BlueScreen what is this problem? General BSOD Troubleshooting Guidelines for Beginners Download bluescreenview.

BlueScreen what is this problem? General BSOD Troubleshooting Guidelines for Beginners Download bluescreenview.


BlueScreenView is a program that provides detailed information about all "Blue Screen Of Death" events that have occurred in the system. The program scans all minidump files created during BSOD and provides the user with detailed information about all system crashes in one table. For each BSOD, the program produces the following data: the name of the minidump file, the date and time of the crash, the basic information displayed on the blue screen during the error (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and details regarding the driver or module that could cause a critical error in the system (driver file name, product name, file description and version).

The program is provided in two versions: portable and as a complete installation. The Russian language is installed separately by downloading the archive with the Russification file. Immediately after launch, the program starts scanning the% SystemRoot% \ Minidump folder and displays the results. The scanning process may take a few seconds.

What's new in this release?

1.55 (30.01.2015)

  • added Drag & Drop support, now you can simply drag MiniDump files to the main window;
  • fixed a bug in which the application did not "remember" the time of the last "blue screen" if it was not "highlighted" on the main monitor.

Due to pirated copies of Windows, many users face Bluescreen crash on their PC. Most often, a bug causes the appearance of a Blue Screen, which pops up after launching games or programs. After rebooting, the user receives a notification window with the problem signature: "Problem event name: BlueScreen. Language code: 1049". Additional information is also indicated: OS version (for example - 6.1 7601.2 1.0 256.1) and BCCode (may be different 116, 124, 50, 19, d1, f4, a and others).

Example of BlueScreen Critical Stop Error 1049

What is this BlueScreen 1049 glitch?

There are many reasons for Bluescreen stop errors. The code itself (1049) indicates that the driver was unable to respond to the system's request in a timely manner. Among the main reasons for the failure, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The corresponding driver has problems;
  2. Problems with overheating of the computer hardware (motherboard or video card);
  3. Unsuccessful attempts to overclock the video card;
  4. Computer RAM problems and other malfunctions.

What to do with issue 1049?

  1. In most cases, the main reason for the appearance of failures is the "broken" video card drivers. You can check all video controllers in the Task Manager and find a broken driver (with a yellow icon). Right-click on it and delete. After uninstalling, run the registry cleaner (I use third-party utilities - CCleaner). After cleaning, click on the problematic controller and select "Update drivers".

    An example of removing problematic drivers from Windows

  2. Windows Installer works very badly, so it is better to download drivers from the official developer resource or use the disk with all configurations that comes with the kit. I use a comprehensive check and update of all drivers using the utility DriverPack Solution... True, many additional and advertising installations have appeared in it lately. But DPS does its job well.

    Updating Windows Drivers via DriverPack Solution

  3. If you were unable to complete the installation, or the update did not help you, then you can roll back the system to a restore point where no failures were observed.
  4. You can also check the functionality by starting Windows in clean boot... After a clean launch, launch the required game or application and check. You should be aware that there will be no application or game icons. They need to be called from the installation folder or the Start menu. Video instruction.
  5. If you have overclocked any of the PC hardware, cancel everything.
  6. For cases with crashes in games - it is advisable to update the video card drivers on

Attention! The article describes methods that imply some preparedness and experience of the user.

In this article, there will be no "smart" words, we will try to explain incomprehensible words right away. The article will provide general recommendations for eliminating the "blue screen of death" specifically with the expectation of beginners. For all programs used, there will (if possible) links to download files or pages from which you can download them.

The blue screen of "death", aka BSOD, aka bluescreen. What to do?

Much has been written about the so-called blue screens of "death". Experienced users of personal computers with an operating system of the Windows family have long learned to study them, and quite successfully determine the cause of their appearance.

The problem for novice users is that they are terrified of blue screens like fire. Indeed, such a screen can cause a lot of anxiety. But seven troubles - one answer: a "programmer" comes in who has a bad grade in English at school, and on the nose of the USE he reinstalls the system. And 20 minutes after he leaves, you are very disappointed - again an unfortunate mistake pops up.

But then what to do, because on most forums and sites, everything is written in technical language. It is worth asking a clarifying question, and you are sent to the "sandbox" - a section of a site or forum for beginners. Good advice. In such sections, information is usually collected that will allow you to study basic concepts and terms. But all this takes time, and you obviously will not do this if you have a small child, for example. What can you advise in this case?

  • Take the computer (laptop) to the service. This is the preferred option.
  • Try to eliminate BSOD without assistance. It's also a good option, but it requires you to have basic concepts and skills, at least such as entering the website address directly in the address bar without the help of Google or Yandex.

If you understand what is meant in the second paragraph, we can proceed.

Standard Test Methods.

Let's assume that your operating system still boots normally and the BSOD error appears some time after startup. Let's try to use the standard computer scan methods until it appears.

1. Checking the temperature of computer components

It so happens that novice users do not even know about the need to clean their computer. If they do, it boils down to routine vacuuming.

Cleaning a computer involves a whole range of activities. This includes cleaning the computer from dust inside the case, cleaning the heatsinks (dust is pressed in its fins), also cleaning and lubricating the fans, replacing the thermal paste between the heatsinks and microcircuits. So vacuuming is pretty ineffective.

Let's check the temperature of your computer's components. To do this, it is advisable to use some specialized program. We will use one of the most popular programs - AIDA64... It is paid. But effective. Immediately warning: ways to get it for free, etc. on you will not find.

So, let's start the program. On the left side of the window, select "Computer" then "Sensors" and watch.

We warn you right away. Meaning "PCH diode" very often shows a high temperature. Somewhere on the forum, developers AIDA64 confirmed that this is the case on many boards. This screenshot is no exception. The real temperature of all components of our PC does not exceed 34 degrees.

In general, opinions about what temperature is considered the norm differ. But nevertheless, we will proceed from the fact that the normal operating temperature Cpu- 30-50 degrees. All that is above will be considered overheating. For the video card ( GPU), we will assume that the normal temperature is 60-65 degrees. I want to clarify that these numbers are taken from personal experience and the rate differs from processor to processor, from video card to video card. For a motherboard, the "tolerable" norm is 40-45, but for some motherboards, the norm may be 50.

If the numbers are an order of magnitude higher than those given, the temperature of the "patient" must be "brought down". It is possible that overheating is causing the blue screen. If this is allowed to take its course, the computer may start to shut down spontaneously - protection will be triggered. If for some reason it does not work, or your motherboard is of inadequate quality, then the consequences can be dire.

Also pay attention to the fan speed Cpu... If its speed is higher than 3500 rpm. this also indirectly speaks of overheating.

How to clean your computer at home, tell many bloggers on YouTube.


2. Checking RAM

Sometimes the culprit of stop errors are "broken" RAM modules. To check them, use the utility MemTest86 +... This program is for Windows, as well as its version with its own bootloader (allows you to load MemTest instead of Windows). The latter is preferable, since when checking from under Windows, the computer may freeze, and you never know what else. So we will use the second option.

We need:

  1. Flash drive.
  2. Internet connection.

2.1 Downloading and writing MemTest to a flash card.

Download the automatic installer for the program MemTest and unpack it to any convenient place, for example on Desktop.

Insert a blank USB stick into your computer and run the unzipped file.

MemTest Installer. Step 1.

Mandatory parameters that will be used during recording are marked with a red rectangle MemTest to a USB stick. Select the drive letter and check the box that will allow the program to format it.


MemTest Installer. Step 2.

Click the button , and on the next screen .

Everything. Program MemTest recorded, and now you have a bootable USB flash drive.

2.2 Loading MemTest from a USB stick.

We turn on the computer, and we see the following picture:

The boot menu in our case opens by pressing ... In your case, it may be another key - you will have to figure it out yourself.

Boot menu

Choose our flash drive, click and after a couple of seconds the RAM check starts.

Our memory check completed successfully.

It's bad when red lines appear during the check.

If you see a similar picture on your screen, most likely bluescreen appeared precisely because of a malfunction of one or more RAM modules. What needs to be done in this case:

1.Try to identify the faulty module by inserting them one by one into the motherboard and each checking MemTest th.

2. do not use a faulty module, or replace it with a working one.

Remember: any modern computer or laptop is a high-tech device that requires intelligent handling of all its components.

Not confident in your abilities - ask more experienced users for help. All actions you perform at your own peril and risk. Only you and no one else are responsible for your actions.

3. Checking the video card.

The video card is a fairly common cause of stop errors. If your computer has a discrete video card and the motherboard has a connector SVGA, try removing the video card and working with the built-in one.

How to remove the video card is shown in the video above.

4. Checking the power supply.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to check the power supply at home. Someone may disagree, but nevertheless it is so. It is not enough to measure the voltage at the connectors with a multimeter. Checking the power supply, a painstaking process.

The only thing you can try to do is try to put similar in parameters power supply unit from a working machine. Again, some skill is needed.

5. Checking the hard drive.

Recently, hard drives have become a common cause of death screens. 10-15 years ago, and it was not in my thoughts to sin on the hard drive. They were the most reliable part of the computer.

Now, when they began to economize on their production, i.e. moved production to countries with cheaper labor, instead of gilding, they began to use alloys of copper or brass, the quality and price of discs leaves much to be desired.

Of course, there are high-quality ones, but not everyone can afford to have them in their home computer. So it's worth checking the disk.

5.1 Checking S.M.A.R.T hard disk.

There is such a wonderful technology in modern hard drives - S.M.A.R.T. This is a kind of firmware in the hard disk controller that collects information about its errors - read-write errors, head movement errors, etc.

So, it will not be possible to describe each parameter collected by this technology, since this is a vast topic, clearly not for ordinary users. We'll just check the overall health of our drive.

For this we need a program HHDScan from data recovery lab R.LAB.

The archive must be unpacked to any place convenient for you.

Let's go directly to the program itself. On the main screen of the program, you need to select the hard disk to be tested and click on the button .

A window will open in which there will be many parameters, and they will be marked in green or red. If everyone is green, everything is fine. If there are red ones, look for their values ​​in Yandex. or Google.

Information about S.M.A.R.T. - HDD Scan program

5.2 Checking the file system for errors.

It remains only to check the file system for errors. This can be done from the command line with the utility CHKDSK.

Run cmd program as Administrator (habit).

In the window that opens, enter:

chkdsk c: / r / f

where "c" is the letter of your system drive.

Please be patient. The process is not fast. The program will check and fix found errors automatically.

Something else. If errors are found, try changing the interface cable SATA or IDE or simply a "train".

6. Checking the operating system, updating it and updating the drivers.

Before that, we were checking the equipment. Now let's start checking the integrity of system files, updating the operating system and drivers, checking for viruses. We'll start with viruses, as their presence can prevent us from performing other actions.

6.1 Checking for viruses and Malware

The internet was once relatively clean. A minimum of advertising, and there were only rumors about viruses. Now everything has changed - advertising is at every step, and there is no need to talk about the number of viruses and any other "evil spirits". Especially recently, the so-called Malware- malware from which it is very difficult to escape. It easily bypasses antiviruses and firewalls.

So, update your antivirus, and turn off its screens for a while (so as not to interfere). Download utilities CureIT and AntiMalwareBytes... Scan your computer with them. Why exactly these programs? They are very easy for any user, even a beginner. Each of these utilities finds viruses and malware even on seemingly clean computers.

After rebooting, you can proceed to further actions.

6.2 Checking the integrity of system files.

Run Command Prompt again as Administrator. In the program window enter:

sfc / scannow

and press .

The scanning process will begin during which you will definitely have time to drink tea. As a result, Windows will recover any files it considers damaged.

Reboot your computer.

6.3 Windows Update.

Update Windows. Whatever one may say, but it needs to be updated. The update helps to eliminate shortcomings and vulnerabilities in the system. It also enhances its overall stability and security.

It is possible that the update has already resolved some problems due to which bluescreen may appear on your hardware. You can update the system by opening Control Panel, and then Windows Update.

6.4 Updating Drivers

Update your hardware drivers. The considerations are the same as with updating Windows - the fresher the better. This can be done in several ways. It all depends on your desire and experience. You can download each driver separately by visiting the websites of your hardware manufacturers.

You can use the utilities that are on the driver disk from your motherboard, for example Live Update from MSI and ASUS.

You can download offline and online driverpacks containing all kinds of hardware drivers, For example DriverPack Solution or DevID Agent. All of these programs are in Russian and are automated as much as possible.

DriverPack Solution Program


These are just some of the ways to fix the BSOD error. Much has not been included in this article.

For instance:

  • How to disable automatic system restart on failure.
  • how to identify the error by its code.
  • how to read a memory dump.
  • and much more ...

But that was not the purpose of the fast.

The purpose of the post is to show an inexperienced user how to deal with an error using the methods available to him. Explain that it is not necessary to spend time and effort reinstalling the system, being unsure of the result.

Hello! Today we are going to talk about the problem of the blue screen of death - BlueScreen. Many users, while working or playing at the computer, come across it. We will tell you what "Problem Event Name: BlueScreen" is and what you need to do to fix it. Also, we will describe the solution to the problem with the BlueScreen error 1049.

Almost all of us have encountered the Blue Screen of Death. Let's try to give a simple definition of this problem, so:

BlueScreen is a "message" addressed to the user that there is a critical system error and that the computer will restart with the loss of any unsaved data. Also, the message indicates the general cause of the problem and the error code. Experts call this problem BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

For Windows 7, if a blue screen occurs, an error message appears after restarting.

The causes of BSOD can be different, from physical to systemic:

  1. Problems with computer hardware - incorrectly installed devices;
  2. Overheating of a video card, processor or other components of a laptop or PC;
  3. Voltage drop in the network;
  4. Incorrectly installed Windows updates;
  5. Deleted important system files or folders;
  6. Incorrectly installed drivers are the most common mistake.

As a rule, in the event of a Blue Screen, a simple reboot helps many users. After it, everything returns to normal. But if the problem lies in the drivers, then in certain cases, the problem will be repeated. This is possible when the user launches a game or program. Let's figure out what needs to be done in this case and how to determine what exactly does not like the system.

Very often, when a BSOD error appears, the screen appears literally for a second and then a reboot follows. To get acquainted with the problem and identify the code, you first need to remove the reboot. Sign in Control Panel \ All Control Panel Items \ System. Press Additional system parameters. In the window that opens, uncheck the box Perform an automatic reboot.

After that, you can write down the error code. There can be a huge variety of sources of problems and codes. Therefore, further, you should enter this code into a search query and find a solution on the Internet. There is no single solution in such situations; each problem must be solved separately.

Overheating and physical problems are diagnosed very well by the AIDA64 program. In case of system problems, BlueScreenView is suitable for searching and determining. It will define all dumps in the list (.dmp - error report) and analyze all the data, even indicating the driver that caused the problem. You can learn more about the BlueScreenView utility in this video (near the end).

BlueScreen code 1049 what is this problem

One of the most common causes can be problems with the video card drivers. In this case, the message "Problem event name: BlueScreen" (code 1049) appears, which means a malfunction of the video card. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. Disable the built-in video card in the settings (if any);
  2. Completely update the drivers for the video;
  3. Check the physical parameters - for overheating and whether it fits snugly in the slot;
  4. Use the BlueScreenView utility to determine.

"Blue Screen of Death", or as experts call BSOD, is a protective reaction of a computer that suspends system work in front of potential failures or damage. In certain situations BlueScreen (error) appears due to driver problems. In such cases, a simple restart of the computer helps a lot. But situations often occur when it is no longer possible without additional actions and special programs. One of these popular applications is the BlueScreen Viewer, which will be discussed in detail later.

It should be understood that the "blue screen" is not as scary as they say, but it is very unpleasant when it appears. To remove it, you must have some knowledge of computer technology and, of course, know the reasons for its appearance.

The event (problem) name is BlueScreen. Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the appearance of such a problem on a computer are very different: from a virus and a drop in electricity to the removal of operating system files and improper installation of software. In most cases, you can cope with this problem without leaving your home. But for this it is necessary to at least approximately determine the reasons that led to the "blue screen". These reasons can be summarized as follows:

  • severe overheating of the motherboard or video card;
  • damage to the driver;
  • an attempt to overclock a video card;
  • violation in RAM;
  • lack of power in the power supply;
  • breakdown of the device itself.

Most of the causes of the "blue screen" lie in the computer graphics card. For example, a common problem such as BlueScreen (code 1049) indicates a malfunctioning video card.

Diagnose the problem that has appeared

The most common cause of a blue screen problem is a recent change or installation of new parts on your computer. This means that either there are no drivers for the new components, or they are "crooked" installed.

Sometimes the BlueScreen event occurs because the internal parts of the computer are poorly connected in place to the motherboard or other nodes. In order to check all the details, you should open and inspect the cables, RAM and video card for correct connection. This test is harder to do on a laptop. The only thing you can do is open the back cover of the laptop and check the connections between the hard drive and RAM.

Due to severe overheating of the video card and the central processor, system failures can often occur. To find out if the processor and video card are overheating, you can look at the "BIOS" menu, where the internal one is indicated, or use a special program that measures the temperature of internal components and assemblies.

The next reason why the name of the BlueScreen problem event is displayed on the screen is a breakdown of the RAM bar. The operation of the RAM can be tested with the "Memtest" program, which will scan the memory within a few minutes and show whether the system is really crashing due to the RAM.

Also, the BlueScreen problem may appear due to abnormalities in the hard drive. To check this option, you can use special programs to fix errors and failures in the hard disk or the chkdsk system function, which can be found in Windows, in the Service tab. When you run it, it will start for errors.

And the last common option is to scan your computer for viruses. For this, common anti-virus programs are suitable, such as Avast, Doctor Web, Norton, Kaspersky and others.

If BlueScreen (1049) still appears, error, how to fix it?

In some cases, system failures that result in a blue screen effect are caused by more serious problems than the reasons described above. Therefore, more radical means of correcting this error should be used.

If all of the above methods did not help, and the "screen of death" constantly appears on the monitor during startup or during the operation of the computer, then the most effective way to restore everything to a working state is to return the PC to its basic configurations and parameters, that is, reinstall the system. Programmers often joke that this is the only effective way from all computer system problems, including from BlueScreen (1049). Indeed, this method can solve almost all computer problems associated with system failures, violations or virus infections. However, this option has a serious drawback - it is the loss of all saved information on the hard disk during reinstallation of Windows. Therefore, this is the most extreme way to restore your computer.

There is another way to eradicate BSOD, which may allow the user not to resort to radical methods, such as reinstalling the operating system - special recovery programs.

Use of auxiliary programs

First of all, I would like to name such a program as BlueScreen Viewer, which deservedly takes first place among computer users when you need to clean your PC or fix system errors. This program can be downloaded in Russian for free and installed on your device. It has a number of advantages and benefits compared to other similar programs:

  • scans minidump files created during a system crash that resulted in a blue screen;
  • provides detailed information in a summary table;
  • shows the date / time when the problem occurred;
  • shows the error code;
  • displays minidump filenames to the monitor;
  • provides information about modules and drivers that may have caused the system to crash.

BlueScreen Viewer Benefits

In addition, the program has the following advantages:

  • it's free;
  • does not require it to be installed on a PC;
  • there is a crack in the file folder;
  • lightweight and easy to use.

How the program works

When a system failure occurs, the program looks for files and drivers that could cause such a malfunction in the computer. If found, it creates a report in the form of a table with a description of the driver and its location.

Also, the program can find the real cause of the system crash and display a full description of this problem with the date of its occurrence.

In addition to the above program, BlueScreen (error) can be diagnosed by applications such as WhoCrashed and WhatIsHang. These are freeware programs that identify faulty drivers causing the operating system to crash.

Computer Blue Screen - Request for Help

Many people refer to this problem as the "death" of the PC, while in fact, the "screen of death" is a cry for help to the user. When a person has a pain, he can complain to his loved ones or a doctor about this pain, talk about the symptoms, and so on. And what about a smart, but so far silent device, when a serious problem occurs in its "body", which we call BlueScreen (error)? All he can do is to show us a "blue screen" on the monitor, on which "complaints" from the computer to the user will be written in white letters and symbols with a brief description of the problem, containing only a few numbers.

These "complaints" are known as BlueScreen codes. The description of these codes can be easily found. Each code is specifically responsible for a particular error and the reason for the occurrence of a malfunction in the system. If you do not understand the language for describing the code, then it is better to turn to some well-known programmers forum, where specialists can explain the system error and advise how to remove it.

If you have already tried everything, and the "blue screen" still appears, then even then you should contact a service center for the repair of personal computers and laptops.

Features and nuances of self-recovery system

  • If there was a recent video driver update, then you should try to "roll back" it or restore the system to an earlier date. To do this, in the system options of the computer, you must set the function of automatic fixation of the restore point when installing new software.
  • BlueScreen (error) can appear due to an attempt to overclock the processor, video card or RAM - these processes must be stopped.
  • If this problem occurs during games, you need to lower the screen resolution and set the graphics to their minimum values.
  • You need to update the Direct.

There are different methods of solving the problem with the "screen of death". Professionals recommend using them in turn, not rushing to take drastic measures, such as reinstalling the system, returning Windows to basic parameters, or sending the computer for repair at service centers.

Here is another OS recovery option.

If the "blue screen" does not allow the system to boot, then you should go to the safe mode of the PC. To do this, press F8 while the computer is booting. After that, the boot menu will appear, in which you can select the mode we need. The difference between safe mode and the rest of the downloads is that it loads without using network drivers.

In this mode, it is possible, because because of them, the name of the event is also often highlighted - BlueScreen. To do this, you should use antivirus programs with an updated version of the database.

Also, in safe mode, you can try to restore the system without reinstalling it. In this case, insert the disk with "Windows", select the "Restore System" function and click "OK". Thanks to this choice, old system files are erased, and new ones are installed without losing personal information.

In the same mode, you can "rollback" the drivers. Incorrectly installed drivers can cause system crashes.

Secrets of programmers

There is another secret that reveals the cause of the BSOD appearance - the lack of free space on the hard disk. Many people do not know about this, but if less than 15% of free space is left on the hard disk, then this also often causes this problem. It is necessary to clean the "hard drive" of old and unnecessary files using special programs or the function of the system itself.

On some motherboards there is a special button located near the processor, which, when pressed, resets all late installations and system updates. Therefore, as one of the options, you should open the computer unit and see if there is this button. If there is, then it is worth using it, holding it for 15 seconds, which will return the system to its initial state.


There is no need to grab your head right away because the BlueScreen (1049) inscription appeared, an error. How to fix the problem of "blue screen" at home, while having basic knowledge of computer use, can be seen from the above information. And it's too early to run to the nearest PC repair center, you need to try to restore the "fallen" system on your own, which will save very significant funds and give confidence in your strengths and capabilities. And only if all the methods have not yielded results, can the computer be taken for repair.

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