Creating a document in word. Microsoft Office Word program

Creating a document in word. Microsoft Office Word program

We, perhaps, missed the most important lesson, from which we had to start adding materials to our site. Recently, my little sister asked how to create a new Word document. And I thought, and after all, those who first sat down at computers may not know this, although it seems to us a matter of seconds.

There are several ways to create a new document. Firstly, the first and easiest way is to simply launch Microsoft Word and a new document should be created when the program is launched. You can open the program from the Start menu or from shortcuts located on your desktop.

If you already have one document open and you need to open another one, then proceed as follows. There is a round button in the upper left part of the program. Click on it and there will be a Create button. After clicking on it, you will see an additional window where you need to select a document template.

If you need a simple blank sheet, then just click on the "New Document" button. After that, a new blank blank sheet will appear on your screen. If you want a pre-created template that can be useful, for example, for a resume, then you need to select the “Installed templates” item in the left part of the window.

There you will find many different templates for every taste and color. Also, if you have a licensed version of Microsoft Office, which I have no doubt, you have the Microsoft Office Online item. There you can find templates that were updated by software developers at the time of the relevance of this version of the office.

You can choose from different colors of documents. If you have an old version and there is no option to choose templates, the program will offer you to update it and tell you step by step how to do it.

And finally, I want to say that the fastest way to create a new document is to use a combination of hot keys. To create a new document, you need to press “CTRL + N” and you will immediately open a new document. Sometimes it’s very convenient to read an article to the end, isn’t it? Always the most interesting at the end.

Usually the creation of a new document starts with a blank sheet. Thus, if the document is complex enough, it can take a long time to create it. Now we will consider how you can save time on creating documents. It's about Microsoft Office templates and how to use them when creating your own documents.

After creating a document from a template, it is very often necessary to change its fields if they do not suit you. How to change margins in a Word document, read a separate article on the site.

What are Microsoft Office Templates

A template is almost a finished document saved as a special file format. Most Microsoft Office templates are designed in such a way that all you have to do is fill in the data in it. The document is already in place.

Obviously, there are a number of documents whose creation can be templated. For example, it can be a resume or a letter - the structure of such documents is more or less the same. And if so, then there is no particular need to reinvent the wheel every time, creating a new document from scratch. It is for this purpose that templates were invented.

In addition, if you regularly create documents of the same type and do not need to ensure the unique design of each document, then in this case you can also use templates. How to do this, we will now consider.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How to create Word and Excel documents from a template

To begin with, we will use the standard ones included with Microsoft Office. Creating a new document from a template is the same in both Word and Excel, so I will give all examples in Microsoft Word.

To create a new document from a template, go to the menu File on the ribbon and select Create.

As can be seen from the figure, here you can choose not only to create a document from the Word templates included in the program package and located on your computer, but also select a suitable template from the Internet. To view built-in templates, select "Sample templates"; to view additional templates on the Internet, select" Templates" (folder-shaped icons).

In the latter case, the computer must be connected to the Internet. The desired template will be loaded automatically when you select it.

Before finalizing a template, you can preview what your document will look like—as always, the preview is very handy.


Don't use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N to create a new document from a template: pressing this keyboard shortcut will immediately create a regular blank document.

And here it is, the result!


How to create your own templates

If you often create documents of the same type, you can create and save your own template. In the future, it can be used to create new documents, saving you time. Creating your own template in Word or Excel is very easy. To do this, you first need to properly prepare the document in the way you need, that is, simply create a document. Then you need to save the document, choosing as the file type not a Microsoft Word (Excel) document, but Word template (Excel).


Video tutorial on creating Word and Excel documents from templates

Document templates built into MS Office can, in certain situations, save time when creating new standard documents. It is enough to choose the template that suits you, fill it out, and also correct the design, if necessary. If there is no suitable template, it can be downloaded from the Internet directly in the program itself.

Summing up

Using Microsoft Office templates saves a lot of time when creating similar documents or documents that have some standard structure.

When creating a document from a template, keep in mind that other people besides you can use the same template. So if you want to create a unique document, you have to create it from scratch.

In this lesson, we will only get acquainted with the Microsoft Office Word text editor, and in the following lessons we will consider this program in more detail. The program is very useful and multifunctional. In principle, you don’t need to know much for simple typing, even a beginner can figure it out, but we will consider the various possibilities of this text editor.

Learning to work with Microsoft Office Word.

In the article, everything will be shown using the example of Microsoft Office Word 2010, but if you have an office 2007, don't worry, in the video tutorial below the article, I showed how to do everything that was mentioned in the article.

So, we start Microsoft Office Word.

For clarity, let's type some text. Well, or copy a few paragraphs from the site and consider, how to insert text in word. Select the text and:

  • or right-click and select Copy;
  • or simultaneously hold down the Ctrl + C keys (you can read more about hot keys in).

Text copied to . To paste it, right-click on an empty space in the document and select Paste, or simply hold down the Ctrl + V keys.

In the upper left corner is office button in Word- this is the main button of the program and with its help you can perform various actions. In the 2007 version of the program, this is a round button, and in the 2010 version, there is a File tab instead.

Their functions are almost the same, only the design is slightly different. Now let's take a closer look at the contents of this button. So, you press the button.

How to create a new document in Microsoft Word?

First, let's consider how to create a new word document. Click Create and select New Document.

As you can see, in addition to the document, there is also a Blog entry with which you can write texts for posting on the Internet if you have your own blog, that is, an Internet diary.

Here you can find various templates or create your own. Quite a useful thing, by the way, since often great difficulties arise when it is necessary to properly format a business letter, announcement, card or some other document, and there are already blanks here, you just need to type your text. Or, as already mentioned, you can create your own template, for example, a questionnaire, and send it to other people to fill it out. To do this, click Create, select My Templates, put a dot in the Template item and click OK. Now you can create your template.

However, most users only need to know how to create a word document, but it does not hurt to remember about other options. If you need it, you'll know where to look.

So let's create a new document. A blank document opens in a new window, separate from our original document.

How to open and save a Word document?

The next paragraph will help us to know how to open doc document. Click Open, then look for any document previously saved on your computer or downloaded from the Internet in doc format. The program itself will show the documents that it supports.

A window will open in which you can choose where exactly on the computer we want to save the document. And since we did not save it before, we must also enter the name of the document. Enter a name by which you will understand what kind of document it is. Select the file type as Word Document if it is not selected by default, and click Save.

Here, the document was saved on the desktop, as we chose.

Now, when you press the Save button again, you will not need to enter a name, the program will simply update the existing document. I advise you to save the document often so as not to lose data due to power outages or system freezes. And the advice is a little off topic: try not to save important data on the desktop, in My Documents and in general on the system drive C. If something happens to the system and, say, you have to or, there is a high probability of losing data. Therefore, save to other local drives, for example, D or E.

Now let's go back to the Word and consider the Save As button.

When we press, we will see a familiar window. Here you can save the document with a different name, thus creating a copy that you can later work with without changing the original document. Here you can also save the document in a different format by clicking File Type and selecting the line we need.

There are many formats displayed here, but we are interested in literally 3 of them. If you have Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010, then when you select the Word Document file type, the document will be saved in docx format. In earlier versions of Word, this format is not supported, where documents are saved in doc format by default. So how to open docx document? To do this, you will first have to open it in Word 2007 or 2010 and save it by selecting the file type Word Document 97-2003. Now the document should open on computers with any version of Word. Also in this case, you can save the document as Text in RTF format. This is a fairly common format and it is supported not only by all versions of the Word, but also by many other text editors.

Print out a Word document.

And finally, let's figure it out how to print document in word. To do this, select Print.

Here, a preview is displayed on the left, that is, the view of the document, what it will be like if it is printed. If you have several printers connected, you can choose which one you want to send the print to. To configure various settings, such as printing in color or black and white, click Printer Properties. We will not consider this point in detail, because the settings window and the settings themselves are different. To print the document, click the Print button with the image of the printer.

Now let's quickly go through the customizable features when printing in Word.

With this button, we select which pages we want to print: all or only the current one. You can also print specific pages by entering page numbers. You can enter numbers separated by commas and spaces if you need to print several pages that are not in order (for example, 1, 3, 7, 15) or through a hyphen to print from such and such a page to such (for example, 7-25 ).

To print multiple copies of a document, write the number of copies.

A little lower you can configure the order in which copies will be printed: ready-made sets, or, for example, first all the first pages, then all the second ones, and so on.

You can also set up single-sided or double-sided printing.

When printing duplex, the printer will print one side first, and then the screen will show instructions on how to turn the sheets over to print on the other side.

It is better not to touch the page size, it is A4 by default.

Margins, that is, indents along the edges of pages on which nothing will be printed, you can choose ready-made ones or set your own. The smaller the margin, the more text will fit on the page. But if you have some important document, then you need to take into account certain requirements for its design and set the necessary fields.

And the last select the number of pages per sheet. Usually 1 page is selected, but if you want to make something like a brochure or just save paper, you can choose 2 pages per sheet. But keep in mind, the more pages, the smaller the text size.

So we got acquainted with some of the main features of Microsoft Office Word, most of which will undoubtedly be useful to you. Study this program and consolidate your knowledge, because the ability to work with a Word is always useful and very valuable in our time of digital technology. Good luck with this useful program!

For a beginner, learning to use a computer can be daunting. In fact, it will be enough to master a few simple functions. In this article, we will talk about how to create documents in word processing programs.

Create a document in Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, you can create a document in two ways:

  1. Right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and select the option to create a text document in Microsoft Word. A new document shortcut will appear on the desktop. You can open it with a double click, rename it if you wish, and save it to another location on your hard drive.
  2. Go to the program through the "Start", select "All Programs", then - "Microsoft Office" and "Microsoft Word".

The working window of the program will open in front of you. In it, you can type texts and insert pictures, diagrams, pictures, tables into them.

If you failed to install a paid or free Microsoft Office, then you can always download a largely similar free Open Office package (you can do this on the official website of the developer). With it, you can work with files created in both Open Office and Microsoft Office.

Create a document in Notepad and Word Pad

Word Pad is a simplified analogue of Microsoft Word, which is included in the package of standard programs installed on a computer in parallel with Windows. The list of its functions is extremely limited compared to Word documents, but it can still be used to read and create the simplest text documents, formatting text into them, inserting images.

In order to create a Word Pad file, either click on the appropriate shortcut on your desktop (if it was previously created there), or go to the "Start" menu, select the "Programs" section there, then go to "Accessories" and click on WordPad. The program window will open.

Notepad is one of the simplest text editors. To create a text document in Notepad, open Start, then Accessories, and select Notepad.

Microsoft Word files are called documents. When you start working in Word, you can create a new document or use a template. You also need to know how to open an existing file. In this lesson, we will learn how to create and open documents in Word.

Create a new document

Getting started in Word, most often start with a new document.

Opening an existing document

In addition to creating a new document, there is a need to open previously saved documents. For more information, see the Saving and AutoRecovering Documents in Word lesson.

If you opened this document recently, it will be more convenient to find it in the list Latest Documents than to search on a computer.

Word 2013 allows you to open and edit PDF files. This is very handy when you need to modify a PDF file. For more information, check out the PDF Editing Guide.

How to fix a document

If you often work with the same document, it will be more convenient to pin it in the Backstage view.

Similarly, you can also pin folders in Backstage view for quick access. To do this, while in the Backstage view, go to the tab Open and select Computer. Find the folder you want to pin and click the push pin icon.

Using Templates

A template is a pre-created document that is used to speed up work. Templates contain pre-made settings such as formatting and design to save time and effort when creating a new project.

How to create a new document based on a template

If you need to find a rarer pattern, you can select it by category or use the search bar.

Important: Not all templates are created by Microsoft. Many are created by third parties and even private users, so some templates may work better and some worse than others.

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