An example is to find us to send a copy. Useful phrases for business correspondence

An example is find us to send a copy. Useful phrases for business correspondence


Most email clients including Gmail,, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, allow you to put multiple recipients in A copy(in English, the abbreviation is accepted SS), or Bcc (CCB). V Copies recipients can see other people's addresses. In the second case, the identity of additional addressees is hidden.

Add recipient address

To specify the recipient (or recipients) of an email, enter the email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter a username in a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see a complete list of other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy is used for exchanging emails in a more indirect way than a field To whom... If you are not addressing a person directly in your email, but would like this person to follow the discussion in the thread of letters or simply be aware of this topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee who is in Copies letters, receives an unread letter in his inbox, just like the one who was placed in the field To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter first in the body of your e-mail. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about different events and topics.

You can list email recipients simply by typing the list of addresses in the field Copy which is usually just below the field To whom... Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to create a blind carbon copy of an email

Each email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of the letter to reach a large number of people without advertising their information to other users in the email chain. This feature is called BCC or Hidden copy... You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom and Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unsolicited emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access the setting; v Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; v Gmail need to press the button Copy and Hidden copy; v Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys at the same time Alt + B.

Image: © Web Hosting -

You have probably already noticed thatwhen receiving letters from some authorsin the "to" section there is a list of dozens of emails from different people. Moreover, neither you nor these people gave their consent to these emails being "exposed". Naturally, one of the addressees will unsubscribe from this mailing list (we are all tired of the flow of spam to our mails). But one thing is certain - all recipients will treat the author of the mailing list as an unprofessional person. And they are unlikely to agree to accept his offer.

How to make sure that you do not send a letter to each addressee separately and at the same time “do not shine for everyone in front of everyone”?
Almost any mail service allows you to do this.

Let's consider this opportunity using the example of the most popular mail for business mailing

Usually, to send a letter, you use the "Write" window. By clicking on it, you see a new window "New message", into which you paste everything that is necessary to create and send the letter itself.

We usually insert the emails of our addressees into the "Recipients" window.

Copy means "exact copy". This field is used when you just want to send an email to someone who is not the primary recipient. This way, you can keep the person informed while letting them know that they don't need to reply to the email. But all recipients of this letter see each other's addresses (and even names).

Bcc means "exact blind carbon copy". It works the same as Cc, but in this field, all recipient addresses are hidden.

Thus, using this field is one of the best ways to send an email to a large number of people and keep it confidential. This means that you do not spoil your relationship with them. Using this feature, you can insert up to 30 emails. This means that with one click of a button, you can send this letter to 30 recipients at once, without showing their emails.

And yet, if necessary, you can insert a picture into the body of the letter ( 4 ) or attach a file ( 5 ).

It is this post that gives the maximum number of editing opportunities.

Similarly, you can send a letter to several recipients at the same time and by mail

Only there are fewer possibilities for editing the text of the letter on this mail. Therefore, I will only show the procedure for sending emails.

Click on "Write" and then in the "To" window ( 1 ) insert the email of the first recipient, and then select the "Copy" function ( 2 ) or Bcc ( 3 ). Depending on whether you want all recipients of your letter to see all emails or keep their right to confidentiality of addresses, choose one of the functions. To add each next email to the list, you need to click on the button with the image of a man with a plus sign in front of it ( 4 ). Then you can select your permanent addressees from the drop-down list or enter their emails manually.

Pictures can be downloaded from Yandex Disk and files can also be attached as usual.

Click on the "Write" button, a window appears in which when you click the mouse in the "To" window ( 1 ), a drop-down list appears with a list of your permanent addressees ( 2 ). You can choose from this list what you want. Or just insert the email you want the destination manually.

And permissions.

You have probably already noticed that when you receive letters from some authors in the "to" section, there is a list of dozens of emails from different people. Moreover, neither you nor these people gave their consent to these emails being "exposed". Naturally, one of the addressees will unsubscribe from this mailing list (we are all tired of the flow of spam to our mails). But one thing is certain - all recipients will treat the author of the mailing list as an unprofessional person. And they are unlikely to agree to accept his offer.

How to make sure that you do not send a letter to each addressee separately and at the same time “do not shine for everyone in front of everyone”?

Almost any mail service allows you to do this.

Let's consider this opportunity using the example of the most popular mail for business mailing

Usually, to send a letter, you use the "Write" window. By clicking on it, you see a new window "New message", into which you paste everything that is necessary to create and send the letter itself.
We usually insert the emails of our addressees into the "Recipients" window.

What if there are several of them? When you insert the cursor into this window, two more options automatically appear: send a copy and a blind copy.

Copy means "exact copy". This field is used when you just want to send an email to someone who is not the primary recipient.

This way, you can keep the person informed while letting them know that they don't need to reply to the email. But all recipients of this letter see each other's addresses (and even names).

Bcc means "exact blind carbon copy". It works the same as Cc, but in this field, all recipient addresses are hidden.

Thus, using this field is one of the best ways to send an email to a large number of people and keep it confidential. This means that you do not spoil your relationship with them. Using this feature, you can insert up to 30 emails. This means that with one click of a button, you can send this letter to 30 recipients at once, without showing their emails.

And then in the "Subject" window you need to write the subject of the letter ( 1 ). It should be short, but at the same time accurately inform the recipient about the essence of the message.

In the next window, insert the text of the letter itself ( 2 ). Here you can edit it, format it, change the font, font size, type, color, apply numbered or bulleted lists, highlight quotes, and so on ( 3 ).
And yet, if necessary, you can insert a picture into the body of the letter ( 4 ) or attach a file ( 5 ).

It is this post that gives the maximum number of editing opportunities.

Similarly, you can send a letter to several recipients at the same time and by mail

Only there are fewer possibilities for editing the text of the letter on this mail. Therefore, I will only show the procedure for sending emails.

Click on "Write" and then in the "To" window ( 1 ) insert the email of the first recipient, and then select the "Copy" function ( 2 ) or Bcc ( 3 ). Depending on whether you want all recipients of your letter to see all emails or keep their right to confidentiality of addresses, choose one of the functions. To add each next email to the list, you need to click on the button with the image of a man with a plus sign in front of it ( 4 ). Then you can select your permanent addressees from the drop-down list or enter their emails manually.
And then, as usual: write the subject of the letter in the "Subject" window and insert the text of the letter itself.
Pictures can be downloaded from Yandex Disk and files can also be attached as usual.

Almost the same is offered to you by the service.
Click on the "Write" button, a window appears in which when you click the mouse in the "To" window ( 1 ), a drop-down list appears with a list of your permanent addressees ( 2 ). You can choose from this list what you want. Or just insert the desired email address of the addressee manually.

If you need to send this letter to a whole group of addressees at once, then choose one of two functions: "Cc" or "Bcc".

To do this, click on the button at the very beginning of the window for recipient emails ( 1 ) and in the drop-down list ( 2 ) choose the desired ( 3 or 4 ).

This mail allows you to attach files ( 1 ) and edit the text of the letter itself ( 2 ). About the same volume as mail on

That is, perhaps, all that I wanted to tell you about today.

I hope that these little tips will help you not only save your time, but also not violate the privacy of those people who have entrusted you with their email addresses. Always think about the safety of those people who have trusted you. Be professional!

And if you want to get even more useful things and learn how not only to create a blog, but also to make it earn, sign up for our free course "Technology of building income on the Internet".

Just enter your name and your email in the form under this article and click on the button "I want to get a course!"

Everyone has probably heard the expression “Don't worry about little things,” and it applies to many aspects of life. But when it comes to emails, every little thing matters.

The rules on how to write email and postal etiquette indicate what is appropriate and what is not when a person sends a message to a potential client, business partner, colleague, manager, or acquaintance. They help to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

Why is postage etiquette needed?

Research shows that mistakes have a profound effect on how others perceive a person. In one experiment, participants who read an email with grammatical errors thought the author was less conscientious, intelligent, and trustworthy than those who read the same email without errors.

In another experience, people applied for funding and received less favorable terms when there were spelling errors in their requests.

This is not surprising. When a person reads a letter full of errors and typos, they think about one of two things:

  • The sender does not know the basic rules of spelling and grammar.
  • The sender doesn't care enough about this message to check it before sending it.

None of this will make a good foundation for a relationship. To avoid these mistakes, there are some postal etiquette tips that every professional (especially those who deal with customers) should know and follow.


Punctuation is subtle when used correctly and obvious when done incorrectly. Do not spoil the impression of yourself in front of recipients - these rules must be remembered and strictly followed.

1. End punctuation

Each line must end with a final punctuation mark, i.e. dot, question mark or exclamation mark. If you skip this sign, it will look like the thought is not finished.

Not right: I spoke to the finance department and they approved the agreement

Right: I spoke to the finance department and they approved the agreement.

Use question marks and exclamation marks sparingly. If there are too many question marks in one letter, it may seem that this is an interrogation of the recipient.

What is your status? Have you already spoken to your team? Are you free to call tomorrow at noon so we can discuss any potential changes?

And if you overdo it with exclamation marks, you can show yourself as hyperactive and overexcited.

Thanks again for a productive conversation yesterday! Good news: I spoke to the finance department and they approved the deal! I can't wait for our cooperation!

2. Semicolon (;)

The semicolon can be used to connect two separate but related sentences. This is not the same as a comma.

Not right: She can call me tomorrow, then she can give me an answer.

Right: She can call me tomorrow; then she can give me an answer.

3. Comma (,)

One of the most common mistakes is to put commas where they are not needed. The most important rules:

A comma is placed before a compositional conjunction (and, but, a, or, but) when it connects two equal simple sentences.

I worked with a similar client last year and their opening rate went up by 20% per month.

A comma is used to separate items in a list.

I focused on letter length, readability, and content.

4. Punctuation of the greeting

There are several different ways to highlight a greeting (the first line of an email, where the recipient is addressed by name).

If it is a formal letter, it is better to use a period.

Dear Ms. Frost.

If this is a relatively casual letter, it is better to use a comma.

Dear Aya,

And if it's a friendly letter, you can use an exclamation mark.


People who have not dedicated their lives to learning grammar (which is actually much less profitable than selling) will make mistakes one way or another. But no one will notice this unless they also know about this mysterious rule. You just need to avoid the major mistakes that are most conspicuous, and you will be fine.

For example, you need to know the difference between:

  • To / what would
  • In view / in mind
  • About / into account
  • Same, same / same, same
  • -s / -sats
  • In general / in general (and remember that there are no words "in general" and "in general")

As an editor, you can use tools like Grammarly, which finds all grammar and spelling errors in real time, and also sends a weekly report on general trends.

Emoji in emails

You can understand the urge to add a smiling face to a sentence that is harsh enough to soften it, or end a joke with a laughing smiley.

However, this should be avoided unless the recipient has already used the emoji himself. Research shows that the use of smilies in work emails is bad for your reputation: it makes the sender appear less competent (and does not help to appear more friendly).

Email headers

The subject line should be meaningful and relatively short. Ideally, it should let the recipient know if he wants to open this letter.

Not right:"Hey"

What does the letter say? Absolutely incomprehensible.

Right:"Summary of a call about ordering a batch of pillows from 02.12"

This heading leaves no doubt about the content of the letter.


Above is the punctuation used in the greeting. You also need to choose a form of greeting, which can be formal or informal, depending on the addressee and the relationship with him.

A casual, casual greeting that sets a friendly, calm tone and expresses confidence is best.

Examples of everyday greetings:

  • Hey
  • Good morning [afternoon, evening]
  • [Name]

If this is the first contact with a person, or he occupies a higher position, it is worth choosing a more formal option.

Examples of formal greetings:

  • Dear [name]
  • Dear sir / madam [surname]

And examples of greetings that cannot be used even as a joke:

  • Hey !: Too informal and impatient
  • [Name] !: Too dismissive
  • Good time of day: people don't talk like that
  • To all stakeholders: Too impersonal
  • Dear Sir or Madam: Too old fashioned
  • Hello friend: Too scary
  • Gentlemen: Too old-fashioned
  • All: Too cool

The ending

The correct ending complements the tone and content of the letter. Since this is the last line the recipient reads, it affects the final impression.

If the letter is written in a light tone, you can end it with an informal warm signature.

For example:

  • thanks
  • Thanks again
  • All the best
  • Have a nice [day of the week]
  • Have a good weekend
  • See you later
  • See you [tomorrow, Wednesday when you come back]
  • I look forward to our cooperation
  • Looking forward to our next conversation
  • I will gladly hear your opinion

If the tone of the letter is more restrained, the signature should be appropriate.

For example:

  • thanks
  • Thank you for your time
  • Have a nice day [weekend]

And here are the final lines that shouldn't be used:

  • Sincerely: Too Old Fashioned
  • Good day: Too unfriendly
  • From the bottom of my heart: Too intimate
  • Hearty: Too unnatural
  • - [Sender Name]: Too rude

Receiver name

You need to check three times if it is spelled correctly. You can open the profile of this person on social networks and compare.

And don't shorten the person's name unless they sign their emails that way. If he signs "Misha", the abbreviated name can be used; if "Michael", then you need to refer to him accordingly.

Capital letters

Many people do not use capital letters when sending SMS, on social networks or chats. But when writing a business email, this is a must. In other words, you must capitalize on the first word in a sentence and in proper names.

For example: Dogs are welcome at HubSpot.

Letter tone

It is incredibly difficult to set and maintain the right tone in an email. Research shows that people significantly overestimate how often their recipients correctly determine whether their tone was sarcastic or serious.

While 80% of the time they thought the recipients would get it right, in reality the figure was close to 56%.

Does this mean half of the emails will be misinterpreted? No. But this means that you need to carefully select the words and think about how the recipient can perceive them.

First, you need to avoid phrases and words with negative connotations. They can make a person appear more anxious, irritated, or agitated than they really are.

For example: Errors, problems, failure, delay, crisis, trouble, bad luck.

Second, don't use sarcasm. There is a high probability that the recipient will not understand the joke, and the impression of the sender will be ruined.

For example:"I would ask my team to review this tomorrow, but you know, no one is actually doing the work they got on Friday."

Thirdly, you need to exclude adjectives and adverbs with an evaluative meaning. They make the writing overly emotional, although the goal is to look calm and professional.

Examples: Very, indeed, extremely, high, serious, deep

Fourth, you can imitate the style of the other person. Following his example will ensure that the author does not accidentally offend him. If he writes short and direct messages, you need to respond in kind. If he is trying to strengthen contact by getting personal (for example, “I saw you were in Bermuda; I hope you had a great time”), it is worth doing the same.

Fifth, if in doubt, it is better to call. Whenever there is a potentially stressful conversation ahead, it is a good idea to make a phone or Skype call, or meet the person in person.

Fonts and formatting

Want to hurt the eyes of the recipient? Fancy fonts, vibrant colors and original formatting help you out.

Yes, this will make the letter much more memorable, but at the same time it will show a complete ignorance of communication norms.

You should always use a standard font. No colors other than black. Standard font size only. Do not bold or italicize more than one word (or series of words) in one letter.

When copying and pasting text, you need to clear the formatting. (Command + \ on Mac, Ctrl + Shift + N on PC.) If you don't, the passage will look different from the rest of the letter.


Inserting the full URL into an email takes up valuable space and looks messy. Instead, you can create a hyperlink or insert a shortened URL.

Not right: Take a look at this: https: // site /

Right: Take a look at.


It is necessary to indicate somewhere in the letter that there is an attachment, that the recipient did not miss it.

A simple “I have attached [document, spreadsheet] for X” will suffice.

And you need to make sure to re-attach the files when someone is added to the mail chain, or they won't be able to see them.

Signature of the letter

A bad signature can really hurt your reputation. Even if you write the most eloquent and persuasive letter in the world, with a bad signature, it will look amateurish.

It is worth remembering that the less the better, the signature should be relatively small, simple and limited. There's no room for a favorite inspirational quote, portrait, or complete contact list. Ideally, the signature should include the name, title, phone number and / or website of the company.

Letter fields

To whom: This area is simple: the email address of the person to be contacted.

Copy: If you want to connect someone else, you need to add their address here. Basically, it means "Hey, read this, but you don't have to answer."

This option is necessary when the letter contains relevant information or you need to connect another person with the actual recipient.

Blind carbon copy (BCC): This function also copies the contact to the email address, but no one other than the addressee will see that they received this email. In other words, if you send a letter to Michael Scott, and a blind carbon copy to Jim Halpert, Michael won't know that Jim got it too.

Why use BCC?

To hide email addresses. This feature can be used to keep someone's email private from others. For example, if you are sending emails to a group of people about an upcoming event, you can select BCC for all emails so that you do not divulge other people's email addresses without permission.

For general information: BCC allows a person not included in the thread to see the message.

Good form: BCC allows you to politely remove people from a conversation. For example, if the boss introduces the person to someone, it would be good practice to send a Bcc back to the boss. This shows that the person responded without flooding the inbox with a stream of emails back and forth.

Reply vs Reply All

To answer: This option allows you to directly reply to the person who emailed the last time. If you reply directly to the first message, the reply will go to the original sender of the email. But if you reply to a letter from someone else in the chain, in the end the answer will only go to that person.

Reply All: When this option is selected, the reply is sent to everyone whose addresses are in the "To" or "Cc" fields. This is useful for communicating information that is relevant to everyone.

If in doubt, it is best to choose "Reply". Don't be an annoying person.

Forwarding letters

To comply with postal etiquette, you need to follow several rules when sending:

Some emails are not intended to be forwarded. If a contact provides personal or non-public information, great care should be taken to forward such emails.

When sending a long mail thread, it is good practice to summarize what is being discussed in the letters so that the recipient knows exactly what they want from him. There is nothing worse than getting a chain of 50 emails with a note that simply says “look below.”

For a forwarded email to start a new mail chain (instead of being part of the current thread), you just need to include your own comment in the subject line.

New thread subject line: Take a look at this! Fw: notes from tuesday

Response time

Everyone has crowded inboxes and busy schedules, so it is not always possible to reply to an email right away. The proper response time depends on the person:

Direct team members: Reply within 12 hours. The team must work quickly and efficiently; in addition, most of the emails deal with operational issues.

Common colleagues: For all other employees, the response time is 24 hours. Unable to reply during this time period? You need to inform them that the letter has been read, and the answer will be ready by time X.

External contacts: Unless an email is flagged as urgent or needs to be answered as soon as possible, the appropriate response time would be the end of the week in which it was received - for example, if it was received on a Tuesday, it must be answered by Friday of that week. For high value contacts, the response time is 24 hours.

Out of office responses

If the employee is unavailable for a long time, the automated response "LLC" (Out-of-Office) will let you know that he is not able to respond to the message until the date of return to the office.

Good and bad choices for OOO responses:

  • Good: Inform how long the employee will be unavailable.
  • Bad: Create an LLC response for one day.
  • Good: Suggest another staff member to contact for urgent matters.
  • Bad: Not informing this colleague that he was included in the LLC response.
  • Good: Include "OOO" in your email header so people can easily identify the automated response.
  • Bad: Include more details than necessary, such as where the employee spends their vacation.

If an employee is taking extended leave, it can be helpful to leave a channel for communication in really urgent and attention-seeking situations.

Send from phone

It is not necessary to add “I am writing from the phone” or “Written on the phone - please, excuse the typos”. Many people use this as an excuse for their laziness, so as not to reread the letter again before clicking "Submit."

How to write email letters correctly - E-mail etiquette

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“It's like in a fairy tale about a boy who constantly shouted 'wolves'. If you overuse the "urgent" tag, people will stop responding to your emails. And a really important letter can go unnoticed because of this.


Yes, the tone of your letter may reflect your relationship with the recipient. However, you may be considered a layman if you allow yourself to be too informal about correspondence. Don't overuse exclamation marks, emoticons, colored text, fancy fonts, and overly short messages.

Be especially careful if you have to work with people of different ages, language barriers, or those who prefer a more traditional form of communication.

Too dry tone

At the same time, being a robot is also not worth it. It's okay if you show your character or enthusiasm in letters - within reasonable limits.

Reply All

Work email isn't for fun, it's for communication. So if you are replying to an email sent to a group of people, think twice before clicking on reply all. To do this, your answer must be extremely important to everyone.

Sending copies without permission

Sharing someone else's information with others is, at the very least, impermissible. It doesn't matter if you send the client a copy of a letter from your boss, who responded about him in any way, or you include one employee in personal correspondence with another. Few people will like it if you send a copy of the letter without their consent.

Sending blind carbon copies

Sending blind copies creates distrust. If you want to send a letter to someone, and this person, in theory, should not participate in work correspondence, copy the text and send it in a separate letter.

Undefined subject line

Topics like “It's Me,” “Hello,” or “For Your Information” (FYI) just don't get attention. The person will not understand what is being discussed and will not want to answer the letter. Work letters should be clear and concise. The recipient is more likely to open an e-mail if he understands what you want from him.

Sending too many personal emails

You can sometimes use jokes, touching stories, and motivating quotes to cheer someone up. But people quickly get tired of this, and it doesn't matter with what intentions you wrote them. If you send too many personal letters, they will simply be set to auto-delete.

Be rude

You should not send letters full of poison, because people will remember it on occasion. Instead, write a letter and leave it for two days in Drafts. Then you can go back to it and edit it, removing the barbs. This will help you achieve what you want faster. In addition, you will be treated as a very patient and judicious professional.

Stupid mail address

If you are sending a letter to a client, employee, or potential employer, do not use mail with a “non-professional” title. If there is something in the name of the mail that pretends to be witty or contains a sexual or vulgar connotation (something like that), you run the risk of setting the interlocutor negatively towards yourself from the very beginning. Create a separate mail for purely professional needs.


The fact that the email was sent from an iPhone is no excuse for sending sloppy emails. If you have made more than one mistake in the letter, it may be considered unprofessional. If this is a very important letter, and you are in a hurry somewhere, then try to at least check it before sending it.

Sending emails early in the morning

Most people, when receiving letters, look at the time of sending. If the email is sent too early, you may be viewed negatively. At the very least, you will be considered a workaholic with no privacy. Worse if you are considered intrusive. If inspiration wakes you up at night, write a letter, save it in Drafts and send it during business hours.

Too many punctuation marks

People sometimes get too carried away and put a lot of exclamation marks. The result may seem immature or too emotional to someone. Do not abuse !!!

Non-professional fonts

Purple Comic Sans has its own uses. In business, it's better to use classic fonts, colors and sizes. Your letters should be easy to read.

Typically 10 or 12 font sizes are used. The best fonts for the job are easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Black is preferred.

Too long letter

Most people spend seconds reading emails, not minutes. Many people simply slip their eyes along the text, so write letters based on this. Large paragraphs are difficult for people to read - break text into smaller blocks. Highlights and bulleted lists are easier to read. You can also highlight the main points in bold or italics, but do not do this often.

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