What is meant by information system. List of information systems

What is meant by information system. List of information systems


The article by Nikolai Mikhailovsky, published in this issue of the magazine, rightly points out the confusion in IT terminology. This confusion covers not only the concepts of “information system” (IS) and “IS architecture”; it is not at all harmless and often makes it difficult in practice to clearly determine what is the subject of development in a particular project: the IS, only its QCA (see below) or the system (AS) as a whole?

To try to clarify the matter, below are key definitions from regulatory documents and, for comparison, from more general sources. Definitions were selected from the working materials of the author of this note, which were in addition to the main materials of courses for specialists and managers. (This explains the presence of comments and the free arrangement of material in this note - after all, this is not a glossary!) That is why this is said: practice has repeatedly shown that a glossary is not enough. Creating a common "conceptual space" - among at least ten course participants - requires another half hour to an hour of discussion to obtain the same understanding of such things as "system", "IS" and "QCA". Finally, we regret to note that outside the scope of the note there was material that could clarify what “System engineering” is, software architecture and other important processes and subjects of designing, designing and using systems.


A complex consisting of processes, hardware, software, devices and personnel that has the ability to satisfy established needs or goals ().

Note: quite close to the definition of an automated system (AS) in GOST 34.

Automated system (AS):

In the process of functioning, an automated system is a collection of a set of automation tools, organizational, methodological and technological documents and specialists who use them in the course of their professional activities. (From the guidelines RD 50-680-88 series of GOST 34 standards for automated systems (AS).)

A comment.
Recent years have been marked by a qualitative expansion of the meaning of the term “system”, reflected in the documents of international committees and professional societies focused on IT. There is a transition to an interpretation that is even broader than indicated in, due to the explicit inclusion of components of other types (materials, methods, etc.). In this regard, the relevance of the broader use of the term “information management system” (see, for example, in) and the narrower use of the term “information system” (see below) is growing.

Information system (IS):

1) a system designed for collecting, transmitting, processing, storing and issuing information to consumers and consisting of the following main components:

  • software,
  • Information Support,
  • technical means,
  • service staff ().

2) Information system - The collection of people, procedures, and equipment designed, built, operated, and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, and display information ().

A comment.
IS is initially considered as a system indifferent to the specific goals of users, similar to an automatic telephone exchange, a general-purpose library or a station information service, which provides its information services as a subsystem or related system to a more general system: an enterprise, city, industry, country, etc. (cm. ). Let us note once again that too often IP is understood as a variety of things - from KSA to AC.

The standards contain a clear definition of the technical concept “IT system”, which is often required to be used instead of IS. So in GOST R ISO/IEC TO 10000-1-99 it is defined

Information technology system (IT system):

A set of information technology resources that provides services over one or more interfaces. (This is close to the concept of “complex of automation equipment” in the guidelines RD 50-680-88 from GOST 34, where the main provisions of this complex of normative documents are given.)

A set of automation tools for an automated system; KSA AC:

The totality of all components of the AS, with the exception of people ().

Sources(which are not named directly in the text)

  1. Webster's New World Dictionary of Computer Terms, Fourth edition, 1993.
  2. GOST 34.003-90. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. Terms and Definitions.
  3. D. Meister, J. Rabideau, Engineering-psychological assessment in the development of control systems. "Soviet Radio", M. 1970.
  4. Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary, M., “Russian Language”, 1991.
  5. Information systems in economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. V.V. Dick. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.
  6. GOST R ISO/IEC 12207-99. Information technology. Software life cycle processes. STATE STANDARD OF RUSSIA. Moscow, 1999.

Zinder Evgeniy Zakharovich,
editor-in-chief of DIS magazine, director of the analytical and design bureau "Group 24".
You can write to him at the following addresses:

Information system (IP) - a system designed to store, retrieve and process information, and the associated organizational resources (human, technical, financial, etc.) that provide and disseminate the information (ISO/IEC 2382:2015).

The information system is designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner, that is, to meet specific information needs within a certain subject area, while the result of the functioning of information systems is information products- documents, information arrays, databases and information services.

The concept of an information system is interpreted differently depending on the context.

A fairly broad understanding of an information system implies that its integral components are data, hardware and software, as well as personnel and organizational arrangements. The federal law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” broadly interprets the concept of “information system”, meaning by an information system the totality of information contained in databases and the information technologies and technical means that ensure its processing.

Among Russian computer scientists, the broadest definition of IS is given by M. R. Kogalovsky, according to whom the concept of an information system, in addition to data, programs, hardware and human resources, should also include communication equipment, linguistic means and information resources, which together form a system that provides “support for a dynamic information model of some part of the real world to meet the information needs of users”:59.

A narrower understanding of an information system limits its composition to data, programs and hardware. The integration of these components allows you to automate the processes of information management and targeted activities of end users aimed at obtaining, modifying and storing information. Thus, the Russian standard GOST RV 51987 defines an information system as “an automated system, the result of which is the presentation of output information for subsequent use.” GOST R 53622-2009 uses the term information computing system to denote a collection of data (or databases), database management systems and application programs that operate on computing resources as a single unit to solve specific problems.

In an organization's activities, an information system is considered as software that implements the organization's business strategy. At the same time, it is good practice to create and deploy a unified corporate information system that satisfies the information needs of all employees, services and departments of the organization. However, in practice, the creation of such a comprehensive information system is too difficult or even impossible, as a result of which the enterprise usually operates several different systems that solve separate groups of tasks: production management, financial and economic activities, electronic document management, etc. Some tasks are “covered” simultaneously by several information systems, some tasks are not automated at all. This situation is called “patchwork automation” and is quite typical for many enterprises.

Classification by architecture

  • desktop (desktop), or local
  • distributed (distributed
  • file-server
  • client-server

In client-server IS, the database and DBMS are located on the server, and only client applications are located on workstations.

two-link And multi-link.

In two-link (English) two-tier) IS there are only two types of “links”: the database server on which the database and DBMS are located (back-end), and workstations on which client applications are located (front-end). Client applications access the DBMS directly.

In multi-link multi-tierapplication servers). User client applications do not access the DBMS directly; they interact with intermediate links. A typical example of the use of a three-tier architecture is modern web applications that use databases. In such applications, in addition to the DBMS link and the client link running in a web browser, there is at least one intermediate link - a web server with the corresponding server software.

  • automated
  • automatic


  • information and reference, or information retrieval information systems
  • Data Processing IC, or decisive IP

  • Economic information system is an information system designed to perform management functions at an enterprise.
  • Medical information system is an information system intended for use in a medical or treatment-and-prophylactic institution.
  • Geographic information system - an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, access, display and dissemination of spatially coordinated data (spatial data).

Classification by task coverage (scale)

  • Personal The IS is designed to solve a certain range of problems for one person.
  • Group IS is focused on the collective use of information by members of a work group or unit.
  • Corporate IS automates all business processes of an entire enterprise (organization) or a significant part of them:73, achieving their complete information consistency, redundancy and transparency. Such systems are sometimes called enterprise information systems And integrated enterprise automation systems.


According to research by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, as of 2015, professions related to the IT industry (database administrator, programmer, web and multimedia application developer, network and system administrator, information resources specialist, information systems specialist, telecommunications service specialist, technician information security) are included in the list of the 50 most in-demand professions in Russia. The developers of the list examined 1,620 professions and surveyed more than 13.3 thousand organizations.

Information system is:

Information system

Term information system (IS) used in both a broad and narrow sense.

IN in a broad sense An information system is a set of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel, designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.

Also, the concept of an information system is interpreted in a fairly broad sense by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”: “an information system is a set of information contained in databases and information technologies that ensure its processing and technical means".

One of the broadest definitions of IS was given by M. R. Kogalovsky: “an information system is a complex that includes computing and communication equipment, software, linguistic tools and information resources, as well as system personnel and provides support for a dynamic information model of some part of the real world to satisfy information needs of users."

The ISO/IEC 2382-1 standard defines it as follows: “An information system is an information processing system that works in conjunction with organizational resources, such as people, facilities and financial resources, that provide and distribute information.”

Russian GOST RV 51987 defines an information system as “an automated system, the result of which is the presentation of output information for subsequent use.”

IN in the narrow sense An information system refers to only a subset of IS components in a broad sense, including databases, DBMSs and specialized application programs. An IS in the narrow sense is considered as a hardware and software system designed to automate the targeted activities of end users, providing, in accordance with the processing logic embedded in it, the ability to obtain, modify and store information.

In any case, the main task of IS is to satisfy specific information needs within a specific subject area. Modern information systems are de facto unthinkable without the use of databases and DBMS, therefore the term “information system” in practice merges in meaning with the term “database system”.

Ideally, a unified corporate information system should operate within the enterprise, satisfying all existing information needs of all employees, services and departments. However, in practice, the creation of such a comprehensive IS is too difficult or even impossible, as a result of which an enterprise usually operates several different IS that solve separate groups of tasks: production management, financial and economic activities, etc. Some tasks are “covered” simultaneously by several IS, Some tasks are not automated at all. This situation is called “patchwork automation” and is quite typical for many enterprises.

Classifications of information systems

Classification by architecture

According to the degree of distribution they are distinguished:

  • desktop (desktop), or local IS in which all components (DB, DBMS, client applications) are located on one computer;
  • distributed (distributed) ICs in which components are distributed across several computers.

Distributed information systems, in turn, are divided into:

  • file-server IS (IS with file-server architecture);
  • client-server IS (IS with client-server architecture).

In file server IS, the database is located on the file server, and the DBMS and client applications are located on workstations.

In client-server IS, the database and DBMS are located on the server, and client applications are located on workstations.

In turn, client-server ISs are divided into two-link And multi-link.

In two-link (English) two-tier) IS there are only two types of “links”: the database server on which the database and DBMS are located (back-end), and workstations on which client applications are located (front-end). Client applications access the DBMS directly.

In multi-link multi-tier) IS, intermediate “links” are added: application servers ( application servers). User client applications do not access the DBMS directly; they interact with intermediate links. A typical example of the use of multi-tiers is modern web applications that use databases. In such applications, in addition to the DBMS link and the client link running in a web browser, there is at least one intermediate link - a web server with the corresponding server software.

Classification by degree of automation

According to the degree of automation, IS are divided into:

  • automated: information systems in which automation may be incomplete (that is, constant personnel intervention is required);
  • automatic: Information systems in which automation is complete, that is, no human intervention is required or is required only occasionally.

“Manual IS” (“without a computer”) cannot exist, since existing definitions prescribe mandatory the presence of hardware and software in the IS. As a result of this, the concepts “automated information system”, “computer information system” and simply “information system” are synonymous.

Classification by the nature of data processing

Based on the nature of data processing, information systems are divided into:

  • information and reference, or information retrieval information systems, in which there are no complex data processing algorithms, and the purpose of the system is to search and provide information in a convenient form;
  • Data Processing IC, or decisive IP, in which data is processed using complex algorithms. Such systems primarily include automated control systems and decision support systems.

Classification by area of ​​application

Since ISs are created to satisfy information needs within a specific subject area, each subject area (field of application) has its own type of IS. It makes no sense to list all these types, since the number of subject areas is large, but the following types of IS can be cited as an example:

System(system - a whole made up of parts; Greek) is a set of elements that interact with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.

System architecture– a set of system properties that are significant for the user.

System element– part of the system that has a specific functional purpose. Elements consisting of simple interconnected elements are often called subsystems.

System organization– internal order, consistency in the interaction of system elements, manifested, in particular, in limiting the diversity of the state of elements within the system.

System structure– composition, order and principles of interaction of system elements, determining the basic properties of the system. If individual elements of the system are distributed across different levels and are characterized by internal connections, then they speak of a hierarchical structure of the system. Adding to the concept system words informational reflects the purpose of its creation and operation. Information systems provide collection, storage, processing, retrieval, and issuance of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any area. They help analyze problems and create new information products.

Information system is an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in the interests of achieving a set goal. The modern understanding of an information system involves the use of a computer as the main technical means of processing information. In addition, the technical implementation of an information system in itself will not mean anything if the role of the person for whom the information produced is intended and without whom its receipt and presentation is impossible is not taken into account.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical basis and tool for information systems. An information system is unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

In a legal sense Information system is defined as “an organizationally ordered set of documents (an array of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes” [RF Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” dated 02.20.1995, No. 24 -FZ].

Processes occurring in information systems

Information process– “the process of creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and consuming information” [Law of the Russian Federation “On participation in information exchange” dated 07/04/1996, No. 85-FZ].

Information resource– these are individual documents and separate arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems) [Law of the Russian Federation “On participation in information exchange”].

In the regulatory aspect document is defined as information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified. Process documenting turns information into information resources.

The processes that ensure the operation of an information system for any purpose can be conventionally represented as consisting of the following blocks:

    entering information from external or internal sources;

    processing input information and presenting it in a convenient form;

    outputting information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

    Feedback is information processed by people of a given organization to correct input information.

Information processes are implemented using information procedures, implementing one or another mechanism for processing input information into a specific result.

The following types of information procedures are distinguished:

    Fully formalized, during which the algorithm for processing information remains unchanged and is completely defined (search, accounting, storage, transmission of information, printing documents, calculations on models).

    Informalizable information procedures, during which new unique information is created, and the algorithm for processing the initial information is unknown (formation of a set of choice alternatives, selection of one option from the resulting set).

    Poorly formalized information procedures, during which the algorithm for processing information can change and is not completely defined (planning problem, assessing the effectiveness of economic policy options).

Functions of information departments, creating and maintaining information systems (administrator service): notification and processing of requests; maintaining the integrity and security of information; periodic revision of information; automation of information indexing.

In general, information systems are determined by the following properties:

    any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of general principles for building systems;

    the information system is dynamic and developing;

    when building an information system, it is necessary to use a systematic approach;

    the output of the information system is information on the basis of which decisions are made;

    An information system should be perceived as a human-machine information processing system.

The introduction of information systems can contribute to:

    obtaining more rational options for solving management problems through the introduction of mathematical methods;

    freeing workers from routine work due to its automation;

    ensuring the reliability of information;

    improving the structure of information flows (including the document flow system);

    providing consumers with unique services;

    reducing costs for the production of products and services (including information).

Information system concept







In the past, information was considered the domain of bureaucratic work and a limited tool for decision-making. Today, information is considered as one of the main resources for the development of society, and information systems and technologies as a means of increasing the productivity and efficiency of people.

Information systems and technologies are most widely used in production, management and financial activities, although shifts have begun in the consciousness of people employed in other areas regarding the need for their implementation and active use. This determined the angle from which the main areas of their application will be considered. The main attention is paid to the consideration of information systems and technologies from the standpoint of using their capabilities to improve the labor efficiency of workers in the information sphere of production and support decision-making in organizations (firms).

Purpose of the section- outline the main ideas associated with the use of information systems and information technologies, introduce the existing variety of types of systems that determine the appropriate information technology for working on a personal computer in order to support decision-making.


Ø Concept of information system and information technology

Ø Concepts, ideas, problems of information systems and technologies

Ø The role of information systems and technologies in the organization’s development strategy

Ø Signs of classification of information systems and technologies

Ø Structure of a typical information system

Ø Main types of functional information systems in companies

Ø Components of information technology

Ø The essence of information technologies: data processing, management, office automation, decision support, expert systems

· General overview

· The role of the management structure in the information system

· Examples of information systems

In scientific and technical literature the terms “ system », « control system », « automated control system », « automated information systems ».

The word "system" comes from the Greek systema , which means whole, composed of parts or many elements connected to each other and forming a certain integrity, unity.

The concept of “system” has a wide scope of application.

Under system is understood a set of elements or parts connected with each other and with the external environment, the functioning of which is aimed at obtaining a specific useful result.

In accordance with this definition, almost every economic object can be considered as a system that strives in its functioning to achieve a certain goal. As an example, we can name the education system, energy, transport, economic, etc.

The system is characterized by the following basic properties:

· complexity;

· divisibility;

· integrity;

· variety of elements and differences in their nature;

· structure.

System complexity depends on the many components included in it, their structural interaction, as well as the complexity of internal and external connections and dynamism.

Divisibility of the system means that it consists of a number of subsystems or elements, identified according to a certain characteristic that meets specific goals and objectives.

System integrity means that the functioning of many elements of the system is subordinated to a single goal.

Variety of elements systems and the differences in their nature are associated with their functional specificity and autonomy. For example, in the material system of an object associated with the transformation of material and energy resources, elements such as raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, semi-finished products, spare parts, finished products, labor and monetary resources can be identified.

System structure determines the presence of established connections and relationships between elements within the system, the distribution of system elements across hierarchy levels.

Thus under system understand any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a collection of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving set goals. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals.

Example 1.1. Here are several systems consisting of different elements and aimed at achieving different goals.

Management is the most important function, without which the purposeful activity of any socio-economic, organizational and production system (enterprise, organization, territory) is unthinkable.

A system that implements control functions is called control system. The most important functions implemented by this system are forecasting, planning, accounting, analysis, control and regulation.

Control is associated with the exchange of information between the components of the system, as well as the system with the environment. In the management process, information is obtained about the state of the system at each moment in time, about the achievement (or non-achievement) of a given goal in order to influence the system and ensure the implementation of management decisions.

In computer science, the concept of “system” is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of technical tools and programs. The hardware of a computer can be called a system. A system can also be considered a set of programs for solving specific application problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations.

Adding the word “information” to the concept of “system” reflects the purpose of its creation and operation. Information systems provide collection, storage, processing, retrieval, and issuance of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

INFORMATION SYSTEM- an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in the interests of achieving a set goal.

The modern understanding of an information system assumes the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of information processing. In large organizations, along with a personal computer, the technical base of the information system may include a mainframe or supercomputer. In addition, the technical implementation of an information system in itself will not mean anything if the role of the person for whom the information produced is intended and without whom its receipt and presentation is impossible is not taken into account.

Attention! Under ORGANIZATION we will understand a community of people united by common goals and using common material and financial means to produce material and information products and services. In the text, two words will be used on an equal basis: “organization” and “company”.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical basis and tool for information systems. An information system is unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

Thus, any management system of an economic object has its own information system, called an economic information system.

Economic Information System (EIS) - This a set of internal and external flows of direct and feedback information communication of an economic object, methods, means, specialists involved in the process of information processing and the development of management decisions.

The information system is a system of information services for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. It develops, is formed and functions in accordance with the regulations determined by the methods and structure of management activities adopted at a specific economic entity, and implements the goals and objectives facing it.

The current level of informatization of society predetermines the use of the latest technical, technological, and software tools in various information systems of economic objects.

Automated Information System (AIS) represents totality information , economic and mathematical methods And models, technical, software, technological means And specialists, intended for information processing And making management decisions.

The set of software, technical, organizational support and personnel, which is designed to provide the right people with the information they need in a timely manner, is called an information system. In this article we will talk in more detail about what an information system is and provide information about some types of existing systems.

Information system

The second article of the Law on Information provides the following definition of IP: an information system is a set of information contained in databases and the technical means and information technologies that ensure its processing.

Signs of IP:

  • Performing one or more functions in relation to information;
  • System unity, implying the presence of a common file base, common standards and protocols, unified management, etc.;
  • The ability to create compositions and decompositions of system objects to perform specified functions.

Basic requirements for IP:

  • Efficiency;
  • Quality of operation: consistency with standards, accuracy, security;
  • Reliability. The system should not fail at the following thresholds: information quality, access time, performance,
  • Safety.

What is an automated information system

An automated information system is an interconnected set of software, data, standards, equipment, procedures and personnel, which is designed for processing and collecting, storing, distributing and issuing information and meets the requirements that arise from the goals of a particular organization.

In essence, AIS is a man-machine system based on automated technology for obtaining information used to optimize the management process and information support for personnel in specific activities.

Due to the formalization of processing processes and the complexity of structuring information, automation of information procedures is difficult. The degree of automation of information processes can range from ten to twenty percent.

What is an information retrieval system

The definition of an information retrieval system is as follows: an information retrieval system is an applied computer environment designed for searching, collecting, processing, sorting, storing and filtering large-scale arrays of information in a structured form.

IPS, information retrieval systems are designed to solve certain types of problems, characterized by their own set of objects and their characteristics.

IRS, information retrieval systems are divided into:

  1. Documentographic. In such information retrieval systems, indexing of all stored documents is carried out in a special way. Each individual document is given an individual code, which constitutes the search image. That is, the search will be conducted based on search images, and not on the documents themselves. Thus, one usually searches for literature in large libraries. Using the number indicated on the catalog card, the required book is found.
  2. Factual. These information retrieval systems store facts, not documents; these facts relate to a particular subject area. The search is carried out according to a sample fact.

Information retrieval systems, IRS include 2 parts of the database:

  • The database is precisely the database itself;
  • DBMS is a database management system.

A database is a collection of structured data that relates to a specific subject area.

DBMS is a set of language and software tools that are necessary to create databases, keep them up to date, and organize searches for the necessary information in them.

The most famous are such DBMS as Microsoft Access, Dbase, FoxPro, Clipper, Paradox.

What is a corporate information system

Any large company, and a fast-growing one at that, will sooner or later face the problem of systematizing information and automation processes that will be involved in processing this information.

At the beginning of the development of an organization, it is possible for employees to use standard office applications, but over time, the constant growth in volumes of information will pose the task of organizing a Corporate Information System (CIS) for the company.

CIS, Corporate Information System is a scalable system that is designed for comprehensive automation of the economic activities of organizations, corporations, and companies that require unified management.

The implementation of the CIS, Corporate Information System, will give the following results:

  • Increased resistance to external influences, flexibility and internal control.
  • Increasing the company's competitiveness and efficiency.
  • Reducing the cost of goods and services.
  • Reducing warehouse inventories.
  • Increase in sales of goods and services.
  • Improving interaction with suppliers.
  • Reducing order fulfillment times.

All this will contribute to the implementation of the main goal of the CIS, corporate information system, which is to increase the profitability of the organization through the most efficient use of all company resources and improving the quality of management decisions made by management.

We hope that everyone who was interested in the question of what an information system is could find the answer to it in this article.

The article by Nikolai Mikhailovsky, published in this issue of the magazine, rightly points out the confusion in IT terminology. This confusion covers not only the concepts of “information system” (IS) and “IS architecture”; it is not at all harmless and often makes it difficult in practice to clearly determine what is the subject of development in a particular project: the IS, only its QCA (see below) or the system (AS) as a whole?

To try to clarify the matter, below are key definitions from regulatory documents and, for comparison, from more general sources. Definitions were selected from the working materials of the author of this note, which were in addition to the main materials of courses for specialists and managers. (This explains the presence of comments and the free arrangement of material in this note - after all, this is not a glossary!) That is why this is said: practice has repeatedly shown that a glossary is not enough. Creating a common "conceptual space" - among at least ten course participants - requires another half hour to an hour of discussion to obtain the same understanding of such things as "system", "IS" and "QCA". Finally, we regret to note that outside the scope of the note there was material that could clarify what “System engineering” is, software architecture and other important processes and subjects of designing, designing and using systems.


A complex consisting of processes, hardware, software, devices and personnel that has the ability to satisfy established needs or goals ().

Note: quite close to the definition of an automated system (AS) in GOST 34.

Automated system (AS):

In the process of functioning, an automated system is a collection of a set of automation tools, organizational, methodological and technological documents and specialists who use them in the course of their professional activities. (From the guidelines RD 50-680-88 series of GOST 34 standards for automated systems (AS).)

A comment.
Recent years have been marked by a qualitative expansion of the meaning of the term “system”, reflected in the documents of international committees and professional societies focused on IT. There is a transition to an interpretation that is even broader than indicated in, due to the explicit inclusion of components of other types (materials, methods, etc.). In this regard, the relevance of the broader use of the term “information management system” (see, for example, in) and the narrower use of the term “information system” (see below) is growing.

Information system (IS):

1) a system designed for collecting, transmitting, processing, storing and issuing information to consumers and consisting of the following main components:

  • software,
  • Information Support,
  • technical means,
  • service staff ().

2) Information system - The collection of people, procedures, and equipment designed, built, operated, and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, and display information ().

A comment.
IS is initially considered as a system indifferent to the specific goals of users, similar to an automatic telephone exchange, a general-purpose library or a station information service, which provides its information services as a subsystem or related system to a more general system: an enterprise, city, industry, country, etc. (cm. ). Let us note once again that too often IP is understood as a variety of things - from KSA to AC.

The standards contain a clear definition of the technical concept “IT system”, which is often required to be used instead of IS. So in GOST R ISO/IEC TO 10000-1-99 it is defined

Information technology system (IT system):

A set of information technology resources that provides services over one or more interfaces. (This is close to the concept of “complex of automation equipment” in the guidelines RD 50-680-88 from GOST 34, where the main provisions of this complex of normative documents are given.)

A set of automation tools for an automated system; KSA AC:

The totality of all components of the AS, with the exception of people ().

Sources(which are not named directly in the text)

  1. Webster's New World Dictionary of Computer Terms, Fourth edition, 1993.
  2. GOST 34.003-90. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. Terms and Definitions.
  3. D. Meister, J. Rabideau, Engineering-psychological assessment in the development of control systems. "Soviet Radio", M. 1970.
  4. Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary, M., “Russian Language”, 1991.
  5. Information systems in economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. V.V. Dick. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.
  6. GOST R ISO/IEC 12207-99. Information technology. Software life cycle processes. STATE STANDARD OF RUSSIA. Moscow, 1999.

Zinder Evgeniy Zakharovich,
editor-in-chief of DIS magazine, director of the analytical and design bureau "Group 24".
You can write to him at the following addresses:

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