A program to delete a locked folder. Unlocker - free utility to delete blocked files

A program to delete a locked folder. Unlocker - free utility to delete blocked files


Together, the user probably faced the situation when all his attempts to delete one or another file unsuccessfully ended with notice from operating system Windows On the impossibility of deleting due to blocking this file by the active process. Or due to the fact that the file is open in some application.

With a situation where the deleted file is open in the application that runs the user itself, and not working in background mode, in principle, everything is simple. System notifications about the impossibility of deleting files reproduced by applications, as a rule, contain an indication of the blocking application. What you need to do is close this application that reproduces the file.

But in cases where the file is blocked by background processes, there is nothing to compete with regular users how to accept restrictions. It often happens with the files that are used by the processes of the operating system itself, with Windows in the notifications of the unable to delete the sources of blocking files do not indicate. In such cases, it does not always help even reboot the computer. If a blocking file deletion, the process starts automatically along with Windows, naturally, when you try to remove it, we get the very result - the impossibility of removal.

From the locked file in the usual way - the Delete button or the removal command in the context menu of the conductor - will get rid of it. It will be necessary to help a special third-party program that can carry out the unlocking of blocked files. With these programs and get acquainted below, as well as consider the process of deleting blocked files.

Many - does not mean well

Programs specializing in unlocking blocked files on the software market is not so much, but with a Russian-speaking interface and the choice is significantly limited. But with the availability of these programs, the situation is better - almost all of them are free, minimalist, simple and understandable in work.

FREE FILE UNLOCKER., Fileassassin. and Iobit Unlocker - These are three common programs that are designed to forcibly delete blocked files. We will not consider it in detail for the simple reason that the two of them are Fileassassin and Iobit Unlocker - when testing the author of the article with its direct task did not cope. So, this couple will not help in a standard situation when it is necessary to remove the files downloaded by torrent client without completing the torrent client itself. To the Free File Unlocker program, which not only knows how to delete single blocked files, folders, active processes, but also intended for batch work with objects, there are no complaints of work with Windows 7. But with its installation in Windows 8.1, some users may have problems due to the fact that Free File Unlocker does not want to work with the version «. Net Framework.» for "Eight".

Lock Hunter and Unlocker - the best programs for unlocking blocked files

In the review of programs for unlocking blocked files, only those that are successfully established during testing and in Windows 7, and in Windows 8.1. And, of course, who also successfully coped with their immediate task. Lock Hunter and Unlocker unlocked and deleted a file locked by torrent client and a reproducible by the application.

And, and when the installation is integrated into the context menu of the system conductor. On the locked file, you can call the context menu and select the command of the corresponding unlock program program. Immediately, its window will appear with options for unlocking the selected file. You can work with locked files and when starting the programs yourself by adding files to unlock using the object selection option. The only moment is what Lock Hunter program is inferior to its analogue - Unlocker - lack of support for the Russian language. But, given the narrow focus and minimalism of the functionality of unlocking programms, it can hardly become an obstacle for the full use of Lock Hunter. But Lock Hunter is more functional: it can unlock files, and entire folders, and processes running in the system. The program also provides information about the blocking file or process folder and allows you to interrupt it.

Despite the fact that the Unlocker has less opportunities (only unlocking individual files), Nevertheless, it is the most popular unlocked program in RuNet. The secret of the popularity of the program is simple: It is Russified, simple and convenient to use, and, of course, the developers did not forget to take care of the "right" name, which from the start talks about the appointment of the program without any questions.

Both programs and Lock Hunter, and Unlocker - you can download and install absolutely free.

How to delete blocked files using the Lock Hunter program

To delete a locked file or folder using the Lock Hunter program, call the context menu and select its command in the form of a question.

The Lock Hunter window appears, where the program blocking the file will be indicated. Next, select either the unlock button "Unlock IT"if, for example, the file you need to simply move or rename in the conductor or file ManagerOr the removal button to unlock the file and remove it to one click.

Confirm your decision.

The locked file will be deleted.

An alternative way to delete blocked files and folders such: Run the Lock Hunter program and add to it using the View button files and folders. To unlock the ability to copy and rename files and folders, in the program window click the button "OTHER" and choose the appropriate command. Here, among the functions of the button "OTHER" There is a command to complete blocked processes.

How to delete blocked files using Unlocker Program

The process of unlocking files using the Unlocker program is almost the same. Call the context menu on the locked file and select the command.

A small unlocker program appears, where you need to choose from the drop-down list of functions. renamation, move or delete file.. In our case, choose "Delete" and click "OK".

After deleting the Unlocker file, notify successful completion Procedured operation.

As in the previous case, the locked file can be deleted by running the program itself. Click the Unlocker shortcut on the desktop or on the Windows 8 / 8.1 start screen, select a locked file in the conduction conducted conductor, select the action - in our case "Delete" - and click "OK".

The file will be deleted. Or, as a last resort, the Unlocker program will report that it will delete after the computer to restart, if this time cannot be done.

How to remove blocked in windows system File or folder? Let's start with the fact that not every file or folder you need to delete: so, for example, the important files of the Windows itself are protected from user intervention, and to remove them, you will need to request permission from TrustedInstaller - hidden systemic system accountwhich is headed above any administrator account. If we are talking about rare cases of a conscious and controlled process of deleting files or folders to which the system notification "Request a trustedinstaller resolution" is prevented, full access with the TrustedInstaller resolution can be obtained in the properties of the deleted folder or file.

Deleting blocked non-system files and folders (user or third-party working data) - the procedure is less dangerous, and for these purposes there are, respectively, methods are simpler. One of them is the closing of the process or program using a deleted file.

If a deleted file or folder is used by the active process, which cannot be completed in the working Windows using the task manager, it is possible to resolve the issue:

Rebooting the system;

IN safe mode Windows;

Booting from Live disks or even the usual installation media of the Windows;

In another Windows or other operating system installed on another section or computer disk.

But it is much easier to delete a blocked file or folder using special utilities - minimalistic programs for unlocking data. In some cases, they will not solve the question without rebooting Windows, but accurately get rid of the need to load from other carriers or other operating system. It will not be necessary to even independently search for a program or process that block deletion, renaming or data transfer. Unlocking utilities will close themselves the necessary program or process. Naturally, provided that the operation of the system without blocking process is possible. If not, in this case, utilities are usually promised to delete a problem file when the system is then loaded. Unlocking utility, as a rule, are embedded in the context menu of the system conductor, offering more convenient way Unlock files and folders than the form of adding them to the interface of the utilities themselves. Below will look at the top three free utilities to remove the files blocked in the system.

1. Unlocker

Unlocker is perhaps the most famous utility from the category of file unlocks. When it starts, we get access to the form of review in style windows Explorer To add files to unlock, rename, move or delete.

Working with the utility from the context menu, on the locked file, respectively, select the "Unlocker" item.

The Unlocker installer is configured to install into the system together with the "info", it is necessary to carefully track the steps of the installation wizard to remove the ticks of the associated introduction of unnecessary software.

2. Lock Hunter.

The Lock Hunter utility from Unlocker has the ability to work not only with files, but also with blocked folders. Lock Hunter provides a viewing button inside of its interface to add locked folders or files, the utility is also embedded in the context menu of the Windows Explorer in the form of a question "that blocks this file (folder)".

According to the results of the display of blocked folders or file in the utility window you can unlock, delete, rename, move, complete the process used (if possible).

3. Unlockme.

Unlockme utility, like previous review participants, works with blocked folders and files as inside your own interface, providing for adding data buttons,

using the option in the context menu of Windows Explorer.

UnlockMe does not offer removal, rename or moved files, utility only performs unlocking files, completing the work of impeding programs or processes (if possible). After unlocking the UnlockMe utility, all the necessary operations with folders and files are carried out in the explorer or file manager.

Overview of the UNLOCKER program for Windows, as well as its analogues. Detailed instructionsHow to delete files and folders that are not deleted, in forced order: through the closing of processes blocking deletion.

Unlocker Description

Unlocker is an effective program to remove unsubstituted files in the Windows OS environment. It bypasses system bans and indicates the user to the processes that block access. These processes prevent removal, because of which files and folders are not removed in the usual way.

Unlocker is one of the few utilities with an understandable interface in Russian. Partly therefore use the program is very simple. In Unlocker, you can drag files into the window and immediately delete files by killing unnecessary processes. The right column displays the current status of the file or folder:

  • "Not blocked" - You can delete a failed file without the forced closure of other processes.
  • "Blocked" - Unlocker will prompt which processes to preempt to remove the folder (file), after which they can be forced to close and perform the desired operation.

The main features of Unlocker Program

  • forced deletion of files and directories on the disk
  • delete and folders and multiple files at the same time
  • view processes that block the removal of the usual way

Scripts when the Unlocker utility can be useful

  • access to the file or folder is prohibited (the program is used by another process)
  • there are connections to the file by local network
  • a source or destination path is used by another application.
  • the file is busy with another system process.

In general, if the folder or file is not deleted, the Unlocker program is a universal and simple tool for forcing deletion.

Further, in the instructions, we will tell how to delete unsubstituted files quickly and safely. Note that we are talking about the program with the name Iobit Unlocker. There is an application of the same name on the Internet (Emptyloop Unlocker), but it is not developed since 2013, and the official site is not available. As for Unlocker from Iobit developers, this product is in development and can be downloaded below the link below.

Where to download unlocker program

Download Unlocker - a program to delete poor files - you can on the download page. Reference right.

Although latest version Unlocker 1.1 came out in 2015, compatibility issues on new windows versions not. The list includes Windows 10/8 / 7 / Vista / XP.

Unlocker Available in two options: Portable and standard installation (Iobit Unlocker 1.1 Final). The portable version can be installed anywhere. In this case, the standard version of Unlocker will be installed in the program folder Program Files.

There is no special difference from where to download the program: in both cases, Unlocker can be downloaded for free.

How to delete a failed file or folder forcibly

Let's get together how the program works. It consists of one window. In order to forcibly delete a folder or file:

  1. add files by clicking on the "Add" button at the bottom of the window.
  2. alternatively, you can drag files or folders to the Unlocker window

In the list you will see the added files and the status - "blocked" or "not blocked". Accordingly, not blocked data can be deleted and without using unlocker "but. We are more interested in the second option.

So how to delete a folder which is not deleted?

  1. Select a string with a file or folder.
  2. We celebrate the option "Forced"
  3. Press the "Unlock" button.
  4. Unlocker will complete the processes blocking file operations

How to delete a failed file independently without harm to other processes

Council. Unlocker program is not comprehensive. If you add a system path, a message appears in the Spirit "Can't Delete Folder". In addition, you must soberly assess the danger of deleting files and clearly understand what you delete.

If the file is not deleted, it is not necessary to kill the processes forcibly. Say, you edit the text and want to delete a certain file. Unlocker will find out that it is necessary to close the Word.exe process to unlock ( text processor). As a result, you will lose the file editable at the moment. In fact, there may be other scenarios, but the essence is one: if you massively kill the processes, it may lead to negative consequences.

The best way to delete a file from a computer is to add it to Iobit Unlocker, see the processes that interfere with the deletion and complete them correctly: close the applications with the preservation of open documents. This is a specific plus Unlocker "A: You can always control the process.


Developer: Crystal Rich Ltd.
Site: http://lockhunter.com/

Lockhunter is a program to delete folders and files that are not deleted by the reason unknown to you. Often (as you could verify in the case of Unlocker), this is due to the fact that the processes block access to remote objects. Lockhunter is able to calculate the processes blocking access to files. Unlike such tools, files and folders are deleted to the basket, so you can restore them at the right moment. By the way, the main purpose of this utility is the removal of viruses and malvari: these harmful applications love to block access to themselves for self-preservation.

How to delete a folder or files using Lockhunter

This method will delete a system folder or file busy by other processes. The technique will be useful for the forced destruction of viruses.

  1. Indicate in the main window of the program location folder (file) for forced removal. The list will explain the processes blocking elements.
  2. Delete processes blocking files by clicking on the Unlockit button!
  3. We highlight the folder and press the DELETEIT button! For complete deletion.

MalwareBytes Fileassassin.

Site: https://www.malwarebytes.com/fileassassin/

Fileassassin is a useful program to delete files that are not deleted by the standard way, without stopping the processes. Here is a list of errors that this program can solve in your favor:

  • The file is not deleted: access is prohibited.
  • Make sure the disc is not filled and not protected to record
  • The file is currently used
  • A source or file recipient can be used.
  • The file is used by another program or user.

SysInternals Process Monitor

Site: https://technet.microsoft.com/ru-ru/sysiSinternals/ProcessMonitor.aspx
Developer: Mark Russinovich

To a greater extent, this tool is intended for a deep study of Windows processes, and it is possible to advise it only to experienced users. However, this professional task manager tracks not only processes, but also streams, file System and registry. If the file is not deleted, Process Monitor will help identify dependencies and further remove it, for example, a system file or folder.

Deleting Failure Files: Questions and Answers

The file is not deleted in windows folder. What to do?

Answer. If you want to delete an item with a system path from this folder, it will not be possible to do this even with the help of Iobit Unlocker. As I said, the program does not know how to delete system files Windows - the powerful protection at the kernel level is triggered.

Files from a flash drive are not deleted. I need to download unlocker in portable version on the USB flash drive?

Answer. Not necessary. The standard Unlocker version "is quite suitable for these purposes. You can drag files to the program window, kill processes and then calmly delete files.

I downloaded Unlocker from the official site, but the program is different from the instructions described in the instruction. What to do, how to remove the unsuccessful folder?

Answer. The fact is that you downloaded another program (from the developer Emptyloop), although her name is the same. In principle, the trouble is small, this program has a similar functionality. If he does not suit you, just download Iobit Unlocker on the link given at the beginning of the article.

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