1000 unique visitors per day. Affiliate Programs - How Much Do I Earn With One Click

1000 unique visitors per day. Affiliate Programs - How Much Do I Earn With One Click

With an attendance of 100 people a day ?! A similar question interests people out of a feeling of curiosity, or a thirst to start engaging in web projects and make money on it!

Earnings on a site with a traffic of 100 people per day

I received the first hundred people last year at the beginning of the summer. Immediately connected ads from Google. The income went in a couple of days. I started getting a few cents from 100 people a day. To be precise, 20-30 rubles came from contextual advertising (this is on average per month). The clicks were either 50 kopecks or more.

At that time, there was still some kind of advertisement for the impressions, bringing me about 1 ruble a day. Then the income came from a financial affiliate program. It was equal to about. Plus, in the middle of summer, direct advertisers approached and paid 1,500 for the placement of an advertising article.

The bottom line of how much money I was able to make from a site with 100 visitors a day was quite impressive. We calculate: about 1000 from Google+ advertising 30 rubles per month from advertising for impressions + 1500 from direct advertisers. As a result, my income for 1 month came out in the region of 2530 rubles.

Now we divide the received figure by 30 days and get 85 rubles per day from the web project! Very good!

The more visitors to the web resource, the higher the earnings from contextual advertising.

Different webmasters have different earnings from 100 people per day

These figures are relatively relative, it was my income that came out. It may differ significantly for other webmasters.

Very much the earnings depend not even on the number of visitors, but on the skill of competent monetization. Some people manage to get 200,000 rubles from 200 visitors and this is truly aerobatics. There, every article, every element is very well thought out.

Well, that's all, now you know what it can be with an attendance of 100 people a day! Good luck!

Hello dear readers! In 2015, I thought: how to promote a site in search engines to reach a traffic of at least 1000 visitors per day. By the end of 2016, my thoughts were realized. The results exceeded expectations.

What did it take to achieve the goals? Initially, I built a blog promotion strategy from scratch. Further, step by step, I implemented the planned activities. I periodically talked about them in my publications. Have you already seen?

Due to limited finances, I try to promote the site in Yandex and Google on my own - this is one of the main advantages of my work and at the same time the main mistake. Why so, I'll tell you today.

I have great hopes for 2017 in terms of the growth of traffic to the resource. I believe that it is realistic to increase it by at least 2-3 times. If he is not lazy, everything will work out. What do you think?

In many topics, it is realistic to reach 1000-2000 attendance within 1-1.5 years. It counts fast for my niche topic. More and faster. Can you guess how to do this?

I want to please right away by mentioning one working moment. It happens that you actively develop an information site for 1-6 months and the traffic hardly grows. This is normal. I'll tell you how it was with me.

The surge in traffic is what happened after a few months.

I’ll show you how it might look like.

At first, the indicators slowly accelerated, and then the resource traffic began to increase rapidly. This is quite an expected event, if the sites are properly promoted. What is the right way then? I talked about one of the successful, practically proven approaches in previous publications. I will also provide links to key information within the framework of the current article.

Results of website promotion in Yandex and Google

In June 2016, daily traffic for the first time increased to 500 clicks from search engines (organic traffic). After about 4 months, the traffic reached the level of 1000 clicks for the first time. Most likely it would have been faster if not.

Let's take a look at the chart.

As you can see, I did not rush to write this material. To begin with, I wanted to make sure of the stability of the achieved levels. I also waited until, as a result of website promotion, search traffic from Google and Yandex would not go below the 1000 clicks mark.

Considering that I have been blogging much less than in the beginning, the numbers are excellent. This is not the first time I am convinced that it is advisable to work thoroughly at the first stages of project promotion, so that later it will become much easier. It is better, of course, not to relax too much, so that the results are much higher than in my case.

More good news.

By devoting at least 1-3 hours a day to the site, you can really achieve such results.

This is a practical observation over the course of two years. Moreover, it is not necessary to work on the resource straight every day, without exception. For example, a day to rest, and the next day you need to make up for the planned amount of work.

Naturally, some do everything faster, others slower. But what about beginners? You know, at first it will take more time, then experience and skills will appear that will allow you to quickly do necessary work... Didn't you think that it can be much easier to understand the technique of search engine promotion than it seems at first glance? Everything is quite logical there.

Website promotion works: my step-by-step plan

Initially, I thoroughly thought about how to independently promote the site with minimal costs and get impressive results. If you have already studied my previous articles, then you know that I acted sequentially step by step.

I just thought now: on this blog I provide information for free that allows you to either independently promote an information site without much help, or find out where to find trusted professionals and undergo practical training. Which way to go is an individual choice.

So, I will seriously think about transferring some of the informational publications to a paid basis. If you want to learn them, then don't put off until they are free. The prices for such information are not small, since their application allows you to get impressive results.

Brief analysis of shortcomings in increasing site traffic

Sooner or later the realization comes that given view analysis is still worth doing. This has its own plus - adjustments are made to the development of the project and achieve higher performance. I hope that the information below will allow you to step over this stage and get the result more quickly.

I will list the main shortcomings in the promotion of this site, which somewhat slowed down its development.

I tried to do the work myself as much as possible, saving money on many paid services.

For example, there are just over 300 articles on the blog, and it could already be 500, 1000 and even 2000 if I constantly collaborated with. In principle, I initially realized that solely through my efforts of huge traffic and income for short term you will not achieve. Therefore, it is better to invest, make a decent attendance of the resource, recoup all costs and finally enjoy the profit with a decent amount of zeros.

An article similar in quality to my writing will cost about 100-150 rubles per thousand characters. I didn't have the opportunity to pay such amounts, so I wrote mostly myself. It turns out qualitatively and conditionally free - that was the advantage. However, it takes time, you can't do too much just with your own hands - this has become a drawback. Similar situations with other types of work.

I fully realized this after about six months from the beginning of blogging. There were several adjustments. Now I know exactly what is best and what will actually work.

A very competitive thematic niche has been chosen for this blog.

It is very difficult to promote projects from this thematic niche. I do not regret my choice at all, so this is a conditional defect. However, I will say this: if you choose a less competitive and narrower topic, for example, from the field of knowledge about beauty and fashion, then in a year and a half it is really possible to reach traffic of 5-10 thousand unique transitions from search engines.

This completes the main series of reports on how to promote your information site in Yandex and Google. Of course, there are visits from other search engines, it's just that most of the transitions are from these two.

I am continuing to work on my project and will soon prepare new materials. Subscribe to thematic blog mailings.

I wish you great success in life and, most importantly, simple human happiness! Until next time.

Business and Finance

100 visitors per day for 100kursov.com

I did it as a matter of fact being an employee. He did not immediately bring money, and I switched to another job, completely scoring on the site.

Already after my dismissal, the former boss had a question of payment for hosting. I offered to rewrite the site on me, since he did not resist him at all, and I was slowly thinking: "Maybe somehow I can do something with him ..." In addition, about six months after the launch, despite my zero activity, the first sale from an affiliate program was made and brought me 1000 rubles. I decided that this is a sign)))

In general, now the site is absolutely mine and I want to raise traffic from 0-5 to 50-100 per day. The competition is enormous, of course, but something tells me that most of these sites are the same as my "vegetables" - they seem to exist, but they don't seem to exist))

At the moment (I haven't looked anywhere yet) I see 3 free ways(so far I am considering only free):

1) Internal optimization: where there is no key, diversify the texts, correct the design, etc. Volumetric pretty item so and so.

2) Collect a link mass: I will register in directories, try on forums, and in other ways I subtract from. Guess how many inbound links are there now? One! Just one! But to tell the truth I'm in the promotion of the kettle, so I'm not even sure if it will help.

3) And the most important thing: to revive the site. Those. add and add new courses, write articles, insert interesting videos until I die ... just kidding!))

Vooot. If I find any other way, I will add it to the stages later.

P.S. I would be glad if someone would share their experience, give advice or something else.

Completion criterion

More than 100 visitors per day on the site 100kursov.com for at least a week

Personal resources

9 months of bumping in a huge forest ... Web production ... let's call it that.

Sustainability of the goal

The first site after all ... as the first child is almost

Hello friends and subscribers of my blog. Now I want to tell you about how much you can earn on your site. I'll tell you about the types of advertising, what methods can be used, and how much you can "squeeze" out of them :).

I will say right away that I will not discuss the topic of illegal receipt of money from sites. But I will focus on five white, the most popular and legal types of income.

Let's imagine that you already have a small website, say, with a culinary theme. You write all sorts of articles, post delicious recipes and want to start getting at least some money from your site. I will help you with this. Go!

Types of earnings

1. Banner advertising

Banner example:

Banner on home page Yandex

How much pay? The price for banner advertising is strictly tied to the topic of your site. The size of the banner also directly affects the price. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. For example, if you have a website with a culinary theme, then the price per 1000 impressions will be 20-30 rubles.

But you have a highly specialized site, and even better a commercial one, for example, "forex", or medicine, or auto. Then the price for 1000 impressions can be from 100-200 rubles and above, up to 500 rubles.

We count

Each user looks on average 2 pages on the site. That is, 1 user makes 2 views.

3000 people visit your site a day. 3000 * 2 = 6000 views per day. 6,000 * 30 days = 180,000 views.

Also, do not forget that you can put 2-3 banners on the site (no longer needed). The main difficulty of monetizing with banners is that you have to look for a direct advertiser yourself, prepare a commercial offer, prove that your site is the best and the client should be accommodated with you. Plus the hassle with contracts, taxes, etc.

2. Contextual advertising

These are text ads that are shown in a special block on the site. Ads are selected based on what queries you previously made in the search engine.

For example, if you searched for “where to buy a Gibson guitar” an hour ago, you may notice that now almost all sites you see ads for Gibson guitars.

How to make money on it?

  1. Register and add your site to Advertising network Yandex;
  2. Create an ad unit in the code constructor;
  3. Install the code on the site and start making profits.

Allocate special places on the site where ads will be displayed. For example, you will have 3 ad spaces: before the article and after the article (if you have an article site or blog), and 1 block inside the article, under some important element.

We count

You only get money when your website visitors click on the ad. And your earnings depend on how many people clicked on the ad (by the link in the ad).

- A reasonable question, how much will I earn from one click? Let's say I put a block of contextual advertising, my friend came to me and clicked on the advertisement, how much will I get?

The answer is: the cost of a click directly depends on the subject of your site and on what queries your friend entered earlier in the search. Average cost per click: from 3 to 50 rubles.

There are topics where the cost of a click can reach 100-500 rubles and more!

- How many people on average click on ads?

On average, out of 100 visitors who come to your site, 3 will click. Here everything depends very much on the place where you placed your ad, on CPM. If you put it at the end of the site, closer to the "basement", then naturally, it will be noticed less and less clicked on.

But you can't go to the other extreme, you don't need to place ads everywhere, before the article, inside, at the end, and so on. Remember, people come to your site for information, not for advertising. Search engines filter spammed advertising sites. You run the risk of losing positions and traffic from search engines, do not overload the site with advertising. 3-5 blocks per page will be enough.

Let's say you have the same culinary site with 3000 visitors per day. If 3 out of 100 people click on the ad, then out of 3,000 people get 90.

90 clicks for ~ 5 rubles. = RUB 450 per day. Quite good 🙂

Per month comes out: 13,500 rubles. Also, do not forget that traffic on the site varies greatly during the week, and usually on weekends, site traffic falls, on Monday-Tuesday it grows.

You can register here:

  • Contextual advertising from Yandex: partner.yandex.ru
  • Contextual advertising from Google: google.com/adsense

UPD 2018. I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new Yandex technology - RTB.

3. Affiliate program.

Or simply “affiliate program” is a type of cooperation, when the seller shares the profit with you, and in return you supply clients to him.

Example: There is a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky and he sells his super-course “100 Chicken Breast Dishes”. The course is available in electronic format and in DVDs... And so Vasya tells you, if you bring me a client and he buys a course from me, I will pay you 30% of the purchase. In the end, and I will earn you. Everyone benefits, everyone is happy.

There are a lot of types of affiliate programs. You can advertise the services of the Air Company, and earn on ticket sales. You can advertise the services of cosmetic companies, and also receive a percentage of their sales. You can advertise books from an online store and the owner will pay you a commission.

Almost every large store, service, company or course has “affiliate programs”. So, no matter what site you have, you will find a suitable "affiliate program" for it.

How much can you earn on it?

The range of prices here is also very large. There are hundreds of sites on the Internet that offer their affiliate programs. I will show an example on a very popular affiliate program of info-products (training courses on DVD, popular not so long ago).

Example: You still have a culinary site with 1000 visitors.

  • Find paid courses on your topic on the Internet;
  • Register in an affiliate program;
  • IN personal account You are given banners or links for advertising with a unique identifier (your id);
  • Place banners or links on your website.

Now, when users of your site click on the course banner, go to the site of its owner and buy it, you will receive your commission.

We count

So, the best part. Let's say the course costs 3000 rubles. The standard commission percentage is 30%. 3000 * 25% = 900 rubles.

That's exactly 900 rubles. You will receive if someone collects a course by clicking on your link or banner.

As a result, the more traffic to your site, the more people will buy the course or other product that you are promoting.

4. Placing articles and reviews for money

The method is suitable for almost all sites, and it consists in the following. You can place OTHER advertising materials on YOUR website for PAYMENT.

It happens as follows: a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky turns to you and offers to place his advertising article on your website.

For what?

  • Thanks to such advertising articles, people can advertise their site, company, service;
  • As a rule, such articles contain links that have a good effect on the ranking of the promoted site.

How to determine what price to ask for an article posting?

It's simple, find similar sites (your competitors) through the same Yandex, and find pages that are dedicated to advertising. And compare how much they charge for a similar service, and put it a little lower.

The most important factor when evaluating the cost of an advertising article is the traffic to your site. As well as its subject matter and its SEO indicators (TCI and PageRank). The higher they are, the more expensive you can sell your ads.

P.s. you can find out SEO-indicators in the pr-cy.ru service. You can also add your site to the Miralinks.ru system. I advise you not to get too carried away with advertising posts, this can reduce the ranking of your site in search engines, and users will not really like it.

How much can you earn?

For a culinary site with a traffic of 1000 people per day, the average price will be 300-500 rubles. for placing 1 advertising article. On average, you will place about 5-10 advertising posts per month.

Total: ~ 3000 rubles. per month.

Recent STREAM on the topic of making money on their sites.

5. Paid section

You can create a special paid section on your website, or blog, or forum. And you will only let people go there for small fee... For example, $ 5. Or $ 20 or $ 100. It all depends on what you offer.

For a culinary site, the price may be small. And in fact, you sell copyright material on a commercial topic (for example, how to increase website traffic by 2 times, or how to increase the cost of a click in contextual advertising on his website 3 times). You can take much more money for such information. The main thing is that it is useful and relevant.


And for dessert, let's calculate how much you can earn on the site.

  • Topic: Home / Children;
  • Attendance: 3000 per day.

We use all 5 methods and get the sum:

1. Placing banners: 9,000 rubles;

3. Affiliate program: ~ 5 sales, that's RUB 4,500;

5. Paid section: ~ 10 purchases, that's $ 50 (3,000 rubles).

Total: 33,000 rubles.

Quite a good salary 🙂

Just do not flatter yourself, and do not think that nothing needs to be done and money will flow like a river. Do not forget that the site needs to be developed, optimized for search engines. You need to order unique articles, and this is the salary of copywriters. You need to pay for hosting and a domain, you need to invest in promotion and advertise in every possible way so that its attendance does not fall, but only grows.

And God forbid, you will have half of this money clean. But, no one forbids you to create 10 similar sites on different topics 😉

p.s. If anyone is interested, write in the comments, I'll tell you about the rest, less popular types of earnings on my sites.

  • My.

Hello to all my readers!

Today I want to consider with you the achievement of my goal number 1: " on 04/01/12."

The goal is achieved 06.03.12g.

Yandex metric - home page.

Yandex metrics - statistics page.

In fact, this achievement was unexpected even for me and caused a little bewilderment. But it was a useful bewilderment that made me figure out how it happened.

I drew all my data from four sources, namely: 1. Yandex metrics. 2. Yandex WebMaster Panel. 3.Statistics from liveinternet. 4. Tools for the Webmaster from the PR-CY.ru service. These services complement each other and I consider them to be the main tools in the analysis of my site.

Why am I surprised by reaching the goal of 100 visitors per day?

Surprised menot the figure of 100 visitors itself.requests - for which I randomly ended up in the TOP search engine Yandex.

Let's just say - I will not give full statistics, I will show only the basic statistics from which the first conclusions can be drawn.

And here are the requests for which my site received so many visitors:

Here's what liveinternet recorded:

As you can see, all requests refer to the 8 March holiday. It turned out somehow strange - the site is about making money on the Internet.

According to these requests, two articles, written by my wife, entered the TOP. She is a beginner amateur photographer, and every self-respecting photographer should have knowledge of Photoshop. So she described several possibilities of applying this knowledge.

The same surprise was caused by that that these articles and key phrases were not promoted anywhere. And the articles themselves were not linked. This effect can only be attributed to pure luck and coincidence of circumstances.

After looking at these statistics, after thinking a little, it became obvious thatthe more queries you move to the TOP - the more visitors you will have.

In fact, I just approached this stage in the section " ". This situation only played a plus and confirmed my previous observations that I described in the article."The purpose of this article, briefly, was as follows:

1. Creation of an interesting title for the article.

2. Correct presentation of the material.

3. Correct selection of keywords.

4. Creating an attractive "Snippet" - a description of what this article is about.

But let's look at one more factor: you did everything right, you have an interesting article title, an interesting article itself, a well-chosen snippet. But alas, according to requests, this article takes the very last places in the TOP 50 or 100, it doesn't matter, it's still a gallery, so to speak.

And now everything becomes clear. Having done all of the above actions, we only have to do one thing, namely:Promote a request - which will bring this article to the first positions in the search results.

In conclusion:Although the goal was achieved, I consider it partially completed. Since the holidays are over. Traffic decreased again. I will seek stable traffic. So I leave the Purpose.

For today, perhaps all.

See my " Lessons on SEO ", I plan to post there soonStages of page promotion in TOP . These stages are directly related to both and with

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