How to set up skype login. How to come up with a username and password? The basic rules for storing passwords and nicknames are

How to set up skype login. How to come up with a username and password? The basic rules for storing passwords and nicknames are


Logins for Skype

Login (login, Skype name) is an invariable characteristic of the user account, the account name, which may not correspond to the visible name - nickname. Consider what interesting logins you can make.

The login is set once during registration and cannot be changed. And visible names (nicknames) can be changed at any time.

If you need an original, beautiful login for Skype, remember that you can't take an existing option: All logins are unique and cannot be repeated. But this does not mean that the best, "cool" logins are already taken. Fictional names can express your essence, character, hobbies, profession. "Cool beautiful names" can be composed using part of the first or last name. Actually, this is the most obvious way to come up with a Skype login, and we would recommend it: after all, you communicate with authorized contacts, and it is often important that you can be identified by your login.

The following method will help you come up with a name: write out possible first and last name options. For Alexander or Alexandra, for example, the Skype login may contain Alex, Aleks, Sasha, Sa6a, Alexander / Alexandra.

Next, you figure out what you can add to this. From Super, Ultra, Neo and Cool before Sweet, Lovely, Pretty and Beauty. Cool logins for Skype may contain appeals accepted in a particular country: Don, Donna, Miss, Mister, Sir, Maestro, Signor, Signora, as well as nominal suffixes and particles with which familiar names and words can sound unusual: -san, sensei, la-, de- etc. When choosing which Skype login to come up with, you can refer to famous characters or historical figures, playing around with their names as applied to you and the current moment.

However, when experimenting which name to come up with and which login to choose, you should consider that the latter may contain from 6 to 32 characters, start with a letter and can contain only latin letters, numbers, dots, commas, dashes and underscores. Therefore, if your fantasy was played out when choosing, you need to know exactly which login option is needed: one that meets these requirements.

But, of course, you can use your blanks, which are not suitable for login, for nickname Skype. Cool options can be written in any language. Beautiful nicknames for Skype in English are a reflection of your erudition and good education. Arm yourself with a dictionary, activate your creative imagination - this way you can generate cool names that will come in handy for other occasions.

Interesting and funny Skype nicknames for guys are likely to evoke a certain association or contain special characters or original letter combinations.

The best and coolest nicknames for girls do not have to contain hearts and flowers, although they will most likely be feminine. Nick for Skype for girls, as well as for guys, can include any character from the Word collection - and this is a fairly large arsenal of tools. Choose original icons and symbols for your nickname and you won't go unnoticed. This article provides a table of alt codes that can be used to decorate any word: . Also in this article are some interesting ways to come up with a name.

However, if your social circle is related to work or there are many of those with whom you cannot afford familiarity, it is better to leave different “cool” nicknames for Skype to others. In your case, you should stop at the name and surname or company name.

And let us remind you once again: since you can enter your Skype login only once during registration, you will not be able to change it. And since it is impossible to hide the login from your contacts (it is shown in the personal data of any authorized user, and in general it is specially reported to other people in order to be able to contact you), take writing it seriously.

But to remove a nickname that seems to you unsuccessful or inappropriate for the situation, where as simple as that. You can do this at any time in your own personal data:

And good news for those who don't like the different "funny names" of Skype of their interlocutors, especially if they do not give instant information about who they are: they can be edited:

Given this possibility, you can at any time return to the interlocutor his real name and surname.

It's easy to come up with and create a Skype login

Many people are interested in the question of how to create a Skype login. It would seem that nowhere is easier, but due to the fact that there are a lot of accounts lately, you can not pick up the name that you would like.

The program now simply does not allow you to create a login, friends and acquaintances may have difficulty identifying you, because the name should be memorable and characterize you to some extent.

How to do it

Until recently, it didn’t take much to create your Skype login and join the millions of people who use the program for their own purposes. It was easy enough to create a unique login.

The most important condition is that the login should not be busy.

Download Skype

Before creating a login, or rather an account, it is worth talking about what it is worth installing the program on your device.

To download the program that fits your device, you need to go to the official Skype website at Find the program that suits your operating system.

The user will need to click on "Download" or "Download Skype" on the top bar of the screen. It will be transferred to the download to the computer. Choose your operating system there: Windows, Mac or Linux. After that, just click on "Download".

You get up on the downloaded program twice, and then the usual account creation will begin, where you need to follow the instructions of the robot.

Now it remains only to come up with an unusual username and password.

Coming up with a name

How to come up with an interesting name interests many inexperienced users. The option when your mail will participate in the name is not interesting. A good login was selected based on what the user installed Skype for, just for communication or for work moments.

It is worth remembering that in order to enter a login, you must use the English alphabet. Often, users try to come up with a login for their Skype in such a way that it indicates neither their first or last name. But it turns out that this combination of letters is already taken.

To have an original login, you can try to enter your date of birth in different combinations for the login. So, for example, if you want to enter the Ivanov identifier, write combinations:

  • 12.89;
  • 12.1989;
  • Ivanov1989;
  • 1989;
  • 1989;
  • 89 Ivanov etc.

You should be able to get into a free niche. Skype itself will suggest possible options and they are also worth considering.

Possible troubles

Sometimes it turns out that a handsome and cool nickname is simply not perceived by the Skype program. The fact is that recently the user cannot take and write a nickname himself. The system works in such a way that you simply link your mailbox or mobile phone number and log in. It is no longer possible to choose a login on your own, if you want it to be cool, for example. Skype itself assigns it to you, and to find out which login was assigned to you, you can simply look at the properties of Skype. On the Skype shortcut, on the desktop, you need to right-click to call up the list of operations and select "Properties".

To have a normal working Skype, the program will ask you to create a link to a Microsoft account. Until recently, in order to create an account, any data was entered, but now they must only be true, either your real email address or a valid phone number.

This system has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

  • the possibility of creating "clones" is excluded, that is, attackers will no longer be able to create similar accounts and impersonate another person;
  • if you forget your password, it will be much easier to restore it, since you entered real data during authorization and it is thanks to them that you can enter your account;
  • two-factor authentication is used, which effectively reduces the possibility of hacking your account to zero.

But now it is no longer possible to create Skype anonymously, plus one mailbox is allowed to create only one account. Another disadvantage is that now you simply will not be able to log into your account until you enter the four-digit code sent to you.

And now, the moment has come when the program has already been downloaded, and you need to make your choice - decide on a username and password.

Skype login- a word that is used directly to log in to Skype (not to be confused with a password). The username cannot be changed after registration. Of course, there is a solution to this problem too - to re-register with Skype and transfer the existing contact list to the new account, but this is a long and tedious process. Therefore, you need to carefully think up a login in advance, because it is you who will need to provide it to friends, colleagues, partners or relatives so that they can contact you.

Skype login - example and drafting rules

  1. In order to make the login easier to read and easier to remember, some letters can be capitalized - Irina, PetrovVasja ...
  2. The login is made up exclusively of Latin characters - i.andreev, smumriK ...
  3. A prerequisite is uniqueness. The program itself checks the login you have chosen and notifies you of its uniqueness. If there is no such login in Skype contacts yet, then you can use it, but if someone is registered under that name, you still have to dream up.
  4. A login is not the same thing as you enter their initials and surname in separate fields, in Russian letters.
  5. The Skype login does not have to contain your last name or first name, you can use anything you like: animal names, movie titles, literary book characters, etc.
  6. If the login consists of several words, they can be separated by a hyphen, period, underscore.
  7. If the login you specified already exists, then you can diversify it with numbers, capital letters, etc.
  8. Try to choose a username that is easy to write and pleasant to sound.

Skype username and password– how to make the right choice?

skype password- this is a certain combination of letters and numbers that you enter in order to log into your account. You come up with it at the same time when you enter your login. A password is a way to protect your data. Be extremely careful when choosing it. Try to avoid dates or words that are known to a large number of people (date of birth, phone number, address). In Skype, there are certain restrictions for choosing a password: the number of characters. In any case, make the right choice and do not tell strangers about your password.

Approach the choice of login and password with special responsibility, because they will be your calling card for many years. A login can both create a certain image and destroy it.

Of course, each user for communication in Skype wants to have a beautiful login that he chooses for himself. After all, through the login, the user will not only log into his account, but through the login, other users will contact him. Let's learn how to create a Skype login.

If earlier, any unique nickname in Latin letters could act as a login, that is, a pseudonym invented by the user (for example, ivan07051970), now, after the acquisition of Skype by Microsoft, the login is the email address or phone number under which the user is registered in a Microsoft account. Of course, many criticize Microsoft for this decision, because it's easier to show your personality with an original and interesting nickname than a banal postal address or phone number.

Although, at the same time, it is now also possible to find a user using the data that he indicated as his first and last name, but for logging into an account, unlike a login, these data cannot be used. Actually, the name and surname currently serve as a nickname. Thus, there was a separation of the login, under which the user enters his account, and the nickname (first and last name).

However, users who registered their logins before this innovation use them in the old way, but when registering a new account, you have to use an email or phone number.

Login Creation Algorithm

Let's take a detailed look at the procedure for creating a login at present.

The easiest way is to register a new login through the Skype program interface. If this is your first time accessing Skype on this computer, you simply launch the application, but if you already have an account, then you must immediately log out of your account. To do this, click on the “Skype” menu section, and select the “Logout account” item.

The program window reloads, and a login form opens in front of us. But, since we need to register a new login, we click on the inscription "Create an account".

As you can see, it is initially proposed to use a phone number as a login. If you wish, you can also choose an email box, which will be discussed a little later. So, we enter the code of our country (for Russia + 7), and the mobile phone number. It is important to enter truthful data here, otherwise you will not be able to confirm their veracity via SMS, which means you will not be able to register a login.

In the lowest field, enter an arbitrary, but strong password, through which we are going to enter our account in the future. Click on the "Next" button.

In the next window, enter your real name and surname, or a pseudonym. It's not essential. We click on the "Next" button.

And now, an SMS with a code comes to the phone number you specified, which you must enter in the newly opened window. Enter and click on the "Next" button.

That's it, the login is created. This is your phone number. By entering it and a password in the appropriate login form, you will be able to log into your account.

If you want to use email as a login, then on the page where you are prompted to enter a phone number, you need to go to the entry “Use an existing email address”.

In the window that opens, you enter your real email address and a password that you have created. Then, you need to click on the "Next" button.

Like last time, in a new window, enter the first and last name. We pass on the button "Next".

In the next window, you need to enter the activation code that came to your email. Enter and click on the "Next" button.

Registration is over, and the login function for entering is performed by e-mail.

Also, the login can be registered on the Skype website by going there through any browser. The registration procedure there is absolutely identical to the one that is carried out through the program interface.

As you can see, due to innovations, it is currently not possible to register under a login in the same form as it happened before. Although the old logins continue to exist, it will no longer be possible to register them in a new account. In fact, now the functions of logins in Skype during registration began to perform email addresses and mobile phone numbers.

One of the most common problems users of this client face is registration. Difficulties begin from the moment when you need to come up with a login: since more than 250 million people are registered in the service, it is quite difficult to create a nickname from the first time that will be different from all existing ones. It is much easier to choose a password for Skype, but you should not neglect the security rules here, preferring too short or a simple combination of characters.

The more complex the selected character set is, the more difficult it will be for strangers to remember or crack it with the help of special utilities.

A good password should be:

  • without popular words and names of something;
  • combining letters and numbers;
  • at least 6-8 characters long;
  • does not contain personal information;
  • not repeating the domain name.

There are several ways to create good account protection:

  1. Generating a complex Skype password that is impossible to remember.
  2. Come up with a combination that will be heavy, but easy to remember.

To create convoluted and non-memorable code, you should use any of the generators. The most popular services are KeyPass and Onlinepasswordgenerator. They are necessary for creating complex passwords and allow you to remember data for authorization in different applications.

If you want to create a password on Skype yourself, you can use associations, rhymes, and other combinations that are understandable only to you. Avoid the names of children, spouses, pets, brand of your car, etc.

Login is a word used to log into your own account, as well as so that other users can find you and add you to their contact list. Remember that this information is not subject to change, so it should be chosen wisely. We have compiled a few tips to help you create a Skype login:

  1. To make the nickname easier to read, some letters from it can be capitalized.
  2. When compiling a login, only Latin characters are used.
  3. Uniqueness is a must. The program will automatically check the created login and notify you if another user has one.
  4. Please note that a nickname is not a first and last name. This information is entered in a separate column in Russian letters.
  5. If you want to combine multiple words, separate them with a dot, underscore, or hyphen.
  6. Try to choose a word that will not only sound good, but also be easy to write.

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