Audience social networks in the world. Research: Audience of Social Networks in Russia

Audience social networks in the world. Research: Audience of Social Networks in Russia


Briefly about the main thing

  • The most popular tool to access the Internet is a mobile phone / smartphone - it was called 52% of Internet users as an ordinary device.
  • 45% of the surveyed Russians over 18 years old are at least one of the social networks almost every day, 62% - at least once a week

Moscow, February 12, 2018 The All-Russian Center for Studying Public Opinion (WTCOM) presents these research on what social networks and messengers are Russians. Currently 45% russians surveyed over 18 years old enjoy at least one of the social networks is almost every day, 62% - at least once a week. Fully are excluded from social media about a third (20% due to the fact that they do not have access to the Internet and another 10% - there are no account). Expected maximum level of involvement - among young people - in the group 18-24 years Almost daily use social networks 91%, Among those surveyed 25-34 years of such 69% (in the group over 60 years old - only 15%). Most mass coverage In our country, according to the survey, network has a network In contact with - among all those surveyed about her daily visits said 28%, second place is occupied by classmates (19%), the third - Instagram (14%); The share of the daily audience of Google+ 7%, 4% scored Facebook and my world, 1% of Twitter and live magazine. Preferences when choosing a social network have age features. VKontakte I.Instagram.can be attributed to communities with trees of youth. The largest share of the audience of users of VKontakte is 40% - falls on people aged 25-34 years. Among users Instagram 38% - aged 18-24 years, 37% - aged 25-34 years. Among the daily audience Odnoklassniki The most common group is also 25-34 years (28%). At the same time, the distribution of classmates by age is the closest among all social networks to the overall distribution of the Internet audience in Russia. In social networks Facebook and my world prevails more adult audience. Among Facebook's audience is most of all people aged from 35 to 44 years (28%) and from 45 to 59 (26%), the core of the audience is my world - 45-59 Summer (39%). Most popular internet access means is an mobile phone / smartphone - It was called as an ordinary device 52% of Internet users. Internet access via the mobile phone is maximum among the daily Instagram users (92%) and VKontakte (84%), for the rest of the networks - about 70%. Respondents asked about what messengers, programming programs for short messagesthey use. Nearly three quarters The respondents noted that they were using such programs: 62% sent at least one message per day on the eve of the survey (90% in the group up to 25 years, the figure decreases sharply for representatives of older age - 57% in Group 45-59 years, 32% - from 60 years and older). Among the messengers that Russians consider for themselves the main, lead Whatsapp (44%), messages via messenger In contact with (32%), SMS.(32%) and Viber (thirty%). The selection of a program for sharing short messages is also closely associated with age - among those surveyed over 60 years most often use SMS (43%), and in the 18-24 year group - Messenger VKontakte (69%). Comparison of used messengers and social networks shows that enough high level of commitment to its method of sending short messages It is characteristic of VKontakte (67% of the network users consider its messenger main) and classmates (62%).

Today the social network has so firmly rooted in our lives, that the composition of the five most popular social sites is practically not changing from year to year. Nevertheless, the scope of penetration and use of these social networks differ depending on geography and demographic factors. Understanding these differences plays a big role when targeting on a specific audience. Comparing the most popular social networks, it is important to pay attention not to the number of registered accounts, but on the number of active users. From the review you will learn which social networks are growing faster than the rest, and which are now in decline.

Most Popular Social Platforms

The diagram prepared by the analytical Agency Statista gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of active users (in millions) in the most popular social networks of the world. He heads the Facebook list. Hardly it can surprise someone. Facebook occupies most of the market due to more than 2 billion active users. In January 2017, the most closest competitor was Whatsapp, which also belongs to Facebook Corporation. Then he was in second place. Today, on the second line from 1.5 billion active users, YouTube is located. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp occupy the third and fourth place, respectively.

They are followed by platforms, most of whose audience is located in the territory of the Asia-Pacific region. This QQ, Wechat and Qzone (with more than 600 million active users). This shows that in the ATP countries there are a number of popular social media. After them we see a cluster of popular mainly in the west of the sites - Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter.

And what about Russia?

In Russia, the penetration of social networks is estimated at 47%, accounts in them have 67.8 million Russians. According to Statista, YouTube (63% of respondents) is most active in the Russian Federation, the second place takes VKontakte - 61%. Facebook's global leader only on the fourth line with an indicator of 35%. Among the messengers dominate Skype and WhatsApp (38%).

Social networks that grow faster than others

Marketers are usually discharged on SMM not a lot of time. What social network to concentrate efforts? Twitter, who from 2010 to 2017, managed to collect an audience of 313 million users, showed the highest growth rates in comparison with its largest competitors Facebook, WhatsApp and Chinese Wechat. Founded in 2013 Instagram, by 2014, revenge on Twitter on the size of the audience.

A new study from Statista has shown that in 2017 Twitter lagged behind rivals. He demonstrated the lowest increase in the monthly active audience, which from the 3rd quarter of 2015 to the 3rd quarter of 2017 amounted to only 23 million. Facebook. Meanwhile, rummaged by 461 million.

How users interact with brands in social networks

To know how to behave and what publications to do in Sotsmedia, it is also important because it forms the image of your brand and, as a result, stimulates users to buy your products or vice versa unsubscribe from your groups. Social networks are increasingly used as platforms to work with customers, where customers existing and potential want to get answers to their questions in real time. From the diagram taken from the SPROUT Social report, it can be seen that 48% of users can be inclined to buy, quickly responding to questions in the group. 46% react positively to stocks, and 42% can choose a brand product if educational content is presented on its page. 27% of the user surveyed admitted that they would want to make a purchase if they show the materials that usually remain behind the scenes.

Half of the Sprout Social survey participants stated that they would unlock the brand community if the materials would be published there, and 27% reported that they would celebrate the brand and its page as spam and block it. That is why it is so important for coverage and involve your potential customers to publish relevant and interesting materials that find a response from your target audience.

Social networks with the most active audience

An important factor that affects how much time we should pay SMM in a specific social network is the level of audience involvement. Here again, Facebook is dominated, where the highest time involvement is also observed if you believe the data obtained by the analytical company ComScore as a result of the study of the consumer group from the United States.

Facebook successes are striking. In addition to the fact that the social network itself occupies an upper line, other platforms owned by the corporation also occupied the second and third place. Facebook Messenger penetration rate is 47%, and Instagram should be right behind it.

From the fresh data from the Pew Internet, shown in the chart below, we can see that Facebook is leading in terms of the number of active audience per day. 76% of users enter the social network every day, in Instagram this indicator is 51%. Only 42% of Twitter users look there daily, which is almost half smaller than Facebook.

The average daily duration of use of social networks in the United States is 2 hours and 1 minute, in Russia, users spend a little longer on the social platforms - 2 hours 19 minutes.

Involvement coefficients in different social networks

Analytical marketing company TrackMaven analyzed 51 million posts of various companies from 130 industries to find out which social networks the highest intelligence ratio. The results showed that the absolute leader in involvement per 1000 subscribers is Instagram. It is so higher than the indicators of other social networks, which had to make a separate chart to illustrate the difference between Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

As can be seen from the second schedule, Facebook is greatly ahead of twitter and linkedin. The reason for this is to a greater extent that there are more posts in Twitter, because there is no algorithm here, which allows you to demonstrate content only a small part of the audience. Because of this, brands have to fall asleep their tapes posts to break through the information noise. This, in turn, reduces the response level to publication. Below is an average daily number of posts on an account in three social networks.

General statistics for the use of social networks worldwide

Every year wearesocial updates its comprehensive statistical report Global Digital Report, which contains useful data on social media worldwide. From it, you can find out how different social platforms are used in different parts of the world. Surprise causes the fact that Western countries are seriously lagging behind the pace of social network penetration.

Below are the main conclusions of the studies.

  • The number of Internet users in 2018 reached 4.021 billion people, which is 7 percent more compared to the year ago.
  • The audience of social networks in 2018 has 3.196 billion people - 13% higher than last year's figures.
  • The number of mobile phone users is 5.135 billion people, which means plus 4% to the meaning of last year.

The numbers grow rapidly, especially this concerns active social network users from mobile devices - the penetration rate is 39%, which is 5% more than in 2017.

If we talk about the structure of web traffic depending on the type of devices, then the most traffic can generate mobile users (52%, which is 4% higher than last year). Only 43% of all web pages are visited with desktops, it is 3% below last year's value.

North, Western and Southern Europe, as well as North America, boast the highest level of Internet penetration - 74% -94% of the total population enjoy the worldwide network. In Russia, 110 million people use the Internet - 76% of the total population.

The increase in the global audience of social networks from January 2017 was 13%. The fastest increase in the number of users is celebrated in Saudi Arabia. Since January 2017, their number has increased by 32%, the average global indicator is 17%. Among other countries with the highest increments of India, Indonesia and Ghana. The cause of the jump was the development of technologies, which simplified the population access to social sites. The slowest social network grew in the UAE, South Korea and the United Kingdom -<5%. В России пользователей соцсетей стало на 8 826 000 человек больше (+15% к прошлогоднему значению).

Since the largest share of users falls on Facebook, it would be useful to know how the content you publishes will show itself in this social network and what functions to use to increase its coverage. According to the statistics of the social network, the average publication coverage is 10.7%, while organic posts have 8% (organic coverage in Russia is 11.3%), and at paid posts this value is 26.8% (27.4% in Russia) . Organic and paid posts in Facebook have enormous potential. It is important to competently targeting publications to get high-quality lid.

You can get a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the global digital market in 2018 by studying our Internet 2017-2018 overview in the world and in Russia: statistics and trends that we have prepared based on the Global Digital 2018 study.

The popularity of social networks by country

The graph from the Globalwebindex report below, compiled on the basis of the Internet user survey, perfectly reflects the popularity of various social networks by country. Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are among the ten most active audiences of each of the social networks, and significantly ahead of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European countries.

Of the four represented by social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google+), the Russians are more active in the video service. Twitter and Google+ relatively often use only 20% of our compatriots, and Facebook is regularly viewed just over 40%.

Demographic statistics for the use of social networks

As can be seen from the schedule, in different age groups there is a similar structure of using social networks. This suggests that the social networks reached the stage of maturity, when with their help you can reach all demographic groups regardless of age and gender. Exceptions are Instagram and Tumblr with a newer audience.

Strategies for interaction with the audience of social networks

According to the study of The State of Social 2018, 96% of brands have a representative office on Facebook.

At the same time, only half of the respondents have a documented SMM strategy. A large business refers a little more responsible for this issue than small companies (60% stated that they have such a document).

If we talk about the types of content published by brands, then lead images, links and texts. Despite the fact that the video sights usually get the greatest response, video content takes here only a fourth line. This is primarily due to the complexity of creating such materials.

At the end of 2017, Smart Insights, together with CLUTCH, conducted a survey among business representatives in which they asked what kind of social networks represent the greatest value. It turned out that Facebook (93% of respondents) is considered among B2C companies, and most B2B segment companies prefer LinkedIn (93%).

Value of social networks for brands in 2018

  1. If you think that your Central Asian does not sit in social networks, you are mistaken.

Through social networks, you can reach any audience, regardless of gender, age, social situation. 98% of online consumers are registered in social networks, quite most of them are adults 55-64 years.

  1. A third of the whole time on the Internet people dedicate social networks.

The average user spends 2 hours and 15 minutes a day, leafing through the tape and communicating at social platforms, and young people are 16-24 years old - almost three hours. If you do not consider SMM as a channel to attract customers, then you voluntarily inferior to competitors attention to your target audience.

  1. Half of all social network users are signed on the page of brands.

4 of 10 Internet users are signed on the pages of favorite companies in social networks, and a quarter subscribe to brands when they plan to buy something. People have a positive attitude towards such a content, so active presence in Sotsmedia is a great value for companies.

  1. Social networks are the main source of information for consumers.

People aged 16-24 years prefer to look for information about brands in social networks, and not in search engines. A quarter of users of this age group recognize that a large number of likes on the brand page can incline them to purchase. In the group of 35-44 years old, 20% of respondents said. Social commerce can be considered one of the main channels of profit, which means it is important to diversify efforts, and not to bet only on advertising.

  1. Viewing video - Favorite occupation in social networks.

Facebook is the largest social network for the number of users, but youtube occupies first place at attendance and the reason is in the video. The video covers receive the most active response, and that is why advanced brands constantly publish rollers on their pages.

The following materials were used in the preparation of the article:

  1. Global Social Media Research Summary 2018 Review, compiled by Smart Insights
  2. Report The State of Social 2018 prepared by Social Media Week
  3. Article The Biggest Social Media Trends Shaping 2018, published in the blog Globalwebindex
  4. Study Social Networks Study: How Social Networks Were Used in 2017 Analytical Metricool Agency
  5. Global Digital 2018 Reporting Packaged by WEARESOCIAL Analytical Agency

Do you want to order your company community maintenance in social networks? Contact us by phone:

According to the latest studies of the Russian-speaking Internet segment, about 90% of all network users regularly attend social networks. At the same time, many of them are quite comfortable using one, but at once several social networks. The correct understanding of which contingent of Internet users is concentrated on a particular resource, is the main key to the successful website promotion on social networks.

Who are we looking for?

To start, take a pencil in the hands and try to characterize those people you see as potential visitors to your site and your future customers. This is your target audience. Indicate a list of key parameters for it, for example:

    Geographical position;

  • The presence of children;


    Social status;


Do not perceive this example as a template. Your criteria for determining the target audience can be very different from the proposed. The point is to make the range of users you need as accurately as possible. List ready? Then they sit behind the microscope and look carefully, which is a user of a particular social network. Getting acquainted with the audience of social networks, immediately compare it with your potential customers. Systematically compile a private rating of "professional benefits" of social skins according to your criteria. Go!

In contact with

One of the most popular social network covers the expanses of the entire Russian-speaking Internet segment, while quite well presented in the regions. Contrary to the established opinion on childhood of the average user, recently the audience of VKontakte has matured noticeably. The average age of "bone" is estimated for 20-30 years.

People come here mainly to communicate, are actively divided by music, photographs and various references. For communication "For Interest", groups of various topics are created. The most promoted of them are over 5,000,000 subscribers, among which the number of permanent visitors reaches 200,000.

By sexuality, VKontakte retains almost the perfect balance, and the average time spent on this resource is 30 minutes.


How classmates do not try to rejuvenate their users, but the social network continues to remain the main platform of the Runet to communicate "former" classmates, one-laugure, colleagues, etc. The audience is more feminine (70%), and the average age of users fluctuates around 30-40 years. It is this social network that the most age network users of the network prefer, and many it is associated with the place of meeting housewives.

Of the more than 40 millionth army of classmates, more than half of the "fighters" are identified as Muscovites, and the remaining approximately equal proportions are foreigners or representatives of other cities of Russia. Users are divided into groups (common interests) and community (jobs, study, etc.), and the average user held on the site by different estimates is about 25 minutes.

How to succeed?

Classmates, like Vkontakte, are a fairly universal platform, but here for successful promotion is very important to contact with its audience. More than anyone else, here will be successful promotion of services and goods that do not require high solvency from the audience, as well as services localized in a specific region. Provide topical information, plead to promotions, answer the questions in a timely manner and react to criticism and success to your company is guaranteed!


The Facebook audience is mainly the most advanced part of the population. As a rule, these are serious specialists covering a wide field of professional activities. It is not difficult here to meet individual entrepreneurs, Internet figures, IT specialists, as well as representatives of creative class, designers, advertisers ... The age of major visitors to this network ranges in the range of 25-50 years. And from the point of view of the geographical location of users, residents of large cities are presented here to a greater extent. The main audience of Facebook is characterized by social status and nonsense is not lower than the average. At the same time, despite the seeming seriousness of the average user, many of them are not alien to various tests, flash games and other entertainment that social networks are often used to conquer popularity.

Unlike domestic VK and OK, Facebook has access to an international audience, as well as a list of tools for promoting business pages, including finely targeted advertising (the case is not cheap, but with proper use, very effective).

Who is waiting for success?

The most promising from the point of view of promotion here will be services and goods focused on a serious solvent audience. Conferences, business trainings and seminars here will definitely have demand. Also companies that provide services in the design of the design will feel at home. If you plan to expand your activity outside Russia, you definitely be focused on promoting in this social network. Read our advice on how not to scatter.


Twitter is characterized by a special format that makes this resource more dynamic. The average twitter user covers a wider age range from 20 to 40 years, while the representation of the male part slightly prevails over the beautiful half. Excellent integration of social networks with mobile devices led to the fact that about 75% of its users come here through their gadgets. Here you will find a lot of business people who know the price of their time and will not spend his backup. 4 minutes per day, which spends twitterin on the network are an excellent confirmation of this.

TWITTER accounts have many famous people, politicians, athletes, show business stars and public figures.

Who will fit?


The popularity of YouTube in RuNet is invariably growing every year and today the monthly audience of this video hosting is estimated at least 50 million people. In general, this platform has localization in 75 countries, which represents incredibly ambitious opportunities to conquer the audience at the international level. However, in terms of receiving visitors to your site, you should not expect from YouTube outstanding achievements. Even a hundred thousand views with a tent of thousands of "Likes" can lead to your site a small number of visitors.

How best to use?

Given the high popularity of YouTube, the search engines simply cannot ignore its multi-million audience. Therefore, the rollers placed on your channel will certainly have a positive effect on the ranking of your brand in search engines (from similar considerations, by the way, do not forget about). This is a great tool for promoting the brand, including in the international arena. And with some secrets, you can raise the effectiveness of video marketing to a professional level.

Instagram & Pinterest

These photoservices were able to gain high popularity with us not so recently. While installing mobile gadgets, Pinterest is more widely open in Instagram, Pinterest is more oriented to the stationary PC user. Despite this, the audience of these social networks is quite close. A characteristic user is a young man (girl) under the age of 24. As a rule, these are the most advanced users predominantly representing major cities. By analogy with Twitter, Instagram offers convenient opportunities for the effective use of hashtegov.

Who will fit?

Observing the principles of the proverb "It is better to see 1 time than 100 to hear", Instagram and Pinterest give great opportunities to promote brands that easily visualize. This is an excellent way to declare yourself if your product or service is visually aesthetic and attractive. Professional photographers, organizers of events, hand-held masters and home confectionery here will easily find their audience.

At the same time, it is more adapted to the decor and handmade, and is a more versatile tool.

Do not forget:

The above description of the most common resources in the Russian-speaking Internet characterizes only their main audience, the so-called "backbone". The number of social network users is huge, and who knows what an atypically representative you will find in a particular community.

Social networks covered in the article in order
1. VK
2. FB.

5. Twitter
6. Periskop.
7. Telegrams
8. ASC

Scheme of the description of each social network

  • goals, mission, who and from where the owners, how and when were born, dynamics and prospects;
  • audience: Geography, Languages, Age, Interests, Number of Users, Social Status;
  • features: Pages, Communities, Groups, Messages, Video, Audio, Applications ...
  • opportunities for making people: how do people earn how much they earn a month, how much time it goes;
  • opportunities for promotion and closer opportunities;
  • business opportunities, companies advertising;
  • summary, the main distinguishing features of this network from others in which uniqueness.

Social network In contact with It was founded in 2006 by Programmer Pavel Durov. Initially, the goal of the project was to communicate with students and graduates of universities to communicate in a single network, and it was possible to register on it only at a special invitation and exclusively under the present name and surname. Immediately after registration became possible for everyone, the social network began to gain momentum. By 2007, VKontakte's audience was already 3 million people, and the site itself occupied the second place in popularity in RuNet.

During its existence, VKontakte has undergone great changes and changed the owners several times. Initially, together with Paul, the company's shares belonged to Father and Son Mikhail and Vyacheslav Mirillashvili, as well as a programmer and an entrepreneur Lero Lieu. In 2011, Mail. Gru Group acquired 39, 99% of VKontakte shares, and in 2014 it became the only owner, bought 100%.

Now VKontakte continues to grow and develop, still overtaking by the number of users the most popular Russian social networks classmates and my world. There is an incessant trend of chase for Facebook.

Audience VKontakte

By 2017, by VKontakte users reached 410 million. About 80 million people come to the site daily. The geography of users is quite extensive and covers countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other members of the CIS. Users from European countries are not so much, but they are. The same applies to Americans.

Due to the large geographical scatter of users of VKontakte there is a function of selecting the language of the interface. The service is currently working with 85 languages, including the languages \u200b\u200bof almost all nationalities living in Russia.

Total: the audience of VK in the mass of the youth, Russian-speaking, the subject of pages, respectively, the interests of such an audience - music, entertainment, games ...

Opportunities VKontakte

If in initially VKontakte offered to its users only the functions of sharing personal messaging, searching for people, profile settings, choosing the place of study and add photos, now the opportunity has been significantly expanded. Now, besides listed, the social network offers features such as:

  • - creation and management of groups and public pages;
  • - use of various applications and games;
  • - saving you like photos in a separate album on your page;
  • - shipment of personal messages of one user to another;
  • - creation of group chats;
  • - Listening and adding music;
  • - View and add video.

How to earn VKontakte

  1. Groups and public pages. Which can be used in different ways. Most - place advertising in your community. But here there is a condition - the community must be promoted and have many subscribers, otherwise no one simply wants to post your advertisement. Therefore, if this option is your soul, it is worthwhile to promote the group.
    Another way to make money through the community - creating an online store. If you can attract at least a small circle of customers, you can start making good money. Online store VKontakte is a profitable business, because you do not have to pay for the content of the site and the social network audience is huge, which increases the chances of obtaining a large number of customers.
    The third earnings option through groups is an affiliate program, that is, placement in your community references to any product or service. If this link will go to the site and order a product, you will be charged a certain percentage of revenue each time.
Using communities, VKontakte can earn up to several tens of thousand rubles.

With the help of communities, VKontakte can earn up to several tens of thousand rubles, depending on the specifics of the advertised product and the number of community subscribers.

  1. Work by moderator or admin community. The creators of groups and public pages with a large audience are often looking for people who would have been making these mercencies. If you are well versed Vkontakte and have certain skills to work with textual and photo edits, it is possible to become a moderator or admin community and make money. As a rule, everyone has different bets. If desired and diligence, you can earn up to 15-20 thousand rubles per month.
  2. Working a web designer. In the presence of design skills and good taste, the source of earnings will be the development of community design. Here, the condition of obtaining work is promotion, but in this case itself. Usually, the work of the web designer is for the VKontakte group estimated at 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the design.
  3. Develop an application. This is perhaps the most difficult way to earn a VKontakte, because the development of an application that would use the popularity of users, for only experienced programmers. But, if nevertheless, you succeeded, it is quite possible that your earnings will reach tens of thousands per month.

How to wind friends and subscribers vkontakte

VKontakte users often need a need or just a desire to acquire a large number of friends. This is necessary, for example, with the same trade in the network or for advertising. Also always want to get to your records and photos as much likes as possible, but not everyone gets to quickly score as many people in friends as you want, or a large number of likes. Special services come to the rescue, which will subsequently become an excellent tool for promotion.

The most popular and inexpensive service to date that allows you to wind up friends, reposites, subscribers to a group, husky, comments, gifts for a low fee or earn likes in the system itself, and then exchange them for any service.

Also wielding huskies, friends or subscribers on:

  • - promoted combine on cheating;
  • - Very simple, for some reason I like working through a smartphone / tablet;
  • - Service Exchange, andmotion slightly different interfaces for ordinary users and for advertisers.

In addition to using special services, page promotion can be achieved in a fee, contacting people whose activity is precisely assistance in promotion. The disadvantage of this method is high cost.

In addition to services, there are programs running from a computer:

  • - Business Combine for VC. There is a free version. The author is a fan of his case.
  • - Newsletter advertising, VKontakte messages, Dialogue Management.
  • - promotion of groups and accounts VKontakte.
  • - Parser to search for your target audience VKontakte.
  • - The best analogue of VKBOT (VK Bot), in many respects superior it. Mass functions, support for free line 8-800.

You can try to promote the page yourself. VKontakte is not so easy, but you can, for example, join the group where users add each other as a friend. This is a kind of mutual piror.

Business opportunities VKontakte

As mentioned earlier, VKontakte can be used for different purposes, including for profit, and the social already ready-made business and for its start. In both cases, VKontakte communities will come to the rescue.

An existing business can be expanded and promoting by creating a public page where you can sell goods or just to acquaint a potential client with an assortment, if it comes to trade, or offer your services. An excellent addition to this will be the order of advertising in other major communities or on pages from users with lots of friends and subscribers.

You can also go to your small business within VKontakte by opening the same group, but it is necessary to initially think about its promotion.

Thanks to wide opportunities not only for communication, but also for a good pastime, and if desired, profit, VKontakte remains popular among users for many years. It is in a well-thought-out organization of the service of the service lies the secret of his many years of success.


Facebook - The very first, and, today, the most popular social network in the world, founded by Harvard's Harvard Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004.
Initially, no social network of speech went, because then did not even know what it was. The fact is that in the school where Zuckerberg studied was a special book called The Photo Address Book, where photos and contacts of all students were kept, and which the students themselves renamed the Facebook because of the long name. Enrolling in Harvard, Zuckerberg found that there is no such directory at the university, which caused his perplexity.

The future billionaire addressed the leadership of the university with a request to create something similar, but received a refusal. And then Zuckerberg decided to deal with his hands and founded Facebook - the site where Harvard students could communicate. Already in the first month, half of all students registered on Facebook, then students of other universities joined them. In 2005, Facebook ceased to be a social network only for students - now everyone could register here.

After the number of accounts in the social network exceeded 50 million, the brand Zuckerberg began to receive proposals for its sale, but everyone received a refusal. Only Bill Gates managed to buy 1, 6% of the project shares, paying $ 260 million. After that, the billionaire registered on the social network, and then concluded an agreement with Zuckerberg, according to which Microsoft advertising was placed in Facebook.

But we will not forget that, perhaps, the most part of success is due to the attention in 2005 to the then startup of venture entrepreneurs, the billionaires of Peter Til (PayPal, Xspace, Palantir) and his partner who surveiled the project among hundreds of others and invested in it significant funds . According to Peter Til, they studied the market and related information in the subject of social networks, and at the time of the meeting with Zuckerberg have already decided.

Auditorium Facebook

By 2017, the number of accounts in Facebook reached 1, 71 billion. Of them, a little more than a billion use the mobile version of the social network. Even considering that some users have several accounts, the number of people registered in Facebook is almost 25% of the population of the Earth.

At the same time, accounts belong to people of various ages and social statuses, but it is here that most of the world's world stars and music, deputies and politicians are concentrated here.

Because of the large geographical scatter, the interface language can be done almost any.

the number of people registered with Facebook is almost 25% of the population of the Earth.

Facebook features

Today Facebook is not just a website where you can exchange messages. Opportunities of the social network wide. Here you can:

  • - Create and participate in interest groups;
  • - look for acquaintances and add them to friends;
  • - play games;
  • - communicate live;
  • - communicate with audio messages;
  • - send photos, videos, music and documents to any user;
  • - Download photos and videos to your page.

How to keep a business and earn in Facebook

Since Facebook is a site where the biggest cluster of people is understandable that it has long been used not only for communication and entertainment. Society, like nothing else, will help earn money and promote your own business.

The most popular Facebook earnings options:

  1. Place on your page links to affiliate programs. They can be found to both themselves, but if you have many people in friends, some sellers online or those who want more realization for their goods can offer themselves like for money.
  2. Place your paid advertising on your page.
  3. Become an author on Facebook Posts Market ("Market Records"). Or Facebook Fanpages Market ("Fan Page Market").

These methods will allow you to earn from 5 thousand rubles and above a month.

Options to make money in Facebook in your own business:

  1. Create a public for selling any goods or services, that is, a kind of online store.
  2. Create a public for advertising your business that operates outside the network.

Facebook in 2016/2017 brought a huge amount of resentment and revolutionary tools for fine segmentation of the audience, providing users unprecedented marketing opportunities. The dynamics of changes amazes, improvements appear every week.

Methods of promotion and cheating on Facebook

Promotion of a page in Facebook is possible both independent and through third-party programs. To gain a large number of friends, you need to either send as many applications yourself as possible, or make your page so interesting that users themselves are added to you. The more friends, the more likes will be in the photos.

If you don't want to spend time, but there is an opportunity to spend money, you can use special services for cheating friends and likes. They are now quite a lot and some offer their services for quite reasonable prices and with high performance.

This, for example, mentioned above, plus.


Facebook in the Russian-speaking segment today in terms of the growth rate of the audience is ahead of Vkontakte, and in terms of business opportunities and earnings is more accurate. VC has already been saturated with advertising, and the FB is an unpaked field, plus the rapid increase in new participants.

An important point that the most effective audience is the people of 30-45 years old, entrepreneurs, politicians, experts, IT Schniki - "dwells" in Facebook.

Since its inception, Facebook is not in vain heads a list of social networks. It was he who became the beginning for all other similar projects and this is his main difference from them. Well, and the native VC will wish not to lag behind, but catch up and distinguish between a competitor.


Now instagram do not know, perhaps, only those people to whom civilization did not reach, that is, the aborigines 🙂 and after all, few people can assume that this project was created literally in a few weeks american student Kevin Sistom. He just raised the idea to create his application that would "explode" the network, and even began to work on the BURBN project, uniting some functions of social networks. At the same time, another programmer Michael Cryger worked on the creation of his application, and Kevin, being his acquaintance, offered Kriega to work together. They started working on Burbn, but soon realized that the project was doomed to failure.

The idea of \u200b\u200binstagram came to the head of Kevin Simstrom unexpectedly. He realized that such a service was needed, which could only transform the most expensive photos and make them beautiful. On the same day, he created the first filter instagram, and over the others they worked again with Cryer.

The first version of Instagram appeared in the App Store on October 6, 2010, and immediately went mass boot. Already in the first days, the number of downloads reached 25 thousand, and the creators realized that instagram was accepted by users, and, it means, people need to ensure its livelihoods. Thus, the instagram team expanded to 5 people.

The fact that in April 2012 the project was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars, proves what popularity he has already acquired at that time. Today, instagram is a service that allows not only to upload photos and videos, but also to conduct live broadcasts, like in a periscope, keep your business and make money.

Audience Instagram.

In instagram is not registered, probably, only the most lazy. If you say that his audience is the whole world, it will probably not be an exaggeration. The application is adapted to all existing operating systems and in almost every country. The number of registered accounts by 2017 passed for 500 million. For the convenience of users, Instagram offers the opportunity to use the service for several dozen languages.

Opportunities Instagram.

During its existence, a lot has changed in Instagram. Today, he offers its users such as:

  • - download video to a duration of up to 60 seconds;
  • - processing photo and video filters;
  • - maintaining direct broadcasts;
  • - restricting access to its page;
  • - Personal correspondence.
  • How to keep business and earn in instagram

    Due to its popularity and a large number of people at his expanses, instagram became a service, earnings options in the service:

    1. Creating a page for trading.
    2. Placing advertising on your page.
    3. Placing products links on its page, when switching for which the purchase of this product, the user receives a percentage of the sale.
    4. The promotion of your business, which is conducted outside the instagram, by notifying its users. To do this, a page of the same or organization is created, where complete information about it and its services is given.

    Promotion and cheating in instagram

    Each user instagram seeks to ensure that he has as many subscribers as possible, or that his photos got a lot of likes. If you adhere to a few simple tips, it is quite real:

    1. Fill out the profile of interesting information about yourself.
    2. Read more photo and video to your page.
    3. Choose an attractive avatar.
    4. Put hashtegi under photo and video.

    If you are doing business in instagram, then the best ways to know about people:

    1. Subscribe to as many people as possible.
    2. Put husky.
    3. Specify in the header information about yourself.

    There are also paid ways of cheating and promotion in instagram. It:

    - The use of special programs and services that also provide cheating services for money.

    The first way is more suitable for business accounts, and the second - ordinary users.

    When using promotion services for serious revenues, no mass services are used, and specializing exclusively at the promotion of instagram, good, prices are comparable:

    • - The service specializes in promotion in instagram. Makes emphasis on real work - living subscribers, promotion and not cheating and all that brings the result in the call of the coin, and not just beautiful figures like and subscribers to meet our ego.
    • - an analogue of the instal, only almost twice as cheaper and more modern. Based on our statistics, the services with such a functionality are kept so low prices at the stage of a set of initial mass of users and separation from competitors. Then raise prices. So use the moment.
    • Doinsta is run-down and polished service for automated (with a minimum manual labor) work with subscriptions, unsubsions, huskies. Recently, the service is unstable, we recommend others: ,.


    Uniqueness Instagram is its multifunctionality and constantly introduced updates to the operation of the system. The owners of the service do everything so that interest to it does not subside, and they have it perfectly.

    The service is very dynamically developing, its seriously is considered as a source of client attracting in many niches.


    Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network in Russia. It was founded in 2006 by the programmer Albert Popkov and Designer Dmitry Utkin, and was not at all perceived by the creators as some major project, but in a short time the social network gained great popularity. Finding investors and developing classmates, the creators of the social network were able to do so that in six months the number of registered accounts reached 4 million. But still the owners had lacking for the maintenance of the project and in 2010 they decided to sell classmates Mail .Ru Group. By that time, over 45 million users were registered on the network.

    Audience "Odnoklassniki"

    By 2017, about 300 million accounts from more than 100 countries were already registered in classmates. Social network is viewed in 13 languages. Almost all the Russian-speaking population of Europe, America and Australia is registered on classmates and comes to the site regularly.

    Opportunities "Classmates"

    In addition to messaging, classmates allow:

    • - create and communicate in groups;
    • - play games and spend time in exciting applications;
    • - give each other virtual gifts;
    • - listen to music;
    • - watch the video;
    • - add photos;
    • - Restrict access to your page.

    How to keep business and earn in classmates

    Today, classmates are actively used to earn money online. Opportunities for maintaining their business and earnings here are quite extensive. People who have their own business outside the network, but those who want to attract more customers can do it with the help of a social network. For this you can:

    1. Create a group dedicated to your business, where potential customers will be able to learn about you and your services or products.
    2. Notify about your services or products on your page.
    3. Order advertising from popular groups.

    You can earn money in classmates:

    1. Becoming an administrator or moderator of a large group.
    2. Having created a group-online store.
    3. Placing in your group or on your page advertising.
    4. Placing links to affiliate programs.

    Earnings are different, depending on the specifics of activity - from several thousand to several tens of thousand rubles.

    Promotion and cheating in classmates

    It is necessary to promote your page or group in classmates first of all those who deal with the business on the network and who needs a large audience.

    You can use subscribers to a group or friends easily - just inviting the community or sending applications as a friend. If you are interested in, then you will definitely answer reciprocity, and to attract attention, you need to deal with your page or group, constantly updating and placing interesting content.

    Despite the permanent confrontation with VKontakte, Odnoklassniki remains a unique project, interesting users. This is largely possible by providing its users with a wide list of options for leisure and earnings.

    audience Facebook is more active people who are looking for something reach, fight, prove, change the world,

    vKontakte's audience - in many respects youth and adolescents, passionate about music, parties and a search for the meaning of life,

    audience classmates - calm homemade, loving to extract photo albums, kill clocks on maps-noliki-sailors, stroking the fusion cat 🙂

    And there are a lot of such people!

    If you want to successfully promote goods and services in social networks, then first of all it is necessary to get acquainted closer with the visitors of the platforms you are interested in. In this article we will find out who constitutes the target audience of Odnoklassnikov, who have been in the top 10 of the most popular sites of Russia for several years and are hardly needed.

    "Age" social network - myth or reality?

    The stereotype of the "age" "classmates" can be compared with an annoying song that trains against desire. As a result, people even far from social networking people believe that the audio classmates site is older users. The blurring of the formulation "Older" gives the will to interpretations: "middle-aged people", "those who over 40" and even "pensioners". Let's try to figure out the true state of affairs.

    Probably, any stereotype has truthful reasons. It is true in relation to If you think about something, some information is already contained in the title: Find those with whom you have ever studied at school (it means that you have finished the school for a long time, and the connection of that time is not supported). At the dawn of the existence of "classmates" of their "age" status was not a myth, but a reality, but this completely corresponded to the initial concept of the site. According to 2008 data, most of the users "OK" at that period were people aged 25 to 34 years.

    But it is impossible to lose sight of the changeability, which is characteristic of the Internet and, in particular, social networks. "Odnoklassniki" is not static and fossil education, they do not stand still, converts, evolve. From the moment of their launch, almost a decade passed, and the 2008 statistics today seem to put it mildly, irrelevant. Experts note that modern "classmates" seek to expand their audience due to young people without losing the proven "mature" segment.

    This idea has all the chances of finding a successful embodiment, because OK.RU is an entertainment platform, where there is an interesting content for everyone, as well as games, movies or music to taste. But only time will tell whether these efforts will lead to the desired result, as well as the audio classnist audience is distributed as follows: most of the users (35%) are people 25-35 years old, and women and men in this category are equal. But in other age groups, the ratio of women and men fluctuates:

    According to other data, "classmates" is a pronounced "female" site (almost 70% of women against 30% of men). In this regard, the "female" and "family" content enjoys constant popularity here.

    It is important to take into account not only the age-age characteristics of users, but also their geographical scatter, interests and much more. For example, the audio classmates' classmates are more "regional" compared to the capital audience of Facebook or Vkontakte.

    A typical user of Odnoklassniki - what is his temper?

    Despite the many variables, it is quite possible to draw a certain averaged "portrait" of the visitor of Odnoklassniki.

    The audio classnist's audience is concentrated mainly on the internal communication, that is, viewing profiles and exchange messages. News tape is interested in people significantly less. Users are not very picky for the quality of photocontent and illustrations, but at the same time they like graphics and video more than texts. This distinguishing feature of perception is fairly easy to take into account when adapting content under the platform, so its ignoring will become a gross mistake.

    From the point of view of marketing, the audio classroom classmates is ideal for promoting the mass segment. Here are some of the characteristic features: high purchasing and user activity, low middle check, active participation of users in contests and a large number of stamps to publications.

    However, analysts do not advise the marketers to "flutter by top and content with the average user. There is a boundless nuance here, therefore, the axes of work are unlikely to be effective.

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