Lumia 950 xl dual sim. A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Lumia 950 xl dual sim. A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.


In 2010, Microsoft announced its first mobile operating system since Windows Mobile 6.5, the Windows Phone 7 Series. Literally immediately, the name was shortened to Windows Phone 7, because it was too long. From this alone, one could understand that there are contradictions within Microsoft about mobile products. At that time, internal competition was indeed encouraged in the company, and very often one team could not know what the other was doing. Be that as it may, the history of modern Microsoft mobile operating systems began with this. Its next important stage is happening right now, because after a year and a half of silence, the company has released new flagship smartphones. And they no longer work on Windows Phone, but on the mobile version of Windows 10. The Lumia 950 Dual SIM smartphone came to our editorial office, let's see if Microsoft can squeeze out competitors and what the new OS is capable of using it as an example.

Contents of delivery

The Lumia 950 Dual SIM comes with a USB Type-C charger, as well as a separate USB Type-C to USB cable.

Design and materials

The Lumia 950 Dual SIM looks typical of the latest models of the line, and in appearance it is difficult to classify it as a flagship. There is nothing interesting in the design of the smartphone, and it looks frankly boring, to say the least. This is especially contrasted against the backdrop of a pleasant design.

Case materials in the 950th also changed not for the better, the case of the novelty is completely plastic. At the same time, the coating of the back cover is not even a soft touch, it is simply matte.

The only advantage of the plastic case can be called perhaps a removable cover that gives access to the battery, as well as two slots for Nano SIM and one microSD.

The front panel of the smartphone is covered with protective glass Corning Gorilla Glass 3 with an oleophobic coating.

No matter how you look at the Lumia 950, it's hard to see it as a flagship smartphone. One gets the impression that this design was developed four years ago at Nokia, and at Microsoft they simply decided not to throw away what they bought for nothing.


The Lumia 950 Dual SIM has a 5.2-inch screen size and a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels, making it the first smartphone from Microsoft to achieve a pixel density of 564 dpi. The minimum display brightness is 12.9 cd/m2 and the maximum brightness is 455 cd/m2. As with past Lumia flagships, the new model uses an AMOLED matrix, which allows you to customize the display using the built-in tools.

However, the factory calibration is already done well. The color gamut of the screen exceeds sRGB, although not as much as is usually the case with AMOLED. The average gamma is at level - 2. Color temperature - 7000K.

The use of an AMOLED matrix allowed Microsoft not to completely turn off the Lumia 950 Dual SIM display after blocking, and display the time, date, calendar events and alerts on it. This is really convenient and does not consume much battery, although this feature can be turned off for even more savings.

In general, the screen in the Lumia 950 Dual SIM is as you would expect from a flagship. And if not everyone will like the design of the smartphone, then at least the display will not disappoint.

Platform and Performance

Like a number of flagships in 2015, the Lumia 950 Dual SIM received a Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 6-core processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz, 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory, which can be expanded with microSD cards.

Despite having a cooler processor than the Snapdragon 810, the Lumia 950 Dual SIM manages to get quite warm. Even in not very resource-intensive tasks, the case temperature can reach 45 degrees Celsius. In addition, the smartphone heats up during charging.

The performance of Snapdragon 808 and 3 GB of RAM should be more than enough for a modern smartphone. But, apparently, the poor optimization of mobile Windows 10 crosses out all the merits of Qualcomm. The OS interface slows down, the animation is not always smooth, and even light applications start with a noticeable delay.

Windows 10

The idea with which Microsoft decided to actively return to the smartphone market is inherently remarkable. The company is developing a single Windows 10 platform that runs on desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone and Xbox One. At the same time, developers get the necessary tools to create universal applications for the new OS, which can be scaled to different resolutions. Sounds very tempting, right? In fact, of course, Windows 10 on Lumia 950 Dual SIM and Windows 10 on your computer are not the same system at all, although they do have a lot in common, both in code and in interface. And developers can indeed create universal applications for this platform, but so far the most active player in this field is still only Microsoft itself. Although we must pay tribute, the company is doing quite well.


The mobile version of Windows 10, although it is a completely different OS, has retained quite a lot in common with Windows Phone. The main screen of the system still consists of tiles, which can be of three sizes. With the largest tile display option, additional information can also appear on it as on a widget.

Tiles can now be sorted into folders, which significantly reduces the size of the tape, which for some Windows Phone users reached a truly monstrous size.

Another important innovation is that the battery and network connection indicator is now permanently displayed at the top of the screen.

If you pull down from the top edge of the screen, a curtain opens with notifications, as well as quick access to the settings.

The main menu is still on the left, to access it you need to swipe from right to left.

The bottom navigation bar can now be hidden with a swipe from top to bottom, and shown with a reverse swipe. But it works so far only in the interface itself and system applications.

The navigation bar itself, as in previous versions, contains three buttons: back, Windows and search. In Ukrainian localization, the search button opens Yandex and this cannot be changed in the settings, even if you change the default search in the browser.

Settings in mobile Windows 10 are drawn in the same style as in the standard version of the OS. They are divided into categories, and contain enough detailed items that allow you to customize the system to your needs.

Multitasking mode is displayed as open windows. To close them, you can use the cross on each of them, or pull each one down. In this case, if you pull the window up, then nothing will happen. Apparently, Microsoft considered that it was not right to close windows in this way.

All in all, five years later, the mobile version of Windows still looks fresh, and it's actually more user-friendly. But Microsoft's desire to do things differently from its competitors just knocks the ground out from under the feet of Android and iOS users, whose developers have been copying each other for a long time. Thus, Microsoft again turned out to be an original mobile operating system, but in some moments of the interface one really wants the company to release developers to play with Android and iOS.

Edge Browser

One example of Microsoft's desire to do things differently is the new Edge browser. It has the address input line at the bottom, and not at the top as in mobile Safari and Chrome.

It's not that it's too inconvenient, but considering that even in the desktop Edge it's on top, this arrangement is not very logical. With the exception of this slight dissonance in design, the browser turned out to be quite good.

It loads pages quickly, it has a "reader mode", support for syncing bookmarks with desktop Edge, and a download manager.

Outlook Mail and Calendar

The built-in email application of the new OS is called Outlook, but in terms of its functionality it is still closer to the standard mail program from Windows 10. Only the name is from the desktop Outlook. Although in general, the capabilities of the mobile Windows 10 mail client are higher than in Windows Phone. It added advanced formatting options, as well as convenient work with attachments. However, the app formats emails a bit oddly, and there's no way to merge two accounts into one mailbox.

Along with Outlook mail, Windows 10 mobile has a calendar of the same name. It is also an almost complete copy of the calendar in desktop Windows 10. The functionality of this program is standard, you can add events to the calendar with the time, place, and invitation of participants.

Users of Google mail and calendar can easily connect their account to Windows 10 mobile. All you need to do is enter your username and password. Afterwards it works just fine.

Skype integration

Like the latest Windows 10 desktop update, the mobile version has a Messages app that has both SMS, MMS, and Skype support.

Accordingly, there is no need to separately install an application for communicating in Skype, the service is already integrated into the system. The same applies to video calls.


The app for Microsoft's popular note-taking service has also been updated in Windows 10 mobile. However, the main changes are more about interface design than functionality.

You can still add text notes, lists, images to OneNote. As for the interface, it has become closer to Windows 10.


The mobile version of Windows 10 integrates pretty good maps from HERE, which can be downloaded for offline use.

The maps have a display of traffic jams on the streets of Kiev, automobile, pedestrian navigation, as well as public transport.

Microsoft Office

The built-in applications of the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point) are a simplified version of desktop programs.

They don't support complex formatting, but they do allow you to create and edit Microsoft Office documents.


The virtual keyboard built into the mobile version of Windows 10 took all the best from Windows Phone, and was supplemented with some innovations. The size of the keyboard can be changed, it can be large, medium and small. The last two points can only be useful for larger smartphones, they look too small on the Lumia 950 Dual SIM.

Typing on the Windows 10 keyboard is convenient, the keys are large enough, there is text prediction and the ability to enter text with a swipe. Another interesting innovation in the keyboard is a small dot between the keys, which, when held, turns into a joystick, and allows you to more comfortably move the cursor over the text.

Working with Google services

Despite the fact that a user of mobile Windows 10 can easily connect Google mail and calendar, otherwise there are no official programs from the company for this platform. Except for the Google search app for Windows Phone, which hasn't been updated since 2013.

Thus, for mobile Windows 10 there is no official YouTube, no Google Maps, no Google Photos, no Google Music. You will have to look for applications for these services in solutions from third-party developers, and most often they are paid.

Third Party Applications

In general, the selection of programs in the "Store" of mobile Windows 10 is far from being as large as on Android and iOS. And some applications have not been updated for several years. Due to Windows Phone's small market share, developers didn't see the point in writing for it, focusing on Android and iOS.

Universal applications under Windows 10 could solve the problem, because they can work not only on a smartphone, but also on laptops and desktops, where the Microsoft operating system is still the most popular. However, there are no signs yet that this will actually happen. In any case, for now, the owner of a smartphone with Windows 10 will not be able to get new programs and games that today are almost synchronously released for Android or iOS.

Windows 10 mobile glitches

Unfortunately, the current version of Windows 10 for smartphones is not completely stable, at least on the Lumia 950 Dual SIM.

The operating system sometimes slows down, does not draw some interface elements (especially often the background in the menu), and also reboots. It is possible that some or all of the glitches of this build will be fixed, but for now, using Windows 10 on the Lumia 950 Dual SIM, you involuntarily feel like a beta tester.


One of the highlights of Microsoft's new flagship smartphones is Continuum, a new feature that lets you turn your smartphone into something like a computer.

To work with Continuum, you will need a special docking station Microsoft Display Dock, which connects to the Lumia 950 via USB Type C, and to the monitor via HDMI or Display Port. When connected, the smartphone recognizes the docking station and offers to launch the Continuum mode, rebuilding its interface to match the monitor's display resolution (which, by the way, can be up to 4K).

Thus, on the screen, the user sees a kind of desktop Windows 10 interface, and even with the Start button. But in fact, it's really just a mobile interface that scales to fit the monitor's resolution.

Accordingly, the applications that are available in Continuum mode are not analogous to programs from Windows 10. Microsoft calls them "universal", meaning that they can work on different Windows 10 devices and adapt to different screen sizes.

In practice, there are practically no such "universal" applications from third-party developers, so you have to be content with the standard ones from Microsoft. In fact, this is not so bad, the user has the Edge browser with a desktop-like interface, Outlook mail, Skype messages, the ability to edit documents in Microsoft Office.

The Display Dock has three USB ports that allow you to connect a mouse and keyboard to the Display Dock. But apart from that, after connecting to the docking station, the Lumia 950 display itself turns into a pretty good touchpad, and the smartphone's virtual keyboard can be used for input.

All this looks promising until you try to connect the Lumia 950 to a monitor and perform some normal work task. For example, look at the information on the site, add it to the document and send it by mail. And here you immediately encounter the biggest problem of Continuum - the performance of the smartphone is not enough to comfortably work in the mobile interface of Windows 10 on a Full HD monitor.

Even with a fast connection, sites load for a very long time, and the system itself slows down when switching between windows, even if only three programs are open: browser, mail and Word. As a result, you catch yourself thinking that it is much faster and more comfortable to open a laptop or start a computer than to suffer with Continuum. This mode could be useful if it could be used to solve situational problems. Let's say you need to give a client an important presentation, and the laptop just broke down. Here, of course, we take out the Lumia 950 from our pocket and connect it to the TV. Hooray, presentation saved. But in reality, it is unlikely that you will just carry around a rather heavy docking station for Continuum. After all, this is more of a stationary solution, which is unlikely to be at hand at the right time. One could, of course, assume that someone might immediately want to go to a presentation with a docking station and show it from the Lumia 950. But in this case, do not forget that the smartphone has a stripped-down mobile Microsoft Office installed and everything is shown as on the desktop.

In conclusion, it is important to note that Continuum is certainly an interesting solution, but its implementation leaves much to be desired. Perhaps in the future, when the performance of smartphones is higher, there will be more “universal” applications for Windows, and a separate docking station will not be needed for connection, then Continuum can be considered as an easy replacement for a PC. But for now, this feature is unlikely to become popular among Lumia 950 users, especially considering that the docking station must be purchased separately.


Lumia smartphones went to Microsoft with one very important advantage - good cameras. At one time, Nokia seriously invested in the development of PureView technology and cooperation with Zeiss. It's nice that Microsoft didn't bury it all. The Lumia 950 Dual SIM uses a 20-megapixel photomodule with f/1.9 aperture and 6-lens optics. In automatic mode, the camera demonstrates good quality and detail of pictures.

In automatic mode in good light:

In automatic mode in very poor lighting conditions:

With flash:


Other pictures:


The Lumia 950 Dual SIM has a removable 3000 mAh battery, which is enough for a day of use in medium load mode. Mobile Windows 10 turned out to be a little more gluttonous than Windows Phone, which generally had good autonomy. Microsoft has yet to optimize the power consumption of the new operating system at least to the level of the old one. In the meantime, the Lumia 950 Dual SIM demonstrates the usual autonomy for smartphones, you have to charge the device every day.


If Windows Phone still has fans, then they will definitely be happy with mobile Windows 10, the system has become a little better, and it has more potential for development than in all past years. But for everyone else, buying a Lumia 950 or the Dual SIM version discussed in this review will not be the best solution. The smartphone cannot offer anything for its money that would not be in other models, but at the same time it has a worse design and a raw OS, for which there are no most popular applications. The Continuum feature was interesting only on paper, for now it's just a demonstration of what smartphones can become in the future. But so far she is not able to turn the Lumia 950 into a computer. Microsoft should reconsider its strategy in the smartphone market, the release of expensive models of the company only worsens its position. Users would be ready to endure all the hardships of the mobile version of Windows 10, but only if the cost of Microsoft smartphones is adequate.

7 499 - 7 499 UAH
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Pros: Microsoft Lumia 950 XL has a high contrast, bright display, quite powerful hardware, a good camera and expandable memory.

Minuses: The choice of apps for a Windows smartphone is still very limited and the design looks boring.

Outcome: While the Lumia 950 XL has the characteristics of a high-end smartphone, the Windows 10 operating system doesn't provide a compelling reason to upgrade from iOS or Android.

Microsoft launched the Lumia 950 XL smartphone and its little brother Lumia 950 to usher in a new era of Windows 10 mobile OS. The 950 XL is the larger of the two phones, comes with a 5.7-inch display and has a few extras.

As you'd expect from a flagship of Microsoft's latest mobile software, the smartphone is packed with the latest technology. The 950 XL has a high-resolution display, a powerful octa-core processor, and a good 20-megapixel camera, but the software cancels it all out.

Although Windows 10 for mobile is a refreshing replacement for iOS or Android, and fairly easy to use, it suffers from the same problems that Windows Phone 8's predecessor had. The app store is still frustratingly empty compared to Android and iOS, and developers rarely make any effort to create mobile application releases primarily for Microsoft.

The situation may change with Microsoft Universal apps, which theoretically can run on mobile and desktop versions of Windows 10. In this case, developers will significantly increase the audience of their applications, so they will be interested in releasing their applications for Windows.

App questions aside, the Lumia 950 XL is a decent phone. If you're a Windows Phone user and in no rush to upgrade your operating system, this is the most powerful Windows phone you can buy right now, even slightly more powerful than the 950.

Now you can buy the Lumia 950 XL directly from Microsoft in the UK for £530, in the US for $649, in Australia for $1129 and in Russia for 49,990 rubles, 17,000 UAH in Ukraine (prices at the time of writing).

Not much larger than the 950 smartphone, the 950 XL has a large 5.7-inch display. Physical parameters XL: length 152 mm, width 78.4 mm (5.9 x 3 inches), the standard 950: 145 and 73.2 mm respectively (5.7 x 2.8 inches). Extra mm XL will be noticed when you try to reach all the letters with your thumb while typing, in this mode it is inconvenient to work on the phone with one hand. If you prefer a smartphone that's a little more compact and fits comfortably in your hand, then the smaller 950 is a better option.

Other design elements

There are minor cosmetic changes on the camera module - the 950 has a silver ring around the lens and the XL has a black dial - but otherwise both phones are identical. They share the same removable plastic back panel. A very simple design, which, of course, will not be at the peak of the great interest of gadget fans. If style is your thing, look into the flexible glass and metal of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

Under the plastic back panel is a microSD card slot that supports removable media up to 200GB. Shared features for the 950 and XL are a removable battery and the latest USB-C port for fast charging.


Both Lumia 950 and 950 XL have a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. The physical dimensions of an XL screen are larger, so the pixels are distributed over a larger area. While the XL has a density of 513 pixels per inch, the smaller 950 has 564. The difference will not be noticeable.

The XL display is crystal clear, showing high resolution photos and videos with a reasonable level of clarity. Deep black levels produce good contrast. The larger display helps show photos and videos in a better light, but both screens are great for everyday tasks.


The cameras are identical on both models: 20-megapixel resolution, 26mm lenses and f/1.9 lens aperture. Like the 950 smartphone, the 950 XL can take excellent pictures with vibrant colors, exposure and low noise in low light conditions. The main camera also shoots 4K video that looks crisp and clear when played back. The 5MP front camera takes decent photos for Instagram.

Windows Phone 10

The Lumia 950 XL has the same software as the Lumia 950. Both are the first Microsoft phones to boast the latest version of Windows mobile OS, so there are no software differences.

Windows Continuum

The 950 and 950 XL phones can replace a computer by connecting a full-size monitor, keyboard and mouse. You can use an HDMI dongle to wirelessly stream content from your phone to a big screen or docking station that connects to a monitor via HDMI. Continuum allows you to use applications such as Word, Outlook or the browser just like you would on a regular PC.

In theory, Windows Continuum makes it easy to work on office tasks in the workplace, and then take your phone with you and continue working on the same documents at home. When testing the Continuum on the 950 XL using the Microsoft docking station, the feature performed well. However, the 950 requires a little refinement. During operation, the phone rebooted several times, although in general it performed well.


The Lumia 950 XL uses an octa-core Snapdragon 810 processor, which is a minor step up from the Lumia 950's hexa-core Snapdragon 808 processor. Both phones have 2GB of RAM. The tiled Windows interface smoothly responds to finger movements on the screen, and it is comfortable to play Riptide GP 2 water races on your smartphone.

Offline work

The Lumia 950 XL's battery works similarly to the Lumia 950. It's only marginally larger (3340 mAh on the XL versus 3000 mAh on the 950), and the extra capacity will be used up to power the extra millimeters of display. The XL managed to last just over 11 hours of video playback, which is in line with the average. The 950 has a similar result. As with all smartphones, battery life varies depending on the programs used.

The phone is able to work for a full day, if you do not spend the day playing games at maximum brightness. Same battery life as the 950.

Lumia 950 XL or Lumia 950?

The specs are so similar that it all comes down to how the phone will be used. Whether you're playing games, watching Netflix, or browsing photos, the larger XL display will help you show your content at its best. If you want a phone that's smaller and easier to use with one hand, go for the 950.

Should you buy a smartphone with Windows?

If you're not a die-hard fan of the Windows OS, then Android or iOS is the way to go. Continuum is a great idea, but app developers' lack of love for Windows means its store is still far behind the competition.


For the same price that Microsoft wants for the XL, you can pick up some shiny flagship Android phones. The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has a sleek design with curved glass and metal, an outstanding camera, and considerable power. The LG G4 is similarly enticing with a real leather back. The smartphone is also suitable for photography and costs much less than the XL.

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Since the first rumors and leaks about the Microsoft Lumia 950 XL, this smartphone has generated a lot of interest. Not only is this the first flagship of Microsoft, but also the first smartphone with a pre-installed operating system Windows 10 for mobile devices. All of this put a lot of responsibility on Microsoft. I confess to you honestly, I also looked forward to the opportunity to evaluate this smartphone from Microsoft with great interest. Tired of reading various reviews in which some praised the smartphone, others tried to ridicule it with a smirk and disdain. I wanted to try it myself and find out which of them is right. This opportunity was kindly provided to me by the representative office of Microsoft in Ukraine, for which many thanks to them.

According to Microsoft, Lumia 950/950XL smartphones are designed to demonstrate the full power of the latest technological advances, both in terms of hardware and software. Equipped with the most advanced hardware, it has an attractive design and unique features such as an eye scanner and Continuum technology. In addition, Microsoft smartphones are a clear example of the evolution of a simple smartphone into a full-fledged personal computer.

What's in the box?

The box of Lumia 950 XL is made in the traditional style of the line - in front of the image of the device on a white background, and behind a solid coloring from the corporate set of colors.

The box contains the smartphone itself, user manual, battery, charger and USB Type C cable. What attracts attention is the thickness of the charging cable and a separate USB cable - they are at least one and a half times thicker than usual.

When I first opened the box, I was a little surprised by the sticker on the smartphone with technical specifications. I don't know if this is for someone else, but I didn't like it. Somehow very cheap. At the same time, it was not so easy to remove the sticker: I had to pry it off with my fingernail.

Design and appearance

When I first heard about the flagships from Microsoft, I was a little disappointed that they were again made of polycarbonate. I thought it would make them look cheap. But I was pleasantly surprised when I took the Lumia 950 XL out of the box. I must tell you that it turned out that there is a difference between plastic and plastic: live panels made of matte polycarbonate look decent. In the black version, the smartphone looks emphatically businesslike, like a brutal uncle in an expensive jacket. Replacing the metal part with a durable polycarbonate gives the new Lumia 950 XL a bit of exclusivity and makes it incredibly light. This is a fairly large phone that takes some getting used to due to its lightness. The Lumia 950 XL has been designed to be practical, durable and comfortable. He received a strong and flat glass Gorilla Glass 4, the body has become noticeably thinner and more elegant. The angularity has been preserved, but otherwise the mobile phone looks much thinner than its predecessor, released under the Nokia brand.

Above the speaker is the Microsoft logo. In the upper part on the right you can see the peephole of the 5-megapixel front camera (there is support for recording video in Full HD). An infrared camera is also visible there, which is responsible for scanning the retina. It is applied if the user has set the appropriate security mode and unlock "at a glance" of the owner.

The main microphone of Lumia 950 XL looks remarkable. This is a noticeable hole (not a hole) at the bottom of the front panel. Probably, its size is due to engineering or some other need, but it does not become prettier from this.

An interesting difference from most smartphones lies in the placement of the volume and power keys. They remained on the side, but there is no volume rocker - Microsoft abandoned the grouping of buttons. Now these are two small volume keys and an oblong power button between them. Is it convenient? Need to get used to. I couldn't get used to it for two days. They are too close to each other. The left side was left unoccupied. Why was it not possible to place slots for memory cards and a SIM card here, which were stuffed under the battery, although, interestingly, one slot for a SIM card was left above the battery.

The smartphone has a 3.5mm jack on the top and a USB Type-C port on the bottom. Now, the USB-C cable you should always carry with you. Because no one will give it to you.

On the back panel, almost in the center, there is a square metal logo of the company. Its elements are slightly recessed in plastic, and it was in this drowning that dust accumulated here after 2 weeks. It also houses a 20-megapixel camera eye with RGB LED flash. Although this is not a peephole, but some kind of "washer". When using a smartphone, the finger often rests on it and causes inconvenience. Still very upset by the creakiness of the case. I understand that these are the consequences of having a removable cover, but for the money, Microsoft designers could figure out how to minimize this defect. True, if you do not dwell on this unpleasant circumstance, then when using it, you will not even feel discomfort.

The Lumia 950XL also lacks navigation buttons. Replacing them with on-screen buttons makes the phone smaller and more comfortable in the hand. A reasonable compromise, although I cannot say that there are not enough hardware buttons.

Despite the size, the Lumia 950 XL can be operated with one hand. The weight of the device is 165 g, but this figure is largely due to the battery. The Microsoft Lumia 950 XL has a removable, almost unmarked back cover, which you can easily open and wonder “what heights the technology has reached”: a bunch of electronic components and a screen are placed in an almost weightless device.

How good is the display?

Apparently AMOLED displays are really getting better. Screens with such a matrix are installed not only in flagships, but even in more affordable models. They have finally become inexpensive to produce, they themselves are energy efficient, with good color reproduction (it can be adjusted and made more natural). The lamentations of geeks about reduced clarity in comparison with IPS and an implausible picture are of little concern to anyone.

The smartphone received a 5.7-inch AMOLED screen with 2K resolution (2560 × 1440 pixels, 518 ppi) and supports ClearBlack technology to improve readability in bright ambient light. The picture is very clear, bright and saturated. At the maximum brightness level, it will be inconvenient to use the device, but in bright sunlight the display will remain as readable as in the dusk. Its level in manual brightness control mode is about 350 nits, and in automatic mode - more than 700 nits. Luxurious AMOLED-matrix is ​​ideal for contrasting Windows design. Even taking into account the damned Pentile, the image clarity of the new Microsoft flagship does not hold - the tiles and the font on them look great, there is simply nothing to complain about without special devices.

Camera and sound

The main camera on the Lumia 950 XL has a 20-megapixel 1/2.4-inch PureView sensor with a pixel size of 1.12 microns. To work with it, the smartphone uses a new system of six Zeiss lenses. The equivalent focal length is 26mm and the aperture is f/1.9. The camera unit is equipped with a new generation optical stabilizer - compared to what was used in the Lumia 1520 and Lumia 930 modules. For shooting in the dark and focusing illumination, the smartphone received a flash of three diodes of different colors. The smartphone has an additional brand PureView, which emphasizes the fact that the camera has been applied the most advanced technology from Microsoft (PureView was inherited from Nokia). The front camera received a 5-megapixel sensor with a fixed focal length and a wide-angle lens with a maximum aperture of f / 2.4.

I was particularly interested in the Best Frame mode, which is an evolution of HDR technology. Its essence is that the smartphone camera, imperceptibly for the user, takes a series of shots with different exposures, and then creates one optimal shot. Unfortunately, this function does not work so fast, and sometimes causes the smartphone to heat up. But the picture is worth it. After taking a picture with flash, you can “turn the flash on or off” - using the slider, you can select a frame without flash or adjust its strength. There is also such a curious option: 8 MP images can be obtained from 4K video using the camera application.

The company considers this camera "the best in its history" and partly indeed they are right. It works very quickly - it was precisely this speed that was lacking in the previous flagship devices of the company. There are no focusing errors in good and medium lighting conditions, but they sometimes appear in the dark - the lack of laser focusing, which is used by competitors, affects. However, this problem is solved by tapping on the screen. It is worth noting the quality of color reproduction when photographing with a flash - due to the three LEDs of different shades, really very softly lit pictures are obtained, this is especially noticeable in photographs in which there are people.

But the work of automation in the Lumia 950 XL is inspiring - the photos are as high quality as in other flagships of 2015. I would especially like to note the work of phase autofocus, which fiercely fights for image clarity in night video recordings. Most cool smartphones in the dark need "notations" and manual focus adjustment, but Lumia looks self-sufficient.

Shooting at night and in bad weather conditions also pleased.

The main camera records video at a maximum resolution of 4K 30 fps, in slow motion it shoots in Full HD resolution 120 fps. When shooting video, optical stabilization is used, plus you can additionally activate software. The front camera supports shooting in Full HD mode. I note that the smartphone uses Rich Recording technology, which uses 4 microphones.

Examples of images in original resolution can be seen in a separate gallery.

The speaker of the device is located on the rear panel next to the “washer” of the photomodule. When watching a video, the sound source, respectively, is located on the side. Best of all, the speaker manages to transmit high and medium frequencies, but the bass disappears even when manipulating the equalizer (but they are still there).

The sound is loud and even shrill: you can miss a call only if you really want to. I didn't hear any distortion or rattles at maximum volume, but fans of gold-plated plugs may feel disappointed.

What about performance?

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL is equipped with an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chip (4 Cortex-A53 cores at 1.5 GHz and the same Cortex-A57 at 2 GHz), 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. There is also a microSD slot. Adreno 430 is responsible for the graphics. All the latest communication standards are available: LTE Cat. 9 (up to 300 Mbps), Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, NFC and Miracast. The navigation module supports GPS and GLONASS. The quality of network signal reception is good, subjectively it is better than in previous Nokia/Microsoft flagship models. It must be admitted that in cross-platform benchmarks Microsoft Lumia 950 XL does not show itself at the level of the top flagships. Windows 10 may not be perfect, but 3GB of RAM makes up for it. None of the applications I opened for 3 weeks slowed down, all games were launched at maximum settings.

The Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM is without a doubt the fastest Windows smartphone today. Real user experience shows that the interface works smoothly, applications respond quickly to user actions, and the 3D graphics in Asphalt 8: Airborne are just great. However, it would be quite strange to get something else.

If Windows 10 Mobile is not perfect, then the cons are lost due to 3GB of RAM. Until now, no smartphone with this operating system has worked so fast. And yet, sharp brakes happen at the most unexpected moments. For example, I noticed this while adjusting the brightness level of the screen.

In cross-platform benchmarks, the Microsoft Lumia 950 XL does not really show itself very well, which disappointed me a little. In principle, the smartphone was not created for records, but for normal work for every day, which means that we must also take into account the performance of Windows Phone in games.

How are things with autonomy and heating?

If you remove the back cover of the smartphone, you will see a thin, but quite powerful 3340 mAh battery. Which is very, very good, given that Windows systems are very energy efficient. The manufacturer indicates, in particular, the following parameters of battery life: 12 days of standby time, 75 hours of music playback, 19 hours of talk time in the 3G network. In addition, the phone does not heat up under load, something that many feared. This does not mean that it should not give off heat. Under load, the back of the phone is slightly warm. However, this is insignificant and does not affect the comfort of communication with the device.

USB Type-C is another feature of the flagships on Windows 10. There are many pluses: you can insert the cable in any direction, and charging is very fast. Still, the USB Type C port allows you to charge your smartphone from zero to 60 percent in 30 minutes, the remaining 40 percent in 45 minutes.

Usually these numbers are twice as high. Apparently, Microsoft decided to squeeze the maximum out of the fashionable connector, but the company is unable to eliminate the main disadvantage. It is very difficult to find a USB Type-C cable: friends and colleagues do not have such ones yet, and it is a rarity in the store. Smartphone Lumia 950 XL supports wireless charging. I was lucky to try it out. Since using the Nokia Lumia 820, I still have a Nokia DT-900 wireless charger. I decided to try whether the new flagship from Microsoft will be charged. It turned out that everything is in order and the phone is charging. Yes, it is slower than via USB, but everything works. It is also worth noting that the smartphone heats up a little, but this is much less than the Nokia Lumia 820 heated up.

Frankly, I was preparing for the worst - reviews about the level of autonomy of the flagship Lumia did not inspire optimism. In fact, the battery life of Microsoft's flagship turned out to be very good. Built-in battery monitoring tools allow you to check the distribution of consumption by application, as well as set up a saving mode. It blocks synchronization, background work and push notifications of applications, except for those that are marked in a special list. This mode can be activated automatically when the battery level drops below the value specified in the options. In general, it turns out that the combination of a powerful platform, a large screen and a high-capacity battery again leads us to the already familiar “one working day without recharging” result.

A little bit about whether the smartphone is heated? I have read many times about Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 overheating issues. But I was pleasantly surprised that the developers from Redmond were able to fix the overheating problem. All this is possible thanks to graphite tubes, a magnesium alloy frame and even water cooling. Yes, the smartphone heats up a little, but this is with very intensive use, but then water cooling turns on and the temperature stabilizes. You definitely won't burn your hands.

Is there life on Windows 10 Mobile?

This smartphone is one of the first smartphones running on the new Windows 10 Mobile operating system.

It was very interesting for me to work in it, to find out what has changed compared to Windows 8.1. When I first turned on the smartphone, I realized that visually nothing had changed. The same tiled interface, the same two tables. But this is only at first glance, everything was left as before. There are plenty of changes. Windows 10 Universal System is a big step for Microsoft. The smartphone version of the Lumia 950XL works very quickly, the design has been updated, you can choose the wallpaper style (on tiles or under them), and the settings are grouped into subsections. The notification center has been seriously updated, now there are 16 shortcuts for quick access. The new Microsoft Edge browser is still as light, fast and austere as the desktop version. One thing is unusual - this is a search, which for some reason is located at the bottom.

Maybe it's so conceived, but it took me some time to get used to. I was very upset by the fact that Yandex search is the default, which is very difficult to change.

Going into Parameters,

I saw settings familiar from the desktop version of Windows 10, which made me very happy. After all, it didn’t take long to figure out what, where and how to look, which is often observed in smartphones on Android.

I read a lot of reviews, in which almost everyone wrote that the system was raw, not ready for work, even native applications from Microsoft did not work correctly. They sent me a smartphone with the same release version 10.586.0 of Windows 10 Mobile. Knowing that after that, smartphones received several cumulative updates, I specifically spent a whole day without updating the Lumia 950 XL. Now I understand why there were so many negative reviews about the operation of the smartphone and the operating system. Indeed, there was an incorrect operation of the smartphone, and of Windows 10 Mobile itself. What was it? Sometimes the device refused to respond to clicks on tiles, it was impossible to open the Store, Mail, Calendar, browser and did not show any signs of life at all, the camera hung. During the day, the smartphone freezes for several minutes 3 times. Barely endured until the next day. Then I decided to upgrade my smartphone and watch them. To my surprise, the first cumulative update drastically changed everything, not to mention subsequent updates. The smartphone just flew, the screen became very sensitive to touch, all applications opened and worked without failures. It can be seen that Microsoft made the right conclusions and did a huge amount of work.

Aesthetics aside, we can say that Microsoft did a great job of crossing mobile and desktop Windows 10. Microsoft Edge, which acts as a browser, and mobile versions of Mail and Calendar look familiar. If you're using Windows 10 on your PC, you can tell it's a smaller version of the operating system with the same apps and a smaller screen. It is worth saying that this is part of a universal set of Microsoft applications that make it possible to use the necessary tools on your phone, computer and Xbox One. We are now in the very early stages of this versatility, but it already looks promising.

A few words about the availability of universal applications in the Store on Windows 10 Mobile. So far, they are clearly not enough. True, they have already appeared much more often, and some of them completely turned my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bWindows as a service, and not just an operating system. I was especially pleased with the Continuum function, but I do not want to write about it here. I decided to write a separate article about Continuum. Believe me, there is something to tell you about.

Windows Hello Beta

I confess to you honestly that in the new smartphone I was most interested in the Continuum function, but I also really wanted to try out Windows Hello.

The new Windows 10 brought users not only additional features, but also a new level of personal data security. Now the Windows Hello Beta function integrated into the system is responsible for the safety of your passwords. It works with a credential technology called Microsoft Passport that uses "biometric authentication" instead of a regular password. This means that logging in to an account, app, or hidden folder on the Lumia 950 XL is done through retinal recognition, which was very interesting.

On the first day, I decided to try out a new feature in the Microsoft Lumia 950XL. It is very possible to turn it on if you go the way Settings-Personalization-Lock screen-Login options. To run Windows Hello, you first need to set up PIN security before you can set up the iris scanner. A few settings and you get the best protection for your smartphone.

Now you will no longer be afraid that someone will open your smartphone without asking, if the smartphone is lost or stolen, attackers will not be able to simply open and use it. I crash-tested the Lumia 950XL, making it recognize me in the dark, with a twisted face, but it still recognized me. I tried to put my photo and video with my face and eyes on the screen, but I could not deceive Windows Hello. Recently received confirmation from a security specialist that the iris scanner is much more secure than fingerprints. He explained that in the history of fingerprinting, there were cases of fake fingerprints. Some will say that it often takes a few seconds to scan the iris of the eye. During this time, many will run out of patience, because manually unlocking the phone is faster. But in the company of friends, colleagues and just on the street, you will leave a lasting impression on people.

Who needs that kind of money?

Many people asked themselves this question immediately after the release of the new flagship from Microsoft. The plastic case, the unpopular mobile operating program, the problems with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor - everything said that, it seems, only to die-hard Microsoft fans, of whom there are already few. But the Lumia 950's feature set speaks louder as to why you should buy a smartphone than if it were clad in anodized aluminum. Microsoft has recently radically changed its mind about the mobile market. It seems that the main focus of smartphones on Windows 10 Mobile is increasingly becoming the area of ​​the business segment, which includes customers who buy phones to run the company's business and deploy a line of business applications. This is where Microsoft is going to offer its services and applications such as Visual Studio Online, Office 365 and others. Windows 10 Mobile is supposed to deploy applications and provide them with the appropriate level of security and control. This is what the corporation pays attention to and wants to pay attention to in the future. Just for these business people, the flagship Microsoft Lumia 950XL is designed.

Features such as Windows Hello - infrared, iris scanning technology used to unlock the smartphone - will help the Lumia 950 stand out from the crowd. Meanwhile, Continuum allows the Lumia 950 to do things that other smartphones can't; provide the power of a full-fledged PC through a single USB Type-C port. Microsoft knows what it does best: performance, innovation and Windows 10 all in one phone. If you are ready to give up the latest apps in favor of a gadget that will replace you and your PC, then this smartphone is definitely for you.

Already after the publication of the review, we were pleased with the information about the price reduction for the flagship smartphones Microsoft Lumia 950/950XL. Now the recommended prices for these smartphones are 13 999UAH. AND 16 999UAH. respectively. This is very good news in the context of the economic crisis in Ukraine.

7 reasons to buy Microsoft Lumia 950XL:

  • excellent Quad HD AMOLED screen;
  • the most productive smartphone on Windows;
  • capacious battery with support for wireless charging;
  • camera with ZEISS optics, lossless zoom and high image quality;
  • support for the Continuum function, which allows you to partially replace the desktop with a smartphone;
  • Windows Hello iris scanner that works without errors;
  • free offline voice navigation.

4 reasons not to buy Microsoft Lumia 950 XL:

  • you don't like Windows 10 Mobile;
  • plastic case and nondescript design;
  • overpriced - for this money you can buy an iPhone 6;
  • few apps in windows 10.
Specifications Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM
Display AMOLED, 5.7″, ClearBlack, 2560x1440 pixels, 515 ppi
Frame dimensions 152×78×8 mm, weight 166 g
CPU Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (4x Cortex A53 1.5GHz, 4x Cortex A57 2GHz), Adreno 430 graphics
Flash memory 32 GB, microSD up to 200 GB
Camera 20 MP (1/2.4″, autofocus, flash, 4K video recording), front: 5 MP (Full HD video recording)
Wireless technologies Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac 2.4 and 5.0 GHz, Bluetooth 4.1 LE, NFC
GPS GPS, Glonass
Battery 3340 mAh
Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile
SIM card two nano SIM cards
Peculiarities USB Type C connector with DisplayPort support


  • Windows 10 Mobile
  • 5.2 inches AMOLED, 2560x1440 pixels, 565 ppi, automatic backlight control, Corning Gorilla Glass 3
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 chipset, 6 cores, up to 1.8 GHz, Adreno 418 GPU
  • RAM 3 GB, built-in 32 GB, memory cards up to 200 GB
  • Front camera 5 megapixels, main camera 20 megapixels, PureView, Carl Zeiss, f/1.9
  • Li-Ion 3000 mAh battery, claimed talk time up to 23 hours, standby time - up to 288 hours, music listening - up to 67 hours
  • LTE cat.6, Voice over LTE
  • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n (MIMO), Bluetooth 4.1, USB Type C (USB 3.1), NFC
  • nanoSIM (DS version has two cards)
  • Continuum
  • Eye unlock
  • Dimensions - 145x73.2x8.2 mm, weight - 150 grams

Contents of delivery

  • Telephone
  • Battery Li-Ion 3000 mAh
  • Charger
  • USB Type C cable
  • Instruction


For Microsoft, the release of Lumia 550/950/950 XL at the end of 2015 turned out to be forced, as the company placed an order for components, in particular chipsets from Qualcomm, and had to use them somewhere. In mid-2015, when this order was placed, Microsoft had an idea that by the end of the year the company would be able to finalize Windows 10 Mobile to a commercial state and this system would allow selling new devices, revive the Windows Phone market. All the hopes of Microsoft in the mobile space were connected with this system, there were no other backup plans at that time. Therefore, the failure of all deadlines, the dampness of Windows 10 Mobile could not but jeopardize the release of these devices, but, even realizing that the reviews of the first buyers would be unflattering, they nevertheless decided to launch them in a series.

In fact, the model, which was supposed to be called the Lumia 950, has been pushed back to the end of 2016, it will come with a different version of the OS if plans do not change again. Its distinguishing features were a thin metal case, matching the materials of the case to the flagships of other companies. But Microsoft decided that the best developments should be left for a model that has at least some chance of selling, and not for devices that failed in sales even before they hit the shelves. Both models, Lumia 950 and 950 XL, can be safely called outcasts in the Windows Phone line, for the first time devices do not receive any serious support, there is almost no advertising, no PR efforts, these models are not even handed out for tests, which explains their absence. Previously, Microsoft generously presented journalists with their flagships, advertised them, but they did not do this for the 950s. Why promote something that will not find its buyer and on which the company has already put an end to it?

To some extent, these devices can be called zombies, they are in stores, there are the last Mohicans who buy them, but the sales level is so small that it goes to hundreds of pieces. This is a planned failure that could not be avoided. For two months in Russia, the price of Lumia 950 decreased from 44,990 rubles by ten thousand (on the Microsoft website, the price is the previous one!), From the first days, a Lumia 550 (or a Windows tablet) was given for the purchase of this device.

The mission to sell Lumia 950/950 XL is almost impossible, as there is practically no market for these devices. It can be recalled that the same Galaxy S6 costs about 35 thousand rubles, many people perceive it as a priority purchase, and incorrect price positioning killed the desire to buy this device from a few fans. I've been walking around with the Lumia 950 for over two months, looking at it from all angles and trying to find the positives that could justify the cost of this device. But he couldn't find them. I still have a packed Lumia 950 XL, which differs in a slightly larger screen diagonal, chipset (Snapdragon 810), as well as the presence of liquid cooling. But in fact it is the same apparatus, with exactly the same advantages and disadvantages.

For the mass consumer, Windows Phone (as well as Windows 10 Mobile) has ceased to exist, these are either casual purchases, when the seller was able to convince that the device is interesting, or a conscious choice, when the buyer knows exactly what he is taking. Both the first and second categories of buyers are very narrow, this is not a mass market. The first category is also dominated by the return of phones, as in fact it turns out that they do not satisfy people in many aspects. Considering that Windows Phone (Windows 10 Mobile) is actually buried in Microsoft, buying such phones is a bold move. From December to March, I, like all other users of this device, did not receive a sufficient number of system error updates that would correct the shortcomings that are in the devices, they remained raw, as in the first days of sales. This suggests that there is no priority for these devices; Microsoft no longer pays attention to them. Therefore, it is worth buying them only if you know exactly what you are getting and what you will encounter.

Design, dimensions, controls

We are accustomed to the fact that in the flagships, which are priced at the highest price, everything is fine - both the filling and the case materials. In the 2015 season, glass and metal came into fashion, this trend is followed by all companies without exception, from Apple and Samsung to the obscure Chinese. It is all the more surprising to see that Microsoft used ordinary plastic in its flagships, exactly the same as in budget models. Outwardly, these devices are almost indistinguishable, you can go into details that plastic is still better on the Lumia 950, but this is not visible at first glance. Moreover, when you look at Android smartphones, you will find that many models under $10,000 look just like Microsoft's flagship. Of course, it's flattering for budget devices that they have the same plastic, the same workmanship. But not at all flattering for a flagship from Microsoft, it's just a different league in terms of materials and how much you pay for regular plastic.

Compared to Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+

The design of the case is typical for Lumia, the shoe is pulled over the main part of the device, you can buy replacement panels from other companies, Microsoft decided not to make them. There are also only two color schemes - black and white. Boring? Definitely.

The dimensions of the phone are 145x73.2x8.2 mm, the weight is 150 grams. It is typical for flagships, but given the same plastic, surprisingly, the device turned out to be heavier than its relatives, which have metal in the case.

On the back of the case you can see two holes for microphones, on the front panel - two more. The noise reduction system is well implemented here, and these microphones are also used when recording video (Lumia Rich Recording).

On the back, you can see a 20-megapixel camera lens, a three-section LED flash and a speaker next to it. On the right side there is an on/off button, a camera button and a paired volume button.

Above the screen you can see the front camera, proximity sensor, and eye recognition sensor. The screen is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3, the oleophobic coating is present, but handprints remain.

The case is easy to open, inside you will find a slot for memory cards, as well as SIM cards, the battery in this model is removable. There is a USB Type C connector on the bottom end. Surprisingly, if you connect a cable or a charger that is not connected to the network, the phone will wake up and the screen will light up, the device will consider that charging will now begin. There is no current in the wires, this is just a mistake of engineers who did not learn how to correctly recognize accessories. In the video for this review, I show this strange behavior.

In general, I like the build quality of the device, there are no serious flaws in it, the only negative is that we have a model in the middle price segment, but you can’t call it a flagship.


In short, the technical characteristics of the screen are 5.2 inches AMOLED, 2560x1440 pixels, 565 ppi, automatic backlight control, Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The presence of an AMOLED screen made it possible to display the clock in standby mode, they are black and white, additional information is also displayed. This is a useful feature that many people like on Lumia devices, it is available even on models with IPS matrices, where the battery is dying, which does not happen here.

The screen quality is excellent, it is far from the best display, but it is above average in its characteristics. In particular, I like the color reproduction it has, but I would like more brightness. In the sun, the protective glass often glares, it reflects you, not the contents of the display.

Unfortunately, this model has simplified the design of the screen. If in previous devices there was an additional layer that allowed you to work with the display while wearing gloves, then it was abandoned here. But such deterioration in performance is not important for most people, the screen sensitivity is comfortable for everyday work. The oleophobic coating is typical, wears off quickly, and the screen is covered with handprints. However, this is the trouble of all devices with a similar diagonal.

Far from the best screen, but not the worst either. Far behind the flagships of Samsung, which in AMOLED are ahead of the competition by several generations. But worthy, comparable, for example, with flagships from Motorola.


The model supports Qi wireless charging, which in the past was considered a great achievement until others introduced this feature into their flagships. Today, this is no longer surprising, and people rarely use wireless chargers. The capacity of the Li-Ion battery is 3000 mAh, which is generally not bad. The charger from the kit is made inseparable, the reason is that it is 3A (5V) and the company wanted to be sure that other USB Type C wires would not be used with it, which could burn themselves, and at the same time burn the connectors on the phone. Unfortunately, the device does not have a fast charging function, it will take you almost three hours to fully charge the phone. Saving on fast charging looks extremely strange, this is a penny savings.

The manufacturer claims that the device is able to work up to 12 days in standby mode (with two SIM-cards), in talk mode - up to 18/23 hours (3G / 2G), the maximum video playback time - up to 10 hours, work in Wi -Fi - up to 9.5 hours.

The dampness of Windows 10 Mobile software does not allow us to say that the results of the operating time are reproducible. My device worked from several hours in standby mode to several days. Such a huge spread of data is due to the fact that the phone's software leaves much to be desired, it is impossibly raw. It is just right to call it a beta version, since it does not pull on a commercial device. Learning what causes fast battery drain has led me to various system apps, some bugs have been fixed in updates, but many have remained the same. If you close your eyes to them and consider that the device works perfectly, then you get one day of work under load, or about two days with moderate use. Video playback time at maximum brightness is about 7 hours.

The bottom line is that the device does not set any records, but the uncertainty about how much it can work out makes it use lotteries. This moment is insanely annoying, since it is always unpleasant to be with a discharged device at the most inopportune moment. Connecting a second SIM card in places with poor reception is guaranteed to lead to increased battery discharge, compared to other Lumia, something is very tricky here, with the second card the phone does not live very long, it discharges very quickly.

Communication options

Standard set of protocols - Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n (MIMO), USB Type C, NFC, Bluetooth 4.1 - a full set of standard profiles, WCDMA, LTE.

LTE FDD network: Band 1 (2100 MHz), Band 2 (1900 MHz), Band 3 (1800 MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850 MHz), Band 7 (2600 MHz), Band 8 (900 MHz), Band 12 (700 MHz), Band 17 (700 MHz), Band 20 (800 MHz), Band 28 (700 MHz).

Chipset, memory, performance

Inside is Snapdragon 808, 6 cores up to 1.8 GHz. The interface works fast enough, which is also typical for such solutions. The amount of RAM is 3 GB, built-in - 32 GB, memory cards - up to 200 GB.

The device is smooth, works quickly, and there are no particular problems with the interface. Roughnesses are associated with third-party software, which is often simply not optimized for this version of the OS and is unlikely to ever be.


The front camera is 5 megapixels, there is nothing worthy of attention in it.

Main camera - 20 megapixels, PureView, Carl Zeiss. At first glance, the camera gives ordinary pictures that are not very interesting. But it is worth looking at them not on the phone, but on the computer, and the impression changes to exactly the opposite. High-quality, good pictures, in which there is a study of details, good color reproduction. It is possible that, all other things being equal, the camera could claim the title of the best camera on the market, it is clearly above average and very good. The quality of these pictures is enough for most people. At the same time, the camera interface is familiar from other Lumia smartphones, there is nothing unusual here.

Photo examples

Take a look at sample shots compared to the Samsung S6 EDGE Plus, as well as sample videos.

Lumia 950 S6 Edge Plus

Software - Windows 10 Mobile

We have released a fairly detailed review of the system on which this device is built. All you need to know about it is that it's raw and performs worse than Windows Phone 8.x, which lost a lot to the same Android and didn't look like such a great alternative. If everything was just bad there, now it's even worse. I see no reason to repeat my claims to the system, you can read about it in the review.

Of the additional chips, I note Windows Hello, the possibility of authorization by scanning the eyes, the device is unlocked almost instantly, the same glasses do not interfere with this. The function is good, it does not have the same working analogues from other companies (they are getting worse, and noticeably). But this is just a feature that I showed in the video for this review.

Another feature is Continuum, the ability to connect your phone to a monitor and work with your applications, such as MS Office, on the big screen. To do this, you need to spend 8,000 rubles on the MS Display Dock, which is heavy, you will have to carry it with you along with a bunch of wires. This story does not yet look like a winning or interesting to a large number of consumers. Therefore, I see no reason to talk about it in detail.


In terms of voice quality, this is an excellent model, a system of 4 microphones does its job well. The volume of the speaker is also good, however, the ringer and vibrating alert are quite typical, they are average, they will suit the majority.

My main complaints about this device are related to its software. It is simply raw and reboots quite often, it has a lot of childhood diseases that do not disappear, but only appear with every day of use. Over the years, it's hard for me to remember such a crude flagship from any company. Moreover, for some, problems appear immediately, someone encounters them later. The more third-party software that the cat cried on this system you install, the more often problems arise. In a word, a lottery in which the user is always the loser.

They started selling this device for 44,990 rubles, now the price is ten thousand less, and the load, as before, is given by Lumia 550. Two illiquid assets for the price of one. The price is very high, especially given the dampness of the model and the fact that it is made of inexpensive materials, it is simply not worth the money. Given the lack of demand for this device, we can expect that it will gradually become cheaper further. In addition to a good, but not outstanding camera, there is nothing to praise here, the model turned out to be miserable in every sense, and the main problem is the software. This device cannot be called a flagship, it is a model of the middle segment, which has many problems and stands like a cast-iron bridge. In a word, spare your money, unless you collect phones.

At the end of November 2015, a rather significant event took place for everyone who follows mobile news - Microsoft finally showed the flagship pair of its smartphones, rumors about which "surfed" the Internet long before that. This event was made significant by the fact that over the past year Microsoft has not spoiled us with top smartphone innovations, all the new ones were of a budget or mid-range level, and more than a year has passed since the release of the Lumia 930. The November announcement brought us not one, but two devices at once, in different sizes.

The slightly smaller one, with a 5.2-inch screen, was called the Lumia 950, and the 5.7-inch version was called the Lumia 950 XL, and today I have both of these devices in my hands for acquaintance. And before moving on to the features and "chips", which turned out to be quite a few here, I propose to meet our heroes "by clothes".

The appearance of both gadgets turned out to be quite restrained, and only one-color matte polycarbonate in black or white with an extruded shiny manufacturer's logo is used as body materials, which, because of this, came out voluminous.

There are no bright colors, or a metal bumper around the perimeter, like the same Lumia 930 is here - everything is strict, solid and absolutely neutral, just as it is customary among business users, to whom these devices seem to be addressed. A light visual emphasis is placed on the design of the camera module, and the design of this part is significantly different for the two gadgets.

Lumia 950 received a round wide metal ring around the lens, and the XL version received a separate massive circle, with a metal edging, the size of a 2-ruble coin, inside which is located both the main camera lens and a three-color LED flash.

I note that in both cases, the lens protrudes slightly from the body itself, the thickness of which barely exceeds 8 millimeters, due to which both devices are perceived quite thin in the hands.

In terms of ergonomics, I had only one complaint about the large Lumia 950XL. Here, the power key on the right side is located between the volume keys, and not next to them.

Surely this is done on purpose, in order to get to all the buttons with a small movement of one finger. However, out of habit, this arrangement led me to frequent misses by the desired button, especially to the touch.

At the same time, the compact version has all the buttons where most owners of such gadgets are used to seeing them, but thanks for the dedicated mechanical capture key for the camera in both cases.

Both smartphones in my hands are black, and the case proved to be relatively resistant to fingerprints and other damage, although small scratches and streaks have already appeared in a week of operation, but are noticeable only from some angles and upon close examination.

The use of plastic in the materials allowed the developers to make the covers completely removable, and in case of serious damage they can be easily replaced with new ones without contacting the service.

Plus, this solution allowed the company to use removable batteries, which is a vanishing rarity these days, and two nano-SIM cards are also installed under the cover, and a special paper clip is not required for this.

The microSD card slot is separate, and allows you to expand the 32 gigabytes of internal memory. I also really liked the fact that Microsoft does not abandon wireless charging, and both gadgets have corresponding antennas in their covers that allow you to charge devices without having to connect a cable.

Once again I am amazed at how compact this module is, and with proper layout it does not affect the thickness of the device at all. It is a pity that other manufacturers ignore or underestimate this technology, and in the latest Google Nexus, if you remember, this “chip” was unfortunately abandoned altogether.

And both new items are equipped with a new USB Type C charging and synchronization connector, and, unlike various Chinese people experimenting on this topic on Android, they use the technology to the fullest!

The fact is that the new USB format is interesting not only with a reversible connector, which can be turned on as you like, but also with increased data transfer rates, as well as increased charging current. Almost everyone who used USB Type C on smartphones before did it only because of the fashionable charging connector, and Microsoft decided to squeeze out the new specification by 100%, and complete new items with 3-amp power supplies.

This allows you to drink very cool results in charging speed, as from 0 to 50% both Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL are charged in just 30 minutes, and the device is fully charged almost twice as fast as the average of competitors in the market, and even new the connectors here support USB OTG, and allow you to connect to a smartphone, for example, a regular USB flash drive.

Special mention goes to the screens that perfectly match the contrasting tiled interface of Windows. It uses Amoled technology and quadHD resolution in both cases.

At the same time, the pixel density is actually prohibitive - for a large Lumia 950XL and its 5.7 inches it is 518PPI, and for the 950th with a diagonal of 5.2 inches - 565 dpi, and the screens are calibrated almost jewelry-white color is clean and juicy, and the color saturation set by default does not try to gouge out the eyes.

Due to the polarization layer and the absence of an air gap between the matrix and the glass, the screen remains normally readable even in the sun.

Any texts and pictures on such a display look very cool, and of all the competitors present on the market today, the latest matrices from Samsung are closest in terms of impressions, which you can hardly find fault with anyway.

Both new products are the first devices on the market to officially carry Windows 10 Mobile on board. I already talked about the features of this system in a separate video, which is called "10 new features of Windows 10 mobile"

The system turned out to be much more mature and no less convenient than the current Android or IOS and received many new features compared to Windows Phone 8.1, although it was not without distortions. So the appearance of some menu items is significantly different from each other, and no longer looks stylish and holistic as before. It seems that somewhere it has become more convenient and more logical, but somewhere, on the contrary, it is more confusing and more difficult than before.

For example, there are so many sub-items and tabs in the settings item that it is not easy to remember where everything is located here, and it takes getting used to, but perhaps this is just out of habit.

One of the main features of the new products is a special mode of operation that turns smartphones into a virtual full-fledged computer, to which you can connect a monitor and keyboard, turning the device into a kind of personal computer. This function in Microsoft is called Continuum, which can be translated from English as continuity or continuity, and this fully reflects the essence of what is happening. In fact, the developers offer us to interrupt the use of the smartphone at any time, and move to the big screen of a full-fledged PC with the same open applications and from the same place where we just left off.

To do this, you can use a special box-adapter Display Dock, or wirelessly - via Bluetooth or via Miracast-compatible devices. Of course, for now, this is not a full-fledged unification of ecosystems, because Windows 10 still carries the Mobile prefix here, but the first serious step towards the fact that the user can get the feeling of owning a real PC in a phone case has already been made, and since this topic is very interesting and unusual, we will talk about how it works and what Continuum can do in one of the next reviews. Now I would just like to emphasize that Microsoft, in fact, was the first company to show a practical solution on this topic, because many people have only said before, but neither Apple nor Google have presented anything like this.

The Lumia 950 and 950XL also have another interesting innovation, which, to be honest, I did not count on the practical implementation at all - this is the identification of the owner by the iris of the eye. The fact is that quite recently, I “had the pleasure” of tormenting myself with this function on one of the Chinese Android smartphones, and it worked rather slowly there, recognized me every other time and gave the impression of a raw and unstable solution that cannot be used in real life . With approximately the same prejudice, I decided to set up eye identification here, and was pleasantly surprised by how fundamentally different it works.

To begin with, at least with the fact that it is not at all necessary to take off glasses for this, and a special infrared camera located next to the front is used for identification. This means that the device does not care about the level of ambient light - everything works "like a clock" in the light and in the dark, and you can keep your smartphone at a distance of up to 30-40 centimeters. The entire “procedure” takes about 2-3 seconds, the device comments on its actions on the screen, and even greets you by name, and this is very impressive! Perhaps this is the first smartphone in my hands where the lack of a fingerprint scanner is not a drawback - it is simply not needed here, since it is much more convenient to use the eyes.

A few words about iron. Both devices, like almost all self-respecting flagships of the end of 2015, are equipped with top-end chipsets from Qualcomm.

The Lumia 950 uses a 6-core Snapdragon 808, and the 950 XL has a Snapdragon 810 at its disposal, and to avoid possible overheating, the device received a fantastic liquid cooling of the processor, graphite tubes, and a magnesium alloy frame! In my memory, liquid cooling for a smartphone was used only once before - a few years ago, NEC experimented on this topic, and now Microsoft has offered such a system in a case only about 8 millimeters thick.

There is 3 RAM on board, and a constant 32 gigabytes also on both gadgets, and in this they do not differ, as well as in the already mentioned expansion possibility, through the use of a second SIM card slot for a memory card up to 200 gigabytes.

And finally, another very interesting side of both new products is the camera and shooting capabilities. This is where Nokia's heritage, Zeis and Pure View technologies work wonders, putting the 950 series on a par with the best camera phones of the past year. Once again I apologize to my viewers, but I also decided to reveal this topic, as well as connecting in PC mode, in a separate story and show the most interesting features of photo and video shooting in other issues.

Now I am ready to sum up the general impressions of the new products - what I liked and disliked the most, so in the black:

Now what I didn't like:

The implementation of the Continuum function, which allows you to partially replace the desktop with a smartphone, is already working, but so far there are not so many programs to talk about a quality implementation - it needs more time and desire from application developers who adapt their current products. In general, the devices produce a rather unusual impression. From absolute nondescript when meeting at the very beginning, to amazing options and innovations that open up if you “dig deeper”. In my opinion, this is just the case that best illustrates the saying - "they are met by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind" ...

Full video version review of Microsoft Lumia 950/950XL:

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