How to charge rechargeable batteries in a charger. Is it possible to charge alkaline batteries

How to charge rechargeable batteries in a charger. Is it possible to charge alkaline batteries


It is no secret that autonomous portable sources of electricity can be conventional and rechargeable. In conventional batteries, both salt and alkaline, and lithium, the chemical reaction is irreversible, but in rechargeable batteries it can be extended by cyclic recharging. So which batteries can be charged and how to distinguish them from each other - in this article.

How do you know if the battery can be charged?

The first thing that distinguishes the battery from a regular battery is the inscription indicating the capacity in milliamperes per hour (mAh). Most often, the manufacturer applies it in large letters, so it is simply impossible not to notice it. The higher this figure, the longer the battery will last.

Batteries that can be recharged have a name characteristic of a rechargeable battery - rechargeable, which translates as "rechargeable". If the buyer sees the inscription do not recharge, it means that the device cannot be recharged.

The third difference is price. Batteries cost an order of magnitude higher than conventional batteries, and the price is made up of their capacity and recharge cycles. However, ordinary ones also differ in high power, but still they cannot be recharged. Such energy carriers can be distinguished by the “Lithium” inscription on them.

The voltage of ordinary batteries is 1.6 V, and of rechargeable batteries - 1.2 V. Having a special measuring device - a multimeter or voltmeter, you can measure this indicator and thus understand what is in your hands.

An ordinary battery will also show itself during operation: having ceased to function in a more powerful device, it can be placed in another device with lower power requirements and thus prolong its life. Batteries, on the other hand, last longer, discharge gradually, and when they have exhausted their entire resource, they will be ready for use again after recharging.

For those who are interested in whether ordinary batteries can be charged, it is worth answering that they are not intended for this. In the best case, it will end with a light puff, and in a hard case, with an explosion with all the ensuing consequences. Batteries with any type of electrolyte can be charged and this will be the answer to the question of those who ask whether it is possible to infect the corresponding lithium batteries. However, the imagination of folk craftsmen will not deplete, and today many have found a way to charge ordinary batteries as well. So, those who are interested in whether it is possible to charge ordinary alkaline batteries should answer that it is possible. To do this, you need to put 3 dead alkaline batteries in the charger for 4 batteries, and 1 rechargeable battery on the right. They will be ready to go in 5-10 minutes.

When operating a car with serviceable electrical equipment, problems associated with the battery of this car usually do not arise. Of course, if you do not leave powerful consumers of electricity on for a long time when the car engine is not running. But it is worth blowing out the fuse that protects the generator excitation circuit, and the next attempt to start the car engine will not be crowned with success. After that, a previously irrelevant question will arise before the car owner: "how to charge the battery correctly?" With the availability of a charger, the correct charging of the car battery at home is not a big deal. Charging the car battery with an automatic charger is the most simple and does not need control over the process.

The car battery (ACB) is used to start the car engine and as an auxiliary source of electricity when the car engine is not running.

Battery health assessment

The fact that the starter of the car "sluggishly" turns, not necessarily a consequence of the fact that the automobile chemical source of electricity is depleted. Therefore, before dragging the car battery for charging, it is recommended to check it.

Measurements are taken when the car engine is not running. A fully charged car battery has an electrolyte density of 1.27 to 1.29 g / cm 3 and a terminal voltage from 12.3 to 12.9 V. When 70% of the charge remains in it, its electrolyte density will be from 1.23 to 1.25 g / cm 3, and the voltage from 12.0 to 12.1 V. A half-discharged current source will have an electrolyte density of 1.16 to 1.18 g / cm 3 and show a voltage from 11.8 to 12, 0 V. Fully discharged, it will have a density of 1.11 to 1.13 g / cm 3, and the voltage will drop below 11 V.

Preparing the battery for charging

In order to properly charge the battery at home, follow this sequence:

Charging methods

There are three ways to properly charge the battery:

The first two ways to charge the battery have both pros and cons. The first method consists in connecting the battery to a power source with a constant current strength of not more than 16.2 V. The current strength when charging for 20 hours can be calculated if the battery capacity is divided by 20 hours. For example, your machine has a 50 Ah battery, then 50 Ah / 20 h = 2.5A. With a 10 hour charge, to determine the current strength of the battery charge, the capacity is divided by 10 hours. That is, in order to properly charge the same battery in 10 hours, you need a charging current of 5 A. One of the most important advantages of this method is that the battery is fully charged. Among the disadvantages can be noted the need to stabilize the current strength, significant gas evolution, and heating of the electrolyte.

It is recommended to charge in this way in two stages - first, make the charging current equal to 1/10 of the nominal capacity, and after reaching the voltage of one cell of 2.4 V, reduce it by 2 times. The end of charging is determined by the appearance of intense gassing - "boiling" of the electrolyte.


The second method is to stabilize the charging voltage, while the current strength varies depending on the resistance of the battery. This technique allows you to charge the battery up to 85–90%. The advantages of the method:

  • quick bringing the battery into working condition;
  • most of the energy consumed at the beginning of the process is spent on restoring the active mass of the plates.

The main disadvantage is the strong heating of the electrolyte due to the high current strength at the beginning of charging. Equalizing charge is designed to eliminate the consequences of deep discharges. It very well eliminates the increasing sulfation of the electrodes.

The forced technique is used to quickly restore the operating state of the source after a deep discharge. Allows an increase in current at the beginning of charging up to 70% of the value of the nominal capacity, but not more than half an hour. The next 45 minutes the charging current is reduced to half of the rated capacity. For another 1.5 hours, the charge goes with a current equal to 30% of the nominal capacity. This charging requires mandatory monitoring of the electrolyte temperature. If the temperature rises to 45 ◦ C, stop charging.

Use the method of forced charging of the battery on the trail as rarely as possible, since its regular use will significantly reduce its service life.

About battery capacity

Among car owners, there is an opinion that it is unacceptable to install a battery with an increased capacity on a car, since with a larger capacity, the car battery allegedly will not have time to charge. However, the amount of energy spent on starting the car engine does not depend on the battery capacity. Therefore, with a working generator, it will be replenished in a battery of larger and smaller capacity at the same time. This means that installing a battery with a capacity greater than the recommended one on a car will not do any harm.

Charging device

The charger (charger) is used to charge electric batteries from the alternating current network. The charger consists of a voltage converter (transformer or pulse rectifier), a voltage stabilizer, a controller that regulates the charging current and sometimes an indication unit consisting of dial or LED ampere-voltmeters. Chargers differ in the type of rechargeable batteries, their operating voltage and capacity.

Designation of the charger for car batteries: X B / C, where X is the name of the charger, B is the maximum capacity of the rechargeable battery in Ampere-hours, C is the maximum operating voltage of the rechargeable battery in volts. If the charger has a B value exceeding 170 Ah, then it can be used not only for charging, but also to help start the car engine.

Autonomous power supplies - rechargeable batteries - are seen in modern technologies as an integral part of almost any project. For automotive technology, the battery is also a constructive part, without which full-fledged operation of the vehicle is inconceivable. The general usefulness of batteries is obvious. But technologically these devices are still not completely perfect. For example, frequent recharging of the batteries is a clear imperfection. Of course, the question is, with what voltage to charge the battery in order to reduce the frequency of recharging and preserve all its working properties for a long period of time?

To thoroughly understand the intricacies of the charging / discharging processes of lead-acid batteries (automobile) will help to determine the basic parameters of batteries:

  • capacity,
  • electrolyte concentration,
  • discharge current strength,
  • electrolyte temperature,
  • self-discharge effect.

Under the capacity of a battery of accumulators, electricity is received, given by each individual battery bank in the process of its discharge. Typically, the capacity value is expressed in ampere-hours (A / h).

On the case of the storage battery for the car, not only the nominal capacity is indicated, but also the starting current when the car is started on a cold one. An example of marking - a battery produced by the Tyumen plant

The discharge capacity of the battery, indicated on the technical label by the manufacturer, is considered a nominal parameter. In addition to this figure, the parameter of the charge capacity is also significant for operation. The required charge value is calculated by the formula:

Sz = Iz * Tz

where: Ic - charging current; Tz - charge time.

The figure indicating the discharge capacity of the battery is directly related to other technological and design parameters and depends on the operating conditions. From the constructive and technological properties of the battery, the discharge capacity is influenced by:

  • active mass,
  • the electrolyte used,
  • thickness of electrodes,
  • geometrical dimensions of electrodes.

Among the technological parameters, the degree of porosity of active materials and the recipe for their preparation are also significant for the capacity of the battery.

The internal structure of a lead-acid car battery, which includes the so-called active materials - plates of negative and positive fields, as well as other components

Operational factors also do not stand aside. As practice shows, the strength of the discharge current paired with the electrolyte is also capable of influencing the battery capacity parameter.

Effect of electrolyte concentration

Excessive electrolyte concentration will shorten the battery life. Operating conditions of the battery with a high concentration of electrolyte lead to an intensification of the reaction, which results in the formation of corrosion on the positive electrode of the battery.

Therefore, it is important to optimize the value, taking into account the conditions in which the battery is used and the manufacturer's requirements for such conditions.

Optimizing the concentration of the electrolyte of the battery is seen as one of the important points in the operation of the device. Monitoring the concentration level is imperative

For example, for conditions with a temperate climate, the recommended electrolyte concentration level for most car batteries is adjusted to a density of 1.25 - 1.28 g / cm 2.

And when the operation of devices is relevant in relation to a hot climate, the electrolyte concentration should correspond to a density of 1.22 - 1.24 g / cm 2.

Batteries - Discharge Current

It is logical to divide the battery discharge process conditionally into two modes:

  1. Long.
  2. Short.

The first event is characterized by a discharge at low currents over a relatively long time period (from 5 to 24 hours).

The second event (short discharge, starter discharge), on the contrary, is characterized by large currents in a short period of time (seconds, minutes).

An increase in the discharge current provokes a decrease in the capacity of the battery.

Charger Teletron, which is successfully used to work with lead-acid car batteries. Simple electronic circuit, but high efficiency


There is a battery with a capacity of 55 A / h with an operating current at the terminals of 2.75A. Under normal environmental conditions (plus 25-26 ° C), the battery capacity is within 55-60 A / h.

If the battery is discharged with a short-term current of 255 A, which is equivalent to an increase in the nominal capacity by 4.6 times, the nominal capacity will decrease to 22 A / h. That is, almost doubled.

Electrolyte temperature and battery self-discharge

The discharge capacity of storage batteries naturally decreases if the temperature of the electrolyte drops. A drop in the temperature of the electrolyte entails an increase in the degree of viscosity of the liquid component. As a consequence, the electrical resistance of the active substance increases.

Disconnected from the consumer, completely inactive, has the ability to lose capacity. This phenomenon is explained by chemical reactions inside the device, taking place even in conditions of complete disconnection from the load.

Both electrodes - negative and positive - fall under the influence of redox reactions. But to a greater extent, the self-discharge process involves the electrode of negative polarity.

The reaction is accompanied by the formation of hydrogen in gaseous form. With an increase in the concentration of sulfuric acid in the electrolyte solution, an increase in the density of the electrolyte from 1.27 g / cm 3 to 1.32 g / cm 3 is noted.

This is commensurate with a 40% increase in the rate of self-discharge effect at the negative electrode. An increase in the self-discharge rate is also provided by metal impurities included in the structure of the negative-polarity electrode.

Self-discharge of a car battery after long-term storage. With complete inactivity, with no load, the battery has lost a significant part of its capacity

It should be noted: any metals present in the electrolyte and other components of batteries enhance the self-discharge effect.

When these metals come into contact with the surface of the negative electrode, they cause a reaction, as a result of which the release of hydrogen begins.

Some of the existing impurities play the role of a charge carrier from the positive electrode to the negative one. In this case, the reactions of reduction and oxidation of metal ions take place (that is, again, the self-discharge process).

There are also cases when the battery loses its charge from contamination on the case. Contamination creates a conductive layer that closes the positive and negative electrodes

In addition to the internal self-discharge, the external self-discharge of the car battery is not excluded. The reason for this phenomenon can be a high degree of contamination of the surface of the battery case.

For example, electrolyte spilled on the case, water or other technical liquids. But in this case, the self-discharge effect is easily eliminated. It is enough just to clean the battery case and keep it always clean.

Car battery charging

Let's start from the situation of inactivity of the device (in the off state). With what voltage or current to charge the car battery when the device is in storage?

In storage conditions of the battery, the main purpose of charging is aimed at compensating for self-discharge. In this case, charging is usually done with low currents.

The range of charge values ​​is typically 25 to 100 mA. In this case, the charge voltage must be maintained within the range of 2.18 - 2.25 volts in relation to a single battery bank.

Selecting Battery Charge Conditions

The battery charging current is usually adjusted to a certain value depending on the set float time.

Preparation of a car battery for recharging in a mode that needs to be determined taking into account the technological properties and technical parameters during the operation of the battery

So, if it is supposed to charge the battery for 20 hours, the optimal parameter of the charge current is considered to be a value equal to 0.05C (that is, 5% of the nominal capacity of the battery).

Accordingly, the values ​​will increase proportionally if you change one of the parameters. For example, with a 10-hour charge, the current strength will already be 0.1C.

Charge in a two-stage cycle

In this mode, initially (the first stage) is charged with a current of 1.5C until the voltage on a separate bank reaches 2.4 volts.

After that, the charger is switched to the charge current mode of 0.1C and continues to charge until the full capacity is set for 2 - 2.5 hours (second stage).

The charge voltage in the second stage mode varies from 2.5 to 2.7 volts for one can.

Boost charge mode

The principle of forced charging involves setting the value of the charging current at the level of 95% of the nominal capacity of the battery - 0.95C.

The method is quite aggressive, but it allows you to charge the battery almost completely in just 2.5-3 hours (in practice, 90%). Up to 100% capacity charging in a forced mode will take 4 - 5 hours.

Control-training cycle

The practice of operating car batteries notes a positive result when the control and training cycle is applied to new batteries that have not yet been used.

For this option, charging with parameters calculated by a simple formula is optimal:

I = 0.1 * C20;

Charge until the voltage on a single bank is 2.4 volts, after which the value of the charging current is reduced to the value:

I = 0.05 * C20;

With these parameters, the process is continued until fully charged.

The control-training cycle also covers the practice of discharge, when the battery is discharged with a small current of 0.1C to a total voltage level of 10.4 volts.

In this case, the degree of density of the electrolyte is maintained at the level of 1.24 g / cm 3. After discharge, the device is charged according to the standard procedure.

General principles of charging lead-acid batteries

In practice, several methods are used, each of which has its own difficulties and is accompanied by a different amount of financial costs.

It is not difficult to decide in what way to charge the battery. Another question is what result will be obtained from the application of this or that method.

The most accessible and simple method is considered to be a constant current charge at a voltage of 2.4 - 2.45 volts / bank.

The charging process continues until the current value remains constant for 2.5-3 hours. Under these conditions, the battery is considered fully charged.

Meanwhile, the combined charge technique has received greater recognition among motorists. In this version, the principle of limiting the initial current (0.1C) is applied until the specified voltage is reached.

Then the process continues at constant voltage (2.4V). For this circuit, it is permissible to increase the initial charge current to 0.3C, but no more.

It is recommended to charge batteries in buffer mode at low voltages. Optimal charge values: 2.23 - 2.27 volts.

Deep discharge - remediation

First of all, it should be emphasized: the restoration of the battery to the nominal capacity is possible, but on condition that there were no more than 2-3 deep discharges.

The charge in such cases is carried out with a constant voltage equal to 2.45 volts per cell. It is also allowed to charge with a (constant) current of 0.05C.

The battery recovery process may require two to three separate charge cycles. Most often, to achieve full capacity, charging is carried out exactly in 2-3 cycles.

If the charge is carried out with a voltage of 2.25 - 2.27 volts, it is recommended to perform the process twice or three times. Since at low voltages, it is not possible to reach the capacity rating in most cases.

Of course, the influence of the ambient temperature should be taken into account during the recovery process. If the ambient temperature is in the range of 5 - 35 ° C, the charge voltage does not need to be changed. In other conditions, a charge adjustment will be required.

Video on the battery control and training cycle


Often we miss good shots in the forest or at sea, we can be late or stumble in the dark, because a simple battery from a camera, clock or flashlight is unexpectedly discharged. When exactly the charge will be used up, it is difficult to say, except that this is not a Duracell model with an indicator. But don't despair! Thanks to a few tips, you can avoid unpredictable situations and take the planned photos with a digital camera, find out the exact time, illuminate the road, etc. In this article, we will show you how to charge batteries at home without a charger, which will make life much easier in unpredictable situations.

Be aware that to charge alkaline batteries, you can use a special charger that can relatively quickly restore a discharged object. But each charge session will reduce its life by about 1/3. In addition, leaks are possible.

Note! At home you can charge: alkaline (alkaline) finger-type batteries. Not allowed: saline. The possibility of leakage or even explosion is not excluded!

Charging can be done in a variety of ways. Therefore, you should not throw out the element as soon as it has ceased to serve. A few recommendations - and he is back in the ranks. The first method, using which you can independently charge finger-type batteries without a charger. We connect the power supply to the network. Next, using the wires for connection, we connect the spent battery to the unit. Do not forget about the polarity: the plus is connected to the plus, and the minus is connected to the minus. It is quite easy to find where the “- \ +” of the discharged object is: they are marked on the case.

Having connected the battery to the power source, we wait until it heats up to fifty degrees, and turn off the power. Then we wait a few minutes for the heated object to cool down. Otherwise, it may explode. Then, while the AA is still warm, it needs to be charged in a different way. It consists in the following: we connect the power supply to electricity and disconnect. This takes about 120 seconds. Next, we place the object for charging in the “freezer” for 10 minutes, then we take it out and wait 2-3 minutes for it to warm up. That's it, the charge is restored right at home without a charger! You can safely use it for the same computer mouse.

Main rules:

  1. The charge is not workable if you arrange + and - in a different way. On the contrary, the battery will run out even faster.
  2. Charge the object at home 1-2 times.
  3. In the way described above, you can only charge simple finger-type alkaline batteries.
  4. The charge is feasible in any ambient temperature conditions.

Another charging method is the conventional heating method. But it is fraught with consequences (explosion). This way, again, small alkaline batteries can be recovered at home. You can also charge them in a simpler way - place the discharged objects in hot water, but for no more than 20 seconds, otherwise sad results are possible. Another uncomplicated way is to flatten or reduce the volume of the element with your own hands. So you can charge various finger-type batteries. There is an example when a person, upon expiration of the charge of a casting-ion battery, simply took out and trampled it, after which the charge indicators showed one hundred percent.

You can also restore the charge without a charger like this: we make 2 holes with an awl near each coal rod, three-quarters deep from the height of the element itself. Pour liquid into them, and seal them, covering them with resin or plasticine. You can fill in not just a liquid, but an eight to ten percent solution of hydrochloric acid or double vinegar. Fill the solution several times for sufficient saturation. This method allows you to charge up to seventy to eighty percent of the initial capacity.

Video instruction on how to restore Duracell using telephone charging

Another way to charge the product: open the cover of the element with a knife. If the zinc cylinder, object shaft, and carbon powder are intact, then immerse the object in a salt solution. Its ratio is as follows: 2 tablespoons of table salt for several glasses of liquid. Next, boil the solution together with the element for about ten to fifteen minutes. Then we return to the place the gaskets responsible for sealing, and cover with wax or plasticine.

Alternative charging method

In this article, we have shown you how to charge your batteries at home without a charger. The suggested tips apply only to finger-type batteries, since, unlike the little fingers, flat (tablets) used for lasers, they are most often used in everyday life. Now you can properly charge the required cells even if there is no electricity!

Also read:

In this article, we will answer the sore question of our customers, is it possible to charge ordinary batteries.

So, let's have a little theory. What is the difference between a battery and a rechargeable battery? In a battery, the chemical reaction is irreversible, they are most often alkaline. In the battery, the reaction is reversible, they are acidic and nickel-cadmium, if modern. From the definition itself, it can be seen that the chemical reaction in the battery is irreversible, chemicals and elements are produced and not restored.

What's a little secret? In power supplies of old models, or of poor quality, far from all the substances that are poured at the plant are involved in the reaction. Why? ... As a result of battery operation, chemical compounds with dielectric properties, salts, oxides are formed on conductive elements, which, in simple terms, prevent the passage of electric current in the circuit. Therefore, the formation of a crust of salts and oxides, powerful dielectrics, is the main reason for battery failure. Often, in many battery models, forty to seventy percent of the chemicals do not even react.
In the Soviet Union, well-known physicists and chemists solved the problem of regeneration (restoration) of batteries and batteries. The methodology and principles of the basic decisions are based on "passing" a high electric current through the battery. As a result of the passage of high currents, the crusts of dielectrics (salts and oxides) were destroyed. The contacts were cleared and the reaction continued. It is important to understand that in this way the efficiency increased, but the battery was not charged in any way.

It is important to understand that the methodology by which the battery regeneration was carried out radically differs from the solutions on which household chargers are built.

Manufacturers struggle with the problem of salt formation in modern expensive batteries. After all, the amount of chemicals that are poured into the battery cannot be increased. Therefore, the design and the most complete use of reagents affects the battery life. Here regeneration gives less effect, because salts are almost not formed and the reagent is produced by 90 percent, they cannot be restored

What happens if you charge a battery (battery) in a standard ordinary household charger? When the reverse current is passed, the element will begin to heat up, the regeneration processes will begin, the effect of which depends on the volume of the remaining reagents and the amount of formed salts. This process must be controlled, and the batteries must not be heated above 40 C. In other words, they become hot, we stop the charging process. The duration should not exceed 15 minutes. This regeneration will extend the life of the battery by 5-10 minutes.

In no case should the batteries be left in the charger for a long time. With prolonged charging, the alkali will begin to boil, and gases will begin to evolve inside. The batteries will swell in an hour, swell, chemicals, bubbles and stench will start to come out of the cracks. After two or three hours, if the body is strong enough and holds the contents inside, an explosion will occur and the alkali will scatter around the apartment.

The answer to the question is it possible to charge ordinary batteries - No!!! Better buy batteries. In addition, in our company you can at wholesale prices with home delivery. I hope this article was useful to you.

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