How to make a mass newsletter in instagram. Promotion in Instagram in a couple of clicks! Mass mailing in Direct Instagram

How to make a mass newsletter in instagram. Promotion in Instagram in a couple of clicks! Mass mailing in Direct Instagram


Instagram Today is not only one of the most popular social networks, but also an excellent playground to promote your business. At the moment, an approximate number of participants is more than 20 million. These are people of completely different ages and interests. In addition, most of them are solvent people who have smartphones with a good camera. Moreover, studies show that a significant part of such Apple brand phones.

This article will consider the extremely necessary tool to promote in this social network, namely, sending to the Instagram directory, methods and necessary programs.

There are several ways to draw attention to promoted goods and services. One of them is the mass distribution of messages to the Instagram directory. Such a distribution allows you to send text messages, photos and videos users. At the same time, they are not displayed in the tape, but remain in confidential correspondence. You can send not only subscribers, but also to all interesting users. The degree of efficiency depends on the procedure for such a tool.

The main directions here are:

  1. Spam is sending product advertising to all possible users, the list of users is configured by certain criteria.
  2. Newsletter subscribers information about new promotions, draws, products and services.
  3. Welcome message for subscribers.
  4. Newsletter with invitation to cooperation possible advertisers.

Mass distribution methods in Instagram

Instagram protects its subscribers from excessive advertising and activity. It is known that there are restrictions on certain actions - sending messages, adding to subscribers, and more.

  • Sending manually - free, but quite costly in time. If a young and subscriber business account is a bit, then this is the best way. At the same time, this is a secure way - you do not need to transfer your login and password to third-party persons.
  • Miscellaneous genus online program is no longer free of charge, which is also not always convenient.
  • Specialized programs are the fastest way, not free and requires certain skills. At the same time, if the work is conducted from several devices - each will have to install a specific program supplement.

Mailing in Instagram Direct for free

By type sending messages to the directory, instagram is subdivided as follows: to each new subscriber, all already signed accounts, according to certain lists. At the same time, it is possible to set up sending to those who have not yet been signed - the criteria are defined (age, interests, gender, place of residence or others) and the installed program is already working.

Independent sending each message not only takes up a large amount of time, but also can cause an account blocking. The same messages sent even to their subscribers, the Instagram security program will perceive as spam newsletter. In some cases it is simply inconvenient. For example, when you need to send a welcome message to a new subscriber. In this case, the user comes notice, but it is not always convenient to track and make timely sending.

How to make a newsletter in the directory Instagram: Instruction

To maintain a serious business profile, it is still worth using the necessary programs. All methods for configuration are similar, although it is necessary to learn to work with each interface. As a result, the profile receives an automated message distribution system, and the account owner is an increase in subscribers, customers, income. Today there are several proven programs with which you can safely work.

Mailing in direct instagram via programs

The trial period of programs is short enough - an average of 3-10 days. Perhaps there are free programs for mailing - but only if the system itself is young and it is necessary to increase its recognition and popularity and is still unknown whether it will work. It is better to give preference to the already proven services.

Service is one of the most popular. 3 unpaid days is given on the sample. After - payment of 790 rubles per month. This is the price of one service - Promotion, mailing or comments ,. They are paid separately and on each account including. In use, the service is quite simple. For automatic mailing follows instructions:

  1. Registration on the site (fairly simple).
  2. Tab "Direct".
  3. Then "New Message".
  4. In the window that opens, the necessary text is gained, you can attach an image.
  5. And further - "activate".

The newsletter can be stopped at any time, change the account list or other settings. The main disadvantage is the cost of services. Here you need to repel from the available funds and potentially probable profits.

Idirect IO service

The next popularity is The free period is 7 days. In previous versions of the program, only one profile was allowed. Today it is possible to lead several accounts, for everyone will have to make 100 rubles per month. Work scheme is simple:

  • Non-flat registration.
  • Creating a list (or lists) of users for mailing.
  • "Create" button.
  • In the field that appears, the required message is recruited. At the same time, it is possible to create different variations of one message - in curly brackets through the vertical direct line are recorded ((good day | Hello | Welcome)). This will greatly protect the account from the rapid ban for the mailing of the same messages.
  • Selection of users (from already created lists).
  • Run button.

The procedure is simple, but a significant disadvantage remains a set of target accounts manually. Takes a large part of the time and strength. At the same time, the service has minimal features of functionality. For novice owners with a small number of subscribers - it may be the basic option.

Another interesting program is Instagram Direct Sender. The system is paid. There are several nuances in the work. Scheme of work Next:

  1. Creating a text document with the necessary user base.
  2. Tab "Upload Accounts", it is here that the text file is poured.
  3. After adding the database - the "Settings" button. Here there are distribution modes to choose from: "answering machine" - for new subscribers, "spammer" - for advertising newsletters, etc.
  4. Start button.

Tariff policy

You can not immediately use all the systems if there is no good experience. This is fraught with an Instagram Social Network Protective Program. It is quite problematic to get out of such a ban.

One way to verify the work of programs - tests on secondary profiles. You can produce a "run-up" and choose the option that will satisfy and with financial and from a practical point of view. Create such accounts in advance. They also need to fill, subscribers, an activation period for at least a month. Better when there are several of them. In this case, there will be no risk of losing the necessary main account and get under strict rules and network sanctions.

These are the basic principles of working on sending messages through programs for sending to Direct. It is worth trying all the well-known and unknown methods, only so you can get a real response and real income from the created profile.

User RusLankovalchuk, SMM specialist:

"My name is Ruslan Kovalchuk. I am engaged in promotion in instagram. Zengram service has been actively used for 3 months.
On this platform, you can not just wind yourself subscribers in Instagram, but also find new customers and make real sales. Because the cheating on this service only on the target live audience instagram, without bots. Moreover, you can run the function of laying the news feed of your subscribers in instagram, and even commenting on their posts on the full automata! Everything is clear, quickly and without interruptions. Zengram service is excellent, I recommend it to everyone! "

User user - blogger, leading marathon desires:

"I know how to fulfill dreams and move towards the goal. My project is a marathon of desires in which I can teach everyone to correctly formulate goals and implement the intended. Promotion in the zendrams helps me to constantly recruit an active audience, ready to participate in my project. It is very easy to launch promotion on zendons - set up once, you start and all subscribers and applications for participation begin to come by themselves. People began to subscribe the day after the launch of the free period. The individual consultation of the SMM manager helped to understand, develop a concept for promoting services and gave recommendations for maintaining an instagram profile. Now I am engaged in loved things, and profile! :) "

User fromheadForheart, handmade workshop:

"My name is Eugene and I do the needlework. To attract customers, I registered in Instagram, but it was very difficult to find people who would be interested in my creativity.
The solution stumbled upon the Zengram website! I never used like this, but I wanted to attract attention.
On the Zengram website there was a "Try free" function, and I liked it! Very easy to figure out, and most importantly - works effectively!
Launched Masluking, subscribers and customers were themselves, put huskies and comments while I was doing a favorite thing! And even if there was some small failure, the technical support was actively talked, and after compensated for lost time!
Just a great assistant website for the promotion of my account. Thank you, Zengram! "

User _ermil_, photographer:

"Instagram for me is not only a platform with beautiful photos, but also a place where I find my potential customers.

Previously, I myself handed like huskies, wrote comments in Instagram to those who, as I assumed, my account could be interested. It took a lot of time and strength.

Zengram has become a real discovery for me. I tried a free test period and decided to continue working with it. I liked that it is relatively inexpensive, unlike many other services. It is very cool that everything is simple and understandable. You can manually configure whom and with what frequency it will be like. Select geolocation work, hashthegam or competitors accounts. And also, who is laiking competitors in the Instashpion service.

Since I do not like massfolloving, then unsubscribe, subscriptions and comments can be disabled, leave only huskies. I am only occasionally I go and myself I am changing the settings you need, and I also check the statistics of the Instagram account, the rest of the service is done for me, including cleaning from bots. For 4 months, only Likes service helped to attract about 3,000 subscribers, which is quite good.

I am very pleased and will be happy to use them. "

User Pragueinabox, Tour Organization:

User Skvorcovalexander, travel blog:

User kruzhki.karaganda, mugs and t-shirts to order:

"Like any entrepreneur who starts and not only decided its account in Instagram.

Has a difficult choice of service on promotion in instagram, there are many of them on the Internet for every taste and color.

Already in the first 7 days (by the way, they are provided free of charge at registration) the number of subscribers exceeded 1000.

Without thinking, extended a subscription.! The settings have everything you need to attract target followers. There is a very interesting and useful feature - account statistics, involvement, analysis of subscribers, where I, in general, and keep track of the target audience. As well as instashpion to track the activity of competitors, an assistee from unnecessary subscribers. Well, and most importantly, let's go with Instagram, let him a little, but went.

With my 2500 subscribers 2-4 clients per week come stable, I have already paid off your investment in the promotion))

I wish the team of service site success in development!

Well, I myself will develop with you !! "

User _s_tany_s_, artist:

"Not so long ago, I started using not only for personal purposes, but also to attract potential customers.

The fact is that I am engaged in writing portraits to order. Thanks to Zengram, I get about 1,000 new per month, and most importantly, real.

Most audiences from my city, so the number of orders for portraits has increased. In addition, activity has noticeably increased, it became more likes at posts, comments appeared. Now you can easily forget about the useless cheating of bots. You can unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions. It is very easy to follow the activity of subscribers in analytics, and their sympathies in the instashpion.

I want to say a special thank you for reasonable prices. In my opinion, this is one of the most convenient and efficient services for promoting the account. I will definitely continue to use the zendgram to promote the profile in instagram and on. "

User Denpanov, photographer:

"I started photographed from the moment I had a smartphone.

At first, it was just a photo for yourself, but with the advent of instagram, the hobby began to take more and more free time.

But so that you notice and appreciate your work, you need to prepare your account in terms of work on working on a photo, prepare your account.

Zengram service just gives this opportunity, helping to show your creativity to others. Pleased free trial period. Cleaning from bots allows you to show my photos to other users more often. Having flexible and simple subscription settings, comments, analysts, the site can easily enable the opportunity to make a novice photographer into the world of a large photo. However, do not forget about the important thing about the content itself. Without steep work, the zengram functionality will not fully fully. Good luck! "

User spbplanta1, landscape design:

"Zengram service is very convenient to use when promoting a profile in instagram.

You can configure promotion simultaneously by different parameters: put like, write comments, subscribe and unsubscribe.

It is extremely useful for promoting an account in Instagram Setting the target audience: on location, hashtags and accounts. Benefit and service instashpion.

In using the interface.

Very helps the analysis of the analysis of the involvement and structure of subscribers.

And, which is important, the technical support service is always promptly answering questions, and helps in solving problems. Thank you so much!"

User 144_hours, personality development specialist:

"Approximately a year ago I decided to start conducting your own blog in Instagram. It seemed to me that my topic would be very in demand in modern society, and I began to look for a way how to convey my idea to people.

Searching for options on the Internet, I came across the ZenGram service. Interested in a variety of functions for promotion, unsubsion, writing welcomers, analysis of subscribers and tracking likes. I tried a free period. People began to subscribe, put husky and write comments. Acquired a subscription. Already for the first month of work, I am a little more than 1000 people. The activity of the live audience was also pleasantly surprised me.

Today I have about 3,000 thousand subscribers. And this is not the limit! Perhaps if I read a variety of manuals for the use of the service and did not make long pauses in the account of the account, I would have already 10, or even 20 thousand subscribers. But everything is ahead! I plan to use the zendram and on. Very profitable to buy service services for 2 months or more. Thanks to the developers for helping me to unwind in Instagram! "

User Myamishop Products for creativity:

"Thanks to your blog, I decided to try) the maximum simple setting, a transparent system that can be tracked in real time. I really liked it! We have a narrow profile specialization - yarn and materials for creating knitted toys. The topic is interesting to those who knit these toys or is going to start knitting. And even at the same time, for 5 test days we have 150 new subscribers \u003d potential. We connected the autodirek. And we offer a discount for the first order.

Very necessary! Honestly, I used to do not even occur to me how important it is to say hello, give a new subscriber

If you get 10 tons of grain from hectare, and for prosperity you need 100 tons, you have two ways. Extensive - buy another 9 hectares of land. Intensive - Buy fertilizers, combine and literate agronomas services to get from hectare not 10 tons, and 100.

What nonsense, what does this have to do with the instagram?

Tell the story about two buddies, Andrei and Sergey. Both use instagram to keep businesses - sell different interesting things.

Suppose it is Sergey

Sergey chose the path for which 99.99% of his colleagues goes. He seeks to gain as many subscribers as possible, actively uses massolong and masslaking. Previously, this was enough - people moved to his profile, watched photos, saw offers, bought. Not so actively, as if I would like, but it was enough for a peaceful life.

Then things went worse, then even worse - competition increased, it became less transitions, the percentage of buyers also decreased sharply.

Efforts that previously brought a hundred rubles now bring ten. And tomorrow will bring the ruble.

Sergey believes that nothing can be done here, the income drop can compensate for the only way - to gain more and more subscribers. Someone from them will buy. Necessarily. May be.

Sergey looks like a farmer who plows more and more land to compensate for the reduction of yield.

And this is Andrey

Andrei went another expensive. He has nothing against the set of new subscribers and actively attracts them. But he is convinced that the receipt of the subscriber is only the first, the most primitive step towards the transformation of the subscriber to the buyer and the client.

And so that the person bought something to something, first, first, talk. Just so that your virtual relations have become at least a degree warmer zero. And secondly, he needs to make an offer when he is ready for this or at least predisposed.

For example, Andrei recently made such a thing - he held a contest and played the prize. The prize was a product that Andrei sells. When the competition ended - he summed up, chose the winner and handed him a prize.

As you can see, the situation is standard, many do this. But where these many finish, Andrei did everything just started. He collected accounts of all who Laikal and commented on the competition and summarize.

25% of those who received them answered letters. Conversion to buyers amounted to 9%. And at the same time he did not have to be massively spaming, risking to please under sanctions. Andrei wrote only those who have already shown interest in the product, hence the result.

That is, Andrei, unlike Sergey, chose an intense development path, a much more efficient and higher "harvest". He understands that he needs not subscribers as such, but buyers. And learns how to turn first to turn first efforts.

If you learned in Sergey yourself and your business - you should now be very scary. No example is known to humanity when the extensive path would win intensive even in the medium term.

But let's finish with metaphors and proceed to more specific things.

With the technical side of creating and running mailing you will figure it out. And we will talk about some mailing scenarios. But first of the main thing:

  • Direct mailing through the installer is not a mass spam tool, it is a tool that facilitates sales personalization.

Scenarios and Cases

Of course, scripts can be much more than those we will tell about. You yourself will think of them and implement after try to embody the approach about which we have already said.

Once again briefly repeat what it is:

  • You need not subscribers, but buyers
  • Need to sell those who are interested
  • Communication increases trust and interest

Scenario "Letter-greeting".

The purpose of this scenario is to segment new subscribers and highlight those who read a message in Direct.

To do this, we write several welcome options to those who have just subscribed (for example, for past 24 hours). We tell about yourself, the subject of your account, ask the question of the interests of the subscriber, etc.

The meaning of our actions in this case is the establishment of contact.

As a result of this scenario, our new subscribers are divided into three groups:

Those who ignored our letter;

Those who read it;

Those who read and answered something.

The most valuable subscribers for us relate to the second and third group. But we are not discarding the first group with accounts, you still can still work with it - they did not read and did not answer this letter, they can respond to some other.

Because there is actually another group of subscribers, which our greeting revealed is those who saw our message and did not want to communicate. I did not want so much as unsubscribed from our account. And this is good - we immediately got rid of those who are categorically not configured to contact. They would still not be able to sell anyway.

Scenario "After Competition"

We have already described the first scenario in the story about the competition, which conducted Andrei. We repeat the algorithm itself. Do you choose those who have shown interest in your product (whether people are not interested, why would they comment on the competition?) And after the end of the competition - send them a message with the proposal for a product discount. Of course, not everyone respond to the letter and not everyone will buy. But the conversion in any case will be higher than with the "cold" mailing list.

Quickly collect profiles of all commenting will help the service.

For instaplus users, it is free.

What is good in this scenario? It is not tied to niche and can be used in any. The main thing here is the work on the "warm" audience, for those who have already shown interest.

Cold and warm

In general, all mailing through the directrate can be divided into "cold" and "warm", depending on the degree of readiness of the addressee to contact with you. And here it is worth using the principle "Never sell a cold audience". If you start breaking to people in private messages and push them some absolutely not interesting links and offers - they will not be happy to you. You will not sell anything, and you also get complaints.

In working with a cold audience there is a major rule - "Warm". Profit contact.

Ask about interests, ask permission to talk about what you can offer. Yes, even stupidly "Hello, how are you," is already good to establish contact.

The second rule is "segmented", that is, share your subscribers to groups for some criteria. For interests, field of activity, region - depending on what is going to offer.

Sharing greetings to all new subscribers, you immediately highlight those who read messages in the Direct. Asking questions, you clarify that a person may be interested in what you are able to offer.

All these techniques work on the "insulation of contact". Of course, most of your addressees will be quite aware that you are interested in them not just like that, but you are going to make some sentence. So what? This in any case is much better than stupidly with the threshold to shine link - "buy".

Scenario "Segmentation of subscribers"

Another scenario is the segmentation of subscribers for their professional affiliation and sending them a personalized sentence. The found on this scenario of the case on the sale of the musical group services looks like this.

Before proceeding with the descriptive part, let's consider how it can be useful in the plan of promotion or generating traffic sending messages to the directory of Instagram. And also who can send messages, and who can not.

  1. Welcome new subscribers. As soon as the user subscribes to you - it immediately receives a welcome message, as after registering on the site.
  2. Report by his subscribers about the new promotion.
  3. Report moving or receipt of new products.
  4. Make a newsletter with reference to a new publication on the site - by analogy to E-mail sending. Not all can be paid to the coverage.

When sending a message to your subscribers, the messages immediately fall into the included folder, and the user will see the appropriate notification in the application. If the user is not signed on you - the message falls into queries (views and openness are significantly lower).

Sending a private message to Direct Instagram

How will we massively send messages? Of course with the SocialKit service. There are many services that offer this service as a separate service or their functionality is limited to one this function. Unlike them, SocialKit has a huge arsenal of instruments of the necessary SMM specialist. This is I. , I. And many others. But it will not deviate from the topic and let's talk about sending messages to Direct.

What can be sent to the director Instagram?

  1. Text messages (can be through SocialKit).
  2. (Photo and video).
  3. Pictures.
  4. Links (can be through SocialKit).

Based on this, make messages that will be sent as interesting as possible, laconic and not representing spam.

How to send messages to the law of Instagram in SocialKit

Step 1. Go to the creation of the task and select "Mailing in Direct".

Step 2. Download the list of users ( Or sparking your subscribers), which will be sent messages. Put a tick in the "Delete from the list after writing a message" field, if you want the message to go to the user only once.

Step 3. Actions. Here you need to specify the number of messages on the profile and the number of profiles that will be processed during the day. We recommend sending no more than 1 message to the user and no more than 100 users. For violation of the sending limit, the message may follow the profile blocking.

In the "Baseline" field, specify the name of the file to which the activity will be saved, such as viewing a message or an answer.

Step 4. Messages. Load a text file with a message list. Each message must be unique. Here, if necessary, write a link.

Put the "Cool Messages" if you want the program to pass through the message list in the order of the queue after the end came back to the top of the list. Or select "Randomize" to send a random message.

In the same item, specify send messages only with private or open profiles, or both.

The remaining options are already exhibited - they can be left by default.

Step 5. Add a job queue.

Step 6. Result. After the task is completed, in the right column, downloading the file where the activity was fixed, you can view those who:

  • viewed a message;
  • answered;
  • rejected.

Hello, dear visitors to my blog. Today we will have an overview of the mass distribution service in Instagram Direct entitled This service is quite common among those who conduct business in the social network Instagram, because it is with its help you can send private messages, a photo, as well as a video specific user, while keeping the confidentiality of your communication - see you see you and your interlocutor. In general ribbon, it is not displayed.
This reception is extremely effectively working when promoting your goods or services, because in order to offer its customers some product or tell about the promotion, it is enough just to enter the service office of the service and run the newsletter of the right message.

The service began its activities relatively recently (2016), but today it may offer modern technological solutions to its customers, such as: highlighted proxy servers for delivery to 125,000 posts per day, cloud technologies of work (all work on the mailing list is carried out on a remote server ), the ability to perform correspondence in the directory from a personal computer, maximum safety and convenient chat for communicating with customers.

Who is suitable for mass mailing in direct instagram?

1) SMM specialists who are engaged in Promotion in Instagram. Try to offer our customers a mass distribution service in direct;

2) Internet entrepreneurs who sell their products through this social network. A convenient chat allows you to immediately communicate with users, responding to questions directly from your PC;

3) Just people who spend a lot of time in the Instramp. In your location, all Emoji emoticons, as well as the ability to perform correspondence from multiple accounts in one window.

The main features of the service

Mass distribution of messages in Instagram Direct. The service allows you to make a newsletter from several of your work accounts. The main feature of the work is to distribute messages on different accounts and install the necessary delay. This allows you to achieve high speed and high user coverage in a short period of time;

Simple account management. Add a working account to the system, and do not worry about anything. Forget about the penny, confirmation of the personality and enter the code from email writing. If you do not have its proxy servers, the service will assign them automatically. Well, if you suddenly happen that you need your intervention, you will immediately learn from the alerts of the service immediately;

Full-fledged communication with your PC. Imagine the situation when you have in stock a few work accounts, or you often write customers. Agree, incomplete will be convenient to lead the workflow using a mobile device. Now there is an opportunity to communicate in Instragrams directly from your PC, using multiple accounts at the same time - all actions are performed in one window. From the working chat, it is convenient to move on the links, mentions and hashthegam. To this we will add another possibility of using various emoticons EMOJI;

Using active links in messages. Just add an active link to the chat, and it will automatically become clicable with attached preview-picture.

Important! Preview-picture is available only for the first link in the text.

Tariff policy

That is, the more you use Instagram accounts, the less pay according to the result (discount can reach 30%).

Important! Using one account in the service is free. Also at any time you can change the number of accounts.

How to make a newsletter in instagram

1) Register and add an Instagram social network (s) system, then confirm your email by clicking on the link from the letter;

2) form a subscription database. To do this, go to the audience section and import users from your assembled database, or manually write the ID and user login in a special field. Note that each entry should start with a new line;

3) In the event that you do not have a user site, click on the "Download Parser" link and install a special program on your PC, which will collect users of the hashthegam you specified. For each of the specified hashtega, the default audience will be collected in 1000 people (the settings can be changed).

4) Save the search data and transfer information to your subscriber database by simple copying or saving in TXT format.

I brought you the main algorithm of work, with full instructions, you can read the following links:

How to start working with IDRECT;

affiliate program

The service has a full-fledged affiliate program, under the terms of which you will receive 20% of all expenses of your referral (buying a tariff plan, replenish the balance in the system).

I also want to note that each referral is charged +1 weeks to the first purchase of any tariff service of the service.
To participate in the affiliate program, go on to the service and select the partner program in the User menu (Right Top Angle).

There will be provided your referral link, with which you need to attract new users to the service.

Money earned with the help of a affiliate can be used to pay for service or output services to the following payment systems: Yandex.Money, Webmoney, QIWI on request (within 3 working days).
The minimum amount for output is 100 rubles.


Having become acquainted with the service, I can make certain conclusions. First of all, the tariff policy was pleased - the prices are flexible, there is a system of discounts. One account can be used in the system completely free.

The second moment I would like to note is the use of advanced technologies that allow the usual user to easily connect multiple accounts to work and monitor the process.

Well, the third positive moment is a sufficient good description of working with the service and features of work in the Instagram social network available on this

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