Download d Koretsky big jackpot. Download audiobook Danil Koretsky

Download d Koretsky big jackpot. Download audiobook Danil Koretsky


Big jackpot Danil Koretsky

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Name: Big jackpot

About the book "Big jackpot" Danil Koretsky

The operatives, expressively nicknamed Batman and the Terminator by the bandits, are carrying out dangerous work to neutralize organized crime groups, risk their lives, but are dissatisfied with the salary and attitude of the leadership. Having received information about the deal between the two organized crime groups, they carry out a clever combination, taking possession of the objects of this deal - a large amount of money and drugs. But will they be able to keep the captured wealth? And most importantly, will they be happier? In what direction will their lives change?

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Even those who fight for justice and truth sometimes cannot resist the temptation. Especially if their work does not receive due attention and does not receive adequate monetary value. A curious story is described in Danil Koretsky's novel The Big Jackpot, and the reader is eager to find out how it all ends. The writer tells plausibly about the everyday life of the officers, about how the work in the agencies goes. He realistically shows the gangster environment, as if he sees this world from the inside. The heroes are voluminous due to the fact that the author also shows them as ordinary people with their own experiences and family problems.

Dangerous groups are constantly being created, and operatives are forced to risk their lives to protect people. The bandits even nicknamed one Batman and the other Terminar. But these two people feel that there is an unpleasant aftertaste inside because of the attitude of their superiors and a small salary. And then one day they find out that the two groups are agreeing on a deal. The operatives come up with a cunning operation, as a result of which they themselves become the owners of a large amount of money and drugs. And although they understand that there is no easy money, the temptation is too great. But what will they do next with their wealth? Which will win - greed or conscience? ..

The work was published in 2017 by AST publishing house. The book is part of the series "Spies and All the Others (AST)". On our site you can download the book "Big jackpot" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.14 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

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