French Polynesia, fabulous beauty island. Polynesia is French

French Polynesia, fabulous beauty island. Polynesia is French


French Polynesia is the overseas community and the component of the country of France, located in the center of the southern Pacific. It borders in the West with the waters of the Cook Islands, in the north-west - with Kiribati, in the north, east and south - with neutral Pacific waters, in the south-east - with the waters of Pitcairn.

Includes archipelagoes: societies of society, Tuamot Islands, Marquis Islands, Tubuai Islands, separately allocate Gambier Islands, which are located near Tuamot, actually being a separate part of Tuamot.

The climate is mostly French Polynesia, mainly in the center, tropical, trade service. In the north (Marquis Islands) - subequatorial. In the southern part there are noticeable differences between the warm winter and hot summer. On the southern islands of tubuy climate subtropical wet. The most hot and wet season - from November to May, when the North-West winds are often blowing. In the hottest months, the temperature is usually + 27 + 32 ° C and air humidity very high (about 92%), and precipitation falls to 1700 mm (75% of the annual norm). The precipitation at this time falls out, mainly in the form of powerful, but short-term evening shower, or protracted drizzling rains to a few days.

In the dry season (from June to October), southeastern trade winds prevail. Below all temperatures are lowered in July-August (in the south - to + 18 + 21 ° C).

The average annual temperatures are mainly on most islands from +22 to + 26 ° C, with minor fluctuation amplitudes by month. Passat and exposure of the island (slope) determine climatic conditions and weather on Polynesia Islands. Precipitation - 1500 - 3500 mm.


Some of the Islands of the French Polynesia have volcanic origins, some are vertices of large underwater volcanoes. This includes most of the islands of society, tubuia, Gambier and Marquis.

Other islands - coral origin and are atolls formed as a result of the growing corals for the volcanoes you have left underwater, for example, Tuamot Islands. For the latter, large lagunies are characterized surrounded by numerous small islets, called the "Moto" here, about three meters high.

The Norwegian anthropologist-traveler Tour Heyerdal defended the theory of American origin of Polynesians. According to another theory, the ancestors of Polynesians arrived on the islands from Southeast Asia. Both sides agree that Polynesia's settlement occurred in the X-V centuries. BC. In the conditions of relative isolation, a separate Polynesian people was formed here, as well as Polynesian culture.

Polynesians did not know metals. They made tools from stones, bones, shells and wood. Nevertheless, they were skillful navigators and knew how to use fertile volcanic soil for agriculture. Fishing, crop and animal husbandry (breeding pigs, dogs and chickens) were their main classes, in many respects preserved to the present day.

Despite the prominent poverty of natural resources, Polynesians managed to create a fairly high culture and in the knowledge of the surrounding world developed their own mythology, describing all natural phenomena (first day, land, sky, etc.), as well as heaven and hell. Polynesian society was built on a class basis: the entire population was divided into four main castes: Arias (leaders), Thongha Ahureva (priests), ratatira (landowners) and manaans (commoner and slaves). The main concepts of the life of Polynesians were mana and taboo. Mana is supernatural power, and most of all the mana had leaders and priests. Other people lived, obeying the complex system of prohibitions-taboo.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. Europeans visited here: Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch. Many of the islands were opened by Russian navigators and are unofficially Russian names.

Officially about. Tahiti was opened by the English captain Samuel Wallace in 1767. After him, Polynesia explored the Frenchman Louis-Antoine de Bougainville and Englishman James Cook. They were surprised to find what about. Tahiti and nearby islands have already appeared primitives class state.

The British showed a little interest in distant islands, and gradually the last captured France. Perennial colonization led to a significant decrease in the number of Polynesians, the loss of the best lands and the almost complete destruction of their original culture. Europeans brought with them dysentery, OSPU, TIF and tuberculosis. At the beginning of the colonization, the population of the Marquis Islands was about 100 thousand people, but by the beginning of the XX century. reduced to 2 thousand people. Now there are only 8632 indigenous Polynesian (2007).

In 1946, the archipelago received the status of the overseas territory of France and all Polynesians became citizens of France. Since 2004, French Polynesia since the overseas community status.

Attractions of French Polynesia

Black pearl - symbol of Tahiti. On the island there is a famous for the whole world Museum of black pearl. Tahiti is the only place on the planet, where in such a number and such excellent quality black pearls.

Pearls Tahiti are national pride grown in warm water, heated by the bright rays of the sun. Even Japan and Australia, which are famous for the industrial production of pearls, could not achieve such a high-quality pearl, which comes from Tahiti. Accordingly, rest in French Polynesia must be veneed to buy a purchase of first-class decoration, especially since Tahitian black pearls costs at times cheaper on Tahiti and at the same time on the island he, of course, high-quality. But in the world there are many fakes of the Black Tahitian pearls.

Visiting the Black Pearl Museum on Tahiti, you will learn that the pearl of this amazing island is not only black, but also gray, olive, blue, green and even red and violet. And in the black pearl museum you will be taught to distinguish between the real pearl from the fake. The museum also has exhibits that tell about the history of prey and processing pearls.

Tahiti, which is often called " Island of love"Is the largest of the French Polynesia Islands (area of \u200b\u200babout 1045 km 2). Volcanic by origin is the island is a mountainous terrain formed by the slopes of several dozen peaks, whose vertices rise to the height of more than two thousand meters (the highest point - the orohen mountain, 2241 m. ), and a network of deep green valleys between them. Two cones of ancient volcanoes form the vast Peninsula Taiti-Nui and Tahiti-Iti, connected by the coastal of Plateau Tarawao.

The capital of the island and the whole area is the city Papeete. Undoubted interest is visiting square then "AtaWhere all the cultural events of the capital are held - this audience is specifically built for various ceremonies and accommodates up to 5,000 people. Almost all government agencies are located on Bruate-Avenue - the office of the High Commissioner office, several ministries and the Presidential Palace of French Polynesia. Bougainville Park framed the building of the main post office, and on the Tarahi Square statue of Pool Oops - "Spiritual Father" of internal autonomy, as well as the Polynesian Territorial Assembly. The main shopping area of \u200b\u200bPapeete spread a little further on the shore Vaima Centerwhich concentrated many shops, bars, restaurants, etc. behind the Vaima Center cathedral Notre Dame-Papeete, built in 1875, and restored in the late 90s. The Missi-District District Center, the center of the Catholic Church of the French Polynesia, the center of the Bishop (XVIII V is one of the oldest buildings in the city) begins behind the cathedral.

Moorea IslandPreviously, the names of Eimo or Aimo, located 17 km from the north-west of Tahiti, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b136 km 2 under the population of only 14 thousand people. Moorea is the island of volcanic origin, "grown" on the surface of the ocean approximately 2 million years ago. Eight of his gear peaks form a real mountain landscape, with a high point on Mount Tokhee (1207 m). Other volcanic cones form several branched ridges that are crushed into the ocean with numerous capes and bays, which gives the island to the appearance of the painting wings. The unique geology of the island forms two large bays - choking on the western side of Mount Rotui, who was the once crater of the volcano, and the bay of Cook on the east side. The slopes of the mountains are covered with forests and fruit plantations, and the snow-white sandy beaches focus on the perimeter almost the whole island. Coral reef is located very close to the shore and has seven channels, three of which are available for large vessels.

Tetiaroa It is located approximately 40 km north of Tahiti, Tetiaroa Island is more famous as "Marlon Brando Island", in honor of his former owner. This is the only coral atoll in a series of volcanic islands, small, but very beautiful, with magnificent shores, crystal water of lagoon and thousands of migratory birds. No more than 50 people live here, but there is a real hotel in the village of Tetiaroa and thousands of those who want to get here to rest.

Beaches Bora Bora Beach - dream come true. White sand, coral reefs, they make everyone fall in love with each glance. Here at this resort we visited William Blyt, on the famous "Bounty" frigate, and the captain of Cook: the one who was killed (but not eaten!) Aboriginal Tahiti. The artist Paul Gauguen is so carried away by the exciting spirit of the nature of the archipelago, which never returned from here to his native France. And this is understandable - it is impossible not to admire the beauty of multi-kilometer beaches of Bora Bora, Burea and Marquis, stretching along the world's largest transparent turquoise lagoon, and rainforest riots, under the black slopes of extinct volcanoes - it is impossible.

Kitchen French Polynesia.

The originality of the culinary islands of the French Polynesia is a unique combination of traditions in the preparation of marine tribes who lived in the south of the Pacific Ocean, and European peoples (French and Italians). Recipes of Eastern, mainly Chinese cuisine are mixed up to all.

Most French Polynesia Recipes contain fresh products. First of all, it is growing here in abundance tropical fruits: papaya, pineapples, coconuts, mango, bananas, bread fruits and others. A very important product that makes up the Polynesian menu is a fish. It is eaten here in the mass of species: fried, boiled, grilled cheese, etc.

A specific feature of the National Polynesian cooking is a way to prepare evokes. As in ancient times, local dishes are wrapped in banana leaves and baked on rolled stones in an earthen furnace called Polynesians " achimaa". Tamaaraa is called" Tamaaraa ", and they are present on the tables of both rustic canteens and exquisite expensive restaurants.

The most popular Polynesian dish is the Fish A La Tahitienne, which is marinate in a raw form in a mixture of lemon juice and coconut milk. The dish is often preparing Chinese Ma'a Tinito. From a mixture of pork, beans, Chinese cabbage and macaroni.

Few, some feast costs without smoked fruits of breadwinner, as well as bananas in all sorts of forms (for example, fried). Hot Favorite Dish called " fafa", which is a milk piglet with spinach, as well as Pork in Taitian, small Shish kebabs containing meat, fish or seafood, and pork in Curry sauce and tarot roots.

There are already international bifshes, roasted chicken. Do not forget about cooked in a variety of seaside animals. For dessert, restaurants will be offered puddings with Papaya, Mango or Banana, as well as a salad from Papaya.

As for alcohol, the choice of drinks is completely unlimited, here you can find many imported alcoholic products.

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Moscow tour operator As-Travel Got a premium "Star Travel.Ru" in the nomination Best travel agency working in Russia in Oceania (including French Polynesia) According to the results of the All-Russian voting among tourists held in 2011

It is only worth saying: " Tahiti, Moorea, Bora-Bora ..."- and before the eyes will open the turquoise lagoon framed by coconut palm trees, and the mysterious smiles of Taitian girls with canvases will sweep Gogen fields. Open Polynesia., its hospitality, culture, flowers, flavors, songs and dancing, white and sandy beaches, Taitian goodwill and French " aRT DE VIVRE."(Art enjoy life), water sports and amazing excursions in the mountains! You are transferred from the island to the island, as in a fairy tale from one country of miracles to another. These are paints of paradise landscapes and the sweet smell of tropical colors, this is an unforgettable adventure on the other end of the Earth.

Geographical position of Tahiti Islands

French Polynesia is part of Polynesia itself, which, in turn, is included in the global region of Oceania. Ownership France in eastern Pacific Ocean Make up 118 luxury islands. The islands are combined in 5 archipelagos: Society, Tuamotu, Marquis Islands, Tubuia, Gambier.

IN archipelago of society The most famous islands: Tahiti, Moorea, Riatea, Takhaa, Huahin.

Tiare ( Tiare.) - Plant name, whose flowers are considered a symbol French Polynesia.. According to the legend of local residents, Tiare is a sacred flower, loved by the gods. Captain Cook and Captain Blue Aborigines also met Tiare. Jack London I wore the crown from Tiare. AND Paul Gajen, I. Somerset Maugham, I. Pierce Brosnan, I. Jack Nicholson. It is not surprising: Tiare is delighted all tourists. It's amazing that, despite this, they are still worn and residents Taiti. When you see it, then you know: you are not limited to your nose, do not hang on the ears of exotic, with you really share life. And tourists right at the airport put on the neck of garlands from Tiare. To each! Tiara Taiti, Tahitian Gardenia, - Main Flower Polynesia. Obviously: You're already in paradise.

From 5 to 8 December on Taiti The holiday passes, which has become traditional. It is based on the movement of women Taitioriginated in 1962. The first holiday of the flower was timed to the opening of the first children's yasel in the country. Since 1985, feminists since Taiti Conduct the Tiare Festival annually. Today, this is a kind of floristry contest, in which lovers and professionals take part. Competitions are conducted in two nominations - a small composition and large. In the second category, the flower bed area should be at least 50 square meters! Naturally, the continued condition of the competition is to use Tiara in compositions. Recently, foreign companies specializing in floristics and local travel agencies paid attention to the festival. The latter - due to the fact that the holiday of flowers is invariably attracts tourists to itself, many of which declare that they have never been witnessed such a colorful and fun holiday.

Interestingly, Taitian men behind the ear are mostly bud, and women are open flower. Buton is something brutal, flower - feminine and gentle. If a pregnant taitsaka sees in a dream, which breaks the flower Tiare from the bush, it means that she will have a girl. And if bud, then, on the contrary, the boy. And if not in a dream, and in reality a man walks around the city with a blossomed flower behind the ear, it brings to the appropriate reflections. So in order to avoid any kind of ambiguities check, at what stage of disclosure is Tiare, which you decide to decorate your ear. Tiara can tell something about your temperament and marital status. If you, for example, wear it behind the right ear, then you are alone and ready for adventure. If for the left - a marriage or engaged, and any coquetry is inappropriate. And if you have a flower on both ears, you are married and despite this are ready for any adventure. Finally, Tiara flower in the hair of a young girl hints to all interested parties that this girl ripened. And if it is good, it is better not to hob, but to ask her to start some international nonsense. For example: "Girl, what time is it?"

By the way, until the missionaries introduce the aborigines with the dial and arroders, they learned the time on Tiare flowers: the buds are revealed between the twelve and two hours of afternoon. And more accurate time it was still for nothing.

Population Tahiti

In French Polynesia. About 270 thousand people live. Ethnic composition is very diverse - Polynesians make up to 78% of the population, ethnic French - 10% (6% live here constantly, and 4% permanently reside in the metropolis, and on the islands they come to work), as well as Chinese and immigrants from other Southeast countries Asia - up to 12%. The population is mainly very young - up to 43% of local residents under 20 years old.

Features of French Polynesia

Time: The difference with Moscow is minus 13 hours in winter and minus 14 hours in summer. When on Taiti Sunday noon, in Moscow Monday 01:00 in winter and 02:00 in the summer.

clothing: IN Polynesia Locals and tourists dress simply. Take a beach and summer cotton clothes with you. For marine travels on the ship, clothes are suitable from flax and wool, as it can be cool in the evening.

Languages: French and Taitian are official languages. English is also common.

Currency: Official currency is the Pacific Franc (CFP): 1 Euro ~ 150 CFP. Currency can be exchanged at the airport, in a bank or in hotels. Credit cards can be used in hotels in restaurants, shops and other tourist establishments.

Transport: The main way to move between the islands is a plane. The local air service "Air Tahiti" connects regular flights of 35 islands. Airports are located on all major islands. Between Taiti and Moorea Conveniently moving on large passenger catamarans and boats. Swim from one island on another can also be on the high-speed catamaran.

Telephone: International telephone communication exists on all islands. From the hotel's room 1 minute of conversation with Russia worth an average of 8 euros.

Safety: For entry into the country, you do not need to do any vaccinations. The health care system is at a high European level. There are no poisonous animals and insects in Polynesia. Water from the tap in hotels and restaurants is suitable for drinking.

Car rent: from 55 to 100 euros depending on the class of the car.

Banks: Work from 7:45 to 15:30 from Monday to Friday, some are open and in the morning on Saturdays. US dollars and euros are accepted to pay almost everywhere.

Shopping: Stores work from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 14:00 to 17:00, on Saturday from 8:30 to 11:30.

Presents: Mono Body Oil, Crafts from seashells, Fruit Liquors, Black Pearls.

Jpg "width \u003d" 192 "height \u003d" 138 "border \u003d" 0 "align \u003d" left "style \u003d" margin-right: 1em; alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Nowhere in the world there is no such big, such black and so perfect pearls, like on Tahiti and its islands. It is insanely handsome. And insanely roads. Tourists take on Pearl Farms-pearl plantations, explain in detail why Even a small round peas costs about $ 200, how not to run into the fake pearls and how to store a real so that in it in two hundred years it could have a declare of your rightmark. If you are briefly, the thing is what: only here, in the lagoons at the Islands of the French Polynesia, live. Unique oysters named Margarita, whose black is black, and not milky-gray-white. For food and snacks, it is not suitable for food, but it's perfectly coping with the task to give the usual white pearl tint that car manufacturers are called "Color of Wet Asphalt" . The Japanese, of course, tried to breed such oysters. Australians too. But nothing came out: it turned out that these Margaritas are terrible patriots, and in other seas they do not live.

Some more than 50 years ago, the black pearls grown in the lagoon arbitrarily. That is, I could grow, and I could not - depending on whether the wave of a happy sand chopink, who had to become a treasure, entered the oyster. But then on Tahiti, one wise Chinese named Robert Wang arrived and put this case on the flow: in each suitable margarita, the white mother of pearl nucleoli began to be accurately placed, observe his transformations, to provide him with unhindered access to black tank ... and so for 6 -8 years. Of course, this is a manual, painstaking and hard work. Of course, at first, Robert Vana seemed that the careless Polynesians could not cope with her. Of course, he tried that his compatriots hung up with oysters, much more suffigrated. And of course, he is fabulously rich. Now this process is headed by his son, Bruno Van. In Papeete, the capital of Tahiti, there is a black pearl museum, where Bruno can sometimes meet. He walks in moccasins on a boss foot and nothing gives out that he is a multi-billioner.

Tip: Are not part of Polynesian culture. Smile or pleasant words will give greater pleasure than the coin left.

Customs formalities: Silent 2 liters of alcoholic beverages and 200 cigarettes are allowed.

The necessary phones:

  • Tourist office Tahiti: 505-700
  • Tourist office Bora-Bohr: 677-636, 677-031, 677-236
  • Tourist office Moorea: 562-909
  • Tourist office of the island Huahin: 688-634
  • Single telephone rescue service: 15 or 423-456
  • Police: 17.

Attractions of French Polynesia

Flights to French Polynesia

  1. flight of the airline Air France. , on the route Moscow - Paris - Los Angeles - Tahiti (Papeete) takes more than a day (American visa is needed)
  2. flight of the airline " Aeroflot" or " Jal"(Japan Airlines) + Tokyo docking flight - Tahiti Airlines" Air Tahiti Nui."With a possible night in Tokyo on arrival or on the departure (the transit Japanese visa is not needed when staying up to 72 hours).


The visa is drawn up in the French Embassy, \u200b\u200bin the Department of Overseas Territories of France. The usual French Schengen visa is not valid.

Consular fee - 45 euros. The minimum period of registration is 15 days.

Photo galleries

  • Hotel Bora Bora Lagoon Resort & Spa (French Polynesia)
  • Hotel Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa (French Polynesia)
  • Intercontinental Le Moana Beach Bora Bora Hotel (French Polynesia)
  • Hotel Intercontinental Resort & Spa Moorea (French Polynesia)
  • Hotel Intercontinental Resort and Thalasso Spa, Bora Bora (French Polynesia)

Population of French Polynesia for 2009 - 287,032 people. Urban population: 52% of the total population.

Ethnicity: Polynesians 78%, Chinese 12%, local French (mostly Franco-Polynesian methies) 6%, French (from the metropolis) 4%.

Protestants 54%, Catholics 30%, Other 10%, Atheists 6%.

The official language is French (61.3%), the indigenous population speaks Polynesian languages. French and Tahitian (31.4%) languages \u200b\u200bare taught in schools. English understand in all hotels and most restaurants.


French Pacific Franc (CFP), 1 EUR ≅ 130 CFP.

In the circulation there are coins in dignity: 1 Franc, 2 franc, 5 francs, 10 francs, 20 francs, 50 francs, 100 francs. Banknotes Dignity: 500 francs, 1000 francs, 5000 francs, 10,000 francs.

Banks work from 7:45 to 15:30 from Monday to Friday, some are also open in the morning on Saturdays.

US dollars and euros are accepted to pay almost everywhere, but the course is different everywhere. Currency can be exchanged at the airport, in a bank or in hotels. It is most profitable to have euro with me, which in all hotels and exchange offices are changing at the official rate. Dollars often take on not the most advantageous course.

American Express Credit Cards, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are accepted for paying in hotels, restaurants, shops and other tourist establishments. ATM ATMs are widespread on Tahiti and other major islands, on the periphery they can be found only at the offices of banks. On small atolls to use credit cards is almost impossible. Operational instructions on ATMs are usually given in French and English.

Travel checks take to pay in most banks and major organizations. Often Travel checks are recommended as the best means of importation of foreign currency into the country. To avoid additional fees for conversion, it is recommended to use checks in US dollars or euros.

Communication and communication

Phone Code: 689

Internet domain: .pf

Single telephone rescue service: 15 or 423-456

Police: 17.

The relationship between local settlements is carried out directly, without the use of codes, according to single six or eight-digit numbers.

How to call

To call from Russia to French Polynesia, you need to type: 8 - 10 beep - 689 - subscriber number.

To call from French Polynesia to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - the city code is the subscriber number.

Stationary communication

French Polynesia has a powerful and modern telecommunications system. The direct call to any country of the world is possible almost everywhere, starting from the locals, and ending with street telephones. Telecups work on the cards ("Telecarte"), which can be purchased in the mail, in hotels and in stores.

mobile connection

Cellular communication of the GSM 900 standard on the developed islands is excellent. The main islands (TATI, Moorea, Bora-Bora, Tahaa, Raiatea, Huaahin and Rangiroa) are covered completely, small islets are often outside the coverage area, but even there is a relatively stable due to powerful central repeaters. Roaming with a local TikiPhone SA network is available to subscribers of the largest Russian operators. Local SIM cards can be purchased at TikiPhone SA offices, but it is recommended to check the card directly in your phone before buying, as some GSM standards are not supported by local operators.

the Internet

The Internet is developing in French Polynesia enough intensively. In the Papeete and the main cities of the islands there is a large number of Internet cafes. However, the connection is quite slow and expensive.


Shops work from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00-17.30. Private shops and shops are usually discovered until 22.00. On Saturdays, large stores are closed at 11.00.

From French Polynesia usually bring "Mono" (special oil to strengthen tanning and skin softening), crafts from seashells, pearl, fruit liqueurs. And, of course, the black pearls - as part of jewelry and valuable baubles.

Other souvenirs are popular products of local crafts. The culture of Polynesian wide and diverse. Various ritual, combat and household products made from wood, stone, bone, etc., and other baubles from pearl, wood, stone or bones will offer you in souvenir shops, were produced on different islands. One of the favorite motives of the natives is the sea turtle.


Hotels on French Polynesia Islands - mostly four-five-star. These are real "stars", without deception and even with a greater luxury, rather provided for by the European standard, this also applies to the service, and to the numbers. Usually it is a bungalow, some of which is located on the shore, and some are on the palm trees flowing into the sea.

In most hotels in French Polynesia, there are two tariff periods: high: from July 1 (June) to October 31; Low from November 1 to June 30 (May).

Sea and beaches

Places here are not just with a capital letter of beach, but also for all resort articles are exclusive. Long Beaches of White Soft Sand, Turquoise Lagunas, surrounded by overgrown exotic plants. At the same time, all beaches are considered public, and access to them is completely free.


Polynesians began to settle on the islands of the current French Polyesia in the first centuries. e. Presumably migration occurred from Samoa Islands. At first, the Marquis Islands and Islands of the Company were populated. From the islands of the Polynesian Society at the end of the year or at the beginning of the II Millennium. e. Migrated to the islands of Tuamotu and tubue.

By the time of the appearance on the world of Europeans among the population of the current French Polynesia, the most developed in socio-economic was the people who inhabited the island of Tahiti - a random state occurred at the beginning of the XIX century.

The first open Europeans island was a bunch of Bunch in the Tuamot Archipelago (Magellan, 1521). The Marquis Islands were open in 1595 by Mendenhay, Tahiti - In 1606, Pedro Fernandez de Cyrosis, tubuie - in 1777 James Cook, Gambier - in 1797 Wilson.

In 1842, France took Taiti Island, the Islands of the Company, the Tuamot Archipelago, Tubuai Islands and the Marquis Islands.

Since 1880, the status of the protectorates was canceled, a colonial status was introduced. The power of the dynasty of the Pomara was destroyed.

In 1946, French Polynesia received the status of the overseas territory of France. All natives of the islands have become citizens of France.

Since 2004 - received the status of the overseas community.

Many French Islands are second, Russian, names: Rurik, Lazarev, Cruisesttern, Raevsky and others. The Tuamot Archipelago itself has the second name - the islands of Russians. These islands were open and described by Russian navigators - F. F. Bellinshausen, M. P. Lazarev, O.E. Koceb.

Ritals in French Polynesia are unusually beautiful. One of the most beautiful rites is a wedding ceremony. The groom sails on canoe, and the bride meets him on the shore. Play musical instruments, the coast is decorated with flowers. Then the bride and the bride turn into a wedding towel, and as a marriage testimony gives palm leaves. After the holiday in honor of the newlyweds, they sit in a canoe and float to the next island.

The culture of French Polynesia has greatly lost its originality. Most of the Europeanizer is the island of Tahiti, especially the capital of Papeete. Houses in this city are mostly European style, clothing citizens are also European type.

A tradition is preserved in the construction of dwellings on the Tuamot archipelago and other islands on the periphery of the French Polyesia - there is still a hut, walls and roofs of which are made of palm leaves. However, traditional clothes and there are no longer worn.

Strect traditions in cooking methods. In particular, the aborigines still use fish and shrimp in the raw form (though they are pre-wrapped in lemon juice). Roast meat Many islanders are still extinguished in earthy furnaces, where high temperatures are created by split stones.

On the islands it is worth grabping shoes with a reliable sole: on many reef areas there is enough sharp pebbles, and prickly sea animals in the coastal zone. It is better to enter the water in plastic slippers - to avoid cuts and burns about corals. There are no poisonous animals and insects on the islands.

French Polynesia is a very expensive country. There are no taxes on personal income, but indirect taxes and duties are high, and most of the items and food are imported from nearby countries, to the closest of which more than one and two thousand kilometers. Many products and services are 2 times higher than, for example, in Australia or 3 times higher than on the nearby Cook Islands.

A characteristic feature determining the price level in a particular institution is the designation of its category of dollar icons - an expensive restaurant indicate the "$$$$" inscriptions, and inexpensive budget - "$".

Metric measures and scales system.

Water from the tap in hotels and restaurants is suitable for drinking.

Despite the fact that tap water is chlorinated, all water should be regarded as potentially unsuitable for use, especially in the first days of stay on the islands. All water used for drinking, cleaning the teeth or ice creation must be subjected to pre-boiling. Milk and dairy products usually pasteurize and safe for use. Meat, seafood and fish are considered safe, but still it is recommended to consume them only after pre-heat treatment, preferably hot. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and pre-treated, and fruits are cleaned of peel.

On most islands there are no dangerous animal health. Some atolls meet mosquitoes and sand mugs, but their bites are relatively harmless. In the lagoons there are several types of sharks, as well as rocks, moray, barracuda, marine hedgehogs and other relatively dangerous animals. From the outside of the fauna reefs more aggressive, but for the entire XX century in French Polynesia, not a single case of an attack of sharks on people was not recorded.

Since the climate is very hot, and solar radiation is aggressively, it is necessary to take certain measures against solar radiation, thermal lesion and dehydration.

On the atolls of Mururo and Fangatauf for almost 40 years, nuclear weapons test were carried out. The French government recommends refraining from visiting these areas. However, ships in those areas simply do not go, and the plane will be rented difficult.

How to get

There is no direct flight between Russia and French Polynesia.

The most popular, the most short and also visa-free option (but more expensive than flights from other airlines) - flight Moscow - Tokyo Aeroflot airlines or Jal Plus Air Tahiti Nui Airline Airline - Taiti with Night-night to Tokyo. The Japanese visa is not needed in case of staying in the country to 72 hours.

Less popular (due to the need to obtain an American visa), but but a relatively low-cost airline Air France Moscow - Paris - Los Angeles - Tahiti (Papeete). On the way back there will be a stop at least one night in Paris (it is inevitable at Air France, if desired, the stay in Paris can be increased), so the French transit visa will also need. The flight time is more than a day.

Moscow flight - New York Delta Airlines + Connecting flight Air Tahiti Nui New York - Tahiti: American visa is also needed. Duration: 24-26 hours without taking into account time docking.

Also, the French Polynesia can be reached through Australia (Sydney) with Air Tahiti NUI Airlines or New Zealand (Auckland) with airlines Air New Zealand, Air Tahiti Nui.

Polynesia is French located in the southern region of the Pacific Ocean. Its borders intersect with the Republic of Kiribati, the island of Cook and the Islands of Pitcairn - the overseas territory of Great Britain. This exotic archipelago on the tourist map of the planet is widely known. It is famous for a great place for a luxurious holiday, where every year come to soak under the soft rays of the sun. Thousands of travel fans from around the world.


French Polynesia, tours to which today are very popular among Russian travelers, includes 118 islands of various sizes and forms. By type of recreation, its specificity, appearance, price parameters and service level, a large-scale resort is compared with the Maldives, which decorate the state of the Indian Ocean. The France's overseas Community geographically occupies half the Pacific region of Polynesia. It is divided into several groups of the islands, only a part of which has a permanent population, which is also interested in French Polynesia.

Hotels here are presented for tourists with different levels of wealth. The legal and legislative system corresponds to the French Constitution. At the same time, tourism, fisheries and agriculture are also the main economic spheres of activity, which is also developed by dairy-meat animal husbandry.

The influence of civilization affected the traditions and original islanders culture. In some areas, and today you can find huts that are woven from palm leaves and branches of trees. Locals in this place comply with the laws of ancestors who live without the slightest opportunity to develop the surrounding world.

Interestingly, the industrial sector is represented by the processing of grown vegetable and fruit crops, as well as the production of souvenirs. Of great importance for the development of the community has material support from France. Among the population, the Chinese prevailed, Polynesians, a small share of Franco-Polynesian methots and Europeans. Christianity appears as the main religion.

French Polynesia on World Map

The islands of this region have coral and volcanic origin. The highest point is the vertex of the orcreen, which rises by almost 2240 meters above the Pacific stroke. The enveloped slopes are replete with green dense forests, which are combined with banana and coconut-banana plantations. At the same time, herbal vegetation prevails on the leeward slopes.

In this place, the animal world is not distinguished by variety. It is represented mainly by insects, birds and lizards. Much more rich and bright colors are filled with expanses of coastal water, where amazing marine individuals are inhabited, which cause admiration for divers. The main advantage is the complete absence on land of poisonous individuals, and ecology that allows you to drink tap water.

general information

The area of \u200b\u200babout 4000 km² is French Polynesia. Prices for rest here are quite high - weekly tour costs at least 50,000 rubles. The population is almost 290000 people. Here the official language is French, although local residents communicate with each other in Polynesian adverbs. In well-known tourist centers and the resorts are very common English. National currency is the French Pacific Franc. Time from Moscow lags behind in the summer at 12 o'clock, and in winter - by 13.

Excursion in history

On the lands of the archipelago at the very beginning of our era, the Polynesian settlements began to occur. In the first half of the XVI century, the famous Fernando Magellan's famous navigator opened, who discovered the Tuamot Island group. France in 1842 by its protectorate announced the main part of this region, including the community island with the Marquis Islands, Tahiti, the island groups of tubuia and Tuamot. Polynesia French in 1946 became known as the overseas territory of the country, and after 58 years he was recognized as a community.


Here is predominantly the trade in the tropical climate. In the north, the subequatorial prevails, in the south - wet subtropical. During the rains (November - May), the heat keeps about + 30˚C, accompanied by a strong humidity. At the same time, strong storms and tropical hurricanes are not uncommon. In the summer and early autumn is more sunny, while the heat falls on 10˚C, therefore, the most favorable time for visiting the islands is this period.

Customs rules and visa

To experience absolutely all the pleasures from being on one of the most colorful and bright archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, a visa is needed. It can be issued in any embassy of France, saying that you want to get to the overseas territories of the country. A simple Schengen visa is not suitable here. Polynesia is French - this is the territory, the customs regulations of which comply with the norms and requirements of the legislation of France.

How to get?

Unfortunately, flights from the CIS and Russia to the territory of this community are absent. Therefore, travelers who are interested in Polynesia are French, have to carry out long flights with transfers to different cities in the world. The most common options are flights with docking in Los Angeles and Paris, and routes from New York to Tahiti Airport are distributed. Travel time can sometimes take up to two days.


Between the islands, air traffic is well enough. It connects about 30 land sushi. The bus acts as a land public transport, but only where there are asphalted roads. Between the nearest Islands there is a ferry message, in addition, you can always rent a boat or boat. The same concerns movement on land: Instead of various floating funds, bicycles and cars are rented.

Resorts and cities

Polynesia archipelagos are the following names: Gambier, society, Australia (Ostral), Tuamotu and Marquis.

The society archipelago has volcanic traces of origin. It looks appropriate: the brown-gray outlines of the vertices of the fascinated volcanoes, covering lush vegetation in the lower part. In addition, the busy buses of the shrub - this is his usual appearance.

High mountains from palm trees rise above the tropical forests, along with a low green part, they create the basis of the Kaima that forms the crown. In her center, the amazing beauty of the lagoon is splashing. The kingdom "crown" consists of the following Islands of French Polynesia: Tahiti, Bora-Bohr, Huanghine and Moorea.

Tahiti is the main island of the archipelago. Here is the city of Papet, which is visited by many tourists who are interested in French Polynesia. The airport, the most beautiful skyscrapers, the mass of comfortable villas and fashionable hotels, many museums, several temples in the mountains and the city hall of amazing architecture are the main "civilized" sights of this island.

From "uncivilized" - the peak of the orcane volcano, the lake in its crater, the gorge, the magnificent valley. And add that one cape island is a point where Captains Blytn, Bougainville and Cook were moored for about 300 years ago. So the view of the place will be formed.

Two more dazzling in the beauty of the island: Moorea, reminiscent of the heart, as well as Bora Bora (French Polynesia) - Pearls of these places. They are bright, clean, have excellent beaches of crumbly white sand with bizarre corals scattered along the warm glaolds of their waters.

Islands lagoon with amazing beauty of the coastline - a rare, unforgettable spectacle. In this place can be admired by the views of the underwater world, feed the hand sharks, watch the huge leopard skates.

French Polynesia in its structure is divided into five administrative units, which include weathered and viscous islands, a group of the islands of tubuia, the Marquis Islands, as well as the Tuamotu-Gambier archipelago. At the same time, Mehetia, Maiao, Tetyaro, Tahiti and Moi are belonging to the viewed islands, and Manua, Bora-Bor, Maupiti, Manupihaa, Raatea, Moto, Huahin, Tupai and Takhaa - to the subvener.

Any of the divisions has its own administrative center, while the capital of the entire community is considered the city of Papeete, located on the island of Tahiti. It is the main transport hub and the sea port of French Polynesia. 26,000 people live here. In addition, it is one of the main tourist Meccas of this community, having a scattering of natural and architectural attractions.

Among the resorts are the islands of Bora Bora and Tahiti, famous for their service, luxurious living conditions, fabulous landscapes, as well as amazing diving. The Tuamot and the Marquis Islands archipelago and the Marquis Islands, which have many atolls are called by the names of researchers from Russia, scientists and military.

In addition to deep-water dives and sunbathing, people are going here to go fishing, take a journey through the Pacific Ocean, to enjoy water sports or swim in the transparent purest water away from civilization. Today, among young secured pairs, it became very popular here to celebrate the wedding. On the islands of pastime options is amazingly a lot, and each of them will give a huge number of pleasant impressions.

Rest here is the ability to find out exactly what paradise is. The proximity of the water, the beauty of island landscapes, the complete absence of fuss and noise and the wonderful benevolent atmosphere make it possible to enjoy fully unity with nature, listening, without interrupting, singing exotic birds, which are serenely walking along the sandy coast, washed clean the ocean waters.


It is worth noting that different dishes are served in local eateries, cafes and restaurants: both masterpieces of the Kitchens of France and the delights of other countries. There is almost everything, ranging from exotic fish to simple Potatoes Friend, therefore, die from hunger or lack of desired delicacies is not destined to anyone. Extremely rich selection of rare fruits and national drinks, as well as wines. Thanks to all this is French Polynesia.

Hotels here are very diverse. In some elite institutions, the process of meals is accompanied by dancing, which are performed by representatives of the local dance school.


On the shelves of souvenir benches and shops of resorts and the islands of the French Polynesia, you can often see the mother of pearl, decorations of seashells and other craft products. Famous French wines, fruit liqueurs, various valuable figures and key rings, pearls, souvenir products, which relates to the peculiarities of a certain resort.

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