How to make money on YouTube from scratch. Withdrawal of earned funds

How to make money on YouTube from scratch. Withdrawal of earned funds


The audience of the YouTube service is very large - about 800 million users, and it would be foolish not to use it to make money, because wherever a lot of people accumulate, it's good to get money from advertising. And from this article you will learn how and how much you can earn on YouTube today.

  • Necessary skills to make money on YouTube
  • How to start making money on YouTube?
  • What should the video be?
  • How much can you earn on YouTube?
  • Financial investment to organize your business on YouTube
  • Legalization of activities
  • What taxes do you have to pay when making money on YouTube?

Necessary skills to make money on YouTube

The first thing you need to do in order to earn income on YouTube in the future is to register and create an account. Since this video hosting is a Google service, if you already have a profile there, go to it under your name, and then follow the link If you don't have an account, you'll have to create one.

After registration, you need to edit your profile and create a channel. In principle, the procedure here is quite standard: you need to fill in personal data, set an avatar, choose from the proposed options for the design of the channel header, or create and upload your own theme. But it is better to use the second header option to uniqueize your channel. Also, a beautiful and neat appearance of your page will attract new subscribers, so be careful when choosing a channel design if you have serious intentions to make money.

How to start making money on YouTube?

Consider how to quickly create your own channel on the Google YouTube service:

  • click the "Add video" button;
  • upload the video, edit it online if necessary (you can trim the beginning and end of the video, set subtitles, change the location of the video to horizontal and vice versa, etc.);
  • invite as many friends to watch your video and ask them to become your subscribers as much as you can;
  • subscribe to the channels of other users yourself.

All these actions can be done quickly in one, two, three. It is much more difficult to go through the next step to make money on the YouTube service and monetize your channel - the step of gaining subscribers. To get the first income, you must have at least 500-1000 subscribers. After gaining such a number of regular visitors, you can think about ways to monetize the portal on YouTube. Consider 2 popular types of income generation:

  1. using the affiliate program of the service;
  2. by placing direct ads in the video.

To earn money in the first way, you need to register in the affiliate program on YouTube, place an advertising tape on your videos and start earning money by clicking on ads. Surely, you saw when watching various videos how ads appeared at the bottom during playback. Or when before watching a video, the user is forced to watch a video ad that cannot be closed within the first 5 seconds. This is exactly what the videos look like, the authors of which make money on the YouTube affiliate program.

To place direct advertising in your videos, you need to find your customers who would like to place their information on a paid basis. Customers can be found through special services or on their own by posting ads about finding a partner on your blog, in specialized forums, and on social networks. The essence of such advertising is as follows: before the start of the video or at the end of it, you make a reservation that this or that partner, company, service was the sponsor of the show, making a clickable link to it in the video itself or in the comments to it. You can also try to dedicate an entire video to reviewing your partner's services or products: for example, you can make an announcement about your customer's new iron, demonstrating all the charms and functions of this product. In fact, there are a lot of approaches for placing direct advertising in a video, show your imagination and the result will not be long in coming.

Not so long ago, aspiring video bloggers are already becoming millionaires thanks to YouTube. One of the brightest examples is Ivangay, who created a channel in 2013, and a year later had 1 million subscribers, and now his number of subscribers exceeds 10 million.

So what is the secret to success? In fact, there are many secrets, so I decided to make an instruction for beginners - how to make money on youtube from scratch.

Let's not kid ourselves that great videos are easy to make. In reality, this is shooting dozens of takes, hours of long editing and video optimization for the needs of the audience.
Step-by-step instruction:

Many people think that it is enough to create a channel, upload a few videos with a beautiful picture, and you will already start getting a lot of views and new subscribers! This is partly true, but you need to perform 3 steps:

1. Proper channel creation and setup

The first thing to do is to decide on the subject of the future channel, both the speed of development and the profit per 1,000 views depend on it. The more solvent the audience watches the video, the higher the profit will be, respectively.

  • Automotive: $2 - $6;
  • Finance (forex, earnings, etc.): $1.5-5;
  • Humor: $0.5-2;
  • Games: $0.5-2;
  • Music: 0.3-1.5$;
  • Blogging: 0.15-1.25$.

After choosing a suitable topic, go to the name of the channel, it should be concise, unique and easy to remember. It is desirable that the viewer can always find your channel through a YouTube search.

Take a free tutorial from YouTube on channel setup - YouTube.

The next step is to select a beautiful avatar (user icon), it must be of high quality and unique in order to stand out from the rest. A separate word should be said about the design of the channel header.

The image in the header should be 2560×1440 pixels, where the visible area falls on the center of the image with a size of 1546×423. Don't forget to add social account profiles, in the future, viewers will start following, which will give a chance to start.

Here is a good header example:

The final part of the setup is adding a short and positive description of 300-400 characters, as well as adding keywords. Keywords are comma-separated phrases that are most often typed in searches on your subject. 5-15 phrases are enough that reflect the whole essence of your channel.

2. Creating quality videos

What is a quality video? — This is a video where there is a good picture resolution, there is a properly built plot and a tuned sound without wheezing and sudden changes in the voice.

3. Proper video optimization

Proper video optimization is one of the most important steps for the rapid growth of a YouTube channel. Thanks to the right approach, you can immediately get 10-100 thousand views per month without additional promotion.

If your browser is Chrome, then I recommend installing the extension - VidIQ(will help in identifying popular keywords and video optimization).

Selection of the topic and keywords for the video
Before you start recording a video, be sure to check the popularity of the topic. To do this, just check a few keywords using services such as KeyWord Planner and WordStat. Or just watch related videos – how many views do they get?

Attractive video title and preview
The name of the video must necessarily contain a key phrase, but the name must be interesting. For example, the key phrase "earnings on YouTube", then you can make an attractive video title "Create earnings on YouTube more than $ 1000 per month".

The second thing is to pay attention to the preview. A preview is a picture for a video that makes it clear to the viewer what he will see there. Therefore, the picture should be made spectacular and it is desirable to duplicate the name of the video in the preview (this is how they click more often).

Calls to Action

At the beginning of the video, it is recommended to make a call to action, for example, subscribe, like, or recommend another one of your videos, for example, using an annotation. And at the end of the video, you should display related videos and a subscribe button.

After all the steps above, your number of views will gradually begin to grow, and with it the number of subscribers, and you are ready to learn how to make money on YouTube from scratch.

But do not rush to earn money, first you should promote your channel and video to more significant values ​​- this will significantly increase profits. For advertising, it is better to get at least 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 views per month.

But how quickly can this be achieved? There are a whole host of both free and paid ways that increase popularity, and as a result, increase earnings from future advertising and sponsors.

Promotion of the channel and video on YouTube

In fact, all the current popular video bloggers have used several ways to promote their channel and videos on YouTube, but few people admit it. Therefore, we also silently unwind on YouTube.

Free ways to promote on YouTube

1. Leave comments under popular videos
It is worth leaving comments under other people's videos, but your comment must be positive at the same time, so that the author of the video does not delete it for spam. Example: “Cool video! By the way, I also released a video on this topic not long ago. .

2. Advertising exchange with thematic channels
This method is used by many video bloggers and it brings good results. Look for video bloggers at your level and offer them mutual PR. Well, if you flashed at least once with a popular video blogger, then you have a chance to get tens of thousands of new subscribers (if the content is good)!

3. Social networks / Forums / Peekaboo
Share your video in various popular groups through comments on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Find thematic forms that also allow you to upload videos and always in popular branches, leave the video in the comments.

Well, if you have an entertaining video, then we fill the rating on Peekaboo and publish your video. Sometimes publishing a video from there can bring up to 100 thousand views in a few days.

Paid and fast ways to promote on YouTube

1. Order advertising in groups of social networks
Sociate is an advertising exchange where there are practically all groups from contact and classmates. We select groups of 400-500 thousand subscribers and order advertising for your video for 300-350 rubles. You will get a lot of views and new subscribers!

2. Cheat in exchanges
In second place in terms of popularity is the cheating of views, likes and subscribers. Released a new video, but no views? We order 1,000 views and 100 likes, and then real people themselves will notice your video in the news. What exchange to use for this?

The truth is, the disadvantage of this method is that it is forbidden and if YouTube suspects cheating on you, it will remove a certain number of views.

3. Pre-rolls from other bloggers
Pre-roll is an advertising insert at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the video, where a channel or a certain product is recommended. This is a very effective type of advertising, although such inserts cost 5-10 thousand rubles for bloggers with 100,000 subscribers.

4. Contact the SocLike agency
There are special media agencies that deal with PR of the channel or individual videos. Unfortunately, many work only with large channels, or with large investments of money. But there is also an alternative service.

SocLike - they can separately recruit subscribers, make views, order likes and comments. In general, everything that a standard pr agency does is 10 times cheaper.

Service prices:

  • Subscriber price: 1.5 - 2 rubles;
  • Viewing price: 0.8-1.1 rubles;
  • Like price: 1.2 - 2 rubles;
  • Comment price: 4.8 - 7.8

1. Affiliate program
Advertising can be connected with only 300 subscribers and 5,000 views per month, but I hope you promote your channel to 10,000 subscribers. And you can connect advertising either directly from Adsense or use a partner media network, such as Vsp Group.

2. Selling goods through YouTube
I have already told you more than once how you can make good money selling goods from AliExpress. You can learn more about this -. It is easy enough to reach the level of 100,000 rubles per month, although the disadvantage of such a business is that you gain few subscribers and the views will be at the level of 30-50 thousand per month.

3. Direct sale of advertising
Various pre-rolls and integrations belong to this type. When they contact you directly and order a small advertisement for their channel or product. Where you just need to say a few words and leave a link at the very beginning of the description.

Such advertising can bring in 3-10 thousand rubles if your videos gain an average of about 80-100 thousand views. Imagine that we have 10 videos per month, then our income will be at the level of 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.

4. Hidden advertising
Hidden advertising is available only to the most popular video bloggers; they earn more than 1 million rubles a month on YouTube, thanks to the fact that they wear clothes of certain brands, ride a certain brand of car and eat in the right places. And they can also receive a good fee for the positive mention of the brand.

5. Selling ads on other social networks
When your popularity grows on YouTube, then Vkontakte, classmates and instagram begin to subscribe to you. And in these social networks, you can start advertising posts, for example, using the same Sociate exchange.

All income will come from advertising, so initially choose the right topic where there is a paying audience, or go to the topic where videos get millions of views per day.

Release videos 2-3 pieces a week, try to choose only the most interesting topics that may be of interest to a wide range of people.

Try to contact the viewer more often and ask questions that require answers in the comments, this helps to rank the video higher among others, which ultimately leads to more views.

Keep up with the times, see what trend is gaining momentum and shoot a video on this topic. Perhaps you will catch the popularity due to the infusion into the trend.

I think this instruction will help novice video bloggers understand how to make money on YouTube from scratch, and a lot of money. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

Have you ever wondered how much they earn on YouTube? By the way, this video portal is one of the most promising places for making money on the Internet. In this article we will tell you how and how much you can earn here. You can also read a lot of useful information in the article:

How much do you earn on YouTube?

Let's start with the fact that here they do not pay wages, but receive income. Therefore, the amounts can be completely different: from 0 to 1,000,000 rubles, and sometimes even higher. In order to understand this topic, let's first deal with the question: "What can I earn here"?
YouTube is a video portal with an audience of several million people. Therefore, to make money here, you will need videos that are interesting for this multimillion-dollar audience. Moreover, one video will not be enough: you will need to systematically add new videos.
To get started, come up with a theme for the channel. These can be cooking videos, product reviews of an online store, video trainings and much more. You can earn from this in several ways:
Direct Advertising
Ad blocks
Referral links

How to make money on direct advertising?

In the first case, they advertise a product, company or service in the video itself. In this case, income is received in the form of payment from the owner of the advertised company. You set the amount of payment yourself, but there are always limits. At a minimum, this limit is set by your competitors: if a competitor’s advertising is cheaper, then your client may go to him.
In any case, you first need to achieve a certain number of views and subscribers. Practitioners advise looking for advertisers after 1,000 people or more have subscribed to your channel. You choose a potential advertising customer, contact him and offer services.

Ads must be relevant to the interests of your subscribers. The easiest way is to advertise products of the area that is inherent in the subject of your channel. For example, you talk about raising a child from the cradle. Here it is easier to find an advertiser who produces clothes, furniture, food or toys for children. An advertisement for a private children's clinic would also work. And it's the same with other areas.

How to install ad blocks on your videos?

In the second case, your channel displays ads from YouTube's well-known partner, Google. Here you pay per click. That is, the more people view your channel, the more money you get. It should be borne in mind that the price of a click must be divided in half, since the owners of the video portal take half of your earnings.

Here is how much you will earn on YouTube:

In order to make a profit in this way, you will need to register in the video portal affiliate program. (
To join the ranks of channel partners, you will need a large number of subscribers and views. By the way, after the approval of your application, you will have new opportunities for video design.

Where can I get referral links?

Referral links are links that lead to the website of an online store (to the main page, page with a product or category). The secret of this link is that if someone who clicks on it buys something on the site, a percentage of this purchase is credited to your account. In order to receive such a link, you need to register in the affiliate program.
You can post links under the video or in the comments. Of course, in the video itself it is worth telling and explaining what it is for. The easiest way to make money on this method is to do reviews of the products that you link to below.


The number of popular YouTube channels is growing every day. And some manage to achieve popularity gradually, while for others it comes suddenly with one loud video. Of course, the second way is unplanned. Therefore, be patient and start developing your channel on the portal in stages and measuredly. Good luck in your endeavors!

The reputation of a user on YouTube is measured by the number of views of his video and by the number of followers. The most popular bloggers earn millions of rubles a month on their videos! And for this now years of hard work are not needed. The Internet offers a solution on how to get YouTube subscribers quickly, cheaply and with minimal risk.

Indeed, attracting subscribers is available to a person with any income level, including channel owners who do not have the opportunity to invest in their promotion.

I would like to warn everyone who wants to quickly promote the channel: you won’t be able to do it on your own - subscribers must be real people. No changes in the mac-address of the computer, bots and hacker programs will help with this. Prior to this, the YouTube administration actively monitored suspicious activity and cunning users were instantly banned. In 2017, the company's policy has not changed; it is just as easy to get an account blocked.

how to get real subscribers on youtube

  • Online services, programs and software that allow you to attract users to your channel. It works as follows: the owner of the channel registers on one of the sites (there are many of them -,, etc.) and there is a mutual exchange of useful actions with other users according to the principle "you give me - I tell you". There are similar applications for Android phones of almost any version.

  • You can find bot programs for which YouTube does not yet send to the ban. Although there are no guarantees that tomorrow the video hosting administration will not deal with these services. Examples are Ytmonster and Ilizium Bot.

  • Exchange of subscribers on special forums and social networks. You can gain subscribers by exchanging video links with other interested channel owners. A vivid example is

Attractive in using these methods is the availability, efficiency and lack of danger of being blocked by the administration.

Of course, there are also disadvantages of such a subscription. After all, users are not really interested in the material, do not behave actively on the page and do not share videos with their friends. Therefore, even using a free way to cheat followers, do not forget about the quality of the content. After all, only with the help of interesting videos you can win the audience.

Where and how to buy YouTube subscribers?

Acquisition of subscribers for money is a great opportunity as quickly as possible and without large investments. This option is suitable for busy people, as well as anyone who is skeptical about attracting users for free.

To buy the desired subscribers on YouTube, you need to register on any of the services that offer to attract people, transfer a small amount of money to a virtual account and complete the task. There will definitely be a performer on the site who wants to earn money by performing a useful action.

The cost of acquiring a subscriber is low. It differs depending on the untwisted service. For example, on the site one subscriber costs 1 ruble 20 kopecks, and even asks 5 rubles per person, which is a rather high price. The price on less promoted services is more acceptable - takes the same 5 rubles for a hundred subscribers.

What to look for when choosing a service for promotion?

  • On the price - there are inexpensive services that work in good faith.
  • For user reviews. There are unverified services where subscribers disappear over time. Please note that everyone has this problem - it's a matter of natural selection, some accounts are deleted or banned over time. A small decrease in subscribed people does not always indicate poor performance of the service.
  • No need to buy a lot of subscribers at once. You can check the quality of the service by signing up for a start with hundreds or a dozen subscriptions.
  • It is necessary to follow the news from the world of YouTube - during checks, you should not attract subscribers for a fee.
  • It is not advisable to promote a completely empty channel - for a start, it is worth trying to attract friends and acquaintances as followers.
  • It is necessary to monitor the ratio of views and subscribers, comments and new followers.

Thus, it is not difficult to attract subscribers, especially if you have a supply of money. The main thing is to choose a good service and constantly monitor the process.

Where and how to buy a YouTube account with subscribers?

Today, the finished channel is a separate product on the market. The more it is promoted, the higher its cost.

A ready account is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • you can skip the first difficult stages of channel promotion, as well as avoid problems with its settings;
  • fast promotion and influx of new viewers;
  • there is no need to immediately fill the channel with new material;
  • you can start advertising right away.

The price of a channel with subscribers is quite democratic - from 200 rubles.

You can buy an account on the following popular services.

  • is a proven online store with ready-made accounts.
  • is a Vkontakte group where users post current sales offers. You can not only find an acceptable option, but also negotiate a price on an individual basis. The cost of an account varies from 200 to 1400 rubles (depending on the number of subscribers).
  • is a service that offers empty and filled accounts at loyal prices.

Pay attention to the quality of channel subscribers. It is impossible to check this for sure, but to study the content of the comments under the video, the ratio of views and subscriptions will not be superfluous. In addition, there are statistics sites (for example, Socialblade), where you can evaluate the dynamics of the increase in the number of users watching videos on the channel. Thus, self-assessment of buying an account will help make you a successful blogger for little money.

Programs for cheating

At the end, we will give several examples of programs recognized by users as the most convenient for cheating visitors and channel followers.

  • There are automated programs that allow you to stream other people's videos online, put likes and post comments. In exchange for this, time is given during which other users can watch your video in the same way, subscribe to the channel and write reviews ordered by you. The most popular program for this today is KruTube.

  • A program that runs, like KruTube, in the background and is based on the principle of traffic exchange - ZTube. Is free.
  • RedSurf - its advantages are simplicity and a huge number of registered users.
  • For users who find it more convenient to use the phone, there is the TakeFriend program, which, like most online cheat services, works on the principle of netting - collect points and exchange them for useful actions.

Of course, there are many other programs and services. Therefore, promoting your channel today is not the most difficult task.

Thus, the well-known YouTube video hosting is not limited to demonstrating the creativity of channel owners and watching videos about everything in the world. Today is a great opportunity to earn money. It is not only about making money on the notorious advertising, but also about promoting a personal brand, own products and services. And of course, the more promoted the channel, the higher the popularity of its owner and the more opportunities he has to make money on videos. It is because of this that there is an increased interest in attracting subscribers.

Probably many times you have wondered how to get 1000 on YouTube? For those who create their content on the YouTube website, it is important to have loyal viewers, fans - people who will regularly watch and support, create a certain social group. In the beginning, even though you have a good YT channel, it is difficult to get a regular audience or more subscriptions. You should be able to apply a lot of techniques to help you make your way through hundreds of other YouTube channels.

How to get a YouTube subscription ?

The matter does not seem very difficult, I think that thanks to our guidance you can cope with this task, and without any problems you will achieve what you wanted.

See how to create a channel and earn money.

What to write down to have more people on YouTube

  1. Any tips, results, guides, instructions, do it yourself. Each of us is looking for advice on the Internet. Movie-form tutorials are the best available and easy to understand for the recipient.
  2. Reviews, unpacking. Before buying any item, we want to know something about it. Therefore, at present, almost everything is checked and unpacked. The less casual the form of these reviews and unboxings, the better.
  3. In the end, the most pleasant and simple. Entertainment. Pranks, challenges. Videos on this topic among large YouTubers can be found most often. This is not surprising, because these films have a record number of screenings, because they are watched by all social groups and are not difficult to implement.

How to get your first 1000 followers
on the YouTube

1. Find your theme

Think about what you would like to make videos and what value they will bring to your viewers. Analyze what people want to watch and in what format. See what is already being done and how you could do it better. Follow trends on YouTube.

2. Take care of the studio

You do not need a professional studio, but remember that the quality of the material you provide is a sign of respect for the viewer. Luckily, a regular SLR is enough for HD quality now. Also take care of the sound - there is nothing worse than reverb and hard-to-hear statements. You don't have to be perfect right away, the audience will surely see your development and appreciate it, but try to get the basics right from the start!

3. Create a short welcome video

Imagine yourself! It's worth capturing the attention I see in about a minute to a welcome video and showing them why it's worth staying on your channel for longer. Show interesting moments, tell what to expect from your content. The purpose of the movie should be to convince the viewer to subscribe - don't let them watch a dozen or so minutes of your various videos on the channel so they can decide to subscribe. Get his heart out with the welcome video.

4. Post regularly

This is very important and at the same time very difficult - it requires perseverance, consistency, proper planning and organization. However, it will pay off! Be careful about posting frequency. Think you can add videos every day for the next few years? Maybe it's better to limit yourself to one video per week? Remember that such a decision determines the schedule of your work for a long time. Tip: Be loud about the days and hours of posting so you can build viewer loyalty.

5. Listen to your viewers

Show that commenting pays off by listening to viewer suggestions for themes for the next episodes or making changes. Join the discussion. In this way, you will show your audience that you care about their opinion and that you are close to them, in constant contact. The audience will appreciate it and start treating you like a friend.

6. Take care of titles, tags, thumbnails, descriptions

Place keywords in titles, video descriptions and tags. The video thumbnail is also very important, as they say: stand out or die. Make it just a thumbnail to encourage you to click on the list of search results. Among other things, with thumbnails, you create the first impression for your channel.

7. Take advantage of what YouTube gives you

A poll is also an interesting option - try asking your viewers for their opinion on a given topic. Group your videos into themed playlists - this will organize your content and also allow you to expand the WatchTime indicator, that is, the total length of the videos you watch. Constantly update your channel homepage to show the latest videos that are most popular. Don't forget the main channel aesthetic, which should also be easy to read on mobile.

8. Encourage subscription and click the bell

Remind your audience to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell to always get notifications. If possible, use a graphic overlay to emphasize the importance of the topic. Probably most of the viewers who watch you don't subscribe to your channel, so if you think that the "Subscribe to my channel" message in every episode is repetitive and boring, check your channel statistics to check subscriber engagement in your videos .

9. Work with other creators

Collaborating with more established YouTube creators can be a huge leap forward for your channel. However, it is not enough to invite a guest to your place. The point is to really introduce your channel to a larger audience on a bigger YouTuber, i.e. get his team. Try to find a common theme, an interesting idea and suggest a joint implementation to other creators, and then watch your growing subscriptions.

10. Watch your channel - analytics are important!

All your choices and decisions will be reflected in the channel statistics. Follow everything! Look for dependencies - repeat what worked well and refuse to continue what did not give the expected results. Set numerical goals that you are striving for - only then will you have a guide and motivation to continue working on the channel. To keep up to date, I recommend the YT Studio app - all the numbers, always at hand.

11. Be consistent but don't be afraid to experiment.

Earlier hints may have indicated that if you decide something, you should stick with it. Yes, BUT... If you notice that some things are not working, you should not continue them in force. Maybe it's time for something new? Don't be afraid to experiment, try new formats, new ways to engage your audience. It is important that you stay united and authentic.

12. Write your plan - strategy is the key!

Interested in joining a group of influencers on YouTube? To work - I keep my fingers crossed. The next section of the report shows that there are more and more of them. Therefore, write down your goals and plans - create an action strategy and ... act! Good luck!

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