How to turn off night mode on a computer. How to enable night mode on an Android device

How to turn off night mode on a computer. How to enable night mode on an Android device


In Windows 10, to simplify work at a computer at night, it uses "Night mode"... Intensely bright blue light from a monitor can adversely affect a person's eyesight and nervous system. In the operating system settings, you can set a specific temperature and brightness of the light that will be used when this mode is turned on.

How to enable "Night mode"

In fact, it is not difficult to activate this mode. It can only be enabled in Windows 10 Creators Update and above. Connection instructions are as follows:

Setting the "Night mode"

If you are not satisfied with the settings "Night mode" set by the system by default, then you can easily change them to more acceptable to you:

Disabling "Night mode"

If you were able to turn it on, then turning it off is unlikely to cause problems. The instruction looks like this:

  1. Open up "Parameters" keyboard shortcut Win + I or through the menu "Start".
  2. Go to element "System".
  3. Expand the section "Screen" in the left menu.
  4. Here under the heading "Night mode", you need to slide the switch to position "Disable".

What to do if "Night Mode" does not work in Windows 10

Sometimes "Night mode" may not work or work incorrectly in Windows. Let's take a look at all the reasons that might contribute to this.

Not installed update

The ability to switch the computer to "Night mode" appeared only for users who updated Windows 10 to Creators Update or higher. If your version of Windows has not been updated, then you will not get access to new features. Let's take a look at how to check how up to date your current version of Windows is and how to quickly install the required updates:

Incorrectly installed updates

Unfortunately, Windows 10 is not always able to install updates correctly on its own. Most likely, in this case, you will notice other problems with the computer, for example, severe freezes in system applications, the inability to launch certain functions that previously worked normally, etc.

In this case, you will have to uninstall the installed update and reinstall it according to the instructions that were described above. You can delete an incorrectly configured update using the following instructions:

After you uninstall the last incorrect update, all you have to do is reinstall it, but manually, so that it now works normally. The instruction is presented above.

Using the information provided in the article, you can enable or disable "Night mode" in Windows 10, configure it to work and solve possible problems.

Probably everyone has already heard about the night mode in Windows 10. I want to note that this is not just a dark theme of the system itself, but a mode in which the color temperature of the image changes. That by itself should reduce the strain on your eyes when working at a computer in low light.

In this article, we will look at how to turn off night mode in Windows 10, since it often happens that night mode simply does not turn off. Here we will look at all the nuances of working and setting up the night light function in Windows 10.

If you have installed the Creators Update for yourself, then you can try the night light function. Undoubtedly, the night light itself, the so-called night mode appeared in previous builds of Windows 10. But in some of them the name of the night mode function was different, there were even assemblies where it was not possible to activate the night light function by simply pressing one button.

But in the latest Creators Update, it was more or less finished and now it can, in principle, even be used when working at a computer at night. The advantage of this mode is that it can turn on in time. If you work at night, then you can configure it so that it will automatically turn on at night and turn off in the morning.

The easiest way to disable night mode is to use the familiar interface in Windows 10. So, to disable night mode in Windows 10, you should take the following steps:

Or disable it through the new Windows 10 settings.

How to turn off night light in Windows 10 using Registry Editor

As with all of our articles, we show you how to fix the problem by making changes to the registry. We will do this in a non-standard way, because several parameters need to be changed. So let's get started.

  1. Create a text file on your desktop and paste the following text. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ CloudStore \ Store \ Cache \ DefaultAccount \ $$ \ Current] "Data" = hex: 02,00,00,00 , 5e, b6, ca, 5c, aa, bc, d2,01,00,00,00,00,43,42,01,00, ca, 14, \ 0e, 15,00, ca, 1e, 0e, 07.00, ca, 32.00, ca, 3c, 00.00
  2. Save your changes and change the file extension from .txt to .reg.
  3. Run the file and agree to enter data into the registry.

And also you may need an article. Since by default the file extensions are not displayed.


In this article, we looked at how to turn off night mode in Windows 10 or the so-called night light. In principle, the idea itself is interesting, but not everyone will like how it is implemented in Windows 10. Therefore, if you are looking for an alternative, then I recommend using the utility f.lux. According to the developers, it will help maintain vision when working at a computer in low light.

You can see more about the night light mode in the video:

I myself do not use this mode, because I simply do not work at a computer in poor lighting conditions. I hope the article was useful for you. Write in the comments how you feel about this regime.

The Windows 10's Creators Update includes a Night Mode ("blue light filter") that forces your display to use warmer colors at night to help you sleep better and reduce eye strain. It works the same as Night Mode on iPhone and Mac, Night Mode on Android, Blue Shade on Amazon Fire tablets, and the f.lux app.

The screens emit bright blue light, which is very similar to sunlight, turning off your body's internal clock at night and preventing the production of melatonin, which makes you sleepy. Night mode forces your screen to use darker, warmer colors at night, helping you fall asleep. This is a theory that some research supports, although more research on this issue would certainly be beneficial. Aside from getting better sleep, many people also report that using softer colors, especially in dark rooms, is simply easier on the eyes.

Turn on night mode

This setting can be found under Settings> System> Display if your Windows 10 PC has been updated to the Creators Update. Set Night Light to On to turn it on or Off to turn it off.

If you turn on this function during the day, the night mode will not turn on immediately. Instead, you will see the feature disabled until the sun sets at your current location, or, if location is off, until the time specified in the schedule. The night light will automatically turn off when the sun rises or, again, on schedule.

Night mode setting

While this is all you need to do to turn on your night light, you can customize it by clicking the Night Light Settings link below the switch.

Click the Turn On Now or Turn Off Now button to turn the night light function on or off immediately, no matter what time of day it is. You can use this button to see what night mode looks like without waiting for sunset.

Adjust the Color Temperature at Night slider to make the colors on the screen appear cooler or warmer, if desired. When you drag the slider, you will see how the colors change on the screen, so you can see at a glance how the different colors will look.

Choose whatever color temperature is most convenient for you. However, keep in mind that choosing a color temperature at the right edge of the slider will cause Windows 10 to not filter blue light at all, reducing the effectiveness of Night Mode.

Windows automatically sets the schedule for the Night Light after it is turned on. Windows activates the Night Light from sunset to sunrise, and it automatically adjusts this time, synchronizing with the movement of the sun in your geographic location.

If necessary, you can set the time for turning on and off the night light yourself. Perhaps you are working on your PC until sunset and do not want to change colors until late at night. Turn on "Scheduling night lights" and then select the "Set clock" option so that you can choose the time of day when the night lights should turn on and off.

Since this feature changes colors on the display, you do not want it to be turned on if you are doing any color-sensitive image or video work at night. But it probably doesn't matter if your screen looks a little different when you're just browsing the Internet, for example.

Windows also offers a button to quickly turn on the Night Light in the action bar, so you can turn the Night Light on or off without going into options. If you don't see it in the top row of One Touch Buttons, just click Expand.

Regardless of whether the night light will help you sleep or not, you should try it in action. It will definitely reduce light from a bright white browser window in a darkened room.

Screens have become a part of our life, they are almost everywhere. Unsurprisingly, the health effects of screens have raised serious concerns. Long-term presence in front of the screen not only strains the eyes and spoils vision, but also affects the reduction of the intervals of sleep cycles.

App manufacturers and developers have begun offering features such as Night Mode to reduce harm by helping to relieve eye strain when using your phone in the dark.

This mode removes blue light, which is bad for the eyes - especially if you have to use your phone at night, promising new posts and photos.

So how do you enable Night Mode on Android? What if your phone doesn't have night mode?

Night mode on Android 7.0

If your phone runs Android 7.0 or newer, you're in luck! Night mode is already on your phone.

In Android 7.0, for some unknown reason, night mode is hidden and cannot be simply turned on. However, there is a way around this problem.

First, activate the System UI Tuner on your phone.

  • Lower the notification shade by pulling it twice (or once with two fingers).
  • Press and hold the gear icon in the upper right corner for about 10 seconds to activate the interface.
  • Then the message “Congratulations! System UI Tuner has been added to the settings. ”

Now install the night mode app. It can be downloaded from the Play Store.

The application has only one function, a button labeled “Turn on night mode”. Clicking on it will take you to the hidden settings menu in the System UI Tuner.

Night mode on Android turns on at sunset, regardless of your location. If that's not what you wanted, don't worry. It is possible to change this setting and enable or disable night mode as you wish.

  • Swipe twice from the top of your phone screen to open the Quick settings menu.
  • Click on Change
  • Scroll down to night mode.
  • Move the toggle switch to “Turn on night mode automatically based on location and time of day”.

Night mode on Xiaomi smartphones

If you have a Xiaomi phone with MIUI firmware, you can skip the steps above, because MIUI developers have made it easier to interact with Night Mode. True, it is called here, reading mode.

Go to Settings> Display> Reading Mode, here you can set up the night mode. Namely: adjust the color level, set the actual time, or turn on automatic activation.

Other phone models - Honor, Huawei, Asus, and Nexus - similarly bypassing Android's reluctance to make night mode a standard feature, added their own versions of this mode.

Applications Night Mode for Android

If the above instructions don't work for you, don't worry.

There are many third-party Android apps that allow you to turn off the blue color and customize the warmth of the screen.

There are a lot of such applications and they all will not fit in this article, but I will name a few free ones.

Using mobile devices at night can lead to eye fatigue and insomnia. You lie in bed, staring at the screen of your iPad or iPhone, and cannot fall asleep: the blue light affects the body's biorhythms, sending false signals to the brain that the day is still going on.

For this reason, the creators of the software have developed the night mode on the iPhone with the aim of reducing the backlight intensity and reducing the blue glow.

In iOS 10, Apple has dedicated a dedicated button “ Night mode " v " Control Center " and even signed it in big letters. This is indeed the most visible button in " Control Center ", you definitely will not miss it.

Now any user of Apple products has access to “ Night mode "... It changes the colors of the screen to warmer, which is especially useful in the dark. It may seem that in iOS 11 Apple has downgraded this function, because at first glance, the corresponding button may not be noticed, however, it is still here - under the vertical slider for adjusting the brightness of the screen.

In this article, you will learn how to set up, enable and disable night mode on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X

In addition, you can manually turn on the mode, set its duration before sunrise and adjust the color range: a warmer one will strain your eyes less, and a less warm one works well on a sunny day. Apple has provided a quick enable of this feature from " Control Center ", you can get into which from any application, home screen, or even the lock screen.

To do this, you just need to slide your finger across the screen from bottom to top. Next, you need to press and hold the brightness control slider, after which a selection button will appear on the left Night mode, and on the right - enable the mode of automatic adjustment of the screen image parameters (True Tone), if available on the device.

How to enable night mode on iPhone, taking into account sunrise and sunset times?

Apple has developed the " Night mode ", which allows you to manually or automatically shift the backlight spectrum to a warmer region of the visible range, thereby helping you fall asleep faster and better.

If you like the idea of ​​using such a function, and you want it to automatically turn on at nightfall, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Run " Settings" from the home screen.
  2. Click " Screen and brightness settings ".
  3. Select " Night mode ".
  4. Set the switch " Scheduled into position Included ".
  5. Please select C / C if not specified there Sunset / sunrise, otherwise you do not need to do anything further.
  6. Specify " Sunset / Sunrise ".

Sunset and sunrise data will be automatically set based on your location, just like the Weather app gives you climate data by determining your coordinates. Some users have argued that this option is not shown on their devices because the location function does not work in their time zone.

In this case, you need to follow the link Settings > Confidentiality > Locating> System, then scroll through the menu to the item Setting the time zone and make sure its switch is in position Included.

How to set up automatic inclusion of the night mode on a schedule?

If you think that the current sunrise time is too early for you or sunset too late, then you can set any other one you want.

  1. Run " Settings" from the home screen.
  2. Click " Screen and brightness settings ".
  3. Select " Night mode ".
  4. Toggle the switch " Scheduled" to position " Included».
  5. Click " C / C ".
  6. Select " Own schedule ".
  7. Click " Include in…»
  8. Rotate the selector vertically to select the time. Hours and minutes are set separately.
  9. Select " Turn off at ... "
  10. Set the time in the same way as in point 8.

There is no OK button. The time you set will be used for " Night mode "... If you are suddenly not satisfied with the current settings, then follow the steps described and set a different time.

If you do not want to customize the schedule, you can turn on " Night mode " manually.

  1. Run " Settings" from the home screen.
  2. Select " Screen and brightness settings ".
  3. Click " Night mode ".
  4. Install " Turn on until tomorrow ".

Thereafter Night mode will remain on until the next day. If you want to use it again, you will need to re-enable it manually or set up a schedule.

Read also:

How to set the color range of night mode on an iPhone?

After going to " Night mode ", from blue to yellow spectrum, you may experience discomfort. However, the human brain is rapidly rebuilding, so you will very quickly get used to the new color scheme. If, for some reason, the spectrum seems to you too warm or, conversely, not warm enough, then you can set an acceptable temperature yourself.

  1. Run " Settings" from the home screen.
  2. Select " Screen and brightness settings ".
  3. Click " Night mode ".
  4. Use the slider to set a less warm (blue) or warmer (yellow) spectrum.

Note: If when setting the color range Night mode is not enabled, the screen will briefly show you the selected settings, so you can determine if the selected settings are right for you.

How to turn off night mode on iPhone and iPad?

If you don't want to use Night Mode, at least temporarily, you can turn it off.

  1. Run " Settings" from the home screen.
  2. Select " Screen and brightness settings ".
  3. Click " Night mode ".
  4. Select " Own schedule ".
  5. Disable the item " Turn on until tomorrow ".

Night mode will be off until you reactivate one of these switches.

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