What is the difference between a smartphone phone which is better. The main advantages of Android smartphones over devices on other operating systems

What is the difference between a smartphone phone which is better. The main advantages of Android smartphones over devices on other operating systems


We live in an amazing time when, thanks to the rapid development of microelectronics, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine what is the difference between a phone and a smartphone.

Just a dozen years ago, this was obvious: an enlarged color screen indicated that the device belonged to a more advanced class. Accordingly, conventional mobile phones dispensed with displays that display a black-and-white picture in a pseudographic mode. Much has changed since then, and this difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone has lost its relevance. For example, now you can buy a mobile phone with only basic functions, but a huge

"Smart" devices

To answer the question of what is the difference between a smartphone and a phone, it is necessary to remember what functions were added by developers to an ordinary mobile phone, which subsequently made it possible to call such an improved model a “smart phone” (from English smart). At one time, the emergence of new modifications was constrained by the fact that all existing devices already coped remarkably well with their main task - making calls both in the networks of cellular operators and to stationary terminals.

Increasing the transmitter power to increase the "range" was impossible, since it was necessary to meet the requirements for the permissible level of radiation. Something fundamentally new was needed that could attract potential buyers and interest them. So, first a calendar appeared in mobile phones, then a scheduler with a reminder mode, a converter of the most “traveling” currencies. Soon, in almost every communication device, one could find a browser for viewing Internet resources, a mail program, a calculator, etc. In other words, the phone began to turn from a device for making calls into a kind of pocket electronic assistant - a smartphone. It was the beginning.

So, in the light of the above, we can formulate the first difference between a smartphone and a phone - this is the presence in the device of additional features that are in no way connected with the main purpose. Currently, this area is actively developing: smartphones allow you to work with office documents, spreadsheets, watch movies and play games.


Of course, the difference between a smartphone and a phone is not limited to built-in additional programs. Since it is more appropriate to use a large color display for the convenience of using all the features, this has become the standard in most modern mobile communication devices. The graphics component has also undergone a change, becoming much more perfect. To ensure an acceptable speed of complex programs and graphics, it was necessary to install sufficiently productive processors in the devices. Hence the following difference between a smartphone and a phone - the first contains a high-speed computing unit, and the amount of RAM is hundreds of megabytes. To understand where is a “smart” and where is a “simple” phone, it is enough to compare the power of their processors: for example, it can be 1 GHz and 200 MHz, respectively.


Finally, one of the key differences is the presence of an open operating system, for which a large selection of third-party programs is available, which the user can install at his discretion. It is worth noting that although most cell phones allow you to install programs for the Java virtual machine, this does not classify them as smartphones. Also, if in a regular mobile phone the operating system is tightly protected and does not provide updates to new versions, then in smartphones running on Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Belle, and others, the user can install an improved control program.

Even using mobile communications for a long time and confidently, not everyone can correctly and clearly say what the differences between a phone and a smartphone are and which mobile communication device is more convenient and attractive to use.

Although the differences for 2017 are already minimal, we still see simple, push-button phones on sale without an integrated processor.

Let's try to figure out what is the difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone.

The fact that both of these devices can fit in the palm of your hand is a well-known truth, but otherwise there is a slight difference between them.

1. Smartphone or communicator

The communicator has been known for many years. This is a personal computer that can be freely placed in your pocket. It is complemented by the functionality of a mobile phone.

A smartphone, on the other hand, is a mobile phone that is complemented by the functionality of a pocket computer.

And although almost always in mobile phones there were additional functions (calendar, calculator), over time, models began to be produced with more and more intelligence.

Then, to emphasize the increased functionality and computing power, the term smartphone was introduced.

Over time, there is no longer a significant difference between communicators and smartphones, since both terms, in fact, mean the same thing.

Rice. No. 1. Mobile phone evolution

2. The difference in the availability of the operating system

Unlike familiar to many mobile phones, smartphones have a fairly advanced operating system that is open to software development by other developers.

Conventional third-party mobile phones have a closed operating system.

Those. for a mobile phone to be called a smartphone, it must be running an OS (operating system). In this case, third-party programs may be loaded into it.

The operating system provides the smartphone with a large number of additional features. For example, install programs such as Word, Adobe Reader, Excel and many others. And even the user himself can try to create a program for his device.

Using a smartphone, it is possible to view pictures and video files. Including pictures in MP2, AVI, 3GP format.

In everyday life, the majority of people who use a computer know the MS Windows operating system quite well. Of course, it will be much easier for them to get used to the communicator, which is controlled by Windows Mobile.

Those who can easily master the management of their mobile device, controlled by any other OS, can choose Symbian OS. There is also a Linux operating system, but it is not an alternative to Symbian and Windows Mobile.

3. Differences in functionality

The functionality of smartphones, in comparison with mobile phones (which have become familiar to us), improves significantly after additional applications are installed in them. Often communicators (smartphones) are equipped with a touch screen.

They are controlled with a stylus. The stylus is a small pointer with a non-sharp and non-hard tip.

The screen acts as a keyboard, but it is still desirable to protect it from possible damage. For this purpose, a special protective film is glued on it. There are also devices equipped with a keyboard.

They are convenient for people with thin, dexterous fingers. An example is the HTC TyTN communicator.

Recently, the line between smartphones and "regular" phones is increasingly blurred. New phones have long been equipped with functionality that was once inherent in smartphones (for example, e-mail). The exception is the cheapest models.

4. Differences in external characteristics

The purpose of this article is to distinguish the line that separates the world of smartphones and the world of mobile phones. First of all, they differ in their external characteristics.

Typically, the dimensions of a mobile phone are smaller than those of a smartphone. But microelectronics is constantly developing, and this increasingly affects the blurring of these differences.

If we compare a mobile phone and a smartphone that were released at the same time, then the screen size of the latter has always been larger. These means of communication differ in the number of their functions.

You probably know that "smartphone" is translated from English as "smart phone". And you are not the first to think about the question: what is so smart about this phone? And how is it different from a regular cell phone?

In a nutshell, "buying a smartphone" means buying not only a phone, but also a small personal computer, two in one. These devices (formerly called communicators or PDAs) became popular because they allowed you to use e-mail and view text files.

According to recent foreign studies, the use of a communicator as a telephone is only in fifth place for an average owner. On the first - web browsing, then - social networks, music and games. A smartphone is also often used to work with e-mail, send SMS, watch videos online, take photos and videos.

And this is not all the possibilities of the communicator. After all, the original purpose of the PDA - a portable organizer. And it can literally become your personal assistant, because it has such useful functions as organizing contacts, creating a task list and synchronizing with a computer. But that's not all.

Learn about the five main features of a smartphone that distinguish it from a regular cellular phone.

Five main differences between a smartphone and a regular cell phone

01. Powerful operating system. A smartphone, unlike a regular mobile phone, is based on such operating systems that allow you to run and download any applications. The most famous operating systems for smartphones are iOS (Apple), Windows Phone (Microsoft) and Android OS (Google).

02. High-speed Internet. All smartphones provide the ability to access the Internet. At the same time, more powerful devices allow you to get this access at high speeds by connecting to data networks or Wi-Fi.

03. Applications. Even the most inexpensive mobile phones are now equipped with some kind of software, such as an address book. But the capabilities of the CCP are incomparably wider. It allows - at a minimum - to create and edit text documents, images, and create music playlists.

04. Mail, chats. Unlike a regular phone, a smart phone is able to sync your personal and work email accounts. This means that with a smart phone you can “be at your work computer” at almost any time and anywhere in space! Many smartphones also include access to popular instant messaging services and allow you to chat.

05. Virtual keyboard. The smartphone includes a feature such as a touch keyboard or a QWERTY keyboard, where the keys are arranged exactly the same as on a computer. This is convenient, for example, when entering Internet passwords, which are often set taking into account the computer layout.

These are just some of the smart girl's features! Innovations appear almost every day. We do not yet know the capabilities that the smartphone will have next month or next year. Learn, learn and enjoy!

In this article, we will tell you about five basic facts and how a smartphone differs from a phone.

Almost everyone knows what a cell phone is. This is a small device that you can hold in your hands and that allows you to make calls from anywhere in the world. However, adding the word "smartphone" can lead to confusion for an inexperienced user. In fact, the separation of the two terms doesn't really matter if we call the Galaxy S9 a mobile phone and the iPhone X a smartphone.

However, below are tips to help you understand why some people use the word "cell phones" while others use "smartphones" and why a smartphone is sometimes referred to as a cell phone but not vice versa.

What to choose a phone or smartphone?

Mobile device technology is one of the fastest growing areas in consumer electronics, making it difficult to define terms like cell phone and smartphone. However, most people use mobile phones mainly for phone calls, while smartphones, considered as Internet devices, are used to a lesser extent for voice calls.

The choice between a standard cell phone or smartphone comes down to whether calls are important to you or convenient Internet access and access to multimedia files.

The functions of a smartphone are part of the capabilities of a computer

You can think of a smartphone as a miniature computer that can also make and receive calls. Most smartphones have a virtual store of thousands of apps that turn your phone into something much smarter than a regular cell phone.

Smartphone applications include image editors, navigation maps and many other useful options. Some smartphones take this a step further and give you a built-in virtual assistant like the Apple iPhone's Siri, which everyone can agree on makes the phone much smarter and more technologically advanced.

A smartphone is capable of functioning like a cell phone, but not all mobile phones can replicate this. In other words, a smartphone can make calls like a mobile phone, which in turn does not have the same add-ons and applications, such as Apple's Siri assistant or Google's voice assistant.

5 basic facts: What is the difference between a smartphone and a phone?

Operating system

The operating system on smartphones is in many ways similar to what is installed on your personal computer at home or at work. For example, your computer is most likely running Windows or MacOS, or possibly Linux or some other desktop OS. However, the mobile operating system may be, for example, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS, or webOS.

The difference in the operating system of a cell phone compared to the operating system of a smartphone is again determined by the usability of the software. iPhones and Android phones are generally perceived by the masses as being relatively easy to use by most users.

When it comes to a mobile phone (which is not "smart"), the operating system is usually very light and simple, with minimal menus and little to no extra options or apps.

microprocessor and memory

Mobile phones, compared to smartphones, have incredible processing power, usually faster, more powerful microprocessors and large amounts of memory. Demanding applications such as photography, video and games require faster and faster processors.

Some models have tens of gigabytes of memory to store large music and video libraries, as well as databases and applications. On the other hand, mobile phone processors are simpler and suitable for smaller requirements such as phone calls and basic applications.


Cell phones and smartphones have apps, programs that make the phone more useful. Cell phone applications include games, contact managers, and text messaging programs. Apps on smartphones are much more complex as they take advantage of the phone's faster processor, more storage, and internet connectivity.

There are over a million smartphone apps from the most basic to the most advanced. In addition to the more sophisticated versions of applications, smartphones already have a number of useful applications installed with the operating system, a music player, photo editor, advanced calculator, social networks and other programs, there are too many to mention them all.

Dimensions and screen size

Smartphones usually have larger displays than their larger brothers. A larger screen gives apps more room for graphics and lets you enjoy movies, videos, and other media. Smartphone control is carried out thanks to the touch screen.

The screen on a mobile phone is used primarily to view phone numbers and text messages, although many people can play simple games, open appointment calendars, and contact lists.

Internet and network connections

A cell phone's primary network connection is for voice calls, although many have Bluetooth short-range data connectivity and support for hands-free calling.

The smartphone has these network connections, plus 3G/4G data and Wi-Fi. Some have a technology called Near-Field Communications that allows you to use your phone as a smart credit card. Internet access is provided using cellular data where the cell tower is located. Internet access via Wi-Fi is usually free, although the range of services is limited to homes and businesses that provide it.

Brief facts about the history of mobile phones

IBM developed the first smartphone in 1992 called the Simon. The smartphone was unveiled as a concept device in Las Vegas at the computer industry show known as COMDEX.

What are the most significant differences for you, do you use older phones in your daily activities and why? Write your answers in the comments and share this article on social networks.

Video: Five advantages of a feature phone over a smartphone

Recently, people have ceased to understand the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone. This is due to the fact that smartphones have become the most mass-produced product for a long time. They are the best selling right now. And people began to forget about ordinary cell phones. They began to believe that they simply do not exist now, that smartphones have replaced mobile phones. But this is absolutely not true!

Let's start with the fact that no smartphones existed before. Suffice it to recall 1987, when Nokia released a simple phone called Mobira Cityman 900. It was a real brick - heavy and large. And there was nothing better on the market at that moment. It's hard to believe, but the phones of those years did not even know how to send and receive SMS! Moreover, they did not even get a contact book right away!

In the 90s, only desktop computers and laptops could be called smart. One could only dream of all sorts of smartphones and tablets, or observe their use in the Star Trek series - its creators literally predicted the future.

The breakthrough happened only in 2001, when it was released Nokia 9210 Communicator. It was one of the first smartphones. As an operating system, Symbian OS 6.0 was installed on it, and the device could also please with a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard. The popularity of the model was such that in the future almost all portable devices equipped with smart functionality and a slot for a SIM card began to be called communicators. In particular, the so-called devices with Windows Mobile on board.

Operating system

As you have already begun to understand, a cell phone differs from a smartphone in the absence of a real operating system. Instead, mobile phones use the simplest firmware, the functionality of which cannot be seriously expanded. Such software only supports the installation of Java applications, the functionality of which is severely limited in many aspects. But there are exceptions. For example, mobile phones were popular in the mid-2000s. Siemens, on which, using a computer, it was possible to install certain plug-ins developed by third-party people. Such extensions provided the owner of the phone with new functions, and sometimes even increased the amount of memory.

Modern and old smartphones operate under the following operating systems:

There are some other mobile operating systems, but they are much less common. For example, the operating system was never able to gain popularity. Firefox OS. Well, a regular phone is different in that its manufacturer does not focus on the name of the firmware - on the device itself, you can only see its version.

Device design

In fact, the differences lie not only in software, but also in the design of gadgets. Previously, all mobile phones had a mechanical keyboard - most often numeric, but sometimes QWERTY. But now you can also find mobile phones with a touch screen - in particular, this applies to devices based on firmware bada, support for which was closed quite recently. That is, we can say that the lines between mobile phones and smartphones have blurred in this regard. But it is not so.

Go to the official website of the manufacturer and read the technical characteristics of the device. If it is a mobile phone, then you will not be told about the amount of RAM or the processor used. The fact is that for a smartphone these are very important values, because the speed of its operation depends on them. And simple mobile phones function stably even on the weakest components.

Other differences

Let's get back to the software. As we have already mentioned, if traditional cell phones support the installation of additional programs, then only in the form of strictly limited Java applications. And if you have a smartphone in your hands, then you can install more advanced programs and games written in a completely different code. For example, for hundreds of applications have been developed that have the extension .sys or .sysx. Well, Android is rich in tens and even hundreds of thousands of very good programs with the extension .apk- you can download them in the company's online store Google Play.

Also among themselves smartphones and phones differ in cost. Back in the early 2010s, the former were much more expensive than the latter. But gradually the price of components began to fall, in connection with which smartphones began to cost less. But the difference is still felt. While the cheapest are push-button devices. Touch mobile phones are already a little more expensive, they are close in cost to budget smartphones based on Android. Because of this, they are becoming less and less popular and finding them on store shelves is becoming more and more difficult every day.


These are the most noticeable differences between smartphones and mobile phones. Due to the decrease in the cost of production of components, the latter are gradually losing their popularity. It is possible that in the future only "androids" and other smart devices will remain in stores, since the point of acquiring a low-functional cell phone will simply disappear.

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