What do the colors mean in the etxt report. ETXT Antiplagiat program overview

What do the colors mean in the etxt report. ETXT Antiplagiat program overview


Captcha problem. Every copywriter knows how tedious it is to constantly enter captcha while checking a finished article for anti-plagiarism. Often, it seems that not so much effort is spent on writing the article itself, as on checking its uniqueness.

I, too, did not like this situation very much, and I decided to somehow eliminate this inconvenience. And eliminated. Although, while searching on this topic on the Internet, I found an unequivocal answer - they say, there are no methods of dealing with captchas yet, you can only use paid services, and that's it.

However, having found articles about working on the Internet using proxy servers, I realized that there is a hope of making anti-plagiarism work without entering captcha. Moreover, I knew that our favorite Etxt Anti-Plagiarism has a function for working with a proxy.

Anti-plagiarism can work without captcha

Using the advice of Internet gurus, I began to try. At first, nothing worked. Desperate, I decided to try working through a proxy, changing the main settings of Etxt Antiplagiat. And I finally managed to set it up. It turns out that the operation of this program in this mode is very much influenced by its settings.

Experimenting with different settings, and having carried out quite a few tests, I achieved the most optimal anti-plagiarism work. Now I have the opportunity to work quietly without entering a single digit for the program requests. More precisely, such requests are now generally absent, they are gone, however, the text uniqueness check is working properly.

Well wasted time

Repeated tests have shown the same percentage of determining the uniqueness of the text, both in normal mode and when working through a proxy. A minor drawback of this method is the slightly longer time to determine uniqueness. The time increased by about 1-1.7 minutes. In addition, it is necessary to download a new list of proxy servers approximately once every two to three days due to the variability of their number.

Despite these shortcomings, you can probably spend 8-10 minutes once every two days compiling a list of working proxy servers, so that later you can enjoy watching how the uniqueness of the text is determined without your participation, that is, without entering, constantly flying out numbers and captcha letters. And more than that - for free, without paying a penny to anyone.

I got used to it a little, but at first, I could not get enough of such a comfortable work. Of course, without entering captcha, it is much more convenient to work with anti-plagiarism. This means that it was not in vain that the time was spent on solving this problem.

What you need to work without captcha

Now about the main thing that will be required for the anti-plagiarism to work in this mode. And not so much is required for this.

For anti-plagiarism to work without entering captcha, you need a list (database) of workers, about 25-45 proxy servers. You can find them on the Internet or prepare yourself using special programs for this. I use the Proxy Switcher program as it looks for working proxy servers in the best quality.

Additionally, to check the performance of proxy servers, you can, of course, use other programs. For example, I use the Ololo Proxy Checker program.

Everything. Nothing else is needed. It is quite possible to do with the specified minimum of programs.

Configuring the Etxt Antiplagiat program

Setting up Etxt Anti-Plagiarism should not cause you any special difficulties, just try to do everything in accordance with this manual.

1. On the tab: - Operations - Settings - Others - Connection settings - specify the digital data. I have them like this:

1 - Minimum interval ... by adjacent requests to ... system (sec.).
11 - Maximum number of attempts ... queries to search engines.
16 - Download timeout ... pages (sec.).
16 - Maximum number of ... downloaded pages.

The specified parameters are minimal, they can only, a little, be increased by 1-3 units, but the speed of the anti-plagiarism will noticeably decrease from this. It is not worth specifying a lower value, since the stability of the program and the quality of checking texts for uniqueness will become much worse.

2. Place the list (base) of working proxy servers prepared in advance in text format on your computer in any folder, and in Etxt Antiplagiat you must specify the path to this folder.

3. On the same tab, uncheck the box - Show captcha. Against the item - Use proxy list - check the box. In the paragraph below, specify the path to your proxy server database, as mentioned above.

4. At the bottom of the tab, under - Proxy type - specify - http.

And finally, turn on the Etxt Antiplagiat program and use it to your health - and to your delight.

Antiplagiat online on the site allows you to check the text completely free of charge.

Efficient algorithms anti-plagiarism online make the check deep and high-quality.

Procedure plagiarism checks is simple: just a few clicks - and you will find out the percentage of text uniqueness. If there are duplicate texts on the network, they will definitely be found. You can also check the text for errors using a spelling checker service.

When registering on the service, the verification restrictions intended for guests will be automatically removed, and you will be able to check much large quantity texts with our service plagiarism online.

New algorithm for checking for plagiarism

The site uses an algorithm for checking texts for uniqueness, which analyzes texts using an improved method. To make your work with the verification service transparent and comfortable, we will give some recommendations on how to interact with the current algorithm.

What texts the algorithm does not like

This algorithm for checking text for plagiarism online is fundamentally different from the shingle test. What implications does this have for working with texts?

  • The technique of low-quality rewriting is a thing of the past with a change in every fifth or fourth word. In texts written in this way, a high percentage of matches with the source will be found.
  • We are also pleased to announce that our the algorithm detects plagiarism after word rearrangement, phrases and sentences in places.
  • When working with anti-plagiarism uniqueness will not increase from changing cases, times and other grammatical categories of the word.
  • "Adding" new words to the original sentence, the rewriter will also not get rid of plagiarism.

Thus, our free anti-plagiarism online highlights matches most accurately and fully.

What texts does the algorithm "like"

To achieve 100% uniqueness when rewriting, you must complete high-quality text processing.

  • Pay particular attention to densely lit areas- by getting rid of them, you will increase the uniqueness of the text.
  • It is recommended to do deeper rewriting: replacing words with synonyms, reformulating phrases, etc.

Let's make the algorithm even more careful!

If in the results of the check you find an extraneous link, in your opinion, where the matches are random, or, on the contrary, the results do not display a link to the page where there are matches with the checked text, then write to [email protected] website (be sure to include a link to the verification result).

The success of its online promotion depends on the quality and uniqueness of the content with which the site is filled. Uniqueness is also required from educational works, such as essays, term papers, diplomas, works of authorship, and so on.

When it is impossible to write a completely unique text, resort to rewriting, or rewriting (from the English. rewrite, to rewrite). Rewrite is somewhat reminiscent of a school presentation, when the source text is rewritten (rewritten) in your own words. However, rewriting can also be different - sometimes you need to work out not one, but several sources, change the structure of the text (the so-called deep rewrite), sometimes it is enough just to replace some words with synonyms.

The uniqueness of the text is checked using special anti-plagiarism programs and is measured as a percentage. If the text is completely or partially stolen from another resource, the program will show a low percentage of uniqueness, and will also highlight non-unique passages and show their source.

Below are the useful tips how to achieve uniqueness and cheat anti-plagiarism. We hope that these tips will help to make the original text loyal to the customer and search engines.

How to make text unique: 4 steps

So, here is a rough algorithm on how to bypass anti-plagiarism and achieve a unique result.

Step 1. Choosing a service to check

First, you need to decide on a service that will check our work. There are many anti-plagiarism programs... If the customer has not indicated a specific program, then it is better to check the uniqueness with 1-2 programs of your choice.

Some of them (like etxt, advego) require downloading and installation on a computer. Others, such as text.ru, are available to users online.

In this case, you should be prepared for the fact that different services show a different percentage of the uniqueness of the text. The difference in readings can reach 50%!

The fact is that each of them has its own algorithm for counting and analyzing textual material, which is inaccessible to most users.

Step 2. Save all variations of the text

The next step on the way to how to bypass anti-plagiarism is to save all versions of the text: both the original one and all the others.

The main thing is not to get confused and consistently change the structure and content, achieving the desired indicator of the anti-plagiarism program.

Step 3. Making the text unique

How to achieve this - read below. If uniqueness of 98-100% is not required, it is better to hedge and make the uniqueness 5-10% higher than necessary in order to pass the check on any service.

If free apps show a good indicator, the paid one may underestimate, and as a result, the uniqueness will not be what the customer required.

Knowledge is power! Or how to use shingle rules

Shingle is a small piece of text from several words, which is used to check the uniqueness of the written. If the shingle "3" is specified, this means that three words will be checked. Such data is set in the parameters of the program itself. It is easier to deceive the anti-plagian if you know this value.

The higher the value of the shingle, the easier it is to achieve the author's original material. But the optimal value for the customer and the contractor will be a value of 4-5 words. Replace the first or last word in a phrase and the text immediately becomes original.

Step 4. Save the finished text

As soon as the required percentage of originality is obtained, the text must be saved and sent for verification.

All ways to bypass the anti-plagiarism program can be conditionally divided into honest (when the uniqueness of the text really increases) and dishonest (when the text remains the same, but the program perceives it as unique). Let's take a look at them.

How to make your text unique: 6 honest ways

Below are working tools to help make any source material unique to search engines.

Method 1. Deep processing of source material / retelling in your own words

This is what is called rewriting, which literally means "rewriting" in English.

Method 2. Using synonyms

Do you want to know the answer how to get through anti-plagiarism? Use synonyms. It is important to understand here: despite the fact that synonyms often make the material unique, the author is forced to constantly be in search of certain substitute words. As a result, he becomes obsessed with this, from which the meaning of the text suffers.

Another interesting trick is to insert formulas and tables in the form of pictures. This technique allows you to increase the uniqueness of the text.

If the selection of synonyms is not going well, use synonymizers. Synonymizers are special applications that allow you to quickly find words that are different in spelling, but similar in meaning to the original query. They are provided on a paid or free basis.

They can query not only individual terms, but entire phrases. This is convenient, but still does not provide an opportunity to completely rewrite the previous material in a few seconds.

Method 3. Translation of text from sources in another language

Translating text from sources in another language is a great way to cheat the anti-plagiarism etxt and any other program. The result is a completely unique work, because the source text for rewriting is published in another language.

The problems are that

  • you need to find material that is suitable for the content, written in a foreign language. Obviously, you will have to find several sources to get the required content.
  • you need to be able to translate it correctly.

translations by themselves are much better paid than rewriting. Read more in the article: “ How to make money translating articles».

Method 4. Replacing frequently repeated words

Often these are some kind of conjunctions or words that are meaningfully related to keys. We replace 1-2 with synonyms that are close in meaning.

Method 5. Reworking a sentence from the end

Many sentences that are used in articles and other materials are complex. That is, they have two parts, of which one obeys the other. It is enough to swap them in order to achieve not 100% uniqueness, but a good coefficient.

Again, a lot will depend on the size of the shingle. But in many cases, the meaning of a particular phrase can be conveyed to the reader in the reverse order.

Method 6. Using words like "directly"

It is believed that the use of this or similar adverbs twice per 1000 characters will make the text more authoritative, that is, original. With more frequent use, it can become conspicuous. But here a certain skill is required to write these adverbs correctly and to the place.

How to cheat an anti-plagiarism program: dishonest ways

In addition to honest (or relatively honest) methods, there are also dishonest methods that help deceive the anti-plagiarism program, forcing it to evaluate non-unique text as unique.

  • Adding automatic hyphenation

On the one hand, a very simple way from the field of how to cheat anti-plagiarism for free. On the other hand, this is not welcomed in all works.

For abstracts, this may be a suitable solution, but with writing articles for publication on websites, customers will not accept the work with transfers, and removing them will immediately reveal the true state of affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss all the technical details in advance.

  • Use of material not indexed by search engines

As a rule, search robots analyze the material taken from the site and enter data about it into the repository. The indexed text is thus the one that has already been checked by the search engines Google and others.

  • Using Word Macros

Macros are convenient for the user in that he can record the most frequently needed keyboard shortcuts and then access them in a second as many times as needed. This makes it possible to simplify frequently used actions or their combinations.

The work with fragments of text is arranged in a similar way, which makes it possible to raise its uniqueness.

  • Visual Basic Macro Help

A way for programmers who know how to use Visual Basic how to cheat plagiarism anti-plagiarism and other programs. Everything is very simple: after each word or symbol, depending on the amount of text and the complexity of the problem, a small dot of the 1st font is added.

It is almost impossible to see it visually. But in order to start this process on all words, you need to write a macro, and this requires knowledge of the basics of VB.

  • Replacing Russian letters with Greek

Here's another interesting technique that not all copywriters use - many do not even know about its existence.

The fact is that the systems do not yet recognize the Greek symbols micron and omega, which successfully replace the letter "o", since they look almost the same, but for anti-plagiarism programs it is a completely different symbol. And just as replacing one letter in your passport makes you a different person, so replacing one letter in each word can make the text unique to search engines and anti-plagiarism programs.

How difficult it is these days to bring a term paper or an abstract to the desired percentage of uniqueness in Antiplagiat.UZ or ETXT. Students spend hours "sweating" over their texts in order to somehow raise the originality and successfully pass the work. Okay, if the "teacher" requires 60-70% - this can still be achieved, although you will have to spend enough time, and it depends where the material was taken from. What if the instructor set the requirement at 90%? This is the guard, friends!

How to deal with this outrage and defeat the unfortunate anti-plagiarism? Who invented all this and what is it for? - such questions "are born" in thousands of students in their heads, when once again Antiplagiat shows 30-40% of uniqueness.

Remember that there is an anti-plagiarism anti-plagiarism for every anti-plagiarism! :)

Let's go directly to the topic of the question and figure it out, how to cheat anti-plagiarism when checking a term paper, diploma or essay in 2019-2020. - all this is quite realistic to do and get by with "little blood".

Struggle for uniqueness

It is necessary to include the internal reserves of vocabulary and start "creating". Each sentence in the text will need to be rearranged. We replace other people's thoughts with our own, we select synonyms. We leave only quotations and definitions from the original text. We create practically a new job, change the structure. Yes, the work is painstaking, but the uniqueness can be increased a lot. In this way, you can practically make an author's work from a downloaded term paper or diploma. The main thing is that the text in the work has meaning and is formatted correctly.

It will take a lot of time and effort

The teacher can check the work for rewriting and find out where the material came from

If we approach the processing of the text "headlong", then this method is one of the best

It differs from the first recommendation in that we mainly use synonyms and use intelligence to a lesser extent. If in the complete rewriting of the text you have to use your own thoughts and knowledge in the subject of the work, then for superficial rewriting it is common to apply:

- substitution with synonyms

- the use of introductory elements, turns

- rearrangement of phrases, words

- changing the structure of text, paragraphs and sentences

This way of defeating anti-plagiarism programs is not easy to call the language, because they (programs) "grow wiser" every year and calculate rewriting quite well. In order not to get caught when checking, it is necessary to use in combination the listed methods of uniqueizing coursework and other work. For example, only the rearrangement of phrases will be immediately detected when checking for plagiarism in Text.ru or Content-Watch, while in Advego the revised text will be highlighted in blue.

Below is a screenshot from the ETXT program, where you can see that the rewrite is already checking too.

This recommendation can work well if the work already has at least 30-40% uniqueness and it is necessary to reach 70-80 - this is quite real opportunity enhance originality. Even a weak C grade student can outwit anti-plagiarism in this way. But patience and willpower will be required in any case.

That's how easy it used to be to pass term papers and essays ..! Replaced Russian letters in words with English ones and now you are 100% unique. Now that doesn't work anymore. The freebie is over :) It is getting harder and harder to cheat anti-plagiarism for free.

The method of diluting sentences with epithets, introductory words and phrases also does not work (and in educational work, the abundance of introductory words does not always look appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is quite a good method, but it is hardly applicable with a large number of scientific and professional terms. And, of course, if it is stupid to use auto-change, the teacher will laugh at the "delusional" text.

Let's summarize what not necessary spend time:

Substitution of Cyrillic letters for Latin ones

Adding introductory words

Synonymizing in large quantities

Burn the topic! Insert formulas, tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will not notice them. Normal teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to make formulas unique! Most importantly, do not abuse this feature.

In the markup of the MS WORD page, you can set automatic word wrap. How can this help in anti-plagiarism deception? Very simple. If you paste a document or copy a text with automatic word hyphenation enabled in Antiplagiat.ru, the system will perceive some of the words as unique. the words will be partially truncated.

Note: this method can increase the uniqueness by no more than 2-7 percent. If you do not have enough to pass the anti-plagiarism check, you can try this method.

To enable this option, you need to perform certain actions in ms word (screenshot below):

The essence of this method to bypass anti-plagiarism is that you need to search for material in English, Ukrainian or another language, then translate the material into Russian. The resulting material in Russian will need to be corrected in order to give the text the correct format. This option is free to cheat anti-plagiarism is a place to be, but it is difficult to call it free, tk. the loss of time for translation and proofreading is also a kind of payment. And it is not known how the plagiarism check will behave, because it may happen that you find the right job, and after the translation of the text, it will be borrowed from another source in Russian. Each student chooses the method that suits him best.

We are talking about scientific works that were not indexed by search engines. You can be "figured out" if the examiner was already familiar with this work. But if you copy and paste carefully and smash the texts with your personal thoughts, then the result can be very good.

Where to find non-indexed texts? It can be:

Foreign sites

Translation of foreign works and articles

Dissertations from paid catalogs

Not yet digitized material taken from the library

Note: the Antiplagiat.UZ system can also check texts not only in Yandex and Google, but also against closed sources. Keep this in mind, and try to find a way to pre-check your work using closed sources as well.

If you do not have time to independently correct the downloaded coursework, diplomas, abstracts, then you can use the services of our service.

The system increases the uniqueness of the work in a technical way (at the level of the document code).

The text in the document does not change (visually), but when checked against Antiplagiat.ru, the university or in the ETXT program, the uniqueness will meet your requirements.

For example, you can upload a downloaded finished work with a 5% uniqueness to the system. To raise the uniqueness to the desired value, for example, up to 80-100%, you must:

1. Upload the file with the finished work to our system

2. Select the desired processing system and specify the percentage

3. Wait for online processing of your text

4. Check the processed document and successfully submit the work to the educational institution.

An example of checking a thesis that was processed in our service (screenshot below):

The picture shows that using our service you can cheat anti-plagiarism online and increase the uniqueness of any educational work up to 80-100%, without wasting your precious time on "dancing with a tambourine" around a term paper or thesis.

We wish you successful studies and easy passage of anti-plagiarism!

Any text that is posted on the Internet is checked for uniqueness. More precisely, not any, but one that has claims to be considered high-quality)) Some sites do not disdain copy-paste, that is, they simply copy texts and post them on their own.

Even if you have never tried yourself in copywriting and do not know what it is, you will still understand what uniqueness is. Right now you are reading reviews on the Hayrekomend website, in particular, you are reading my review. All review texts are checked for uniqueness. That is, if a person simply uploads a text copied from another site here, such an author will be blocked, because the uniqueness of the test will be zero. It turns out that now you are reading a unique text)) More precisely, it is unique at the time when I publish it.

Who needs the Etxt Antiplagiat program and when

1. Copywriters. If you want to try yourself in this field, anti-plagiarism programs will become your constant companions)

2. Students. I studied at a time when the Internet was not connected to every iron, we typed abstracts and term papers ourselves, from books, sometimes copied from Internet sources and slightly rewritten in our own words, that is, we did a simple rewrite)) And now all these works are checked for plagiarism, and the percentage of uniqueness must be observed.

How to download the Etxt Antiplagiat program

3. Quality of inspection

Here, too, there are no complaints about anyone. They show the same percentage, sometimes the indicator differs by 1% - sometimes the ectst shows less uniqueness, sometimes advo. So I calmly equate.

4. Updates

At Advego, you need to go to the site, see if the version has been updated. you need to reinstall the program. An unpleasant situation may happen with the customer when the author checks the software old version, and the customer is new, and the uniqueness is different.

Etxt is just lovely - a window pops up with the news of the update. We just agree to update, and within a maximum of a minute, the program itself started in a new way.

5. Captcha

Many people criticize Etxt Antiplagiat for a large number of captchas. No matter how it is! At the end of the review, I will tell you how many captchas the program requested from me for checking the text of this review) You will be pleasantly surprised!

In Advego, captcha on captcha and captcha drives, #ajtriset)))

Captcha is a security code that you need to enter in order to search engines(Google, Yandex and others, in which our anti-plagiarism searches for matches), did not consider us spammers)

Something like this ... As a result, it is clearly visible that it is more convenient .

How Etxt Antiplagiat works

I will explain in a nutshell. In the settings (menu item Operations → Settings), you can select a lot, in particular the number of words in the shingle. The rest of the settings are also important, but in the technical specification for the order they often write what needs to be checked with a shingle such and such. Usually it is 3-4-5 words.

On the screenshot, the shingle is the field at the bottom left.

What is a shingle:

A shingle is a piece of text several words long that the uniqueness checker works with. The essence of the matter is that the entire text is divided into separate fragments of a given fixed size (from three to eight words), and the program that determines the uniqueness of the text checks for the presence of the same text fragments (shingles) in previously posted documents on the Internet.

I explain it in human language. There is a phrase. For example, this:

Vanya and Tanya are sitting at the table and eating delicious apples. And yesterday they were plums.

How the program will check this text:

1. First, she will cleanse him of stop words that do not carry a semantic load (prepositions, conjunctions, interjections). It will look like this:

Vanya Tanya are sitting at a table eating delicious apples yesterday they ate plums.

2. Divides words into shingles. In our example, the check goes with shingle 3, which means we divide into shingles with a length of three words. Please note: shingles are considered overlapping, that is, each new shingle overlaps the previous one. The resulting shingles are:

Vanya Tanya sitting

Tanya are sitting at the table

sitting at the table eating

table eat delicious

eating delicious apples

delicious apples yesterday

apples yesterday they

yesterday they ate

they ate plums

And for these three-word combinations, the program searches for matches on the Internet. Now it becomes clear that Shingle 3 is generally some kind of draconian Anti-Plagiarism settings. It is optimal to check with a shingle of 4-5 words, so the uniqueness will be observed, and the brain will not explode.

Now we have smoothly got to the burning topic))

How to cheat Etxt Anti-plagiarism

The answer suggests itself. There are several options, but this is not cheating, but competent work with the program. All these features also work when checking for rewriting.

1. Use more synonyms.

2. Change the construction of phrases. For example, if the program highlights a non-unique fragment "after the calculation, I put money in my wallet", then you can try to change it to "after paying, I replenished my wallet with a nice amount". That is, to replace the order in which the sentence is constructed.

3. Change semantic blocks.

4. Sometimes it helps to replace numbers with words, for example, instead of 5 we write five, and vice versa.

5. From the same opera, abbreviations and full spelling. For example, kg and kilogram, thousand and thousand, etc.

6. Replace terms with your own words. The most disgusting thing that can be in the work of a copywriter ((Because the quality of the text suffers from this. And here it all depends on the adequacy of the customer.

7. Reread the text and remove standard phrases and stamps from it.

Etxt Antiplagiat program makes different types of checks:

  • quick express check (cleanly check if the text is stolen);
  • deep (it is she who shows the necessary data);
  • to rewrite (the authors do not hesitate to push the rewrite at the copyright price, this is checked once or twice);
  • checking pictures (trying to get any picture out of Google and pass it off as unique won't work either);
  • check sites.

What orders are better not to take into work

I am not discouraging anyone. I'll just share my observations. At first, I grabbed at all the orders, the topics of which seemed suitable to me.

Write a rewrite of news for 1000 characters with 100% uniqueness? Yes Easy! I write a genius in a unique way on an automatic machine, but I did not come to copywriting yesterday and I know that you should not use stamps.

Write a text about the terms of credit cards of such and such a bank with 95-100% uniqueness with shingle 4? Yes, easily! O credit cards I know almost everything!

Write a text with an entry of 10 keys like "watch online for free" for 1000 characters? Yes, you can't do it, I never had any problems with the keys, I enter them easily. And the uniqueness in 97% I am generally one left!

Yeah of course! We scattered! Writing a text takes half an hour or an hour, but then a fascinating quest on the topic begins how to bypass anti-plagiarism and increase the originality of the article. Carry a tambourine, let's dance! You rearrange the phrases, you spit on the way the text turns into, the words change again and again, you rearrange the synonyms, you freak out from the fact that a lot of time is spent on this crap. As a result, you spit and send with one percent missing, you get a revision, you freak out again, in the end, either a refusal or killed time for the sake of kopecks.

And now I do not take such orders for work:

  • where you need to write a small number of characters with high uniqueness. The smaller the text, the less uniqueness it will show
  • where you need to write a text with terms that you can't get away from, and you need high uniqueness. For example, texts with the terms of banking products, texts with legal terms. Such terms consist of several words, that is, in any way they will fall into the shingle, and it will take a long time to finish off the uniqueness, trying to deceive Etxt Antiplagiarism. It all depends on the adequacy of the customer. Adequate will not require uniqueness above 88-90% for such texts. Inadequate to you will take out the whole soul, the text will be unreadable, but unique, and he will not like it, it will require both ease of reading and a high unique. Such orders are shown in FIG.
  • recipes where a unique is required above 90%;
  • where they want to see spam with keys and unique above 88-90%.


And finally, I will check the text of this review in I just copy the review from here and paste it. into the program editor, I run deep check with shingle 3.

So, there are 9 612 characters in the text. To go nuts, she is in shock, as she dashed off so much!

Its uniqueness is 94%. And this is with shingle 3 and in deep check, mind you! If you put a normal shingle, the uniqueness will be greater. But 94% is also very good!

During the check (4 minutes), only three captchas popped up.

In short, I'm proud of myself and hope I helped you figure it out!


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