The phone is in headphone mode. How to turn off headphone mode on iPhone: causes of malfunction, self-repair methods, tips

The phone is in headphone mode. How to turn off headphone mode on iPhone: causes of malfunction, self-repair methods, tips


Why is the headset indicator on the display, and is it worth trying to remove it yourself?

The very first of the "advanced" phones differed from their predecessors in wider multimedia capabilities. The moment when a mobile phone ceased to be a simple means of communication, and became a player of files of various formats, literally turned the whole world upside down.

Today, each user carries with him a whole archive of his favorite music, having access to it at any time. But there are also some inconveniences, for example, images duplicated in the device's memory that are tied to tracks - a problem that is well known to music lovers.

And if you can somehow remove album cover images from the gallery yourself, then some other problems confuse even experienced users. This is an icon that notifies the owner of the phone when the headset is connected. What if it suddenly appears on its own on the display and does not disappear?

Why the headset icon on the phone is lit: the most common reasons

This "glitch" worries gadget owners not only for reasons of aesthetics. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the screen is clogged with unnecessary icons, the appearance of the icon is often accompanied by related problems. For example, all incoming calls are switched to speakerphone mode. Or you will be heard only at the other "end of the wire", but you yourself will not be able to identify anything but silence in the dynamics.

Therefore, after the appearance of the picture of the headphones (in the absence of them), think about whether this could have happened due to one of the following reasons:

  • moisture. This is the most common response to complaints about a constantly lit icon. Perhaps you got caught in heavy rain, or spilled something on the device - all this can lead to a similar failure;
  • dirt on the connector socket. During operation, we don't even think about how much dust gets into the gadget through the holes. Sometimes it settles and sticks together in the mini-jack itself, as a result of which the contacts become dirty, deformed and stop closing;
  • falling or hitting - the most "severe" cases that require contacting a service center;
  • inaccurate removal of the headset from the socket - you did it at an angle, or abruptly, pulling the wire, not the plug (this can happen, for example, after connecting the speaker to the phone).

But sometimes the image with headphones appears even without the aforementioned reasons, for example, as a result of a software glitch. Is it possible to solve the problem without resorting to qualified assistance from the service department?

How to remove the headset icon on your phone

It should be noted that if you suspect a breakdown of the 3.5 mm jack, it is strongly discouraged to take any independent actions. Indeed, many owners of phones (in particular, the once popular Nokia 6300, subject to such a failure) willingly share tips on the forums on how to wipe dusty contacts, or how to pry them.

Do not risk your gadget, the surest solution is to contact service center... In most cases, this breakdown is repaired very quickly, and after a few hours you will be able to use your mobile again. And before going to the workshop, you can try several harmless ways:

  • gently plug in and unplug the headphone plug several times. If it does not help, you can try to insert it not all the way;
  • if the battery on the phone is removable, take it out for 10-20 seconds, and then turn on the device again;
  • sometimes it helps to install applications that switch the sound to the correct output automatically (for example, Toggleheadset in the Play Market for Android).

Usually, these manipulations are enough for your mobile device to start working normally. In the event of a serious breakdown, none of the above methods will help, and then take the phone to the service center without delay. There you will not only be helped to repair the device, but will also recommend, for example, a new firmware for the Fly FS504, which will make the smartphone less vulnerable to this kind of software failures.

Modern mobile gadgets have many additional accessories, the most popular of which are headphones. But what if Xiaomi can't see the headphones? Often there is a situation when we connect a headset to the audio jack, but the smartphone does not detect them. Many users complain about poor sound with interference, others only have one earpiece working.

We will tell you the most common causes of this problem, and share tips that will help you fix this problem.

Wireless headset problems

People who have just purchased wireless headphones cannot connect a wireless device to a smartphone for a long time. Some users think that headphones or something with Bluetooth on the phone do not work.

In fact, everything is different: when you turn on the headset, you must go to the "Search for Bluetooth devices" on your smartphone and select the connected device for pairing between the gadgets. Simple activation of Bluetooth will not give a positive result.

Dust in the connector (headset mode does not turn off)

Perhaps some people may find this reason ridiculous, but it does take place. If you rarely use headphones, it is likely that your aux jack has become dirty with dust or other small debris. The main center contact of the plug may have a poor connection with the contact pad in the jack, as a result of which the phone does not recognize the connected headphones or, after disconnecting them, the headset mode does not turn off.

Try to gently clean the socket with a needle or mini screwdriver. Do this with your smartphone turned off to avoid short circuits. This method has been tested on Xiaomi Redmi 4 with 7th firmware version.

Software problem

Many users have reported that their devices stopped recognizing the headset after updating the firmware to version 8. There are 2 options for solving the problem:

  • roll back to the old version;
  • install Miui 8 with full formatting.

If you like the new firmware, and do not want to roll back, then just format the system data of the device and install the new firmware version from scratch. This method has helped many.

Incompatible pinout

There are 2 main wiring standards for audio plugs: OMTP and CTIA. Each of these types always has three main contacts, and in the case of a headset, four. Most often, problems arise with a 4-pin headset. The fact is that the GND contact (common, ground) on the old type of pinout - OMTP was the first (from the wire), then came the microphone, right earphone and left channel.

In the new type of pinout (CTIA), GND and microphone are swapped. Accordingly, if you are using old headphones on a new device, then they will not work for you. For example, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro does not see old OMTP type headphones, the device is only compatible with new headset models.

The phone sees the headphones only for the first 3-5 seconds

If, when connecting the headphones, you see the corresponding icon in the status bar only for the first 3-5 seconds, and then the connection is interrupted, then the following trick, invented by forum users, can help:

  1. Do not insert the headphones all the way
  2. The headphone icon should light up
  3. Then after 5-10 seconds insert the headset all the way

Surprisingly, this manipulation really helps almost all users with this problem.


As you understood from the article, there are several reasons why the smartphone does not perceive the headset. Do not immediately panic and run to the service center for help. You can diagnose and fix the problem yourself. Experiment with headphones that your smartphone can't pick up on another unit. Perhaps this particular model is incompatible with your gadget.

Does your phone have a headphone icon? You are not alone, people come across such a "glitch" quite often. This is not only an unpleasant fact that shows a temporary system malfunction, but also a very real reason for the further "freezing" of the device. That is why users of mobile devices are trying to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Common causes of malfunction

  • One of the most famous and common reasons is stroke. From it, a failure may occur, which affects the further operation of the mobile device.
  • Moisture. This can be accumulated condensation from the temperature difference when the device enters a warm room from frost, as well as liquid spilled on the mobile.
  • Mechanical contamination of the connector socket, which appears during its normal operation.
  • Careless removal of the headset from the connector. This can “confuse” the phone and make it “think” that the headphones are still inside and connected to it.

Important! If the problem is that liquid has been spilled onto the device, then you should not try the options described below, but you just need to take your device to a service center.

If you want to try to solve the problem yourself, then you should immediately turn off the smartphone, disassemble it by removing the battery, and let it dry in a warm place for about a day. If this method did not work, then you should definitely return the device for repair.


Often the cause of the malfunction is quite obvious to the user, but there are several steps that can be taken to more accurately diagnose:

  1. If the icon appears due to inaccurate extraction, the user may not immediately notice the problem. However, he will be able to rule out other options for the error due to the fact that this is the only option in which the headphones were physically in the device at the time of the error.
  2. Moisture. If small condensation has accumulated on the device itself, then it is rather difficult to determine. A sign of such a problem can be a transition from a frosty temperature to a very warm room. At the same time, most devices tolerate such drops normally, but there are exceptions, whose malfunction is manifested through the headphone icon.
  3. Pollution. It may not be obvious to the user. Moreover, if it is available, the headset can be effectively used for its intended purpose, but if a similar problem has appeared, then it can be completely solved by simple manipulations.
  4. Sloppy extraction. The "symptoms" of this problem are similar to those of contamination. In both cases, the definition of the problem occurs in the process of solving it.

How to remove a burning icon from the smartphone screen

There are a few simple steps to take to solve the problem.

Important! If all actions have been tried and there is no result, you need to contact the service center to repair the device.

  • Reboot. This solves the problem 80% of the time.
  • Visual inspection of the entry socket. Even if contamination is not detected, it is worth "blowing" this nest and trying to gently "knock out" dust particles from it. A reboot is also recommended after that.
  • Take out the battery and let it dry. This option should be tried last. If the device has not been flooded, and there is a suspicion of condensation, then it is enough to remove the battery and let it dry for 3-4 hours.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for failures. The main thing is to find the reason why this is happening and make the correct connection.

In iPhones, as in iPads, there are two volume modes - Headphones and Ringer. On the one hand, this is convenient, since these two modes exist each on their own, which allows you to memorize the volume level of each mode. For example, we listened to music in headphones with a volume level of 50%, turned off and got into the Call mode, where the volume level set earlier is 100%, and you don’t need to turn up the volume in order to hear well. After some time, I decided to listen to music (), plugged in the headphones and did not go deaf, since again the volume level independently went to 50%, i.e. the value last set for this mode. The volume mode is displayed on the screen as a pop-up window with a bell (or speaker) when headphones are connected and disconnected from the iPhone.

But sometimes, iPhone users are faced with the problem of automatic mode change. It happens as follows: after disconnecting the headphones from the iPhone, the phone does not go into the Call mode, while remaining in the Headphones mode, while there is no sound in the iPhone. There can be several reasons for a failure in volume modes - dirt, dust, water, excessive moisture getting into, and finally mechanical damage... In such cases, users have a question - how to turn off the headphone mode in the iPhone on their own?

Buyers of used (second hand) Apple phones, be sure to check the functionality automatic switching iPhone volume modes.

For this, it is advisable to have any headphones with you. We turn on the headphones and listen to the clicks in them (or the sound of blocking), and the sound of the clicks should sound only in the headphones (if, in addition to the headphones, the sound of the clicks is emitted by the phone itself, then this is a malfunction). Unplug the headphones, now the click sounds should be emitted by the iPhone speaker. If you do not have headphones with you to check, then unlock the screen and press the volume buttons on the side of the iPhone, while the volume indicator should be in the Call mode. If, when the headphones are disconnected from the jack, as a result of pressing the volume buttons, the indicator displays the mode - Headphones, then this is a failure or malfunction. If there is no sound in your iPhone without headphones and by adjusting the volume level we see the Headphones mode, then it is advisable to contact the service center for help. But, at your own peril and risk, you can try turning off the headphone mode in the iPhone yourself at home. Choosing the method below, first analyze the previous failure of the manipulation with the phone and remove the cover.

... The first thing to try is to connect the charging cable to the iPhone (without headphones),. If it does not help, then we do the same, but with the power adapter plugged into the outlet and instead of off / on. we apply.
  • Toothpick... If you practically did not use headphones, then the iPhone connectors may be clogged, they can get clogged with pocket dust and even pieces of clothing, and the contacts may become dirty. In good lighting, examine the headphone jack and remove it with a toothpick, as well as the charging connector, clean the Lightning with a corner of paper. In addition to a toothpick, they use a corner of paper, a needle, a cotton swab, alcohol, the main thing is not to make it worse.
  • Vacuum cleaner... If the iPhone could fall into the snow, get wet, then a vacuum cleaner will help, in general, we vacuum all the connectors. Thus, pulling out moisture. If a lot of time has passed since the moment the snow or water hit, then the contacts may oxidize and the vacuum cleaner will not help. With a vacuum cleaner, you can collect the remains of dust even after a toothpick.
  • Reset... How to reset settings and content read here - ""
  • Hair dryer... In the case of water and snow, a hairdryer is sometimes used after vacuuming to dry the connectors.
  • Fridge... Well, the most frostbitten option is to put it on for 5-10 minutes.
  • Reader Tips... Some readers of this manual suggested their own ways to solve the problem:
  • "IPhone" is a very common type of smartphones in the modern market for goods and services. Many buyers want to buy just such a gadget. It is distinguished by its quality and capabilities. But not everyone understands how to work with an iPhone. Often, standard errors and problems cannot be resolved with the usual methods. After all, the gadget under study does not work on the well-known "Android", but on MacOS. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how to fix this or that error. This article will tell you how to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone. What kind of opportunity is this? Having figured out this, it will be possible to fix a common glitch that iPhone owners face.

    Mode description

    Headphone mode is a feature that allows you to adjust the sound on your mobile device when a headset is connected. It is included in the standard iPhone settings.

    This parameter helps to switch the ringer volume when listening to music. For example, with headphones connected, it is 50%. If you turn off the headset, the smartphone will automatically switch to the "Call" mode, which means that the sound will work at 100%. No additional settings are required. Very comfortably!

    But sometimes you have to think about how to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone. It turns on automatically when the headset is connected to the device. Ideally, disabling it occurs in the same way: as soon as the headphones are removed, the iPhone goes into the "Call" mode. What if this did not happen?

    Possible causes of the problem

    The first step is to understand what is the reason for this behavior. After all, the included "Headphones" mode leads to the fact that the subscriber does not hear his smartphone. It seems to have no sound when the headset is off.

    In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons. Most often, subscribers are faced with:

    • contamination of the device;
    • damage to the connection connectors;
    • system failure;
    • getting water on the phone;
    • high humidity in the room.

    As a rule, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown only by enumerating the possible options. Often, you can turn off the "Headphones" mode without assistance. How exactly?


    There are many ways to deal with the problem under study. How can I turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone? Users give each other a variety of tips and tricks.

    You can try to connect your iPhone to a charger and then restart the gadget. Before this, the headset must be removed from the smartphone. If this technique does not help, it is recommended to repeat the operation, but with the charger... And instead of the usual reboot, carry out Hard reset... To do this, in the off state, the volume control and iPhone power buttons are pressed, after the Apple icon appears, they are released, and Had Reset is selected in the menu.


    How to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone 6 or any other brainchild from Yabloko? It all depends on the situation. The following tip will help those who actively use a smartphone, but rarely connect a headset to it.

    It is possible that the problem lies in the clogged headphone jack. Careful cleaning is recommended. The best way to do this is to use a toothpick or the corner of a piece of paper.

    Once the connector is cleaned, you can try to insert the headset into the device and then unplug it. If everything worked out, the smartphone will switch to the "Call" mode. Now another option is clear, how to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone.


    But that is not all! As already mentioned, there can be many reasons for the phenomenon under study. All of them are eliminated by different methods. The most common errors and crashes have been listed previously.

    How can I turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone 6 if the previously suggested tips did not help? It is enough to dry the gadget. It is possible that the error occurred due to high humidity in the room. Don't be surprised if Headphone mode doesn't automatically reset when your iPhone is dropped in snow or water.

    It is best to use a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner to draw out all the moisture. It is necessary to disassemble the device as much as possible, then dry it from all sides (including connectors), and then assemble it. You can try again to switch modes of the gadget. To do this, the headset is switched on and off.


    Another interesting trick is resetting user-defined settings. It will help those who are thinking how to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone. This requires:

    1. Turn on mobile device and wait for it to load.
    2. Go to "Settings" - "General" - "Reset".
    3. Click on the "Reset All Settings" - "Erase iPhone" button.
    4. Enter the code from AppleID to confirm the operation.

    Extreme measures

    Now it is clear how you can turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone. All suggested methods help in most cases. There is another interesting and risky trick.

    Some users advise placing the device in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. Then you can connect and disconnect the headset. All changes should happen automatically.

    From now on, it is clear how to turn off the headphone mode on the iPhone. If all of the above recommendations did not help, it is best to take the device to a service center. It is likely that they will be able to quickly determine the cause of the failure and return the smartphone to working condition.

    The problem is when after unplugging the headphones, badge in the status bar does not disappear and the playback of sounds through the speaker does not occur, it takes place on some models of the family Xiaomi, including on Redmi note 4x... There are two reasons for this: mechanical and software.

    1. Mechanical

    Occurs when the connector is damaged or particles of dirt, dust, and clothing fibers get inside the connector. Indeed, for the most part, we carry our gadgets in our pockets, and the connector is not protected by anything.

    In order to clean it, take an ordinary cotton swab or toothpick (most importantly, not an iron object), after splitting it a little. After that, we put it in the connector and try to get out foreign particles with light circular movements. Then, we take the plug and just stick it into our clean connector several times. Also, you can try to move the contact a little, in the event that it is stuck.

    User Vitaly suggested this option: Put some FLUX-OFF into the headphone jack. This is a special liquid for removing oxidation from boards and microcircuits. After that, the headphone icon disappeared.

    Another option from our user.

    If the problem persists, then it might be a software bug.

    2. Software

    Some standard applications sometimes crash. And this is not a secret. But there is a small algorithm by following which you can get rid of the headphone sticking error.

    1. Overloading. If it didn't help, go to the second point.
    2. Getting rid of the problem with the FM radio app:

    If these steps did not help, then most likely your way out is the service or self-disassembly of the phone. Do not forget to read the comments, there are many interesting things.

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