Why does not turn on the tablet program. Why does not the tablet start? - Causes and elimination

Why does not turn on the tablet program. Why does not the tablet start? - Causes and elimination


Regardless of the cost and characteristics of technology, problems may appear at any gadget. If you are currently reading this article, it means that the trouble happened to your tablet computer, for example. Before running the service center, give the gadget to repair and pay for the diagnosis, you can try to figure out why.

The reasons for the breakdown can be wounded both in the software android, and in the "hardware". Of course, after a serious fall, most likely, it will be difficult to fix the problem on your own. But if the tablet stopped turning on after installing the application or update the firmware, then you can easily cope with your own. But about everything in order: we will deal with the diagnosis of symptoms.

The tablet is impossible to include

The reasons for which the tablet may not include, set. In order to restore the performance of the device, the most banal breakdowns should be excluded:

  1. First check the battery. As it is not ridiculous, but many gadget owners simply forget to deliver the device on charge on time. Android models after connecting to power for another 10 minutes may not file "signs of life". Do not turn on anyway? Make sure the charger is correct.
  2. Make sure the power button is good. To do this, we recommend listening, because when you click there should be a click. The problem is treated with the help of soldering, but this kind of work is better to entrust the specialist. In the event that the period of warranty service was not over, it does not advise to engage in self-identity.
  3. Make sure the tablet is not damaged. For example, if he spent some time in the hands of a child, then you should look for cracks or dents on the case. In this case, the repairs should also be entrusted to professionals, because to independently reveal the exact cause of the problem will be difficult.

Diagnostics and repair at home

If it does not turn on, and you do not have the opportunity to contact the service center, it is worth trying to reanimate the gadget yourself. At the same time, you, of course, should be aware that in case of failure, it may not be repaired.

First you need to exclude the following situation - the device works, but no image. Make it is quite simple. To begin with, you charge the tablet, then turn off. After 20 minutes, turn it on, wait two minutes and check the back cover: it must warm up a little. If everything is different in this way, then you have to disassemble the gadget and check the loops. Also, the problem may be hidden in the burnt video plane - then the repair will not do without soldering.

Often there are also breakdowns associated with the system. In most Android models, the battery rolls to the system board with wires. Sometimes the batteries are connected using a loop or connector. Therefore, you must first check the contacts. If everything is connected correctly, then continue to find a fault.

Often the device may not be included because of the failed. In this case, it would be nice to measure the voltage issued by the battery and from the board. To measure the collapse of the board, you need to remove the battery and connect the charger. As a result, you must receive the following data:

  • when charging at 5 V, the battery has 3.7 V, and 3.9-4.2 V is supplied from the board;
  • when charging at 9 V, the battery has 7.4 V, and 7.9-8.2 V is supplied from the board;
  • when charging at 12 V, the battery most often has 7.4 V, and 7.9-12,2 V is supplied from the board.

If the indicators of your measurements correspond to the above data, then there are no problems with the supply chain. In this case, seek the reason why the gadget is not turned on, it is in faults of the board or a loader failure. In any case, "self-treatment" is contraindicated, and it is worth seeking help.

Tablet computer turns on "half"

Consider now such a case - your gadget is turned on, but an endless screensaver hangs on the screen with the inscription "Android" or depicting a broken robot. Here is the reason in the software failure. It usually occurs after installing updates, new applications, forced completion of system processes.

How best to enter this situation? It is worth trying to reset the factory settings. You will lose all your data, but you will get a working device. To implement Hard Reset, you need to get into Recovery mode. Depending on the gadget model, pressing one of the following key combinations will help you:

  • volume increasing, lowering volume and power button;
  • enable button, Home key and volume increase;
  • turn on and down button;
  • button on and increase volume;
  • lowering and increasing volume.

Next, you need to find the "WIPE DATA / Factory Reset" section, after selecting which I boldly press "YES - Delete All User Data". Then select "Reboot System". Move between items in Recovery mode is carried out using a volume adjustment swings, and the selection confirmation is performed by the switching key.

In cases where Hard Reset is powerless, you can try to reflash the device. But for this you need to get root rights. In most cases, this means that you are denying the warranty. In addition, you act exclusively at your own risk, therefore no one gives any guarantees of a positive result. Before doing this, think about contacting the service center.
Of course, with any attempts, there is a risk to finally "detect" the device. Therefore, without certain knowledge in electronics, you can except to reset to the factory settings and make sure that the charger is managed.

Especially often there are typical "diseases" in inexpensive Chinese models. If you know about similar problems, then share your experience and methods of "treatment" with our users. Did you still decide to take care of the gadget? Look in the network instructions for your model.

The technique with which we work every day - a mobile phone and tablet is also not eternal. After months and years of intensive exploitation, it fails, delivering us difficulties and inconvenience. Including with each of us this situation may happen when the tablet does not turn on. You should not panic in this case, we recommend reading this article and follow the instructions shown in it. We hope for something from what we will offer you, will help, and your computer will work in normal mode.

Check the charger

First you need to check whether your tablet is charged. It may well be that there is no, and the battery charge is not possible due to the adapter fault. To verify this version, which may be the reason that the tablet does not turn on, it is enough to try to charge your gadget using a USB cord from a personal computer. In the event that the tablet shows that the battery began to replenish, it will mean a charger malfunction. We recommend purchasing a new in the online store or at the point of sale of accessories. We draw attention to the fact that buying follows only the original charging for the tablet, since the use of fake accessories threatens to enter your computer or its battery.

Pay attention to the ON / OFF button

Another possible reason why the tablet does not turn on can be a faulty device for turning on the device. In principle, it is difficult to understand this without mechanical disassembly. However, you can try to do this by pressing the button and paying attention to its move. If you notice that the sound of pressing spare parts or its move has changed, it is probably just broken. Then nothing surprising is that the tablet does not turn on. What to do in such a situation, to solve you. Either you can independently disassemble your computer and solder the button in the place where its contact was broken, or if you weakly understand this and would not like to risk the working state of your tablet, you can attribute it to the service center and entrust the repair to specialists. There are either the connections needed to transmit a signal from the button to the device itself, or replace the mechanism to the new one.

No pictures - Another possible reason

This situation may occur when the tablet as a whole is functioning normally, however, the display for some reason does not show the image. Such a problem is quite serious, since it will be necessary to contact the repair center in any case to solve it. In order to diagnose such a problem, due to which the tablet does not turn on, it is enough to implement all the manipulations necessary for inclusion, and wait for 15-20 minutes. During this time of operation, the device must warm up slightly. You can feel mostly in the area around the chamber. Heating the case suggests that the tablet works, but you can not physically see it because there is no transfer to the screen. So, the problem in the connecting loops is either in the display itself. Most likely, something will need to be replaced. The problem with the loops is actually solved pretty quickly and simply, but if the case is in the screen - then buying a new one can be quite expensive.

Does not turn on the tablet due to battery

What are the reasons? The answer to the question why the tablet does not turn on, can also be a version of the non-working battery. So, such that the battery of your device does not hold the charge at all and needs an urgent replacement. To establish everything, we recommend connecting the tablet computer to the network device, having previously reversed the battery. If the Samsung tablet does not turn on, the problem is likely to be solved in this way. It is possible to determine what is all right in the battery, you should contact a service center or shop with accessories and ask there to install the same battery for the test. Just installing it and clicking the start button (if the problem is really in this), you will see that your tablet will again function properly.

Software errors

There are cases when the tablet ("Android") is not included due to errors at the program level. They can occur with the boot mechanism called bootloader. The latter is responsible for loading the system, its normal start of work after turning off the tablet. Therefore, if the device does not function normally after the start, at the Bootloader level there were some problems. It is not difficult to solve them - it is enough to "knock down" all the settings in such a way as to return the entire Android operating system in that kind in which she stayed at the time of purchase.

If all indicates that this lies the reason why the tablet does not turn on, then you need to make a reset of all settings to the factory. It is simply carried out - by pressing the HOME (or ON / OFF) key and the sound adjustment buttons. After this combination, the Android menu opens, in which you can select the reset version and return it to the "clean" state. The problem after the reboot must be solved.

Outcome: do not rush to panic

Each of us may have such a situation when the tablet does not turn on. What to take in such cases, we listed in this article. The main thing that should not be done exactly, it is to panic. It is necessary to understand that any problem has its own solution, including if the tablet does not turn on. What to do in this situation? Your task is to find this cause and eliminate it. As a last resort, if you really have no desire to do this, you can always attribute your gadget to the service center, where you will help you. And then your device will again please you with your work.

So, since you are here, then you do not turn on the tablet, but familiar who can solve this problem, no or they are very busy. Moreover, you obviously tried to do something with him and we will cherish the hopes that the situation you did not exacerbate.
The reasons why the tablet does not work, quite a lot, but it does not mean that without special knowledge you cannot carry out minimal diagnosis. Very can even. And at the same time, they also save themselves the amount of money, which would have to pay the service center. The main thing is clearly and consistently perform actions that take turns in turn to throw out a variety of options.

Iron or software?

To begin with, we need to understand what the problem initially lies - in the hardware of the tablet or in the software. Because it depends on this seriousness of our actions, and indeed the answer to the question whether we can reanimate it yourself.
Step 1. Watch Damage
We inspect the tablet to the example of mechanical damage. Try to remember, could you drop it somewhere or knock. Perhaps you gave it to someone to play or just to use. No matter how you are sure that the person appealed to him neatly, it's still not to trust. Many trite are afraid to say.
After watching the tablet we:
a) discovered damage. Even the slightest chip can be a sign of fall and as a result of breakdowns. It happens that on the case there is only a couple of scratches, and inside something took and fell off. Consult you to open the tablet, seek the schemes and the hardware itself will not be able to repair the hardware. If only because in 90% of cases it leads to even greater breakdowns. Therefore, the tablet needs to be carried under warranty, or if its term is dried in the workshop.
Well, about the version of the broken screen, it is even somewhere stupid. It is clearly visible to the cause of the lack of health.
b) did not find damage. Pure good tablet, and every scratch we remember and it was a long time ago. So go to step 2.
Step 2. 101th Attempt to enable
We are trying to turn on the tablet. Yes, you have already tried to turn it on and it did not turn on - this is clear. But now you need to watch carefully what happens when we are trying to turn it on.

Supporting development options:
Option 1. The tablet begins to load, but does not turn on to the end.
Option 2. The backlight is turned on or other signs of life of our device appear.
Option 3. No signs of life.

Below we will analyze these two options. And let's start with the latter.

Option 2. Illumination only
In this embodiment, the possibility of hardware breakdown is still preserved, but it is possible that the case is simply in the software. Therefore, for the beginning, we carry out all the recommendations for option 1 and if nothing helped - we go to the service.

Option 1. Loaded, but not completely
In fact, the most common option. The time when the phones and tablets were difficult to create viruses, have long passed. Moreover, today the operating system on such devices is very complex and interference in its work can create an absolutely any harmless program. And of course, no one excludes the option when our android glanced simply due to improper shutdown. In general, as you understand, the reasons may be a huge amount, and now we are the main thing to return our device to life. Therefore, go to the next step.

Step 3.5 Safe Mode
You can try to execute this step if our patient is alive more than dead and just really lags, does not want to stop the system and hysteriate in general methods. Therefore, it is not particularly necessary to allocate it as a separate step. Nevertheless, we try to go to the safe mode and restore the operating system. On different versions of Android, it turns on differently, so read it in another article.

Step 4. Restart system
First you have to come to terms with the fact that all your data and settings are deleted. More precisely, not all, but those that are stored in the main memory of the tablet. Because bring the device to the sense can restart system or how it would be more correct to name Hard Reset. What would you roughly understand that at the same time it is possible to give an example. Hard Reset is about the same thing to install the factory OS on a laptop, which is stored in a separate secure partition of the cruel disk. Most often, it is called Recovery.

Make this very much hard Reset. It is possible from a special menu that is called a specific combination of buttons. But as it usually happens, combinations of buttons on different models are different, and therefore we give the most frequent. Do not be afraid to go through all the options. Worse, you definitely do not. Just do not forget to extract the memory card from the tablet and sim card, and it is advised to perform all actions with a tablet connected to charging
The menu (this is something like a bios on the computer) is caused by the simultaneous pinch of the following buttons:

1) increase volume, reduce volume, power button
2) Power button, return button (home / home), increase volume
3) increasing volume, power button
4) reduction of volume, power button
5) Reduction and increase volume.
Cress the seconds for 10 and try each option several times. The first time is rare when it turns out.
If the menu has not caused, but a picture appeared with a fallen robot can be rejected. You have not rebooted yet, but already probably a problem in software, and this is solved.

We clamp the buttons one of the above specified options and here:
a) menu appears. Then we are looking for tincture (settings), there is a system formatting (Reset Android). Control is carried out by the volume control buttons, and confirmation - the power button.
b) The menu does not appear. We try again, then other combinations, and when the number of attempts passes the reasonable limit - we carry the specialist. So the problem is more serious.
c) appeared a fallen robot. As already mentioned, you can rejoice. Click the power button and turn off the tablet. We are waiting for about 5 minutes and try another combination. Attention - after hard reset all settings and all data will be deleted. . But you will get a fully operating device.

If the desired combination does not find or Hard Reset did not help, go to the next step.

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The tablet has recently become in high demand, it is not surprising, because by functionality they do not infer the computer or laptop, but much more compact, easier.

It is convenient to use the tablets when you are on the road, or relax in the cafe, on a walk. Agree that the laptop is not as convenient in such situations.

But there are one feature from many tablets: completely discharged the battery, then it's hard to launch a gadget, even if you put it charge. So let's figure out what to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging

Suppose your gadget stands on charging, and does not want to turn on. Leave it to charge a minimum for a couple of hours, best all night.

Try to run the tablet when it is fully charged, disconnected from charging.

In the case when the tablet does not turn on after a complete recharging, remove the battery from it (only if the battery is removed in your tablet!) For a few minutes, then insert it into place, try to turn on.

Most likely, after the manipulations, the tablet earn, but if this did not happen, we will try to run it forcibly. Like this? Read on.

Forced launch of the tablet

First of all, you need to check the system. It happens that it will hang, stop reacting to the Enable button. You must click on it, hold fifteen seconds, twenty.

If the tablet is not started, look at the inscription RESET on its case, (emergency shutdown) next to the hole. Take paper clips, or any other breeding material (toothpick, needle, so on). Bend from the clips to one end, insert the paper clips into the hole.

There is a button that you want to enable. Longly click on it until it clicks, immediately release. After that, try to run the tablet as usual. Earned - rejoice, no, then try to find reasons.

The button does not work

One of the possible reasons for the fact that the tablet does not start - the start button has broken from the contacts. This happens quite often.

If you do not hear the characteristic click when turned on, then it is necessary to solder the button to the place. It is best to entrust this action by a specialist.

No pictures

How to find out, the device itself does not turn on, or turned on, but no image? It happens that when it does not appear an image, we think that this tablet does not turn on. How to check?

As I already described above, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Put for charging (at least two hours);
  2. Hold the button for at least 15 seconds;
  3. Enable RESET to click.

After that, you need to leave the device for about twenty minutes, so that the housing is cooled, which could warm up when charging.

Turn on the tablet, wait a few minutes. Pick the back cover. If she heated a little, as it usually goes heating when working, it means that the tablet works, simply no pictures.

The reason that there is no image may be that the loop from the matrix to the system board fell out of the clamps.

In this case, the tablet is sacrificed, the train is inserted into the clamp. If everything is in order with the loop, it is firmly inserted into the clamp, that is, the probability that the video adapter has failed.

In this case, I can only advise you to contact the service center.

Check charger

In the event that the cover of the tablet did not heat up, which indicates that the device does not turn on, we try to deal with the problem further.

Next to the queue - check the charger. To check the charger, you will need a multimeter. If you, or your friends there is no such device, then let's go through another way.

Find another charging for your device, try to charge it the tablet for about thirty and more, after recharging, try to enable.

If the tablet is turned on, then the reason was the reason that was in your charger, and the gadget, standing on the charge, was not really charged.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on, check the battery

What to do if the tablet does not turn on, almost everything checked, and he did not earn? It's time to check the battery. In some tablets, the power controller is installed, it blocks the inclusion, when the problem in the battery.

Check if the battery is connected. Some battery microplates are soldered to a system board, in some, connected through a connector or a train.

Measure outgoing voltage and voltage to the input, that is, how much is due to the battery, how much comes from the board. Next, measure the voltage on the contacts of the board, terminals, loop (black -, and red +).

Indicators with a good battery!

  • Charging 5V means: from the battery 3.7 (charge from the battery from 3.9 to 4.2V);
  • Charging 9V means: from the battery 7.4 (charge from the battery from 7.9 to 8.2V);
  • Charging 12V means: from the battery 7.4 (charge from the battery from 7.9 to 12.2V).

Do you have another indicator? Then you should give a gadget for repair.

In the case when everything is in accordance with these indicators, the power circuit is in good condition.


Perhaps the reason is the failure of the bootloader bootloader programs, or broken the OS Operation. Maybe you downloaded a program that provoked a failure in the system.

In this case, you need to reset all settings to factory. How to do it? Read more.

  1. Click Reset;
  2. Remove the sim card. memory card;
  3. At the same time, click the button by which you increase the sound (not confusing with a decrease) and the "Enable" button for seconds.
  4. The tablet will begin to vibrate, the menu will appear;
  5. Working the volume key to select Settings, confirm the power button;
  6. Select Format System, then reset;
  7. Settings are reset "by default".

Turn off the device, insert cards, turn on, as usual. If everything you did, do not give results, take your gadget for repair.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging, result

Now you know what to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging. I will be glad when my tips will help you solve the problem with the tablet.

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So, friends, if you read this article, then this means that you got here, I drive a search query in the address bar: "What to do if the tablet does not turn on", although I belong to the category of people who would write: "Why not turns on the tablet. "

But it does not matter everything, we have a problem - does not turn on the tablet. On the table lies the device that is now suitable, except that, only to cut the sausage. Let's think logically how to enable the tablet if it does not turn on. For my mind, such reasons for this malfunction come:

  • mechanical breakdown
  • something burned in a tablet
  • problem with battery
  • failure of the operating system (showed android) or blucked another software

And now we will analyze every reason separately.

Mechanical breakdown

First of all, it is necessary to know whether the device has fallen. For example, the younger brother, until you seen, dropped your favorite toy to the floor. And if such a fact had a place to be, then it is clear that the tablet does not turn on after the fall. Also, in the case of detecting cracks on the screen or damage on the back cover, dents, chips, or simply scratches, then with 100% confidence you can say that Tablet flew. In general, if the tablet fell and does not turn on, then this fact can not be surprised and solving the problem, most likely, it will be repaired in the service, however, you can still try to try to reanimate the gadget yourself.

Electronics failure

The gadget of this level is a box, stuffed with electronics, which can burn for various reasons. Voltage jump, increased humidity or just marriage can cause the failure of the entire device and such problems are already resolved under warranty. There are cases when the tablet is turned on, but not loaded, or loaded, but the touch screen does not work. In this case, most likely the reason in the video.

Problem with battery or charging

If the tablet is discharged and does not turn on, it is not worth worrying, but in the case when the tablet does not turn on and does not charge or, say, it is charging and does not turn on, then this may become a problem. Battery breakdown or charger is a fairly frequent cause of a malfunction.

Software failure

If the tablet does not turn on, then it may depend on the OS or a loader flew, and maybe it was simply blucked some kind of software. In fact, this reason is the most harmless of all and anyone can solve this problem at home, without giving the device to the service.

Does not turn on the tablet, what to do?

What do we do if the tablet does not turn on android? To solve this problem, we have made an algorithm for action, how to fix the gadget if it does not turn on. In the case when after each executed item, you do not happen, go to the next.

  • Inspect your mobile device for mechanical damage.

  • Put on charging first to the network for 10 minutes, and if necessary, connect to the computer using a USB cable, perhaps just the tablet does not turn on after complete discharge. If after charging does not turn on in any way, then most likely will have to carry in service. If the tablet is charging, but does not turn on, then then go on the algorithm.
  • Try to press the inclusion button for 10-20 seconds, if it does not help, then simultaneously hold the power button and the volume button is similar to a couple of tens of seconds.

  • If you get to this point, then the likely reason in the software, for example, after the firmware, the tablet does not turn on. It happens that something went wrong and the tablet does not turn on after the update. In this case, the RESET button will help you. Just in case, pull out the memory card and SIM card, if any. Next, using a sharp item, press the RESET button, in my case it is necessary to do so. Different manufacturers reset to factory settings are carried out differently, I recommend to see the Internet in advance how to do it specifically on your tablet.

In the case when all the above points have not led to anything, we recommend that you try to find the instruction on the inclusion of your model. Otherwise, it is better to turn to professionals, namely carry the device to the service.

The tablet turns on and immediately turns off what to do?

Letters came to the editor with a question: why the tablet itself turns on and off. This problem can be solved by the same methods, and specifically three ways. The first is a reset to factory settings using RESET or Hardress. The second way is to flash the tablet. Well, the third, it is already unless they helped the first two, hike to the service center along with the gadget.

  • it is desirable to wear it in a case that can save from damage after falling;
  • when you see that the battery is discharged less than 20%, put a tablet computer for charging and not allow a discharge below 10%;
  • do not overheat internal electronics.

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