Anthony queen beach rhodes what a movie. Scenic Anthony Quinn Beach and Ladiko Beach

Anthony queen beach rhodes what a movie. Scenic Anthony Quinn Beach and Ladiko Beach


The famous Anthony Quinn Beach - this is perhaps one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Rhodes.

Located approximately 4 kilometers from the town of Faliraki. According to the "legend", back in 1961 a film was filmed here, and the main role was played by actor Anthony Quinn. He liked this place so much that ... And now he needs small note because we heard 2 versions of events. First version: the actor himself bought this land with a bay. Second version: the state gave him this piece of land. But in any case, it doesn't matter which of these versions is correct, because already in 1984, this piece of paradise became the property of the Greek state. And the bay still bears the well-known name: "Anthony Quinn". Although, it seems, this bay is officially called "Wayes" .

So, back to my story. We came here from Faliraki by taxi as the price for a 10 minute ride was only 5 euros. We arrived at the place at about 11 o'clock in the morning. Yes, it's a bit late, but on the eve we had a very good evening tasting cocktails and some Greek liqueurs, so in the morning there was a corresponding state. So, if you are planning to get out somewhere, it is better to refrain from evening parties on the eve of the trip. Actually, given my rumpled state, my main desire was to flop down on a lounger in the shade and move away a little. But it was not there! Beach (though I can't dare call it a beach) - a tiny patch with three tens (if not more) sunbeds, which stand on top of each other in 2 rows, are completely packed with tourists.

The rest of this bay is represented by medium and large stones, on which numerous tourists are also located, and stretched along the bay (on the right side) a narrow path, but it is also completely occupied by tourists. In general, even just to sit down, not to mention lying down, there is nowhere! When I saw this picture, at the same moment I felt even worse than it was.

In a vain search for a sunbed, we stumbled upon a woman who collects payment for sunbeds and talked to her. She said that that day (August 15) there was some important Orthodox holiday, and in addition to tourists, many local Greeks came to the beach (since they had a day off)... The sun loungers were already occupied from 8 in the morning, so we had no chance. After hearing this disappointing story, we went to look for at least some shelter for our backpack. As a result, they found a stone in the shade and threw their things near it.

We had 1 swimming mask with us and decided to buy another one. There is a small cafe and a shop above the beach. In this store we bought a mask for 20 euros.

The water in the bay is wonderful! Warm and transparent. The only thing is, be careful when entering the water, and in further exploration of the bay, because at the entrance to the water, and even in the very center of the bay (despite the depth) there are stones. They are sharp.

We went into the water, at first we dabbled a little in shallow water (I was getting used to the mask) and leisurely began their long journey across the entire bay to the opposite shore of the bay.

To begin with, you still need to calculate your strength. Because it only seems from the coast that the bay is small. In fact, it is huge. Well, at least from the point of view of a person who does not swim and even with a mask cannot make friends. And also, if this is added to the scorching sun and a strong hangover, then traveling along the bay is comparable to crossing the Atlantic Ocean by swimming. At first everything is fine: you swim, look at the pebbles and algae beneath you and enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. But the further you swim, the fewer stones and everything else, and under you begins the depth, an unrealistically turquoise shade. Floating every meter, it becomes deeper and deeper, and now there is nothing under you but a huge depth, white sand at the bottom and endless water. Somewhere in the middle of the bay, there are a couple of stones. You can rest a little on them, but I'm a terrible coward, so I didn't even dare to touch them. Then again there is nothing under you, you calmly swim and suddenly right under you, at the depths you see some huge fragment of either a bridge or some other structure. In general, for such impressionable persons like me, this is just a river of adrenaline. (I am generally terrified of all sorts of underwater species, depth, and even more so of sunken things)... For the first time in my life I dared to look into the depths of the sea, so for me the emotions and impressions received from this swim will become the brightest (presently) in the history of my wow effects. And at that moment, my adrenaline threshold was already completely off scale, plus the untreated muscles were tired, and, as the famous phrase says: "Something I suddenly wanted to go home so badly."

We decided to swim to the shore and return back by land. But it was not there. Because in this part of the bay (if you stand facing the water at the entrance to the beach, then we swam to the farthest part of the bay on the right side, you can see it in one of the photos above) there is no semblance of a beach, there are only sharp stones, it was problematic to get out of the water barefoot. We were tormented for about 20 minutes, but moved no more than a couple of steps. As a result, a couple of foreigners sitting not far from us offered us their slippers so that we could get ashore. But then we had to go to the other end of the bay, along no less sharp stones and off-road. So we gave up their slap and went back into the water. We swam a few more meters until we reached a certain structure, very similar to an unfinished bridge. (maybe I saw its fragments under water).

Somehow, groaning and barely pulling our legs out of the water, we climbed this bridge. We rested a bit and decided to start our journey back across the bay. Jumping into the water, we swam in the same way that we sailed here. When we got ashore and reached our backpack, we were completely exhausted. Everything hurt, but most of all my back, because we, very smart people, swam across the bay in the very sun - from 12 to 15 o'clock. Yes Yes. We swam for almost 3 hours. Our backs are burned to such an extent that I cannot convey. We were the same color as grilled refried chicken. After a little shade, we went to Ladiko Beach, which is a 10-minute walk from Anthony Quinn.

At the crossroads to the beaches, the hotel is located "Hotel Ladiko 3 *" ... It was already about 4 o'clock and we decided to have lunch at the hotel cafe. The first thing that delights in this cafe is the view. Later, after taking a photo of the view that opened from our table, I posted it on Instagram, signing it with the most appropriate phrase: "Happiness is when it is Friday on the calendar, at 4 pm, and you are sitting in a cafe in Greece, on the shores of a beautiful bay."

We ordered spaghetti carbonara for 5.50 euros , dish "Stifado"- this is a rabbit stewed in wine with whole onions (about 10 euros) and a couple of glasses of juice.

There are many beaches in Rhodes, but such beauty as in Anthony Quinn bay (or Anthony Quinn bay), I have not seen anywhere else! Nature has created something incredibly beautiful here, and even Americans once filmed their movies here. Today anyone and everyone can come here, but it is worth coming here, because this is really one of the most beautiful places not only on the island, but throughout the Mediterranean!

Who is Anthony Queen, and why is this place named after him?
In 1961, Americans filmed a war film in Rhodes " Cannons of Navarone Island", a Anthony Quinn played one of the main roles in it. Quinn liked Rhodes and this bay so much that he decided to buy it. Although according to some sources the Greeks gave him a gift because he promoted Rhodes as a paradise island. But I still think I bought it. In general, he bought this bay, put up a fence, a barrier, security and everything - private property! No one except the Queen family was allowed here until 1998, when, by a court decision, the deal (or gift) was canceled and the bay was returned to the people! And all that remains of Anthony Quinn is just the name of this glamorous bay.

How to get to the bay?
It is possible by car - this is the easiest and quick way, especially since there is a good road to the bay, and there is a large parking lot near the beach. During the season from May to September, a regular bus runs here. In August, when I visited this place, the bus ran every half hour.

And you can, like me, go on foot! It is about three kilometers from the resort town of Faliraki to Quina Bay, although you will have to wander along mountain paths through thorns and stones. But I love to walk, so I liked the walk, and on the way I also looked at the nudist beach.

And now, having made my way through the bushes and bypassing the mountain, I went out into the open and saw such a stunning picture!
Sea. bay, rocks, clear water, boats - beauty!

By the way, one of the most popular ways visiting Anthony Quinn Bay - by water, on yachts or small boats. Almost all walking routes along the east coast of the island will certainly swim into this famous bay. But I have recently fallen out of love with these sea trips on yachts. It's another matter - own or a rented yacht ... but that's another story and a different price tag. But if you have a yacht, you are welcome to visit Anthony.

The closer I got to the beach, the more beautiful the picture became! I stopped every 50 meters and took another wonderful shot. And how good it is that I have a polarik!

Here it is, Anthony Quinn Beach in a bay with clear emerald waters!

Despite its glamorous look, just like the beach this place turned out to be not so great ...
First, the stones ... There are stones everywhere, both in the water and on the shore. The coastline is very narrow, and entry into the water is inconvenient and in places very traumatic due to sharp corals. And there are practically no places for comfortable swimming.

Secondly, people ... Lots of people! A lot of people!

Because this place is very popular, and there are a lot of tourists here. The sun loungers are close to each other and almost everyone is busy, and people who did not get a sun lounger (or who saved 10 euros) lie right on the stones or between them. Finding a place to land and stupidly throw your things turned out to be difficult, and for this I had to walk almost to the end of the beach. And I so hoped to sit in silence, soak up the azure water and calmly admire the beauty ... naive)

It turned out to be even more difficult to swim here than to find a place on the shore. Stones everywhere. And small. It is difficult to enter (and painful without slippers), and when you swim, you try to keep as high as possible so as not to hurt the corals. This is probably why they mostly do not swim here, but just sit in the water. As I did in the end.

The depth is only at the pier, to which sailing yachts and boats are moored. When there are no ships, this place is actively used by divers.

Anthony Quinn Bay is also very popular with diving and snorkeling lovers, and there is even a small diving school here. I myself am not a fan of scuba diving, but they say that the bay has a very beautiful underwater world and many interesting caves. So if this is your topic - you are welcome!

But for a classic beach holiday, this place is so-so. Yes, it’s very beautiful, but it’s difficult to swim, sun loungers are available, and I would not recommend coming here with children. But all the same, it is worth stopping here at least once to just admire the natural beauty of this bay! And in my subjective opinion, this is the most beautiful beach on the island of Rhodes! Handsome, though not practical) And I'll tell you about the practical some other time.

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Paid beach of Faliraki. Greek tavern. Difficult road to E. Quinn Bay. We meet the sunrise.

Rhodes 2016. Part 2. We go to the beach. Getting to know Greek cuisine. Anthony Quinn Bay. We meet the sunrise.

We start our beach vacation.

The first full day of our vacation in Rhodes begins with a fairly early awakening at around 8 am. Anya is impatient to go to the beach and I generally agree with her. We have a quick breakfast and run to the beach while the sun is still not very harmful. Although it is September, but at noon the sun is still roasting, be healthy.

We arrived at the beach at the beginning of the 10th. It is still not crowded here. However, we did not see any huge number of people on any of the days.

This beach is public, like most beaches not only in Rhodes, but throughout Greece. Here, a rare hotel has its own beach.

The beach, though city-wide, is paid. The cost of one seat for the whole day is 5 €. The photo below shows a wooden walkway. Everything before her is free. And many are located before her, in particular, near the large tree, which can be seen in the previous photo. But the tree spots run out quickly. Therefore, without your own umbrella, you will find yourself in direct sunlight.

The Apollo Beach Hotel is also visible here. It was through it that we went to our beach (the passage is free). The hotel also has its own a la beach in the green area (on the lawn). They say that the enterprising guests of Argo simply settle in these places and are completely free, it seems that it is not customary to drive anyone away, but we were ashamed to do that and each time we gave honestly 10 €. But our conscience was clear and our soul was calm 🙂

By the way, the rent gatherers do not appear too early, at about 10 o'clock, maybe even a little later, and in the evening they leave at about 17. Therefore, in the evening and in the very morning you can go to the beach completely free of charge. True, the sun also sets early at this time of the year (about 18-30) and quickly.

The beach itself is great. Clean, not crowded even at peak times, with an excellent entrance to the sea, gentle and sandy. This is a view to the north towards the city of Rhodes.

And this is a view to the other side - to the south, towards Lindos.

Hotel Argo. Outside view and city area around the hotel.

Closer to noon, we returned to the hotel so as not to lie under the "evil" sun. Everything is as my mother taught. We shot a little for you what the hotel looks like from the outside.

Let me remind you that Argo is a two-star hotel. However, it looks quite nice.

Flowers are everywhere. Bougainvillea flowers are one of the most common not only in the hotel, but also in Rhodes in general (if I am not mistaken).

All rooms on the second floor have balconies. In my opinion, there are no guest rooms at all on the ground floor, only technical rooms and staff. But I could be wrong.

Everything is very green and neat. The eye pleases.

The inner courtyard of the hotel is the cafe and pool area. Guests are requested not to bring outside food and drinks to the pool.

Everything is modest, but this modesty has its own charm. It is quiet and calm here, you feel that this is all for you, and not for the countless crowd of tourists.

The hotel is located on Faliraki's second most important transport street - Kallithea Avenue. And in terms of tourist significance, this is the main street. All restaurants, bars, cafes, souvenir shops, ATMs and similar tourist infrastructure are located here.

Free parking is available right next to the hotel. There is always plenty of room on it. So, if possible, you can rent a car for the entire duration of your stay on the island and not think about where to leave it overnight. True, the parking is unguarded.

And this is La Esquina, right next to Argo. Here we were fed dinner, which was included in the price of our voucher. During the day there is no life here, and in the evening the trendy club music plays and, in general, gives off some glamor. The prices are appropriate. If not for our obligatory dinners, then I think we would not have dined here.

The inconspicuous street of Faliraki.

Getting to know Greek cuisine.

Returning from the beach, we still managed to take a nap in the room, and only after 15 did we get out into the street in search of lunch. In Greece there is a concept of siesta and, as we understood, it was at this time that it took place. All the restaurants and cafes that we met along the way were empty, there was no life in them. But then we came across a tavern Kostos Village Greek Taverna and while we were studying the menu the owner came up to us and offered to eat with him. We happily agreed, especially since the place looked very nice.

The interior has many original details that symbolize Greece.

Very nice colors. To be honest, we have not seen anything like this anywhere else. Therefore, the restaurant clearly stands out from the rest. The tavern is literally 2-3 blocks from Argo.

Actually, this was our first meal of Greek cuisine. On the previous day, we only had dinner without any special frills with what we gave, and on the beach we had just a light snack. Accordingly, we are determined to eat exclusively national dishes. And where without Greek salad? The portion is large, everything is delicious. May be seasoned with olive oil or balsamic vinegar. While you have mastered such a plate, you can already eat.

By the way, on the left there is also a Greek drink called ouzo - brandy with aniseed extract (I myself did not know, this is written in Wikipedia). It is considered an aperitif. Honestly, I didn’t like it and he (it?) Didn’t arouse my appetite at all. Haven't tried again :)

It was even hotter after the salad. On an empty stomach, we ordered a lot of everything, not knowing what kind of horse portions here. Here is the dish that Anya took - moussaka. Very tasty.

And this beauty was taken by your humble servant. It is called sujikakiya (or sujikakya). Well, sooo delicious! Mom taught everything to finish off the plate. That's exactly what I did. And almost burst.

The lunch cost us 40 €. Not cheap, of course. But the portions are huge. In principle, for two it is enough to take one salad, and one hot one for two is quite enough to fill up, and this is already minus 15-20 €. At the same time, as we understood, these are quite average prices in Faliraki. We suspect that if you go a little away from the main tourist arteries, you can find something cheaper, but this time we did not bother with it.

Anthony Quinn Bay.

Faliraki is known for the fact that within walking distance there are two beautiful bays - Ladiko and Anthony Quinn. Both are 3-4 km and 40-50 minutes from our hotel. We have chosen to visit the more famous and, it is believed, more beautiful Anthony Quinn Bay.

After resting a little after lunch (otherwise it was impossible), at half past five we set out.

First, we go through the central streets and run into the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes. In fact, no one knows what the historical original looked like in reality. So, let's call this statue the Colossus of Falirak.

Further we go slightly away from the main arteries of the city. It is much quieter here, although there are still many shops, cafes and restaurants. In the photo you can see the sign of the Greek Spirit restaurant, a few days later we also had the honor to dine here.

We pass very nice houses. There is a lot of greenery on the island and, despite the scorching heat in summer, in September the greenery looks quite bright and juicy. But, I am sure, this is possible only with appropriate care on the part of the person.

Here the path begins to slowly climb up.

A couple more turns and we find ourselves on the dirt road, which also leads us higher. It's getting harder to walk.

The last steep climb to the astronomical cafe and observatory, through which the path leads to the bay. At least asphalt this time.

And now we see a sign with a pointer to the desired goal. By this time we have been walking for about an hour.

Here you need to tell who this Anthony Quinn is. And this is an American actor who played one of the main roles in the 1964 film "The Greek Zorba". This film received three Oscars, and it is famous for the fact that it was in it that the now world-famous melody and the visiting card of Greece - the sirtaki dance - were first heard. Quinn actually dances this dance. I myself have not seen this film, I have to rely on Wikipedia again. Yes, it was also a revelation for us that sirtaki at the time of this writing is only a little over 50 years old. But, nevertheless, folk motives lie at the heart of the melody.

The film was filmed in Crete, so why the bay in Rhodes? There is a bit of a muddy story here. Allegedly, Anthony Quinn visited Rhodes and he really liked this very bay, which did not have a name at that time. Looks like Quinn was going to buy a plot here and do the housekeeping or something like that. In the end, however, nothing happened, but word of mouth secured the name of Quinn for the bay. All the facts are unverified, it is possible that this is all just a beautiful legend. Well, let it be 🙂

So, after the sign, we pass by the side of the astronomical cafe and find ourselves on a path winding right along the rocky shore. There is a sign in front of this trail with a warning about snakes and poisonous spiders. It is a little terrifying, especially since the path is narrow and it seems that under every bush or stone some terrible living creature is necessarily hiding. And then an angry dog ​​pounced on us, fortunately, that we were separated from it by a fence. In general, the situation was the same, especially since until that moment we had not met a single living soul.

Nevertheless, we decided to continue the path, although there were doubts whether we were going right.

And now we are rewarded - we go out to the bay!

The bay, of course, is beautiful, you can't argue with that.

Actually, there is also a beach here. He was our target. But due to the fact that we gathered for a long time and then walked for a long time, we realized that we were no longer destined to enjoy being on it. In addition, as you know, darkness in these latitudes sets in quickly and imperceptibly, so we decided that we would not go down to the beach, but simply admire the bay from above.

And we also came here with our Fedya - our hand-held quadrocopter. This was our first flight to Rhodes. Since we still considered ourselves to be newcomers to aerial photography, we flew very carefully and not far. We took some aerial photos.

View in the opposite direction from the bay. If you look closely, you can see the dome of the observatory, and there is also an astronomical cafe.

At 18-40 we set off on our way back. The sun was already at sunset.

The next photo shows a nudist beach. At that time, there was no one there. Please note that there are good access routes to the beach.

View towards Faliraki, from somewhere we came from.

The last rays of the sun. Time 18-54.

Beautiful sunset.

On the way home, we captured such an art object near the Kouros Exclusive design hotel. From the name it is clear that the hotel is not simple and really exclusive, guests are offered only 16 rooms, of which 8 are standard double rooms (do not be lazy - go to the hotel's website, even these rooms are completely non-standard!), And the remaining 8 are completely exclusive!

They returned to Faliraki closer to 19-30, the city was already enveloped in twilight.

The day ended with dinner at our trendy restaurant and went to bed early. We got up early the next day.

Following the precepts of the guide who accompanied our transfer from the airport to the hotel, we decided to meet the sunrise on the Mediterranean Sea. We calculated the time of sunrise and woke up at 6 am. We quickly packed up and went to the beach, still in the dark. But, just as night falls rapidly on Rhodes, so the day comes no less rapidly. At 6-50 it is already quite light and now the solar disk appears above the horizon.

The sunrise is really beautiful. A bright and joyful feeling of the beginning of life appears. At the same time, my soul is amazingly calm and peaceful. Awesome time! If someone else has not seen the sunrise at sea, be sure to give it a try.

In addition to meeting the sunrise, we had two more tasks. Anya was going to take a morning run, and I wanted to shoot a time-lapse. Both tasks were successfully completed. The results are in the video at the top of the page.

It must be said that we were far from the only early birds. Besides us, many people came to take pictures of the sunrise and swim under the rays of the newly appeared sun. We swam too. In the next photo I am at sea, and Anya is taking pictures of me. At that moment, an elderly couple passed by the camera, who discussed something, apparently related to our tripod and the camera 🙂

It was a delightful sunrise and one of the most enjoyable experiences of our short vacation in Rhodes ...

When we returned to the hotel, it was just in time for breakfast. We spent it outside by the pool. Bliss. Just a thrill ...

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