Where to buy live subscribers on YouTube without writing off. How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch

Where to buy live subscribers on YouTube without writing off. How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch


I welcome you, my readers, to the pages of this blog. This article will talk about how to make money on YouTube from scratch. There will be a lot of useful information, especially for beginners. So, let's begin.

1. Earn money on YouTube - what should you do?

Video version of the article:

At first glance, everything is very simple. All you need is:

  • Create a channel;
  • Choose a topic for your video channel;
  • Pick up keywords;
  • Regularly shoot and upload videos (preferably interesting ones);
  • When you have enough subscribers, start monetizing.

Just listing all the actions, I think it will not be enough, you need to talk in more detail about each item. First, I’ll talk about monetization so that you understand that this type of money making is really real.

2. How bloggers make money on YouTube - video monetization

There are two ways to monetize:

  • - Earnings on commercial views;
  • Advertising- the most common type of monetization. The advantage is that ads can be inserted anywhere and any way. For example, at the beginning of the video, in the middle, or in general, all the time, spin some kind of logo in the corner of the screen.

Let's say that at the beginning of our videos for 20 seconds there will be a story about a vacuum cleaner, a store or another product - almost all viewers will see this type of advertising. But if we show ads from affiliate programs, then their display can be easily blocked using the well-known ad block (browser application), which almost every user now has.

If you still doubt whether you can make money on YouTube, just go to any popular channel that has more than 200 thousand subscribers. And you will see ads at the beginning or at the end of the video. Or do you think that bloggers advertise all sorts of different things for free?

3. How to start making money on YouTube?

Now let's talk about how to start earning and what to do. Everything is in order. And before proceeding, I want to say that further I will give some links to our forum. I do this because I don’t want to give too much material in one article and overload you with redundant information.

  1. You need a channel to make money. I will talk about this very soon in a new article and at the same time there will be a video instruction;
  2. If you already have a channel, then you need to start making videos. But what to shoot? About what? How to choose a topic? You will find answers to all these questions here " ";
  3. Next, you need to learn how to choose the right keywords, I wrote about this;
  4. The next step is the promotion and promotion of the channel. You can look at these articles on how to promote a channel at the initial stages: promotion or promotion of a channel on YouTube.
  5. When your channel has enough subscribers, you can start monetizing, namely, connecting an affiliate program. About how to connect an affiliate program, see I will tell in this article: “coming soon”.

3.1. How many YouTube subscribers do you need to make money?

The answer to this question depends on how you are going to monetize the channel: through affiliate programs or through advertising. If you want to connect an affiliate program, you must first select it, and then look at the requirements. There will be written about how many subscribers you need.

If you plan to make money on advertising, then it all depends on the customers. For example, if you have 20 thousand subscribers, then few people will want to buy your ads. It’s another matter if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers, and it’s a completely different matter if there are a million. Firstly, more customers, and secondly, advertising is more expensive.

3.2. How much can you earn on YouTube?

This question is also very popular, because everyone is interested in it. I will not talk about any numbers. If you are really interested, you can ask how much bloggers earn on YouTube. To do this, just go to the TOP of YouTube, then visit several channels from there. Almost always in the description under the video there is a link to the advertising page. You can find all rates there.

If we talk about my little experience in this field, then in a year I was able to gain 500 subscribers. And for me, youtybe is just a tool to improve the blog, not .

So, 500 subscribers and more than 150,000 views brought me only $60.

As you can see from the screen, incomes have recently begun to increase, since I decided to record some videos specifically for the promotion of the channel. And here's what I'll tell you: the more new videos I have, the more my monthly income becomes. Yes, let him be funny now, but in a year an additional 10-20 thousand rubles will not bother me.

3.3. How much do you earn on YouTube for 1000 views - approximate numbers

Why do I say that these are approximate figures? Because no one can say for sure. First, prices are constantly changing. Secondly, each channel has different earnings. So, approximate numbers:

  • Automotive topics - from $3 to $5;
  • Game - from 50 cents to $ 2;
  • Financial - from $2 to $4;
  • Musical - from 40 cents to $ 2;
  • Humorous channels - from 60 cents to $ 2.5;
  • Beauty blogging - from 25 cents to $ 2.

4. How do people make money on YouTube without much effort?

Now I don’t mean various vloggers and let’s play players, they still do at least something. We are talking about viral videos. For example, you filmed how your cat meows funny, and in a day the video will gain a million views. This is what is called a viral video. But I don’t think that you can make money this way, because it’s unlikely that you will be connected to an affiliate program if you promise to make a viral video.

Other people earn on this, who simply collect such popular videos and upload them to their channel, making all sorts of selections. It's also good if they do it with high quality, with jokes and other design, such as +100500 or TIX.

It's still a different matter. But there are such masters who simply stick together from the funny moments they saw for 3 minutes and spread it under the name like “jokes to watch rzhak 2016”. How much money do you think such channels earn on YouTube?

5. How can you make money on YouTube without making a video?

To do this, you need to upload other people's videos - this is logical. We discussed one of these methods above. But you can use not only viral videos.

Any videos that will not be claims due to copyright will do. For example, if there are many channels with reloaded films. Of course, such a channel will most likely not be connected to an affiliate program, but here you can earn on advertising. What can be reloaded? Movies, TV shows, Twitch streams, various video presentations and much more.

However, it should be understood that you will always walk on a sharp blade, for example, not all authors allow someone else to use their video. It's one thing when you make reviews or reviews of other people's videos out of other people's videos, and it's another thing when you stupidly steal someone else's content.

6. How much can you earn on YouTube in a month?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for sure. It all depends on how many subscribers are on the channel, what topics, whether there is an affiliate program, how much advertising costs. Earnings are not stable, because you can buy a lot of ads this month, but not buy any next.

If you are interested in making money on YouTube, visit our forum, where you can find a lot of training videos on creating channel promotion, creating a header and logo - in general, a lot of useful information. It would also be cool if you left your comments from personal life experience.

With this, I think it's time to end. See you in the next articles.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

Money does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee material freedom.

Published: 28-03-2019 10:28

Anyone can make money on YouTube these days. The main question is how much money such a business brings. If your channel is popular, then you can get a good monthly income. Money is brought not only by views, but also by affiliate programs. About where to start and how to promote your channel in the material iworknet.ru.

The general scheme of how to make money on YouTube

There is a popular video resource Youtube. The service is a database of millions of different videos. Videos are divided into thematic categories. Many users successfully use the functionality of the portal. As it became known, additionally not bad at the same time earning. The main essence of this activity is based on the number of views of the posted video. The more video views, the popularity of the user page, the more likely it is to receive a stable income.

Where to begin

The beginning of such activities is associated with the registration of your own channel. The operation is carried out very quickly, just enter your email address, come up with a password. The system can use an existing Google account. The main restriction is that a person must be over 14 years old. The main fields are filled, it is worth moving on to creating your own channel. We visit the YouTube account menu and perform the mentioned operation. A page on such a service implies slightly different ways to attract visitors compared to the usual social networks. It is necessary to qualitatively design the main page, which is the face of the user. Visit the profiles of other personal space holders. Pay attention to the design of the profile header. It is this space that needs to be subjected to qualitative changes.

What videos to create

The next step is to work out the direction of activity. It is worth asking what videos are most often viewed on YouTube. In general terms, the entertainment sector can be noted. Interesting, unique content can only be created by being passionate about a similar field of activity. For example, a person is very fond of playing computer games. Shoot a video about the passage of games, comment and expose for viewing. We present to the attention of readers a typology of video recording formats.

Monetization options

The monetization process is a source of income. The owner of the page must prepare for monetization. You need to be sure about:

  • the uniqueness of the published material;
  • availability of commercial rights;
  • absence of violations related to legal requirements for published video recordings.

Manual monetization

Manual monetization - independent connection of advertising to content. There are several types of independent actions in this direction:

  • Affiliate program. The author of the material places advertising links or independently advertises the product in the video. The person watching the video receives an invitation to purchase the object of advertising when clicking on the posted affiliate link. The account owner receives money for each purchase.
  • CPA networks. The cooperation algorithm is similar to the previous described option. Only the income does not come from the purchase, but when the necessary action is taken: leaving a comment, like, registering.
  • Direct advertising projects are the most profitable way to generate income. The placement of popular content attracts the attention of advertisers with a request to publish a direct commercial video. Payment is received for posting a video on a user page.

Automatic monetization

Automatic monetization is the easiest way to add ads to your videos. There are several ways to perform the necessary actions. You can use your personal account for this purpose directly on the site. Additionally, you can use the AdSense service or media networks. Both methods will be discussed in detail below.

There are several types of automatic monetization. The main advertising subspecies are:

  • Advertising banners located on the side of the content itself. A person watching a user video notices an advertising banner on the side. Clicking a visitor on a banner will bring some cash reward to the page owner.
  • Advertising located in the author's video. A promotional video can be placed at the beginning or end of a custom mini-movie. The function of interrupting the main material in favor of the promotional product is available. Full viewing of ads will also bring monetary rewards to the content owner.
  • Banners placed inside the video.

Connecting monetization to a channel

When planning a commercial video activity, you need to decide on the most convenient way to automatically monetize. AdSense is developed by Google Corporation. Both methods are very similar. There are 2 fundamental differences:

  1. AdSense implies the full receipt of the fee by the user. Through media networks, a person turns to the services of intermediaries, which cost 30% of the total earnings.
  2. The withdrawal of earnings through media networks is made at any convenient time. On the contrary, the Adsense service implies a minimum withdrawal threshold of $100.

Experienced users are advised to resort to using the service from Google.

Connecting the AdSense service is done in the simplest way. The user visits the Channel toolbar and selects the Connect menu. An inscription is displayed, announcing the rules of the user agreement. We confirm this menu and proceed to register an AdSense account. Note that only one user profile can be registered on a given system. The intelligent menu will not force you to refer to extraneous instructions during the procedure.

media networks

With regards to media networks, you need to know the main subspecies of these services: AIR and YOOLA. A person finds the official portals of the mentioned services and goes through the registration procedure. Additionally, thanks to public sources, you can get acquainted with the basic principles of the services.

How to organize work

The productive work of human-created content is based on the following basic principles for conducting such activities:

  1. Regular activity. Thanks to systematic work on your own page, it will be possible to increase the audience of regular subscribers. It is considered correct to post consistently at certain times of the day.
  2. Communication with guests of the channel. Every person viewing content should feel the feedback. Comments should not be left unanswered. Live communication stimulates the next appeal to the author's information resource.
  3. Publication format. People tend to get fed up with what they see, each user is in a constant search for new information. Particularly attracts the attention of new visitors to the account is the format for presenting information. As a rule, the owner of the resource chooses a convenient way to convey information, for example, shoots a slide show. Regular publications of the same type will affect the visibility of the profile. Visits will become less and less, or the number of views will remain unchanged.

Channel promotion

The topic of promoting a channel, blog, page on social networks is now being actively discussed on the Internet. There are many services for cheating the audience. There are specially trained people who understand the principles of increasing the popularity of the resource. They take payment from the owner of the public and carry out activities to attract subscribers. The presence of specific knowledge will help the reader independently perform the necessary actions in order to increase the visibility of the published content at no additional cost. Consider paid, free methods to attract attention. But first, let's characterize the principles on which the selected content promotion tools should be based:

  1. Honesty. Each user, visiting this or that public, is imbued with trust and interest when watching honest videos. What does honesty mean? The owner of the user account who creates material for profit will be instantly identified as a guest of the page. There will be a negative reaction and unsubscribe from the audience. Without a genuine interest in the actions performed, it is hardly possible to achieve the appearance of a wide audience of spectators.
  2. Respect. A well-known truth says: Money can buy everything. We dare not agree, you can buy almost everything. The word almost, in this case, is fundamental. The most valuable human qualities are not for sale. As it is impossible to acquire trust and respect for any currency. The essence of this principle is a selective advertising campaign. Placing commercial projects in a row for higher pay does not make sense. The publication of second-rate goods sold for double the cost will lead to a pronounced negative towards the owner of the public.
  3. Benefit. No content promotion methods will work if the published material is not of particular interest to the viewer. When distributing interesting and useful material, it will be possible to do without additional investment in account promotion.

Free ways

Free promotion methods imply independent activity on other sites. The owner of a personal account can leave links to his public on social networks, use thematic forums. A very effective way of promotion is the use of SEO optimization principles. The description of the video should contain the most searched keywords for viewers to find the video through search engines.

Paid methods

Paid methods consist in self-purchase of advertising from famous personalities, bloggers. Promotion services are used very often. You can find resources yourself without much difficulty. The difficulty lies in the work of scammers or people implementing promotion, deceiving people. Advertising can be ordered through AdWords hosting.

Other Methods

The main source of income is the activity of channel subscribers. This factor directly depends not on the qualitative characteristics of each person, but directly on the number of channel viewers. Let's try to mark additional resources to increase the audience viewing the published materials:

  • Annotations. This method of attracting the number of visitors is well used by users. Small descriptions are made that motivate to watch videos. Each description is accompanied by a button to visit the channel.
  • Mutual promotional activities. A very popular way to promote, try collaborating with other video bloggers.
  • Multilingual. New trends are not in vain gaining momentum and are beginning to be actively introduced into the existing system of publishing materials. Users have the ability to reach a larger audience by using multiple languages.

How much can you earn

The calculation of virtual income is subjective information. One person can claim millions in revenue from published material. Another will wait for every cent to be credited and complain about the meager remote earnings. The level of income directly depends on the efforts of the owner of the resource. Each active action will inevitably demonstrate, albeit small, results.

Do not believe the sources that tell you about incredible income with minimal time and personal investment. Investments do not necessarily mean material costs. It is worth knowing that Youtube service pays for views, not the number of subscribers. Although many users are encouraged to subscribe to channel updates in order to achieve a stable number of views. Payment is charged for every 1000 views. Significant profitability will begin to be achieved when there is a millionth video activity in 1 month. It is possible to achieve such results. It is necessary to study and use the described tools.

Examples of earnings

Examples of active earnings of users are presented by various info-materials. It is possible to analyze special cases for a very long time. For motivation, you should type a key query into a search engine and familiarize yourself with the information offered for review.

Withdrawal of earned funds

It is possible to withdraw earned funds when using each service considered. Media networks offer the user a personal virtual space that allows them to set up the necessary methods for receiving funds from the account. The AdSense service supports withdrawals through the use of the WebMoney resource. The service is a virtual wallet. Specify the wallet number and wait for confirmation of the transfer. Later, money can be withdrawn directly to a plastic card. Be prepared to wait for the transaction to complete and pay interest for the transfer.

At all times of the existence of mankind, when an invention appeared, enterprising people found a way to not only use this invention for the benefit of development, but also to receive a stable income with its help.

In our age of intensive development of high and information technologies, many types of new affordable earnings have appeared. One of the ways to generate income has become a common video hosting You Tube.

How to make money on youtube

By registering his own account on YouTube, the user gets the opportunity to upload his video content, store it, view other users' material, rate videos, comment on them, and share them.

By monetizing your account and connecting to the Google-AdSense program, the user will be able to start earning by viewing this video. This type of earnings is achieved by viewing content advertising, which is shown along with the video. Ads can be inserted at the beginning of the video or shown while watching the video if it is long enough. Such viewing of video hosting is called commercial.

There are other earning mechanisms:

  • Creation and distribution of your product;
  • advertising and distribution of products of other users;
  • Translation of video content into foreign languages;
  • Selling your likes, comments under videos.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that such methods of generating income are mainly possible after the promotion of your account, when its owner attracts.

Earn money by watching your own video

By shooting and uploading your own video, you can monetize it. It should be noted that you can start making a profit only after a set of a certain number of views, showing that this video material is a success. This is how bloggers make money on YouTube, for many of them this type of income has become the only and very impressive one. To create such an income, first of all, you need:

  • Creating your own account on YouTube;
  • Monetization of your channel;
  • Promotion of your content;
  • Connecting a structure that will provide advertising material and pay for its viewing.

The structure that will pay money for views can be:

  • Google program - AdSense;
  • Advertising company;
  • Structure providing affiliate programs;
  • Media structures.

In addition, it should be taken into account that some of the viewers, belonging to especially advanced users, use various programs that block ads. But these viewers are also important, because having interested this audience, the owner of video content can count on its additional distribution by likes, recommendations to friends, interesting comments in the discussion.

Create a channel

Any adult Internet user can become the owner of their own YouTube channel, no matter where they are in the world. By following all the recommendations of the step-by-step instructions, even a completely inexperienced beginner can become a blogger.

The first thing you need is the Internet and an Internet browser. It should be emphasized that the procedure for registering with Google and creating your own channel is absolutely free and, in addition to paying for Internet traffic.

Steps to create an account:

  • Go to the site Google.ru;
  • In the upper right corner of the page, click the "login" button;
  • Select the "create an account" function;
  • Fill out the registration form;
  • Generate a password;
  • Perform a small computer test by entering the required characters in the highlighted field so that the program can interfere that the registrant is not a computer bot;
  • Accept Google's terms and conditions;
  • Select the "next" function.

When filling out the registration form, it is important to remember about age restrictions, creating an account is not possible for persons under 18 years of age. When registering on the form fields, it is mandatory to indicate:

  • Name and surname;
  • Come up with the name of the use by which the mailbox will be created;
  • Age is indicated;
  • The gender is indicated;
  • The country is specified.

For further use of the account, you should remember your new email address and password. To end the procedure in the upper right corner of the page, the button with nine squares is pressed. When you open it, the YouTube icon is selected.

After going to the search engine itself, again in the right corner, the “login” function is selected. In this case, the account is authorized. A man appears in the upper right corner. By clicking on it and selecting the "creative workshop" button, the user can create his own YouTube channel. Next, you should choose an image for your channel, its business card. For this it can be used:

  • Own photo;
  • Image provided by the Google catalog;
  • Image downloaded from the Internet;
  • A picture created by yourself using a graphical interface.

By uploading a picture and selecting the "continue" button, the user becomes the owner of the YouTube channel, can upload his own video context and .

How many subscribers do you need to earn

The main thing that people do on YouTube is watching videos, and channel owners mainly profit from users viewing video content that is accompanied by advertising.

The more people watch the video, the higher the income the channel creator will receive. The more subscribers the channel has, the more likely it is that a large number of people will watch the video - the channel's subscribers, their subscribers and friends.

To connect an affiliate program, you will need to have over a hundred subscribers who will view the downloaded content at least 1000 times, although there are exceptions that allow. The most popular affiliate programs:

  • X-Media Digital;
  • QuizGroup;
  • IriCOM;

By connecting to the AdSense program, and earning from users' views of its ads, you can expect to receive $100 profit from 200,000 views. To do this, you will need to place about a hundred videos on the channel, which will be viewed at 2000 per month and continue to work on increasing content, views and subscribers.

Apart from any particular interests, people are drawn to to new, unusual and high-quality information. To attract as many subscribers as possible to your channel, you need to be interested in the audience, and treat the content provided with full responsibility. The information component should be:

  • quality;
  • creative;
  • useful;
  • interesting;
  • up-to-date;
  • Well presented;
  • Responsive to user requests.

The creator of the channel should have a dynamic trend, be constantly looking for fresh ideas and add new videos as often as possible. When creating your own video content, it is important to remember that it is best to deal with topics that you are not only well versed in, but that are really interesting to the creator himself. It is with this approach that the content will become interesting, informative and attractive. The channel should be promoted by all available means:

  • Through social networks;
  • By posting information about the channel on various sites;
  • Mutual advertising of channels with other bloggers;
  • Through search engines.

It should be noted that in order for more users to be able to find this particular video, the blogger must write the correct description and tags. The description should captivate a potential viewer, and capacious tags will allow you to promote this video in the search network.

Content ethics

Google, which created and implemented the You Tube search network, requires its registered users to strict adherence to certain rules. It is important to remember that if the rules for posting video content are not followed, the channel may be blocked and deleted. These rules primarily relate to copyright compliance and fake video viewing cheats. Here are some of the restrictions:

  • You cannot upload videos that are copyrighted by other users;
  • You cannot upload music and provide viewing of music videos, or any other content protected by copyright;
  • You can not use specialized computer programs that wind up the ratings of the channel, overestimate the views;
  • You cannot use such automatic programs to provide likes to the content of other users and channels;
  • It is forbidden to upload and distribute pornographic content; video containing violence or incitement to it; propaganda of terrorism; video that encourages suicide;
  • You cannot upload content that violates the laws of your country.

If the technical service convicts the user of such violations, the blogger risks losing his account, promoted channel and uploaded content.

Channel monetization and withdrawal of earned funds.

Channel monetization is enabled in the "creative studio" section on the channel's own page. In the corresponding menu, "status and function" is selected. Next, "monetization" is selected, and the "enable" button is pressed. A page appears with a choice of monetization method, for example:

  • Through the AdSense program;
  • Collaborating with media networks;
  • By placing advertising products from large advertisers.

In order to start withdrawing earned money, you should confirm the real address in the settings of your channel, your phone number, indicate the country of withdrawal of earned funds.

The received profit is withdrawn once a month, payments are made from a certain amount, which is set by the affiliate program. For example, for AdSense, withdrawals are only possible starting from an amount of $100. When withdrawing earnings, various payment systems are used, for example:

  • Rapida;
  • webmoney;
  • payer;
  • advcash,
  • money,
  • Bitcoin and others.

You can also withdraw the earned money by transferring to a bank account and by cashing checks through the postal service.

Earn money by watching someone else's video

If you ask a question -, then the answer will be unequivocal - you can. By purchasing a special Creative Commons license, the owner of the YouTube channel will be able to use the content of authors who collaborate with this licensed program.

It is important to keep in mind that when posting videos, be sure to indicate that this information or music product is used under this license. When using Creative Commons, a blogger gets the opportunity not only to upload someone else's video and provide it for viewing, but also, with the help of a video editor, to change it, mount their own music or video content based on it. Such edited video will belong to this blogger and other users will be able to distribute it only with the permission of the author or in cooperation with Creative Commons.

In addition, making money on watching someone else's video is possible with the help of your promoted channel. In this case, income is achieved by earning on the likes of someone else's video content, on comments to it and on its recommendations.

For beginner bloggers, this type of income usually does not bring fabulous earnings, but can serve as additional income. Much more income can be obtained from subscribers.

You Tube video hosting is constantly in active development, spreading to more and more countries and attracting new and active users and advertisers. An interested YouTuber will always be able to find his source of income on this resource of the Internet portal, and perhaps, following the example of well-known bloggers, make it his main income.

Personal earning experience

The author of this video claims that he prepared an honest video and does not advertise his affiliate program at all. Apparently, this is true: the material below is perceived as a sincere story about how the author works and earns on Youtube.

Probably many times you have wondered how to get 1000 on YouTube? For those who create their content on the YouTube website, it is important to have loyal viewers, fans - people who will regularly watch and support, create a certain social group. In the beginning, even though you have a good YT channel, it is difficult to get a regular audience or more subscriptions. You should be able to apply a lot of techniques to help you make your way through hundreds of other YouTube channels.

How to get a YouTube subscription ?

The matter does not seem very difficult, I think that thanks to our guidance you can cope with this task, and without any problems you will achieve what you wanted.

See how to create a channel and earn money.

What to write down to have more people on YouTube

  1. Any tips, results, guides, instructions, do it yourself. Each of us is looking for advice on the Internet. Movie-form tutorials are the best available and easy to understand for the recipient.
  2. Reviews, unpacking. Before buying any item, we want to know something about it. Therefore, at present, almost everything is checked and unpacked. The less casual the form of these reviews and unboxings, the better.
  3. In the end, the most pleasant and simple. Entertainment. Pranks, challenges. Videos on this topic among large YouTubers can be found most often. This is not surprising, because these films have a record number of screenings, because they are watched by all social groups and are not difficult to implement.

How to get your first 1000 followers
on the YouTube

1. Find your theme

Think about what you would like to make videos and what value they will bring to your viewers. Analyze what people want to watch and in what format. See what is already being done and how you could do it better. Follow trends on YouTube.

2. Take care of the studio

You do not need a professional studio, but remember that the quality of the material you provide is a sign of respect for the viewer. Luckily, a regular SLR is enough for HD quality now. Also take care of the sound - there is nothing worse than reverb and hard-to-hear statements. You don't have to be perfect right away, the audience will surely see your development and appreciate it, but try to get the basics right from the start!

3. Create a short welcome video

Imagine yourself! It's worth capturing the attention I see in about a minute to a welcome video and showing them why it's worth staying on your channel for longer. Show interesting moments, tell what to expect from your content. The purpose of the movie should be to convince the viewer to subscribe - don't let them watch a dozen or so minutes of your various videos on the channel so they can decide to subscribe. Get his heart out with the welcome video.

4. Post regularly

This is very important and at the same time very difficult - it requires perseverance, consistency, proper planning and organization. However, it will pay off! Be careful about posting frequency. Think you can add videos every day for the next few years? Maybe it's better to limit yourself to one video per week? Remember that such a decision determines the schedule of your work for a long time. Tip: Be loud about the days and hours of posting so you can build viewer loyalty.

5. Listen to your viewers

Show that commenting pays off by listening to viewer suggestions for themes for the next episodes or making changes. Join the discussion. In this way, you will show your audience that you care about their opinion and that you are close to them, in constant contact. The audience will appreciate it and start treating you like a friend.

6. Take care of titles, tags, thumbnails, descriptions

Place keywords in titles, video descriptions and tags. The video thumbnail is also very important, as they say: stand out or die. Make it just a thumbnail to encourage you to click on the list of search results. Among other things, with thumbnails, you create the first impression for your channel.

7. Take advantage of what YouTube gives you

A poll is also an interesting option - try asking your viewers for their opinion on a given topic. Group your videos into themed playlists - this will organize your content and also allow you to expand the WatchTime indicator, that is, the total length of the videos you watch. Constantly update your channel homepage to show the latest videos that are most popular. Don't forget the main channel aesthetic, which should also be easy to read on mobile.

8. Encourage subscription and click the bell

Remind your audience to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell to always get notifications. If possible, use a graphic overlay to emphasize the importance of the topic. Probably most of the viewers who watch you don't subscribe to your channel, so if you think that the "Subscribe to my channel" message in every episode is repetitive and boring, check your channel statistics to check subscriber engagement in your videos .

9. Work with other creators

Collaborating with more established YouTube creators can be a huge leap forward for your channel. However, it is not enough to invite a guest to your place. The point is to really introduce your channel to a larger audience on a bigger YouTuber, i.e. get his team. Try to find a common theme, an interesting idea and suggest a joint implementation to other creators, and then watch your growing subscriptions.

10. Watch your channel - analytics are important!

All your choices and decisions will be reflected in the channel statistics. Follow everything! Look for dependencies - repeat what worked well and refuse to continue what did not give the expected results. Set numerical goals that you are striving for - only then will you have a guide and motivation to continue working on the channel. To keep up to date, I recommend the YT Studio app - all the numbers, always at hand.

11. Be consistent but don't be afraid to experiment.

Earlier hints may have indicated that if you decide something, you should stick with it. Yes, BUT... If you notice that some things are not working, you should not continue them in force. Maybe it's time for something new? Don't be afraid to experiment, try new formats, new ways to engage your audience. It is important that you stay united and authentic.

12. Write your plan - strategy is the key!

Interested in joining a group of influencers on YouTube? To work - I keep my fingers crossed. The next section of the report shows that there are more and more of them. Therefore, write down your goals and plans - create an action strategy and ... act! Good luck!

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