We fix unpleasant little things drain.

We fix unpleasant little things drain.


Greetings, dear readers and admirers of Helpix. Today I present to your attention a tweak for pure Android - GravityBox version 3.5.7 for Android 4.2 (for 4.4 and 5 their versions) from the developer C3C076.

Applications for decorating the graphical interface of the operating system have always been, are and will be ... are. There are resources. Nevertheless, the demand for them, as well as the supply, does not dry out. In my android time served under the sauce of full GUI customization to the tastes of the end user - you and me. At this point in time (2015 was in the yard in the morning) there are very, well, just a lot of applications for decorating and reincarnating Android. You can change everything, and not just change the picture on the desktop.

And there are also various applications-tweaks for optimization android work(in general, there are tweaks for any OS, but for now we are talking about Android). Stock Android does not shine with all the settings we need and want.

Many manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, and especially large ones (Samsung, Sony, LG, Lenovo, HTC, etc.) have long gone the way of developing their own supposedly unique user interfaces for Android. You get, for example, Samsung smartphone and get TouchWiz. And along with HTC, Sense comes into the load. Lenovo puts on its devices, you won’t believe it, Lenovo Launcher (I wonder if this is an ambitious name or just not enough imagination for another name?). A branded user interface, of course, gives the user much more customization options, as well as a more pleasant and beautiful (debatable moment) appearance. But do you like everything in the proprietary firmware? Or is there something you wouldn't mind changing? But as you know, you can't please everyone. And manufacturers have a tendency to make their firmware (launchers, user interfaces) not only effective, but also spectacular, which is not always beneficial.

In addition to branded firmware, there are so-called custom or unofficial firmware. The meaning is the same, but the prerequisites are diametrically opposed. Branded firmware comes from the manufacturer and imposes something of their own on us. Custom firmware are handicrafts from enthusiasts (single or small groups) designed for the needs of ordinary users. Enthusiasts themselves are the same users as we are, only they know and can do a little (or not a little) more than us. The advantages of unofficial firmware are a lot of additional functions (useful and cosmetic) and programs, often root-rights, as well as speed and so on. But glitches are not uncommon, what is there to hide.

With such intricacies of thoughts, I bring you to the topic of today's review. After all, it is not necessary to reflash, you can install GravityBox and change the stock (and not only stock) firmware beyond recognition. Complete unrecognizability both in appearance and partially in functionality. You can selectively customize the firmware of your device so that it suits your tastes, preferences and desires, and not the tastes of uncles from Samsung, Lenovo, LG, Google and others.

What can GravityBox do? Is dressing a sheepskin worth it? After all, the device will have to be rooted, without it in any way. The list of GravityBox features is quite wide and large, just look at the main form:

That is, you can:

  • set up as appearance, and the functionality of the lock screen, status bar and navigation bar (even if you didn’t have it - it will be!), including the transparency of the last two;
  • enable and configure the fan menu;
  • set nutrition settings (porridge in the morning, meat in the afternoon, curative fasting in the evening);
  • adjust the screen, telephony and multimedia in a wide range;
  • configure hardware navigation buttons for your actions;
  • configure the launch of applications when pressing physical buttons;
  • set up notifications and alerts (trial mode);
  • configure the device in the engineering menu (dangerous mode!).

    As you can see, you can do such things that you will swing! Or you fall. You will fall down from surprise or lose heart from the sight of a brick, which will now have to be reflashed to revive. Therefore, I repeat the developer: do not install GravityBox until you have made a full system backup. I made a backup - walk boldly.

    So, we rush into the abyss of settings and modes. But let's start with the initial data, that is, with our experimental subject. This is Lenovo P780 with Android 4.2.1 on board and installed on top of Lenovo Launcher.

    Please note that GravityBox is not guaranteed to work on Samsung TouchWiz, HTC Sense, MIUI and LeWa. Not guaranteed, but not prohibited either. I tried GravityBox on a Samsung 3 Lite tablet and many of the features didn't work, but many felt right at home (especially the status bar, fan menu, and navigation bar settings). On some devices, GravityBox may not even start. Lenovo Launcher could not oppose anything to GravityBox and surrendered to the mercy of the winner in almost all positions.

    And further. You didn't forget? Remember that all this

    I’ll immediately note that I won’t rewrite and screenshot every single setting, otherwise it won’t be a review, but a multi-volume instruction. I will mention simple and uninteresting settings in a word or two. Let's get started.

    Lock screen settings

    In the "Lock screen background" section, of course, we configure the background of the lock screen. Color fill, default (from desktop) and custom wallpapers, last screen as wallpaper, disable lock screen shadow - all of these are selectable here. Everything works, only I didn’t like the last screen as wallpaper on the lock screen, because I think too long (while taking a screen, while applying it, etc.).

    The "Unlock Ring" section is more interesting. And the item "Labels of the unlock ring" is interesting.

  • Applications for tweak Android 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x, 4.4.x of any smartphone (not only on MTK, absolutely any) with pure Android
    In addition to smartphones, tablets on MTK8389 are supported

    Naturally, Android 4.2+ features (quick settings tiles in the blind, lock screen widgets) on devices with 4.1, even with the help of boxing, will not work. Please read the instructions and installation requirements carefully before asking questions.

    Users 4.4, be careful! Need latest version Xposed for KitKat (2.4+, it's already on the link in the instructions) and GB for KitKat! The JellyBean version will not install on your devices!

    Requirements for installing GravityBox:

    • Supports most devices on MTK6589, 6577, 6389
    • Supported" Google devices like Nexus, HTC One google play edition and others on pure Android 4.1/4.2/4.3
    • Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, MIUI, LeWa are NOT SUPPORTED. The operation of the module on these firmware is not guaranteed, you can try at your own peril and risk. It's too hard to maintain a whole zoo of firmware, some of which change vendors a lot.
    • No support for CM, Paranoid, ROOTBOX, AOKP, SLIM, etc., this may cause unexpected conflicts.
    • The module does not and will not have any exceptions for adapting it to individual custom firmware. Please understand that all custom firmware cannot be controlled.
    • There is no support for devices that violate these rules.

    Lack of support doesn't mean it won't work, it just means no fixes if there are problems! Try, experiment!

    2. Mandatory root.
    3. Custom recovery, in which you can make a backup.

    Attention! Xposed Framework conflicts with miui-based firmware!!!

    List of GravityBox features. Works on all firmware that meets the requirements.

    GravityBox provides 2 main groups of features:
    Fixes- allow you to deal with typical MTK6589 bugs:

    • Date/Time Settings Crash
    • Caller ID error (international code +XXX was not taken into account)
    • Separate branches for one contact in messages (same reason - international code)
    • Calendar bug causing screen to intermittently turn on in sleep mode
    • fixes in the "Messages" application - it woke up the phone with new incoming

    Fashion- kit additional features, which can simplify the work with the system and make it more enjoyable:
    - Tiles in the statusbar:

    • Management of quick settings tiles in the statusbar - you can delete unused ones, add new ones that were not in the system.
    • Ability to sort tiles
    • Additional tiles in quick settings:
    • enable/disable synchronization
    • enable/disable WiFi hotspot
    • launching GravityBox
    • flashlight on/off
    • network mode change (2g/3g/2g+3g)
    • sound recording
    • quick app
    • settings
    • volume
    • extended desktop
    • don't go to sleep
    • screenshot
    • and many others!
    - Lockscreen settings
    • Lockscreen background and widget settings
    • the ability to turn on the rotation of the lock screen
    • the ability to enable quick unlock with the menu key
    • the ability to set 5 additional goals (4.2+)
    - CyanogenMod Pie controls
    - Statusbar settings
    • Automatic hiding of an unused SIM slot in the statusbar
    • Status bar color and transparency
    • Color of icons and text in the statusbar
    • Charge indicator style (icon, percent, round)
    • Ability to center the clock in the statusbar
    • Possibility to bind the watch to non-standard applications
    • adjusting the brightness of the slide on the statusbar
    • notification blocker
    - Power settings
    • the ability to turn off the diode during charging
    • the ability to turn off the flashlight
    - Display settings
    • changing the minimum brightness with manual control
    • ability to adjust auto brightness levels
    • Application background settings (smooth gray or black)
    • the possibility of any turns (upside down, for example)
    - Media settings
    • possibility of adding more volume levels
    • the ability to control the safe listening function through headphones
    - Extended desktop
    • without statusbar
    • without navibar
    • without everything
    - Actions of iron buttons
    • the ability to set your action on a double, long click on the iron buttons (home, menu, back)
    - General
    • Low battery notification options (popup dialog and sound, sound only, diode only)
    • Extended shutdown menu (recovery, reboot)
    • Cursor control with volume keys
    • Skip tracks with volume keys when the screen is off
    • Button to delete all running tasks
    • Full screen caller photo
    • Unlock voice input and TTS in settings Language and input
    • Advanced developer options
    • Screen off CRT animation
    • Engineering menu from GB
    • Setting separate ringtones for each SIM
    • Dialer settings - flip action, turn off vibration on connection
    • Button actions - long press / double tap menu, long press Back, sleep
    • Smoothed Holo background
    • Using a black Holo background
    • Expandable soundbar
    • Different volume for notifications and call
    • Notification bar style (background, transparency)
    • Button illumination mode
    • Illuminated button notifications (for devices without LED indicator)
    • and many more features!
    Installing GravityBox on any stock firmware, on any device with MTK6589

    Allowing the widest range to change the appearance and functionality operating system of your android tablet or a smartphone without the need to comprehend special knowledge and risky procedures for flashing it.

    After installing the Xposed Framework, all you need to get new features is to install from the Market or apk file corresponding module. Most of the modules are responsible for one or two functions. But the GravityBox module, which I want to introduce you to today, seems to have collected all the new features for which we install alternative (custom) firmware on our tablets and smartphones.

    This module was created by an independent developer, known on the XDA Developers forum as C3C076, and it perfectly copes with the huge number of tasks assigned to it on tablets and smartphones of the Nexus family, devices based on MTK6589, MTK6577, MTK8389 processors running the operating system Android systems 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 (AOSP).

    What will we get by installing GravityBox on our tablet or phone? Here are just a few of these features: Pop-up sector (PIE) control and navigation panel; CyanogenMod style desktop with hidden elements navigation; additional buttons in the quick bar android settings Jelly Bean; the ability to call with one finger the quick settings panel that slides out from the right edge of the screen. In addition, you can customize the status bar (statusbar) to your taste by changing anything in it - from the appearance of the battery charge indicator to changing the color settings and changing the position of some elements (for example, the clock in the center). You can hide network indicators when you don't have SIM card, as well as change the appearance and add new items to the reboot and power off menus.

    You can even change the backlight modes of the touch buttons if your tablet or smartphone is equipped with them. And all this is just a part of all the possibilities that the GravityBox module will provide you.

    The only downside of GravityBox is some of the limitations it imposes on operating system devices. In addition to what the Xposed Framework itself requires for its work root rights, GravityBox works on devices that have a "clean" Android firmware (Android 4.1 or higher) or custom firmware created based on AOSP. On devices with strong modified firmware, such as CyanogenMod or AOKP, GravityBox will not work correctly.

    How to install Xposed Framework and work with it, you can read in this material.

    You can download the latest version of GravityBox on the XDA Developers forum, in its developer thread, located at this address.

    And do not forget to do both before installing backup your system using Clockworkmod or TWRP recovery.

    Sometimes there comes a moment when you just want everything to work. You get tired of various custom firmware and just want to be on a “pure android”. However, not everything is so smooth. After a long use of custom, it becomes unbearable to use the drain. The standard firmware contains various little things that do not allow you to fully enjoy using the device. Details about the little things that I did not like in the stock can be seen in the video:

    Fixing unpleasant little things in the drain (Xposed Framework + GravityBOX)

    From the video it becomes clear that there are a lot of little things and that they can all be fixed with a bunch Root+Xposed Framework+GravityBOX. Previously, I already wrote and filmed a video on how to get Root on and on.

    Installing Xposed Framework

    Xposed Framework does not work with ART. It will automatically switch the environment to Dalvk. Also, you do everything at your own peril and risk. This program can kill your firmware.

    Installation process Xposed Framework perfectly described on the site w3bsit3-dns.com. In general, everything is simple. Download the file. Throw on the device. Install. After installation, launch the application and press the button install/update. Grant superuser rights and reboot.

    Installing GravityBOX

    The installation is also perfectly painted on w3bsit3-dns.com

    Go to Xposed Installer - download - write in the GravityBOX search - click download. After installation, go to the menu item modules and check the box next to GravityBOX. We reboot.

    Fixing unpleasant little things drain

    We moved on to the most interesting - to fix the little things. Go to GravityBOX and do the following:

    1. Let's start with battery indicator. Status bar settings - battery options. Here we select the indicator that we like best.
    2. Adding an auto-rotate icon to the notification shade. Status bar settings - Quick Settings- Turn on. Here we can select different icons that we want to display. Here we can choose to display the Immersive mode button. We will include it a little later. The item Auto-enable settings allows you to enable smart pull.
    3. Volume control. Media settings - expandable panel. Now we have a volume control as in custom firmware.
    4. To activate Immersive Mode go to the screen settings - extended desktop and select immersion.
    5. Change network modes. Status bar settings - Quick settings - Special settings - Tile set. mode - Tile set. mode - 2G/3G/LTE
    6. Doing full screen call screen image(Telephony settings - Pop-up photo in full screen - full)
    7. And finally screen recording. Go to Screen Recording. We select everything that interests us and after that we need to add a record button. I prefer to start the recording from the menu that is brought up by a long press of the power button. We go into the power settings - check the box Record from the screen.

    Everything, the complete set is ready. Now, in my opinion, the stock can be used.

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