Are fitness bracelets harmful? The harm of a Bluetooth headset to health - symptoms and consequences of waves Which fitness bracelet to choose

Are fitness bracelets harmful? The harm of a Bluetooth headset to health - symptoms and consequences of waves Which fitness bracelet to choose


Probably everyone who considers himself a supporter of a healthy lifestyle knows (and some are the owner of this fashionable gadget) what a modern fitness bracelet is.

The peak of popularity of this device, which is useful in many respects, has already passed, however, even today there are many who consider the bracelet necessary in the daily control of their body and to get the most out of their workouts.

It is quite possible that you, having succumbed to a newfangled hobby at one time, acquired a similar fitness bracelet, but in recent months it has been peacefully living out its days in a distant drawer of a table or chest of drawers. So was it worth the candle, does such a gadget really help in training and self-control, or is its functionality, to put it mildly, embellished?

Perhaps this is a conspiracy of marketing companies and manufacturers who have earned tens and hundreds of millions of dollars on bracelets? Is it worth taking out your old fitness bracelet again, or is it better to leave it as it is? Let's figure it out together.

The main functions of fitness bracelets. What is it needed for?

What is any fitness bracelet, what is it for and how is it used in various sports? You should not attribute supernatural and miraculous properties to this gadget, believing that as soon as you wear it constantly, your well-being and health will improve and reach a new level by themselves.

By the way, this is exactly what numerous scammers and unscrupulous sellers advocated at one time, advertising inexpensive bracelets with minimal functionality as a panacea for almost any ailment.

In fact, a fitness bracelet is a rather complex and multifunctional technical device used both as a control sensor, as an alarm clock, and as an organizer for your daily routine. It is used to measure heart rate (some models can even measure blood pressure), to track different phases of sleep, to monitor your daily activity.

The standard functionality of a high-quality fitness bracelet, regardless of cost and manufacturer, includes such features as:

  • measuring the total number of steps (per day, hour, minute);
  • measuring the distance traveled;
  • pulse control;
  • smart alarm clock;
  • counting calories burned during exercise;
  • tracking sleep phases.

What is the difference between fitness bracelets for different sports and how to choose the right device for your needs? It is important to understand what goal you set for yourself when buying such a gadget.

If you are just trying to lead an active lifestyle and control calories, you can choose models of the middle price category with step counters, heart rate monitor and calorie counting.

Often such bracelets are practically indistinguishable from wristwatches and are perfect for any wardrobe. They are compatible with your mobile gadgets, which allows you to control the situation on the screen of smartphones based on Android or iOS.

Which fitness bracelet to choose

If you are a professional athlete, you should consider more advanced options that allow you to not only keep track of steps, calories, heart rate and other parameters, but also analyze your workouts for better results.

A professional running fitness tracker, for example, can help keep your body at the optimal pace.

For those visiting the pools, waterproof swim bracelets are suitable, which can function even at serious depths. If you are looking for a weight loss assistant, you can choose a model that calculates calories consumed and burned. Their only drawback is the need to constantly manually introduce the calorie intake of food. It takes a lot of time, however, and results in good results.

How to choose a brand or manufacturer? In this area, today there are several brands that deserve attention. First of all, these are bracelets from Xiaomi of the MiBand line, which are among the best in terms of price and quality. Workouts are monitored using your smartphone.

Samsung Gear Fit is a full-fledged smartwatch with a color display that displays all the information you need. Professional athletes often choose the Garmin brand and the popular Vivofit range. The gadgets of this line are distinguished by their minimum size, maximum functionality, and the measurement error is no more than 3-4%.

Fitness bracelets - good or bad?

Do you need or do not need a personal fitness bracelet? Everyone should answer this question independently. In this matter, as elsewhere, motivation is very important. Buying a fancy and multifunctional gadget and wearing it instead of a wristwatch is like using a modern smartphone exclusively for making calls and sending text messages.

The bracelet will not force you to lead a healthy lifestyle and will not work a miracle by evaporating your extra pounds during sleep. It is very important to understand that only your desire to change yourself for the better and achieve a certain sports form is a guarantee of success.

In this case, the bracelet acts as a kind of trainer and motivator. It can help you exercise even more at the gym, jogging, or in the pool.

Its only disadvantage for many is the unjustified expectations - we believe that the mere possession of such a gadget is evidence of the correctness of the chosen path, sometimes without making any effort to personally contribute to the improvement of your body.

So, the bracelet is a bracelet, and no one canceled proper nutrition and constant fitness classes! And if you still want to look great, then take out your fitness tracker and go to: it will make your workouts even more productive!

Three years ago, my friends and acquaintances went crazy en masse. While I more or less regularly went to the gym and kept in shape, they bought bright Jawbone fitness bracelets.

As a result, all our meetings were reduced to presentations of a mega-useful gadget. We got together, and over and over again I listened to the fact that going in for sports without a tracker is no longer solid. That in the application it is necessary to enter information about the absorbed calories. That sleep mode is extremely important (wow!), And Jawbone allows it to be monitored and adjusted.

Joint trips to restaurants turned into clownery. At the end (and sometimes in the middle) of meals, people in all seriousness took out their iPhones, and then with a pompous air they counted and pushed in calories. Sometimes I had to google the energy value, but my acquaintances were not lazy. Jawbone made them zezhniki for a while. Diet, sleep and physical activity were monitored by girls with the first signs of anorexia, and pot-bellied guys who suddenly stopped loving beer.

When I asked if this kind of attention to data management would help me become a fitness hero, I was poked at some graphs. “Look, today I have passed more than yesterday. At the weekend we will go out of town, in general I will set a record,” - there was so much sincerity and optimism in these words that I did not troll and did not persuade.

Soon the bracelets arrived at the gym. The distinction was clear: muscular guys in wet T-shirts were pressing and squatting, and the owners of the trackers were resting on the lightest cardiovascular equipment. Their foreheads did not even have time to sweat, and the pauses between approaches were endless, because the victims of the bracelets constantly monitored the progress in iPhones.

Getting in shape was delayed, but only Jawbone and other similar devices were discussed in the locker room. Real pitching at this time was silent: someone was drinking protein, and someone was so tired of pulling iron that they could not find the strength to maintain a dialogue with connoisseurs of new technologies.

At the same time, fans of the bracelets infiltrated social networks and published reports on their jogging a day later. There was nothing wrong with that, just the percentage of pride in their posts was off the charts. Fortunately, almost all of the runners quickly fell out and stopped broadcasting their daily morning routes.

The tracker trend lasted less than a year, and then the bracelets suddenly started disappearing from the wrists. When I asked why this happened, former fans of ultra-fashionable gadgets listed the reasons for a long time:

1. Tired of charging. Someone had to do this every 2 days, someone - once every 10 days, but the process itself was still straining.

2. Tired of steaming with food and calories. Of course, entering all the data manually is very dreary - it takes a lot of time.

3. It is inconvenient to constantly walk with a bracelet on his wrist. It's a matter of habit, but sometimes an extraneous elastic band on your arm can really infuriate.

4. The bracelet is broken. Usually stopped charging suddenly (Chronic Jawbone Disease). Or died after contact with water, if it was not waterproof.

5. The bracelet is lost. The fastener broke, flew off the hand, and where it all happened - you can't even remember.

And only a few people were frank with me. “You know, I thought that this thing would make me go in for sports. But in vain - as I loved the sofa and beer more than a rocking chair, I continue to love” - the adequate explanation sounded like this.

This is the main disadvantage of the fitness bracelet - it is not magical, but creates the illusion of magic. “Yes, now I’ll go in for sports, I’ll move a lot, I’ll quickly lose those extra pounds,” think those who have just acquired a tracker. It’s strange that these people don’t buy a GoPro in the hope that after the purchase, life will instantly become brighter. The logic is the same as with bracelets.

If you spend a couple of evenings reading specialized literature, it will become clear that in most cases, you can lose weight and pump up without electronic accessories. The main thing is to work hard, not sparing yourself (if possible, with a trainer and a nutritionist), and not to believe in miraculous bracelets.

The target audience of these deceitful trackers is just naive beginners who do not understand that the bracelet is useless at the initial stage of training. It is needed not by amateurs, but by experienced athletes who have already reached their peak of form and want to figure out how to squeeze even more opportunities out of the body.

But for athletes and trackers are different - powerful, professional and quite expensive (on average - $ 500-1000). And bracelets in the Jawbone genre are toys that randomly count the heart rate (or don't count it at all) and send obvious indicators such as the number of steps and the distance traveled to the smartphone.

In fact, the only not hopeless function is a smart vibrating alarm clock, which works at the most comfortable time for the body. But there is such an alarm clock in the Xiaomi MiBand bracelet for a couple of thousand rubles - it is not surprising that this device slammed almost all other amateur trackers.

According to analysts from eMarketer, the market for fitness bracelets has dropped 40% over the past year. Jawbone (the most mainstream firm) almost collapsed back in May 2016, but finally announced the demise of its own trackers just now. Fitbit is also in crisis - out of desperation, the company bought the startup Pebble and will produce smartwatches. They, unlike the dying fitness bracelets, have at least some kind of future.

They are just more practical and functional: there are notifications, a voice assistant, music control and other convenient things. Therefore, a person who buys a watch for sports will not throw it into a dusty box when he finally realizes that the secret of a good figure is not in a fashionable gadget, but in banal willpower.

Fitness bracelets are completely safe. No side effects have been identified from wearing them, they only track your physical activity and sleep patterns.

The main function of a fitness bracelet is to constantly monitor your body.

It calculates the number of calories you eat, the number of hours you sleep, and monitors your heart rate. For some, the question of how safe a fitness bracelet is may seem as ridiculous as the question of the safety of visiting a doctor.

However, it is important to know how this device works before you put it on. Much of the wave of technological mistrust has been fueled by recent research that suggests wearing cell phones in close proximity to internal organs may be the cause of cancer. Since a fitness bracelet can ideally be worn for up to 12 hours at a time, it is fairly easy to understand the cause of health concerns.

Fitness bracelets are made of durable rubber material and come in different sizes, so users will not feel discomfort when wearing them all day or night.

Designed for self-monitoring and assessment of changes in the body, fitness bracelets are highly effective and lead to positive changes without harm to health.

These electronic devices are able to monitor the most important aspects of our physiological condition - heart rate, oxygen content in the blood and sleep patterns, so it's natural for you to worry about what additional effects they may have on the body. If you don’t know which fitness bracelet to buy, then we present to your attention an article: Fitbit: make it successful.

However, according to Michael Bergeron, Ph.D. and executive director of the National Youth Institute for Sports, Health and Safety, a heart rate wristband is like a nurse who measures your heart rate in a clinic. “As long as the sensor is in firm contact with the pulsation point of the radial artery, it will absolutely accurately display the heart rate at rest,” the doctor said.

Manufacturing companies such as Jawbone believe that their smart gadgets will become one of the most important helpers in the healthcare system in the coming years. In addition, a professor of nutrition at Reyson University said of the Nike Fuelband, "All sports motivation devices can be very helpful for people who need support."

Fitness bracelets (video)

More often than not, our biggest concern is health. Could a device originally designed to improve the quality of our lives have adverse consequences? The fear of technological advances in this case is completely unfounded.

Fitness bracelets have been extensively tested and are known to be completely safe, even for pregnant women. They are waterproof and do not carry the potential for electric shock.

One of the obvious ways to dispel your fears about these devices is that thanks to them you will immediately know about all the negative changes in your physiological state. If the bracelet does not suit you for any reason, you will be the first to know the reason.

There are many benefits to using a fitness bracelet. First, it encourages you to lead a healthy lifestyle. If used properly, this device will help you lose weight, which is beyond the power of weight loss pills or watches. Secondly, by wearing a fitness bracelet, you constantly monitor your progress towards achieving your goal.

You can track the number of calories consumed with each meal. If you exceed the permissible calorie intake per day or have been without movement for some time, the device will immediately warn you about this. The bracelet is like a personal fitness trainer who constantly, but at the same time correctly controls you.

Fitness bracelets are great helpers for those planning to lose weight.

Natalie Digate Muth, M.D. and spokesman for the American Council on Exercise, believes that the mere realization that you are moving more and increasing your physical activity is a great start on the road to your goal. She inspires users with her mottoes: "It's easier than it sounds" and "Just move more is the main task."

This can motivate people to perform more actions that have a positive effect and, accordingly, reduce the number of actions with negative consequences.

She also notes that excess weight is a cause of sleep problems: "If you sleep better and longer, you are less likely to overeat and are more likely to follow a diet and fitness program."

Fitness bracelets allow you to share your achievements with other users. Natalie Muth believes that a fitness bracelet is a really working tool, and not just a gadget.

The fact that users of the device can actually make the transition to a healthy lifestyle is its basic premise. If you are worried that a sedentary lifestyle is already beginning to reflect on your internal and external state, it makes sense to invest in a decent fitness bracelet.
Ultimately it all comes down to how you feel about technological innovation. Properly used, a bracelet is safe, healthy and of course beneficial primarily for your health.

Choosing the best fitness bracelet? Review - comparison (video)

How to choose the right sports bracelet (video)

Control the awesome BB-8 droid with the Power Bracelet

While a new Star Wars episode breaks box office records, anyone can purchase the BB-8 droid that has become the film's unspoken symbol. At the Las Vegas International Electronics Show, the toy company announced that iPhone or iPad users will soon be able to use their devices to control a droid using the Force Band wearable device app.

You can see a short video showing an example of how the power bracelet works.

The Verge was able to test the bracelet in action: “Lower your hand along your body - and BB-8 will enter driving mode. When your palm is pointing down, the droid is pointing away from you. If the palm is directed upwards, it "looks" in your direction. Roll around in place and the robot will spin with you. The direction is set in the same way, and the speed is controlled by the level of the arm lift. A wave-like movement of the hand in place would put the droid into gesture control - only the nod caused by the punch worked for me. To exit gesture mode, you just need to lower your hand. "

Will have to wait

Sure, the bracelet looks like a great buy - but it's still in the prototype stage and won't go on sale until the fall. The price is still unknown.

The company announced another edition of BB-8, which will be presented later in 2016. It will portray a more worn-out droid to match the movie.

BB-8 - pure fun

You can order BB-8 for $ 149.95. With the help of the iOS application, users can control the robot, and, thanks to its personal adaptation, it will change in the course of your child's play, even responding to a voice.

You can even record your own holographic message, like the ones shown in the movie. The battery will last for an hour of continuous play.

Thanks for the likes on the site! Always be a happy, athletic and active person! Write what you think about this, what gadgets do you use and why?

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While the fashion for wearable electronics is actively taking over the world, more and more people are wondering why fitness bracelets and fitness trackers are needed? On the Internet, controversy flares up every now and then: is there any use of smart bracelets, or is it a tribute to fashion and another trinket for geeks. Let's think about it.

Know yourself

The first opportunity that "electronic clever people" open to us is to learn more about their body. As a rule, it is difficult to objectively assess the daily regimen, nutrition and rest without precise figures. If the commute to work takes two hours and takes a lot of energy, it seems to us that we are active. At the same time, we often do not think that we are sitting in transport for these two hours, and we walk for 5-10 minutes. It seems to us that not eating breakfast in the morning or not having dinner after 18 hours, we will lose weight and feel good, although in fact the absence of breakfast slows down the metabolism, and 18 hours is a figure taken from the ceiling, and by eating in this way, you can strongly yourself harm.

And wrist gadgets, recording daily activity and storing it in the form of graphs and statistics, help to look at your lifestyle from a different angle: based on accurate data, evaluate not only daily results, but also trends, and deduce patterns.

Motivation and discipline

“Those who start a new life from Monday” are probably familiar with the situation: that same Monday has come, training and diet have begun, a couple of weeks pass, or maybe a month, but outwardly the results are still not visible. It seems that the efforts are down the drain, and soon training and diet are abandoned. It's really hard to force yourself to continue if you don't see what you've achieved.

How can you see it? With a smart bracelet, achievements are visible from day one. And the fruits of each hour of training, daily results and their dynamics, presented graphically, is the best motivation to move on. By analyzing their statistics, comparing the results with the norm and the goals set, everyone will be able to adjust the mode of activity, nutrition and rest.

Another rather pleasant "pros" plus "wrist assistants": no need to spend time keeping a sports diary and counting calories, the data is recorded automatically.

No less motivating is the opportunity to compete with family, friends and colleagues by adding them as friends in the application. Does anyone want to be the worst? I'm sure not.


For those on a diet, top smart bracelets offer a convenient nutritional analytics system. Gone are the days of inconvenient calorie counters in which you need to enter ingredients and then write down the amounts. Now you just need to select a dish from the catalog or scan its barcode, and your food diary will be filled with data on the calorie content and nutritional value of the food eaten, and the application will show how much the daily requirement has been fulfilled.

Although it can be helpful for those who are not dieting. Do you know the calorie content of your favorite treat? It always seemed to me that snacking on "Snickers" is a trifle that will not affect the figure. But when you add what you eat to the application, rather curious things become clear: it turned out that the above-mentioned bar in terms of calorie content is practically equal to a third of my daily value. In other words, more than one meal. It is disappointing, even if we consider only the energy value and do not go into its nutritional composition. In this way, empirically, an understanding comes from where the extra pounds came from, and how to avoid them.

Changing or maintaining weight

By the way, about the kilograms. For many, fitness trackers become assistants in losing weight or, conversely, in gaining mass. How? Firstly, they help monitor activity, and secondly, nutrition. These data should be considered not separately, but in conjunction. Most often, the gadget itself counts steps and calorie consumption in motion, but two numbers are not enough to control weight, so if you want to lose or gain weight, carefully study the capabilities of the supplied software.

For example, a graph of calorie consumption by time of day will allow you to understand when and on what you spend the most energy, how the load is distributed throughout the day and week. It is important to be able to estimate how many calories are spent on a particular activity. Indeed, by changing the ratio between different types of activity, it is easy to regulate the number of calories burned and control weight.

It must be remembered that calories are expended both at rest and in sleep. It is convenient when the wrist device counts this, the main thing is that personal data (gender, height, weight, age) are taken into account in the calculation. And, of course, do not forget that balance is important in everything, weight also depends on the calories consumed. Their counting has already been mentioned above, not all smart bracelets can boast of them.

The "smartest" of such devices will calculate not only the calorie content, but also the nutritional value of the diet - the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and the balance between consumed and burned calories. This makes life very easy: if you want to maintain weight - bring the balance to zero, if you want to lose extra pounds or gain the missing ones - achieve a difference of 10-15% percent between the calories received and consumed.

Deep sleep and good morning

Sleep is the most important component of the body's recovery and the regulation of biological rhythms. According to world statistics, more than 40% of residents of large cities suffer from sleep disorders. Insomnia often provokes an exacerbation of chronic or ongoing diseases and is fraught with serious health consequences, so you should think about your sleep. And here are the models with the sleep monitoring function to help.

A smart bracelet will help you assess the duration and effectiveness of sleep. But the main advantage is that thanks to such a gadget it is possible to analyze which loads and food interfere with sound and sound sleep, and which contribute to good rest (after all, data on activity and nutrition are also recorded); monitor the effect of medications; plan the length of your rest and determine the best time to sleep.

The next plus is the hotly discussed and available on most trackers "smart alarm clock", which from the time interval you set will choose the sleep phase that is most suitable for waking up so that you wake up on time and in a good mood. Sound sleep, easy awakening and an alarm clock that does not disturb loved ones - isn't it good?


Main functions:

Activity monitoring

Sleep monitoring

Smart alarm clock

Nutrition monitoring

Calorie Balance Calculation

Calculation of the nutritional value of the diet

Distance calculation

Summing up the reflections on the topic "what is a fitness bracelet for", I would like to briefly note a few more useful things:

Many bracelets have watches

Ability to set vibration reminders

Setting goals and monitoring their achievement

Control of medication intake

Water balance

Remote control over the health of loved ones

Ability to send data to the attending physician or trainer

In general, we get a rather weighty list of functions designed to motivate us to lead an active lifestyle and monitor our health without spending a lot of time. But many will say that they do not need an expensive bracelet (although there are many inexpensive, but functional models) because similar functions are available in ordinary mobile applications. What is the fundamental difference?

1. If you have a smart bracelet - all your data in one application. You do not need to download 100 applications, register and enter data in each, synchronize them with each other and clog up the smartphone's memory.

2. For the accuracy of the results in steps, distance and activity in the application, because of the reminders, you need to constantly carry your smartphone with you. On a run, in the gym, or on the playing field, it will clearly get in the way. And in the office, he will often remain on the table while you go to lunch or a meeting. Needless to say, at home while cleaning, you are also unlikely to hold your smartphone in your hands or in your pocket. In the meantime, calories will be wasted, but will not be counted. With a bracelet, this problem will not arise - it is always on the arm or on a special fastener for clothes.

3. Many applications work only when they are turned on or require that some functions be enabled on the phone (location determination, etc.). This inevitably speeds up the discharge of the mobile device. Fitness bracelets do not require constant pairing with a smartphone, you can sync once a day or less - depending on the model. This will not greatly affect the charge of the smartphone, and you will be able to stay “in touch” much longer.

4. In applications, many functions are not available without the Internet, and with the bracelet you can view the activity directly on its display or in more detail in the smartphone, and the Internet is not needed (for example, this is how ONETRAK bracelets are arranged).

5. For global conclusions, statistics are needed for a long period of time, and the guaranteed period of data storage can be strikingly shorter for different applications in comparison with smart bracelets.

6. Mobile applications cannot be opened from a computer or laptop, many are not even adapted for a tablet. And manufacturers of fitness trackers make desktop versions to make it more comfortable to study charts.

Conclusions: smart bracelets and fitness trackers are not "expensive pedometers", not a "useless toy", not a panacea for all diseases, but they are convenient and functional devices that will save you time and help you stay in good shape, monitor your health and improve your physical shape. The main thing is to find the functionality you need and start moving towards your goals.

Thanks to the development of technology, a large number of different gadgets have appeared that significantly improve the quality of life. Some devices are still considered an unnecessary luxury, while others have become a must.

One of the very useful gadgets, which is really difficult to do without, is a fitness bracelet. It can also be called a smart watch, depending on its functionality and capabilities. The device acts as an irreplaceable assistant, which is designed to maintain human health and organize not only physical activity, but also rest.

Not so long ago, many people became victims of scammers who sold miraculous bracelets on their hands, citing the fact that all famous people have long been using their "magic" properties. According to them, they normalized blood pressure, treated diseases and even helped to lose weight without physical activity. It is important to understand that these bracelets are completely different devices, so you should not compare them. If in the first case we are talking about an ordinary fake, which is attributed to various properties, then the fitness bracelet has completely different features.

This is a multifunctional technical device that is not only a sensor, but also an organizer. Its capabilities allow you to measure your pulse, track different sleep phases, daily activity and other statistics.

When it comes to such a complex device, it is extremely difficult to list all of its functions. Moreover, some models differ in "additional features", therefore, initially you need to consider only the basic characteristics. They are typical for all devices, regardless of price and brand. First of all, it is worth noting the following functions of bracelets:

  • Step meter
  • Heart rate control
  • "Smart" alarm clock
  • Calories Burned Counting
  • Sleep monitoring

To understand how such a small device can improve the quality of life, it is necessary to take a closer look at each of its features. The first prototypes of such gadgets appeared in the form of heart rate monitors. Further, they added the function of measuring steps and calories burned. Nevertheless, it became possible to call them full-fledged fitness trackers only when they had full integration with mobile operating systems and PCs.

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate? First of all, this allows you to make any type of physical activity more effective. It is no secret that the control of the so-called pulse zones can significantly improve the body's response to stress. For example, if the goal of morning jogging is to lose weight, then the pulse should be kept in the region of 130 beats per minute. A faster or slower heart rate will significantly slow down the fat burning process, so such work will be wasted. If you do not control your pulse, then the benefits and effectiveness of jogging can be significantly reduced, nullifying all efforts.

The most important function of the bracelet is sleep control. At first glance, this is nothing special, but the device allows you to collect statistics not only on the time, but also on the quality of the rest. You can track your sleep phases, which opens up completely new possibilities. For example, you can avoid excess or lack of sleep, and also wake up exactly when it is optimal in time. This is the merit of the "smart" alarm clock, which is available in all fitness trackers. Unlike a conventional device, it will not wake up at the specified time, but based on the maximum benefit to the body. This function allows you to control not only the duration, but also the quality of sleep, and this can be done individually for each person.

The third most important function, which for many people comes out at all in the first place, is the control of calories burned. It is worth recognizing that most people try to keep track of their figure not only for health, but also for the sake of a spectacular appearance. In order not to shake over every candy eaten, it is important to know the total number of calories that a person spent during the day. These data allow you to make a simple calculation and determine the rate that will always allow you to stay in shape. Moreover, the bracelet remains on the wrist at all times, so the accuracy of the information is close to 100%.

Otherwise, this indispensable gadget can track everything related to health, from the number of steps taken to the quality of sleep, and thanks to smart software and integration with PCs or mobile OS, you can not only receive invaluable data, but also compare them with others ...

Types and features of fitness bracelets

Although in most cases the functions of bracelets are almost identical, there are still many different options on the market, the price of which can vary dramatically. Of course, one should not exclude the commercial side, which makes many brands compete with each other, trying to capture the market as much as possible. In order not to become a victim of marketing, you need to be able to distinguish the necessary functions from those that are added in the characteristics of the device "for show". For example, many popular brands of such smart bracelets focus on the fact that you can not only control the amount of calories spent, but also consumed calories.

This is certainly not a useless feature, but in reality it almost never works. The whole point is that to track you need to independently add everything that you ate during the day. If a barcode scanner helps you add calories from a candy or cookie you eat, then what to do with cereals, meat and other foods? Moreover, even if you enter all the data manually, it will take a huge amount of time, because this function is rarely used to its fullest and can only impress those who want their first bracelet to be as functional as possible.

Another major benefit often found on more expensive models is PC compatibility. As a rule, cheap models, for example Xiaomi, allow data output only on android or iOS devices, while Polar, Nike and others can be synchronized with a computer. At first glance, this is not such an important feature, but many users note that hardware for Windows is more stable, moreover, it has the largest number of functions (analysis, comparison of statistics, etc.).

Design also plays an important role. It is important to understand that the device must be worn around the clock, because the way the bracelet looks is an important criterion when buying. Some manufacturers often manage to combine a bracelet with a watch. Such devices look quite attractive, but the main disadvantage is that the time is displayed vertically. This feature can cause certain difficulties, but after some time you can get used to such a display. Also, some bracelets have many additional features that are not always required. With their help, you can control the player, add notifications and use it as an organizer. But all these properties do not in any way affect the main functions of the bracelet and are just a pleasant addition, for which you will have to pay a lot.

Most popular models

It is worth considering the most popular models in different price segments. Perhaps this will help you make the right choice and avoid unnecessary expenses where they are completely unnecessary.

Xiaomi Mi Band

The Xiaomi brand has practically burst into the electronic device market and carved out a niche of its own, offering great products at a fairly low price. Despite the fact that the manufacturer is China, it is still worth noting that the fitness bracelets of this manufacturer are almost indistinguishable from the rest and the only thing that can repel when buying is a simple design. Also, the devices do not have integration with a PC, which in some cases may be a disadvantage, but if you are not ready to overpay for unnecessary functions, then Xiaomi will be an excellent option.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Fitness bracelet XIAOMI Mi Band 2 is the best assistant for lovers of regular productive workouts. This modern device is equipped with a bright informative OLED display, a convenient touch panel. Just one touch of your finger allows you to get a lot of useful information:

  • The number of kilometers traveled;
  • Time spent on training;
  • Heart rate (pulse);
  • Body temperature and other data.

Unlike its predecessor Mi Band, the “fresh” version of the fitness bracelet is made on the basis of an innovative hardware platform. Now your every step is displayed on the display of the device - thanks to this, you can easily track, vary the functional load from day to day.

Your XIAOMI Mi Band 2 is always in complete safety, as its case is waterproof and dustproof. No sweat, moisture, oil will penetrate into the device and cause it to malfunction.

Technical features of the bracelet:

  • Made of durable aluminum alloy combined with polycarbonate;
  • Works on Android 4.3+, iOS 7.0;
  • Equipped with 45mAh lithium battery;
  • The device weighs 13.5 g.

XIAOMI Mi Band 2 is synchronized with the phone using the Bluetooth system (data is received in real time). The fitness bracelet can work without recharging for as long as 30 days at temperatures from -20 to +70 degrees. This means that you can use the device all year round.

Additional features of XIAOMI Mi Band 2:

  • Alarm clock-vibration signal, taking into account the individual characteristics of the bracelet owner's organism - your assistant decides when it is better to start training and how long it should last;
  • Making calls and sending SMS messages;
  • "Reminder" option;
  • It can work in energy saving mode.

Thus, the XIAOMI Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet is an affordable multifunctional portable device that will make your regular workouts as comfortable and productive as possible!

Samsung Gear Fit

Unlike the previous model, the Samsung device has a touchscreen and looks more like a watch rather than a simple bracelet. The company positions this line more as a smartwatch with fitness tracker capabilities, which only adds to its advantages. It is worth noting the main drawback of this model, and of most bracelets in general, is the frankly weak heart rate monitor. If at rest it is able to accurately display the pulse, then during activity the values ​​are completely distorted, due to which this function tends to zero.

Sony SmartBand SWR10

The Sony model has a lot of advantages, which are primarily aimed at functionality. As in many models, the bracelet does not have a display, and all data can be received on any device with android or iOS operating systems. Additional advantages include water resistance and high wear resistance. One of the drawbacks is compatibility only with new android devices, the OS version on which is not less than 4.4. However, the low cost and reliability of this model make it one of the best in terms of price / quality ratio.

Garmin vivofit

For those interested in sports gadgets, this brand will be familiar. The device turned out to be of really high quality, both in terms of functionality and wear resistance of the case and the bracelet itself. Vivofit stands out due to the most accurate data transfer, the error of which does not go beyond 5%. Also, the most important difference is that the model is equipped with a separate heart rate monitor, which is attached to the chest. It allows you to transfer data with maximum accuracy, so the bracelet will be an excellent solution for people who lead an active lifestyle and are engaged in various sports (fitness, running, cycling, swimming, etc.).

Bracelet-pedometer SMART BAND H5S is a stylish, fashionable, advanced accessory made of high-strength materials. The main feature of the bracelet is its versatility, because it is not just a modern piece of jewelry, but a real mini-smartphone. Despite the modernity of the gadget, it is relatively inexpensive, but it has a number of indisputable advantages compared to more expensive counterparts:

  • The presence of a convenient touchscreen display with LED backlighting and an intuitive interface;
  • Built-in sleep analyzer, time of day display;
  • Elastic rubber strap;
  • 3D pedometer and the ability to measure ambient temperature;
  • Variety of colors (purple, blue, black).

A modern accessory and gadget will allow its owner to continuously monitor the heart rate, track the volume of walking, etc. It is enough to set the heartbeat detection time in a special mobile application, shake your hand, and the little wrist assistant will start his work. The device is compatible with smartphones and PCs, which allows you to quickly set a fixed heart rate measurement.

Do you use fitness bracelets?

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