Office PBX setup. Installation and connection of mini PBX Virtual PBX functionality

Office PBX setup. Installation and connection of mini PBX Virtual PBX functionality


ATS, automatic telephone exchange is the name of the manager of the elements of the telephone network. Modern communication combines many different networks, programs and technologies, telephone communication and the Internet are integrated into IP telephony.

Management of modern communications is carried out by software products installed on universal computer equipment, a modern PBX can be called a telephone server with full responsibility. The telephone server (TFTP) transmits control codes to phones: passwords, encryption codes and many other data for successful work online. In a modern telephony network, telephone traffic, signaling, data, and video are transmitted. Software and hardware complex for organizing telephone communication, a modern solution. A modern automatic telephone exchange provides telephone communications to all subscribers connected to it, both among themselves (internal network) and with telephones around the world. Our PBX allows you to connect phones using the Internet. You can install the phone program on any computer, buy an IP phone - connecting to an IP-PBX will take no more than 15 minutes. Telephone communication via the Internet has a number of advantages: fast connection, connection of IP phones from anywhere in the Internet network.

The advantages of telephony over optical cables: high reliability, the highest quality of telephone conversations.

ATS can be divided into several groups according to purpose and execution. By execution: hardware, hardware-software, software. By purpose and execution: virtual, cloud, IP-PBX, mini-PBX, office, corporate, operator.

Virtual PBX allows each subscriber to connect up to 100 IP-phones free of charge by paying a monthly subscription fee and MG/MN. This way of organizing telephone communication allows the company to save significant funds, organize high-quality telephony using optical cables and the Internet.

Cloud PBX creates multiple virtual PBXs that can be managed by different administrators. Cloud PBX has a much higher performance, allows you to connect up to 5 thousand subscribers and manage one or more independent user groups.

IP-PBX is a PBX program (asterisk, freeSWITCH) installed on a server platform. Customizable for specific tasks - security, the rule for passing calls. The disadvantage is the need to maintain and maintain a qualified system administrator.

Our PBXs

A modern automatic telephone exchange, a software and hardware complex, consists of a program and a computer with specially selected equipment ( hardware) high reliability. high quality ATS from a reliable telecom operator - the best solution for your business. We offer: seven automatic telephone exchanges of your choice, telephony and CRM.

We discuss the installation of a corporate and operator telephone exchange with each client individually in advance. We purchase equipment and prepare programs for the tasks of the company.

Complete telephone connection important condition for productive and profitable operation of companies. Modern technologies will help to ensure it, they are distinguished by ease of connection, versatility and cost-effectiveness. To order a modern connection, it is proposed to contact a trusted company - Canmos, where highly qualified specialists work, advanced technologies are used.

Automatic telephone exchange, it is designed to transmit a signal from one telephone to another. This allows you to receive a call, conduct telephone conversations.

Today, telephone systems are rapidly evolving. Huge opportunities are used for their work. global network. This allows you to significantly reduce the overall material costs and at the same time achieve greater functionality, having received advanced settings, ease of management and ease of use.

When required modern communication in Moscow, you can choose the most suitable type for specific requests, suiting functionality and cost. The most popular types today include:

  • virtual telephone system - the work is based on the use of IP-telephony technology, which allows you to get a huge list of necessary and useful options. All of them are directed to the prompt solution of business issues, improving the quality of service, allowing you to bring the organization to a new level of development, significantly improve many indicators;
  • cloud PBX allows you to create several virtual ones that can be managed independently. Cloud creates several groups of subscribers (phones) that work with different city telephone numbers as telephone exchanges located on different equipment;
  • office - ideal for organizing communications in the office. With its help, you can easily receive many calls without losing a single customer, creating all the conditions for the rapid growth of sales. Employees themselves, receiving short numbers, will be able to immediately resolve everyday issues by communicating with each other. Workers are united not only in one building, but also in other departments and representative offices. All this becomes real with the use of the Internet;
  • PBX is an economical option suitable for small businesses. When choosing it at a low cost, you can easily solve the issue of high-quality communication, making the most of all the functionality. The system will please with the flexibility of settings, team control, as well as many options;
  • corporate - provides telephone conversations between different departments and within the network. Provides for the use of the required list additional services. Intellectual abilities contribute to high efficiency and ease of use;
  • IP PBX creates telephone network, maintains communication with subscriber (connected) telephones via IP protocol;
  • control room - is based on innovative technologies that allow you to get a fully working system with a small investment big set options, demonstrating stable and correct operation.

Having become acquainted with the features and purpose of each type, you can decide. This will also help professional advice from experts. They are ready to answer all questions. When working with clients, an individual approach is practiced. This means that all wishes are taken into account. For specific tasks, appropriate options are offered.

Virtual stations have become especially common today. No wonder, because their undeniable advantages make such a choice fully justified. They are managed through a personal account. You can access it on the official website of the service provider. All information is indicated here, and users can make the appropriate adjustments, perform all the required operations, set the required options, and also solve many other issues. Management does not have a high level of complexity, does not take much time.

The automatic secretary shows itself perfectly in business. He successfully copes with several issues at once. These include taking calls. In the future, they are redirected according to specified scenarios. You can leave information if needed. The redirect feature becomes very useful when the line is busy. Due to this, customers are not lost, they are provided with answers to all their questions.

A modern server (TFTP) can significantly reduce the material costs required for negotiations. This is facilitated by free communication between office employees. They are encouraged to use internal numbers. They are short and easy to remember. Another plus is the organization of negotiations between branches located in different places. As a result of effective interaction, all issues will be resolved with ease, without taking much time, subject to significant savings due to low tariffs.

The only condition that is required is the presence of a permanent connection to the worldwide network. By the way, Canmos will also help with this issue, because the provider specializes in providing this category of services. Here you can choose the most suitable package that suits your connection speed, technologies used, as well as prices and other conditions.

Together with the station, excellent internal and external communications are organized. Thanks to good power and excellent characteristics, there are no problems during conversations. Subscribers can always get through. They are redirected to the employee they are interested in. Also, the employees themselves communicate with each other without any problems.

To achieve this result, it is necessary to correctly configure the settings. So, employees are divided into certain groups. For them, the optimal number of lines is intended. Calls are sorted according to the specified settings. The system automatically allocates free lines for subscribers. This feature eliminates failures and allows you to contact the right subscriber without delay, without wasting time on tedious waiting or numerous calls.

IP-telephony provides its own characteristic features regarding the functioning and the basic principle of operation. The station itself is located on the server: on the server of a provider specializing in the provision of this category of services, on a server on the Internet or on a server in the subscriber's office. Its customization is carried out taking into account the specific requests of the customer. Special protocols are designed to transmit information, including multimedia and voice messages. If the PBX is located directly on the server of the telecom operator, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and the connection is very easy and fast, requiring only the appropriate settings.

Modern PBX

The systems used today are becoming an accepted standard that companies cannot do without. IP-stations became the most demanded type. They are indispensable for small, medium and large businesses. In each case, the optimal package of services is selected, the functionality that allows solving the full scope of the tasks set.

Modern PBX has a clear operating principle. It includes a server, a certain number of phones, and the gateways required to connect to networks. Contacting a provider to order services allows you to quickly resolve the connection issue without resorting to complex work and without purchasing expensive equipment. Such attractive features contribute to significant savings.

The main advantages of choosing should include:

  • scalability - there are no problems with expansion, which makes it easy to add new phones and serve a large number of subscribers;
  • extended functionality - in addition to the basic options, it is proposed to use a large number of additional ones. As a result, even more questions are solved. In practice, call forwarding functions, voice menu, call recording and much more become useful;
  • ease of management - provided by a simple interface in which you can easily perform all the required actions;
  • setting - carried out in many ways. The necessary characteristics are set to use the system with maximum benefit;
  • cost-effectiveness - connection and subsequent use is inexpensive;
  • Efficiency of connection - all settings are carried out in a short time;
  • quality – negotiations become as comfortable as possible due to stable quality;
  • security - the use of modern technologies provides a high level of security.

Distinctive feature modern PBX the presence of the auto attendant function. With its help, the process of automating the reception of calls takes place. It provides for use with corporate purposes, becoming indispensable for different organizations that differ in size, specialization and direction of activity. In each case, with its help, the performance of many tasks is significantly accelerated, and the quality of service reaches a new level.

The need to use an automatic attendant is associated with the need to reduce the burden on employees, as well as reduce their total number, which makes fixed costs much lower. Work is carried out at an intelligent level, according to pre-set settings, without requiring the use of expensive equipment.

For many organizations, in order to develop a business, it is important to solve two main issues:

  • increase the efficiency of employees;
  • improve the quality of service.

This will help modern PBX, having all the technical parameters required for this and functionality. Thanks to convenient communication between employees, they will be able to quickly resolve all business issues that appear every day. The system unites different departments, employees working remotely, who are on a business trip. All this significantly increases their performance.

Another issue is high-quality communication with customers, which is an important condition for organizing a high level of service. Potential buyers can easily call the company. The telephone line allows you to simultaneously receive a large number of calls, so no one will be left without attention. An understandable voice menu will help you contact the right department, where there are appropriate prompts. A pleasant greeting and musical accompaniment make it possible to create a good impression of the organization itself from the first moments of contacting it.

Our advantages

    Telephony provider

    For each client

    Individual approach


    Over 15 years

    Office in the Central Administrative District

    All services


    WebRTC, Call Back

    The best prices

    PBX protection

    deep packet inspection

    We use

    Innovate experience

    Telephone communications

    Optics, TLS

ATS Moscow

There is an active business life in the capital. There are many companies operating in various fields of activity. It is important for all of them to overcome the high level of competition, reach a new level, and increase profitability. To achieve such results, a competent approach to business organization is required. An important condition is a highly efficient communication system that provides high-quality service and constant interaction of the entire team.

All of the above tasks will require a multifunctional and correctly configured ATS Moscow. It is worth ordering its connection from a trusted provider offering high-quality and stable services at a reasonable cost.

Connecting the system is required for many issues:

  • reduction of fixed costs for negotiations, including calls to other cities and countries - calls are much cheaper due to the offer of attractive tariffs;
  • unification of the entire team - the system promotes effective interaction between individual employees, as well as different branches, representative offices, regardless of their location;
  • mobility - at any point you can contact the right employee to perform everyday tasks. There are no problems when changing office premises, because the move does not require thinking about communication, it will remain unchanged.

The list of options inherent in the systems is incredibly extensive. Most often used in practice:

  • "smart" call processing - reception and further redirection is carried out at an intellectual level, taking into account the specified parameters;
  • auto attendant - automatically receives calls, processes them promptly, without involving a large number of employees;
  • voice menu - following simple and understandable prompts, you can easily reach the employee he needs, who will advise on emerging issues;
  • recording - telephone conversations are recorded. Subsequently, the stored information becomes very useful. Its careful study creates conditions for resolving conflict situations, assessing the activities of employees, the level of quality of service;
  • reports - statistics and other information is provided on the negotiations.

This is only a small part of the huge opportunities that open up with the use of the system. All of them directly in practice could be appreciated by Canmos customers. Immediately after the introduction of the system, its benefits are felt due to the improvement of many indicators. Management is carried out with ease, does not involve any difficulties, and the connection does not take much time.

The flexibility of settings allows you to enter all the required values ​​for the main parameters, successfully cope with the entire volume of tasks. In the future, choosing this option will also allow you to experience significant savings, because negotiations will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, subject to excellent quality and stable work. The telecom operator's clients receive a combination of the main advantages - excellent quality at a reasonable price, which makes cooperation beneficial from all sides.

Order an efficient and multifunctional ATS Moscow with phone numbers in the codes 499 and 495!

PBX functionality

Smart PBX

The distribution of incoming calls among telephone sets is set by the administrator in the PBX interface (dialplan).


Deep packet inspection, HTTPS, management from specified IP addresses.

New technologies in ATS

WebRTC telephony, Call Back.

Separate control

Each administrator manages his own group of users.

Greeting on call

Any voice file is installed for each subscriber.

Statistics, reporting

The administrator can receive any reporting on the received and made calls of his user group.


You can create groups for conferences with more than 3 participants.

Video calls

PBX allows you to connect videophones.

Integration with CRM

Integration with various database management systems.


Implementation of automatic dialing to subscribers with subsequent call routing.

fax server

Reception of faxes on E-mail. Sending from a computer.

PBX connection, provider

To resolve the issue of organizing an effective telephone connection, you will need to connect a PBX. In this case, you first have to decide on the provider providing the services. Today, there are many organizations operating on the market, each of which offers its own terms of cooperation, a certain list of services provided and prices. In practice, it is important to get high-quality communication with low material costs. Such benefits are provided to everyone who has chosen the Canmos telephony provider.

The provider has been operating in its field for many years. During this time period, the organization has shown itself perfectly, taking a responsible approach to its work, providing high-quality services. It contributes to:

  • application of advanced technologies, including cloud ones;
  • use of modern equipment with excellent characteristics and enhanced functionality;
  • attraction of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience, responsible for the performance of professional duties;
  • 24/7 support service that promptly resolves all emerging issues.

When working with customers, an individual approach is practiced. The company is well aware that each of them has their own wishes and requests. For this reason, there are different service packages to choose from, with different conditions and prices. Optimal packages are selected on an individual basis in order to obtain the required list of options, investing in the planned amount.

The main selection criteria are:

  • number of external and internal ports;
  • used equipment and technologies;
  • list of options and additional services;
  • price.

It will be convenient for everyone who plans to connect a PBX to get acquainted with the list of services provided, the packages offered on the website. A lot of relevant information has been published here, including about the main activities of the company, current prices, and so on.

If you have questions or require further clarification, you can contact the staff. For this, it is proposed convenient ways. For example, on the site you can order a callback by filling out a short form. At the indicated contact numbers, managers promptly call back to answer all questions. Also on the site it is easy to leave a request for ordering services. All that is required is to fill out a short form with the requested information.

ATS is connected in a short time, it is being evaluated in the case very soon. Cooperation is carried out in a simple and understandable way. It includes several basic steps:

  • application - you can inform about the intention to order the service through the website or by calling the company at the specified contact phone numbers;
  • discussing the details with the manager - informing about existing wishes;
  • selection of a tariff - the choice of a package that suits in all respects and functionality;
  • providing access to your personal account - making all the required settings and getting started.

Just a few simple steps - and the customer receives a modern, multifunctional, stable operating system that allows you to successfully solve everyday work issues. Improve the quality of service, and actively develop the business as a whole.


SBC (S essence B order C controller - session border controller) carrier-class equipment (software or hardware) that ensures the security of carrier NGN networks.

Automatic telephone exchange

When high-quality, functional, but inexpensive communication is required, the best solution is automatic telephone exchange. They can be of different types, but virtual ones have become the most popular. Their popularity is associated with the main advantages that distinguish this type from others:

  • quick connection without purchasing expensive equipment, laying cables;
  • flexibility of customization for specific questions;
  • many basic and additional options for highly efficient use;
  • cost-effectiveness during connection and further operation.

The choice becomes economically justified. Together with it, negotiations within the network between employees will be free. Each of them has its own short number. Calls to other cities and countries will become much cheaper. Savings on them will be up to 80%. This figure indicates a significant economic benefit that all customers of the provider receive. In addition, in the large number of packages presented, it is easy to choose the best types for a specific budget and tasks. Professional advice from employees who are ready to help everyone with the choice will help in this.

A significant advantage of a virtual system is its extended functionality:

  • intellectual qualities;
  • ease of management with division into separate user groups;
  • callback;
  • WebRTC technology;
  • clear voice menu;
  • greetings;
  • detailed reports and provision of statistical information;
  • integration with CRM;
  • distribution of incoming calls according to the specified settings;
  • holding conferences;
  • connection of videophones;
  • faxes;
  • telemarketing.

Communication organized with the help of new technologies and the Internet is characterized by high quality and security. At the same time, it does not require large financial costs, which contributes to significant savings for the company. The decision becomes justified, optimizing the constant expenses of the company, creating all the conditions for its rapid development, improvement of the main indicators, and the productivity of the team.

An equally important result achieved in practice concerns the improvement of the quality of service. This, in turn, helps to expand the customer base, retain loyal customers, and improve profitability, which is the ultimate goal for entrepreneurs.

On the base automatic telephone exchange a full-fledged call center is being organized, allowing specialists from different departments to communicate, as well as simultaneously receive a large number of calls. Together with him, you will soon be able to evaluate the remarkable results, make a good impression about the organization itself.

The station improves the performance of the company by providing basic statistical information. In particular, this concerns the number of negotiations, their duration and other information. No less useful is the recording of negotiations, thanks to which it is easy to control the work of the team, evaluate the quality of service, and make the required changes to activities if necessary.

To get all the benefits listed above, it is important to turn to a proven provider who is responsible for his work, clearly fulfilling all obligations to each of the clients.

Canmos is a company that is ready to offer such benefits to everyone, which is proven by many positive reviews and a good reputation. Here, each of the clients is waiting for an extensive list of services provided with consistently high quality at affordable rates, an attentive and round-the-clock support service, and professional advice on all emerging issues. This allows you to add up the most pleasant impressions of cooperation, to achieve excellent results directly in practice.

Connect a multifunctional PBX from a reliable provider on attractive terms to develop your business! Submit your application today to receive a ready-made solution as soon as possible!

Quickly connect PBX

Order PBX

The manager will call and help with the choice

We will provide a PBX, get started

Order PBX

To create and modernize corporate network connection can be used Virtual PBX. With its help, it is easy to build and optimize all communication processes for business.

On the basis of a Virtual or mini-PBX, you can combine all communication channels into one: from regular calls and notifications about customer and partner requests in instant messengers to creating automatic tasks in an integrated CRM or ERP system.

Benefits provided by IP telephony for the office:

    line availability for receiving and making calls;

    the possibility of free connection of an unlimited number of internal numbers for employees;

    the ability to use for connecting subscribers a connection both via a conventional telephone network and based on an IP network;

    high quality and stability of communication without disconnections, noise, interference and other defects that may interfere with comfortable communication;

    advanced functionality of a virtual IP-PBX, especially when using the integration of virtual telephony with customer relationship management systems (CRM and ERP), not to mention traditional tasks (receiving and transmitting a fax, saving conversations and call forwarding);

    lack of binding to the location of the office;

    the ability to connect dynamic call tracking to track the effectiveness of advertising.

* - uninterrupted operation of communication is guaranteed when routing calls only through our company's networks (without transitions to / from the partner network) and in case of force majeure.

Cloud PBX - reliability and innovation

Cloud telephony is a modern platform for companies with any staff, including those with remote employees (working outside the office). Enjoys great success with businesses in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

Virtual PBX is a full-featured telephony service, the technical base of which is based on the duplication of all infrastructure elements, which guarantees uninterrupted operation and data storage, including call records. The optimal cost, the ability to integrate with other business tools and the expansion of functionality make it possible to use an innovative product every day.

You can use a cloud PBX in the office without telephones at all - a computer or laptop connected to the Internet is enough: all resources are actually located at the provider. The number will also be virtual, that is, without reference to the office. You can connect and configure the Virtual PBX completely remotely.

Connection in 3 hours

The selected number will become available for receiving calls immediately after the conclusion of the contract

No link to address

No wires, no hassle with moving or opening new points of presence

Favorable rates

Connection of a number from 0 rubles, fee for the number from 250 rubles / month, a minute of conversation from 0.42 rubles.

High reliability

UIS communication infrastructure guarantees stable operation - no more than 15 minutes of downtime per month *

Easy Connectivity

It is easy to connect and disconnect functionality and pay only for the tools and features used

Technical support 24/7

AND personal manager for convenient work with telephony, Virtual PBX and other tools

Opportunities of virtual PBX for business

Online shopping

Automation of order processing

Call centers

Agent Control and Call Distribution

Service companies

Tracking all stages of interaction with customers

Financial institutions

This is a great solution for companies that value mobility. IP-telephony can work from anywhere in the world and does not require changing the phone number. Cloud telephony allows you to make any settings up to the scenario of choosing a specific operator when the specified conditions in the Personal Account are met, which makes the Virtual PBX a very flexible tool that adapts to any needs and tasks.

Connecting smart telephony from UIS allows you to use various tools: a call from a site (sitephone), a lead generator and an online consultant. With their help, the company can provide customers with additional communication channels. Connecting a Virtual PBX - important step for business growth.

Connect the number of the desired region and start receiving calls from potential customers without opening an office.

Optimizing the reception of incoming calls

Flexible PBX settings allow you to use remote staff or a regional call center to process calls from metropolitan areas

RENDER.RU is the largest information resource in Russia on computer graphics.

Virtual numbers 495 helped organize a virtual representation of the company in Moscow. Flexible voice menu settings organize redirection of 100% of calls to the numbers of the necessary specialists, improving the quality of customer service for the company.

Consolidation of mobile and office employees into a single network with a single company number

Even when calling from an employee's mobile phone, the client's company number is determined. And your employees are always available to customers.

Many numbers - one call center

PBX "Telfin.Office" calls to different numbers company, will show employees which number and from which region the call came.

Impericom is an official dealer of popular manufacturers of geodetic, laser and measuring equipment.

Thanks to ATS Telfin.Office, the Impericom company is available to customers day and night and is ready to advise the buyer by phone. After 18:00, redirection to mobile sellers works, and on weekends - to the head of the sales department. In the event of a force majeure, such as a power outage, customers can still reach us without problems.

Unified corporate telephone network

Virtual PBX "Telfin.Office" unites office, mobile, remote employees into a single network with short employee numbers.

Improving the quality of work with clients

A wide range of control tools from call recording to the "Monitoring" and "Call Evaluation" modules

"Milavitsa Mos" is a well-known chain of branded lingerie stores in Russia.

A unified corporate telephone network with free communication between store and office employees saves money on communication. Corporate telephone number to communicate with all employees of the company, including remote ones, simplifies and speeds up work. Conversation recording makes it easier to keep track of customer service standards when talking on the phone.

Integrations with CRM

Calls directly from CRM, a pop-up card with information about a client on an incoming call, the creation of a new contact automatically, call history directly in the client card and many other useful features.

Call Recordings

History of interaction with clients. Monitoring the work of employees, training newcomers on the best examples and analysis of completed calls.

DARTA is a team of professionals in the field of online advertising and website development.

DARTA combined a virtual PBX and CRM, which made it possible to clearly and quickly maintain customer reporting. Now all the necessary information about customers is stored in one place. Customer analytics helps to control the level of sales.

Connecting home and mobile phones to the network

Internet telephony connects all offices and individual employees into a single telephone network. Transferring and forwarding calls evenly distributes the workload of the staff.

Reducing the number of unanswered calls

Virtual PBX "Telfin.Office" instantly connects the caller with one of the free dispatchers. If all employees are busy, the system keeps the customer on the line, informing about promotions and special offers of the company.

"Phaeton" is a round-the-clock taxi service that also offers rental of trucks, minivans, foreign cars with a driver.

Virtual phone numbers helped organize remote jobs. Customers call ordinary local phones, but calls can be processed by an operator located in any of the company's offices - sometimes even working from home.

Connect also office automatic telephone exchanges (the number of connected automatic telephone exchanges is not limited).

Since setting up your PBX connection via the Rest API does not depend on Bitrix24, but is fully configured in a third-party application, we will not consider these connections - this is described in detail on the download page of these applications in Marketplace24.

Consider Integration with PBX via SIP connector.

Operation logic SIP Connector next:

  1. When making an outgoing call, Bitrix24 will try to connect to the server you specified in the section Outgoing calls number settings form, and after logging in with a login/password, make a call.
  2. To receive an incoming call to the portal, you need to create a trunk on your IP-PBX with the parameters that are provided to you in the section Incoming calls number settings form, and send all incoming calls to the PBX to this trunk.

There are no special technical requirements for connected PBXs, except for support for the SIP protocol. You can always try to connect any operator. If it works according to SIP standards, there should be no problems with its operation.

To test the functionality, free minutes for outgoing calls are available to you. The number of free minutes and the term of the active license are displayed on the page in the section Telephony.

If after testing you are satisfied with the work of the service, and you are going to use the PBX for outgoing calls, you need to pay for the license using the button Pay for module connection for outgoing communication.


  1. The license for the SIP connector is purchased for the entire Bitrix24. That is, if you connect more than one SIP PBX to your Bitrix24, then you do not need to buy an additional SIP connector.
  2. The license for the SIP connector is purchased separately, i.e. it is not tied to the Bitrix24 Telephony account.

To process calls, in addition to the settings in Bitrix24 and in the PBX itself, you will need to make settings on the firewall of your local network.

Settings in Bitrix24

Consider setting up a PBX using an example Asterisk. To configure the PBX, data is taken from the block Incoming calls:

Creating a trunk

In the configuration file for SIP channels in Asterisk sip.conf You need to create an entry like this:

Dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; instead of your_account, you must use the name of your account in field Server address(see illustration above). fromdomain=your_account type=friend host=your_account ; the value of the field is used as the value of fields of type user Login fromuser=asterisk username=asterisk ; the value of the field is used as the password value Password secret=mypass insecure=port,invite contex=contex-internal disallow=all nat=yes allow=ulaw&alaw

In this entry, you only need to change the values ​​for the domain, password, and the nat parameter, which is set to yes/no , depending on whether you use NAT or not.

Here is a sample of the settings according to the data from our example above:

Dtmfmode=rfc2833 type=friend fromuser=sip9 username=sip9 secret=********** ********* insecure=port,invite contex=contex-internal disallow=all nat=yes allow=ulaw&alaw

Attention! Previously, in the settings of your PBX, it was used in the field Server address incoming instead of ip (for example: You can continue to use this notation, but the telephony module will be significantly slower. Better change to ip .

Sip reload

Setting up calls from Asterisk to Voximplant

You need to pre-configure your dial plan (Dialplan) in the Asterisk configuration file extensions.conf. The dialing plan determines the handling and routing of incoming and outgoing calls. File extensions.conf controls the behavior of all connections passing through the PBX.

When compiling your dialing plan, you need to register the command:


In this case, the call will arrive in Bitrix24 as a call to the number to which it originally came in Asterisk.

You must make a dialing plan yourself, because each company has its own call flow logic. There is Asterisk documentation for this, or you can contact partners with the appropriate competence.

The settings are applied by the command in the Asterisk console:

Dialplan reload

LAN Firewall Settings

By default, port 5060 is used for SIP, and ports 10000-20000 for media (RTP). Port 5060 can be either TCP or UDP - it depends on the existing local network settings.

Usually for SIP it is important that outgoing traffic is allowed (with a PBX for example), and incoming connections will work automatically. RTP is usually used like UDP (so that when packets are lost, data continues to be transmitted).

The ports themselves can be configured in the properties of the PBX: which one is set there, this one must also be opened in the firewall.

Attention! PBX setup for the boxed version of Bitrix24 should be done after configuring the module to work with cloud telephony

Use a SIP phone, computer, smartphone, tablet, IP gateway with analog devices! Virtual PBX, virtual PBX is a service that replaces a physical, office station. The service consists in the fact that the company receives the full use of the functionality of a telephone exchange physically located at the provider, pays a subscription fee for using telephone communications.

« Virtual"takes its meaning from the Latin word vir"the male". Virtus was used to refer to the totality of all the qualities inherent in men: physical strength, valorous behavior, moral dignity. The modern meaning of the word, a certain state of the object in which there is no difference between the real and the imaginary. Virtual PBX can be located anywhere on the Internet connecting subscribers for voice communication. The canmos provider connects the phone via the Internet for free, allocates a resource, provides access to statistics! For negotiations, you need a station to which the subscriber will be connected, all negotiations will be carried out through it. In order to make a call, you need a number that connects two phones with the help of stations, creating a temporary channel for a conversation, after it ends, the channel is automatically sorted out by the control stations.

Virtual PBX connects an IP phone within a few minutes, manages MG / IL routes, collects statistics, records conversations, creates a call plan for both outgoing and incoming calls, fax, answering machine, greeting. Functionality: automatically receive calls and call any number, listen to the answering machine via E-mail, apply multi-channel number, receive calls according to the schedule, multi-level voice menu, subscriber grouping, call distribution, call interception, black list, white list, etc., short numbering. Convenient and easy connection: software phones installed on a computer or smartphone, IP gateway with analog telephones, IP phones. A wide range of devices or programs for calls from a large number of manufacturers. The most technologically advanced, simple, fast way connections, use the internet. High-quality conversations at a distance for business are provided by optical cable or Q&Q technology. A transition to a new level is being carried out within a few weeks after agreement, the input of an optical cable into the building by the canmos telecom operator. Optical lines can transmit a large amount of information at the speed of light, a dedicated channel provides high quality signal transmission without interference from the provider to the subscriber.

The management and quality of telephone conversations is becoming a business tool and an important element in the work of an enterprise; most modern legal entities pay serious attention to their development. A lot depends on the quality of communications - from the effectiveness of interaction with subscribers to an increase in the level of organization management.

Canmos communication will save a lot Money, and also get an excellent resource for automating many business processes. The signal is transmitted using the station, which is located in the server rack of the provider. In this case, the direct installation of bulky equipment in your building is not required. This greatly simplifies the connection process.

Heads of enterprises, structural divisions, managers and individual entrepreneurs strive to ensure that their organizations reach a new level. Everyone is interested in increasing the number of customers, in the greater efficiency of their enterprise, in reducing costs, in increasing sales, in the successful promotion of goods or services. The use of our technologies solves these problems taking business to another level.

An innovative business involves the need to make a large number of calls, manage contacts with counterparties, plan meetings and tasks. Managers communicate with subordinates, employees communicate with each other to resolve certain issues, operators or managers accept applications from subscribers. For this reason, the importance of such aspects as:

  • speed and quality of signal transmission;
  • uninterrupted work;
  • functionality;
  • the ability to connect a large number of numbers;
  • reducing the cost of telephony without losing its effectiveness.

Our connection fully complies with the criteria listed above! CRM, SBC perform the necessary functions for business. Signal transmission is carried out using encrypted channels on the Internet and an optical cable, so that the quality is maintained even under conditions of increased load.

Using a dedicated channel will protect against various interruptions caused by congestion. The network easily withstands the necessary load, you can connect the required number of numbers and lines, quickly solve problems related to the work of your company.


Innovative telephony, which is controlled via the Internet. Phones are connected by optical cable or via the Internet to a working station in the Canmos server rack. This technology is ideal for medium-sized firms, small businesses, call centers with 2-15 agents. Our company makes it possible to open a branch or a call center in Moscow without an actual presence.

All work of the new structural unit will be carried out through VPN, which will link the remote office and the actual location. Its connection will allow you to solve many tasks of optimizing and automating your business. Starting a company or a new business always results in additional expenses. The use of modern technology will allow you to reduce costs to a minimum, use existing telephone sets, free of charge (software). However, the quality of communication and its efficiency will be more high level when using IP phones and an optical cable between the provider and the subscriber.


Excellent functional resources. Important functions include:

  • voice menu;
  • Internet telephony;
  • the ability to record conversations;
  • forwarding to a mobile phone;
  • auto attendant;
  • export filtering;
  • adding new numbers.

Setting specific functions depends on the tasks you are going to solve, as well as your personal preferences. You will be able to manage all network subscribers and control phone calls. The work will be systematized in accordance with specific conditions.

Work with clients

In our time, firms are actively "fighting for customers." And the winner here is the one who uses the most effective tools, a bunch of CRM. When a person wants to order a product or service from you, it is very important to keep this client. Modern technology will help you with this.

If the caller or customer hears a “busy” signal in the handset, he will turn to your competitors. To avoid this scenario, use call forwarding and a database with all calls available for viewing in a convenient interface. With this approach incoming call necessarily processed by one of the free operators. If the client called after hours, contact him as soon as possible.

Recording conversations will allow the manager to monitor the work of his subordinates, identify and analyze errors, and make adjustments to the activities of operators and managers. So a modern automatic telephone exchange becomes an excellent assistant for improving the work of an enterprise.

Virtual PBX for free

Businesses that prefer modern technology are taking an approach that combines quality and reliability with minimal connection costs. An excellent solution would be to connect your phone to a virtual PBX for free. You get a modern telephony that works via the Internet. At the same time, such a connection becomes the most profitable for you in terms of financial costs.

You get a free interface that reflects all conversations, numbers, call time, the most economical route MG / IL is selected. Connect for free and pay only the costs of LD/IL and a monthly fee, the functionality is able to replace a regular office telephone exchange, and its capabilities will be much higher. Virtual technology has significant advantages, due to which it is very popular these days. Business owners, heads of enterprises and institutions willingly use such competitive advantages.

The functionality involves a large selection of settings, so that the company can connect additional functions depending on the needs of the company. Analog and other obsolete equipment is a thing of the past. Businesses and organizations are starting to use more efficient tools.

Free, convenient and practical

Modern technologies differ in serious convenience. The user does not need his own station, as it is connected to the provider's cloud server. It is enough for an employee to have one of the technical kit options:

  • IP phone
  • PC or tablet with ZoiPer software;
  • Smartphone with ZoiPer software;
  • Phones and gateway.

The connection of the equipment chosen by the subscriber is made in 15 minutes via the Internet or using an optical cable, providing high-quality communication without interference and without loss.

There is no need to be geo-referenced to your company's office. Employees can communicate with each other from different locations. It becomes much easier for managers to control the work of subordinates using CRM. Efficiency of interaction with customers, clients and partners increases. With such telephony, many conversations take place online and go beyond the office walls.

Canmos makes it possible to unite all structural divisions of your company into a single network. In this case, you use one multichannel number or several. It all depends on your personal preferences and tasks that need to be addressed. For communication of users within the network, a short numbering is provided.

If you made the right decision to connect a free virtual PBX instead of the old one, the effect will be immediate! Such telephony will be an ideal option for processing calls from buyers and customers; it can be used to organize the work of a call center.

Free and efficient

When connecting, it remains possible to save the current number using the FXO gateway. Some companies resort to such tactics to retain old subscribers. Other enterprises prefer to use everything new, believing that they will not have any losses.

Virtual telephone network capabilities allow you to handle more calls. At the same time, even with a heavy workload, telephony works without any interruptions. This becomes another argument in favor of implementing such a solution. Poor quality telephone communication leads to losses for the enterprise if the profit directly depends on the volume of accepted applications. Virtual PBX is efficient and reliable, so you are sure that the client will get through to you.

The technologies used in such telephony can withstand serious loads. The signal transmission quality remains at a high level even with the maximum network load. Telephony, carried out via the Internet, noticeably outperforms traditional telephony.

The principle of a free virtual PBX

The principle of connecting to a virtual PBX:

1. Free is not only a way to reduce costs.

2. The Moscow city numbering is allocated with the required number of lines.

3.A calling plan for internal lines is configured.

4. The amount that can be spent as much as possible per day is adjusted. Fool protection.

5. The quality of communication and the established rules are checked.

You get a telephone network that is extremely easy to use. The subscriber makes a call that goes to your phones according to the established rule. Up to a hundred people can call one number at the same time. Call processing is carried out according to the selected settings.

In most cases, the caller immediately gets to a free operator. The exception here is the moments when all operators are busy. In this scenario, the caller is asked to wait - he receives a special voice message. When one of the operators is released, the connection immediately occurs.

The operator or manager can chat for an unlimited amount of time. In this case, the conversation is recorded, and the manager receives information to analyze the activities of his employee.

Useful features and benefits

In general, the canmos policy is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, pay monthly fees for lines and outgoing calls at surprisingly low rates, the virtual PBX itself is absolutely free, regardless of the number of employees, functionality, and other things. All intercity/international calls go through optimal routes, call quality is high, prices are good, integration with CRM is the best in terms of price and quality.

Communication stands out for its advanced functionality with many different elements. The following functions play a special role:

  • automatic call processing - allows you to forward and receive calls according to the scenario specified by the settings;
  • voice menu - helps the caller to receive the necessary information and better navigate;
  • collection of statistics personal account the user's history of incoming and outgoing calls is stored;
  • black and white list - simplifies the call processing process;
  • callback from the site - improves interaction with a potential customer and buyer, increases the possibility of concluding a deal.

This telephony gives additional features for a company, you can connect for free in 20 minutes. And you do not need to use any equipment. You are relieved of the need to purchase expensive stations, switches, and so on.

You will significantly save on communication services, since Internet telephony is much cheaper. Allows you to easily interact with employees who work remotely or are located in another city. Telephony empowers your company.

The TLS and HTTPS protocols provide secure and reliable connections. Competitors and intruders do not get access to your information. Even if you don't have internet or the power is out, you can keep in touch with the client who called. This feature is available thanks to the equipment of your provider.

Interaction with Canmos

Canmos connects to communication services on the basis of a license and a contract. We configure telephony based on the tasks that your organization needs to solve. Thanks to modern technologies, your customers' appeals turn into sales.

PBX, working on the basis of cloud solutions, significantly improves the quality of service. You get rid of missed calls and keep potential customers, turning them into real ones. Your enterprise becomes more mobile, which is achieved by automating and optimizing many processes.

Customers and partners become more loyal towards you. The level of trust increases, the image of the organization improves, costs are optimized. Cloud telephony will take your organization to the next level.

To realize the benefits of such a PBX, interaction with an experienced provider is necessary. Canmos will help you get telephony aimed at developing your company and solving the problems you need. Use innovative communication tools to help your business.

Safety and reliability

For innovative firms, the factor of information security plays an important role. It is extremely important that confidential information does not fall into the hands of intruders. Some conversations contain information that should not be available to third parties. A virtual type PBX is able to protect you from the interception of such information.

The signal is transmitted using a special encrypted protocol, so attackers will not be able to listen to such a conversation. You get secure and reliable telephony that can protect you from failures and interception of confidential information.


The company that provides communication services, the communication provider is of great importance. It is better to cooperate with an experienced provider that has proven itself in business. The possibilities of a virtual network can be fully realized when you are dealing with professionals.

Order a service from Canmos and you will receive high-quality telephony for your organization. We customize the network according to the needs of the client, without offering extra costs for additional features. Canmos specialists have extensive experience working with customers of various levels. We will offer a network that suits your business needs. The tools you choose will solve the necessary business problems. Network maintenance is carried out by employees of our company. You are relieved of the need to purchase any equipment, since communication is carried out thanks to the capacities of our company. Use our opportunities to grow your business.

Free connection!

Fast free connection. You can connect a virtual PBX for free in a few minutes. Set up integration via API with CRM, without visits of technical specialists.

Free communication connection with the ability to manage contacts through CRM, with all counterparties and control negotiations. Any business, large and small, uses the telephone, the modern realities of our life are a large number of negotiations, calls that we make ourselves and call us. Call management and their systematization will allow you to use your time more productively.

Our solutions can manage your entire company's telephony as well as your personal communications very efficiently. What is management? How can I set up a group of phones to work in the same mode, obeying the same rules?

To answer this question, it is necessary to determine the priorities that you consider the most important in your work or personally for yourself in connection. Agree if the company is young and it is important for it not to lose a single contact, client and call, it is necessary to maximize the value of any incoming call large quantity employees, leave all unanswered calls in the database (CRM) data.

But when a company has already developed a certain circle of clients, it is more important for it to work with an existing circle of clients, calls from old clients should have a higher priority.

CRM+server allows you to configure several telephones to one telephone number, all calls incoming to the company will be received by several people in turn or simultaneously. With this mode of operation of a multi-channel telephone number, provided there are a sufficient number of operators, all calls will be accepted. Maintaining a database of calls additional control of the quality of service.

Intelligent phone call landing system.

Sitting at the table and waiting for a call is a very difficult job, with a small traffic of phone calls, it is convenient to set up a queue from phone calls with the possibility of fixing all phone numbers that called the company number. Making it easier than you think! 24 hours a day, of which we are at work for 8 hours, not counting lunch, there are weekends and holidays. The rules should be different during working hours and outside working hours. There are phone numbers listed in the database as important clients, the call from which should come to a specific manager or leader.

The cloud PBX program allows you to take into account: the number of the caller, the time of the call, the availability of free operators. The application of the established rules will save time on call processing and improve the quality of service. Use all phones that are available: IP phone, analog telephone, smartphone, laptop, computer.

We solve 99% of all business tasks, combine the convenience of a mobile phone and the capabilities of a single company phone number.

Virtual PBX functionality

Virtual PBX canmos is a modern, efficient solution for working with calls. Consider its main functions and capabilities:

  • creation of groups of users who perform similar or identical duties;
  • acceptance of calls from any numbers, from any countries, and any cities;
  • provision of group calls with the possibility of forwarding to external lines, mobile phones both automatically and manually;
  • intelligent forwarding depending on the number of the caller and the time of the call;
  • redirecting calls to the necessary operators and managers;
  • automatic call distribution;
  • use of multichannel numbers, one number can have up to 120 incoming communication lines;
  • sending notifications about missed calls received after hours or when the workload is too high, creating a waiting menu;
  • automatic informing the client about an attempt to dial out after hours, fixing the caller's number;
  • voice greetings and answering machines;
  • faxes via IP gateway;
  • recording and saving conversations;
  • maintaining statistics and analytics (who called, when, from where, from what number, how long the conversation lasted, etc.);
  • keeping the number even when changing the address of the company;
  • integration with other API programs, integration with CRM;
  • widgets to the site (call from the site, callback, chat).

Virtual PBX is connected free of charge, there is also no charge for using it subscription fee. All our clients pay only telephone connection. Virtual PBX is a free solution for office telephony. No need to buy expensive equipment and lay telephone lines, the network has already been created and is located on the operator's server. You connect to it via the Internet or an optical cable laid between the operator and the client's office.


Virtual PBX, in addition to ease of use, has a number of important advantages. First of all, this is the high quality of digital telephony, which significantly exceeds analog channels and cellular communication where there is dependence on the environment: walls, basement and sometimes weather conditions can influence. Very important for most users, the economic advantage. There is no need for wires, expensive equipment, installation and technical support, a free telephone number in the code 499, the cost per minute of conversation is also significantly lower than MG by 40%, MH up to 80%. Choosing a service provider is extremely important when it comes to telephony!

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