Error "BOOTMGR is missing" or how to change active partition on Windows7. What to do if the error bootmgr is missing The computer does not start bootmgr is missing

Error "BOOTMGR is missing" or how to change active partition on Windows7. What to do if the error bootmgr is missing The computer does not start bootmgr is missing


There are times that when you turn on or restart our computer, instead of the usual Windows boot, you see the inscription “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart” on Windows 7. In this article I will tell you what kind of BOOTMGR file it is, when this error occurs and how to fix the BOOTMGR is missing problem.

BOOTMGR or Windows Boot Manager is the boot manager of the Windows operating system, which is located in a small system partition, hidden from the user's eyes.

The main function of this file is to control the start of loading the operating system and launch the winload.exe file, with which the general loading of the Windows OS begins.

The BOOTMGR file began to be used in the Windows family of versions of Windows Vista and later, this file is not present in earlier versions of Windows. Also, before this error, lags may occur and with.

When the error "BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" occurs

Typically, this BOOTMGR is missing error occurs at computer startup, when the system BIOS does not find the specified boot file on the disk. Loading the OS automatically stops and the user receives a black screen with a message that the BOOTMGR file is missing.

In most cases, the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart” does not occur by accident, during reboot it repeats over and over again, and it is necessary to take a certain set of actions to solve this problem.

Causes of the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart”

In the list of reasons for the “BOOTMGR is missing” error, I would name the following:

  • Broken boot boot files;
  • Operating system files are damaged;
  • The problem with the hard drive;
  • The problem with the bios.

What to do to fix “BOOTMGR is missing”

Let's consider the most effective solutions to the error with the absence of BOOTMGR.

Option 1. Install the correct boot disk

There are situations when, due to incorrectly set BIOS settings, your computer does not start from the bootable system disk (usually C: \). And from a USB flash drive connected to a computer or a disc with some game inserted into a DVD-ROM. Since the system does not detect the required boot file at startup, the user receives the error message described above. Therefore, first of all, remove the USB flash drive connected to the computer, or remove the disks from your CD or DVD-ROM.

Option 2. Correcting the boot through the standard recovery tool

If you encounter the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart” on Windows 7, you can fix it using the standard recovery tool.

Option 3. We use a Windows 7 boot disk or USB flash drive

If you have a bootable disk or flash drive with Windows 7 installation, you can use the tools they have to fix the problem with BOOTMGR.

How it looks is clearly shown in the video:

If the problem BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart has been solved successfully, do not forget to re-enter the PC BIOS and set your hard disk as bootable by default, otherwise the system will again offer you to boot from a disk or flash drive.

Option 4. Using command line capabilities (CMD)

A good and convenient solution for BOOTMGR is missing.

Option 5. Make the desired disk active

If the BOOTMGR is missing problem is not resolved, then the active boot status may be on the wrong disk or hard disk partition.

  1. To fix this, reboot from the boot disk or flash drive, select the command line again, use the diskpart command again, then list disk.
  2. We fix the letter of the drive with the operating system installed on it, then we type the select 0 (or 1) command, depending on the drive we need.
  3. Then we need to display a list of the partitions available on our disk. Type list partition in the command line, find there our disk with a volume of about 100 megabytes, and if this is the first partition, then type select partition 1, and then - active.
  4. After receiving an inscription about the activity of this disk, press exit and restart the computer.

Option 6. Checking the performance of the hard drive

It happens that this file is damaged due to the breakdown of the hard drive itself. Clusters in it begin to crumble, and this affects the integrity of the files on it in the most destructive way.

Therefore, I recommend that the first thing to go into the system BIOS, and see. If yes, and you see your disk in the list of hard drives, then use the special and recovery hard drive clusters (for example, HDD Regenerator).

Option 7. We use special programs

To restore the BOOTMGR is missing rubble partition, you can use the functionality of the special programs MbrFix, Bootice, Acronis Disk Director and others. At the same time, if your knowledge of the computer is superficial, then do not rush to use it, since errors in the commands can completely delete the necessary data from the hard disk you are using, then a complete reinstallation of the system may be required. It is better to use the algorithms described by me above, and if they did not help, use the functionality of these programs, before that, having consulted with experts.


As you can see, there are several proven methods of dealing with the BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart error. Usually, the system tools built into the Windows OS boot disk are enough for a convenient and quick solution to the problem with the absence of BOOTMBR. If they did not help, then check the general performance of your hard drive or resort to the help of special programs, they will help you completely solve the issue with the successful loading of the system files of your operating system.

Most users have already encountered the bootmgr is missing error more than once. When it occurs, the Windows operating system, instead of booting, will greet you with a black screen with the text bootmgr is missing press ctrl + alt + del to restart. Many users panic and bring their computer to the wizard, who offers to reinstall the system for a lot of money or issues a good bill for repairing computer components. We will try to solve the problem on our own without reinstalling Windows. And if all else fails, then you are on your way to the service center. Let's take a look at everything in order.

Windows Boot Manager what is it?

Windows Boot Manager is a special boot manager of the operating system located in the smallest system partition that is not available for viewing and editing by the user.

The boot manager controls the startup of the operating system from start to finish. Its function includes launching the important file winload.exe, which is responsible for starting Windows loading. Microsoft started using BOOTMGR since the days of Windows Vista, and has continued to use it in newer versions.

The bootmgr is missing press error stage Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

As I said above, the error appears at the initial stage of turning on the computer. While the BIOS could not find the special boot file. This stops the start of the operating system and the computer displays an error on a black background BOOTMGR is missing "Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart"

Most often, the computer issues such an error due to a serious problem, and a simple restart will not fix it. The error will appear again.

The main reasons for the download manager error.

There are many reasons for the "BOOTMGR is missing in Windows 7" error. Let's take a look at the most common ones:

  • Problems in the operation of the hard disk of the computer: very often, the appearance of bad sectors in the area of ​​the disk where the boot file is located leads to a failure to boot the OS;
  • Damage to Windows 7 system files: occurs as a result of a computer infection with viruses or user malfunction;
  • Damage to the boot information on the HDD;
  • Incorrect BIOS settings: the priority of loading hard disks into the BIOS is out of order.

Ways to troubleshoot bootmgr.

Checking the Bios settings.

Let's look at the simplest option, the solution to our problem. First of all, you need to check if the settings for the boot sequence of hard drives are out of order.

Consider an example: If the computer has more than one hard drive, but the operating system is located on only one of them. There are times when the BIOS settings get lost and the order of the disks that the system uses to boot changes. If the first in the list is a disk without an OS, then the system will think that the bootloader is damaged or missing. Because of this, an error will immediately fall out.

In order to exclude this option, go to the motherboard BIOS (you can enter by pressing the Del, F2 keys or other combinations). If the standard keys do not fit, then you can see which buttons to press in the operating manual for.

After we entered the BIOS, we are looking for the "BOOT" section

In the window that opens, set the correct order of loading hard drives. The very first thing you need to put is the disk on which the operating system is located. Also check if a bootable USB flash drive is inserted into the system unit. If there is, remove it.

We use Windows recovery tools.

If after checking the BIOS settings it was not possible to solve our problem, then we try to load the Windows 7 recovery tool. To do this, after pressing the computer power button and before the bootmgr is missing error appears, press the F8 button to load additional Windows parameters.

If everything was done correctly, then a window with options for starting the system should load.

We are interested in the item "Troubleshooting Windows". After pressing the "Enter" key, a special utility will perform troubleshooting and possibly fix our problem.

Important! There are times when there is no "Computer troubleshooting" item in the advanced options menu. This is due to severe damage to the boot area or from problems with the boot record.

Accordingly, this method will not work for you, so let's move on to other options.

We fix the problem using a bootable disk or USB flash drive with Windows 7.

With the help of an existing bootable USB drive, you can easily restore the Windows bootloader using the built-in troubleshooting toolkit.

In order to boot the operating system from the bootable media, you need to enter the BIOS. In the "Boot" section, set the boot from or from the DVD drive to be the first in the list.

The System Recovery Options window opens.

We need to go to the "Startup Recovery" item. Next, the system will search for problems and offer to fix them and restart the computer.

Note! After restarting your computer, be sure to remove the bootable media. Otherwise, the system will start booting from it again.

Recovering BOOTMGR using the command line.

The beginning of the steps in this method are similar to the previous ones, but now in the "Recovery Options" window you need to open the item "". It is located at the very bottom.

After starting the command line, we will try to restore the small system partition, which contains the Windows Boot Manager file.

To do this, we register the command "diskpart" and press "Enter"

Next, we write "list volume" and see which letter is assigned to the smallest partition (the partition size is about 100 MB), as well as which letter is assigned to our boot disk.

After that, exit the "diskpart" menu by typing "exit". The next step is to open our boot disk. We write "M:" or another letter, depending on what you have assigned to the disk.

Then we write the command copy bootmgr C: \. This will copy the boot file to the system drive. The problem must be resolved.

Checking the hard drive for errors.

If the problem cannot be solved using the above methods, then you need to check the hard disk for errors. The check can be done in different ways. If you have another computer at hand, we detach the hard drive with a non-bootable system and connect it to the working computer. Next, run the Victoria program, and check the disk for errors. You can read how the Victoria program works in the article -.

If you connect the hard drive to another computer, there is no way. Then you can start from the Windows Life CD and check the disc for errors from it.

Use of third-party software.

The bootmgr is missing error can be corrected using a special program Acronis Disk Director. You can also run it using the Live CD. But you need to use this program in extreme cases, since you can generally be left without data on your hard drive.


We have considered the most popular ways to solve the problem of the bootmgr is missing press ctrl alt del to restart windows 7. In most cases, it is possible to restore the operating system without completely reinstalling it, as well as without contacting the service center.

When working with a computer, system messages with names of various errors may appear on the monitor. An advanced user will not be at a loss, but what should an ordinary user who is unfamiliar with the intricacies of computer terminology do? This is why many people get lost and don't know what to do if the BOOTMGR is missing error keeps appearing when starting the PC.

This error is quite common and quite solvable. Therefore, you should not panic at all and immediately run for help to the nearest equipment repair service center.

In the event of such an error, instead of the usual loading of the Windows operating system and the appearance of the desktop only a black screen is displayed with the inscription BOOTMGR is missing... The line below, as a rule, says Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart. Translated, this means "Press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart the device." However, if you follow this recommendation, then the error will most likely appear again the next time the computer boots.

The main causes of the problem

As a rule, the vast majority of computer problems when working with Windows appear due to the fault of the users themselves due to the inept use of computer devices or programs.

However, having certain skills in working with a PC, a person becomes much more comfortable and easier to resolve any problems that arise. And subsequently such cases when absolutely no idea what to do, if the windows boot manager error appears again and again, it becomes much smaller.

The message BOOTMGR is missing appears on the monitor screen. What to do? Windows XP or Windows 8, 10 OS version - a computer user with any version of the Windows operating system may encounter this error. It is linked directly to the Windows bootloader itself.

The Windows boot loader is a program that is responsible for launching various kinds of utilities at the same time as turning on the operating system. But due to some system failure, the BIOS (BIOS) cannot find this bootloader when trying to turn on the OS and writes a message on the screen about it.

There are several reasons that can lead to the error:

  1. Incorrect settings in the device BIOS. For example, when a user poorly versed in technology, who does not have the proper set of knowledge and skills, decided to randomly change the settings in the BIOS of a personal computer or, for example, a laptop.
  2. Frequent incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, if the device is constantly turned off directly from the outlet while it is still working.
  3. Too frequent cleaning of the PC from unnecessary garbage, that is, temporary files and cache. For example, we can give a case when, due to inexperience, a user accidentally deleted a system file in order to save space, considering it unnecessary.
  4. A serious system virus that has penetrated a device that does not have a high-quality antivirus program. Also, a virus can appear on a computer if the user has not updated the anti-virus database for a long time.
  5. The most serious cause of the error is physical damage to the hard drive. This can happen when the computer is carelessly moved somewhere or in cases of physical impact on the device, for example, strong shaking or something similar. In such a situation, the hard drive of the computer can be severely damaged and become unusable. To resume work on such a PC, you will need to repair or replace the hard drive with a new one.

Troubleshooting yourself

If the PC user has an approximate idea of ​​the reason that could provoke the error, then this will significantly simplify the task of eliminating it. To figure out what to do if bootmgr is missing error in Windows 7 or any other OS version appears regularly, it is important to make sure that the hard disk of the device has not been subjected to rough physical impact. Otherwise, the hard drive of the device should be taken into repair or even completely replaced.

For other situations, when the user is sure that everything is in order with the hard disk, other methods of resolving the problem are suitable.

Correct BIOS setup

Most advanced PC users will advise first of all to go to the BIOS of the device. It is possible that an incorrectly selected boot disk is causing the error persistently. The system can boot Windows OS only from the disk on which the operating system is installed. But if the computer's CD-ROM is selected as the boot device, and there is no Windows disk in the PC, then the device will not be able to start booting.

First of all, going into the BIOS (in some cases it is called EFI / UEFI) of the computer, make sure that in the section called Andanced BIOS Features, in the First Boot Device items and the like, those devices are selected where there is an operating system.

Most often, in the section called First Boot Device, most users select the Hard Disk item, and in the Second Boot Device section - CD-ROM. When these settings are selected, the computer will try to load the operating system first from the connected internal hard disk, and secondarily through the disk inserted into the drive.

Please note: if your OS is located on a USB flash drive or USB hard drive and you want to load it, then this means that you should select the USB flash drive or USB device as the first startup device (i.e. in the First Boot Device section), not Hard Disk.

In addition, a system failure that causes an endless appearance of the BOOTMGR error after itself can occur after connecting a bootable USB flash drive to the computer. It is likely that the PC will try to launch the OS from it, and you have long ago removed the flash drive from the device or erased the data containing boot components from the flash drive.

System Restore

Another method that can help fix the problem associated with the BOOTMGR error, as well as similar ones, for example, when the inscription appears missing MBR Helper, Invalid Partition Table, NTLDR is missing or BOOTMGR is compressed, is the launch of the tool to restore the Windows system to its previous state. Many modern computers have a convenient recovery mechanism - rolling back the state of the system to its operational mode.

To start using the built-in System Restore, you must restart your computer and press the F8 key on your keyboard at startup. E if everything is done correctly and a recovery utility is built into your device, a unique menu will appear. Moving through its items, you must select the line called "Computer troubleshooting", and then press the Enter key.

It is likely that running the System Restore tool will be enough, and the computer will be able to repair all damaged files on its own and will eventually start without any problems.

Using a boot disk

BOOTMGR is missing Windows 7. How to fix this error using the tools found on the bootable USB flash drive or disk with Windows.

The procedure for using this method:

Using the command line

In the event that none of the proposed solution methods helps you, and the bootmgr is missing error still appears when installing from a USB flash drive, try another way to fix the computer. At first you will need to do all the steps from the previous method using a bootable disk or USB flash drive, however, when the first window appears, you must select the "Command Prompt" section instead of "System Restore".

A command prompt window will open. To restore normal operation of the computer, do the following:

Other methods of solving the problem

In general, there are quite a few proven methods for fixing the BOOTMGR error. For those cases when nothing helps, there is a special software that allows you to reanimate the operating system. These programs include Bootice, MbrFix and many other utilities with similar properties and functionality. Keep in mind that it is recommended to use such software only if you have knowledge, skills and good experience of working with a PC, because otherwise you can only worsen the situation by provoking new problems.

In addition, pay attention to the state of the computer hard disk, whether it is displayed in the system BIOS. If the hard drive has damaged only some clusters, then you can always use hard drive recovery programs. For example, such utilities include HDD Regenerator.

However, if the hard drive has serious physical damage and it is not displayed in the BIOS, then the computer should be taken to a specialized service center. There, experienced craftsmen will take care of the repair, who will quickly put your computer in order.

Recently, Windows 7 users have left a lot of feedback about the fact that there is a kind of failure in the process of starting the operating system. This failure manifests itself as an error with the following content: “Bootmgr is missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart ". The notification indicates that the OS boot file was not found. To fix the problem, you need to follow some of the steps outlined below.

But first, you need to briefly describe the current situation. At the moment of turning on the computer equipment on the hard disk (hereinafter - the hard disk), the search for the software responsible for loading the operating system is activated. Sometimes access to this program becomes impracticable due to its possible corruption. The bootmgr is missing error can reveal itself for several reasons:

  • firstly, a failure in the power supply system;
  • secondly, incorrect shutdown of computer equipment;
  • thirdly, wrong actions in bios;
  • fourth, the virus.

Effective methods to fix the problem

There are three ways out of this situation:

  • check and make sure that the boot disk is used in Bios is adequate;
  • automatic recovery of the bootloader for Windows 7;
  • Eliminate the "bootmgr is missing" issue using the command line.

Checking BIOS settings

Take this step if you have at least two hard drives installed on your computer. We are talking about physical hard drives, and not about partitions C, D, E, etc. If your computer has only one hard drive, then feel free to go to the second method of solving the problem. But be that as it may, remove any storage media from the computer (flash drives, external hard drives). Then restart your PC.

Sometimes a problem arises when the wrong disk is found in the Bios settings completely randomly. It is necessary to double-check which drive is being selected. If wrong, try to replace it with the correct disk, make it active. Then restart your computer.

Automatically fix bootloader problem

On the positive side, Microsoft has developed a specific recovery environment that can fix many operating system problems, including the bootmgr is missing error. In order to launch it, you should constantly press "F8" until the notification appears, until you see the corresponding menu.

If this does not happen, you need to find a recovery disc or a USB flash drive of the current version of Windows. Download from an existing device. When the notification: "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" appears, enter any key. If you do not do this, then the download will start replaying from the hard disk drive, which will again lead to the bootmgr is missing error. Without completing the installation, at the bottom of the page, select the "System Restore" request.

Following this, the recovery utility will carry out a diagnostic examination of the hard drive and start an automatic search for possible problems. Then you need to accept the troubleshooting and restart your computer.

If after the work done, you did not see any qualitative changes, then you need to resort to rebooting from the installation flash drive, select "System Restore". When a list of available operating systems appears, select the Windows you want to install and click Next.

Click on "Startup Recovery".

When Windows starts successfully, it means that the "bootmgr is missing" problem has been resolved.

Troubleshooting from the command line

The current bootmgr is missing cure is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it is the most effective. Start the recovery environment, click "Command Prompt".

During the installation of Windows 7, a specific hidden 100 MB block is created, which is reserved by the operating system. In a loaded Windows 7, it is not represented by a letter (like other drives C or D, E or F). Regardless, the partition you create is very important as it contains a miniature boot program that contains bootmgr. When problems occur with this file or when it disappears, a known error is generated. Therefore, it is necessary to restore it. This can be done by dropping it from the installer.

You can take a similar step through the command line. Simply put, the black window you recently launched. First, take a close look at the disks and find out where and where you will have to transfer an important file. After all, the letter names of disks can be different on different devices.

  • enter: diskpart;
  • after that, write: list volume;
  • keep an eye on the section with a total of 100 MB and consider what letter it should be.

Important! In our picture containing the sample, the corresponding disc is under the letter C.

Likewise, CD / DVD-ROM is limited to the letter “F”. "D" stands for data disc.
After that, in a clear sequence, perform the following actions:

  1. Close the diskpart: exit request.
  2. Change to CD / DVD-ROM drive. In our sample, it is "F": F.
  3. Copy the bootmgr file to the small disk. In our picture "C": copy bootmgr C: \.

A message should then appear indicating that one file has been successfully copied.

Nevertheless, it often happens that after writing the current OS to a pre-partitioned disk, it is impossible to find the hidden 100 MB section. Under these circumstances, you must transfer the bootmgr file directly to the data drives. To simplify the task of specifying the location of the required file, as well as to prevent the subsequent appearance of the "bootmgr is missing" error, copy it to disk. In the example from our picture, we are talking about device D. Thus, the following action has to be performed: copy bootmgr D: \.

Reboot your PC. When there is no change, re-access the command line using this action: bootsect / nt60 All.

Restart your computer. When the bootmgr is missing error exists, the disk is not marked with the status "active".

Making the disk "Active" using the command line

The boot file disk must include bootmgr and must be listed as active. If it is in an active state, then, in principle, it becomes possible to boot Windows from it. If the wrong disk is considered active, the system boot result will henceforth be "erroneous."

Re-work with the command line:

  1. Enter the already known ones: diskpart and list disk;
  2. You will see a list containing hard drives. From it, select the drive that stores the operating system. Take this step based on the size of your drives. In the case when only one disk is installed on your computer, select it using the action: select disk 0 or 1.
  3. After that, enter a query to view all its partitions: list partition;
  4. Look for the required 100 MB section. If you do not find a small section, select the first or second section, taking into account which disk Windows was installed on. Decide on the section number: select partition 1 (2), and also activate the section: active, then click exit. Before making an exit request, a notification like this should appear: "The section is marked as active."
  5. Reboot your computer.

The problem has been fixed. Now you know what to do and how to fix the bootloader problem. Work with pleasure!

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