Murcia Spain. Open the left menu Murcia

Murcia Spain. Open the left menu Murcia


Murcia (Spain) is the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Murcia with a description, guidebooks and cards.

Murcia city

Murcia is a major city in the southeastern part of Spain and the administrative center of the same region. Located on the shores of the Segura River 25 km from the Mediterranean Sea. Murcia is a kind of compromise between a noisy megalopolis and province, a university city with a rich history, which is distinguished by calm and dimension.

Murcia and the whole region is famous for all Spain with beautiful food and kindness of local residents, excellent sandy beaches and natural landscapes. This is one of the largest agricultural provinces of the country, vegetables and fruits of which are exported to other states of Europe.

Geography and climate

Murcia is located in Southeast Spain on the shores of the Segura River. The average height above sea level is 43 meters. The climate is Mediterranean. Summer roast and dry, winter soft and wet.

Practical information

  1. Population - 442.6 thousand people (seventh largest city in Spain).
  2. Area - 881.9 square kilometers.
  3. Language - Spanish.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
  7. Most restaurants and cafes lunch are served from 13.00 to 15.30, and dinner from 20.30 to 23.00.
  8. Shops have a schedule of work from Monday to Saturday from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 16.30 to 20.30. Supermarkets work without a break from 10.00 to 22.00.

Best time visiting


Murcia was founded in the first half of the 9th century by Emir Cordoba. In the 12th century it was a prosperous and large city, which was famous for his ceramics and silk.

By the middle of the 13th century, the city fell under the protectorate of the Castilian kingdom. After some time, the independent kingdom of Murcia arose, which at the end of the 13th century was captured by the king of the Aragon Kingdom of Heim II. In 1304, the city finally became part of Castile.

Murcia has lost importance, but in the 18th century, thanks to the production, Sheochell flourished again. In 1810, the city plundered Napoleon's troops. In 1829, Murcia was damaged by a powerful earthquake.

How to get

Murcia has airport San Javier with numerous internal and international flights: Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBrussels, Dublin, London, Oslo, Edinburgh, etc. Alicante Airport is located. Also in Murcia can be easily reached by bus or train.

Shopping and shopping

Food and drink

Murcia is famous for its kitchen, tapas, wine, fresh fruits and vegetables. Traditional food:

  • Berenjenas A La Crema - Eggplant with Creams with Ham (Seafood)
  • Caballitos - shrimp
  • Ensalada Cantonal - Fish Salad and Olive Oil
  • Ensalada Murciana - Salad with tomatoes, onions, eggs and tuna
  • Habas Crudas Con Bonito - Bob Salad
  • Marinera - dish with anchovies
  • Michirones - Spicy Beans (Beans) with bacon
  • Patatas con AJO - fried potatoes with garlic
  • Pipirrana - Salad with tomatoes, pepper, cucumber and sardines
  • Pisto Murciano - Roasted pepper with eggplants and tomatoes
  • Pulpo - octopus
  • Tomate "Partío" - Olives, Capers, Anchovies
  • Tortillas - Tortilla (beans, garlic)
  • Zarangollo - Roasted Zucchini with onions and egg

High concentration of food institutions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cathedral and University.


The most interesting sights and places of Murcia.

The Square of Cardinal Beluga is one of the central Murcia, on which the two most famous sights of the city are located.

Architectural dominant is a cathedral with a high 91-meter bell tower. The Murzhi Cathedral is one of the best examples of Spanish Baroque. This is the main symbol of the city and one of the most impressive structures of the entire region. Construction of the cathedral began in the 14th century. In the 16th century, the main Cathedral of Murcia received a baroque facade. The tower at about the same time was rebuilt in the architectural style of the Renaissance.

The Episcopal Palace is the 18th century building, built on the site of more ancient Palacio Alcazar.

Casino is a monumental building built in the style of the Palaces of Andalusia. Allocated with a luxurious interior with frescoes.

Plaza de Las Flores - Charming Square in the center of Murcia. Received its name thanks to numerous florist stores. Great stop to drink coffee and look at the house in the Art Nouveau style.

Floridablanca - Park on the opposite side of the Segura River. This is the oldest public Public Park, open from the mid-19th century.

Santa Clara La Real

Santa Clara La Real is a museum built on the site of the Moorish fortress.


Monteagudo is one of the symbols of the entire region, the castle near Murcia. This fortress of the 9th century rises on a cliff from limestone and crowned with a huge white statue of Christ. The castle was designed for prolonged siege and was used by Moors to protect for 250 years. After the conquest of Murcia, the king of Alfonso X here was located its residence. The statue of Christ was added in the 1950s.

Not far from Murcia is the beaches of Costa Costa and Costa Blanca. This is a great place for beach holiday lovers.

In the southern part of the Costa Blanca there are pretty small seaside cities. In Torre de la Oradad, you can find stunning beaches and the purest sea.

Cartagena, located along the coastline, has a very comfortable natural bay. From the south, the historic center of the city is limited to the Mediterranean Sea.

The embankment of the Cartagena is the place, perhaps the most attractive from the point of view of an obscure time. Ships, ships, schunifices, boats and tiny boats swaying on aquatic surface, forming a solid floating island at the berths. Many of them are ready to take tourists to their board and roll with the breeze along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The walk promises to be pleasant: it is so beautiful that the time settled for travel will fly imperceptibly. Swinging ashore, stroll along the promenade. Here you can take a picture on Palm Alley, and you can sit in a cafe, enjoying the view of the bay.

At the end of the embankment, your attention probably will attract an unusual monument to the fountain, in the center of which is a real submarine, a symbol of Spanish shipbuilding of the late 19th century. On 8 September 1888, she became a monument to her creator - Engineer Penal.

Coordinates: 37.59762900,-0.98247700

Castle Monteagudo

The name of the castle Monteagudo appeared from the name of the mountain on which it is located. And next to the fortress is the same road, connecting the tracks of Castile and Alicante.

The fortress is located on the top of the cliff, located five kilometers from Murcia. Thanks to the strategic location, people from the Bronze Age period settled on the hill. The Romans also did not go around this place - it is believed that once the foot of the mountain was located a city destroyed during wars between Wars and Byzantium.

Until our days, the fortress is well preserved and now is one of the most beautiful monuments of Murcia. Recently, there is a restoration on the territory of the castle Monteagudo, and archaeological research is carried out. During the recent excavations, buried urns belonging to the bronze age, as well as fragments of architectural monuments and ceramics of Roman and Iberian cultures were discovered.

Coordinates: 38.02009500,-1.09774400

And what sights of Murcia did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Lork's castle

Lorca Castle is a powerful construction of the period of the 9th-XV centuries.

Castillo de Lorca during the reconquituers was a strategic force in the southeastern part of the Pyrenean Peninsula. The dimensions of the castle are impressive - 640 by 120 meters, which makes the fortress the largest in the province. The excavations of archaeologists proved that the place of construction was populated back during the Neolithic period.

For a long time, the castle was considered impregnable, but in 1244, Don Alfons's military forces captured him. Within two centuries, the fortress served as an observation point and protection of Christians. In 1931, Lorca became a historical monument of Spain and was included in the list of attractions of cultural interest.

Coordinates: 37.67750000,-1.70583300

Nueva-Kondomomin Stadium is located in the picturesque city of Murcia. Although it does not stand out by a lot of capacity and the highest amenities among other Spanish stadiums, there are matches with the participation of the Spanish national team from time to time. Also, this is the home arena of the football club "Real Murcia".

The stadium was opened in 2006. The need for the construction of a new Arena arose after the unsuccessful reconstruction of the old stadium, which came into disrepair for football matches. The new Arena was supposed to meet all the highest requirements of UEFA, and as a result, a modern stadium appeared in the form of a horseshoe, equipped at that time to the last word of technology. Its capacity is more than 31 thousand fans. The stands of the arena are located on one tier, and they are all closed with a flat roof.

The main sporting event held here was the match of the opening of the Arena in 2006, between the national teams of Spain and Argentina.

Coordinates: 38.04225700,-1.14472400

Palace of consistory

The magnificent Palace of Consistory is one of the main attractions of the city and is known as the Cartagena City Hall building. Located on the Square of Ayuntamiento not far from the ruins of the Roman Theater and the Embankment.

The initial building in the Erresco style dates back to the XVI century, at the beginning of the 20th century, a complete reconstruction was carried out on the project of the architect Rico Valarino in order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. The doors of the New City Hall were opened in 1907 and this event coincided with the arrival of the Spanish Monarch Alfonso XVIII.

Now you can see a beautiful building with three different facades made of gray granite and white marble. Three angular dome and the last fourth dome of zinc decorate the roof of the building. In one of the angular domes, the clock is built and there are cute decorative balconies. The main part of the main facade occupies a huge balcony with balustrade, and the balcony doors are separated by columns.

In the inner decoration you can replace a huge staircase with railings, decorated with intricate floral ornaments, as well as many works of art.

Coordinates: 37.59842200,-0.98606900

Monument to Heroes Kuvita and Santiago de Cuba

The monument to the heroes Kuvita and Santiago de Cuba is an impressive military memorial dedicated to all seafarers who died during the 1898 Spanish-American war. The monument is located in the port of Cartagena and is one of the most famous urban attractions.

The monument to the heroes Kuvita and Santiago de Cuba opened in 1923, and his author spoke by the famous Spanish sculptor Julio Gonason-Floor. The monument has a height of about 15 meters and is a monumental composition of natural stone, black marble and bronze. The basis of the Memorial is a high pyramidal obelisk, decorated with skillful bronze bas-reliefs. The foundation of the obelisk is several statues depicting military seafarers and officers at the time of the fulfillment of their civil debt.

Located in the center of a small area, surrounded by trees and well-kept floral flower beds, this memorial complex looks very impressive and solemnly, being a noticeable decoration of the Cartagena.

Coordinates: 37.59821100,-0.98581400

Monument El Zulo.

The EL Zulo Monument is a large bronze sculpture located in the port area of \u200b\u200bthe Spanish city of Cartagena. The monument is established to honor the memory of people who died eleventh march in March 2004 during terrorist acts in Madrid.

Translated from the Spanish word "El Zulo" means "shelter" or "shelter". The monument with this title was solemnly open in Cartagena in 2009, and his author performed a popular sculptor Victor Ochoa. Sculpture depicts a person sitting on Earth, who in fear presses her knees to the chest and hides the face. The height of the statue is almost five meters, and the weight is two tons. The monument is fulfilled with very great skill and is rightly considered one of the most famous works of Ochoa.

Of course, the EL Zulo monument has a great symbolic meaning and is an important attraction of Cartagena. You can always see a lot of tourists around it, and in the anniversary of the terrorist attacks to the foot of the monument it is customary to place flowers.

Coordinates: 37.59754000,-0.98619900

Ruins of the Romanesque Theater

Ruins of the Roman Theater are located near the port of Cartagena, at the foot of the vertex of Concepcion. The theater was excavated in 1988, is one of the most famous and large theaters of the Romanesque period of Spain.

The inscriptions, preserved on the marble elevations of the Western and Eastern entrances to the construction, are devoted to the grandchildren of the king of Augustus - Gai Caesar and Luce. This information provides ideas that the theater buildings occurred between the 5th and 1st years before our era.

The architectural building corresponds to the classic canons, which were described by Vitruvie. The Northern Employment Suggestion Concepcion is the main support for the amphitheater center, and vaulted galleries are supported using side parts. In the construction of the Roman theater, a large number of materials were used - marble, limestone, sandstone, as well as the Red Travertine, who served as the basis for two columns. The whole decor of the theater was created from the White Greek marble in the workshops of the emperor Rome. The following elements of the facilities were reached: three phimel, called different "altars", which were devoted to the graces, orals and muses, Peter Apollo, as well as Juno, Minerway and Jupiter.

Ruins of the Roman Roman theater were excavated by chance - at that time, when a regional craft center was erected. In 2008, the restoration of the theater was completed, and the Museum of the Roman Theater was built near the ruins.

Coordinates: 37.59915700,-0.98467400

Castle Humille

Hummilla Castle is a symbol of the city of the same name in which it was built.

The first strengthening of the castle occurs for the period of the Bronze Age, and for centuries the fortress continued to expand. In 1241, the castle was won by San Fernando, and a few years after his conquest of Alfonso X the Wise ordered that a chapel was built in the walls of the fortress.

In 1294, the castle passed into the hands of the Crown Aragon, and the city inhabitants were forced to ask the new king access to the shrine. Currently, the castle is in good condition, and the organization of excursions and events are possible on its territory.

Coordinates: 38.44175800,-1.32877400

Cathedral of Murcia

Cathedral of Murcia is the most impressive building of the city. Construction of the cathedral began in 1388, and only four centuries ended later. Since for several years, the temple has repeatedly expanded, it is a combination of gothic styles, baroque, renaissance, and neoclassicism. Despite the mixing of architectural styles, the Cathedral building looks surprisingly harmonious and beautiful.

Coordinates: 37.98372700,-1.12766000

Most popular attractions in Murcia with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places of Murcia on our website.

Murcia is an autonomous community in the south-east of Spain, located between Andalusia and Valencia from the West and the East, as well as Castile La Mancha and the Mediterranean Sea from the north and south.

Murcia is the edge, which Spaniards call the "Spanish-hot frying pan" for burning and arid summer. At the same time, there is one of the favorite resorts - La Manga next to the unique natural lagoon - Mar Minor, separated by a thin oblique from the Mediterranean Sea. The depth of this "sea" is very small, so it is always warm and comfortable for a resort holiday.

Lifeless deserts are replaced by rich fruit gardens, high mountains go into snow-white beaches, for which hundreds of thousands of tourists and lovers of water sports come here. Beautiful landscapes can look at the video:

Convenient Cartagena Bay made this region interesting for representatives of all Mediterranean civilizations, so the city was precipitated regularly.

Murcia welcomes Gourmet - local cuisine is famous for its delicacies and treats.

In this region they love to celebrate and celebrate, and do it with feeling. Almost every month in any city of this province is a festival or parade.

After the Easter Sunday, residents with a scope celebrate spring holiday. A week along the streets of Murcia concerts, ideas and shows. Long tables with traditional dishes and desserts are covered in the gardens.

Photo: Cartagena

At the end of September, Cartagena turns into one continuous historical reconstruction, in which guests and residents tell about how they lived and fought Carthaginians and Romans here, and that from it came out.

In mid-November, the same Cartagena is transformed by new sounds - the weekly jazz festival begins. The best jazzmen from all over the world come here. Not to mention the admirers of this genre.

Where tourists are there, there are shops, so they do not know here about the sale here. Twice a year, Murcia is experiencing influx of lovers to leave honestly earned in exchange for new products: at the end of January and before February, as well as from the second half of July and until the end of August.

Uniqueness of the region

The name Murcia goes roots to the Latin Word "Title Berry" and is due to the fact that silk production flourished in the region. A third of the population lives the same name in the capital of the region - Murcia or in Cartagena, who in the past was the capital of the Carthaginian Spain, which became the birthplace of the Spanish Fleet.

Geographic differences

Photo: Blue Laguna Mar Menor

For the most part of the province of the Earth, there are very arms and their network of aqueducts, which were built by the Moors. Thanks to the introduction of plastic greenhouses, modern Murcia became the main supplier of vegetables to the markets of Europe, now the Spaniards nicknamed her "greenhouse".

In Murzhi Autonomy, there is a natural miracle - the blue lagoon Mar Menor (the Small Sea), which is separated from the Mediterranean Sea.


The desert climate is characteristic of Murcia, for which it was called the "Spanish Spanish Skin". Summer heat (up to + 35 ° C and more), dry, frequent drought. In winter, it is wet and not very cold (on average + 11 ° C).

How to get and move on site

Photo: Morcia map

Why go

Murcia is little known outside of Spain, and in the kingdom itself is considered a backward region. Meanwhile, Murcia is in itself something special: the city of La Manga and Costa-Kalida are luxurious resorts on a narrow sushi strip between the Mediterranean and the Small Sea (Mar Menor).

The rest of the autonomy are not so popular and significantly removed from tourist places. But if you look deep into the region, you will be rewarded - here there is a Sierra Espeach Reserve, which is called "green light murcia."

When come

The best time to visit Sierra Espeach, from April to November. There is no summer heat here, as in the rest of the autonomy. During the Easter holidays in different cities of Murcia, exciting ceremonies and acts occur.

Cultural features

Photo: Ceremony "Sardina Funeral"

In Murcia less festivities than in the rest of the kingdom, but here each Fiesta is a genuine folk walk. The most spectacular traditionally is the passionate week in the city of Lorca with bright costumes and spectacular ideas in honor of the Virgin Mary.

Fans of uncommon spectacles will better go to Cartagena, where people in pointed hoods are going to Easter. And in the metropolitan Murcia during the Great Post there is a unique ceremony of "Sardina's funeral".

What to see

"This is an amazing creature of nature, which fenced a huge lagoon from the Mediterranean Sea, making it the most popular resort of the entire region. Here are beautiful beaches, as well as everything you need for windsurfing.

Photo: Mar Menor

Fortress de Monteagudo near Murcia - The majestic structure on the top of the cliff, which offers a great overview for the entire neighborhood. Until now, archaeological excavations are being conducted here, which remove many interesting artifacts.

Photo: De Monteagudo Fortress

Episcopal Palace in Murcia - Do not notice it is impossible thanks to his very original facade. The appearance corresponds to the rich inner decor, some of which is made in the style of the Roman baroque.

- It was repeatedly rebuilt, completed and expanded, so the building appears to the attentive visitor, the parts of which are made in the style of Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance and Neoclassicism. It can be studied by the evolution of architectural preferences in Europe.

Photo: Cathedral of St. Mary in Murcia

- Games are inherent in luxury, so it took at least 20 plates from real gold to perform the ornament of the walls.

Photo: Casino in Murcia

- He was found only at the end of the 1980s, and he is considered the biggest. About 10 years ago he was renovated by restoring destroyed parts.

Photo: Roman Theater in Cartagena

- Single columns stand in the heart of the city. There is a legend that says that it was founded by the Apostle Jacob himself. Thus, it is believed that this is the first Christian Cathedral in Spain.

Photo: Ruins of the Old Cathedral Cathedral Cartagena

- Now it is located the mayor's office. The attention of numerous visitors attract luxury cast decoration elements.

Photo: Kostistoria Palace in Cartagena

Penal submarine in Cartagena - In the center of the Embankment, a real submarine is installed, which was first lowered into the water in the Mediterranean, at the end of the 19th century.

Photo: Penal submarine

National Museum of Underwater Archeology in Cartagena - It contains unique exhibits found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, which may tell about trade and military relations between cities and countries on its shores. Modern building itself is also a landmark.

Photo: National Museum of underwater archeology in

Main places and city attractions


Murcia is the capital of the autonomy of Murcia and the largest and most populated city. Main attractions:

  1. Luxury Cathedral of St. Mary.
  2. Theater Romea (one of the best in Spain).
  3. Aquarium at the University of Murzhiysk (entrance for the sim. Fee).
  4. Salzio Museum.
  5. Pasarel-Jorge-Manrique bridges and Puente del Rezapital.

Other interesting cities:

  1. The city of Lorca in 2011, the city was completely destroyed by an earthquake, but the authorities allocated more than 50 million € to restore historical values \u200b\u200b- Lorca Castle;
  2. The historic city of Cartagena is rich in ancient ruins and modern museums;
  3. Sierra Espeach is a kaleidoscope of different natural zones from white limestone mountains and valleys to forests. Here is a unique rich flora and fauna and scenic panoramas with 20 vertices, the highest of them - Morrón de Espuña, 1583 m.

What to do in Murcia

Photo: Ice houses in Sierra Espeach Reserve

Murcia can be studied by weeks, but if there is no such period at the disposal, then do not despair - we have prepared the top 15 cases that must be done during the trip:

  1. Try to get up on the board in the Marira district - here all the conditions have been created here. Well, it is in the interruptions between sunbathing sessions.
  2. Eat ice cream in one of the cafes on the pedestrian street of Murcia - Alfonso Street X El Sabio. There are many trees and shadows, which is important in such a hot region.
  3. To bargain with sellers in the Veronica market in Murcia - here you can buy the freshest vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, as well as collecting all the news and gossip from regular buyers.
  4. Go to the submarine Penal - to what the engineering thought of man has reached, who was able to create such a type of transport!
  5. Wander on the ruins of the old cathedral in Cartagena - is it really the apostle itself founded this building? That is, you can touch the basis of the foundations of modern European civilization.
  6. Enter the casino in Murcia and present yourself to a rich aristocrat, having fun and nights, losing fabulous states.
  7. Close to the fortress de Monteagudo and look at the surrounding hills and plains.
  8. Try local delicacy - boiled perch with rice or salty dorada.
  9. Make a panoramic shot from the height of the Lighthouse of Cabo de Palos at the cape on the braid of La Manga. From here there is a stunning view of the bay. It is said that he helped defend themselves from pirates.
  10. Visit the Episcopal Palace and to resemble in his halls.
  11. To soak on the fashionable resort of La Manga or Costa Kalida.
  12. To treat rice with snails and a cocktail in Evening Murcia.
  13. Explore the Roman and Carthage Excavations and at the same time visiting the "Sardina Funeral" in the city-Museum of Cartagena.
  14. Let's go to the Sierra Espeach fabulous reserve and cool in "Ice House" (Pozos de La Nieve).
  15. Buy canceled goat cheese with pepper.

Shopping (what and where to buy)

Photo: Family Shopping

Many shopping and shopping streets in Murcia. We collected the top 5 most popular souvenirs for the review of tourists reviews:

  1. Wine - Where without Spanish wine! Choose stores with winery and industries: there and the choice is more, and the prices are lower.
  2. Cheese Murcia Al Wine - It is clear from the name that this drink did not go around the gods. In the process of manufacturing this delicious variety of cheese, local wine is used.
  3. Salt - yes, sea salt, which is obtained in the desire of sea water. In addition to the "ordinary" white salt, a salt with various taste additives is produced here: sharp with spices, sweet, with tomatoes and so on.
  4. Products with images of double crosses - they decorate ceramic plates, circles and other souvenir tourists.
  5. Hamon - dried specially meat. There are two types: Hamon Iberico and Hamon Serrero.

In Cartagena, also a huge number of shopping centers and shops with regular sales.

Every third Sunday from October to June in the city of Karavak de la Cruz, a craft fair "Pilgrim" works. Here you can not only buy traditional products of local craftsmen, but also have fun at attractions.

Where to live

Photo: Hotel Hotel Catalonia Conde de Floridablanca

Murcia is a tourist area and there are many hotels in it. We chose the top 5 of the most interesting hotels:

  1. NH AMISTAD MURCIA (CALLE CONDESTABLE 1 | San Miguel, 30009 Murcia) - a comfortable hotel near the center. Delicious breakfasts and spacious rooms.
  2. AC Hotel Murcia (Avenida Juan Carlos I 39, 30107 Murcia) - clean hotel and rooms with modern equipment. Within walking distance to the city center.
  3. Catalonia Conde de Floridablanca (Calle Princesa 18, 30002 Murcia) - beautifully decorated rooms and high-quality service. There are many cafes and restaurants nearby, where you can have delicious dinner.
  4. NH CAMPO CARTAGENA (Calle Ciudadela 24 | Ensanche, San Gines, 30203 Cartagena) - great rooms with new furniture and large bathrooms.
  5. Carlos III Sercotel (Calle Carlos III 49, 30203 Cartagena) - all major sights in walking distance. For families with children there is an equipped gaming room.

Plan of vouchers, tours for 1-3-7 days

Murcia region is rich in attractions and interesting places for recreation. We have collected a detailed travel plan for 7 days, which covers all the best in this territory.

Day Morning Dinner Evening
1 Murcia. Cathedral. Museum with the cathedral. Catholic Church. City Hall. Near the park. Square Martinez Tornell. Bridge to another takes. Sardine monument in water. The evening can be carried out into the atmosphere of excitement and good luck in the casino. Immediately dinner.
2 Episcopal Palace. Archaeological Museum. Museum at the Santa Clara monastery, where a wonderful courtyard is located. Iron bridge. Garden Floridablanca. For dinner, we recommend looking at the Restaurante La Pequeña Taberna restaurant (Plaza San Juan, 7), which serves excellent ratatous and artichokes.
3 In the morning and for the whole day we advise you to go to see the fortress de Monteagudo. This is a trip to the evening.
4 La Manga. Rest on the shore by the sea. Lighthouse Faro Cabo de Palos. Excellent photos on the sea and the bay. Walk in the evening along the seashore. We recommend to complete a pleasant evening at the Gran Torino restaurant (Calle Pez Guitarra, 1), where delicious seafood dishes are prepared.
5 Swimming and holidays on the beach of La Manga at Mar Menor. Drive along the whole bay, stopping at various shores. Aviation Museum in Los Alcasares. Monument to fisherman on the embankment. After the event rich, you can taste traditional Spanish dishes in the San Juan Beachbar institution (Calle Espejo, 10), which is very praised by visitors.
6 Cartagena. Museum of military history. Archaeological park with a good observation platform on top. Kostistory Fortress .. After visiting the sights, you should go to the Restaurante La Catedral Restaurant (Plaza Condesa de Peralta, 7), in which we are very advised to order Tartar Tunter. The highlight of the institution is transparent floors, under which the ancient buildings are visible.
7 Roman theater and surrounding streets of the historic center. Penal feeding. Maritime Museum. Arsenal and cannons on the waterfront. Complete a pleasant evening, we recommend at the Bodega La Fuente restaurant (Calle Jara, 27), where the wonderful choice of tapas for every taste.

What and where there is

Photo: Rice with snails

Traditional cuisine in Murcia differs from the kitchens of other Spanish regions. Here eat a lot of meat, as well as salted fish. It is added even in salads. Almost all dishes with a large addition of spices and seasonings. We advise you to try these 5 dishes that will not leave you indifferent:

  1. Ensalad Mursiana is a vegetable salad of boiled eggs, tomatoes, chicken onions, olives with the addition of tuna or cod meat. All this is abundantly watering with olive oil with a droplet of vinegar or lemon juice.
  2. Pisto Mursiano is a Spanish version of the French ratnate. These are fried tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers. Served most often in cold form in clay pots.
  3. Michiroes is a pretty sharp dish with red pepper. It is boiled red beans and beans stewed along with Chorizo \u200b\u200bsausages and Spanish Hamon.
  4. Sarangollo is an ordinary omelet, in which pieces of zucchini and bow. Pumpkins or potatoes are added in some towns.
  5. Rice with snails is a very common dish on the coast. Most often served immediately in a frying pan.


In this part of Spain, respected legumes and are very actively used by spices. Traditional dishes: Michiroz - a dish of beans and a hub, Paparahotes - Lemon Leaf Pies with Cinnamon, Migas Ruleras - like couscous, rice with snails and various sausages. Local tapas are the cheapest in Spain.

Top Excursions for reviews

Not all attractions can be visited independently, so we chose the top 5 of the most interesting and unusual excursions in Murcia:

  1. Dimming with aqualangu near La Manga - a professional instructor will conduct a detailed explanation that it is possible, and what is impossible to communicate under water, and also that interesting is waiting for the participants of the underwater travel.
  2. Wine tour - an experienced guide will lead you to the best vineyards, where you make a beautiful wine. Some brands can be tastefully.
  3. Murcia Review - Only the expert of the city will show and tell what is not in any, even the most complete, guidebook. People who once lived in these houses made this city as he became.
  4. The Maritime Magicness of the Spanish Empire - the city of Cartagena became the starting point of the formation of Spain as a great marine power, which was able to colonize huge territories in a short time in a short time.
  5. Roman Cartagena is amazing how many buildings and the buildings of the Roman Empire are preserved in excellent condition.

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Murcia is the Spanish city and the capital of the province of the same name, located on the shores of the Segura River. It is located in the south-east of the Pyrenean Peninsula 40 kilometers from the Costa Blanca coast. The population of Murcia is without a small 450 thousand inhabitants and in the population of the city ranks 7th place in the country. Murcia is a developed agricultural center, as well as a city with rich university traditions, since the first university was opened here in 1272.

Historians believe that the city was founded in 825 By order of the Cordvian Emir Abd Ar-Rakhman. But there are also reasons to believe that the first settlements of people appeared here in the times of the Roman Empire. In the XIII century, after the conquest of the territory of the Spaniards there was a kingdom of Murcia, and few years later the city became part of the Castilian crown. For several centuries, the city was in decline and found former power only in the XVIII century due to the growth of the silk industry.

Murcia is not so many attractions, nevertheless, the city is often visited by tourists because of its favorable location near the popular resorts on the Costa Blanca coast. Murcia is 80 km from Alicante and 50 km from. If you want to visit the rich city than Murcia, then you can (50 km from Murcia). Although Murcia is a very distinctive and pretty city, worthy of at least 1-2 days.

Attractions Murcia

You can start the sights of Murcia from the pedestrian square of the Cardenal Belluga (Plaza del Cardenal Belluga), which is the central square in the old part of the city. Once upon a time there was a Muslim fortress Alcasab, a typical structure during the time of Mauritanian Spain. The area is the center of numerous celebrations, including religious, since the main Cathedral of Murcia is located here.

1. Cathedral of Murcia

On the Kardenal Beliug Square, there are several sights of Murcia, including the Catedral De Santa Maria Cathedral, also known as Cathedral of Murcia. He was erected during the half a century, the construction of the temple was completed in 1465. This is one of the most prominent historical sights of Murcia, in 1931 the Cathedral was declared a national monument.

For many centuries, the temple building moved several substantial reconstructions. For example, some additions were made to the architecture of the bell tower, and the chapels and the facade were seriously changed. The main reconstruction works were carried out in the XVI and XVIII centuries, so the architecture of the Cathedral includes several directions in architecture at once: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism. The height of the bell tower reaches 93 meters - this is the third largest bell tower in Spain. There are 25 oldest bells created in the XVII and XVIII centuries on the bell tower.

(Palacio Episcopal) is another famous historical landmark of Murcia. The Episcopal Palace is also located on the square of the Cardal of BELYUGA in the old part of the city and is official location of the Cartagena Diocese. The palace was built in the XVIII century, and today is one of the most important buildings of the monumental heritage of Murcia.

The construction of the current Episcopal Palace began in 1748 under the leadership of Bishop Juan Mateo. However, long before that, a bishop palace was already built in Murcia, which was demolished to provide a more panoramic view of the cathedral. The modern building of the palace is a magnificent example of the architectural style of Rococo and Baroque with square elements and a luxurious decorative design of the facade.

One of the most luxurious buildings located closely next to the Cardal Square of BELYUGA, is the Town Hall (Casa Consistoral or Ayuntamiento). It was built in 1848 in neoclassical style. On the facade of the building, a balcony with four collems and two female sculptures of music, symbolizing abundance and happiness. It is from this balcony that the citizens of Murcia may be welcomed during the official ceremonies.

The inner interior, as it should, is very beautiful and expensive, which only an elegant marble staircase is worth. In front of the town hall, a fountain is highlighted and monument to Cardinal Luis Antonio de Beliuga-Moncada, in honor of which the central square of the city is named. He was a Spanish Cardinal and Bishop of the Cartagena Diocese in Murcia. The statue is made of bronze and depicts a cardinal standing on his knees on one leg, with a parchment in one hand and with a sword in another.

4. Casino Murcia

Casino Murcia (Real Casino de Murcia), located in the city center, close to the Cathedral, is one of the most symbolic city buildings. The construction of the casino building began in 1847, the facade was made in an eclectic style with elements of classics and modern, which was distributed in the second half of the XIX century in Spain. In 1983, the casino was declared a national historical monument. Every year, the building visits 150 thousand tourists, of which 25 thousand foreigners.

Casino Murcia is not a gambling institution, but elite men's club. It is especially important to celebrate the luxurious interiors of the building, which attract tourists: a rich hall, a green courtyard in Mauritan style, monolithic colons, sophisticated sculptures, a library and a lot of art decorations. Casino is open from 10:30 to 19:00, the cost of visiting is 5 euros, the price includes audiogide.

In the old town there is another curious sight of Murcia - the "Romea" Theater (Teatro Romea) on the Square of Julian Romea. This is not only the main theater of the city, but also one of the most significant theaters in the country. He was opened in 1862 with the production of a "man of the world", which the outstanding Spanish actor Julian Romea played, in honor of which the theater was named. The facade of the building is built in an eclectic style, here you can see the elements of neoclassics and modern. At the top of the facade there are busts of three great composers: Beethoven, Mozart and Sheet.

The building suffered twice from the strongest fires and destruction, and was restored several times. After the last reconstruction, the theater was opened in 2012, its cultural program still remains very diverse. Here are theatrical, dance and musical productions of all possible genres. Romea Theater is included in the list of cultural heritage. On the square of Julian Romea there are still several historical buildings and beautiful palaces, so it will also be worth walking through it for tourists.

Another attraction of Murcia, which definitely deserves your attention is a flower area in the old town (Plaza de Las Flores). The area is very crowded and picturesque. Around the fountain, which is built in the center of the square, there are shopping shops, floral kiosks (hence and name area), shops, cafes, tropical trees and wooden benches. This is definitely one of the most charming and lively places In the city where you can drink coffee and rest against the pleading Spanish heat in the shade of trees.

Among the main attractions of Murcia on Flower Square, it is worth noting a three-story trading building, where in the XIX century tissue sales took place (Edificio de Tejidos abad). Also pay attention to the bookstore (Edificio de la Librría Almela) - Corner building with three floors with adhesive iron balconies on the facade. Both buildings are listed in the National Cultural Heritage.

(Paseo Del Malecón) as a pleasure zone was formed, it can be said randomly. Initially, in this place in the XV century, retaining walls were built, which restrained the Segura River from flooding (by the way, the Segura River is considered one of the most contaminated in Europe). The park still serves a dam, although for a long time it has been subjected to numerous reconstructions. Malekon is located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by the La Arbulae garden zone.

Malecon Park is used as place of rest and walking. Main holidays in the park are held solemn events, gastronomic and craft markets. For tourists, the garden will be interesting from the point of view of the magnificent pleasure zone and as a place of stay in the fresh air.

Luxurious Garden Floridablanca (Jardín de Floridablanca) was created in the middle of the XIX century and is not only the oldest garden of Murcia, but also first Public Garden of Spain. It is located on the right bank of the Segura River in the authentic area of \u200b\u200bCarmen, who is considered one of the most prestigious areas of the city. Currently, the Floridablanca Garden covers an area of \u200b\u200b11 thousand square meters. It is used for city fairs and celebrations, as well as a recreation area for locals

The garden is named after the Spanish State Worker José Montino and Redondo, Graph Floridablanca; Here you can see his monument. The Count was a member of the Castile Council and became known as the author of the report leading to the expulsion of Jesuits. In addition, monuments were built in the garden in honor of the famous people of Murge, for example, the sculptor Antonio Harrigos and the poets José Selgas-Carraco and Pedro Hara Carrillo.

Terra Natura (Terra Natura) is a new generation zoo and one of the most interesting sights of Murcia. His main feature is concept of "dive" in the zooAt which you can observe and come into contact with animals in a barrier-free space. In the enclosures recreated the natural habitat, which makes visiting the zoo amazingly entertaining not only for children, but also for adults.

In the Zoo Terra Natura you can see 300 animals of 50 different species. Representatives of the frying savanna and the Pyrenean Peninsula live here. The cost of visiting the zoo is 25 euros, for children of 20 euros, in winter - 18 euros and 14 euros, respectively. The zoo is located 3 km from the city. A larger zoo is located in Benidorm on the Costa Blanca coast, 100 km from Murcia.

The sanctuary of the Virgin Fuensanta Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta) Located in the village of Algezares, 4 km from Murcia. He began to build in 1694 on the remnants of a medieval cave bed in honor of the Holy Virgin, the Virgin Fuenssanta. At the end of the XVII century, a large drought occurred, and many believers turned with a prayer for the Virgin. After pilgrimage in the temple of the drought ended, and this amazing fact was repeated several times.

Due to this, in the middle of the eighteenth century, the Virgin Fuensanta became saint patroness of the city, and so far the temple has a high importance for residents of Murcia. Twice a year, pilgrimage is performed here. The temple is built in a baroque style with central nave and chapels on the sides. Its main facade is designed from a rapid composition, which reaches the culmination in the bell tower. The interiors of the church are rich in works of art, among which the image of the Mother of God Fuensanta is distinguished.

(Castillo de Monteagudo) is a medieval fortress located approximately 5 kilometers northeast of Murcia In a beautiful rocky place. The interesting name of the lock comes from the mountain on which it is built: "Monte Acutum", which means "acute mountain". During the existence of the Roman Empire, the foot of Mount Monteagudo was located a city, which disappeared after the wars of the interference by the Byzantines and engrants.

The first mention of the Castle Monteagudo is still on Islamic times in 1078. The fortress was built as an observation point and a defensive structure. Also, the castle was used as a place of conclusion for criminals. After reconquists in the fortress, Monteagudo lived approximate to the royal family. Now in the castle are archaeological excavations and work on the reconstruction of the structure.

At the top of the hill is the majestic sculpture of Jesus Christ 14 meters high. The monument of the Holy Heart of Jesus Christ (Corazon de Jesus) was designed in 1951 and is a copy of the 1926 sculpture, destroyed during the second Spanish Republic.

Map of sights of Murcia

In order not to miss a single sight of Murcia, save yourself a map of all the main places that can be viewed in Murcia for 1-2 days.

Where to stay in Murcia?

His little neighbor. And in vain, because in Murcia at every step there is something that travelers are so appreciated - history and beauty.

Murcia is the land of fruit gardens, where lemons are especially like: they are used everywhere, even baked cakes from lemon leaves. And Murcia itself is something like a lemon candy - it will seem sweet, pleasant to taste, it will burn with acid. Such is the history of the city itself - the change of sweet and sour, attacks and falls.

  • Region Murcia is called "European Vegetal" - mostfruit and vegetables , such as citrus, cherry, almonds, quince and much more, in the northern countries bring exactly from here.
  • Murcia's "Spanish hot fryingkin" is not called not because there are 330 sunny days a year or what exactly was fixed here the temperature of Spain was recorded, and because the city is clamped among mountain peaks, which interferes with air circulation.
  • The Segura River, unfortunately, is considered one of the most polluted in Europe.

History of the city

Archaeological excavations on the site of the modern city of Murcia show that there was life here in the era of Neolith. Then this land on the coast of the Segura River was captured by the Romans. But the real history of the city begins during the Caliphate, in 825, when he was officially founded by the Cordic Emir of Abd Ar-Rachman II.

The name "Murcia" Most historians translate as the "Country of Mirt" or the "Mulberry Country" (Lat. Murtae). The second version is that it is just a village belonging to Murthia (Murtius - the general Roman name). Over time, Latin pronunciation changed Arabic, and so it turned out to be Murcia.

The Arabs planned the city around the Segura River and provided it with a good irrigation system. In the XII century, according to the testimony of the Arab geograph, it was a "densely populated and well fortified city." The city was advanced in terms of technology: ceramic, silk ridge and paper production flourished here, almost the first in Europe.

For several centuries, Murcia was an apple of discord between Muslims and Christians, until in 1304 he finally became part of the Castilian crown. At the XVIII century, the peak of the economic heyday of Murcia was made thanks to the production of silk, but in the XIX century the city was postgraded by the tragedy series - the plundering of Napoleon's troops, terrible earthquakes, floods, plague and cholera. But at the same time, the city has been enriched with many artistic attractions.


Every Saturday, Murcia municipality suits a free excursion to the sights of the Old Town. Recording on it is required, the collection is in one of the buildings on the square of Cardinal Beluga.

All tourist routes in Murcia begin with an examination of the Cathedral, attracting not only with its old, the main construction was performed in 1394-1465, but also by the fact that it is a sample of centuries-old eclecticism. For example, construction in the style of Italian Gothic began, and the bell tower - in the style of the Renaissance, then the project moved into the hands of Masters working in the Baroque style, then Rococo and later neoclassicism. The main facade of the cathedral, finished in the XVIII century, is one of the masterpieces of Spanish Baroque.

The height of the cathedral reaches 93 meters, on the bell tower - 25 bells, upstairs there is an observation deck with which a beautiful view of the city offers. There is a cathedral on the square of Cardinal Beluga, where, besides him, there are several more tourist interest facilities - the Episcopal Palace (XVIII century) and the architectural novelty, as usual, at the beginning of its existence of a dispute, - an extension to the mayor's office, made in 1998 on the project Architect Raphael Monteo.

Shopping and entertainment

Artistic interest is almost all the streets of the Old Town. The main ones are Platería and Trapería. The trapperia leads from the cathedral to the former market square, which is another bright representative of the architectural heritage of the city and one of the most beautiful buildings of Murcia - a casino, built in the XIX century.

Interestingly, the name of the street is derived from the word Plata, that is, silver, and it was here that there were jewelry shops and workshops in the past. And the trapperia is, in essence, a rag street. And today, this area remains the center of shopping - tourist, wedding, jewelry.

In 1862, Queen Isabel II visited the city to open a new theater of infanta. Today it is the Romea Theater, named after the famous local actor Juliana Romea. The theater is famous for not only a magnificent building, but also an excellent interior, and most importantly - a magic acoustics that turns each play in the masterpiece.

Back in the XIII century, Alfonso X founded in the city of Universitas Studiorum Murciana. In his place in the middle of the 19th century, a free university opened the doors, which in turn became the basis of the University of Murcia that opened in 1915, the third in the list of the oldest in the country. At the university there is an aquarium filled with the most interesting inhabitants of the seas and oceans from around the world.

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