Akismet: Plugin for fighting comment spam in WordPress. Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin: Fight Comment Spam in WordPress What is Akismet Plugin

Akismet: Plugin for fighting comment spam in WordPress. Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin: Fight Comment Spam in WordPress What is Akismet Plugin


Greetings to all dear readers! I think each of you knows what spam is, but not everyone understands what methods can be used to get rid of it. Today, there are many ways to combat spam, but spam programs are on the alert and try to attack inexperienced, usually novice bloggers.

Of course, spammers (robots) will want to use old blogs as well, but it is useless to do anything, because there is a full-fledged protection, so it is better for young sites to warn themselves and read this article.

One of the effective ways to protect yourself is the Akismet plugin.

What is this Akismet plugin?

This is one of the best plugins out there to combat comment spam on blogs powered by WordPress. It is already installed by default. Having entered the administrative panel of your site, you can see the inscription at the top of the page:

Akismet is practically enabled, if you want it to be operational then enter the Akismet API Key. If you don't see something like this, although you should, or maybe you delete it, accidentally or not, no difference, then you can download this plugin on the admin site at WordPress.org.

After downloading, open it and upload it to the folder with plugins on the hosting via FTP connection. It is located at your site-wp-content-plagins. Have Akismet been placed there? Placed! Then go to the admin panel of the blog and activate it.

We will talk about its setting below. Now I will talk about the features of the wordpress plugin. What functions does it have, how it works, in general, why install it at all.

What is this plugin for?

This is a pressing question that plagues many in the blogosphere. I will try to tell you about this in as much detail as possible. Akismet plugin works in a similar way:

Its database contains data on spam. Based on the analysis, it throws some comments into spam, but if the comment does not correspond to the information specified in the database, then it goes to you for moderation.

I want to warn you right away that there are cases when a well-written comment ends up in your spam folder. This rarely happens. What to do in such a situation? Everything is very simple! You will have to view SPAM and, if a normal comment gets there, throw it out on hold.

Believe me, this will happen, so it should have been said about it. These are the so-called errors in the Akismet database, which are the only drawback of this plugin. Well, if so, then you definitely need to install and configure it on your website.

How do I install and configure Akismet?

As discussed above in the article, the plugin should be your default. Go to the PLUGINS section, it is located in the left column of the admin panel of your blog and check if it is there or not. No, then drop it on the hosting, as it was written earlier, scroll the article up and you will find.

In the event that it is in front of you, that is, in the "plugins" section, then click ACTIVATE. The button is located immediately after the name, in our case - Akismet.

Now a green rectangle with a blue window will appear in front of you in the admin panel of the blog at the top: activate account plugin. Click on it and get to such a page.

Here you will enter the key, if, of course, you have one. Otherwise, go to GET API Key.

Goes to the plugin's official website - akismet.com. You translate the page into Russian to make it clear. This can be done by pressing the TRANSLATE button, it is located in the address bar of the browser on the right side, at least in my Mozila Firefox.

You are now on wordpress.com on the data entry page. Here you need to enter an email address, username - login and password. We look that the green check mark is lit up, that is, it is approved and we click to subscribe, and so on twice. You should receive an email with an activation code, which must be entered in the field, if you forgot, I remind you that it is located at SETTINGS = akismet.

In the event that you use old version WordPress, then the plugin settings can be found under PLUGINS = akismet settings.

With this I think everything is clear. I hope no one has any difficulties. Now you need to enter the key and perform a couple of settings. Quite simply, we carry out the remaining steps. Mark it or leave it unchanged.

  1. Automatically delete spam comments for entries older than a month;
  2. Display the number of approved comments next to each author;

At your request. The first point says that if a spam comment is left on an article that was posted later than one month, then it automatically goes to the trash and does not end up in the spam folder.

With the second, it is clear, by checking this point, you will know how many comments your reader left. After you have done everything, you can set the counter of blocked spam comments, also if you wish. I do not advise you to put it on your blog, because unnecessary external links are not good.

I will end the article on this note. I wish you all a successful fight against comment spam. Until next time. Bye! In conclusion, for you an interesting video about the Akismet plugin:

Sincerely, Yuri Zhuk.

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23 reviews

  1. Anatoly

    I like it, it's beautiful with you! Creatively! I study in a Start Up project. Advanced course. I like! How are you? How long did it take you to build and organize the work of the site? How much do you pay him now? I invite our colleagues in site building to be friends. Which way is more correct? What to do in such a developing situation? I’ll write, ask around, from our colleagues. I am sure we will find the answer! I wish you creative success and worthy prosperity. The most important thing is the fortress of the spirit! Keep it up! Come visit! I will be glad to you! And in the spring, be!

  2. Igor

    Thank you, Anatoly, for your kind words. I pay quite a lot of attention while the blog is in its infancy. "The first half of your life you work for your own name, then the name works for you." Remember?

  3. xerox 250

    Tell me, can I place this post on my site?

  4. Igor

    In order to avoid a complete duplication, it is undesirable to post the article in full, you can use a short excerpt with an indexed link to the source.

  5. angina

    And what if you create a section on the blog site "hottest discussions" or the like. There you can discuss the hottest topics of your blog ...

  6. Igor

    Of course, such chips are very useful, but I will have to wait a little with this, now I just can't. In fact, there are many ideas, but every single one takes time, which is sorely lacking.

  7. Mikhail Zayats

    Thanks, good article. Subscribed.

  8. Oksana

    Igor, can you please tell me if you can somehow complain about spam? The fact is that my site is constantly receiving spam from the same IP address in the comments to the same article, judging by the links from somewhere in Russia or Ukraine. Moreover, everything is furnished as a normal comment, such as "cool article", etc. During the day, several comments arrive with different text and the links are all different. You constantly have to clean your spam folder. It seems to be not difficult to clean, but just got it already. In addition, normal comments sometimes fly into spam, and you have to look through each one in order to filter out unnecessary ones. Maybe you can somehow and where to complain about this IP-address?

  9. Igor

    Oksana, this is really a problem and a very big one. Although Akismet copes with the task of filtering out explicit spam for me, sometimes I really have to carry out manual moderation. If anyone I hate fiercely in this life, it is spammers, although I myself am a completely peaceful person and not at all a misanthrope. So I fully understand you and will be happy to help in any way I can, by the way, perhaps, it will be useful to other readers as well. So, try the following. Htaccess file in the root directory for editing and add the following snippet there:

    order allow, deny allow from all deny from ip 1 deny from ip 2 deny from ip 3 deny from ip 4

    Instead of ip with numbers, you need to put down real IPs that you do not like. There can be as many lines as "deny from". This should help block the hated spammers who annoy you the most.

  10. Oksana

    Thank you, Igor, I will definitely try. Just another question: I have only three lines in my .htaccess file, just insert your fragment at the end under these lines? Sorry for the maybe stupid question.

  11. Igor

    Well, why stupid, in no way. Yes, Oksana, insert it at the very end, just do not forget to put the real numbers (only numbers) of the IP-address. Do not use IP designations.

  12. Oksana

    Igor, did as you said. I inserted these lines:

    order allow, deny
    allow from all
    deny from
    deny from

    The result is 50/50 so far. The top IP continues to receive spam, but not the bottom one yet (it received the most spam).
    Maybe I misunderstood something and prescribed it incorrectly?
    Thanks for your support and help.

  13. Oksana

    For some reason, the first () and last () lines of the fragment were not reflected in the comment. Naturally, they are registered with me.

  14. Igor

    The lines were not displayed because WordPress is mercilessly eating code. And so you did everything right. I think we need to wait a few more days to be sure. You say that spam has stopped coming from one of the IP addresses, which means that either this construction does not work at all, or it will work 100 percent. By the way, correct work htaccess file may also depend on the hosting, if our plan fails, try contacting the hosting support team. If we cannot find out anything there either, we will fight further, just write after a while how you are doing.

  15. Oksana

    Igor, thanks for the answer. I will observe a little more and, if it does not help, I will contact the hosting (Sprinthost), as you advise. The good news is that the most harmful (in terms of quantity) spam has ceased to arrive. I will definitely accomplish my goal based on the results.
    I still have questions on other topics, if you do not mind, I would still torment you?

  16. Oksana

    A week has passed. Several times I slipped through and spam from the second IP, from the first one, too. I can't say that there is absolutely no result, since in my opinion, spam began to slip through less often.
    Contacting the hoster's support service also gave nothing. They demanded from me the password from the admin panel of the site, as a result, they issued the following letter: "Most often, spam messages are sent by a robot. To protect your site from unwanted comments, we can recommend that you install a plugin that adds a captcha (captcha) to send comments. An example of such a plugin you can find by going to http://wordpress.org/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/. "
    But the fact is that you don't want to clutter up the captcha comment form, not everyone likes it, but only annoys. Therefore, I have the Antispam Bee plugin.

  17. Igor Gornov

    I'm glad for you, Galina, please.

Flector 4.9


Previously, I thought that anti-spam plugins are needed only for the most popular blogs, but recently, on an almost completely empty blog, spam in the comments fell on one specific entry, and not just a dozen spam messages, but fifteen hundred ( ! ) in 3 days. Each spam comment had many links, so WordPress I didn’t miss any of them, but there was no way to clean up this heap of spam manually and I had to install a plugin that I usually immediately remove on a freshly installed blog, namely the most famous antispam plugin.

1 Unpack the archive.

2 Copy the folder to / wp-content / plugins /.

3 We go to the blog admin panel on the " Plugins"and activate the plugin.

The plugin will immediately give you the following message:

When you click on this button, you will be redirected to the page " Settings \ Akismet", which will offer you to get API-key or enter it if you have already received it:

If you don't have an API key, click on the " Get API Key", you will be redirected to http://akismet.com/wordpress/ where you have to click on the large link in the center of the page:

Fill in the fields and click on " Sign up", the following page will open:

For free use, you must select tariff plan "Personal". Click on" Sign up", the following page will open:

By default, we are asked to pay $36 per year for using the service, but we have a non-commercial blog, so feel free to twist the strip to a number $0 :

The registration form will be reduced to a minimum:

Fill it out and click on " Continue", you will see a message like this:

After some time (it may take a minute or more), a page will open where your API-key:

The key can be copied directly from this page or copied from the letter received to your email. Now go back to " Settings \ Akismet"and enter your key in the appropriate field:

Click on " To plug"- plugin activation completed:

That's it, now the plugin is working (you got API-key can be used on any number of your sites). There are almost no settings in the plugin:

Do not change anything in them - it is often mistaken, and you can fix its errors manually by looking in the folder " Spam"What is obvious spam for you might be the most common comment.

Now a little about how it works: when someone leaves a comment on your blog, the plugin sends it to its server for review. If the server does not consider it spam after the tests, then the comment will be published. Otherwise, it will be marked as spam.

The plugin's creators claim that the comment passes hundreds of tests, but in practice, the name and link to the commentator's site will be the deciding factor. When you mark a comment as spam, it notes in the database on your server that such and such a name, together with such and such a link, was noticed in writing spam comments. When a certain "critical" mass of such comments is reached on all blogs, it will start marking comments with this name and this link as spam.

In theory, this looks great: someone marked the comment as spam, and now a similar comment from this author will be marked as spam on your blog. But in practice, this means that if a dozen bloggers do not like your comments and they mark them as spam, then all your comments will now go to spam on all blogs where it is used. This is bad because most bloggers do not look at the list of spam comments and do not pull out comments that were mistakenly there.

It is not uncommon for an attacker to use your name and a link to a site, leaving deliberately spam comments on blogs. Sooner or later you will be blacklisted. How to deal with this is unknown to me. But knowing about such a possible development of events, do not be lazy to look at comments marked as spam on your blog - it is quite possible that not spam comments got there either.

It gives an opportunity to show how much he has eliminated spam on the blog. To do this, use the following code:

Or just add a widget:

And then you get this spam counter:

The appearance of this counter can be easily customized via css-code in the file in the folder " _inc"plugin. But I do not recommend using this widget - it is an active link to the site, and not every webmaster needs an active external link.

V latest versions keeps a "history" of comments, makes it possible to quickly remove a link to the commentator's site, highlights links in the text of a comment, etc. I will not describe these functions of the plugin, as they are obvious to anyone who has installed the plugin.

PS. This is an updated version (July 2014) of the original 2008 article. After 6 years of using the plugin, I want to give you a tip - use it in conjunction with any other anti-spam protection! Why? For a trivial reason - without additional protection, your blog will constantly have thousands of comments marked as spam.

It does an excellent job of detecting spam, but it does not stop the appearance of spam comments on the blog, it only identifies them. No sane person would look through thousands of spam comments to unearth one that got there by mistake. The solution to this problem lies in additional protection - for example, using captchas in the form of comments.

But personally, I have been using my own invention on this and other blogs for several years. Be sure to take a look. In a nutshell - this protection deceives spam scripts and prevents them from writing a spam comment at all. And at the same time does not interfere in any way with ordinary blog visitors. As a result, it turns out that there will be no automatic spam on your blog, and a few manual spam comments will be caught or

Hello, friends! In this article, we will look at one of better ways combating spam in comments using the Akismet plugin, let's look at obtaining a key and configuring the plugin.

Removing spam in comments with the Akismet plugin

In Infobusiness, many novice bloggers do not install protection against spam in comments, they consider this work premature. As articles appear on the blog, the first comments of the site appear, and with them the spam in the comments.

As long as the number of visitors to the blog is not large (100 - 200 people), everything is fine. It is generally accepted in the blogosphere that comment spam can be removed manually as long as there are not many of them. But as the number of visitors grows, as well as your site appears in various databases, the amount of spam in comments increases dramatically. And the robots send out spam in the comments.

It so happens that a thousand or more spam comments can come in a day (I read about 3000 received per day). After that, the victims begin to establish protection. For sites made on the WordPress engine, install the Akismet plugin.

But it is not always possible to install the Akismet plugin correctly, due to the lack of a key. I think the reason is that the pages are in English, and the correct translation is not always done, hence errors arise. After failure, people try to establish alternative options protection, but this is not always the best option.

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