How to make money on VKontakte by liking and joining groups, advertising and making money on social networks, making money on the Internet. Earning money on VKontakte VK - step-by-step instructions for beginners Earning money by completing tasks on social networks

How to make money on VKontakte by liking and joining groups, advertising and making money on social networks, making money on the Internet. Earning money on VKontakte VK - step-by-step instructions for beginners Earning money by completing tasks on social networks


On this page we will look at what it is to make money on VKontakte. Everyone strives to earn money, but only a few are engaged in making their desires come true. One of the options for this embodiment is earning money using in social networks, with which you can earn a lot of money ( ) There is also good money on the Internet. I also recommend checking out the page on social networks.

Earning money in VKontakte. The most popular services for making money on a social network with examples. Where to begin?

If you wish, you can join this process and some of the funds can go to your own online wallet. The main thing is to know the options for making money online. One such option is the social network Vkontakte. To make money, a group is used that will be constantly viewed by many users, and each user is a potential opportunity to earn money.

Exchange No. 1


Most of us, in addition to our main employment at the official workplace, are looking for additional income, because, as we know, money is never superfluous. Nowadays, the so-called making money on the Internet is very common, but this area is specific - beginners can stumble upon pitfalls. Therefore, it is recommended to use only reliable and proven services. One of these services is ForumOk(earnings in contact). As they write on the site itself, this is a system for promoting goods and services using a number of social tools: forums, blogs, Twitter , VC, Facebook, My world (social network from, Classmates, Google +.

Let's consider a number of advantages of earning money in social networks on the ForumOk service:

1 . Convenience (earning money on VKontakte social networks). Most people, as a rule, register in several projects at once, and each of your accounts is a potential “employee”. That is, it is not necessary to create fake pages, it is enough to have your own, but in several networks, and simply advertise services from time to time, receiving appropriate payment for it. You can also simultaneously connect several VKontakte accounts or other social networks and earn extra money by performing the same tasks from these several profiles (work and personal - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they are active and alive).

2 . Reliability. This is a fairly controlled service for making money on social networks in terms of payments. Payments are made on time, I haven’t come across any scams yet, the main thing is that you need to read the tasks well and look through the comments. If the employer is unreliable, then you will definitely find out from the comments and will be warned.

3 . Speed. You don't have to spend a lot of time completing tasks. As a rule, these are simple tasks where you need to write a short post (comment on the wall), join a group, like, tweet or tell friends about certain news. All these actions are paid starting from $0.02

4 . Productivity. You actually get paid for real work, which depends on the effort you put in and your desire to earn money.

5 . Constant payments of money you earned by completing easy tasks on social networks.

What is needed to make money on social networks using the ForumOk service.

1) Register in the system

3) Go to and find tasks that need to be completed for a fee. It is advisable to log in every day, because the list of tasks is updated chaotically and frequently.

4) Create an electronic wallet. Money is withdrawn via webmoney, the minimum withdrawal threshold is only $3.

Well, the desire to earn extra money through the Internet (in our case, to earn money on social networks) won’t hurt either. If you have any additional questions, please read the manual posted on the official website.

Earning money in VKontakte. Advertising placement.

This method, is probably the most popular and simplest. To make money, the group must have regular visitors who constantly read the information and make themselves known with all sorts of likes and reposts. This will give you the opportunity to advertise in the group for money.

Exchange No. 2 PROSPERO

Earning money in VKontakte. Sale of group publications.

In groups with big amount users can sell publications. That is, you give the client the opportunity to publish one or more news for an additional fee. This method is suitable for all kinds of public pages and pages where third-party users can offer news. A person prepares and offers news in a high-quality manner. After the fee is transferred, the news is published by the administrator. This option is also beneficial because the buyer can buy several publications at once and set a timer for each news. That is, in this way you can generate several news items at once and then you won’t have to contact the administrator before each publication.

Exchange No. 3 VKTAGET

Earning money in VKontakte. Selling links

In each group, on the right side there is a list of links to friendly or related projects. Links can be exchanged. For example, the owner of a third-party group places the address of your group in his links, and you add the address of his group in yours. In addition, links can be sold. That is, a person transfers money to you, and in return you post a link to his contact page or website.

Exchange No. 4 VK SERFING

VK SERFING Earn money in VKontakte on the social network using your page.

Earning money in VKontakte. Selling group avatars.

You can also sell your own group avatar. You remove your avatar and add someone else’s image for an additional fee, which can contain someone else’s logo or some product or service offer indicating a phone number. This method in some cases is the most effective for the advertiser.

Exchange No. 5 More about Qcomment

Qcomment is promotion on social networks. You can also earn income by writing comments and watching videos.

To start making money on Qcomment, you first need to pass a short test. For example, writing about 500 characters of literate text on a given topic is literally a dozen sentences. After the moderators are convinced of your literacy (or at least not complete illiteracy), you will be allowed to work.

Exchange Qcomment: how to work and earn money

On many similar projects, a fixed rate does not provide the opportunity for special development - the more tasks you complete, the more you earn. Qcomment has a completely different system.

The movement occurs according to the principle of a ladder. It can even be called “career”. Everyone starts out the same. A small number of simple tasks at a fairly low price. But low doesn’t mean cheap. The cost is quite reasonable. How long you will work at this level is up to you. The fact is that getting the next rank depends on how many orders you have completed.

So, while your test is being checked, you can take orders for work on social networks - like, subscribe to groups, repost and retweet, and the like. Rank at this moment is zero. The first one is assigned immediately after the test work is approved. In general there are five of them.

How much can you earn on Qcomment?

The cost of tasks for the first rank varies from three to 10 rubles. Authors of the second rank can receive from seven rubles to 50 per comment. That is, if everything goes well, the minimum wage (100 rubles) can be raised for two or three completed tasks. By the way, payments are never delayed; withdrawals are made within 24 hours.

Rank three – from 20 to 60 rubles. This is not to say that some of the tasks are impossible. The fourth - from 30 to 70 and the fifth - 70-80 rubles for completion. True, there are few of them. Of course, at a certain rank, for example, third, no one will forbid you to complete tasks for the first or second rank. It is not possible to take only those intended for a higher level.

Some orders are marked “with promotion”. This means that after writing a review/comment, it must be sent to the customer for approval, and only then posted on the website. Such tasks take more time, but also cost more. This mainly concerns reviews for Yandex Market.
The attitude of the exchange towards the performers is very loyal. Enough time is given to complete it. If, having taken on a project, you suddenly realize that you cannot complete it, you always have the opportunity to abandon it without any sanctions. But loyalty does not extend to unscrupulous performers. The more work not accepted by the customer (due to illiteracy or non-uniqueness), the longer the process of transition from level to level.

Exchange No. 6 More about V-Liked

V-Like A very worthy site for making money on VKontakte. A properly structured menu, everything is made very convenient for using and making money.

Every user who makes money on the Internet has probably already heard about the V-like project. And if there are those who do not know about it, then the provided article will be useful, because the resource for making money Vkontakte V-like will be discussed in detail here.
Description V-like

The project pursues the goal of establishing profitable relationships between users and advertisers, this leads to the effectiveness of advertising companies and contributes to the rapid promotion of projects on social networks.

1. Anyone can make money on the project, even beginners who do not have specific knowledge.
2. To make a profit, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort; it’s enough to perform familiar actions, such as communicating with friends.
3. If the user has set a goal to achieve decent earnings on the Internet, then the V-like project provides everything necessary for this.

So you don’t need to miss your chance and you need to start earning money right away.

Earnings on V-like

Making money here is simple and does not require any specific knowledge; to implement it, just follow the following points:
1. First you need to register on the project, it’s easy. Probably no one should have any difficulties with this.
2. To earn money you only need a VKontakte account. Nothing else is needed, authorization also occurs with its help.
3. After registration, the user will see 3 main sections that will be needed to make money: Friends, Likes and Groups.
4. Having gone to these subsections, you can begin the tasks to complete.
5. All tasks are completed very easily, few people will have difficulties with this. But if, nevertheless, something is not clear, then you can always find answers to questions in the “Instructions” section.

On V-like there is the opportunity to earn extra money using a referral program. By attracting users to your website, you can profit from their earnings.

Exchange No. 7 Socialtools is how you make money on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, and many others.

This list of options for making money is incomplete, and the number of options can be in the tens or even hundreds. Everything depends on simple imagination and skill. Another important factor for successful earnings is the ability to look for clients who will be willing to place advertisements in the group.

Exchange No. 8 VZadache is earnings on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook,

To find clients, you can use the manager’s functions and call everyone, or you can use special exchanges for advertising and promoting social network groups. If you do everything correctly, then in the end everything can work out, which will benefit all users of the social network, starting from you and ending with ordinary visitors of the group or public.

Many Internet users are wondering: how can you make money on VKontakte from a group? Real earnings is a tasty morsel that comes from maintaining a personal group on the VKontakte social network.

As a rule, owners of well-promoted groups earn very good money. Earnings in VK on a group start from several hundred rubles a day and can reach several thousand, sometimes more. Below we will look at the most popular ways to make money on VK.

1. How to make money on a VKontakte group. Where to begin

In general terms, let's look at the types and essence of making money on VKontakte, described below in more detail.

In order to achieve significant earnings on a VKontakte group, you must first create it. Then you need to work on promoting the group and increasing the total number of subscribers. The theme of your group is also important. It’s best when it’s close to commercial, but entertainment topics can also make good money.

Let's assume that you have already created a group in contact and promoted it a little, i.e. Your group's daily attendance has increased significantly.

There are many ways to monetize your group on social media. VKontakte network. Let's take a general look below at the most common ways to make money from groups on VK.

Read all about making money in VK below

2. Ways to earn money in VK

How to make money on VKontakte advertising

In order to make money from advertising in contacts, you need to find advertisers yourself, or in the group itself indicate your contact details so that anyone can place their advertisement for an agreed price in your group.

Advertising can be of different types, ranging from a post in a group about the advertised product or service to posting a link to the advertiser’s website or group. You set the cost of advertising yourself. You can specify how 100 rubles (then there will be a lot of applications), and 1000 rubles (there will be fewer applications).

For example, if your group is based on a request such as “business” in social media. VKontakte network takes first place, then in this case, you can charge from $50 or more per month just for the fact that a link to an advertiser will be placed somewhere in the group.

On these sites you can also earn money by liking messages and posting them on your page, joining other people’s groups and adding some applications.

How to make money in contact by creating an online store

You can easily create a full-fledged online store from your group, where you can trade anything you want, as well as offer some services for money. (Read also how to earn more in an online store during low sales seasons). Eg, sell men's and women's accessories, clothing, for example, T-shirts, equipment, etc. But here, as in any business, you will need to think in advance about the delivery and payment of goods.

In VKontakte, depending on the popularity of your online store and the product you choose, you will earn 500 or more rubles per day.

It is also necessary to carefully consider business plans, since an online store is a full-fledged business. Here it is also important to think through the schemes for supplying goods, delivery, favorable prices (not too expensive and not too cheap), order processing, calculation of non-repurchase, etc.

We recommend choosing a product with a high margin , i.e. with a large difference between the purchase price and the sale price. Then it will be profitable to engage in sales and you will always be able to earn money on VKontakte.

Let's give an example in a screenshot of groups of online stores that make money on VK:

Earning money on VKontakte through a group as an online store

How to make money on VKontakte through affiliate programs

First, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs and by advertising the link you receive from the affiliate program, you can receive a percentage from the sale of some product or service. (more about making money on affiliate programs)

Those who are already making money from affiliate programs on the Internet say that Forex affiliate programs are among the good ones (find out more about making money on Forex), as well as partnership programs various online stores, etc.

Eg, in the OZONE online store you are charged from 10% to 20% for each sale of a product. Suppose you were able to sell a product worth one thousand rubles, and at a rate of 20% you will receive 200 rubles from the sale.

Earning money on VK from downloading from file hosting sites

You can download various files to any file hosting services and then invite your group’s subscribers to download them. Most file hosting services pay based on the number of downloads. There are also free file hosting services where you will not be paid anything for downloading. For example, a file hosting service on

It will be quite difficult to earn a lot, approximately 5-10 $ per thousand downloads. But here, too, much depends on factors such as the size of the posted file, the uniqueness of the IP address of the user who downloaded the file, etc.

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How to make money selling a group in contact

By creating and selling promoted groups, you can make good money on VK. For example, popular groups with real subscribers of 100,000 people start from 80,000 – 100,000 rubles or more.

So, let's figure out what you need to make money:

  1. Register on the social network VKontakte (create your own account)
  2. Create a “public” group (not to be confused with your user page)
  3. Promote your group, i.e. make sure that many social network users (subscribers) subscribe to it
  4. Earn money by advertising in your group or page (group, public - page in this case is the same thing). You can also earn money by placing affiliate links of various services, etc.

Let's look at each point in more detail, starting with point

Creating a group in VK

Anyone can create an account (register on the VKontakte social network). Also, anyone can create a group or public page. But to do this, you will need to decide on what topic you will create it on. You need to choose a topic based on the interest of the majority of users who will be able to subscribe to it in the future and it will be of interest to subscribers.

After you decide on the topic, you need to beautifully design your group. To do this, come up with attractive text that can entice users to subscribe to your page.

At the moment, a group with statements by famous people, where a beautiful picture is selected, is popular. Such groups often have many subscribers. Since there are already a large number of such groups and pages, you need to be different and provide your subscribers with something interesting, otherwise your group will be just another group with celebrity statements.

An example of a group page on VKontakte with more than a million subscribers

To the page “Philosophy, etc.” More than 2 million social network users have subscribed

3. How to promote a group on VK and make money

Creating a group is very simple, but getting a large number of people to subscribe to it is quite difficult. To do this, you will need to publish several dozen entries on the wall of your page so that the person who visits your page sees what is being published and wants to subscribe to it.

But if only you are subscribed to the page, then it is unlikely that anyone will subscribe to your group’s news. So what to do in this case?

Here are some popular ways to attract subscribers:

  • Invite as many of your friends as possible into your group;
  • You can also get subscribers to your page through various services, for example, This is a service through which you can get likes (hearts), subscribers, etc. for free. The service works, tested in practice.

Service - promotion of groups for making money on VKontakte

After you manage to reach subscribers of 1 thousand or more, you can move on;

  • Run advertising for your page or group in other pages - groups (by paying money for advertising to the creators);
  • Use various services where you can earn or buy points, likes, etc. and spend it on increasing subscribers to the group or reposting your posts;
  • Spam on various walls of other thematic groups (not recommended);

  • You can also use paid software from Viking-Studio, which has many promotion opportunities. (Site;
  • Upload a video on YouTube about your topic and indicate the link to your group below the video. This way you attract people to subscribe to your blog.

These are, perhaps, all the most well-known methods for promoting groups. You can also try using a lot of keywords in the title of your page so that when you search in the VKontakte search window, your group can be easily found. But the technical support service is monitoring the re-optimization in group names.

4. We bring clients and buyers into the group

Even a well-promoted group on VKontakte does not guarantee that community members will be active and make it easy to earn money. Many on social networks join groups without serious intentions and are not ready to make purchases or pay for services in the future.

In order for the group to become a source of solid income in the future, care should be taken to attract real clients and buyers to it. It’s difficult to do this inside a social network, but to bring clients from Google and search engines With the help of teaser advertising it is quite possible. Be sure to take note of the possibilities of modern teaser advertising. We also advise you to download our free course on 7 secrets of teaser advertising, which allow you to attract customers on the Internet from 30 kopecks.

Also watch a video from expert Andrey Merkulov on how to properly use online advertising tools:

5. The group is promoted - how to make money?

Now the question arises - how to make money if you have a well-promoted group?

Let's take a closer look at the three most popular ways to make money on VK

Method of earning money in VK No. 1 - Placing advertisements on the wall of your group

An example of how a well-promoted group makes money by advertising

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Websites for making money on VKontakte.

Nowadays, most social networks are actively developing, making it possible to use this activity and benefit. Here I will recommend a site for making money on social networks, with the help of which you can join groups, like, subscribe to news, and all this for money that will pay you.

How to make money on VKontakte?

- Promotion and earnings on social networks. (FB,TW, Vk, IG, G+, YT, LN, PT)
- one of the popular exchanges, there are a lot of tasks, there are delays in payments, but they pay. Referral system with payment for each referred friend 1p, after which there is a percentage rate from both the performer and the advertiser.
Smofast- Earning money on social networks. + Free promotion accounts and groups of almost all social networks.
- Earn money by completing quick tasks, auto surfing, reading letters, writing texts, reviews of products and services and much more
- Support not only social networks, but also performing other tasks, such as participating in surveys, writing comments and reviews, and many other tasks.
- Earn money from your own group on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. If you have a group or several of them, this is a great option to monetize them, applications come automatically, the service is fully automated, complete statistics for the advertiser.
- earnings exchange VKontakte, analogue of VKSerfing
-Quick earnings on VKontakte, many tasks, average pricing policy, there is a referral system - user 10%, advertiser - 8%
- Earn money on social networks, on tasks, letters, surfing and much more...
Compared to other exchanges, payouts are much higher
- advertising and earnings on VKontakte, FaceBook, Instagram. (min.300)
- is a multi-profile exchange for both advertisers and performers. You can earn money not only on social networks, but also by completing tasks on forums, posting comments, selling links and many, many others. A multi-level affiliate system of 7.5/5/2.5% is supported.
- Earnings VK, Facebook, Twitter. Balance in points. 1000 points = 50 rubles (minimum withdrawal). Games + automatic bonus 5 points per day.

Sites for making money on the Internet

"Sites for making money on the Internet". The book is absolutely FREE and does not require a subscription in return. Just take it and download. This book contains a list of sites where you can make money on social networks, as well as work on the Internet, completing tasks for customers. You need: a computer, the Internet and the desire to make money on the Internet.

List of exchanges and their short review You can lookbelow article, and here is a little theory about how to earn money on VKontakte, Twitter, FaceBook, Moy MIR and other social networks (since the principle of building this income is the same):

Probably, each of us has dreamed of making money on the Internet, but in most cases, people do not know how, or do not know, how to create their own website. The reasons may be different (not knowing php, html, javascript and other programming languages). But what can we do? - To do this, you just need to create a group or a public VKontakte page and develop it.

This is what I want to write about in this article." How to make money on VKontakte?"Firstly, to start making money with the help of your group, you need to do the following steps (point by point):

  • The group must contain content (photos, videos, documents).
  • The group must be attended (daily from 3000 people/day).

If you do not fit into this framework, then do not be upset, because I am specifically writing this article so that you understand how to make money on VKontakte.

Well, I think everything is clear with the first point, the content should correspond to the theme of the group. I would like to add that there are two main reasons why subscribers leave your group:

  • poor quality content (not interesting).
  • Too frequent content updates (10 photos in 1 minute).

As for your group's attendance, everything is simple. In order to develop the group, advertising is needed in the “first couple”. Usually advertising in groups ( public pages) costs about 300 rubles (for 300,000 subscribers) - depends on your topic. I want to give advice for schoolchildren and students who do not have their own income and do not know where to get money for advertising.

Earnings VKontakte, FaceBook, My World, Twitter and other social networks

Earning money on social networks + Android application for earning money through mobile devices (phones, tablets)

Registering with Ad-Social is easy, just log in via account from the proposed social networks: Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter or register by email. The exchange interface has a light and pleasant design, which makes it easy to work with. You can use the system to advertise your sites, as well as to make money by advertising others. The balance is maintained in points, where 1000 points equals 50 rubles. The exchange pays a daily bonus of 5 points just like that).

The exchange has a user chat where you can communicate live with other performers and advertisers. There are three games to choose from where you can earn extra points:

  1. A game " Random selection". The game takes place every hour. Those who want to try their luck and get a bank press the "Play" button and 10 points are debited from their account. This is the case for each player who takes part. In the future, the entire amount (minus the commission) that was collected from the players , will be given to one lucky winner.
  2. Game "Chests" - 25 boxes appear on the field, one of them contains 9 points, two - 5 points, three - 3 points, the others are empty, you need to guess the box with points. The cost of the game is 2 points.
  3. Game "Tug of War". The user selects a command. 10 points are debited from his balance to the general fund. Once an hour a drawing is held, according to the results of which the team with the most users wins. They share the winnings in equal parts, minus a 10% commission!

Earnings for group administrators -

If you are the administrator of the group or community you visit, the page does not matter! The main thing is visited, active and with many participants. Then place your sites on these exchanges: & (the project has changed its address and moved to advertising exchanges in VK), where you set your price for placing an advertising post.
Moreover, trendio has a function for generating a link for an advertiser, that is, you place a link in your group to attract an advertiser, with subsequent purchase of advertising in the group + this attracted advertiser automatically becomes your partner, as a result of which you receive not only the money that was allocated for payment for an advertising post, but also a percentage of the order of the attracted advertiser! Not a bad bonus at all! (Go to sites: &

Advertising exchange. Earnings from

Registering in this advertising exchange will not be difficult for you, just log in from the appropriate social network account and that’s it, the rest is easy. When you first log in, you will immediately have applications that you can complete and receive the corresponding money. There is a referral system for accruing money earned by users attracted by you. The system has a fairly clear and pleasant interface for ease of use. The minimum payment amount is 50 rubles.

Funds earned are paid in full with delays (on average, delays range from two to seven days).

- advertising and earnings exchange VKontakte

VKSerfing is a young advertising exchange on the VKontakte social network, which has proven itself well not only among performers, but also among advertisers! The exchange has SMS verification, which prevents a large percentage of bots. The main income of the performer is earnings from likes, joining groups and communities, as well as reposts.

Positive aspects for the performer:

  • Generous affiliate (referral) program, bonuses and competitions.
  • Instant payment for completed tasks.
  • Simple and convenient interface. Payments weekly (Saturday) on automatic mode on WebMoney.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles (it accumulates quite quickly)
  • More than 300 tasks daily.
  • Free geo-targeting by gender, age, number of friends, cities
  • Real performers who have passed SMS verification
  • Many favorable pricing conditions.
  • Detailed statistics on the completed company.
  • Instant response from support service. Quick resolution of issues that arise.

- VKontakte earnings exchange similar to VKSerfing

The design is similar, but the exchange for making money on VKontakte differs in that the balance of the performer or advertiser is calculated in points. The exchange has an internal currency - points. The points rate changes daily and averages 27.56 rubles. for 1000 P. The minimum amount for withdrawal of earned funds is 15 rubles. There is also an auction in the exchange.

- earnings exchange FaceBook, VKontakte, Instagram

A fairly unique service for earning money and promoting on social networks. Lots of tasks, big payouts. The performer can earn money by setting statuses, liking, reposting, joining communities, as well as meetings. The minimum payment amount is 300 rubles. The exchange works on quality both on the part of the performer and the advertiser.

Website for making money -

I recommend it to anyone who just wants to start making money. Very convenient system, many requests, cash are dialed instantly, withdrawal of money of any amount - there are no restrictions. the ability to use VKontakte, Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, My World and other social networks, and if you are an active participant in forums or have your own blog on the Internet, you can also place advertisements for money. In addition to advertising, the system pays for joining groups, likes, etc. It is possible to apply for the placement of this or that advertisement yourself, setting your own price for the link. Registration in one click, just click the “VKONTAKTE” button or log in from another social network. It is very important to work with these exchanges both individually, having one personal account, and to add several accounts and groups, which significantly increases your income.

You can withdraw any amount.

Today, every third person on earth is registered in at least one social network. And practically the majority are simply hopelessly wasting their time there. Have you ever thought that you can use this time to benefit your pocket? Someone has their own website or an already promoted group, but all this requires a lot of money. So I'll tell you how to have earnings on social networks without investments with withdrawal of money.

Earning money by completing tasks on social networks - What is needed for this

To begin with, to get started, you need a contact page, if you don’t value yours (if you have one), then you can use it. In order not to litter your page with trash groups and posts, it’s better to create a new separate page. But to avoid being mistaken for a “fake”, it is advisable to post at least two photos, make a couple of reposts and add friends.

Types of work on social exchanges:

  1. Like
  2. Join groups (publics)
  3. Repost
  4. Watch the video
  5. Subscribe to channels
  6. and much more (depending on the social network)

The prices for tasks are completely different, for example, for a simple like you can get 0.20 kopecks, and for subscribing to a channel about 1 ruble. You should not overdo the tasks, because you may be blocked for suspicious activity. Therefore, I recommend registering wherever possible (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram).

List of services for making money on social networks:

Vktarget is the most famous exchange for making money and PR on the social web. The project works with the following social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others. Only 25 rubles is the minimum payment. You can withdraw to Yandex - Money, Qiwi, Webmoney, Mobile phone and PayPal.

Forumok - one of best systems making money on social networks, as well as promoting blogs or websites. Here the number of available orders will depend on the promotion of your social pages. There are also additional tasks, such as posting information on thematic forums, for which they pay more than 50 rubles. The withdrawal is made on payment system Webmoney from 200 rubles. This amount is higher than on other exchanges, but tasks here are paid at a higher level.

Cashbox is a multilateral exchange for making money on social networks (YouTube, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Google + and Twitter), and more. Earn income through surveys, app installations and other tasks. Withdrawals are also made to an electronic wallet - WebMoney, from just two kopecks.

Welcome everyone to my blog! This time I will talk about how to make money on social networks. I think many of you are interested in this question, at least statistics show that more than 2000 people a month want to know the answer to it.

It’s worth noting right away that making money on social networks is possible both without investments and vice versa. The only difference is that with the second option, in the end you will be able to earn more and faster, but with the first, you will have to work your way up from the very bottom: first earn a little and then invest your earnings in further development. First, let's talk about the first option and then go progressively.

I would also recommend everyone to read this entire article, regardless of your future plans. Having studied all the material, it will be easier to understand some points in the future, and understanding the topic, as we know, makes the work process easier. So it's in your best interests.

1. Earn money on social networks without investment

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, many of us do not have the opportunity to invest money in the development of our projects from the very first day. This may make some people sad, but I look at this issue from a positive point of view, because starting from scratch you understand the topic more and in the end this leads to fewer risks. In general, friends, always look for the positive sides in everything.

1.1. Earnings on orders

Learn how to design groups and promote them different ways not such a difficult task. The Internet is full of information about this. Why should you study it and find clients for some?

Just look at the prices:

Many people have no idea how to use Photoshop and are willing to pay for the work. And you, in turn, can download hundreds of ready-made templates and change only the inscriptions in them, or edit them a little more. You can learn this in a week.

1.2. Official employment

Why not? Many social networks simply need new employees. It is true that an appropriate amount of knowledge is needed: simple ability to work with a computer is clearly not enough. In general, if you are interested, here are possible vacancies for positions in VK:

1.3. Earning money from clicks on social networks

First, you need to understand what it is, how it works, where the money comes from, who pays us for clicks? Maybe they appear out of thin air?

The answer to this question is very simple - those who want to promote a group in any social network will pay. networks, get a lot of friends, get more likes and so on, in fact there can be many reasons.

Now let's talk about how it works. In principle, everything is clear here too. Customers top up their account, create tasks and wait. Meanwhile, the performers complete these same tasks (more on which tasks a little later) and receive money.

What kind of tasks do we have to complete? It's pretty much the same on all exchanges:

  • Like;
  • Repost something;
  • Join groups and subscribe to public pages;
  • Watch videos;
  • Leave comments;
  • Add as a friend;
  • Invite friends to groups or public pages.

Earning money from clicks on social networks is only suitable for schoolchildren, because I have not yet seen a single person who would earn at least a few thousand rubles in this way. I highly do not recommend doing this and burning your time for the sake of some pennies, when it would be much better and more useful to spend a few hours studying more serious options.

If you ask: why did I write about this at all, I will answer: There are a large number of sites where you will probably find tempting information, like you can get rich from this, or at least just make good money. Don’t trust such resources and avoid them, apparently their authors want to profit from your work.

1.4. Spam by group

There is another “wonderful” way - spam. I'll tell you how it works simple example. Let's say you register in an affiliate lending program. And then distribute your referral link to all thematic groups. Over time, clients appear who take out a loan, and you, in turn, receive your partner interest for this. There can be thousands of similar examples, the main thing is to use your brain a little and find good deals.

In the end, look at the most frequently encountered messages from other spammers, perhaps they are spammed so much precisely because they are profitable? I’ll tell you a little secret way about how I used to make money this way:

There are a lot of videos for adults on VK, where there are always a large number of views. So, under these videos you can leave spam, which will be seen by a large number of people. There is an affiliate program: meendocash, which pays very well for such traffic. Well, then you yourself understand what needs to be done.

If you don’t understand, I’ll give you an example of what I did: I registered in an affiliate program, created a couple of fake pages of attractive girls and started spamming messages like: “I’d like to meet you for..., here are my photos: (insert affiliate link here).” I worked this way for a couple of days and completely forgot about this method, since I didn’t earn a single ruble. But then, after a couple of months, I already had $18 on my balance. Now I don’t have time for such things, but perhaps some of you will be interested.

1.5. Spam in personal messages or on pages

I can’t say exactly how effective this method of earning money is today, but, again, a couple of years ago, I earned 2-3 thousand a week this way for several months. I simply wrote to interested people and offered them some products. Some may call this a scam, others direct sales, but I will say that I have never imposed anything. People who bought from me were mainly those who really needed this or that product.

For example, earlier, while VKontakte’s anti-spam rules were less severe, there were methods by which it was possible to attract a large amount of traffic. Moreover, these methods were honest and really effective. I knew how it worked and sold my knowledge, the clients were happy in most cases.

This method can be compared to how spam works on Instagram now: we create a page, select an affiliate program, for example, a watch, and like the avatars of potential clients. A certain category of people always looks at who likes them. In our case, there is a trap post on the wall: a beautiful picture of a clock and a link. You will be surprised, but people buy. Again, I repeat, someone works this way, but I think this scheme is gray and unproductive.

Perhaps some of you will still decide to try, and if there are any, then write in the comments, is there any sense in this matter?

Now, I rarely encounter such things. For myself, I decided to create my own blog so that people themselves would look for me, and not I for them.

2. How to make money on social networks with investments?

Now let's look at the next option with attachments. Unlike the first type of income, this one is associated with social services. networks not directly, that is, the methods listed below do not have to be used specifically on social networks. We are talking about sales and dropshipping.

2.1. Earning money through groups

The first way is to make money with the help of your group; there are many divisions you can make here, but first I would like to say what unites them all.

Before you start receiving money through a group, you need to promote this group. And it is on promotion that we will have to spend a little or a lot. The amount of costs will depend on the purpose and topic of the community. If the topic is entertaining, then, in theory, it will be easier to generate traffic on it; if the topic is of a narrow focus, then it will be more difficult, I think this is understandable. But I can assure you that with the right approach, which I talk about, starting with this article: ““, you will ultimately be in the black.

2.1.2. We monetize groups with affiliates

I already talked about this above, but let’s go into a little more detail - all you need for this is:

What does the last point mean? Let's say you registered in the affiliate program of a bookstore. Then you create a group, promote it, and when there are many subscribers, advertise books from this store. People follow the links, buy books, and you get a percentage.

And this can be done with any affiliate programs, for example, now popular: T-shirts, watches, sneakers, all sorts of exotic gadgets and much more. If you are really in trouble and you don’t know how to find out what people are interested in or if you doubt your guesses, then you can watch this video:

Also now such a direction as dropshipping is very popular, I think you have already come across it. If you have a group with some kind of entertainment theme, you can try to sell goods. If you sell your goods or services, then these are simple sales. If, for example, you bought sneakers on Aliexpress and sold them through a group, then this is dropshipping.

All of these methods will require investments. I repeat once again that money is mainly needed for advertising and quick promotion of the resource. But there are other needs: texts, design, products and the like. Although I can say that today there are sites that allow you to sell any product through dropshipping, even without purchasing it. Can you imagine? Now you don’t even need to make purchases and are afraid that the goods may not be bought!)

However, how realistic it is today to promote a group to such results is another question. In my opinion, you can earn more by creating a group under some kind of affiliate program.

2.2.4. Creation of groups and their sale

If you already have extensive experience in promoting groups, then why not think about promoting groups to a certain level of income in order to sell them. For example, if a community brings in five thousand rubles a month, then it is quite possible to sell it for 50,000 - 60,000. After all, there are webmasters who sell websites and make good money at the same time, apparently there is something in this.

Again, I don’t know how beneficial this can be, since I have never had such experience. However, selling groups is also a way to make money on social networks, so in this article I simply had to name it.

By the way, for me it’s better not to sell your cash cow.

2.2. Targeted advertising - arbitrage

On Facebook this number is 4 times larger, namely 1,300,000,000. Naturally, every visited place is a good place for advertising. And this is precisely where each of us can make money. The task comes down to choosing a product or service and correctly filtering the audience: age, gender, location, interests and much more.

Thus, you can spend one amount on advertising and get many times more in sales. I wrote about this in more detail in this article: ““. Well, or you can watch this video:

3. How to make money on social media. networks without investment - case

Despite the fact that I have said many times that making money on social media. networks on all sorts of clicks - this is a thankless job, but they still come to me with questions on this topic. Therefore, here is a small case study on how to slightly increase your income using this method.

3.1. We create several pages or buy ready-made ones

So, what do you need to make money like this:

  • A computer (or other device) with Internet access;
  • Profiles in social networks;
  • Time and desire.

Everything is clear with the computer, time and desire, but we need to talk about profiles in more detail.

  • Fill out all the information completely. Enter truthful data, for example, you don’t need to make your age 100 years old or enter some non-existent countries.
  • Put a photo with a human face on your avatar. And it would be nice to add a few photos to the page. Just don’t need to post all sorts of cars, flowers and the like. We need people.
  • Subscribe to several of any groups and add something to your wall so that it is not empty.
  • Add some friends. Ideally, it should be at least 100, but this is not necessary everywhere. So just keep in mind: the more the merrier.

All this is necessary to ensure that your fake account is as similar to the real one as possible; these are more valuable. There is a little trick.

Enter any name into the search, find a page with photos and friends. Completely copy the page, and then add friends in groups like: “

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