How to make money in contact. So how do you find clients? How much can you earn in a contact per month

How to make money in contact. So how do you find clients? How much can you earn in a contact per month


Are you one of the users of the social network VK and heard from the corner of your ear that you can earn decent money here? Yes, it is indeed possible, which many users successfully do. Do you want to become one of them? Today we will reveal all the nuances and tell you in detail how to make money on a group in contact.

There are, of course, other small part-time jobs, but you should not count on high incomes there. It is the creation of your own resource - a group or, as they are also called, a public, that can help you reach at least the average salary in your city, and with the right approach, you can count on much more money.

From this article you will learn:

What you need to know about making money on groups in contact

There are tens of thousands of groups and communities on the VKontakte social network. Initially, most were created with the aim of creating a place for communication and information exchange of like-minded people, but it soon became clear that with their help you can get a good income.

How much you can earn on a group in VK is difficult to answer unambiguously, it all depends on many factors, such as:

  • the number of subscribers;
  • subject matter;
  • promotion methods.

If you approach the matter responsibly and correctly use the available promotional funds, over time you can achieve that the community will bring in a month quite sufficient funds for life.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to make money quickly on your group: you need to attract a large number of subscribers, regardless of which method of profit will be used, advertising, partnership or another. And also you need to choose the right profitable topic in which you are guided.

IMPORTANT. If you develop too quickly and with "illegal" methods, the site may block the community for cheating members.

We will tell you in detail about how much the administrators of Vkontakte groups earn and how they do it.

TOP 5 ways to make money on groups in VK

You can start earning with the help of a group in contact using the following ways 👇 :

  • placement of advertising posts;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • offer their services and goods;
  • video placement;
  • sale of a ready-made community.

Many owners often combine them, receiving additional profit.

I have listed and I want to talk in more detail about these 5 options, but of course, everything is not limited to this. As the community develops, you will have new ideas for its monetization, the main thing, as they say, is to start.

Sale of advertising


How many followers do you need to benefit? Most advertisers prefer to cooperate with publics in which the daily reach of users exceeds 20 thousand. If you have achieved this result, register on the Vkontakte website advertising exchange and get a decent profit.

Sale of goods and services

There are two ways to earn money in this case:

  • By organizing an online store- now many are ordering goods from foreign sites such as AliExpress and reselling at a higher cost.

How much can you earn on a VKontakte group in this way? It all depends, again, on the number of subscribers, the relevance of the products offered and their prices. On small products, the owners of a promoted public receive from 1000 rubles per day , for larger entrepreneurs, this amount can reach several tens of thousands.

Partnership programs

To make money on your group, you can use affiliate programs: you sell someone's goods, and for this you get a percentage of the cost. There are many affiliate programs on the Internet, not all of them offer exactly products - a percentage can be paid:

  • for registering and spending a user on a dating site;
  • conclusion of an agreement for the provision of advertising services or the creation of a website;
  • for issuing a credit card at a bank, etc.

ADVICE. You need to choose the right ones that can be of interest to a significant part of the audience of your group, since your earnings directly depend on how much you guess the needs of your audience.

Video placement

How to make money on Vkontakte on video? Quite simply, if the number of subscribers in the group is more than 15 thousand people (such restrictions are in the rules of the sites below). The method works only for live views and is not effective if the number of participants has been cheated. There are two most popular services for cooperation:


Pay per view from 30 to 80 kopecks , so it will be easy for each owner to figure out how much you can earn on your Vkontakte public.

Community Sale

Is it possible to earn big money by selling a public? Definitely yes.

The scheme is simple - just 3 steps:

  • you create a public;
  • attract a certain number of subscribers;
  • put up for sale on third-party services.

ADVICE. If you develop a VKontakte group for a long time, given the time costs, it will not bring you high income. It is much more profitable to create a specialized community dedicated to the release of a new game or a large-scale event, and promote it according to the most popular requests.

An example of a community where you can sell and buy publics

How much the owner of such groups earns on sales is a difficult question, it all depends on the number of subscribers and topics. There are offers up to 1000 rubles and below for relatively new publics, while a well-publicized community can cost tens of thousands.

How much do popular VKontakte groups earn

To learn about the earnings of specific groups, you can look at how much they sell ads for (this is the most common way to make a profit).

Example 1 Community - Placement Price - 14 thousand rubles with an audience of almost 4 million subscribers .

Example 2 "" - the cost of an advertising post is almost 5000 rub. with subscribers in 60 thousand with a ponytail.

Example 3 «» – 3.6 thousand rubles at 1.1 million subscribers .

Example 4 "" - will place an advertising post for 5.7 thousand rubles , audience - 3.3 million joined the community .

An important factor that advertisers pay attention to is daily ad reach, that is, how many people viewed the ad post. This data is also visible on each screenshot.

How to start making money on VK groups - step by step instructions

You already know how to make money on groups in contact, now we will tell you step by step what needs to be done in order to start earning income. To do this, follow 6 steps in sequence 👇 .

Step 1 Choosing a subject

Can be distinguished three main themes, which allow you to earn maximum amounts on VKontakte:

Step 2 Create a group

Almost anyone knows how to create a group in VK: you need to go to the appropriate section on your account and select the "create a community" item. Next, you choose its type, come up with a name, fill in the description and the necessary data.

Step 3 Filling with content

In order to develop a group in contact and make money on it, you need to fill it with interesting and, preferably, unique content.

For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to draw up a schedule according to which records will be fasted.

IMPORTANT. For each audience, hours of activity vary significantly. Therefore, it is important to understand when people who have joined your community are sitting in VK. For example, it is not right for a student audience to post in the morning, as students are either sleeping or in pairs.

All filling work can be done by auto-posting services, which will independently select the appropriate information and post it strictly at the specified time.

Step 4 Promotion

I repeat that before proceeding with the promotion of groups, they need to be filled at least a little, since no one wants to join empty communities.

There are paid and free methods for promotion.


  1. Mutual entry- announcements about them can be found or created in the relevant publics. It is ineffective, since no more than 25-35 people can be recruited per day, who will be inactive.
  2. Cheat by automatic free services. Allows you to attract a larger number per day, but users, as in the previous case, will be inactive.
  3. Mutual advertising. An effective method in the presence of 500 or more subscribers. Consists in search of the groups interested in mutual advertizing.


  1. Buying entries on specialized services. For good promotion, it requires significant costs, while most of the users will not be interested in the topic, and some of them will be bots at all.
  2. Paid advertising. Effective if you have at least a thousand subscribers. The most common option that everyone has seen is adding an incomplete post with a link to the public.

Step 5 Monetization

After the public has gained a certain number of users who have joined, you can start monetization - earning money on the VK group. Place ads, add paid videos, participate in affiliate programs and various projects that offer payment for certain actions - placing orders, registering for services, viewing.

Step 6 Withdraw money

Each affiliate program offers the withdrawal of earned funds to different wallets - YandexMoney, WebMoney, Qiwi.

IMPORTANT. Please note that there is always a certain withdrawal minimum and some have an initial time limit.

What can a beginner expect?

I wonder how much VKontakte communities earn on advertising? The average data is as follows:

  • With 5 or more million subscribers - from 5 to 20 thousand rubles for 1 advertisement.
  • From 500 thousand to 2-4 million people - 1-5 thousand rubles for the post.

For smaller communities, the price is individual and depends on a large number of factors: topics, age and solvency of the audience, and others.

In general, you can successfully earn money in other social networks. Read on and you might be tempted to create your own YouTube channel.

So, we told in detail how you can make money on VKontakte publics and provided approximate income data. As already mentioned, the benefit depends on many circumstances, and often differs greatly among the owners of groups similar in subject matter. Now the main thing is for you to take the first step, knowing that this business can turn out to be quite profitable, and, perhaps, soon you yourself will easily tell anyone how you can make big money on social networks.

Many users visiting social networks have at least once wondered how to make money on VKontakte. Dozens of new communities and groups are being created to make a profit.

Of course, it cannot be said that absolutely everyone wants to “raise” money with the help of a group. People discuss something, share interesting materials with like-minded people, talk about hobbies. But the fact remains that the creators of the groups strive to promote their project as quickly and widely as possible, and receive a lot of money.

How to earn VK using a group?

There are many ways to make money on a group, so first you need to decide on the audience of the community. It is necessary to think over the subject of a new group before its creation. Let's take a look at three popular trends.

1. Business

Entrepreneurship, starting a business - this topic was at the peak of popularity 2-3 years ago, so there are a huge number of such groups. They all share the same problem: they provide the same information, and repeat it every few weeks. If you have thoughts on how to stand out from the crowd with fresh, brighter ideas, success and numerous subscribers are guaranteed.

Advertisers love large and vibrant business-related communities. They will ask for cooperation and people promoting financial pyramids, outright "scammers". It is better to refuse to work with scammers. Otherwise, a mass unsubscribe of followers or BAN from the VK administration may occur.

2. Entertainment theme

Entertainment projects include groups with funny videos, GIFs, jokes, demotivators, rhymes-pies, etc. Despite fierce competition, working in this direction is quite simple. Many users are subscribed to dozens of publics in this vein. In the process of promotion, it is important not to spread out, but to concentrate on certain subgroups and work only on them.

Entertainment groups have one peculiarity: almost the entire audience consists of minors, which means that some advertisers will refuse to post material.

3. Groups with a female theme

The "women's" groups contain materials about home economics, beauty, health, cooking and children. Competition in such communities is high. To get a large number of subscribers, you need to really stand out from the crowd.

Advertisers' prices for such resources are higher, since the audience for the most part consists of people over 20-25 years old with sufficient solvency. This is where affiliate programs of online trading platforms come in perfectly. A beginner can organize a group with quotes, advice about love and family. Such a resource is always actively reposted, commented and liked.

How to create a new group?

Log in to your VK account, click on the tab with groups and select the "Create Community" function (upper right corner). After we select the parameters, the type of community, depending on the needs of the author. For example, the public is more suitable for entertainment topics (here more attention is paid to the wall), and additional materials are laid out on the panels on the side.

A more complex option is groups with a lot of chats, videos and other materials on the main page. They are ideal for business topics and family resources, as they allow you to create many topics for discussion.

If a novice administrator cannot choose between a group and a public page, then you can start by creating a group. If desired, it can be transformed into a public one without losing material, because posts in the news feed are displayed in exactly the same way.

Filling the group

It will take a long time from the moment of creating a group to receiving a constant profit. You can't change that, no matter how hard you try. It remains to believe in your project and actively promote it.

For a successful promotion, a large amount of material is required. In order not to waste precious time looking for interesting and fresh content, you can use services for automatic filling. You need to create a schedule that will indicate when new entries appear. The author can lay out all the prepared material at once. However, the more even the schedule is, the more users will see the posts.

At first, there may be few posts, but each should be carefully thought out. Posts are usually posted in 2-3 hour increments. Everyone chooses the best time for laying out on their own, it all depends on the subject and the contingent of users:

  • businessmen and office workers most often check the tape on their way to and from work and during their lunch break;
  • moms watch the news and visit groups while their kids are sleeping, that is, in the afternoon and evening after lights out.

This is general information about the time of laying out. A more accurate schedule is selected individually according to the observations of the resource administrators themselves.

The top time of activity in VK is the periods from 12 to 2 in the afternoon and from 6 to 9 in the evening. In order not to run too far and not miss the top time, administrators use auto-posting. For example, the free and popular "SOCIATE", in which new posts are added in a given order, and the service itself uploads them according to a set schedule.

Project promotion

By the beginning of the promotion, the group should have at least 20-30 posts. Nobody likes empty and "dead" bands. After completing the minimum, you can begin active promotion. For this, free and paid promotion services are used.

Free promotion services

Beginners are advised to start with free services to see 1000-2000 subscribers instead of 5-10 people. Otherwise, the admin risks losing the money invested. A good start for promoting new groups is mutual subscription to groups. But this method does not guarantee a large influx of subscribers.

Among the free services for cheating, they recommend "Vtope" is an easy-to-use and free program. To get started, add an account that needs to be upgraded. The automatic program will begin to bring subscribers and join other groups. Not fast, but for free .

When there are about 500 people in the group, you can start negotiations on mutual advertising with another group that is close in terms of the number of subscribers and topics. That is, we advertise on their group, and they do the same on their own. This method will not attract millions of subscribers, but it will allow you to get results.

Some administrators are not squeamish about posting spam (quite aggressive) in other groups. This method will most likely not result in subscribers, but may block the project.

Paid promotion

With the help of paid promotion methods, the admin saves a lot of time. For example, in 2-3 weeks you can attract as many subscribers as you would get in 2-3 months using free methods.

On special sites place orders to join the group. The average cost varies from 0.5 to 1 rub. per person with the condition of joining and being in the ranks of subscribers. For about 1 thousand rubles. you can get over 1000 followers. Please note that these people will not actively participate in the life of the community, as a result they will be deleted as "dead" subscribers.

How to make money VKontakte?

After passing the threshold of 1 thousand subscribers, the admin buys ads for his page. To do this, the page must be of high quality. Particular attention should be paid to the avatar, status, discussions and filling with media files.

Advertising is ordered in the same place where they are sold: in special groups and venues. The most difficult thing is to choose the best group with an acceptable price, as well as pick up an advertising post. Finding an attractive and effective post is quite difficult. This process requires checking many options.

In the found post, you must attach the prepared image, preferably without watermarks. Then you need to pin the post to the top of the group's main page. When buying advertising, you need to give part of the text and a picture. The resulting link must be placed in your group.

Earnings on affiliate programs

It is recommended to start earning on the “affiliate program” when the community coverage reaches more than 500 - 700 subscribers per day. With a smaller number of people, earnings will be completely imperceptible.

Affiliate projects are best chosen according to the theme and interests of the followers. Of course, there are also universal offers, for example, Internet hypermarkets, pharmacies, etc. Loud and famous sites always go well ( AliExpress, and etc.). Large stores have delivery in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, which will not allow potential buyers to turn away from the offer. The amount of earnings on a solid affiliate program largely depends on the activity of users.

Video earnings

You can earn income by posting video clips that will bring good passive income. However, only sites with 15,000 or more followers can count on this way of earning. It will not work to wind up a huge number of subscribers, since only live views are counted.

The sites are almost identical, sometimes providing the same material. The first site is in great demand, probably due to a brighter, more interesting interface, a variety of files. Many fairly large publics and groups use this method.

Sale of advertising

Another interesting way to make money is to sell ads. Before the promotion, the groups buy advertising, and after that, being advanced communities, they sell it themselves. Usually this type of earnings is used by publics with 10 thousand followers or more. At the same time, the coverage of subscribers should be more than 1 thousand people per day.

Prices are set by the project managers themselves, on average prices vary from 5 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. for 1000 people. The tactic works here: “Spy on competitors and do it a little cheaper.”

When the number of subscribers exceeds 30K people with stable coverage, then more serious players will become interested in the project. To work with them, you will have to prepare your own price list.

Sale of goods through the VK group

Infobusinessmen will be able to earn by selling their goods or reselling third-party products. For example, order equipment and electronics accessories at the lowest price in China, Vietnam, and then sell through a group at a higher price.

Sale of VK groups

Administrators who love the process of pumping sites can sell their group. They create groups, develop “as for themselves”, achieve an increase in the number of subscribers, good coverage of about 8-10 thousand people per day. And they sell a developed project. At the same time, it should be remembered that when creating publics for sale, you need to register them on the “left” account, since often the site is sold completely with the profile to which it was linked.

It is better not to post ads for sale in VK itself, as the site does not approve of this. Great attention should be paid to the security of the transaction, so as not to run into a scammer, not to be left without money and without a project. In case of deceit, it will not work to complain to the VKontakte administration, since the admin went against the rules.


It is not recommended to invest in the promotion of a public or group without a clear plan. You should not count on quick big earnings here. It is necessary to unwind the group gradually. It is better to use free promotion methods, for example, agree on mutual advertising between groups, try out free cheat services to open access to the first earnings.

Read also:

2018, . All rights reserved. Copying materials only with the permission of the author. out of 5)

How much can a VKontakte group administrator earn for an apartment in Moscow? What car can a regular poster earn in a year? How much do meme creators get paid? Today I will take you on a tour of the "holy of holies" of the largest social network in the CIS. Beware, this post can affect your psyche! Especially if you studied somewhere at the university for a very long time, and now you receive 15,000 rubles a month.

Posters - hard workers of the VK-empire

1. Poster-copypaste. Probably the lowest step in the "vkontaktovskoy" hierarchy. Their task is to find interesting content on the Web, save it to their computer, and then upload it to a given group using special delayed posting programs or simply the Timer function inside VKontakte itself. Over the past few years, copypastors have been actively trying to supplant the abundance of programs that do all these actions automatically, but still the human eye and assessment are better reflected in the final result. Most often, schoolchildren or students act as posters, earning money in this way for pocket expenses.

Copy-paste posters receive, on average, 2 rubles per post. An experienced poster uploads more than 5,000 posts per month, claiming a monthly salary of 10,000 rubles (the upper bar that I met is 25,000 rubles).

2. Lead poster. This is no longer a schoolboy, and often not even a student. As a rule, he has a higher education, good taste and the ability to look for really interesting material on the topics of the community entrusted to him. The lead poster does not strive for quantity, its goal is quality! Accordingly, the payment for the work of such a person is higher than that of a simple poster. Leading 5-6 projects per month and posting 30 posts per day in each, the leading poster may well qualify for a salary of 30,000 rubles.

3. Author of commercial communities. The highest-grossing posters are those in commercial communities that combine borrowed content with content they create themselves. Often such a poster is able to come up with a whole series of memes on a given topic or write a series of notes telling about the history of the product that is being promoted in this commercial community. Depending on the qualifications of the author and the number of projects he leads, the salary can reach 55,000 rubles.

Accordingly, in a year, an ordinary VKontakte poster can earn some used VAZ)

Sales managers are the driving force behind business processes in VK

1. Support manager. Advertisers come to the community in several ways, the easiest of which is through the manager's contact, located in the "Contacts" block. That is, the manager actually performs the work of a secretary who accepts an order and controls that this order is completed, the money is credited to the account, and the advertiser is satisfied. If the flow of advertisers is small, often support managers also agree with colleagues on the exchange of advertising in order to mutually increase the statistical indicators of groups. Depending on the scale of the community (and in very small ones, all the functions are performed by the administrator himself), the support manager can count on a monthly salary of 30,000 rubles or more.

2. Sales managers. These are personnel who track advertisers from competitors (by subscribing to all large communities of their subject or using special programs and services), then they make commercial offers and write letters to these advertisers or contact them in any other way. Often, guys register on specialized forums, lead topics there with offers of advertising services for the project, etc. If an employee performs his duties well, the profitability of the group, at least, does not fall, and this pleases the administrators, then they are ready to pay for the work of their "fighters", laying out 60,000 rubles and more.

3. Leading sales manager. A great sales manager can increase the profitability of the community by 1.5-2 times and keep it stable for many months. I know specialists who were able to increase profitability from "tens" of thousands to "hundreds". Such employees come to Vkontakte from advertising agencies (or very talented self-taught). They think globally, so they build whole multi-way trips to get to know one or another purchasing manager of a large advertising agency, and, as a rule, they have connections from their old place of work. It is the leading sales manager who has every chance to receive not only a solid salary, but also a significant% of sales. The total monthly income of a talented sales manager can start from 120,000 rubles. At the end of the working season, you can relax in Italy, for example.

Administrators - the "shadow" guard VKontakte

1. Community administrators from 500,000 subscribers. Now this is a rather small scale, given the general level of development of VKontakte communities. As a rule, the administrator of such a community has only a poster in his assistants, and then rarely, doing all the main work on his own. Profitability strongly depends on the topic of the community: humor, quotes, and so on are quite modestly loved by advertisers, but having a community with 500,000 "young mothers", you can move to live closer to the store with fresh caviar to live quite well. In general, from 60,000 rubles per month (up to 120-150 thousand, to the maximum). Enough for cakes

2. Administrators of communities with an audience of 1,000,000 or more subscribers. An unprepared reader will think that there are only a few such administrators) In fact, there are quite a lot of them, it’s just that their communities do not have any particular charm, they have grown into a brand (like the “Overheard” community, for example, or the well-known scandalous project “MDK”, earning tens of millions a year, by the way). Again, a lot depends on the topic. A good yield is considered to be 120,000 rubles, a good indicator is 200,000 rubles. When the competition was not so obvious, high-quality "millionaires" brought their owners 300,000 each. Probably, with such incomes one can live somewhere far away from dusty Moscow (many did this as soon as they reached a similar level of profitability).

3. Networkers. Elite of the "VKontaktovsky" world. In my understanding, "networkers" are those who were able to collect a network of 5,000,000 subscribers and above. Someone approached the creation of the project as a full-fledged business enterprise, someone bought and merged, someone grew from 1 small project into their own network. However, these are people who have really grown from amateurs to become professionals. They definitely have posters (I don’t know a single networker who would post to their communities himself), they have sales managers, many have managers, most are registered as legal entities. There are really few "networkers", about 50 people. The profitability of the network again depends on the subject and statistical indicators. If the activity is organized correctly, the profitability of a network of 5,000,000 subscribers can easily be 300,000 rubles. A really high-quality network of this size can bring in 600,000 rubles a month. There are networks of 10, 15 and even 25 million subscribers controlled by one administrator. How much can such an administrator earn for an apartment in Moscow? I think in a year (photo of Moscow-City for entourage. To buy an apartment in this skyscraper, you need to sell VKontakte)).

If this post gets a hundred reposts, I will write about how everyone can earn in social networks)

Many people scrolling through their VKontakte feed often think, but how much can you earn on the VKontakte group? Of course, everything seems very simple, you post news to your community, advertise it among your friends and place ads for tens of thousands of rubles.

In this article, we will tell you how much VKontakte community administrators actually earn, what is needed for this and how they do it.

To begin with, we give a table, and then we will understand what and where it comes from.

How do they earn?

The main activity of communities is the posting of interesting materials. Accordingly, like many other Internet projects, they make money mainly from advertising. They put an advertising post in the feed of their posts and earn money from it.

There are two main ways to make money on the community:

  • posting regular ads
  • placement of posts from affiliate programs (CPA)

Placement of regular advertising

To begin with, let's talk about services that will help you earn money by placing regular ads.

1. Sociate

This is a service that will allow you to post promotional posts if your group is not very large and not very popular. This is one of the best services where advertisers find communities and order ads, so it's a must to know about it.

The service allows you to choose the time during which the advertising post will be in your community, after which it is deleted.

A rather exotic way to make money on VKontakte groups, because initially this service involved advertising on websites. Its main essence is that SEO-optimizers place links to their sites on other resources. They usually post on other sites, but they can also in communities.

This method is suitable for not very large communities, allowing them to earn a lot of money for their audience. The cost of advertising is low, but placement orders are received very often.

3. VKontakte advertising exchange

The official exchange is the most popular platform where advertisers and community administrators meet. Sponsored posts will appear in your community for a while and then be deleted.

This exchange has a big minus. It is very difficult to get into it. To get into it, your group needs a lot of subscribers and a large reach. What is community coverage we will talk to you a little later.

Posting from affiliate programs (CPA)

CPA is the cost per action. The bottom line is that you are given a link, for example, to a game. You post it in your group and you get paid only when someone clicks on the link and reaches some level in this game.

This is a very difficult way to make money on the VKontakte group. Because you have to prepare an advertising post yourself and you must have a large enough audience.
We will not provide you with links to these affiliate programs, because there are already a lot of them on the Internet. We will talk about which one is better another time.

What do you need to earn?

At first glance, it may seem that the more subscribers, the more group administrators earn. It's not like that at all. There are indicators such as total reach and single post reach.

Total reach (daily reach) is the number of people who saw your news. If one person saw different news, then this number still increases.

The reach of one post is the number of people who saw your post.

There have been times when the group has almost a million people, but its reach is on par with a group of 100,000 people. Despite the million subscribers, the cost of advertising is very low, and therefore the income is low.

How much do they earn on VKontakte groups?

Finally, we come to the most interesting question.

The data below is based on our own experience with VKontakte groups, as well as on the basis of data from our colleagues. These are averaged data in the worst perspective.

Of course, this data is very vague and you will not find exact figures on how much VKontakte communities earn anywhere. But, you yourself can calculate how much this or that community earns.

There are groups that:
500,000 subscribers, 20,000 post reach, $27,000 revenue
500,000 subscribers, 50,000 post coverage, revenue 200,000 rubles
1 million subscribers, 50,000 post coverage, revenue 54,000 rubles

What is the difference? The difference in the activity of subscribers and the popularity of the group in the world.

Also, it happens that the group is not very large, but brings a lot of money to the owner, because he advertises his online store in it.

To find out how much a group administrator earns approximately, you should carefully monitor the published news throughout the month. Calculate the number of advertising news and multiply this figure by the cost of one advertising news (you can find out the cost from the administrator himself or in his price list).

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