How to make money with affiliate. Pros and cons of earning on affiliate programs

How to make money with affiliate. Pros and cons of earning on affiliate programs

Internet users have so many opportunities to make money, but no one takes advantage of them. Large companies and Internet projects are ready to cooperate, share their profits, all that remains is to go through a simple registration and start actively attracting customers to them.

The best affiliate programs offer the most favorable conditions. Working with them can be very different, because somewhere they pay money simply for the fact that a person registers on the company’s website, and somewhere they give a percentage of the money spent by him. Everyone will be able to choose a suitable scheme of earning for themselves.

Affiliate programs on the Internet

We have already talked about, so we will not re-explain how everything works in them. The main task is to attract new participants, but whether they will spend money, earn it, download something or play a game, is a completely different matter.

Unfortunately, this site requires the addition of a platform for work. Those. you need to specify where exactly the ad will be placed. It can be a group on social networks, a YouTube channel or your own blog. It is convenient to work with affiliate networks, as they have a lot of offers at once. In addition to the provided service, there are many high-quality analogues:

You can use affiliate programs without a website, for this you need to buy advertising on other people's projects. This method of earning has a separate name -. You will have to invest your own money in advertising first. Then they come back by attracting people.

Affiliate programs without a website

It is not necessary to invest your money to order advertising somewhere if you do not have your own website. You can get by with forums, social networks and other resources. Even on personal recommendations, you can recommend sites and products in order to get paid for it. Get an affiliate link on these sites and distribute them anywhere:

  1. Glopart - sale of information products, payment for the sale is fixed, it is set individually for each product.
  2. Plati - many digital goods, from game licenses to e-books. Almost all goods have a commission for the sale (they are the lowest here).
  3. Qwertypay is a similar service, information products are also sold through it. The advantage is that the affiliate program is multi-level (they pay from the sales of referrals).
  4. Ucoz - a free website builder offers a lot of paid features, from their payment the inviter receives 20% (+50 cents for sites that have worked for more than 3 months).
  5. AdvertStar is a network of affiliate programs, there are offers where you can attract people even through click-through sponsors.

Beginners refuse to work with affiliate programs just because they do not have a website. In fact, this is not a problem, since some people publish their refs. links in other ways. For example, in comment forms on different blogs. The main thing is not to spam, but to offer, since this method is prohibited everywhere.

TOP affiliate programs sites for earning

It is not necessary to look for people who are ready to spend money on the Internet. On the contrary, you can talk about services for making money. As a rule, multi-level affiliate programs work for them. The money comes in the form of a percentage of income. conditions are different everywhere. as well as activities:

  1. Wmmail - there are 5 levels of referrals on the mailer, from 1% to 10% comes from their income. On the site, people earn through simple tasks, by viewing sites and selling articles.
  2. Seosprint is an analogue of the previous system, only here the main income is small orders. Referrer reward up to 40% (2-level affiliate program).
  3. Advego - the exchange was created to make money on copywriting, but it is also used to work with small orders. 25% of the service commission is paid to partners.
  4. Teaser - there are tasks and auto earnings for viewing ads. 10% comes from paid banners, 2% comes from tasks (only 5 levels).
  5. Rucaptcha is the easiest way to make money by entering captcha. Inviting users are given 10% of income and expenses.

If you recruit an active large team on all these sites, you can get money without doing anything at all. I have been actively doing this for several years now. I have thousands of referrals, they all work and due to this, a good profit comes. It drips from everywhere a little, in general, it turns out well.

List of binary options affiliate programs

Who has not yet heard of the possibility. They are now advertised in social networks, on various websites, blogs, forums. This is a really profitable business and you can quickly increase your capital. Active advertising is explained by the fact that brokers offer favorable conditions for partners:

  1. OlympTrade - the partner himself chooses whether to receive 100% in the first 30 days, 60% for life (the best option) or a fixed fee for registering an active trader.
  2. Cleveraff - the broker is ready to pay up to $20 for registrations, 20% + $50 for an active trader or 35% of the commission for life.
  3. Binpartner is the best affiliate program because it pays up to 70% for life (there are other options).
  4. Finmax - the percentage of the commission or the amount for registration is individually set. The broker has a lot of quality promotional materials.
  5. GrandCapital - it's easier to lure novice traders here, as there is a $500 welcome bonus. Partners receive up to 50% of the transaction.

It is really possible to earn big money on such affiliate programs, because traders invest huge sums. This type of Forex trading is much simpler, simple bets are made on the movement of quotes. Plus, all companies provide partners with a wide variety of promotional materials.

Popular affiliate programs of services

So many interesting websites have been created to make our lives easier. They provide various services, goods, services, functions. Due to the benefits, it is easier to attract new participants to them. Terms of cooperation are not favorable everywhere, for My-Wmmail readers were chosen most interesting projects:

  1. MoneyMan - users are given online loans, if you attract a client, you will receive a reward of 800 rubles.
  2. Bongamodels - talk about erotic video chats, get 30% of the money spent by viewers and $5 for each registered model.
  3. Payeer is a payment system with an affiliate program. If you invite new users here, you will receive up to 40% of the commission from each transaction.
  4. Blogun - someone uses the site to make money on the site or on popular pages in the social. networks, someone buys links. Get 25% of the service commission for referrals.
  5. BestChange is the only affiliate program that pays for referrals via ref. link. This is the monitoring of exchangers, it is convenient to look for profitable rates here.

Try to work with each of these systems, they all pay fairly and I have personally verified this. If you already have some kind of platform (for example, a VK group), then choose an affiliate program for the target audience. For example, if this is a female group, offer a job as a model, and if it is a male group, then it is better to talk about interesting communication with models.

Work with product affiliate programs

It is easiest to understand sales for a novice partner. The scheme is nowhere simpler - sold the goods, received a percentage of the purchase. Online stores are gradually starting to introduce affiliate programs, it is profitable for them, excellent advertising is provided. Now profitable cooperate with these companies:

  1. Aliexpress (epn bz) is the largest store supplying goods from China. The minimum percentage of partners' deductions is 8.5%.
  2. Skinon is a fashionable virtual store with stickers, covers and other accessories, ready to give partners 35%.
  3. Vsemayki is a popular youth store that has been selling not only T-shirts for a long time. Here partners are given 25% of the order.
  4. Top Shop - interesting items from TV stores. They are expensive, and up to 20% are charged for the sale of products.
  5. Artwall - paintings are sold on this site, they are expensive, so 20% of the order cost comes out a decent amount.

You can use the offers of online stores on any site. The same Aliexpress offers a bunch of different products, from children's toys to video recorders. The main thing is to choose a product that can interest the target audience of the site, since income depends on the number of sales.

Referral affiliate program in games with money withdrawal

Investment games, like binary options, have taken the internet by storm. People invest millions in them, and whoever is involved in attracting players receives their percentage from deposits. In fact, these are financial pyramids, so it is the partners who remain in chocolate. The most attractive conditions in these games.

In this article, we will analyze a fairly popular way to generate income on the Internet - affiliate programs for making money on the Internet with and without a website. You will learn what affiliate programs are, the principle and types of affiliate programs, how much and most importantly how to earn on affiliate programs.

What is an affiliate program in simple terms

The essence of affiliate programs is that you receive a certain remuneration depending on the terms of cooperation with various manufacturers of goods and services. This can be sales, clicks on links, payment for certain user actions (for example, registration, filling out questionnaires, or a percentage of the income of users registered using your link). In fact, there are quite a lot of opportunities, and almost every day new affiliate programs appear that offer to earn money on mediation.

There is mutual cooperation. You, as a partner, receive a certain percentage of income simply by recommending this or that type of product (service) without making any effort to create, store and deliver the product to the end user. All that is required of you is to provide interested users with information about the new product.

The creator of the product benefits from the distribution of the product through the affiliate network. After all, creating a product is only a small part of the business. The most important thing is to make a profit in the form of its sale. And therefore, he is ready to give part of his profit in the form of commissions to his partners who promote his product (services) by making sales and, accordingly, bring profit to the company.

Principle of operation

In order to start earning on affiliate programs, you need to take just a few simple steps:

  1. sign up for an affiliate program
  2. get a special identifier - affiliate links to a particular product (service). When you click on this link to the manufacturer's website, all users are assigned to you using cookies. If a person makes a purchase within a certain time, you will earn commissions. The period for all affiliate programs is different: for some it is for life, that is, if a person clicks on your link once, then he is assigned to you forever. For others, the term is limited: a month, six months, a year. For some affiliate programs, the reward is received by the one whose last affiliate link was clicked by the person who made the purchase.
  3. place these links on the Internet to attract interested users
  4. if the user buys the product, you will automatically receive a reward that you can withdraw (usually the withdrawal is carried out through electronic payment systems such as Yandex Money, Qiwi and others, less often to a bank account)
  5. some affiliate programs work only with individual entrepreneurs, you must first find out before you start advertising affiliate links.

Types of rewards

Affiliate programs can be conditionally divided into 2 types: single-level and multi-level.

single level Affiliate Programs - You only earn commission from personal sales. How many customers you attracted, so much you earned.

Multilevel programs imply, in addition to remuneration from personal sales, receiving additional profit from the sales of your partners. Those. if you have attracted a user, and he, in turn, makes sales through his affiliate link, you also have the right to receive income. Of course - it will not be as big as with personal sales, but nevertheless, an extra penny will not hurt you.

It turns out that on a multi-level affiliate program you can earn not only by selling personally, but also by building your referral structure, which in turn will bring you additional income.

How much can you earn on affiliate programs

Earnings will directly depend on the percentage of remuneration that you receive for the sold product (service). Typically, the amount of remuneration can vary from 1 to 100%. Yes Yes. Some affiliate programs give away all profits. This usually applies to information products, which, in fact, have practically no commodity value. But giving away all the profits, the creators of products pursue other goals, namely, attracting interested users of these products. And if a person bought something from them once, then with a greater degree of probability he will be able to successfully sell other products from this series.

For info products, the percentage of commission is from 50 to 90% of the cost of the product. For physical goods, the commission is usually no more than 10-20%. Less often 30-40%. But this is usually some kind of slag, which is especially not needed by the end user. An increased reward is a payment for the distribution of such a product that no one needs.

About how much you can get by participating in affiliate programs. Here, for example, are the conditions from one CPA - the affiliate program, here on one site a lot of offers from various companies are collected: from online stores to financial organizations

What do these numbers mean?

Affiliate program is a great way to generate income for both beginners and professionals, a significant advantage of which is the absence of the need to develop your own website.

About how exactly and how much you can earn on this, and will be discussed in our article.

What it is?

An affiliate program, which is otherwise called an affiliate program, referral system, referral, is perhaps the most popular way to make money online.

This type of activity is based on information cooperation between a company that practices the promotion of any goods or services on the Internet, and a partner - an individual or legal entity. The task of the latter is to advertise the product of this organization, to attract additional customers. For the work done / the result achieved, the partner receives a cash payment.

If a particular program for some reason does not suit the employee, then he can break off relations with it at any time.

Product promotion through an affiliate program is the best marketing option, because the promoter achieves at least 3 goals at once:

  • attracts new customers;
  • Raises the authority of the company by increasing the number of external links;
  • increases the mass of partners, which can otherwise be called freelancers, attracting and informing new customers through advertising and PR.

Earning scheme

For example, Sergey Ivanov has his own information product, namely the video course "Methods of growing dandelions", and decided that he would sell this product via the Internet.

At the very beginning of his activity, he, of course, will independently take orders and trade. And then, when the product starts to be very popular, it will need an affiliate program, because it allows you to increase income several times. Statistics show that only 20% comes from personal sales, and the remaining 80% is the result of the work of partners.

To create an affiliate program for your video course, you need to follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Sell ​​a product.
  2. Find out from the buyer how satisfied he is with the purchase.
  3. In case of a positive result, offer cooperation.
  4. Set the percentage that will be paid to the partner for each sale.

So, if the cost of a video course is 5000 rubles, and its owner is ready to pay 25% to the partner, then the latter will receive 1250 rubles. for every sale. And how many video courses will be sold within 1 month depends only on the employee.

If the partner decides to promote the product not alone, but in a team, then he will have to start using a special script that allows you to:

  • accounting for partners involved in the promotion of a product or service;
  • accounting for the number of sales made by partners;
  • accounting for the total earnings received from the sale of the product;
  • accounting of funds to be paid.

Where to start for a newbie?

In order to start earning, you do not need to have any specific knowledge. The essence of this income is that almost every Internet service has its own offers, which are called affiliate programs. Through these offers, a third-party Internet participant who has nothing to do with the service can attract users and receive remuneration for this.

Where to start for a newbie? First, you need to find the right partner. The following resources are good to get you started:

  • OZON online store. Each successful purchase of an attracted client brings a certain percentage to the partner. To do this, it is not necessary to own your site, only referral links will be enough. This site is a great way to earn money for beginners, as absolutely everything is sold here, therefore, everyone can choose what is closest to him.
  • Affiliate website, the purpose of which was to earn money on the referral system.

On the Internet you can find many similar offers, you just need to choose the one that you like.

Each program requires compliance with the conditions established by it and mandatory registration. After that, you can start advertising the selected product using one of the following methods:

  • Advertising on your own site is considered to be the best option because the owner can dispose of it at will and even make it completely advertising. This method is the most popular and most profitable, although it significantly increases the time and financial costs.
  • Placing ads on your blog, forum or YouTube channel. All that is required is a suitable affiliate program and an interesting article or video about the required product. This method is less expensive than the previous one.
  • All annoying spam. To work, you need to register on various forums, websites and place advertisements for the promoted product. The method cannot be called as effective as the methods described above, but it is still able to bring additional income. True, not every affiliate program can agree to cooperate on such terms, as this can harm its reputation.

The level of earnings largely depends on the chosen method. There are many people in the world who earn income only in this way.

Known and proven programs

The best proven referral systems are:

  • This oldest and most popular exchange always has unique content. The partner can count on 25% of the amount that the copywriter and optimizer will earn.
  • is considered the most effective service for buying and selling articles and links. The largest number of users are registered here. The system works daily with a fairly large financial turnover, so a small percentage of the partner's remuneration (2.5%) can turn into a quite decent amount of money.
  • TLA - Text Link Ads- the best western link exchange, cooperating with both Russian and English sites, the PR of the main page of which is 3rd and higher.
  • LinkFeed- a young, but already managed to earn popularity project. Similar to, but has a much smaller number of users. The amount of payment for each attracted partner is equal to 25% of own commission.
  • article exchange. Anyone who needs paid posting of an article resorts to her services. It is a very profitable affiliate program, since the number of articles sold daily is very large.
  • paid reviews and contextual links. The payment of the project is 20% of the commission for each attracted partner. The project has a large number of sites and a considerable number of optimizers.

How to search for subscribers / buyers

In order for an Internet business to start generating income, you need to learn how to sell. In turn, successful sales are impossible without the appropriate knowledge and ability to offer.

Only that part of the population that needs and is interested in the offered goods can be pushed to purchase. The implementation of this goal is largely facilitated by the presence of the target audience or subscriber base. Each subscriber can become a potential buyer, respectively, the larger the base, the greater the chance.

The main ways to collect subscribers:

  • own site;
  • social network;
  • forum;
  • paid method.

Placing a subscription page is impossible without your own website. Instead of client data (name and e-mail address), you should offer something interesting, valuable and attractive. For example, it could be a free e-book, a free course, or something useful that is rarely found in the public domain.

After the selection of a gift is completed, you can continue to create a subscription page. Automation of the process can be achieved through the use of a special code: the reader can expect to receive a gift only after confirming the subscription. To achieve this goal, you can use one of the special mail services that can speed up and simplify the process of subscribing and mailing. After receiving the code, you just need to place it on the page of your own website under the image and description of the gift.

Where should visitors come from on this page? For example, from a popular and visited own site. In addition, a social network (Vkontakte, Facebook, etc.) has good traffic. Almost every visitor from there will be targeted, since no one forced him to go.

An interesting announcement on a blog and a subscription page on a social network or on a thematic forum is a good source of first subscribers.

And now about paid methods - much faster and more effective:

  • advertising in other people's mailing lists;
  • purchase of advertising on a promoted and visited site;
  • contextual advertising.

How much can you earn?

The amount of potential earnings is of interest to many people. It is impossible to give an exact figure, since the amount of income depends on the following factors:

  • From the quality (interestingness) of the offer. If a product or service that a person has decided to become a partner is in demand and popular among buyers, has an adequate price, quality and good characteristics that can withstand competition among similar products, then the level of sales will be quite high, therefore, the amount of income will increase.
    For example, if a smartphone of a well-known brand is much more expensive through a referral system than in similar online stores, then you can’t count on high sales and income.
  • From the number of offers. A large number of offers allows you to count on a higher level of income.
  • From the quantity and quality of traffic that comes up for an offer. Only a large number of target audience allows you to achieve good sales.
  • From the relevance (correspondence) of the offer to its location. Thus, advertising a training course on how to make money on the Internet does not in any way imply posting a link on a forum dedicated to growing tomatoes.
  • From the amount of commission. The higher the percentage or monetary value of the commission, the better.

About the pros and cons

The formation of a complete picture of earnings is impossible without reflecting the main advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

The main advantages of the work are:

  • Availability. Almost every person with an average level of computer proficiency can start earning in this way.
  • High level of income. The affiliate program allows you to reach good earnings during the first month of work (from 100 to 1000 dollars or more).
  • Opportunity to start from scratch and without investments. So, the link can be placed on the forum, VKontakte, classmates or any other social network, and this only requires time.

The disadvantages of the activity include:

  • Instability. The same effort can give different levels of income. This is usually influenced by factors such as the seasonality of the product offered and its relevance in the current period of time.
  • Risk of loss of time and money. For example, paid link advertising may not lead to the desired result, therefore, the partner will lose the money spent.

Financial risks can be minimized by choosing the right affiliate program and carefully studying the factors that affect the amount of income.

Video material about this field of activity

On the following video you can learn a few nuances about making money on referral systems:

In this section, we present you an article by our author and expert on affiliate programs Igor Krestitin, in which you will learn the most popular affiliate earnings schemes, as well as how a beginner from scratch to make the first money on affiliate programs.

    • Introduction from the editor
    • Step-by-step algorithm of affiliate earnings for beginners
    • 2 main pluses for beginners who are just learning to make money on the Internet
    • What is better to advertise in affiliate programs
    • How and on which sites to advertise an affiliate program on the Internet
    • How guaranteed to earn 50,000 rubles on affiliate programs
    • What kind of traffic is best for affiliate programs
    • Watch the author's video about making money on affiliate programs
    • What to do right now to earn in affiliate programs from 50,000 rubles in the next 45 days

You may have noticed that there are many businesses. And I always had a question: how, using these businesses, can I make my own?

The following conditions have always been important to me:

  • sitting at home on the couch =)
  • no product purchases or cold calls
  • without millions of start-up capital

And, ideally, traveling, making time for family and friends. And I found a scheme for such a business - this is earnings on affiliate programs

Introduction from the editor

The editor-in-chief of Lifehacker, Andrey Merkulov, in his recent video, told how he relates to affiliate programs and showed his start scheme if he didn’t have a team, but there was a burning desire to make money on the Internet.

Step-by-step algorithm of affiliate earnings for beginners

Choose a business (direction) in which you yourself are already buying

Those. in fact, you yourself are already the target audience, and it will be easier for you to find customers. 2nd reason - you have proved with your own money that the product is sold / bought.

Ideal - if you take a training project (infobusiness), in which you yourself are trained. Why? Here are products with a very low cost, which means you can get more money from this =)

Case - 25,000 rubles from the sale of information courses

For example, maximum from one sale I received about 25 thousand rubles=)) and there may be more than one such sale per month =))

Negotiate an affiliate program with a business

To partner means to agree on the supply of traffic (“leads”) to this business.

2 options for connecting to an affiliate program

  1. if you already have an affiliate program- just connect to it, register an affiliate account and start driving traffic
  2. if there is no affiliate program- set up your own affiliate program for business (for example via tds systems like keitaro)

From experience, for beginners, it is easier to choose the 1st option, because. this is done very easily, in 3 minutes =) For example, here is an affiliate program (by the way, a very good affiliate program, on which I (Igor) earned more than one tens of thousands :-))

Start PR and drain traffic through an affiliate link

So, let's say you signed up for an affiliate program. Now you should take your affiliate link and start promoting it.

2 main pluses for beginners who are just learning to make money on the Internet

Dummies always have a lot of questions and little money in order to build a full-fledged online business structure - traffic + sales + order fulfillment. In affiliate programs, everything is much simpler - since you only need to make traffic.

  1. The partner organizes the entire sales process, collection of applications, dialing, reminding letters - those. professional affiliate managers will sell
  2. A partner provides a service or delivers a product for you

What is better to advertise in affiliate programs

In media affiliates that sell courses, it’s better to promote a free product/offer (because people are more likely to respond to a free product than a direct sale).

In commodity partnerships that sell physical goods(Chinese business, cpa-networks) it is better to advertise a selling page right away.

How and on which sites to advertise an affiliate program on the Internet

In the beginning, it is better to use free and inexpensive advertising channels.

An example of free advertising channels

  1. Your Youtube videos with an honest review of the affiliate product
  2. Your articles on the site with a product review (it is optimal to start your own mailing list to interact with subscribers)
  3. torrents
  4. Social media posts
  5. Adding friends to the target audience (in different social networks)
  6. Personal recommendations offline

Cheap ways to advertise

  1. Buying inexpensive posts in public VKontakte
  2. Different ways of lead generation
  3. Buying issues in paid email newsletters
  4. Targeted advertising VKontakte
  5. Advertising in the Yandex advertising network (a lot of hot traffic, but the cost depends on the topic)

Also pay attention to our inexpensive seminar - 50 ways to make money online.

Advertising on the resources of your friends and acquaintances and partnership with them for %

If you have friends with your traffic channels, you can choose an affiliate program for them and negotiate with them about advertising

  1. at a huge discount for
  2. advertising for % of sales

Algorithm for quick earnings on affiliate programs without your own website

  1. you negotiate with the owner of the affiliate program about increased commissions, provided that you place yourself on well-known sites (preliminarily make a list of sites)
  2. learn about the second level partner when you can bring partners and receive % from partner earnings, if any - register a separate advertising account for the partner using your affiliate link (the partner is assigned under you)
  3. you agree with your friends about advertising for a percentage or at a big discount

For example, I arranged this with a friend who had a mailing list. I just wrote letters for her and selected an affiliate program, and he sent them through his database. And the profit was divided in half =) by the way, so I earned my first 70 thousand rubles per month =)

Reverse traffic monetization

It is also important to consider an interesting life hack, which I call “reverse traffic monetization”

For example, when I did an advertisement in a group on the topic "simoron", I, investing 200 rubles, received about 3,000 rubles. Just because I found a really live group and gave people what they were interested in (namely, teaching "simoron" or "fulfillment of desires")

How guaranteed to earn 50,000 rubles on affiliate programs

I have coaching in which I help you earn the first 50,000 rubles, while I guarantee under the contract (!) That you will earn them. Sign up for the program at this link

Of course, you can postpone and look for the best, simple, fast and proven ways on the free Internet, or you can accept my offer without risk (!), since you are guaranteed to earn more than the cost of this program or get all your money back, without any conditions.

Few people give such a guarantee for educational programs, because a lot depends on the student, and not just on the teacher. But our scheme is so proven that we took this step.

What kind of traffic is best for affiliate programs

The best traffic is the one in which you understand at least a little bit

It is likely that you have already studied advertising channels and you have some experience - you were getting clicks. Tune those channels first.

For example, some time ago I poured traffic through Youtube to my old health product, but I got very little from it - about 5 thousand per month (a subscriber brought about 2 rubles).

Then, just starting to pour traffic through Youtube to another, more profitable topic, I managed to earn more than 100 thousand rubles (a subscriber brought about 20 - 30 rubles).

Watch the author's video about making money on affiliate programs

What to do right now to earn in affiliate programs from 50,000 rubles in the next 45 days

If you want to be trusted step by step, in the format 1 - 2 - 3, to a result of 50,000 rubles in 45 days on affiliate programs (from scratch), then click the link now!

Hello dear readers, today we will talk about what affiliate programs exist for making money without a website. This topic is quite extensive, since there are a lot of such affiliate programs. But first, let's try to figure out how you can earn on affiliate programs?

Earnings on affiliate programs - the principle of work

There are affiliate programs on a very large number of large sites. They play a very significant role in the life of these sites, allowing them to make sales, increase traffic, and later turn them into customers. That is, affiliate programs are a kind of assistants for large sites that not only help other users earn money, but also raise the popularity of the resource itself.

You probably already guessed that affiliate programs are also possible to bring your earnings on the Internet to the machine. And this means that you will have to “tighten up” for a couple of weeks, and then the money will come to you without your participation. Perhaps this is the biggest plus of affiliate programs.

Now let's take a closer look at what affiliate programs themselves are. This term itself sounds somehow bewitching and it seems that it is something complex and incomprehensible. But in fact, affiliate programs, for the most part, are systems based on links. Let's move on to a small example.

Suppose you register with an online store that has an affiliate program. After you have managed to register, you go to the appropriate section, which will describe the earning opportunities with these sites, conditions, rules and much more. But the most important thing is that after registration you will get the opportunity to generate unique product links that will be linked to your account statistics.

You can then place these links wherever and however you like. The main thing is that people follow them and make purchases of goods. Then, for a successful transaction, you will receive a percentage of the transaction amount. Usually it is 5-30%.
Tempting, isn't it? Some sites allow you to get not only links, but also banners, html codes (which you can already place on your personal site) and much more.

Let's summarize: earning on affiliate programs is an opportunity to customize, with the help of competent placement of affiliate links.

What are these affiliate programs for making money without a website?

A website, when making money on affiliate programs, is just one of the tools that you can use to increase the visibility of links from affiliate programs. Although with the help of your own website you can significantly increase the amount of earnings, it is still not the only option.

All affiliate programs for earnings do not require you to have a website. Affiliate does not care where you place links and where traffic will come to their resource. The most important rule is to place links where your target audience lives. And to find such places, you will need to think a little, analyze and collect data.

You should also take into account that the process of choosing sites for placing links from affiliate programs is one of the most important. In order not to make mistakes and not to do a large amount of work, and it will turn out to be in vain, you will need, as mentioned above, to find places for target users to discuss certain goods and services. It can be groups in social networks; discussion threads on forums; or ; under articles, videos or photos, etc.

List of the most popular affiliate programs for making money without a website is a very good product affiliate program, where a large number of products are available for sale, divided into categories for ease of use. Very often, this affiliate program is advised for beginners in order to try out this type of income and “fill bumps”. is an online electronics store with fairly low prices and an attractive program for partners. The site has been operating since 2005 to this day, which allowed the owners to gain good credibility. Therefore, you should not worry that people, following your links, will be afraid to buy electronics.

Aliexpress - and, of course, how could it be without this giant trading platform and a leader in its industry. There is a separate article on our website in which you can find out detailed information about making money on Aliexpress, which you can read.

In general, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information and not engage in mediocre transfer, I suggest that you visit, which has a huge list of affiliate programs for making money. But the most important thing is that the list is constantly updated, and in addition it is structured by subject. So come, look, choose and try.

Why making money on affiliate programs without a website is beneficial for you?

Those users who have vast experience in website promotion can make money on affiliate programs with the help of websites. If you are new to this segment, then it is better to start getting money from placing affiliate links on free sites, and only then, when the earnings turn into a passive process, move on to creating your own online resource.

Here are some problems that you will face when making money on affiliate programs through a personal website:

  • The theme of your site should correspond to the theme of the affiliate program. If you work with several affiliate programs of different topics, then you will have to create a separate site for each of them;
  • To create a website, investments are required, at least minimal for a domain and hosting;
  • It is not enough just to create a website - it must also be visited, and this requires knowledge of SEO. By the way, in most cases website promotion also requires investments;
  • In addition, your site needs to be filled with content, and this, most likely, you will again need investments to buy articles on stock exchanges or order texts from copywriters.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time. But, I think that these disadvantages will be enough to convince beginners to start making money on affiliate programs without a website.

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