How does the firmware affect the phone. Why "reflash" a mobile phone? Types of firmware and how to install them

How does the firmware affect the phone. Why "reflash" a mobile phone? Types of firmware and how to install them


The question of how to flash an Android smartphone is able to confuse a novice user who does not yet know how to cope with this task. This article is intended to help you, so that you can carry out the firmware of the phone on your own, and not overpay for the services of the masters in the service centers, who ask for this work from 1000 rubles.

The main thing is to follow exactly according to the instructions we specified, because a mistake can lead to very disastrous consequences. The question of how to flash an Android smartphone with a computer often begins to bother users when the system is clogged with files and there are various glitches in it. This will help to restore the former performance, in general, improve the stability and quality of the system. First of all, you can try to perform a factory reset, but if this does not help, then only a flashing remains.

  • Figuring out how to flash a Chinese smartphone yourself, you need to carefully prepare for this process. The first step is to make sure that the phone has at least 50% charge, and it is better to charge it fully. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of disconnection. During the procedure, you can connect the device to the charger. If the smartphone turns off during the procedure, then you will lose all data and it can turn into a useless brick, so do not neglect this rule;
  • Find out which version of the operating system is relevant for your phone and which one is now. You can find out by going to the settings menu and select the "About phone" section there. Check the Android version, kernel version, and build number.

It's time to figure out how to flash an Android smartphone through a computer. Based on the information you received using the above method, we find the latest firmware created specifically for the model of your device. It is also better to make the systems first, so that in case of anything, be able to recover to the previous firmware version. We have already described how to do this in the article.

Flashing Android using a computer

The first and perhaps the most popular way is to flash a Samsung, ZTE or other manufacturer's smartphone using special software. There are many applications for this, but the best and easiest to use in our opinion is Fastboot. The advantages of the application include safety of use, comfort and reliability. Follow the further instructions to understand how to flash your smartphone yourself via Flashtool.

The program for the firmware must be selected depending on the manufacturer of your device:

  • Samsung - Odin;
  • HTC - Flash Tool;
  • Xiaomi - Fastboot;
  • HTC - Fastboot;
  • Sony - Flashboot;
  • LG - KDZ Updater.

Download a suitable application and install it on your computer. It is better to do this on the C drive so that the path to it turns out to be C: \\ Android.

Understanding how to flash a Flashtool smartphone, pay attention to the “Tools” folder, which contains all the necessary utilities, and in the “Driver” you will find drivers. We connect the phone to the PC, after which the drivers for it should be automatically installed. If this did not happen, then go to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers from there. It is important that the firmware is for the version of your phone. As a rule, it is downloaded in a Zip archive, which must be moved to the address: C: \\ Android.

Now we need to unlock the bootloader on our Android smartphone. To do this, open the "Start" menu on the PC and enter the "CMD" command in the search bar and select cmd.exe. Click on the icon with the right mouse button and select “run as administrator”.

In the command line that appears before us, enter C: \\ Android \\ Tools. We confirm the command by pressing the Enter key. Then you will find yourself in the “Tools” directory.

The next step is to enter the fastboot devices command.

If fastboot correctly recognized your gadget, then its code will appear. This means that you can start the firmware procedure. If the inscription “waiting for device” is displayed, then you need to turn off the phone, install the drivers and repeat the above manipulations.

We enter the command “fastboot update firmware file”, after which the firmware of the Android smartphone starts. Upon completion of this process, you need to restart the device.

How to reflash an Android smartphone using RECOVERY?

This method assumes the use of custom or standard recovery. The former are unofficial firmware, in which users often add many interesting functions that are not in the official ones. We find the firmware file, download it and transfer it to the root of the phone's file system.

When deciding how to flash a smartphone through Recovery, you need to restart it and enter this mode. This can usually be done by pressing the Power and Volume Down key. The recovery mode is controlled using the up and down keys. We need to find the section with the firmware and select the file downloaded earlier. Usually this item is called “apply update from externel storage”, “Install ZIP” or “apply update from sdcard”.

After that, the firmware process begins, upon completion of which you need to restart the device.

The method of flashing the phone via ROM MANAGER

The question is how to flash android smartphone, can be solved in this simple way, although it is not so popular. But there is one significant drawback - ROM Manager will refuse to function if you do not have Root rights. Another requirement is that custom recovery must be used. Formally, the firmware will proceed through recovery, but only you will work with an interface that is easier to learn.

Download the ROM Manager utility and the appropriate firmware for your Android phone. We open the program, after which we perform the following manipulations.

Android is an open source system, so developers can freely modify it, add new features, and create their own images of the operating system for phones and tablets. Some of these firmwares are gaining immense popularity and even become the basis for successful commercial projects. We introduced you to some of them in this as well as. And now we want to discuss with you the reasons that can convince you to take a chance and install third-party firmware on your Android.

Getting the latest version of Android

It's no secret that many manufacturers of even expensive devices don't bother to support their products too much. As soon as they sell you their product, they immediately forget about the need to release new versions of firmware for them. As a result, it turns out that you do not have the opportunity to upgrade to a new one. android version even if the hardware of the smartphone allows it freely.

In this case, the best and sometimes the only solution would be to use the well-known CyanogenMod, which, although it has many of its own "chips", is in many ways similar to stock Android. Thanks to this development, owners of even fairly old devices can use the latest versions of the system.

Rejection of "branded" shells

Many popular manufacturers (let's not point the finger) are very fond of equipping phones with their own branded shells, which, however, is not liked by all users. Not only are many of them downright ugly and inconvenient - this is, as you know, a matter of taste, but they also manage to noticeably slow down the system. Naked Android against this background shows speed records and impresses with its responsiveness.

Yes, of course, you can put your own launcher and remove all these widgets, but there is no way to refuse all the dubious settings that the manufacturer made in the operating system. So in order to get a truly pure Android, you will need to install a custom ROM.

Removing preinstalled software

Having received your brand new phone and played enough with the programs installed on it, you gradually come to understand that it would be better if they did not exist at all. Most often, manufacturers complete the software set of the device, focusing not on expediency and quality, but purely for commercial reasons. In addition, these programs are considered system programs and you cannot easily remove them. As a result, we get an apparatus filled with frank rubbish that prevents us from living.

A radical solution to this problem is precisely the flashing of the device to a custom assembly that does not contain pre-installed software.

Getting additional features and system settings

Many firmwares have such a different appearance and set of functions from the original Android that we can safely talk about independent operating systems. First of all, we are talking about such popular Chinese projects as MIUI, Lewa, Oppo, which are developing at a gigantic pace. It is likely that having tasted this oriental cocktail at least once, you will look at the bland Android dish with undisguised regret.

Other firmware, for example AOKP, although based on stock Android, but give such scope in the settings, such customization possibilities that the owners of ordinary smartphones never dreamed of.


It may sound strange, but firmware created by the free community can sometimes be safer than a Google product. In them, if you wish, you can completely get rid of the all-seeing eye of this company, completely replacing all their services and applications with third-party developments. It turns out, therefore, "Android without Google", no matter how strange it may sound.

In addition, many custom ROMs contain a built-in antivirus and such detailed permission settings for each application that you can thoroughly specify who, what for what purpose can move on your device.

Reasons not to use third-party firmware

But, as you can imagine, everything is far from being so rosy and there are some pretty serious problems that you may encounter in your experiments with firmware.

  1. Bricks... The process of flashing, although it is thoroughly developed and rather easy, nevertheless, with a certain degree of bad luck and curvature of the arms, can turn your device into a dead block of plastic and microcircuits.
  2. Battery problems... The custom ROM may not be optimized enough for a specific device and drain the battery faster than the official ROM.
  3. Hardware problems... Your new firmware may not fully support all hardware in the phone, so you may encounter errors, separate non-working modules, and other issues. For example, your device's camera may not shoot as well as it used to, or your GPS may suddenly become slow to search for satellites.
  4. Errors... The manufacturers of your device test software well before releasing it for sale, which, of course, cannot be said about independent firmware developers. Therefore, you may encounter annoying mistakes, which, although they will be corrected in the future, can spoil you a lot of blood.
  5. Warranty... If you use third-party firmware, you void your warranty. If this is important to you, then think about it.

And now I would like to know your opinion on the need flashing Android... We ask you to take part in the survey and express your point of view in the comments.

Receiving latest version Android

It's no secret that many manufacturers of even expensive devices don't bother to support their products too much. As soon as they sell you their product, they immediately forget about the need to release new versions of firmware for them. As a result, it turns out that you do not have the opportunity to upgrade to new version Android even if the hardware of the smartphone is free to do so.

In this case, the best and sometimes the only solution would be to use the well-known CyanogenMod, which, although it has many of its own "chips", is in many ways similar to stock Android. Thanks to this development, owners of even fairly old devices can use the latest versions of the system.

Rejection of "branded" shells

Many popular manufacturers are very fond of equipping phones with their own branded shells, which, however, is not liked by all users. Not only are many of them downright ugly and uncomfortable - this is, as you know, a matter of taste, but they also manage to noticeably slow down the system. Naked Android against this background shows speed records and impresses with its responsiveness.

Yes, of course, you can put your own launcher and remove all these widgets, but there is no way to refuse all the dubious settings that the manufacturer made in the operating system. So in order to get a truly pure Android, you will need to install a custom ROM.

Removing preinstalled software

Having received your brand new phone and played enough with the programs installed on it, you gradually come to understand that it would be better if they did not exist at all. Most often, manufacturers complete the software set of the device, focusing not on expediency and quality, but purely for commercial reasons. In addition, these programs are considered system programs and you cannot easily remove them. As a result, we get an apparatus filled with frank rubbish that prevents us from living.

A radical solution to this problem is precisely the flashing of the device to a custom assembly that does not contain pre-installed software.

Getting additional features and system settings

Many firmwares have such a different appearance and set of functions from the original Android that we can safely talk about independent operating systems. First of all, we are talking about such popular Chinese projects as MIUI, Lewa, Oppo, which are developing at a gigantic pace. It is likely that having tasted this oriental cocktail at least once, you will look at the bland Android dish with undisguised regret.

Other firmware, for example AOKP, although based on stock Android, but give such scope in the settings, such customization possibilities that the owners of ordinary smartphones never dreamed of.


It may sound strange, but firmware created by the free community can sometimes be safer than a Google product. In them, if you wish, you can completely get rid of the all-seeing eye of this company, completely replacing all their services and applications with third-party developments. It turns out, therefore, "Android without Google", no matter how strange it may sound.

In addition, many custom ROMs contain a built-in antivirus and such detailed permission settings for each application that you can thoroughly specify who, what for what purpose can move on your device.

The operating system "Android" consists of a set of necessary drivers that make the phone work in the mode of a small computer. But, like any technique, this device sometimes fails, including through the fault of the OS. In this case, you should not immediately buy a new device or carry it to service center, but to determine the level of performance of the gadget and find out how to flash an Android phone through a computer on your own, if, of course, you have at least some idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of a mobile device.

What does it mean to "flash" and "reflash" a phone?

Phone firmware means the installation of software on the microchip of the device, and is performed at the factory. Flashing, respectively, - updating the operating system, installing new applications and adding the necessary functions. It is produced in the following cases:

  • if you need to install a newer version (for example, if the update was not made on time and the old version is no longer satisfied);
  • when it is necessary to fix software glitches (freezing of software, inability to install an application, blocking applications, freezing of the screensaver when the phone starts up, etc.);
  • when you need to hack the protection of the Android base when it is locked (even if the phone does not turn on at all);
  • if there is a need for the Russification of the device (for example, the phone was purchased in a foreign version of Android).

Should you reflash your phone yourself?

There are 2 types of firmware: using software from the manufacturer of the device used (stock) or using the firmware of independent developers (custom). In the first case, before the release of the product, "Android" undergoes full testing, which cannot be said about third-party firmware. Although not all manufacturers, even the most expensive devices, support their products by releasing updates. And before reflashing your phone at home, you need to thoroughly study all the pros and cons of this process.


  1. The ability to use the latest version of Android with already fixed bugs.
  2. Improved nice shell interface and changing graphics (pictures, icons, themes, etc.).
  3. Change the functionality of the keys.
  4. Better performance of the camera and built-in speakers.
  5. Adding new and exciting features to your phone.
  6. Using the device for a longer time.
  7. Saving money, time and resources.


  1. Lack of some knowledge and trivial luck can turn a smartphone into a useless tool.
  2. Optimized software may not be suitable for a given phone model, which negatively affects battery life.
  3. Inappropriate firmware can malfunction certain modules of the device. For example, the GPS navigator will become slower.
  4. In case of using a third-party (custom) firmware, the phone warranty will be lost.

Flashing a smartphone via a computer

It is possible to reflash a smartphone based on "Android", even if it does not turn on, through a computer - this is not a very complicated process, but it requires special care and basic knowledge. Before starting the procedure, you need to get a high-quality USB - cable, most often supplied with the device. Also, you should install the necessary drivers on your PC and download a program for backing up data from your phone.

Where and how to download programs for flashing the phone

An alternative option to get rid of the search for the necessary software can be a website - a smartphone manufacturer. And if the PC uses Windows7 (or newer software), which is able to independently determine, select and download the necessary drivers.

If you have experience with a site like "" all the necessary information can be found there. Working with it is very simple: go to the forum, find the device, select the most interesting firmware and download it to your PC.

Preparing for the flashing procedure

Before changing the Android base, it is worthwhile once again to weigh well all the pros and cons of this procedure. And when you decide, be patient and have time. The process itself takes 30 minutes, while preparation and unforeseen situations may take longer:

  • download the MobileuncleMTK Tools application to your phone using the Play Market or your computer.
  • assign administrator rights to the program, that is, Root access.
  • return to the site forum and download the "CWM - recovery" file for a specific model.
  • write the ZIP folder with the firmware and Recovery to the phone's SD card.
  • open installed program Mobileuncle, which will automatically find the recovery file.
  • confirm the update process by pressing the "ok" button.

Reservation of the installed version of "Android"

Before installing a new firmware, you should make a backup copy of the existing version, which may come in handy if an unsuccessful process affects the device's performance:

  • run CWM - recovery and open the item "Save current ROM";
  • a new archive name will appear in the window that opens, which, if desired, can be changed;
  • clicking "ok" will start the process of rebooting and creating a backup in automatic mode. The archive takes a long time to load;
  • if you need to restore, you need to go to CWM - recovery, click on "Restore" and select the newly created one.

Copying data

You should be aware that when flashing, all user-created information is deleted, so contacts, documents, photos, etc. must be copied to an external medium in advance. For instance:

  • download the “Mobogenie” program to your smartphone and computer;
  • connect your phone to your computer using USB;
  • after the program reads the device press the "Backup" button;
  • to restore data, repeat the entire procedure again, but click on the "Restore" button, specify the path and confirm the operation.

Installing the firmware

This is the most important and interesting process, before which you should fully charge the device, turn it off and use the combination of the "Power" and "Volum Up or Down" buttons to enter CWM - recovery:

  • after turning on the program, in the menu that appears, click "Wipe" to reset the data and select "Wipe cache partition" here;
  • after confirmation, select "Install form sdcard" and then immediately - "Choose Zip from internal sdcard", where and find the flashing file;
  • having given consent, wait for the installation process to complete and restart the gadget. This process may take longer than usual.

The process of reinstalling Android has some peculiarities and therefore sometimes certain problems arise that are quite solvable. If the phone is connected to a PC, and if the computer does not see it, there are several options for correcting the situation:

  • change the USB cable;
  • check the functionality of the USB port;
  • install or update the USB driver;
  • remove the old USB driver, reboot your PC and install this software again;
  • enable USB debugging;
  • connect your phone to other equipment;
  • on Windows XP, install the MTP protocol by downloading it from the official website;
  • make sure that the smartphone is not connected to the computer in the "Charge only" mode;
  • disable the option for the portable modem: "Settings" - "Wireless networks" - "More" - "Modem mode";
  • reboot both equipment;
  • reset the phone settings (you should know that the data saved by the user will be lost without preliminary processing);
  • reflash the device without a computer using RomManager.

If, after reinstalling Android, the smartphone does not want to turn on beyond the screensaver, you can:

  • restart the device;
  • reflash again;
  • restore the backup version;
  • use the services of the service center.

If after the firmware the device does not turn on, then you can do this using specialized programs:

  • "KDZ Updater" for LG;
  • Odin for Samsung;
  • Android SDK Platform for HTC;
  • "PC Companion" for Sony Xperia;
  • "SP Flash Tool" for Lenovo.

Having decided to reflash the phone yourself, you need to understand that this process is quite risky. This applies not only to the operability of the gadget, but also to the warranty for service, if any.

Not many users have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a phone firmware is until they encounter problems such as decreased performance, bugs, frequent freezes, and unauthorized shutdown of the device for no apparent reason. The firmware provides a unique opportunity to eliminate factory defects on a newly purchased smartphone. It also helps to modify and modify the software filling of the gadget, according to the tastes and needs of a particular user.

As a result, the flashing literally gives new life to the Android gadget, eliminating many common problems associated with its long-term operation. Thanks to this procedure, the cell phone shows high performance for several more years.

Android system update and new life

Phone firmware: what is it?

In a nutshell, for the uninitiated user, firmware is a complete update of the non-volatile memory of a digital device, that is, something like a replacement for firmware.

The operating system that runs the phone is the holy of holies of any digital model of the device. Full performance and expansion of all available functionality depends on the optimal system settings.

By firmware we mean a complete set of all software settings, this is the process of pouring a new software shell onto the device, and a file image, which includes all the "flash" memory of the phone.

Firmware adds security to digital device

Customize your smartphone, that is, update operating system, you can expand the functionality and add all modern devices yourself using a computer. The firmware carried out at home according to all the rules does not cause further failures in the operation of mobile devices.

Important! Within one line, you can improve some of the options in the phone, for example, improve the brightness of the image, add battery resources,. But do not naively expect that an old device will be transformed into a new generation phone.

Why flash a digital phone?

Partial or complete software updates are usually carried out for three reasons:

  1. The need for russification of digital devices. These are models imported from abroad that have an interface in a foreign language and are completely devoid of support for the Russian language.
  2. In case of replacing outdated software with a newer version. Digital devices are stitched in order to "enrich" the phone with improved ultra-fashionable functions that were not originally provided by manufacturers.
  3. Due to serious damage to the software shell of the smartphone. This can be either a partial inoperability of individual built-in functions, or a complete failure to start the system.

What do you need to flash your phone yourself?

A user who does not have initial skills and knowledge about the principles of software operation, and does not know much about computer programs, should not risk it, but rather entrust a digital gadget to a specialist.

Re-flashing is only a small fraction of what is loaded into the memory of a digital device. If you decide to make the firmware yourself, then the first step is to familiarize yourself with the constituent parts of this process, and familiarize yourself with the terminology.

The main parts of the firmware consist of two elements:

  • Fullflash (full flash) is a complex of all software utilities built into the device, that is, a complete memory image.
  • Monsterpack (monsterpack) - a software "fill" from the manufacturer. It is a complete set of all programs and consists of three parts: device software image (firmware), FlexMemory (flex) and EEPROM.

These aforementioned constituent parts are subject to replacement, both individually and collectively. However, for an uninitiated user, the question will be: where to get the manufacturer's source codes for a complete update of these parts?

It is practically impossible for an ordinary Internet user to find original codes, and self-made ones will easily turn a smartphone into a “brick”. Based on this, it is recommended that you limit yourself to replacing only the firmware, or entrust the digital device to specialists.

Tools to update Android on your gadget

What tools will be needed:

  1. Directly the smartphone itself.
  2. Computer or laptop.
  3. Dedicated USB cable.
  4. Required drivers.
  5. Suitable firmware version.

Saving the installed firmware version

Before installing the firmware of a mobile phone, try to save all data (settings and programs) using a special backup application to a memory card or computer. Backup copy the available version may be needed, if, of course, not a fact, but something goes wrong or the new firmware will worsen the device's performance.

  • Launch ClockworkMod Recovery and go to the "Save Current ROM" tab.
  • Click "ok", thereby starting the creation of data backup.

Backup button for backing up files

  • Restoring the saved version is started by opening the same CWM Recovery option, then launching the “Restore” function.

Preparing the smartphone for the firmware procedure

Flashing a different lineup of smartphones will require “uploading” the appropriate software. Therefore, it is recommended to study all the details of the firmware for your phone model. There are many special resources on the Internet, for example,, where you can find suitable software, a program for installing firmware, drivers, as well as instructions for the process itself.

Important! Before starting the firmware, you should disable antivirus program on a digital device, otherwise it will not allow the launch of new software.

The preparatory process takes about half an hour, perform the following steps:

  • Download and install the MobileuncleMTC Tools application using Google Play.

Step-by-step steps to install the application

  • Install the program with administrator rights.
  • Download the "CWM - recovery" file suitable for the firmware of a particular smartphone model.

Submenu of built-in options in ClockworkMod Recovery

  • On the CD-card of the smartphone, drop the ZIP folder with the downloaded files (firmware, recovery).
  • Open the main menu of the installed Mobileuncle utility, find the Recovery.
  • Start the update by simply clicking "ok".

The main window of the program, and the option "replacement recovery via updating from sdcard

The procedure for self-flashing an android via a computer

After carrying out the preparatory steps, the android device is completely ready for the most important procedure. The recommendations below will familiarize users with how to properly flash an android on their own through a computer and avoid mistakes. Recommended procedure:

  • Check your phone's charging, it should be at least 50% charged. Re-flashing smartphones from different manufacturers differs in the amount of time spent. So the procedure for flashing a Chinese model will take much less time, unlike European counterparts.
  • Connect the smartphone via the USB port to the computer, wait until it is detected.
  • Open ClockworkMod Recovery.
  • In the menu, select and click on "Wipe". This option will reset all data from the device.
  • Then select "Wipe cache partition", press.

Recovery main menu and "wipe cash partition" option, responsible for erasing all temporary accumulated files

  • After consent and confirmation, click on the item "Install form scard", after which the option "Choose Zip from internals sdcard" will open. Click on the pre-loaded flashing file image.
  • Wait until the installation process is fully loaded and restart the device. Throughout the entire process, it is strongly discouraged to disconnect the connecting USB cable.

Alternatively, after reinstalling the software, your smartphone will not want to turn on the first time. Don't worry, try restarting it one more time. If the changes do not appear, it is recommended to reflash or restore the old saved version.

For those who are better off seeing once than hearing a hundred times, it is recommended to watch the video with detailed instructions about Android firmware:

Smartphone firmware provides users with capabilities that cannot be overestimated. This is an effective increase in the performance of almost all the functionality of your favorite gadget. However, deciding to do this procedure yourself, it is worth considering that the process is quite risky.

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