How to create and configure a home WiFi network. Wi-Fi internet in a private house

How to create and configure a home WiFi network. Wi-Fi internet in a private house

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Each of us knows where in our house the Wi-Fi signal is weak or not at all. And it is very annoying if this is where you desperately need a strong and stable connection. Blind spots on Wi-Fi are most often caused by the distance to the wireless router (wireless signals diminish in the distance), thick stone walls, and interference.

If the Wi-Fi signal in your home is not very reliable, you may want to consider the idea of \u200b\u200ba Wi-Fi booster to expand your coverage range. Another option is to use Powerline adapters, which, using additional Wi-Fi modules, will create a high-speed local network based on your electrical wiring. You can also pay attention to the Wi-Fi Mesh technology, which promises to improve Wi-Fi coverage in such a way that it would be enough for the whole house.

Here are some tips and tricks, as well as inexpensive gadgets, to improve the quality of your wireless signal.

Move your wireless router

If your home suffers from poor Wi-Fi coverage, the first step is to see where the wireless router is located. Make sure it is open on all sides (even if it is not particularly beautiful) and is as close to the center of the house as possible, free of any obstructions.

No need to hide it on the floor, behind your computer or TV. Try to raise it higher: the wireless signal travels down and to the sides much easier than up.

Does your router have a movable antenna? The signal is radiated to the sides of it, so that the vertical position of the antenna is a guarantee that the signal does not go to waste into the ground or ceiling.

Upgrade your wireless router

If moving the router still doesn't improve the weak signal, the next step is to upgrade it.

We list the Wi-Fi standards from oldest to newest: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac. If you have an old b or g wireless router, you might want to consider replacing it with a younger one, the n or ac models, which provide a wider signal range and faster round-trip speed.

Why don't you ask your ISP to provide you with a more modern router? If you've been his client for a long time, this may well work.

While these new routers may not increase the range too much, at least speed over long distances should improve.

You want the best possible range from your new router, as long as your computer, phone, and other tablets support the Wi-Fi standard it offers. An old laptop barely boasts ac or n compatibility. Check the specifications of your electronics carefully.

Instead of buying a new laptop or desktop, you can buy an inexpensive wireless adapter that plugs into a USB port. You can also add a new wireless adapter to the inside of your desktop system unit, including through a slot on the motherboard, but good luck if you try something like this with your Mac!

What about wireless connectivity for your smartphone? The iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S4, like subsequent models, feature Wi-Fi up to 802.11ac (including all previous standards, of course), while older models such as the iPhone 4 and 5, Galaxy S, S2 and S3, only compatible with three standards, from the oldest to 802.11 n.

Build your home wiring Powerline network

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with Powerline adapters that can create a high-speed home network with your home wiring. This means that virtually any corner of your home will be supplied with Internet virtually losslessly. Setting up a Powerline network is as easy as plugging into a wall outlet.

Just plug one adapter into an electrical outlet near your router and connect it to the router using an Ethernet cable (usually included with the adapter).

Then place the second adapter into an outlet in a remote room. Now, using another Ethernet cable, you can connect anything you want to it: digital TV viewer, game console, laptop, etc.

This means that even without Wi-Fi, you are subject to very demanding tasks in terms of connection quality, such as watching a variety of TV shows or movies in HD quality while downloading.

Powerline adapters act like they're directly connected to your router - even if they're on the opposite side of the house. You will need at least two adapters and it is best to purchase them in the starter kit.

The best Powerline adapters can also work as additional Wi-Fi repeaters right there in the second (third, fourth) room. Their signal, of course, is not as strong as you would get from a Wi-Fi amplifier, but it is close enough in strength to a new Wi-Fi repeater operating at full capacity. Such adapters are more expensive, but they attract with their versatility, moreover, they provide much higher speed than conventional Wi-Fi amplifiers.

Pay attention to Wi-Fi Mesh technology

Wi-Fi Mesh technology allows you to create a network of two or more routers working together to provide much wider coverage in a building than any single router can handle. It replaces your existing Wi-Fi and is easy to install.

You connect one of the devices included in the Wi-Fi Mesh network to an available network port on your router, and it creates a new Wi-Fi network, which successfully connects all your Wi-Fi devices.

Next, you place the second (and third, if necessary) device from the kit somewhere else in the house, usually on a different floor. All devices "talk" to each other and form a single super-Wi-Fi network throughout the house, both strong and fast.

To create a Wi-Fi Mesh network, you will need a router that supports this technology, such as TP-Link Deco M5 or Netgear Orbi.

Try Wi-Fi signal boosters

A new wireless router or Powerline adapter with a built-in wireless repeater is the best option, but it can get more expensive than a simple Wi-Fi signal booster.

Wi-Fi amplifiers pick up the wireless signal and propagate it again, helping to provide a decent signal from the router on another floor of the house or on the opposite side of a building. It should be noted, however, that these, in turn, can degrade network performance.

The replicator uses half of its internal antenna to pick up the wireless signal and the other half to transmit the new signal, while simultaneously halving the initial potential speed of the network connection.

This shouldn't be too noticeable when surfing lightly, reading mail and the like, but it can have a significant impact on streaming video files or moving files across the network. That is why we prefer Powerline for more demanding tasks.

Wi-Fi amplifiers share a frequency band with a router. The Wi-Fi speed drops because the amplifier is constantly exchanging data with the router, while the Powerline simply works as a separate device (not sharing the frequency band with anyone), so you get the signal at the same speed.

The Wi-Fi amplifier should be located in the center of the premises, not very far from the main router. If you place a replicator at the far end of your main network in the hope of boosting the signal there, you will slow down your connection to both the rest of your home network and the Internet.

Remember that a replicator only amplifies an existing signal. If it is located in a "blind spot" where the coverage of the main router almost does not reach, it will simply have nothing to amplify. Move the amplifier to a place with a stronger signal - and the signal coming from it will also become much stronger.

The ideal location for the amplifier is halfway between your main router and the wireless device that needs to provide a signal, more in an open hallway or spacious room than in a cramped space. It should stay away from interfering devices such as cordless phones, Bluetooth enabled devices, and microwave ovens.

Wireless operating frequencies: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz

We need to explain the difference between Wi-Fi bands. We will try not to go deep into complex technical details, but there is no way to ignore this issue.

Wi-Fi can operate in two frequency bands: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. The tricky choice between these two frequencies has to do with interference, range and speed.

Manufacturers claim that 2.4 GHz routers or amplifiers can reach speeds of 300 Mbps, while 5 GHz counterparts have a theoretical maximum of 450 Mbps. Therefore, dual-frequency devices sometimes reach 750 Mbps. Remember that these stated speeds are just theoretical maximums, and you won't even come close to them, but in any case, when using these devices, you are guaranteed excellent quality of their work.

However, the use of each frequency has its own limitations.

2.4 GHz devices face the battle for available space, thus interfering with each other. Also, the 2.4 GHz frequency is divided into overlapping channels. The more overlaps, the more interference is generated between closely located networks.

Moving to 5 GHz reduces the interference problem as a huge number of new channels become available and no overlap occurs.

However, the 2.4 GHz frequency has a huge advantage over its "colleague": range. Shorter electromagnetic waves, emitted at 5 GHz, do not penetrate solid obstacles such as walls, ceilings, furniture and - alas - people, not so well.

More interference, less speed and range; the larger the radius you need, the lower the speed you can get; the more speed you need, the more you will have to remove external interference and work closer to the Wi-Fi distribution point.

Wi-Fi is the most popular way to connect to the internet today. This became possible due to the good characteristics of this protocol, ease of connection and the availability of a wide range of inexpensive equipment.

However, this interface has some drawbacks. Many users are faced with incomprehensible disconnections, errors, or low data rates. In this case, do not rush to immediately call the support service or call the repair team. You can handle many of the hassles of a home Wi-Fi network yourself.

1. Reboot the router

Yes, this is exactly what it is advised to do when contacting support. And absolutely right.

A modern router is a complex device, in the operation of the software of which errors may appear over time. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of them is to reboot the hardware. Some routers allow you to do this automatically on a schedule, you just need to look for the appropriate option in the settings.

2. Install alternative firmware

Alternative firmware is written by enthusiasts to eliminate the shortcomings of proprietary software. The most famous project of this kind is DD-WRT. This firmware supports a wide range of hardware and is completely free.

Installing third-party firmware allows not only to improve network performance, but also in some cases to activate previously unavailable device functions. It is worth considering, however, that the process of flashing and subsequent configuration of the equipment will require time and special knowledge from you.

3. Use a Wi-Fi repeater

If in any part of the house devices are constantly losing the connection to the Internet, then the signal of the router is too weak here. You can solve the problem using a special repeater, which are also called repeaters, or repeaters.

The main task of the repeater is to strengthen the signal of the existing Wi-Fi network. These compact and inexpensive devices are available from almost all popular networking equipment manufacturers, as well as dozens of obscure Chinese firms.

4. Design a signal amplifier

Using a Wi-Fi repeater may not help out in all cases. Sometimes, to amplify the signal of the router, you have to resort to other, more artisanal methods. For example, you can design a special reflector from or for CDs.

But if you need something really powerful, then try to assemble an antenna from scrap materials to expand your "home zone" of the wireless Internet, which we wrote about in this one.

5. Control application access to the Internet

If someone in your home is constantly watching streaming video, playing online games, downloading large files, then this can significantly slow down the network. Pay special attention to torrent clients. Some of them are configured in such a way that they are automatically launched at system startup and continue downloading and uploading data in the background. A separate pain is computer games that secretly download multi-gigabyte updates and add-ons.

6. Close access to unauthorized

By default, the manufacturer installs the same well-known logins and passwords on all of its routers. Each user must independently change them to protect their network from unauthorized access. However, unfortunately, not everyone does it.

If you do not want your neighbors to use your wireless network, thereby interfering with you, then you need to configure the router in detail. You can read how to do this in our guide "".

7. Get rid of the clutter

Signal quality over a Wi-Fi network can be affected by many different factors, including interference from phones, microwaves, and so on. You can get rid of them only by placing the router and the source of interference as far away as possible. A special WiFi Analyzer application that can display signal strength in real time will help to cope with this task.

8. Tune into a free channel

In modern apartment buildings, multiple wireless access points operate simultaneously, occupying all available channels. As a result, some of them have to share the same channel, which leads to a mutual decrease in the speed and stability of communication.

9. Find a new location for the router

The unsuccessful location of the router in the apartment can also affect the quality of the connection. If your workplace is separated from the connection point by several concrete walls, then you should not be surprised that the Internet is constantly slowing down.

You can choose the optimal place for the router only by experience, moving it around the apartment and measuring the signal quality. The NetSpot diagnostic utility and our instruction, which is called "", will help to do this.

10. Use modern technology

One of the best ways to make your wireless network as fast, stable and secure as possible is to use modern hardware.

Communication standards are constantly evolving and improving. New implementations of this protocol provide faster connection speeds, less errors, and less susceptibility to interference.

However, to use them, you need the appropriate equipment. Therefore, the most radical and expensive method to improve the quality of a home network is to buy a modern dual-band router from a well-known manufacturer.

In the current age of information technology, the Internet is in almost every home, and the vast majority of people are familiar with its benefits. But, not everyone knows how to make a wifi network at home, although this information will be useful to many. In this article, you will learn how to connect wifi at home, why you need it and what you need to purchase for this.

Benefits of Wi-Fi technologies

Most often, the question of setting up a Wi-Fi network is asked by people who use mobile devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones and phones with Wi-Fi support. The use of this technology allows you to get rid of a lot of wires, provide complete freedom of movement and access to the network for many different devices. Wi-Fi is a way of organizing both a wireless local area network and a way to access the Internet from all devices on this network: that is, you can use it for network games, exchange data on a local network and share the Internet if it is connected. All this makes Wi-Fi a convenient solution for the home, which makes this technology highly popular.

Necessary equipment

Let's figure out how to make wifi at home. Let's start with a list of the required equipment. Using Wi-Fi is possible only if you have devices that support it: tablets, laptops and computers with a Wi-Fi adapter. But if there are no such devices, then this can be fixed. And you don't have to buy a new computer, you can just buy a network Wi-Fi card. This solution is also possible for laptops. Such network cards can be connected via different interfaces: PCMCIA, PCI, and others. Recently, Wi-Fi adapters that connect via USB have gained popularity, they are small in size, connect easily and conveniently, they are suitable for almost all devices, regardless of their type, be it a personal computer, laptop or netbook. Network adapters often require installation of drivers for them, as a rule, these drivers are located on the disk supplied with the device. Their installation does not take much time and does not require high qualifications.

Wi-Fi networks can work in point-to-point mode, that is, connect two devices (for example, a computer and a laptop) without an intermediary. This solution allows you to use both shared network resources (folders or printers, for example) and the Internet. But it is not very convenient, because when you turn off one device, the network disappears - for example, if you turn off a computer connected to the Internet, then the second one will lose the ability to use the World Wide Web. Therefore, an additional device is often used - a router (also called a router).

This device is capable of supporting Wi-Fi network and Internet connection without depending on client computers. That is, by installing and connecting a Wi-Fi router, you can truly use all the advantages of a wireless network. We will tell you how to set up a wifi router at home. First you need to choose a suitable place. The criteria here are as follows: a network cable must be laid to the router (through which the Internet is connected to us) and the router signal must penetrate into all rooms of the apartment. Routers come with both external and internal antennas. It is believed that the signal of the former is much more powerful, which allows them to be used even in houses with thick walls. Of course, a router needs not only a network cable, but also electricity: it is worth considering this point when choosing a place for it. If there are power surges in the house, then it is advisable to install a surge protector to protect important equipment from damage.

There are different models of routers, but the principles of their connection and configuration are about the same. First, you need to connect the router to the Internet, since now it is he, and not the computer, that will be connected to the provider's network, then we will connect the network cable to it, which was previously used in the computer. There may be several connectors on the router; the cable from the provider connects to the one designated as WAN. You can connect a computer or laptop to the signed LAN connectors to set up the router.

Setting up a router

The graphical interface of each router model may differ, it is best to refer to the instructions for details. We will study the most important points to which you need to pay attention. First, we will need to go to the IP address of the router, for example, - this address is indicated in the documentation for the device. In the web interface of the device, we can configure the Internet connection - this is the most important thing, right? Modern routers support various types of connections, but the PPPoE connection is the most popular with providers. For such a connection, we need to specify the login and password that the Internet provider provided us when concluding the contract. DNS servers are often required as well - this information is also provided by the provider. Some ISPs issue IP and provide Internet access automatically, without any special settings. In this case, we just need to select the "Automatic IP" item in the "WAN Connection" field. The names of the settings may vary, of course, but not significantly.

An important point in configuring a Wi-Fi router is issuing IP addresses. It can be either dynamic, when each connecting device is assigned an IP automatically, or manual, when all settings are entered independently. In the first case, you need to activate the DHCP server function of your router.

Access limitation

If you are studying how to install wifi at home, then you will definitely have to face the issue of restricting access to the Internet. After all, all connections are made without the help of a cable, respectively, it is more difficult to control them. The following options are possible:

  • encryption and password restriction;
  • limiting access by MAC-addresses of client (i.e. connecting to the router) devices;
  • lack of any restrictions.

If you do not use any restrictions in connection and access to the Internet, then everyone within the radius of the router signal can use your Wi-Fi. Of course, the neighbors will be grateful to you, but there are a number of negative points: this is a decrease in your speed, and a possible interception of traffic. Therefore, computer security experts advise you to restrict access. Filtering by MAC addresses is setting a list of devices that can connect to the router. This solution will not be convenient if you need to provide access temporarily - for example, guests. Therefore, the most popular way to restrict access is encryption. There are three main types of Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA, WPA2 - they are arranged in order of increasing security and complexity of the algorithms used. WEP technology is outdated, there are ways to quickly break into networks based on this algorithm, so using WEP is not recommended.

In this article, we tried to talk about the benefits of Wi-Fi technology. Now you know how to choose wifi for your home and can use all the possibilities of wireless networks, limiting your network from unauthorized users. Setting up a router is not a complicated process.

Wireless internet is becoming more and more popular. Looking into any restaurant, park, airport, beauty salon, shopping center, store, many of you instinctively connect to free wi-fi via your phone or tablet.

Therefore, the question arises, to be able to be on the Internet at home, without connecting to annoying wires.

Why install wi-fi in an apartment?

Installationwi- fi at home will give you the opportunity to:

  • connect to the Internet from different devices (laptops, mobile phones, tablets) at the same time;
  • have access to the World Wide Web from any corner of the apartment;
  • do any business (washing dishes, lying on the couch, cooking dinner, cleaning) and at the same time enjoying movies online;
  • read books or watch TV programs from any gadget while lying in bed;
  • remove wires around the house that all family members cling to, and which pets like to gnaw;
  • be online around the clock in social networks and in work applications;
  • take sweets from neighbors who ask for access to connect to your Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi is a modern technology that is no longer a rarity. It significantly expands the possibilities of using the Internet connection, makes you mobile, not chained to a wired access point. It's really handy!

Which wireless technology to choose

To internet installation in the apartment really benefited, you need to decide which type of wireless network is right for you.

There are three of them:

  • Bluetooth technology. Allows one device to share traffic with another device if they are a couple of meters away. This is convenient if the transmitter is constantly close to the receiver.
  • Large-scale mobile networks (WiMAX or 3G). They work on the basis of mobile communication towers and stations installed throughout the city. Can be used via modem, tablet or mobile phone. At the same time, the speed of the Internet connection is not very good, and depends on the location of the distance from the tower.
  • Wi-fi access via a local network. This is not an independent technology, but only a way of distributing input channels between various devices from an existing local network. That is, a local Internet is provided to the building (apartment, house, office, store) and a wi-fi router is installed, which allows many devices to use one connection.

If you want to know how much does it cost to install wi-fi in an apartment, you need to contact your local internet provider.

Some companies provide their regular users with free routers for temporary or permanent use.

Wi-fi speed and range

At first, the speed of wi-fi connections left much to be desired. At the beginning of the last decade, with the development of mobile gadgets, the communication standards that determine the speed have improved significantly.

The first wi-fi routers of the 802.11 standard did not become widespread, since the speed did not exceed 1 megabit per second. When connecting multiple devices, the Internet generally "freezes". Later, Intel included the 802.11b standard in the content of its platform, which increased the speed to 11 megabits. Oddly enough, it will continue to be used everywhere in our time.

The next speed step was overcome by the 802.11a standard, which differs from the previous one only in the range of applicable frequencies. But the speed is already 54 megabits. And, of course, modern high-speed 802.11n networks provide users with a speed of 150-300 Mb / s, but not all communication companies can afford it.

Installation of a router, price which fluctuates depending on the transmitter power and antenna sensitivity can be carried out both in office premises and in apartments.

More precisely, the quality of the equipment directly affects the range of Wi-Fi and the connection speed. If you need to connect the Internet to a large house, you can use multiple access points. Such a network can be depleted among themselves using a wired or wireless method. For a small apartment, medium-power equipment is suitable, the range of which will spread over a radius of several meters.

Reliability and security of wi-fi routers

To enter a Wi-fi network, as a rule, you need a password. Naturally, if the user himself does not want to turn it off to provide free use to everyone around him. There are two types of routers:

  • closed, providing Internet access only to users who have registered the necessary settings on their device;
  • open, to which anyone can connect.

On the Internet, you can find many programs that promise to select a password for your neighbors' Wi-Fi. But modern technologies WPA and WPA2 provide security and block the activity of such spy services. Most routers support WPA / WPA2 combined security, which guarantees complete security from intruders.

When installing the Internet in the apartment, an individual and complex password is generated for the user, which he can change on his own if desired.

Technological progress is growing daily. In order to keep up with competitors, manufacturers of technical equipment regularly release new models of wi-fi routers. They often enter the market raw, unable to provide reliable operation. You have to wait for months for updated firmware and endlessly call the masters to set up the system.

How to choose a router for installing the Internet in an apartment

If you want to know how much does it cost to install wi-fi in an apartmentin order for it to be of high quality and to perform its functions for a long time without failure, adhere to some recommendations:

The cost of installing wi-fi in an apartment

When connecting this technology, many are interested in the question of how much it costs to connect wai wai in an apartment. After all, some people want to get all the benefits of wireless Internet, but are not ready to shell out a large amount of money. In order to buy a quality router, you have to fork out. If we talk about the price range, it fluctuates around $ 30-250.

According to user reviews, ASUS RT-N16 is a pretty good device for home use, which costs about $ 80.

The choice depends on the manufacturer and service provider. Currently, routers Cisco, ZyXEL, ASUS, NETGEAR, TP-LINK, Linksys are popular. Overpaying more than $ 100 is also not recommended. After all, the load in an apartment is not the same as in a shopping center, restaurant or office. And the coverage area is not large.

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