What to do if the tablet is missing. How to find a mobile phone, tablet or laptop

What to do if the tablet is missing. How to find a mobile phone, tablet or laptop


Did your parents hide something that you want to return? Maybe you are very interested in what kind of gift awaits you for your birthday or New Year? Your parents may not understand this, but you are too smart and not easily fooled by hiding things in typical places! If you check every room, every hallway and nook and cranny, you might find what you're looking for.


Find the right room

    Take into account the size of the item you want to find. If your parents are hiding something big from you, they will choose a different place for it than for a small item (like your favorite DVD). Think about where the item you are looking for will best fit.

    • Very small items (such as DVDs) can be hidden in narrow, nooks and crannies. For example, you can search between books, inside bags or packages, under light objects.
    • If you are looking for something big (for example, a bicycle), you should immediately cross off the list those rooms where it definitely cannot be (for example, a bathroom).
  1. Look in the bedroom. The parent's bedroom is usually considered a parent's personal space, so this is the most obvious place. Think about what is the most secluded place in the room, which is considered a "forbidden zone" for you.

    • Check the boxes. Obviously, the drawer with underwear and socks is a "no-go area", and it is also difficult to fully inspect it. Therefore, this is a very typical place to hide an object there.
    • Look in the closet. There are a lot of places in the closet where you can hide different items. Check all shelves, check crevices between folded clothes, check all places that seem cluttered.
    • Look under the bed. For some reason, many people think that the space under the bed is great for hiding things. In addition, it is more difficult for adults to search under the bed, because they will have to bend down and lie down on the floor.
    • Look behind the TV. Behind the TV is usually dusty and not cleaned, because this place is difficult to get to. Plus, it's a great place to hide something in there.
    • Check out the bathroom. There are not many secluded places in the bathroom, so other places should be checked.
  2. Look in the most cluttered rooms. The more different furniture and objects in the room, the easier it is to hide something there. Flowers, various figurines, souvenirs - all this creates a kind of background with which other objects merge. In addition, the more items you have to move to get to a secluded place, the less likely it is that someone will climb there to look for something.

    • The pantry is the best place to hide something. In the pantry there are usually a lot of heavy overflowing cans, cookbooks, household tools - all this obstructs the view. The more things block the path to the hidden item, the harder it is to find it.
    • Look around your closet. If you rarely change bedding or towels, then a linen closet is a great hiding place for various delicate items (for example, DVDs, books, games).
    • If your parents have a home office, you can look there. Examine the papers on the table and don't forget the drawers. Be sure to look behind each item, turn each page.
  3. Look for this item in your room. Yes, yes, in my room. Hiding an item where you least expect to find it (like in a sock drawer) is a pretty ingenious idea. Most likely, parents will hide the item where you rarely look. If your parents have to fight to persuade you to clean your room, chances are they may have hidden the item in the rubbish heap in your room.

    • Check your closet. If you rarely look at the top of the closet, then this place is also worth checking out.
    • Most people rarely look behind chests of drawers and closets. If you are looking for something subtle, you can look in these places.
  4. Search the garage. The garage has a huge amount of secluded places. Look in trash cans, different boxes and baskets, in cans of paint. In some cases, such as with an electric drill, there are several secret places where you can hide a small object.

    Search in different places

    1. Climb up to the attic. An attic is a place where it is easy to hide a thing and difficult to find it. Try to look there when you are alone at home. But be very careful not to step on weak floorboards. You don't want to leave holes in the ceiling that can't be filled.

      Examine the car. If you are not using a car, this automatically makes it the perfect place to hide something there. After the car ride, pretend you left something there and quickly come back and inspect everything. There are many places in the car where you can hide things, so it is worth looking into the most typical ones.

      • The glove compartment is the most obvious place to hide something. If you're looking for something small (like keys or a remote control), be sure to look in the glove compartment.
      • The armrest area is also a suitable storage space. Scroll through the checks for payment of gasoline, documents on registration of the car. Between them you can find thin objects (cards, phone numbers, games).
      • Examine the trunk. To open the trunk there is a special button. You can hide large items in the trunk.
    2. Think about your parents' hobbies. Most likely, your parents have some hobbies that they do in their free time. Hobby items can be a great place to hide something because parents often check on these items and know when they are out of order.

      • For example, a golf bag is a great place to store long or bulky items. If you are looking for, for example, a baseball bat, a golf bag, this is the place to look.
      • If your dad does some housework and your mom is into gardening, you probably have a lot of different tools in your yard. If these tools are dirty, most likely, the parents will think that you will not touch them, so they can hide some object there.
      • Books, crossword puzzles, and sudoku are great places to hide subtle items (gift cards, photos, or concert tickets).
    3. Check ventilation. Many vents have small spaces where you can hide things. If your parents choose this place to hide something from you, then they will most likely hide it for a short time. After all, this item will interfere with the ventilation of the air in the house.

      • Big things can be hidden in spacious places. So check the largest vent first.
      • Small vents often have small nooks and crannies. Short items are likely to fall straight into the vent, so longer items can be hidden in such holes that will not fall into the vent.

    See the most unusual places

    1. Check your freezer. The freezer is an unusual place to hide something because the temperature is so low. Some items cannot be stored at such a low temperature. Therefore, it is worth looking for small items there, the storage of which does not depend on temperature.

      • Small items fit perfectly in the freezer. Your parents know that you don't like broccoli, so they will decide to hide something from you in a place where you are unlikely to look.
      • For example, hiding something like a frozen dessert in the freezer is a great idea. A frozen sandwich box is great for hiding small items. Your parents know that you love dessert very much, but you can't eat it without permission. Most likely, you will know exactly how much dessert is left.
      • Check the space behind the ice. If there are ice cube trays in the freezer, rearrange them and check the space behind them. In addition, some older freezers often have frost in them, in which you can hide something like a small charger.
    2. Check the vegetable bags. Believe it or not, there are special boxes and safes that look like products. Books, safes, and miscellaneous folders are more obvious places to hide an item than food-shaped safes.

      Check bottles. There are many ways to make a hiding place difficult to find. Parents can wrap the item they want to hide in bubble wrap to keep it from making noise.

      Examine the appliances. Your parents know that you hardly use any household appliances. Try to search for your item in various household items that are large enough to hide an item in or behind them.

    Make sure you don't get caught

    1. No need to touch the wrapped items. No matter how carefully you try to wrap them again, you can't make them look intact. If you are unsure whether to inspect an item, follow the steps below:

      • removing the tape will most likely damage the wrapping paper, leaving evidence that you tried to open the item. Therefore, it is better not to touch the adhesive tape;
      • wrapping paper is difficult to return to its place. If you try again to wrap an object in wrapping paper, most likely you will fail, because your parents have experience in this, and they know how to wrap objects in wrapping paper;
      • bows - just a stop signal. If you untie the bow and the ribbons twist in the wrong direction, you are unlikely to be able to put them together again.
      • Clear your browser history. Make sure your parents don't see that you've visited this page! If they see this page in your browser history, it won't matter how well you covered your tracks. They will know for sure that you are looking for something. Your parents won't trust you.

        • If your parents find out that you are looking for something everywhere, they may move the item to another place.
        • Log out of your user on the computer. Try not to leave any trace of the fact that you were looking for something on the Internet.
        • Turn off your computer. If the computer was turned off before you arrived, don't forget to turn it off again after working on it.
    • After reading this article, delete your browser history.
    • Make sure your brothers and sisters don't know about it. They can't keep secrets!
    • Make sure no one has seen you.
    • If someone sees you, come up with an excuse beforehand or pretend to be cleaning.


    • If you get caught digging into things you're not allowed to dig into, chances are you'll be in trouble.
    • If you lose your parents' trust, it will be very difficult for you to regain it. Do not forget to put all the items in their places, as if you did not touch them.

Currently, almost every user is faced with the theft or loss of their favorite gadget, but you should not say goodbye to the device in advance, since in most cases it can be found. Modern technologies do not stand still and programmers come up with new applications that can protect your device via the Internet, we tried to consider the main ways that you would understand how to find a stolen tablet easily, and not think about buying a new one.

Anti-Theft Features of Android Tablet

Given the ever-increasing mobility and cost of gadgets, as well as the widest distribution of the Android platform among mobile devices, Google released a special manager application in 2013, thanks to which you can find a lost tablet if it is stolen. The new software product received a name and became a mandatory utility on all devices with the Android 2.2 and higher operating platform installed. However, when buying a gadget, Android Device Manager is in a dormant state and must be activated. To do this, you need to perform the following operations in sequence:

  • in the "Settings" menu, you need to find the "Security" section and open it;
  • in the section there is a subsection "Device administrators" - open and find the item "Remote control"
  • put a tick in this item and agree to activation;
  • sequentially exit the menu.

If there is a personal computer or laptop at home, and the user has an account in the Google system, then you can check the utility's performance through a computer. In order to find a stolen tablet through the Google service, you need to find the "Android Remote Control" page in your account and see if your model is in the list of synchronized devices. If not, then you need to repeat the activation procedure or simply restart the gadget. After the device is found and its identifier (usually the model name) appears in the drop-down list of connected and synchronized devices, you must click on the "Locate" button. After a certain amount of time, a blinking location dot will appear on the map, along with the last time you connected to the network. This feature is intended for users who forget their device somewhere.

Despite the convenience of using Android Device Manager, it has certain disadvantages, the main of which are:

  • low level of protection - an attacker just needs to reset the factory settings or remove the battery and the device cannot be identified;
  • localization accuracy largely depends on the type of connection - 2G / 3G or LTE;
  • when the tablet is connected to the Internet via WI-Fi - wireless interface and the 2G / 3G module is disabled, the utility will indicate the location of the router;
  • the accuracy of the determination is significantly increased with the presence of a GPS (satellite) navigation module.

Often users use a tablet to access the Internet without a SIM card only through a Wi-Fi network. In this case, the ability to detect the coordinates of the location of the stolen tablet depends on its functionality - the presence of an integrated GPS navigation module and other hardware features of the main chipset. Also, the possibility of finding a tablet if it is turned off depends on the functionality. It should be said right away that gadgets with a SIM card installed and activated Internet access via mobile networks provide more opportunities to find the loss.

Other security utilities

Today, the pages of the Google Play Internet resource have other applications that will not only allow you to find a stolen tablet, but also make it possible to block it via the Internet. However, it is necessary to distinguish between accidental loss and simple theft. In the latter case, the probability of returning the gadget is close to zero, but remote blocking will not allow fraudsters to get to the private data of user accounts. The most popular among device owners are the following software tools.

Avast Anti-Treft is considered today one of the most versatile means of protection. In this case, the user himself decides which functions he wants to activate. Most use the following features of the Avast Anti-Treft software module:

  • if there is a GPS module, it can be searched and localized on Google maps;
  • remote control of the tablet (lock, disable) using an SMS command from another gadget;
  • blocking the device or sending a signal in case of unauthorized replacement of the SIM card;
  • "invisibility" mode, which will not allow an unauthorized user to find out about the presence of an installed and activated Avast Anti-Treft module.

Users with root rights can activate other additional settings:

  • erasing the device's memory when an unauthorized replacement of the SIM card is attempted;
  • inclusion of individual sound signals;
  • using a hidden call to intercept and send sounds from the microphone.

in addition to protecting gadgets from viruses and malware, it allows you to provide:

  • online access to information stored in the integrated memory of the gadget;
  • search for a stolen tablet with the localization of its location on the map;
  • turn on the sound signal to detect the device.

The application allows you to find the tablet even if it is in "airplane mode" and the vibration signal is turned off. When installing the application, a code word is requested, sending which via SMS, via the Internet or via GPS allows you to initiate various actions, the main of which is the sound or vibration signal that allows you to localize the location of the lost tablet. Of course, in order to find a device by code, it must be either online or connected to the Internet.

An equally useful function is to determine the coordinates of a tablet computer or phone, which again requires sending a code word. Moreover, the codes - words for the implementation of the first and second functions should be different. Of course, a stolen tablet, Wheres My Droid is unlikely to help find, but for forgetful and absent-minded users, it is quite suitable.

Is it possible to find a stolen tablet

Let's deal with the main question that worries many users, is it possible to find a stolen tablet quickly. Any official search for a lost item is possible only if there are documents. If an application is filed with the police, then it must indicate the serial number of the product and (preferably) special signs - scratched glass, jammed power button, logo sticker, and similar nuances. Often, the police refuse to accept an application for the theft of a tablet if there are no documents for it. To what extent this is legitimate is a separate discussion. But to be sure of the effectiveness of official searches, you need to know the serial number and have a tablet passport.

The serial number will be required to search for a gadget by IMEI - through the International Mobile Equipment Identity system, which is quite widespread in the West and replaces all additional applications there.


Of course, if a stolen tablet worth 15-25 thousand rubles (Sony Xperia Z3 or Samsung Galaxy Tab Active), then searching for it is advisable and any additional security system can increase not only the likelihood of successful searches, but also significantly reduce the risk of theft itself. At the same time, the owners of cheap, usually Chinese brands, the price of which does not exceed 5-7 thousand rubles, believe that it is better to purchase a new device than to get on your nerves and find a lost one. Moreover, all stored information is usually duplicated on removable media, and any everyday routine, such as photos, music or videos, is stored in the integrated memory.

According to statistics, the number of thefts of iPhone smartphones has dropped sharply around the world after Apple launched a service called Activation Lock. With it, any lost or stolen iOS gadget can be remotely blocked and tracked.

The only exceptions are the very disadvantaged countries, where smartphones are stolen in order to dismantle them for parts and sell them separately. However, most often thieves, seeing that the device is blocked, simply leave it somewhere. For example, they give it to sellers or security guards in stores with the words: "We found it in the fitting room, we don't know whose it is."

A similar feature soon appeared in smartphones and tablets based on Android. If the device is protected with a password set in advance by the owner, then the thief will not be able to do anything with the booty - neither erase the data, nor use the gadget, much less sell it (unless, of course, the buyer understands the topic a little).

Protecting iPhone and iPad

First things first, you need to set an unlock password. Open the settings menu, go to the "Password" section and press the "Enable password" button. The system will ask you to enter the password twice. Try not to use obvious combinations of numbers like "1111", "2222", "0000", "1234" and so on - the thief, if he is not a fool, will start entering them first.

After six unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the device will be locked for a minute. If you continue to try to pick up, then the iPhone or iPad will turn off completely, and you will need to restore access to it through lengthy manipulations. Which a thief, of course, cannot produce.

Now let's imagine that you lost your smartphone or tablet. The best way out is to block it. To do this, find a computer with Internet access, open a browser and type www.icloud.com. On the page that opens, enter your Apple ID login and password (it is very useful to remember them). After the menu opens, select the "Find My iPhone" icon and click on it.

If location services are enabled on your phone or tablet, the map that opens will display its location. By clicking on the green icon, you will see a menu in which there is an item "Lost Mode". By selecting it, you can specify a phone number that the finders can call back and enter a message that will be displayed on the screen all the time this mode is in effect.

By the way, if you forgot to set an unlock password, then here you can do it. After that, the thief will no longer be able to do anything with your iPhone or iPad.

Protecting Android

As with the iPhone, you first need to create an unlock password. This is done in the settings menu, however, for each manufacturer, the password setting item is located in different sections. For example, at Samsung, you need to find the "Lock Screen" menu, and then enter the password twice. It will need to be entered every time you need to use your smartphone. Not very convenient, but reliable.

In the "Security" menu on Samsung phones, there is a subsection called "Device Administrators". After entering it, check the box next to "Android Remote Control". Now the thief will not be able to use your smartphone - unless, of course, the password is so simple that it is selected on the second attempt. After five unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the machine is locked for 30 seconds.

In case of loss or theft, you will need any computer connected to the Internet. Having opened the browser, type the address play.google.com, enter your email address and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the picture with the gear image. In the menu that appears, select "Android Remote Control".

If your device is not turned off and connected to the Internet, then its location will be visible on the map that opens in the browser. To block it, click on the "Block" button. After that, a window will appear in which you need to enter a new unlock password - even if an attacker picks up a previously set one, such a trick will not work with a new password.

In the same window, you can type a message that will be constantly displayed on the smartphone screen, and a phone number for communication.

Next to the "Block" button, there is also a "Clear" button. Clicking on it will return the smartphone to factory settings, deleting all available information. So it should be used as a last resort, when it is clear that the device cannot be found.

Recently, more and more users are wondering: is it possible to somehow find a tablet based on Android OS if the device is already lost? How should you properly configure your device in advance, so that if you lose it further, the search can be simplified? In fact, there are a few important rules to keep in mind here; following the instructions, the user can easily find his electronic gadget.

Tablet stolen without special programs

If the user did not perform any special settings for their gadget in advance, then if they are lost, the chances of finding the device are reduced. You can try to find a lost device through a service from Google, which was created specifically to find stolen Android devices. This service is called "Android Device Manager", it can be launched through any browser, and through any device, including PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. You need to first of all select the tablet you are looking for from the list and then press the round icon with four dashes, located in the upper right corner.

Click on the search start icon

Prerequisites for the search to work

In order for the search to work, an activated GPS module or the Internet is required. If you have lost your tablet in your apartment and cannot find it, use the "Call" function. The device will beep loudly. You can also delete all data from memory if the tablet fell into the hands of an attacker.

Perform presetting

To make your tablet easier to find, we recommend that you set it up in advance. The first thing to do is install Avast! Mobile Security. This antivirus program allows you to protect your tablet. When you install the antivirus, you will need to go to the settings and check the box next to "PIN protection". Enter your PIN there.

Please note that the PIN code must be written down and put in a safe place, or memorized; if you forget your PIN, you will no longer be able to change the program settings!

Avast Anti-Theft

Download Avast! Anti Theft. To do this, follow the link https://www.avast.ru/anti-theft, click on the "Free download" button. You will be redirected to Google Play where you can install the app. Now you need to configure the program in such a way that the thief cannot do any manipulations with the device.

Create an AVAST account. Enter "id.avast.com" in the browser, click "Create ...". Next, you will need to enter an email/password. Open Avast! Anti-Theft", and follow 6 steps in sequence:

  1. Enter a name;
  2. Enter PIN;
  3. Specify the phone (SMS with information about the SIM change will be sent to it);
  4. Click on "Account Settings";
  5. Login to your account;
  6. Enter phone number, password.

You have just linked your account to your tablet. You will carry out further manipulations on the avast.com web resource.


Avast settings

It is necessary to go to the item "Advanced settings" => "Protective actions", and then configure the protection for three main points, which will be given in a table with a brief description of each item.

Paragraph Description
"Block" If the tablet is lost, it will be completely blocked; any manipulations with it can be carried out only by specifying the PIN code
"Signaling" Loud alarm; most likely, it is better to leave this function deactivated, since the siren will only frighten off the intruder, and he will press the Reset button or pull out the battery
"No access to settings" Complete blocking of access to deletion, device settings

Item "Advanced settings"

The process of finding a tablet

Go to avast.com, log in, open "My devices" => "View data". Find: "Choose a team." In this column, do the following:

Call: This option involves making a discreet call from a stolen Android device. In this way, you can listen to what is happening around, for example, whether the tablet is in the house or on the street. All this will also become useful when the police are involved. For example, at first, using “Device Manager”, you can calculate the house where the thief lives, and then watch him near the entrance and use the microphone and the “Call” function in order to make sure that the person who stole the tablet came out of the entrance. You can say something loudly, cough, etc. By combining several functions, the probability of finding your device will increase.

When you click "Lost", the tablet will be locked, the ability to turn off is eliminated. If you turn on the alarm, the siren will howl until the battery runs out.

It is important to set up the tablet in advance: in this case, the probability of finding it increases!

If you did not have time to install any programs, and your tablet was stolen, then the only option left for you is the Android Device Manager service.

Search for a lost device

The tablet is a very compact and convenient device. But due to its modest size, it is not only convenient to carry, but also to lose. An additional threat to such a device is intruders who can simply steal the equipment. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to leave everything as it is. There are methods that tell you what to do if your tablet is stolen / lost.

We use a free service

Android Device Manager is the same service that Google provides for free. To use the program, just follow a few simple steps:

  • Open a Google+ account if you don't already have one.
  • Open GooglePlay, where to find and download a free application to your tablet. The program works on various versions of Android.
  • To use the application, you will need to attach your account to it. To do this, you need to fill out a simple form where you need to answer questions.
  • After the performed actions, the user gets full access to the attached mobile devices. The number of gadgets is not limited.

This service allows you to quickly find a lost or stolen tablet and more. The application will need to be downloaded to your existing device, run it and log into your account. For such cases, it is possible to enter as a guest. Using remote control, you must include a special file for playback. The device will play it even at a distance for 5 minutes. Even if the loss occurred in a completely different place, such a signal will attract the attention of people who will find the device. The text of a certain content will be displayed on its screen.

Modern antiviruses

Avast Free Antivirus is a useful program that not only cleans your device from viruses, but also offers a whole range of useful features. It is possible to find a stolen or lost tablet using the following program:

Users will be able to set the following settings when changing the SIM card:

  • Prohibit changing settings.
  • Lock your device with a pin code.
  • Completely delete the information on the tablet.
  • Send coordinates with current location.

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