Questions in Instagram Stories: detailed instructions. Ask a question or how you can put in a story to ask questions Ask your subscribers for opinions

Questions in Instagram Stories: detailed instructions. Ask a question or how you can put in a story to ask questions Ask your subscribers for opinions


Don't know how to make a sticker and ask a question in a story? So let's see how it works. Or how to create new sticker in Instagram stories (stories) ask a question. To do this, open your instagram, go to create a story (plus sign next to your main photo). And first, we create content for our stories (stories). There are not many options and settings, but we will cover the main ones, of which on two devices. This will be, create a sticker ask a question, on Android and iOS.

Operating systems, different but functions may not be displayed on all devices. After the update, we have a sticker and there were no problems.

  1. You went to create stories. We all know that there you can both take photos and videos, and add materials that already exist in the phone's galleries. For example, we select a photo from the gallery. As shown in the first screenshot.
  2. Step two! Find the icon square sticker emoticon, after the link icon (first screenshot). Click on it and we open all the stickers... This, hashtags, gif and we see there a new sticker - questions.
  3. Next, click on sticker questions... Then the sticker will appear on top of your story. The field with the words, ask me a question, can be left unchanged. Or write your own question. By clicking on the field, it will become active, where the cursor stood, you can write your question. For example, ask what brand of glasses, lipstick, and so on. It all depends on your imagination. Read about additional features below!

If you take a sticker and stretch it with two fingers. You can play with its size. Increase or decrease, at your discretion. The main thing is that it is convenient for users to read it!

The question can be dragged and dropped anywhere in your story.

When you click, on the word ask me a question and replace your text, you will see multi-colored circles at the bottom. These are the colors to paint, the shape of your question.

How to remove sticker ask a question? Just pinch the sticker with your finger. After a few seconds, a trash can icon will appear at the bottom of the screen. Drag the questions sticker to the trash can and it will be removed. You won't be able to do this after you have already published the story!

The difference is actually not tangible between Android and iOS. The specifics of the addition are similar to the instructions described above. Except that on operating system ios, question sticker, positioned on the screen using auxiliary strips. This, at first glance, is imperceptible, but those who! They use and work in photo and video editors, they will immediately understand. The elements of the stripes appear. For example, to show that the sticker is located exactly in the middle of the screen or has reached its lowest point.

Elements and sequence are similar. Choose and create a story. Find stickers and in the pop-up window, choose - questions. You can change the sticker, write your question. Set the color and size, move it across the screen and background of your story.

As you can see, the screenshots are pretty much the same. As well as the function of the new sticker - questions. Adding a sticker and publishing stories are also identical. It all depends on how mobile device you are using.

Text by Ekaterina Bochkareva

Daria Milstein, SMM Director of Womenbz, talked about how to inspire subscribers to communicate under your posts on social networks, and explained why this is so important for the accounts of all entrepreneurs and bloggers.

Daria Milstein,

SMM Director Womenbz

Why Engage Followers in Discussions

In social networks, there is an algorithm for ranking users' feed: the system itself decides which posts of your profile to show to subscribers and which not. This algorithm depends on the activity of your readers. If, after the publication is released, they begin to comment and "like" it, for the system this means that the post is interesting and can be shown in the feeds of other subscribers. If there is little activity, then the post can be “omitted”.

Step one: choose a way to get involved

I will cover a few simple ones, free ways to make subscribers talk. They are used by bloggers and entrepreneurs in their accounts.

1. Ask simple questions

Simple - because they are easy to answer. Let me remind you that subscribers come to social networks not to “think”, but to relax and communicate. For example, the founder of the Painting City project, Alla Gurfinkel, uses this technique in conjunction with life stories. In this case, she spoke about her work after graduation and asked readers: "What was your first place of work?"

Result: 92 comments under the post

Even the simplest question can get into the mood of the audience and thus cause a good resonance. For example, on the Candlesbox profile before the New Year, readers were asked if there would be candles on their tables on a festive evening. This post has garnered more comments than the average for their account.

Result: 58 comments under the post versus 5-7 on average

2. Ask interesting questions

Users tend to respond well to various gaming questions. For example, in the profile of vegetable bouquets “Very good”, readers were asked: “If this bouquet were a person, who would he work?”.

Result: under the post 174 comments

3. Ask questions about painful

Let's say you're thinking of changing a fitness center, or deciding which country to vacation in, or looking for a good doctor. Don't rack your brains - ask your subscribers for advice! First, you can actually get valuable advice. Second, show your readers that you trust their opinion.

For example, Valeria Repina, founder of the Repina branding agency, asked for contacts the right specialist on a personal page in Facebook.

Result: 9 people gave advice

4. Arrange polls

A poll with ready-made answer forms is one of the most effective ways to motivate the reader to leave a comment. For example, in the account of the “Dinner at Home” culinary service, blitz polls are very often arranged. These posts get several times more comments than other posts. The topics are simple: "Do you like buckwheat?", "Do you make cheese cakes?"

An important point: before the survey, some useful or interesting information is given in the account. A recent blog post reported on a study that found the average woman spends 3 years of her life in the kitchen. The survey was: "How much time do you spend in the kitchen?"

Result: 57 comments under the post

Voting should be such that subscribers can easily understand what to choose from. For example, in the profile of the flower workshop Rozemarin, they somehow raised the topic of whether men love flowers. And they asked to vote: “What bouquet would you choose as a gift for your man? 1 or 2?". The publication included two images of their flower arrangements. Thus, subscribers could simply put numbers in the comments - 1 or 2.

Result: 76 comments under the post

6. Ask your subscribers for opinions

For example, time management expert Anna Vsekhsvyatskaya in her jeweltravel account asks the subscribers' opinions: what is better to build in Bali - a villa, a coworking space or a spa center.

Result: 620 comments

7. Be honest

Share important stories, life events, holidays or disappointments. Be closer to your readers, let them see you as a person with similar problems and joys. For example, designer Anna Igoshina told how she received a gift from a stranger. She shared the idea that good must be done in life and it will return to us. Subscribers have confirmed this with their stories.

Result: 23 comments under the post

8. Write posts on the wave of popularity

Raise sensitive topics, but only those that are close to you and the audience. Study the most popular hashtags and express your attitude to the problem, ask for the opinion of subscribers. By the way, the Hashtagify tool was created just for the analysis and search of the most popular hashtags on Instagram.

Talk about trends in your industry or popular phenomena in general. For example, after the release of Mike Viking's book Hygge. The Secret of Danish Happiness "the term" hygge "itself has come into vogue. This trend was picked up in the home_feyka account: subscribers were asked to take the test "How hygge are you" and write answers in the comments.

Result: over 200 comments

9. Play

Play games with subscribers: "Guess which of the following is not true", "Insert the missing word in the sentence." Offer them puzzles, riddles, puzzles.

Sometimes you can come up with a more difficult game. Family psychologist

There have been so many new features on Instagram lately that it becomes difficult to keep track of them. Over the past few weeks, there have been reports that you have viewed all new posts, the ability to add music to stories, video calls, etc. Yesterday the company introduced another new feature:. It's a fun way to make your stories interactive. You will definitely want to try the new feature on yourself, but not all users have it. If you are one of them, don't worry, there is a solution.

In case you haven't figured it out, the question stickers are located on the tab with other stickers in the stories. You can write a message asking you to ask questions, and your followers will be able to do so by touching the sticker. Questions can be viewed in the same place as users who viewed the story. There you can touch any question to post a new story with an answer to it. This is a very fun and interesting way to learn new things about each other.

The function was released on July 10, but for some reason not everyone has it. Now you know that you are not alone. As with other new features, this may take some time to introduce. Your friends may have it earlier than yours, you just need to be patient. However, there is also a possibility that the function did not appear due to some kind of error. If so, follow the advice below.

1. Search in the right place

First you need to make sure you're looking for the feature in the right place. It's on the tab with other stickers in stories. The question sticker is located between the gif and the location sticker. To open stickers, take a photo or video in Stories, then swipe up. The question icon should be there. If not, go to the next item.

2. Check the App Store for updates

The new feature is available from version 52 of Instagram for iOS and Android. The app needs to be updated for it to appear. Go to App Store and check the Updates tab. If there is no update, then it is not yet available.

3. Update the app

If you have an update available, you need to install it. After that new function will be ready to use.

4. Reboot your device

If you've updated the app and the new feature still doesn't appear, try restarting your device. Sometimes it helps. After rebooting, check the application again.

5. Wait

The function still hasn't appeared? Then you will need to be patient and wait. This often happens with updates containing new functions, after a while it will become available to you.

In the meantime, you can ask your friends questions and get to know them from new perspectives. When you have the function, they can do the same.

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July 10, 2018 functionality social network Instagram has been replenished with an innovation that allows users to create their own. The innovation was greeted with a bang, and the very next day the stories of many users were replete with stickers of questions they had created. Some of the interested subscribers started a rumor that the answers to such questions are purely anonymous, which led to many funny situations. So how to answer questions on Instagram, are the answers anonymous, and what to do if, by clicking on the sticker, you are thrown to another story? Consider in this material.

How to answer questions from your followers

At the moment, answers to a question in Instagram Stories are possible in two main forms:

In the latter case, we will need to go to the story with your original question, and swipe up to go to statistics. Here we will see the received answers to our question, from which we will need to choose the one we like.

We tap on this answer, after which a plate with three options for actions will appear:

Of the three listed options, we are interested in the first one. Let's analyze its features.

We choose the background for our story, the location of the asked question and answer on the screen. As noted above, the question will be anonymous, and its authorship will not be available to other users. Our answer to it can be formatted both in text and with the help of a photo or video, with the addition of a variety of graphic elements.

What to do if, when you click on a sticker, it flips to another story

There are situations when, when you click on a question sticker, instead of typing an answer, you are thrown to another story. This is usually due to outdated version the Instagram application you are using, or the lack of an appropriate update for your version of the operating system.


Above, we have analyzed the ability to answer the received questions in Instagram. And what needs to be done so that the question asked to you becomes the basis for publishing your next story on Instagram. If the questions in the social. networks do not work correctly for you, then I recommend updating (or even reinstalling) the Instagram application, which in many cases allows you to fix the problem.

Finally, the update of questions for Stories on Instagram has reached the majority of Russian users. This update adds an additional way to interact with your followers and more. Now you can collect questions in the format Instagram Stories and answer them there. It turned out to be something like the once popular services of anonymous questions.

We will try to figure out how to ask questions in Instagram Stories, give answers to them and use this trick to engage the audience. Let's go!

Questions for Instagram Stories

How to ask a question

To ask a question in Stories, you first need to prepare what you want to publish (photo, video or text), and then click on the sticker at the top of the screen.

Then, in the pop-up tab, find the "Question" sticker and tap on it.

A form will appear through which users can ask questions and enter the text that they see. It should be a call to ask you questions.

To enhance the effect and attract more attention, you can add a gif with a pointer and also add geolocation and hashtags to get additional coverage.

At the end, we press "Submit" and wait for the publication. People who have seen your Story will be able to ask an unlimited number of questions. As a rule, the bulk of the questions, if any, will come in the first 2 hours after publication. After waiting for the questions, you can start answering them.

How to answer questions in Stories

We go into our stories and go to the one where we created the form for questions. Swipe up to go to statistics.

In the statistics on views, you can see the received questions. To answer, click on a question and select an answer option:

How to make a Story with an answer to a question

We select the background and positioning of objects on the screen: the place where the question and the answer to it are located. The question will be shown as a form with the question asked. In this case, the author of the question will remain anonymous. The answer can be formulated in any form - in text or, for example, by recording a short video.

If necessary, you can add other elements, for example emoji slider or any other sticker.

Background for answering a question in stories on Android and iPhones

From the moment of launch until today, as a background for answering a question in Stories, you can use:

  • on Android: a gradient color from the standard set, as in the Story formatting as text;
  • on iPhone: you can choose any background - a picture or a video.

Why there are no questions on Instagram

What if there is still no question sticker for Instagram Stories? For those who have problems, here is a list of the main problems and how to solve them.

  • Application version... Go to Instagram settings and check which version of the application you have installed. There must be a version no less than 52nd, for both iOs and Android. Refresh yourself.
  • If updating the application does not help, try to demolish it, clear the cache and reinstall it.
  • Didn't appear? Once again, carefully review the content of this article - are you doing everything right?
  • I do everything according to the instructions, but nothing helps - write to technical support.

What Interesting Questions You Can Ask in Instagram Stories - Ideas Pack

The Questions sticker will help engage your audience in brand communication and work on getting feedback. Here are some ideas for interesting questions and what questions to ask on Instagram Stories.

1. Get feedback.

Submit a "Leave your review" sticker to collect feedback on your work, product or service. You can also ask to leave your wishes: what can be improved, what you liked and disliked. Thus, those who did not even think about evaluating your company will be involved in the interaction.

2. Collecting questions.

Find out what your target audience cares about - ask them. For example: “What else would you like to know about our product” or “What can I tell you about our service”. Replace “product” and “service” with your own names. It would seem that hardly anyone can be interested in this, but in fact, you will be surprised how many questions your potential customers have.

3. Form of entry.

Let your customers sign up with a question sticker. Write a call to action: "Leave your phone number and we will call you back to record" or "Do you want to book an item in the warehouse? Just write your answer here. " Only in this case, you need to quickly track incoming requests.

4. Competitions.

Create a competition using question forms. Ask a question and give a prize to the first one to answer or arrange a quiz of many questions, where the winner is the one who answers the most correctly or answers the fastest.

5. Get to know your subscribers better.

Forget about sales and show genuine interest in your followers. Find out how they live, how they spend their free time, what they prefer for breakfast, or what book they are reading right now.

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