What to do in Poitiers Poitiers - a city of churches and three historical battles

What to do in Poitiers Poitiers - a city of churches and three historical battles


An interesting city in which you can see many different places, both residents and tourists who came to the city of Poitiers.

A beautiful city and a convenient location, that's what you can say about the city of Poitiers.

Geographical position of the "city of France-Poitiers".

The city of France called Poitiers is considered one of the main cities in France and it is part of the department of France.

The city has a limestone terrain, a kind of plateau, which is bordered on all sides by different rivers. On the east and north side of the city border, there are the banks of the river called Clain. And on the west side, the city is bordered by a river called Boivre.

Poitiers climate

In the city of Poitiers, France, as in any other city of this country, the air temperature in the summer is kept at the edge of about 30 degrees of mercury, as for the winter season, then the thermometer rarely shows below zero. Due to the fact that the city is located so territorially that it is surrounded by water and rivers on all sides, the climate is humid and even in warm weather and hot summers a warm breeze blows in the city.

Historical background of Poitiers

The city received in honor of the settlers who lived on the territory of Poitiers in ancient times, when the city was not even on the map yet. The name of this tribe was Pictons. In the 7th century, the city became one of the largest centers where the church ministers lived in this place in the old days and now there are several churches, which carried the history of the city from the very beginning of its existence. The most historical moment that happened in the city was the expulsion of the Visigoths from the city and the annexation of the city to another state.

At that time, the city was in turmoil and rule at that time was in the hands of the Comte de Poitiers. Throughout the history of the city, there have been several long wars on the territory of Poitiers. One of the wars lasted over a hundred years. During this long time, several rulers of the city of France-Poitiers were replaced. If we recall the whole history of the city, then it was in 1429 that the interrogation of the historically famous person all over the world Zhanna d'Arc took place on its territory.

There were many moments in the life of the city and the collapse and wars, but always, from the beginning of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th, there was a calm existence on the map of the earth, and only in 1970 several factories and factories were built, thanks to which life in the city became more alive and the economy has improved.

Attractions in Poitiers and nearby.

The city of Poitiers is famous for its attractions. Every tourist and visitor of the city will find a place to go to.

Great Church of Our Lady of Poitiers

To see the church with your own eyes, you need to go to the very center of Poitiers. You can get there by any transport (local bus or taxi). The history of this attraction began in the 10th century, but as far as construction is concerned, it began no earlier than in the 11-12th centuries.

A beautiful place with an architectural design unusual for the city. Once inside the church, you will be amazed by the beauty and decoration of the walls. You will see many icons that were brought to the city during the entire existence of the church.

Disse Castle

It is located near the city of Poitiers, specifically 30 kilometers from it. This is an interesting creation by architects from the 15th century. The castle itself is small in size, but its appearance is quite interesting. If you look closely at it, you can understand that its architecture combines at least two styles that are popular in the modern world. The castle itself is not of interest from the outside, but by going into it, namely in the drop room, you can enjoy things and paintings that have been preserved since the 16th century.

Blossack Park

Another attraction of the city of Poitiers. This place was founded in the 18th century, the idea of ​​the park was from a person with a surname, which is Blussac. It was in his honor that the park was named.

Walking for a couple, you can enjoy beautiful view and decoration in the English style. In an area that is more than one hectare in size, you can see various plants and trees. As well as unique flowers that grow on the stones, but that's not all, you can also see the extraordinary flower theater and beautiful alleys.

Botanical Garden

A beautiful and at the same time historical site of the city of Poitiers. Throughout its history, the botanical garden has changed its location on the city map more than eight times, and only in 1869 it found its place. The idea of ​​creating a botanical garden in the city of Poitiers belongs to a man who at that time was the dean of the medical university. The territory of the botanical garden itself is relatively large in size and has more than 5,000 square kilometers. In general, the site of the botanical garden is a place for people who want to enjoy the fresh air and take a walk in beautiful places. Also here you can see a small pond and many unusual plants.

These are the most famous sights of the city, there are still a huge number of castles and places that you can visit.

Excursions from Poitiers

For tourists and guests, the city of Poitiers has a huge number of places to relax, as well as excursions.

There are six places in the city where tourists most often buy excursions.

One of the places to visit is the local university, founded in the 18th century and is still flourishing today. Even more can be said, now more than 25 thousand students study at the university. A beautiful building, looking at which you can feel the atmosphere of those years when it was just conceived and built.

The second place that tourists like to visit on excursions is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Poitiers. During an excursion to the cathedral, a guide or tour guide will tell you about the history of the construction and origin of the cathedral, also going inside.

Everything inside the cathedral is so beautifully decorated and made by the masters of those years that you don't want to leave there. A lot of icons brought from different countries especially for the decoration of the cathedral.

The third place that you want to see and visit during the excursion is the Baptistery of John the Baptist. An extraordinary place in all understanding. The location of this attraction is in the very center of Poitiers. It should be noted that this place is one of the oldest in all of France; its appearance has practically not changed in the entire history of its existence.

The fourth excursion that you can and should visit is the Cathedral of St. Illarius. An old historical site that has interesting story origin and development. During the tour, you will get inside the cathedral, hear from the guide the story of how the construction began, and much more.

The fifth place that you need to visit during excursions is the temple of St. Radegund. An interesting and very beautiful place. Appearance temple is a combination of antiquity and innovation that has come to us since the 18th century. During the excursion, you can walk through the temple and learn for yourself both the history of the cathedral itself, and enjoy the beauty and icons that have been collected from the very inception of the temple.

Places for entertainment and shopping in Poitiers

In the city you can find many places for recreation and entertainment, one of them is a visit to the Lake under the unusual name of Saint-Cyr. These are not just lakes, but a huge park, on the territory of which the lake is located. The very territory of the park is a kind of recreation area, where everyone will find entertainment for themselves. Here you can play golf for sports fans on a specially equipped field, a big plus of this field is that anyone can try themselves in the game, even those who have not played more than once. Trainers for a fee will teach and show the basic skills of the game.

In addition to everything in the territory where the lake is located, you can relax with friends and have a picnic in nature. There are many more playgrounds and places for water recreation.

The second place you can visit is the local rose garden. A beautiful place, on the territory of which roses of different colors and varieties are everywhere. Also in the rose garden you can see other flowers of more than 400 species and varieties.

The third place that you can visit is an unusual amusement park. The Futuroscope theme park is a place where any visitor can see the future thanks to special attractions. Visitors to the park are people who love science fiction and want to see everything with their own eyes. Lots of rides with only modern graphics and details. Robots that can talk and move.


The city of Poitiers is quite interesting and everyone will find a place for themselves to relax and explore the sights. It is important to know when visiting excursions, take additional cash Since many attractions are paid, you can buy souvenirs and gifts on the spot.

Poitiers is one of the oldest cities in France and a vivid example of how the centuries-old and eventful history of Europe emerges through modernity. Names familiar from school: Jeanne d'Arc, Richard the Lionheart, Eleanor of Aquitaine - here they find flesh and blood.

Modern Poitiers, with developed trade and industry, high-quality gastronomy, is a clear demonstration of the French “art of living” (art de vivre).

History and culture

The city was founded at the time of the Celts by the Picton tribe and was then called Limonum. Having withstood numerous attacks from outside, the future Poitiers fell under the onslaught of the Roman legions. The Romans actively built and rebuilt, turning this fortified settlement into one of the economic centers of the region. After the arrival of Christianity in the 4th century, its role increased even more, and after several centuries the entire religious life of the region is concentrated in Poitiers. The number of churches, chapels, monasteries amazed contemporaries, which allowed Poitiers, along with Rouen, to be called “the city of a hundred bell towers”. These numerous monuments of Romanesque architecture have survived to our time.

How to get to Poitiers

The easiest way for residents of Russia to get to this region is by plane through Paris. However, then you will have to use either a train or a bus, or rent a car. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Paris to Poitiers, you will have to fly with a transfer. But from Poitiers airport there are regular flights to Italy, England and some other cities in France. You can get from the airport to the city only by taxi.

By train

The most convenient way to travel to Poitiers is to use the railway. TGV trains run regularly from Gare Montparnasse in Paris. Travel time is 1 hour 41 minutes. There are first and second grade. The ticket can be ordered online on the website (SNCF). The fare for the second class varies between 55-65 EUR. From Poitiers, you can reach La Rochelle (1 hour 20 minutes), Bordeaux (1 hour 45 minutes), Lyon (3 hours 50 minutes) and Lille (3 hours 15 minutes).

Prices on the page are for July 2016.

By car

From Paris to Poitiers, take the A10 autobahn for about 350 km. The distance from Bordeaux (the same A10 autobahn) is about 250 km.

How to navigate the city

For those who like to see the sights on their own, special routes have been invented ("Chemins de Notre Dame" or "Roads of Notre Dame"), marked on the sidewalk with lines of different colors. There are three routes in total, and a walk along each of them takes no more than an hour. The starting point is place Charles de Gaulle in front of the Great Church of Our Lady (Église Notre-Dame la Grande).

You can get around the city by buses. Poitiers is served by the transport company Vitalis. The cost of one trip per hour (no more than one change per hour) is 1.20 EUR. A ticket for 24 hours costs 3.80 EUR. You can buy a ticket from the bus itself, a tobacco kiosk or a vending machine.

Cuisine and restaurants

The cuisine of the region to which Poitiers belongs, like other regional cuisines in France, is based primarily on high quality products. Among them, it should be noted: cheese from goat's milk (Chabichou du Poitou), pumpkins of the Upper Poitou (melon du Haut Poitou), which appeared in this area in the 19th century, and Charente-Poitou butter (beurre Charentes-Poitou), produced in 5 departments.

Shopping and shops

Most of the souvenir shops are concentrated on Grand rue. Music lovers are advised to visit the Musical Instrument Shop in Place de La Liberte.

Popular hotels in Poitiers

Poitiers entertainment and attractions

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the famous churches in the Romanesque style: the Church of Our Lady of Poitiers (Église Notre-Dame la Grande), the oldest part of which dates back to the 11th century, the baptistery of Saint John the Baptist (baptistère Saint-Jean), the church of Saint Hilarius (Église Saint- Hilaire le Grand), the Church of Saint Radegund (Église Sainte-Radegonde) and the Cathedral of Saint Peter (cathédrale Saint-Pierre), a rare example of the so-called “Angevin Gothic”.

Is the main city of the department Vienne ... This settlement lies on a huge limestone plateau, which is washed by a river on the north and east sides. Clan , and from the west - by the river Boivre ... The name of the city was given by its ancient inhabitants - the Gallic tribe of Pictons. Poitiers a very ancient settlement, founded in the 2nd century BC. In 507, the city was annexed to the state of the Franks after Clovis I (Frankish king) defeated the army Visigoths.

This French city can be explored in just a few hours on foot, enjoying its splendid ancient architecture to the fullest. This settlement is adjacent to picturesque suburbs located in the river valleys. Quiet provincial Poitiers has a unique look, which was formed over the years of being its capital Aquitaine duchies. This city differs from other similar settlements in France by a strict layout of wide boulevards adjacent to unimaginably narrow curving streets, as well as an abundance of churches, palaces, gardens and stone-wooden houses, somewhat out of the ordinary in these parts of the architectural style.

In this part of France, summers are usually hot, the air warms up to +25 degrees. In winter, it is rather humid, precipitation in the form of snow is not frequent. Due to the high humidity of the air in winter, already at a temperature of +3 degrees, a rather strong cold is felt here. In the summer months, even at relatively low temperatures, it can be quite stuffy.

Poitiers located 339 km from Paris. The city closest to this ancient settlement is Chatellerault located at a distance of 40 km from Poitiers ... Chateauroux is 120 km away and Limoges is 126 km away. Straight from Poitiers you can go to the city of La Rochelle, on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, for this you will have to cover a short distance of 138 km.

Tourists who have visited Poitiers , it is best to immediately go to the square Leclerc or de Gaulle square - it is in these places that the life of the city is concentrated. In addition, most of the local attractions are located between these squares. The Palace of Justice with a luxurious old facade stands out especially among them. Nearby is one of the most beautiful churches in the country - Notre Dame la Grande, built in the period from XII to XVI century. The Cathedral of Saint-Pierre and the Baptistery of Saint-Jean (the oldest Christian church in France) are definitely worth a visit. Noteworthy are the luxurious city gardens, a park Blossack , The Museum of Fine Arts, and the Academy Poitiers , which was founded in 1431.

One of the oldest cities in France with a rich history is Poitiers. At one time, three major battles for the history of France took place on its territory. The first was in 507, between the Visigoths and Ostrogoths, the second important date is 732 and the emergence of Christianity, and the third battle took place during the Hundred Years War.

Today it is the administrative center, and the place where such names as Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart, familiar to us from childhood, become real personalities, but, despite the rich and centuries-old history of the city, modernity makes itself felt here.

How to get to Poitiers?

Having prepared the necessary documents for entering France, namely the Schengen visa, you can safely go on a trip. It will be easiest to get to Poitiers from Paris by first arriving there by plane, but further options are possible: rent a car, use a bus or train.

Of course, the easiest way is to use the railway, for this you need to get to the Montparnasse train station in Paris, and then take the TGV high-speed train. The cost of the ticket will directly depend on the class you choose: first or second. In the second class, the trip will cost between 45-55 euros, the travel time will be about one and a half hours.

Attractions Poitiers

The large Church of Our Lady is located in the heart of Poitiers on the Place Charles de Gaulle

Immediately upon arrival at the railway station, you will have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady, which overlooks. There are special routes for sightseeing in the city; there are lines of different colors on the sidewalk for those who like to explore everything on their own.

There are only three routes marked, and you can walk along each of them in about an hour, the starting point for each of them is de Gaulle square.

Walking along the blue line, you can see the Radeguda Church, the Bishops' Quarter, numerous shops and artisan shops.

Church of Saint Hilarius, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Walking along the yellow line, you can admire the Church of St. John, and the route itself will pass through numerous shopping streets dating back to the Middle Ages. Taking the red line along the route, you will have the opportunity to explore the Church of St.

If you are planning your trip to Poitiers for several days, then there is the opportunity to stay in hotels, choosing the appropriate conditions for the room, service and, of course, cost. In the very center of Poitiers, there is a hotel called De l'Europe, with a cozy garden, and next to the Palais de Justice, one of the local attractions.

Regional cuisine

The cuisine of the Poitiers region is based only on products High Quality such as cheeses made from goat's milk, butter called Charente Poitou and pumpkins grown in Haute Poitou. The list of traditional local dishes includes Farsi Poatevin, which is cabbage with herbs and bacon, Poitino pie stuffed with chicken, kid spiced with garlic and pumpkin cooked in wine.

Desserts include sweet cakes and local Poitine cookies. You can enjoy all of the above in Bistrot du Boucher, a restaurant with French cuisine Le Dejeuner sur l \ ’Herbe, Le Piccolino and many more cozy places on French streets.

One of the types of entertainment for tourists and together with a city tour will be a trip to trade souvenir shops and shops. Most of the souvenir products can be bought at Grand rue, for music lovers it will be pleasant to visit the shop selling musical instruments located on Freedom Square.

Cathedral of St. Peter, as an example of "Angevin Gothic"

After wandering around the shops and providing yourself with souvenirs, you can go on excursions. Do not apply to devote your attention to the churches of the city, built in the Romanesque style, these include: the Cathedral of St. Peter, as an example of "Angevin Gothic", the Church of St. Hilarius, St. Radegund.

The Museum of Saint-Croix presents an exposition of art objects from ancient times to our time, the ticket will be 4 euros.

Once wandering along the cozy streets of French cities, you will forever fall in love with this country for its unique charm, and you will want to come back here again.

Ancient city of Poitiers - VIDEO

Poitiers is one of the oldest cities in France and a vivid example of how the centuries-old and eventful history of Europe emerges through modernity.

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Poitiers is one of the oldest cities in France and a vivid example of how the centuries-old and eventful history of Europe emerges through modernity. Names familiar from school: Jeanne d'Arc, Richard the Lionheart, Eleanor of Aquitaine - here they find flesh and blood.

Today Poitiers is the administrative center of Poitou and the Vienne department. This regional capital is located on a hill between two rivers, which has been considered a strategically advantageous location since ancient times. A turbulent history has left not only a rich architectural heritage, but also the oldest European university, founded in the middle of the 15th century, which educates about 25 thousand people.

The 16th century writer François Rabelais was one of the students at the University of Poitiers and immortalized the city in his satirical novel Gargantua and Pantagruel, which tells the story of the lives of two gluttonous giants, father and son.

Modern Poitiers, with developed trade and industry, high-quality gastronomy, is a clear demonstration of the French “art of living” (art de vivre).

For those who like to see the sights on their own, special routes have been invented ("Chemins de Notre Dame" or "Roads of Notre Dame"), marked on the sidewalk with lines of different colors. There are three routes in total, and a walk along each of them takes no more than an hour.

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History and culture

The city was founded at the time of the Celts by the Picton tribe and was then called Limonum. Having withstood numerous attacks from outside, the future Poitiers fell under the onslaught of the Roman legions. The Romans actively built and rebuilt, turning this fortified settlement into one of the economic centers of the region. After the arrival of Christianity in the 4th century, its role increased even more, and after several centuries the entire religious life of the region is concentrated in Poitiers. The number of churches, chapels, monasteries amazed contemporaries, which allowed Poitiers, along with Rouen, to be called “the city of a hundred bell towers”. These numerous monuments of Romanesque architecture have survived to our time.

The most important pages of French history were written here. At least three of the great battles took place at Poitiers. The most famous - in 732, when Karl Martell, the future founder of the royal dynasty, expelled the Saracens, and in 1356 between the troops of the French king John the Good and the eldest son of the English king Edward the Black Prince. Constant involvement in various military actions led to the fact that after the end of the Religious Wars the city "fell into hibernation" until the 20th century and came to life relatively recently.

How to get to Poitiers

The easiest way for residents of Russia to get to this region is by plane through Paris. However, then you will have to use either a train or a bus, or rent a car. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Paris to Poitiers, you will have to fly with a transfer. But from Poitiers airport there are regular flights to Italy, England and some other cities in France. You can get from the airport to the city only by taxi.

Search for flights to Paris (closest airport to Poitiers)

By train

The most convenient way to travel to Poitiers is to use the railway. TGV trains run regularly from Gare Montparnasse in Paris. Travel time is 1 hour 41 minutes. There are first and second grade. The ticket can be ordered online on the website (SNCF). The fare for the second class varies between 55-65 EUR. From Poitiers, you can reach La Rochelle (1 hour 20 minutes) and Bordeaux (1 hour 45 minutes). Prices on the page are for November 2019.

The railway station (Gare de Poitiers) is located in the west of the historic city center, about 1.5 km from the Cathedral of St. Peter and 1 km from the Great Church of Our Lady.

By car

From Paris to Poitiers, take the A10 autobahn for about 350 km. The distance from Bordeaux (the same A10 autobahn) is about 250 km.

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How to navigate the city

For those who like to see the sights on their own, special routes have been invented ("Chemins de Notre Dame" or "Roads of Notre Dame"), marked on the sidewalk with lines of different colors. There are three routes in total, and a walk along each of them takes no more than an hour. The starting point is place Charles de Gaulle in front of the Great Church of Our Lady (Église Notre-Dame la Grande).

The blue line leads to the heart of the Bishops' Quarter, towards Église Sainte-Radegonde and the city's main medieval street, the Grand rue, which is now home to numerous galleries, bookstores and hereditary artisans. For example, here you can find a candle dealer who manufactures his goods using 18th century techniques, or a fifth generation umbrella seller. The yellow line leads to the Church of St. John in Montierneuf (Église St-Jean-de-Montierneuf). This route takes you through the city's medieval shopping streets. The red line connects the UNESCO World Heritage Site Église Saint-Hilaire le Grand, the 18th century park (parc de Blossac).

The Church of St. Hilarius is part of the Way of St. James. This is one of the most important pilgrimage routes to the tomb of the Apostle James in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela.

You can get around the city by buses. Poitiers is served by the transport company Vitalis. The cost of one trip per hour (no more than one change per hour) is 1.40 EUR. A ticket for 10 journeys costs 10 EUR. You can buy a ticket from the bus itself, a tobacco kiosk or a vending machine.

If you are planning several transfers and trips within an hour, then it is much more profitable to purchase a book (le carnet) of 5 tickets. This will cost 5.50 EUR.

Types of Poitiers

Cuisine and restaurants

The cuisine of the region to which Poitiers belongs, like other regional cuisines in France, is based primarily on high quality products. Among them, it should be noted: cheese from goat's milk (Chabichou du Poitou), pumpkins of the Upper Poitou (melon du Haut Poitou), which appeared in this area in the 19th century, and Charente-Poitou butter (beurre Charentes-Poitou), produced in 5 departments.

The list of traditional recipes includes Farsi poitevin, a mixture of cabbage, various herbs and bacon, Poitino chicken pie, kid with garlic, pumpkin in wine. Especially famous as a dessert are broyé poitevin, a sweet, broken flatbread, and Poitine cookies (casse-museaux).

Shopping and shops

Most of the souvenir shops are concentrated on Grand rue. Music lovers are advised to visit the Musical Instrument Shop in Place de La Liberte.

Popular hotels in Poitiers

Poitiers entertainment and attractions

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the famous churches in the Romanesque style: the Church of Our Lady of Poitiers (Église Notre-Dame la Grande), the oldest part of which dates back to the 11th century, the baptistery of Saint John the Baptist (baptistère Saint-Jean), the church of Saint Hilarius (Église Saint- Hilaire le Grand), the Church of Saint Radegund (Église Sainte-Radegonde) and the Cathedral of Saint Peter (cathédrale Saint-Pierre), a rare example of the so-called “Angevin Gothic”.

Saint Croix Museum

The Museum of Saint-Croix (Musée Sainte-Croix) exhibits objects of art from ancient times to the present day.

Working hours: from June 21 to September 18 - from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00 (Tuesday until 20:00); from September 19 to June 20 - from Tuesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00 (Saturday and Sunday - from 13:00 to 18:00). The museum is closed on Mondays and public holidays.

Ticket price: 4.50 EUR; on Sundays - 2 EUR.

At the moment, the city of Poitiers in France is far from the busiest provincial town. Which at the same time has its own unique look, which has been formed over its entire difficult history. And now, if you try to compare it with other capitals of the French regions, you will notice a significant difference - there are clearly planned wide boulevards, next to which are located strangely curving streets of ancient quarters, around a mass of churches and palaces, gardens and pedestrian zones. In addition, the houses here are made of stone and wood, which significantly distinguishes this city in architectural terms from its counterparts from the northeast.

History of the city of Poitiers

Poitiers is one of the oldest French cities and serves as an example of how European history can be combined with high-tech modernity. The city was founded by the Celtic tribe of Pictons, who also gave the city its first name - Limonum. Although the town withstood many enemy attacks, in the end, it fell under the all-consuming onslaught of the legions of the Romans. The Romans built and rebuilt this place very actively, making this village a major economic center. After Christianity came here in the fourth century, the role of this settlement began to grow, and after several centuries this city became the center of religious life. The ever-growing number of churches and chapels began to cause genuine amazement among contemporaries, so Poitiers, as in its time Rouen, received the proud name “city of a hundred bell towers”. Many different architectural monuments of the Romans have survived to this day. Poitiers is one of the most significant settlements in French history. He has witnessed the greatest battles more than once. First, in 732, Karl Martell, the one who would later become the founder of the royal dynasty, expelled the Saracens from there. Another - when a serious battle broke out between the army of the King of France John the Good and the soldiers of the eldest son of the King of England, Edward the Black. Due to the fact that the city constantly had to fight, its development slowed down, and continued only relatively recently - in the twentieth century.

In the city, you can go to Leclerc Square, which is filled with numerous cafeterias. Or you can go to de Gaulle square. It is located in the north, and there is also a large and bustling market.

Landmarks of Poitiers in France

Among other interesting city objects, one can highlight the Palace of Justice, which can be accessed on weekdays, and absolutely free. Its facade, which was built in the nineteenth century, hides very ancient interiors. Notre-Dame-la-Grande, one of the largest and most impressive French churches, is also located nearby. It was built from the twelfth century to the sixteenth, it is open daily, admission is free. Every evening she is illuminated by spotlights, in the light of which she looks especially beautiful. If you go to the eastern part of the old city, you can get to a large cathedral called Saint-Pierre, which is open daily. In addition to its highly original decoration, this cathedral is widely known for its eighteenth-century organ, which hosts concerts in summer.

Opposite this giant is a small building that resembles some kind of second-rate Roman temple - in fact, it is the Baptistery of Saint-Jean, which was built in the middle of the fourth century - it is the oldest Christian temple in France. Until the seventeenth century, this was the only place in the entire city where one could be baptized. Between the baptistery and the cathedral, you can see a small domed complex called Espace Mendes France, which includes a children's museum of science and technology and a modern planetarium. The most famous museum of this place - Saint-Croix, which is famous for its ethnographic and historical collection, is located in the same Jean-Jaurès square of mine.

You can also pay attention to the church of Sant'Radegund, which has an underground chapel, in which, in fact, the remains of the saint of the same name are stored, it is worth looking at the museum of architecture and fine arts, as well as the botanical garden.

Poitiers University and other treasures of the city

If you look into the southern part of the old city, you will find Blossack Park - a great place for walking. Not far from it there is a real treasure - the Church of Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand, which was included in the UNESCO heritage list. Not far from this place is the University of Poitiers. This educational institution annually accepts thousands of students from all over the world. Basically, the preference is given to the graceful and natural sciences.

There are no particular problems with how to get to Poitiers. Although there are no direct flights by plane, you can always take a taxi or go by train. Most in a convenient way there will be just a railway - a ticket costs about 50 euros, and the trip lasts about an hour and a half. Trains run regularly from Paris Montparnasse train station. Poitiers is a great city for a person who wants to get acquainted with the atmosphere of France.

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