Google search console not working. A great guide to setting up and using Google Search Console

Google search console not working. A great guide to setting up and using Google Search Console

Google Search Console (or Google Webmaster) is designed for website owners. It has a number of useful features, so adding a site there can be considered a must. Tools in Google Webmaster will allow you to get a large amount of information about the status of your site, and it will also notify you in case of any problems.

How to add a site to Google Webmaster?

You can add a site using the link, there you need to click the "Add resource" button. The link will be available only to those who have a Google account, if not, you will need to create it. You will be immediately offered the recommended way to verify the rights to the site:

I think no one will have any difficulties with this. If necessary, you can use alternative methods where there are:

  • Adding a meta tag to the main page code;
  • Using your Google Analytics account;
  • Using Google Tag Manager;
  • Using a domain name registrar (the most dreary way, especially for Russian registrars - I don't recommend it to anyone).

Site data in Google Webmaster

The first page is the toolbar. There the basic and most important information about your site:

In the section "Messages" you will receive notifications from Google. There they can notify about the unavailability of the site as a whole, about individual urls, phishing, about sanctions and other important events. By default, notifications will be duplicated to mail.

Search view

There are as many as six items in the "View in Search" section. The first one reports structured data (if any). "Advanced Cards" allows you to create cards with data about products, offers and events, which are then sent to Google search. "Marker" allows you to improve the display of the site in the search, there you will find a video tutorial on how to do this. Overall, the tool is useful.

"HTML Optimization" is a very useful item that shows information about problems with code or metadata:

There are also six points in the "Search traffic" section, the section is useful and necessary. Search Query Analysis allows you to find out the number of clicks, CTR, position and number of impressions.

For each request, you can see the dynamics of changes in its position and other indicators. The tool as a whole is very functional and well suited for analyzing your site's position on Google. Although, unlike specialized services for checking positions, there is a delay of 2-3 days.

"Links to Your Site" will show you the domains and pages that link to you, the pages on your site that are linked most often, and the link anchors. "Internal links" allows you to see which pages on your site link to a specific page, that is, to see the internal linking. The tool is not the most convenient, it is far from

"Manual Action" will notify you of sanctions that may be imposed on your site. It is good when there is no information at all in this section. "Targeting by countries and languages" allows you to see which country your domain is tied to, as well as set language settings using the hreflang attributes (you can read more in the section itself).

"Mobile Viewing Convenience" in Google Webmaster will notify you of possible problems displaying the site on mobile devices... If there are any comments, they need to be addressed, as they are almost certainly due to them that Google has already downgraded your site in the mobile search results.

Indexing Status will show the indexing data of your site. There they will show not only the history of indexing and the number of pages in the index, but also those blocked in robots.txt (helps to find those mistakenly blocked), as well as deleted ones.

"Keywords in content" will show not only the keywords themselves, but also their importance from the point of view of Google. Sometimes there you can see something that should not be (like the words that are not overwritten in the screenshot below), so you should definitely look into this section.

Blocked Resources will display what Google has seen, but it is prohibited from indexing. Remove URLs allows you to exclude certain pages on your site from search (not from index). Sometimes this feature can be useful.

Google Webmaster's section dedicated to your site's crawl data. Allows you to find crawl errors, find out statistics, look at the page as a Google bot, check robots.txt, specify the path to the sitemap, configure URL parameters for more efficient crawling.

The last item on the Google Webmaster menu is "Security Issues". It's okay if there is no information at all. Alerts about serious issues that can directly affect the performance and ranking of the site.

Add a site to Google Webmaster or not? In my opinion, the answer is obvious, especially if you are interested in promotion, including in this search engine, which accounts for more than 40% of the requests of Russian-speaking users.

Good day to all, readers and guests of the blog. Surely many have paid attention, while reading news sites, to a very interesting option for posting similar articles with an image inside the message. On large information sites, such design of articles is often used. With a short announcement - link or title. The post is updated and amended.

I really like this solution. You read and be sure to pay attention to the image.

Implementing this on a blog is quite simple. We will need the code that was suggested in the post for styling the blog post. Who missed this cheat sheet, you can immediately follow the link under the picture on the right. This is how the result of what is being discussed today will look like.

How to implement it.

Let's take the same code and analyze the rest.

Here is the announcement or post title

What about the picture and the link? In the place where you intend to set the picture with the title, go to the HTML mode in the message editor. We install this code and then just write our message. We load the picture in the usual way and then move it to the resulting block. I offer a screenshot using this post as an example.

If you can't do this, read the other option in the cheat sheet mentioned above.

In the line highlighted in blue, enter the title of the post or article announcement that you want to draw the attention of visitors. And then everything is as usual. Set the text color, font size. style. And use the link function in the editor.

We do the same on the left side.

Replace the value from right to left.
Then I just removed the frame border-top: 3px solid # 000; border-bottom: 3px solid # 000;

Already a completely different look. With such simple actions, we draw up messages and let readers immediately follow the link to articles on the topic.

Of course, it's not worth sculpting a lot of this. Still, these are superfluous images and links. 2-3 blocks, I think it will be enough. One way or another, in this way we also do internal linking. And in this version, they added a visual effect.

Hope this is useful to you. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Let's figure it out.

Good day, friends. An interesting solution for clicking on an icon that will not annoy visitors. In it you can place either important announcements or other necessary information. It will appear only when the user clicks on the icon (in my case, the android icon).

The code is absolutely not complicated, without any libraries and heavy scripts. And it is installed in an elementary way into an HTML / JavaScript gadget. The picture itself and the "close" button in svg format... You can clearly see this "construction" on the test blog in the upper right corner.

The whole code


blog blogger cheat sheets about the creation, settings, design and blogging on the BLOGGER platformI hope that you will find a lot of useful and interesting information here. I will be very glad to your feedback.

Copy the finished code in its entirety, install it in the HTML / JavaScript gadget anywhere on the blog layout. The icon will be positioned exactly as intended. The grayed out line contains a semi-transparent background image of the popup itself. If unnecessary, you can remove from the code and set the preferred main background to your taste by changing the background value: #fff to what you want.

Thank you all for your attention. See you.

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Hello friends. I want to show you how easy it is to change the overall background of the entire blog. Although the background itself can be easily customized in the Theme section. There you can choose ready-made backgrounds or fill in your picture and make the appropriate settings. However, I decided to offer you an easier option, in my opinion. Here we ourselves can adjust the size of the background image. Rather, its width.

Let's get down to business. My test blog originally looked like this. I marked the space (or background of the entire canvas) that was set in the theme settings.

Now we will change it to such a picture.

To get something like this

Here I want to draw your attention. The width of the blog in my case is 1200 px. The dimensions of the background image are 1450 by 950 px. The picture completely filled the entire space.

If the size of the background image is less than the size of the entire blog canvas, then it will not cover the entire space and will look like a border. See the difference

It seems to be quite acceptable too. Some people decorate their websites in this way for the holidays. In any case, consider both options. With a correctly selected background or created in any editor, both options can be adjusted.

You don't need special skills.

1. Select the desired picture and copy its address.
2.Copy the code below and set the address of your picture

3. Go to the Theme tab - Change HTML we find]]>and install the finished code above this line.

The result will be visible when viewing the topic. If you are satisfied with it, feel free to press save and admire the new template.

Again, I will repeat myself. In case the picture turned out to be less than the size of the blog's width or even hidden out of sight, you need to set the width value in the code. Add just one line and it looked like this

body (
background: url (
no-repeat top fixed;
background-size: 100%;

With background-size value: 100%; you can play around by changing it to a smaller one until you achieve what you want.

With such simple manipulations, you can create different backgrounds for different holidays, seasons or your mood.

You may have missed

All good and see you.

Hello everybody. Today I will offer you a code when a picture appears when you hover over a link. There are a lot of options for designing links. But this one will be an original solution for thematic blogs. Or for a separate message. You can always choose a picture for the desired theme and design.

You can see the live demo immediately below. I gave links to some pages of my blog for clarity. You will, of course, change them to the addresses of your pages. Pictures and text - respectively.

Here is the code itself.

Dear readers http: // ">" link text ", Happy New Year 2020 http://www..html "> link text. Let it begin with a new takeoff To better life heights AND a good bank account http: //www..htm l "> link text Will bring agreement in business, In personal life - a lot of happiness !."

Copy the entire code, make the necessary settings and install it in the post editor in HTML mode in the desired place. The example contains 3 links. In any case, you can remove or add a line like this

">" link text ")

And with all my heart I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year. Smiles, joy, health, well-being to family and friends. Goodness and peace to your home !!!


Hello everyone. Navigation in standard templates Blogger doesn't get any attention at all. Not everyone will notice a barely noticeable panel at the end of the page. Therefore, any new visitor may not see the link to previous or next blog posts.
There are a lot of navigation styles. But this is not the first time that many of them have been "ordered to live long." And site navigation is perhaps the most basic element. Therefore, I will give links to articles where I have already published options for the design of navigation and I will offer another working code. This is how it will look under the blog posts.

Today's version looks quite elegant. Displays a numbered list of pages in the pane and displays the previous and next pages correctly.

To install, you first need to copy this code

In the code, I highlighted the number of posts displayed on one page (3). You can change to the number you want. Well, the text, if you like. For example - "forward - backward" or "tudy - syudy" etc.

Now go to the tab THEME - Change HTML ... Using the hotkeys Ctrl + F (read), we find the closing tag... Paste the copied code just above it.

Push save changes and we run to watch the result. As a result, you should have a block with paginated numbered navigation on each page.

All the pre-holiday mood and Happy New Year.

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Google Search Console is also known as a former webmaster tool - one of the most important tools for business owners and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professionals. This tool is an official Google tool and allows us to get information about our site and its visibility in the search engine.

These webmaster tools provide official and reliable information from Google, including spam alerts, inbound links, internal links, site verification methods, and other important information we can study to improve the site.

Why use the Google Search Console tool?

You must use the Google Search Console tool to monitor and maintain your site and its visibility on the Google search engine. The tool also allows you to:

  • Find out if Google has access to the site and its content.
  • Submitting content again.
  • Removing content from the search engine.
  • Site malware check and spam management.
  • Which sites have a link to your site.
  • Is the site mobile-optimized?
  • And more.

The Google tool is free and you can see how your site is displayed there. But it does provide us with the raw and analytical information that we need to work with, in other words, you have to learn SEO or let a professional company promote your website.

How to add Google Search Console to your site?

After registering with Google, you will see several options to validate your site. Below is a breakdown:

  • ... If Google Analytics is installed on your website and you have permission to change settings, then this is one of the easiest and fastest solutions. Select this method and click Submit.
  • HTML file... Another way is to upload the HTML file to the google management interface and install it on your server in the main folder.
  • Meta tag... Another way is to upload the meta tag to your site in front .
  • Google Tag Manager... If you are using Google Tag Manager and have control access, you can check your site.

What can I do with Google Search Console?

Search Console is very extensive and needs deep learning, but we'll explain it by category:

1. Appearance

In this section, Google lets us know how our site appears in search results, including:

  • Structured data... Any structured data has been installed on the site.
  • Useful tips... Can Google provide information about events, products and offers on your site, etc.
  • Marker... another way to mark up data on your site.
  • Optimizing HTML... Lets you know if there is a duplicate meta description, missing title labels, etc.
  • ... Your site has accelerated mobile pages and is having some kind of problem.

2. Search traffic

Analysis of search queries

This is one of the most important parts of the tool that allows you to get analytical information and understand how users search for site content. The tool lets you know some important things:

  • Clicks... How many clicks from search results have led to a page on your site.
  • Impressions... How many times a site has appeared when users entered a search query.
  • CTR- the ratio of clicks to impressions (including internal pages), the number is displayed as a percentage and is based on an average.
  • Position... The average position of your site in Google searches.
  • Search query... The search term that users enter into Google where your site is displayed.
  • Other- Other settings such as specific pages, countries, devices, etc. You can delve deeper into the content.

Links to your site

You can also find out what is the most related content on your site and how the data is related (anchor text).

Internal links

Manual measures

Whether your site was spammed including link fraud, disguise, etc. More on in our article.

Country and language targeting

This is about targeting your site to the appropriate audience. If you have one or more sites targeting a specific audience that speaks a particular language, you must tag the site so that it leads to the appropriate people. The site must be linked by language and / or country with the hreflang tag.

Convenience of viewing on mobile devices

Here you can find out how convenient it is to use your site while surfing on a mobile device. Google will show you the issues that could affect your site.

3. Google Index

In this section, you can find out how Google indexes your site, how many pages it indexes, and other important details:

  • Indexing status... How many pages on your site have been indexed by Google overall. The information appears a year ago.
  • Locked resources... different domains and links that cannot be bypassed. In this case, they will not appear in Google search because the Google crawler will not be able to access them.
  • Remove urls... Here you can temporarily remove sites from search results.

4. Scan

Here you can see if Google has access to crawl your site, rescan, etc.

  • Scan errors... all the links that the google crawler tried to get and encountered any errors.
  • Scan statistics... How and what Google has crawled on your site in the last 90 days (for statistical purposes only).
  • View as Googlebot... How a Google crawler sees your site and you can submit a recheck request.
  • Robots.txt file checker... here you can see a file that tells Google crawlers and others what is allowed to crawl on the site and what is not allowed.
  • Sitemaps... Here you can submit sitemaps to Google and see what was submitted and what types of content exist.
  • URL parameters... If the URL has parameters that generate duplicate content, if any, you can see them here or add new ones.

5. Security concerns

Google lets you know if there are security issues on your site. For example, if your site is hacked, malware is installed, etc. You can see it here, in this case it is necessary to deal with it immediately and quickly (and this is what a professional company knows how to do) so that the damage is as little as possible.

6. Site tool

Additional tools to use that change from time to time and are not suitable for any site, so we will not list them here.


Google Search Console allows you to get information and information about your site as Google crawls it, indexes it and displays it to users. Of course, this information is the complete raw material from which you should start working on professional SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Google Search Console is a new name and an improved version of the Google Webmaster tool that gives users detailed reports on site rankings in Google. If your site is on Google Search Console, you can easily figure out why Google is having trouble crawling or accessing your content.

You can see where the traffic is coming from and which visitors are coming from to your site. Similar webmaster tools are offered by other search engines as well, but Google Search Console is considered the most powerful.

What makes Google Search Console so special? To begin with, the tool provides additional statistics regarding traffic, such as the number of people visiting your site with organic searches, their exact location, or the number of clicks on individual pages. The coolest and most important thing is that Search Console shows you the total number of URLs for sites indexed by Google, as well as the keywords that are most important to your site.

Please be aware that using Search Console is not a prerequisite for indexing by Google. Instead, think of Search Console as a reasonable and free way to obtain operational information about your business, and collect information that can improve the quality of your business decisions.

How to check your WordPress blog in Google Search Console

In most cases, Google Search Console validation requires adding a hidden meta tag to your pages. Thus, you will have to edit the names of all files in the directory and waste a lot of time, so the WordPress developers have come up with slightly different, simpler solutions.

To get started, use your Google account to log into SearchConsole. On the first page, you will see a greeting, as well as a special field to insert your blog or website address.

The next step is to select "Add Site". You will be presented with two tabs offering you recommended and alternative methods to test your site. For WordPress websites, Google recommends choosing the second option. Select the HTML Tag option to continue.

You will see a line of HTML code that looks something like this:

Copy the entire line (code), temporarily open the checkout page and go to the "Settings" section of the website by opening a new tab or new window.

Select the SEO tab and you will see Site Validation Services with a dedicated Google field that will be blank at this point. Paste in the code, save your changes, and most of the work will be done.

Return to the console confirmation page and click Check.

How to upload HTML validation file to my site using WordPress plugins

Open the Google Search Console website and use your Google account to sign in. After that, paste in your website URL and click the Add New Site button.

When the next screen appears, the user is prompted to verify ownership of their site, either by directly uploading the HTML file to the root directory (an ideal scenario would use FTP) or by choosing an alternative method - entering a meta tag.

To simplify the process of adding a meta tag to your site, we recommend that you install the Insert Headers and Footers plugin and copy the Google meta tag into it. The tag will look something like this:

Then open Preferences and select Insert Headers and Footers. The meta tag line must be inserted inside the header section. After that, save your changes and return to Search Console to verify your website.

Checking through SEO plugins

WordPress SEO plugin users should copy the resulting validation key specified in the meta tag content portion and paste it directly into the plugin. Just open the admin sidebar, find the Webmaster Tools section and paste the code into the appropriate field. Remember to save your changes and return to Search Console to test your site.

The Ultimate SEO plugin offers a blank field to check and verify your Search Console account. What you have to do is copy-paste the HTML provided by Google.

Yoast SEO is another plugin that links your website directly to Google Search Control.

Visit Google Search Console, open your Google account and click the red button used to target the website. The next step is to paste the site URL into the provided field and confirm. At this point, you will receive a Google authorization code that you can use to validate the data instead of the alternative HTML tag. For the tag, you only need to copy the code in parentheses.

Then go to WP admin page and login. A menu with several options will appear on the left section of your dashboard, including SEO. Click on it and you will see a large list of settings and options to choose from. Go to Webmaster Tools and paste the same code into the appropriate field. Save your changes, return to Search Console and confirm your selection by clicking Check.

Next step

After verification, click the "Add Site" button again to list the site addresses - with and without www. Specify the main mirror of your site (this is the version you should be using). There will also be an Alternate Methods tab that you can click to confirm that the HTML tag you are using is yours (same as before). However, you can skip pasting this tag to your site since you've already inserted it. What you do in this step confirms ownership of both versions of the website (www and non-www), so just click check.

Why would you want to submit both versions of your site? You will ensure yourself safety against duplicates, since the address with and without www is already two different addresses. You need to make sure your site only displays content from one URL, as Google tends to penalize everything else for plagiarism.

Now that your website is verified, you can add your XML file as well. After that, Google will start checking your site, it will take some time.

We recommend that novice users submit their XML Sitemaps as soon as they enter the site, as Google relies heavily on this tool to understand the structure of the site and cover as many pages as possible. In all other cases, it will be more difficult for him to crawl the entire website.

How does Google Search Console help identify site issues?

Scan errors... You can use the Crawl Errors page to learn more about URLs that Google failed to index, find broken links, and other similar problems.

Scan statistics... This page provides information on all activities performed on your website over the past three months.

Robots.txt tester is used to disable old and unused pages that you want to "hide" from Google. All you have to do is open the public_html directory and the robot.txt files inside, and deselect the options.

Sitemaps- Sitemap is Google's favorite tool used to study the structure of websites and to cover as many of their pages as possible. Without Sitemaps, it would be quite difficult for the system to crawl sites using only their links on the main navigation page.

From the author: the console is a little confusing, especially when compared to Yandex.Webmaster. But using it will give you an idea of ​​how well Google is doing. Want the big picture - use webmaster tools from both search engines.

On the first screen, you can immediately see graphs of performance reports and indexing, as well as recommendations for improvements.

New interface Old interface

It is worth noting that in the new Google webmaster, the graph is displayed by default for almost 90 days, instead of 28.

Below is the indexing chart. It graphically shows the number of indexed pages with and without errors.

On the left is the sidebar - similar to the old version. However, it can now be hidden, making it easier to analyze the charts.

Website performance report

The new website performance report includes a handy filter where you can
select and compare impressions, clicks, CTR, average position:

  • by search type - web, images, video;
  • by dates - the intervals are significantly increased, you can even compare for the entire time of the site's operation;

  • on request;
  • by URL (page);
  • around the country;
  • by device (PC, mobile, tablet).

As a result, quite informative graphs are obtained.

Google promises that a search performance graph can be plotted with 16 months of data. Let me remind you that in the old Search Console, you can select a maximum of 90 days (3 months).

In the same graph, you can see the data anomaly notes in Search Console with a link to the explanations in Google Support.

Below, under the graph, we see tabs with requests, pages, countries and devices.

In my opinion, the disadvantage of this table is the impossibility of including additional columns for impressions / CTR / average position, as in the old report.

Submitted URL Indexing Report

Visually very similar to a performance report.

This report is a hybrid of the old indexing report and the crawl error report.

Old site indexing report
Old site error report

A very useful update is the ability to view indexing:

  • processed pages;
  • sent pages;
  • the Sitemap.xml file.

Analysis of the control site showed that the number of pages in the Sitemap.xml file does not correspond to the actual number of pages on the site.

Indexing URLs for the site as a whole

Also noticed that the number of errors and scanned pages does not match.

In the detailed table on error statuses, you can see that Google now shows more complete information about why the page is not indexed.

The error list now contains information very similar to the Yandex. Webmaster. The difference is that Yandex shows the webmaster which duplicate pages he sees, and displays a table grouped by URL. Google, on the other hand, groups data by error type.

Google does not show the source of the duplicate, nor does the new report show the sources of 404 errors. Instead, he suggests for each URL:

  • Check the blocking of the page in robots.txt, transferring it to the old checker.
  • View as GoogleBot.
  • Look in search - sends to the search a structure of the form info: https: //
  • Submit the page to the index.

Sitemap Report

The report still contains information about all Sitemap.xml files and has not changed its content too much.

Compared to the old version of the webmaster, the report is not very informative. The console offers to go to the page with the file indexing report. By the link.

What is the bottom line

The new Google Search Console has a modern design redesigned to match other Google tools.

In terms of functionality, it is still far from perfect.

Many metrics are not yet available.

The Site Indexing report shows in more detail how Google sees your site.

This information can already be used when conducting a seo audit.

We hope that when Google Search Console is fully launched, it will become more useful for website owners, webmasters and specialists in.

Want to increase website traffic by analyzing Google Search Concole data? and get a strategy from the Livepage team.

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