreshing", because while you were busy with more important things for yourself, your operator could have "corrected" them long ago, and you hardly received SMS about deplorable changes. First you have to remember or find out "what is my tariff":

How to find out your tariff:

  • MTS: * 111 * 59 # [call]
  • Beeline: * 110 * 05 # [call]
  • Megaphone:
    * 105 * 2 * 0 # [call] (Central branch)
    * 225 # [call] (Ural branch, section "Your tariff")
    * 160 # [call] (Volga branch)
    * 105 * 1 * 3 # [call] (Siberian branch)
    * 105 * 1 * 1 # [call] (Caucasian branch)

Or call your carrier's customer service.

Analysis of running costs

So, we will assume that you have already gone over the prices of the tariff plans of your own operator and the proposals of competitors, and also did not forget to carefully read the small hard-to-read footnotes below them. What to do next? Next, you should familiarize yourself with your current expenses at least for the last three months... To do this, I recommend ordering monthly invoices and details of expenses for the specified period of time by e-mail. This is done using "personal accounts" available for each mobile operator:

  • MTS: Internet Assistant (also available through the "Personal Account")
  • Beeline: Service Management System
  • MegaFon: Service Guide
  • Sky Link: Skypoint
  • Matrix: MATRIX open

Having received the password to the "personal account" of our operator and ordered the necessary documents, we carefully and scrupulously study them. Perhaps this will already be enough for you to understand the reason for the extra spending. For example, in detail, you can find some paid SMS-subscriptions imposed on you or mysterious outgoing calls to short numbers (example). If so, knock on the contact center of your operator by all available means, demand that subscriptions be disabled (for MTS subscribers, subscriptions are disabled independently through the "My Subscriptions" service) and return all the money to you. Sometimes it helps. If you have no problems with this, and your current tariff is really outdated and requires replacement, proceed to the next step.

Calculation of the average cost of a minute of conversation

This is the key point of our article. Many (if not most) subscribers simply do not know how to choose a tariff for themselves, guided by data from unscrupulous advertisements or information on the package of the tariff itself.

Remember! It is important to know and analyze not the cost of a single call, but the average cost per minute based on all calls of at least one, and preferably three months.

We take a monthly invoice and summarize in it the number of all outgoing minutes. Then we look at the figure of your expenses and deduct from it the costs for all non-voice services, except for services that reduce the cost of calls. If your monthly fee also includes packages of non-voice services (SMS, Internet), approximately (by eye) deduct their cost from it, focusing on the average market price of such packages. Next, we divide the remaining costs for calls of a specific period by the number of outgoing minutes pronounced and get cost price of one minute.


Your bill for the month was 200 rubles. Of these, 100 rubles. spent on calls, 30 rubles. - monthly fee for "favorite number" and 70 rubles. you spent on internet and messages. At the same time, they talked for 100 outgoing minutes. Total, 200 - 70 rubles. = 130 rubles. / 100 minutes = 1.3 rubles / minute.

Thus, we get a rough picture of the cost of one minute based on one or more months. And it doesn't matter that a single call of such and such a number cost you 30-40 rubles, but on a dozen others you could save money, and in general your tariff is very profitable. The main thing is what this cost per minute is and how much it suits you. According to current realities, I advise you to unequivocally look for a replacement for the tariff plan, if the cost of one minute with a relatively active communication it turns out over RUB 1.5 It is expensive.

If, after such calculations, you realized that your tariff is too wasteful, and the waste has been exceeding reasonable limits for several months, you should figure out which of the tariffs available for the transition is closest to your communication profile and then arm yourself with Excel. I will tell you how this is done using the example of MTS's own tariff "Long Talks" and I will try to calculate whether I should change it to the Red Energy TP.


So, I have doubts about the profitability of my Long Conversations tariff plan, and I want to understand whether the Red Energy tariff will be cheaper for me. Based on the analysis of the details, I know that on average (for the most part) I make local outgoing calls for 7 minutes, mainly to mobile phones. At the same time, I have an option that lowers the cost of calls "Better Together" is enabled, which makes it possible to communicate within an MTS group at 7 kopecks / minute for a monthly fee of 45 rubles. per month. When switching to Red Energy, this option will be preserved, so I will not take it into account. I only compare the cost of all other local calls to mobile numbers at two tariffs with the average call duration, which happens to me most often. In the table below, I have calculated total cost conversation for calls of 5, 10 and 15 minutes to cellular networks and compared it for our two tariffs. Note, I deliberately did not compare the price of a 1-minute conversation, since According to my statistics, such calls happen quite rarely and it is logical that occasionally overpay the difference of 1.8 rubles. will be much less costly than often overpaying much more significant amounts during long conversations. Screenshot of calculations in Excel:

So, from the table we can clearly see that the price of any of the three calls on Long Conversations will be more profitable for me than on Red Energy, and even after MTS “Long Conversations” has spoiled it. In this case, Red Energy will not be saved by the per-second tariffication from the 2nd minute of the conversation against the wake-up call on Long Conversations. The received call cost is highlighted in red in the table above. It is not hard to understand that cost price of one minute on Long Conversations there will be for me lower than Red Energy. For example, with 5 minutes of conversation, it will be 1.66 rubles, and with a 10-minute conversation - only 88 kopecks. And together with "Better Together" I will get the cost price of a minute even lower. Plus, sometimes you can connect for 10 rubles. per day "Unlimited calls" within the network. Therefore, the price of the first minute of conversation is rather high at 3.7 rubles. in this case, I should not be repelled.

Conclusion: we do not change the tariff and remain on "Long conversations" for now.

The moral of the fable

This is my model for calculating the profitability of tariff proposals. Its key is the cost of an average minute of your communication. It is worth relying on it. Of course, there are a lot of different tariffs now, there are also a lot of communication profiles, and you shouldn't forget about additional services. But, understanding the essence, I think you can calculate (of course, approximately) the profitability of almost any offer by comparing it with others.

If you actively use additional services, such as SMS, mobile Internet or long distance, and in your monthly bill / detailing costs for them exceed reasonable limits, I advise you to look at various tariffs with already included in the subscription fee or mandatory monthly payment with packages of options you need and in advance calculate the upcoming costs for them in a similar way, comparing with the current ones.

Also, operators have many packages, unlimited options and bonus programs that will significantly reduce your total monthly bill, albeit for an additional subscription fee. Do not be afraid of the subscriber, sometimes it will only do you good!

With unlimited tariffs (or pseudo-unlimited with restrictions of 2-3 thousand minutes per month) it is even easier. If you communicate a lot, just compare, whether the monthly fee for a similar tariff will be lower than your current expenses or not... Plus, don't forget about additional options. And everything will fall into place.

Remember, no one is better than you yourself with a good, profitable, cheap cellular tariff. And this is your money!

If you have any additional questions, need advice or just want to express yourself, leave your comments below or write on ours. We will definitely discuss!

Almost every phone owner uses the mobile Internet these days. Most want to determine which operator is the best for the mobile Internet. It is becoming more and more difficult to do this, since each cellular operator is trying to attract a large number of new customers by improving their services in terms of the quality and cost of the Internet.

Criteria for choosing a mobile Internet

Before dwelling on any of the operators, there are several parameters to consider that can help you make the right choice. These include the following criteria:

  • speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • price.

Recently, the cost has played the most insignificant role, since the price of mobile Internet for each operator is approximately the same, and even the cheapest tariff is quite a bit inferior in cost to the most expensive one.

Particular attention should be paid to the speed and the number of gigabytes provided. When choosing the Internet for the mobile, one must take into account how the owner of the smartphone will use the traffic. If you plan to watch movies on your phone, then the minimum connection speed should be at least 1 Mbps. For video calls on Skype you need from 512 Kbps, and for online games - 128–256 Kbps. The volume of traffic also depends on the purpose for which the Internet will be used for the phone.

MTS is one of the most popular operators throughout Russia and in neighboring countries. The provider's tariffs are very diverse, flexible and have differentiated offers for owners of different mobile devices. In the competitive struggle, all cellular operators are trying to improve their services, and MTS is no exception.

The company offers its customers a choice of the following tariff plans for a smartphone:

  1. "Internet-Maxi".
  2. "Internet Mini".
  3. "Internet VIP".

The difference between the three tariffs lies in the cost and the number of megabytes provided for a month. So, in "Internet-Mini" the client gets 3 GB of traffic for use during the day and pays 350 rubles. Thus, the cost of 1 GB is 116 rubles 67 kopecks. "Internet Mini" provides 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day for 700 rubles. This means that for 1 MB you will have to pay less than 6 kopecks, and for 1 GB - 58 rubles. "Internet-VIP" allows unlimited use, and daily traffic is 30 GB at a price of 1,200 rubles - 40 rubles / GB. If a subscriber has the opportunity to pay 1,200 rubles a month, then the "Internet-VIP" package will be the most optimal solution.

The company also provides an opportunity to use it on smartphones and tablets. To do this, it is necessary, the cost of which is 12.90 rubles per day in almost all regions, except for Moscow and the Moscow region, where from the second month MTS subscribers will have to pay 19 rubles per day.

This mobile operator has four service packages:

  1. 600 minutes + 300 SMS.
  2. 1 100 minutes + 500 SMS.
  3. 2 200 minutes + 1 000 SMS.
  4. 3 300 minutes + 3 000 SMS.

The cost of each package is respectively 500, 800, 1200 and 1800 rudders per month. Each of them provides the ability to connect to unlimited Internet. Thus, the subscriber has a chance to use unlimited mobile Internet for 500 rubles a month. In addition, the user must have 500 rubles in the account. This amount will initially be frozen and eventually returned to the owner.


Choosing mobile Internet, it is very difficult to say which operator is better. In any case, Megafon is on the list of the best. The company offers its customers fast but relatively expensive internet for smartphones in its All Inclusive line:

  1. VIP - 2,700 rubles.
  2. L, XL - 950-1 350 rubles.
  3. M - 810 rubles.
  4. S - 570 rubles.

The cost is indicated taking into account the subscription fee and payment for connecting unlimited. It cannot be said that it is the cheapest, however, unlike Beeline, the process of paying for services on Megafon is much easier. The first connection is free, and each subsequent connection will cost 100 rubles. Based on how the subscriber uses other options, the most favorable tariff can be any of the above.

Internet from Tele2

This is another operator to be mentioned. Tele2 offers its subscribers three tariffs:

  1. 7 GB: 299 rubles
  2. 15 GB: RUB 599
  3. 30 GB: 899 rubles

Thus, the price of 1 GB in these tariffs is 42.71 rubles, 40 rubles. and 30 rubles. This is also a good suggestion. Of course, the mobile Internet from Tele2 is not the most profitable, but the cost of 1 GB is cheaper than in the tariffs from MTS.


The last of the providers that provides its subscribers with unlimited mobile Internet is an operator called Yota. In addition to traffic, Yota offers unlimited messages and calls within the network, as well as 100, 300, 600, 900 or 1200 minutes to numbers of other operators.

Not the best moment is that a phone with a Yota card cannot be fully used as a modem. If you do this, then 3G will not function at full capacity. The speed will be limited to 128 Kbps, but for tasks that do not require a high-speed connection, it will be enough to ensure good performance.

Many believe that the quality of communication on Yota is not the best among all others, however, the services of this operator are available in all regions where Megafon is connected.

A large number of subscribers are wondering which operator to choose to connect to the Internet via a modem. The first on the list is. This is one of the best rates for a modem. To connect it, you need to purchase a modem from MTS. Any other company's device will not work. The data transfer rate is approximately 21 Mb / s. The activation cost is RUB 699. After that, the subscriber must pay 600 rubles for each month.

Good Internet for a modem is provided by Beeline and Megafon. The cost can be up to 1,000 rubles. depending on the region. Also, these two operators give their customers access to entertainment content (exchangers, game servers) without traffic billing.

We must look at where the connection is better. Depending on the region of residence, the communication quality of the same operator may differ. You also need to take into account the additional opportunities provided by the tariff plan. For example, if you need a package of free minutes or test messages, then you can pay attention to the service package from Beeline for 1,800 rubles. In the case when only the Internet is needed, the same Beeline offers unlimited inexpensively - only for 500 rubles. per month. For about the same amount, you can connect the most unlimited from Megafon, overpaying some 70 rubles.

In cases where unlimited is not an urgent need, you can connect Mini from MTS for 350 rubles. and be able to download and upload 3 GB of data.

Based on the above material, we can conclude that the cheapest package is from Beeline for 500 rubles, connecting which it becomes possible to use unlimited traffic. The disadvantage of the tariff is postpay. For 570 p. You can activate "All inclusive" from Megafon, but you must take into account that there may be additional costs associated with calls and sending text messages.

Each of the operators offers a wide variety of tariff plans, so any user will find a suitable one. When choosing, one should not be guided by which of the tariffs is the cheapest, but should take into account the entire model of using a smartphone. Someone only needs traffic, while others need minutes and SMS.

It is no longer possible to imagine a modern person without a mobile device, and most of them have a built-in option for connecting to the Internet. Many people really need a cellular communication function to access the Internet - this is laying routes, communicating and sending multimedia messages in instant messengers, watching online videos and much more. Without these functions for the mobile Internet, our life would be very boring.

Many companies specializing in the provision of mobile services offer their subscribers not only voice call services, but also special lines of tariff plans. They are ideally optimized for the smartphone so that the customer can optimize their costs as much as possible and get a reliable high-speed connection. But there is also a large selection of special lines of the Internet for the tablet, that is, almost only with dedicated Internet traffic.

But which operator should you choose so that, as they say, everyone was able to get what was conceived - the minimum cost and good quality of communication?

When choosing one or another line of tariff plans offered by a provider, you should pay attention to several important parameters at once, so as not to wait for hours to download videos or other content:

  • To understand and understand the question of which operator is better for the Internet, you should understand that if a signal speed of up to 1 Mb is provided, then online TV viewing services will not be available to you.
  • If video communication via Skype is supposed, then the speed parameter should be more than 500 KB per second.
  • If you are a fan of browser games, then you need a speed of over 256 MB.

In addition, the speed of signal transmission, for the mobile Internet to work well, may also depend on physical parameters - the distance of the device from the equipment of the cellular operator.

You should choose the best offer that is on the mobile data market, following these tips:

  1. You should choose the optimal tariff plan from all the operators' offers, find a good tariff that best suits your needs. For example, the available daily or monthly traffic quota.
  2. Open the Internet on your stationary computer and look at the coverage map of each of the selected operator in order to determine the best option for yourself.
  3. It is possible to test each operator in practice, but for this you will have to first buy sim cards and do online speed testing. You can decide for yourself whether the offer is right for you or not.

Overview of offers on the Russian market

Today, when using the mobile Internet, many users abandon their usual smartphones in favor of tablets, so they are interested in current offers specifically for the tablet. But we will consider options for both smartphones and tablets.

So, what attractive deals do the different operators have?

From MTS

This provider is very popular both in the Russian market segment and in neighboring countries, flexible tariff plans and many special offers for tablets and smartphones attract users. And the current competition for its customers only spurred the company to develop and improve its telecommunications network.

Packages offered by MTS for the tablet:

  • The tariff is called “For a tablet”. It includes not only Internet traffic, but also a special TV application from MTS, through which you can connect to the network anywhere. However, in the regions of the Far East, there are restrictions for it, since the signal transmission speed does not exceed 129 Kilobits per second, and a quota of only 3 GB is allocated for 30 days. Connection price - 400 rubles.
  • If you purchase the "MTS Tablet Kit", then the user can return to his mobile account up to 20% of already paid funds, although he also has speed limits and can not work fully everywhere.
  • BIT and SUPERBIT tariffs can also be suitable for a mobile device. The first offer includes only 50 MB of traffic for 149 rubles, and the second 100, but for 299 rubles.
  • Connect from MTS - this line is purchased only when buying a modem of the same name, but the speed indicator reaches up to 21.6 MB per second, and immediately after activation, 699 rubles will be debited from the account, but after that the client will have to pay 600 rubles. monthly.

From Beeline

The networks of one of the largest operators operate in many countries of the former Soviet Union, and many of them have already mastered the new generation of 4G data transmission.

Beeline offers a whole line of favorable tariffs of the Highway series:

  • With a dedicated 3 GB of traffic at 350 rubles / m.
  • 7 GB will cost 550 rubles.
  • 15 - already 850.
  • Well, for the most active, 30 GB is offered for 1150 rubles.

At the end of the allocated limit, the user will not be blocked, he will be connected up to 20 MB of traffic for an amount of 200 rubles. But you can not connect a weighty monthly package, but use daily rates, for example, the company will allocate 100 MB of traffic for 19 rubles per day, or 500 for 29 rubles. You can switch absolutely free of charge, but refusal of the service will cost the user 45 rubles.

From TELE2

The rapidly developing company offers its customers, probably, the most profitable option for using sim cards for tablet mobile devices:

  • The "BLACK" tariff includes 2 GB of high-speed Internet for only 200 rubles.
  • VERY BLACK includes 10 GB for 399 rubles.
  • "MOST BLACK" - 10 GB + free TV for 599 rubles.
  • "SUPER BLACK" for 1099 rubles. provides 15 GB of traffic at the highest speed.


Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that the company uses only American or European equipment, so the rates are slightly overestimated, but this is compensated by an excellent signal even in the most remote regions of the country:

  • Tariff under the marker "S" for 390 rubles. will provide 2 GB, minutes for calls and sms.
  • Under the marker "M" you will receive for 690 rubles. 6 GB.
  • "L" provides for the opportunity to get already 20 GB at a price of 990 rubles, while the traffic is divided into night and day.
  • The most expensive, but the most voluminous package called "XL" will cost 1290 rubles. The subscriber receives 20 GB of traffic day and night, that is, 40 GB per day.


The operator decided to exclude voice communication from Internet packages for tablet computers. The company positions them as completely unlimited, so the line of offers is built only on the amount of data reception limit in gigabytes:

  • For 400 rubles, the client will receive up to 512 KB.
  • 700 rubles will allow you to download data at a speed of 1.7 MB.
  • Over 900 - 5.0 MB.

The scale is progressive, how much the user used the traffic, so much he will be obliged to pay, but in general it can be stated:

  • On the day of going online, the price will be 50 rubles.
  • For 30 days - 590 p.
  • A month - 4500 rubles for completely unlimited use of high-speed traffic.


Megafon catches almost everywhere, Beeline and MTS have problems, for TELE2 the device must necessarily support the technologies of a new generation of networks, and YOTA is so far doing well with its tasks only in the Moscow region.

When making your choice, we recommend checking the coverage area to be sure of receiving a signal from a particular mobile Internet operator. We also advise you to decide how much traffic you need per month, and on the basis of this you can already make a choice, automatically filtering out offers with an unnecessary limit for you.

4G is a network standard with high data rates. Although it is no longer new (a new 5G standard is on its way), 4G does not cover all regions of Russia. Residents of the capital and the Moscow region, of course, will catch such a network. Which Moscow operators work with 4G? What to consider when choosing an operator?

Which operators provide 4G Internet service in Moscow

If you want to surf through 4G, choose one of five providers: MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 or Iota. These are the largest operators in Russia, serving subscribers practically throughout the country. The last supplier of Iota is a subsidiary of the operator Megafon. He does not have his own towers - he rents them and other companies.

The main operators of the country are MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 and Yota

It is clear that each company will present itself as the best supplier. Here you need to be careful when choosing. You can decide on a company after studying three things: coverage areas and tariffs on the official resources of operators, as well as reviews on independent sites.

Coverage area of ​​operators: Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 in Moscow and the region

The 4G signal area of ​​Tele2 and Yota is less than that of Megafon, MTS and Beeline. The first two suppliers work only in those settlements where it is profitable for them.

The last three cover almost the entire territory of the Moscow region, since they have been operating in the cellular market for a long time, unlike Tele2 and Yota. However, all five operators work well in the capital itself. If you live in it, when choosing, rely only on tariffs (choose the most profitable for yourself) and subscriber reviews.

Photo gallery: coverage maps of Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 in the capital and its region

Tele2 has the smallest 4G coverage area in the Moscow region The 4G coverage area of ​​Beeline has practically no gaps Megafon has a slightly smaller coverage area than Beeline The MTS coverage area can be compared to the 4G coverage area of ​​Beeline

Table: comparison of tariffs of Moscow operators for 2019

Tele 2
Internet tariffs
  1. "Anlim": unlimited internet, 600 minutes for 20 rubles per day.
  2. "SuperAnlim": unlimited internet, 1200 minutes, 300 SMS for 30 rubles per day.
  3. "Everything 3": 22 GB, 1200 minutes, 300 SMS for 30 rubles per day.
  4. "Everything 4": 30 GB, 2000 minutes, 300 SMS for 50 rubles per day.
  5. "Absolutely Everything": 30 GB, 5000 minutes, 300 SMS for 83.33 rubles per day.
  6. "First hygiene": 4 GB and 400 minutes per month for 13.5 rubles / day.
  1. “Turn on! Watch ": unlimited internet, 1500 minutes for 1000 rubles / month.
  2. “Turn on! Choose ": 18 GB, 650 minutes for 650 rubles / month.
  3. “Turn on! Premium ": unlimited internet and SMS, 5000 minutes for 3000 rubles / month.
  4. Hello: 30 GB and unlimited on-net calls for 750 rubles. in 14 days.
  5. Tariff S for the Internet: 5 GB for 400 rubles / month.
  6. Tariff M for the Internet: 12 GB for 550 rubles / month.
  7. Tariff L for the Internet: 20 GB for 900 rubles / month.
  8. "Renew Internet": 1 GB for 240 rubles, 3 GB for 420 rubles, 5 GB for 500 rubles, 10 GB for 700 rubles, 70 MB for 19 rubles.
  1. "Tariff": 500 minutes each and iSMS, unlimited Internet for 585 rubles / month.
  2. "My Smart": 15 GB, 400 minutes each and SMS for 550 rubles / month.
  3. "Our Smart": 25 GB, 1500 minutes for all networks, 44 TV channels + 5 more devices can be connected to the tariff. Price - 1000 rubles / month.
  4. Tariff X: unlimited on YoutTube and some other services + 7 GB, 100 minutes for all networks and 44 TV channels. Price - 500 rubles / month
  5. Smart: 4 GB, 200 minutes to all networks, unlimited calls within the region's network, 44 TV channels for 400 rubles / month.
  6. Smart Top: 3000 minutes to all networks, unlimited on-net calls throughout the country, 20 GB, 44 TV channels for 1950 rubles / month.
  7. Ultra: 500 minutes to all networks, 20 GB, premium service, 44 channels for 2900 rubles / month.
  8. "Access to YouTube": unlimited use of video hosting for 399 rubles / month.
  1. "Everywhere online": 40 GB, 500 min, 50 SMS for 500 rubles / month.
  2. "My online": 15 GB, 500 minutes for 400 rubles / month.
  3. "My Online +": 30 GB, 800 minutes for 700 rubles / month.
  4. "My conversation": 2 GB, 200 minutes for 200 rubles / month.
  5. "My Tele2": 5 GB, unlimited calls to Tele2 numbers throughout Russia for 7 rubles per day.
  6. "Unlimited": unlimited internet, 500 minutes and 50 SMS for 600 rubles / month.
  7. "Premium": 50 GB, 2000 minutes, 500 SMS for rubles / month.
  8. 40 GB of the Internet (and free internet at night) for 900 rubles / month.
  9. 25 GB (unlimited at night) for 600 rubles / month
  10. 15 GB (unlimited at night) for 400 rubles / month
  11. 3 GB for 200 rubles / month
  12. 1 GB for 120 rubles / month

Testimonials of Muscovites on the use of 4G Internet by these operators

Mobile Internet MTS (Russia, Moscow) - One of the best, if not the best mobile Internet. For ten years, until December 2015, they were users of mobile communications and the mobile Internet Megafon - smartphones, modem. There was nothing to compare with until the beginning of 2014. They were glad that they had. They considered Megaphone to be the best.

In early 2014, we got our hands on two MTS SIM cards with the Super MTS tariff and the mobile Internet option. The difference was striking in favor of the MTS mobile Internet.

In December 2015, we finally said goodbye to Megafon and transferred family numbers via MNP to Beeline to the “All for the Family” tariff. The tariff is good for everyone. One drawback is a very modest Internet package for three people.

We remain Beeline subscribers - a convenient and economical Beeline archive tariff "Everything for the Family". But on the second MTS SIM cards precisely because of the high quality of the mobile Internet. Of course, in different regions and even within one city, the coverage of the network of mobile operators, including MTS, is different. Based on personal experience and the experience of family members, including when compared with the mobile Internet of other cellular operators, I consider MTS mobile Internet to be one of the best, if not the best. As for the price - MTS is not a cheap mobile operator. In order to somehow save money, I transferred (not free of charge) the numbers of family members to the MTS Smart tariff for my own.


I'm not happy with the mobile Internet Megafon, I'll say it right away, but I'll justify it a little later. But I disagree with the set of twos and ones for this operator. Although if I wrote this review at the time of the operator’s jamb, and such cases take place, then I would also probably put one. Mobile Internet from Megafon in terms of the packages and tariffs provided, in general, suits me. Or I'm just used to the fact that I have to pay 350 rubles a month for 16 GB of Internet and have a conditional unlimited on social networks. But packages are packets, and first of all it is important that the Internet works anywhere in the country. And that's the problem. Well, okay, I'll also agree that there may be poor coverage in my village. Although the network catches to the maximum, but there is no Internet. But in the city, according to my stupid logic, there should be a good stable Internet. And it is, in general, but it periodically disappears if we take specific places in our city. Naturally, we are talking about the city center, because in the center the Internet should be the most stable of all. But alas, no. Be that as it may, I use Megafon's Internet every day. It turns out that he is pleased with him, since he did not switch to the Internet of another operator.



TELE2 service "Internet from the phone" - Internet from Tele2 spoils your nerves. ADVANTAGES: Voice communication DISADVANTAGES: Internet. The quality of the mobile Internet is, to put it mildly, disgusting! Constant disconnections of the Internet connection when working in 3G, and 4G appears very rarely (in any districts of Yekaterinburg), only disabling and enabling data transmission or restarting the smartphone helps. If the Internet works sometimes in 4G, then the speed is very low. Who is going to switch to Tele2, I’ll say right away: If you only call and don’t use the Internet, then this is for you, since calls all over Russia for a small ab. fee.



Table: 4G LTE speed for different operators in Moscow *

* according to the SpeedTest program

The data transfer speed may differ depending on the area of ​​the city and your current location in it: the 4G signal can "eat up" the landscape, the walls of buildings nearby, etc. Hence, such a big difference between the minimum and maximum indicators. Stick to the middle parameter when choosing an operator.

Whose 4G internet is better for Moscow

We have compiled a rating of the above operators based on the Otzovik independent platform. MTS has the highest number of points (3.5). Megafon and Tele2 shared the second place (2.5 points). The latter is ranked by Beeline in terms of service quality.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which operator wins in the "struggle" of suppliers. The choice depends on the place where you will use the 4G Internet and the price of tariffs. If you travel outside Moscow - to cities and towns of the Moscow region and other regions of Russia, give preference to Megafon or MTS. If you are primarily interested in the cost of tariffs, look for a package from Tele2 or Yota. If you choose based on 4G speed, connect to MTS or Yota.

Tele2 and Iota are suitable for those subscribers who care about the cost of the "Mobile Internet" service. However, these two companies do not fully cover the Moscow region, and the signal map in other regions is generally weaker. If you often travel to other cities and towns, choose an operator from the "big three": Megafon, MTS or Beeline.

Cellular costs can almost always be reduced by choosing the right tariff. Taking into account the fact that in Russia it has long been possible to switch from one operator to another while keeping the phone number, even changing the operator does not look like a problem. Not to mention buying a new SIM card. The most important thing is to study the tariffs of all operators and choose the one that suits you best. What is the most favorable mobile tariff in Moscow in the summer of 2018, how to choose the ideal tariff.

What tariff is considered the most profitable

This is the main problem. It is rather difficult to give universal advice, because each subscriber needs something of his own.

Mobile operators in Russia most often offer tariffs in the form of packages, which include a certain amount of the following services:

  • mobile communication (conversations),
  • SMS messages,
  • internet traffic.

By making a subscription fee, you pay in advance for the volume of services included in the tariff. If you need more services, they come for a fee. This also needs to be considered.

Most often, the main question that you need to solve for yourself, choosing the most profitable mobile tariff for you - which is more priority, the number of minutes of calls or Internet traffic. Or maybe both are equally needed.

It is also useful to study the conditions under which mobile communication services are provided. For example, it is very important to know how much each additional minute of calls costs after you use up your monthly package. It is possible that a tariff with a lower monthly fee will eventually cost more than a tariff with a higher one, if, according to its terms, additional minutes are much more expensive.

The most favorable rates of cellular communication in Moscow for calls

If you constantly talk on the phone and call up with clients, partners or relatives during the day, it is important for you to choose the optimal tariff for calls.

Of course, first of all, you need to estimate how many minutes per month you need. There are tariffs that offer 100-200 minutes per month, and there are tariffs where you can pay for a monthly package of 5.000 minutes.

So, if we choose a tariff for calls and we need a package up to 500 minutes per month inclusive (about 17 minutes of calls daily), the rating of the most favorable tariffs for mobile communications in Moscow in the summer of 2018 will be as follows.

Provided that those 200-500 minutes that are included in the presented tariffs are enough for you, these tariffs are the most profitable in Moscow for conversations in moderation.

If you require a package from 500 to 1,000 minutes(on average, up to 33 minutes of calls daily), you should pay attention to the following rating:

If you need from 1,000 minutes per month and more, then you should pay attention to the following tariffs:

Operator Rate Number of minutes Abon. pay Cost per minute
Tele 2 My online + 1500 RUB 799 RUB 0.533
Teletay Everything for communication 840 2000 RUB 840 RUB 0.42
Beeline All in one 3 1200 RUB 900 RUB 0.75
Megaphone Turn on! look 1200 RUB 950 RUB 0.792
Teletay Unlimited 1100 2000 RUB 1100 RUB 0.55
Teletay Unlimited 1480 5000 RUB 1480 RUB 0.296
Beeline All in one 4 2000 RUB 1,500 RUB 0.75
Beeline All in one + roaming 3000 1860 RUB 0.62 RUB
MTS Smart Top 3000 1950 RUB 0.65 RUB
Beeline All in one 5 5000 RUB 2500 RUB 0.5
MTS Ultra 5000 RUB 2700 RUB 0.54
Megaphone Turn on! Premium 5000 RUB 3000 0.6 RUB

The most favorable tariffs of Moscow mobile operators for the Internet

If you are choosing a SIM card in order to use the mobile Internet, first of all, you need to carefully study the conditions of all operators. The fact is that cellular companies really do not like it when you use the mobile Internet in a different way than they expect.

For example, if the tariff is designed for a smartphone, and you install a SIM card in a tablet or, even more so, a router for distributing wi-fi, your speed may be limited to impossibly slow.

Also, cellular operators really do not like torrents, p2p networks, etc. When downloading or distributing files in torrent networks, you can also be disconnected from the mobile Internet, or the data transfer speed can be sharply limited.

All information about such restrictions is necessarily contained in the detailed conditions of each tariff, including on the websites of operators.

Some mobile operators in Moscow offer tariffs with an unlimited tariff, offers of other operators include packages of up to 20-30 GB per month. We have selected the most advantageous offers from each of the telecom operators.

The most favorable universal tariffs for mobile communications in Moscow in the summer of 2018

Finally, if both the number of minutes of calls and the number of gigabytes of Internet in a monthly package are equally important to you, then you should pay attention to the following tariffs.

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