Where can we. Where can you sell logos and make money? Video about making money online

Where can we. Where can you sell logos and make money? Video about making money online


Many women dreaming about serious relationship, today they complain about the catastrophic lack of time and places to meet. Cafes, bars, restaurants, discos and other establishments replicated for these purposes have long been blacklisted - there you can most likely find a man for only one night. And endless traffic jams, almost round-the-clock work and the Internet leave almost no time and imagination in search of more suitable places to meet. But the hero of your novel can be found both in ordinary and unusual storylines - the main thing is not to look at it and take the initiative into your own hands.

1. "Any roads are dear to us ..."

One friend is forced to fly very often by plane at work. Unlike many other ladies who prefer to dress in comfortable sportswear during the trip, on the contrary, she dresses with the elegance of an English queen. And all because he considers these places to be the best for meeting men. By the way, she has such successful acquaintances that she has a cart and a small cart: a diplomat from St. Petersburg sends her bouquets every week, an Italian businessman invites her to spend a vacation together, and a German artist dreams of painting her portrait ...

The main character
The romance of dating on the subway, trains and electric trains will probably never go anywhere. Skeptical young ladies who will say: "Fi, how can you - after all, only plebeians use these modes of transport!" Worth knowing: sometimes even show business stars like Philip Kirkorov descend because of the notorious traffic jams in the metro. Yes, here you can easily meet a nice intellectual in clean shoes and with a volume of Bunin in his hands, or a businessman who is late for a meeting in expensive watches and Forbes magazine. The main thing is to clearly see the presence or absence of a wedding ring.

Direct speech(cheat sheet for ladies how to start a conversation)
“Seems like we've already met? Do you take this route every day? " (Suitable for metro and dating in traffic)

“Great music in your player. My favorite band!" (If your travel companion is a music lover)

“I am very afraid to fly. Perhaps I'll have to drink wine for soothing purposes, maybe keep me company? " (Alcohol helps to relax, and also brings together very well ... if not overused, of course)

2. Courses "cutting and sewing"

At any courses and master classes, at least, you can find a like-minded person. Well, or at least a fellow in misfortune. A friend, out of nothing to do, went to yoga for the company with a friend. In the second lesson, it turned out that the cravings and abilities for yoga in this group were absent in two people - her and another guy. In order not to feel like a completely black sheep, she began to sit down next to him every lesson, and the couple laughed together at their awkward poses. A month later, these would-be yogis gave up the idea of ​​becoming flexible and strong and began to meet already on neutral territory.

The main character
A person who shares common interests with you. With such, conversations usually work out as if by themselves.

Direct speech
"How great are you doing, maybe you can help me a little too?"

“Hi, this is not busy. May I sit down? "

“I am late for courses because of work all the time. Can I ask you to take my place next time? "

3. Fresh air

Recently, it has become fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, skating, skiing, and in the summer - on bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards and scooters. And these sports are literally created to introduce people to each other. An experienced extreme rider will be happy to teach you tricks and different tricks, you just have to ask and draw attention to yourself, blinking in surprise. Don't have equipment - skates, skis, bicycles, rollerblades or skateboards? Nonsense - now rentals are organized on covered areas in all parks. Forward! By the way, you can even hire a nice instructor.

The main character
We choose an individual we like without a ring and a tail in the form of a girl or a child riding behind.

Direct speech
“How wonderful you are. I wish I could learn this way too. Can you show me this little trick again for me personally? " (if your hero is special and fully armed)

"Young man, help to fulfill a childhood dream - teach to skate / bike / help to choose a bike"

“I don’t understand anything about the speeds on this bike, don’t enlighten me?”

"You have already skated here - can you tell me where the rental is, which way, the track is more picturesque?"

4. Shop

You can get acquainted in almost any store, from an ordinary grocery store to a pet store and an ice cream tent. Help to choose, carry bags, get the right product, evaluate the quality and appearance purchases or give up the queue - with all these questions, you can safely contact the object you like.

The main character
A person's purchases are like a litmus test; it is very easy to calculate a bachelor, as well as a person's habits and preferences. The only trouble is that men do not really like to walk around the shops for hours and choose everything carefully. Like savages, from the shelves they usually grab the first thing that comes to hand and carry away their feet.

Direct speech
“Do you know about wines? Can you help me choose? "

“I choose a scent for my brother. I do not understand anything about male preferences. Which one do you like? "

“What do you think is the best oil to put in my car? And can you advise where you can change it? "

"Have you tried that ice cream?"

“What breed of dog / cat do you have? Do you think this food is better than that? "

And you can also not ask, but help yourself if you see a clearly confused bachelor in front of a shelf with cheeses or olive oil. Many men distinguish products only by taste, but on the shelves of the store they can not find what they need at all. Timely said sensitive female advice is an excellent reason to strike up an acquaintance.

5. Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a type of travel and meeting people from other cities and countries. In the West, the practice of living “for free” in the house of a stranger is a common thing, and in our country it is gaining popularity. So, for example, if you are going to admire the white nights of St. Petersburg or feel the spirit of France, then this is probably The best way get acquainted with the culture and lifestyle of another country (city). Moreover, you are not averse to acquiring a useful acquaintance with a pleasant man. In the network of such surfers-travelers it is enough to find and choose a hospitable host and pack their bags.

The main character
You need to look for it on the official resources dedicated to such a guest exchange. Doubtful personalities who do not particularly seek to talk about themselves are to be avoided. But lovely apartments with nice owners, who talk about themselves without concealment and are even ready to show their passports - enough for armament!

Direct speech
“I hope you can show me a couple interesting places cities?"

"I would not mind an interesting excursion"

"I would be glad to receive a return visit"

And, of course, if the acquaintance turned out to be successful and promising, then you should take care of its continuation. Here are a few rules that would be good to "hack to death":

Do not give your phone number to someone who is in no hurry to give theirs;
it is better to get acquainted with a man alone than in the company of friends;
at the end of the conversation, it is better to let your companion know directly whether you liked the conversation or not: "You know, I had a lot of fun with you." His answer will not be long in coming;
you can not exchange contacts, but arrange another random meeting (if you accidentally found out and know exactly where and when you can find him);
it is better to postpone intimate relationships until the moment when you are sure that it is time.

You don't have to leave home to make money. Today it is enough to have access to the Internet and a great desire to do what you love. Ten years ago, such a concept as a "free freelancer" seemed strange and absurd, and many simply did not know what it was. But now every year there are more and more “free workers”. And this trend is understandable, because the "free profession" has a lot of advantages.

For example, a freelancer, unlike most social workers, has complete independence. His schedule is free, the schedule directly depends on the wishes of the performer himself. In addition, the employee chooses his own workplace. This could be your kitchen table or your favorite chair. In short, it has become much easier to combine household chores and work. Another plus is the minimum cost. A freelance freelancer may not spend money on business outfits, office bills, and so on. And on top of that, such work often has excellent earnings.

If suddenly you decide to become one of these lucky ones, then this article is for you. Let's look at where to start, how to make money on sites, where you definitely need to look and what resources can be useful to you in your search for your favorite business.

Freelance sites

And if you are well versed in programming, you are interested in working with video and audio files, or you want to become a remote administrator of a website, then you definitely need to get acquainted with the most popular projects for freelancers. And here are a few of them:

  • Weblancer.net, fl.ru - this is where you will find the largest number of offers that are received, if not every minute, then exactly every hour. You can complete tasks and get decent money, or you can create new programs or sites and simply offer them to potential buyers, of whom there are very, very many.
  • 1clancer.ru and Modber.ru are suitable for people who are familiar with the 1C program firsthand. On these sites, you can find both permanent remote work and temporary projects.
  • Logopod.ru, Illustrators.ru - websites for designers. By registering on any of these portals, you can create interesting logos, complete exciting tasks, and you are ready to pay decent money for this.

Content exchanges

These are a kind of special sites where you can buy or sell interesting projects. Most often the work is connected with writing and selling articles... The most popular exchanges today:

  • Etxt.ru is a wonderful and very useful resource for creative people. The site is easy to navigate, so you can easily go through the registration stage and start looking for a job. Here you become a kind of writer who finds the order you like and submits an application for its execution. Everything is simple and affordable.
  • Copylancer.ru - the site also offers a lot of interesting orders for rewriters and copywriters. Unlike the first site, there are higher prices, and, accordingly, the requirements for work are much stricter. If you are a beginner, you can try your hand at simpler resources.
  • Advego.ru is an amazing site where great masters have been working for many years high level... Great service with a lot of competition, but despite this, newbies are loved here.
  • Miratext.ru is another equally interesting and exciting exchange. Here you can buy interesting articles or become a freelancer and write unique content. The site provides excellent payment and there are always a lot of orders.

If you have not registered an organization yet, then easiest do it with online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reports are generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLC on the USN, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it became!

File sharing

First, let's briefly talk about what it is and how you can make money on it. File sharing is a place where a lot of useful and not very useful files are stored... Each of us at least once, but downloaded information from similar sites. When downloading, we do not think about where this or that file came from. In fact, everything is very simple. There are a huge number of these sites where ordinary people upload new material every day.

  • TurboBit.ru is an excellent and powerful resource that is updated with new information every day. This is one of the few portals where you can get started right away without going through the registration stage.
  • DepositFiles is an interesting service that has been around for several years. Therefore, there is no doubt about the honesty of this portal. Upon registration, you will receive nice bonus in the amount of five dollars. With active participation on the site, you get various gifts, discounts and many benefits. The longer you work, the more you get.
  • letitbit.net has a nice interface, easy navigation and a huge number of fans. Although, like all similar sites, it has some disadvantages. Despite this, many make good money here and strive to conquer new financial heights.
  • - an excellent site, however, not as well-known as the aforementioned sites, but it has existed for a long time and has an excellent characteristic.

It is possible to make money on these resources, but it is unrealistic to become a millionaire right away. Therefore, having uploaded a file to one of the file hosting services, do not sit waiting for a miracle. Search for and attract download audiences.

Earnings on surveys

This method of making money is suitable for all beginner freelancers. Even if you do not have a higher education, you can easily register on popular sites and receive assignments. But there is one but - it is very difficult to find good sites where they really pay for answering questions.

Often, a novice worker has to browse a lot of sites, and eventually he may find something. But this is not always guaranteed.

Making money from surveys is a kind of attempt to get funds the easy way. Even if you come across a good organization willing to really pay for your answers, remember, making a lot of money from this is unrealistic. Maximum 40-60 rubles per day. If you want to make money more productively, take a look at other offers.

Completing certain tasks

When deciding to start working on the Internet, young freelancers, especially those who want to make money quickly, but do nothing, start with just such jobs. To do this, you need to find a site, register and you can start working.

The essence of the work comes down to the fact that performing certain tasks, you need, for example, click on a banner with an advertisement, send a letter, visit a website, and so on. You won't be able to earn a lot by doing such a simple job. Therefore, it is worth thinking about something real. For example, about making money on advertising.

Earnings from advertising

This is one of the most popular ways work in the field of the Internet. To do this, it is enough to acquire a website or blog. Next, you must fully promote your portal so that every day you have hundreds of visitors, or better, if there are thousands. It is not easy to do, but it is possible.

When you manage to collect an excellent audience, you can move on to the main process - earnings. There are several ways to do this. First, you can allocate free space for advertising and invite your visitors to use a free piece of your precious portal for a fee. Or you can go to a special site, where you will register, after which you will have all sorts of advertisements. And for this you will receive a certain percentage. Let's take a look at the most popular similar systems:

  • People-Group is one of the largest platforms ready to provide a lot of interesting advertisements. The system takes care not only of advertisers, but also of those sites where ads are placed.
  • TAK.ru - here you can register and start working in exactly a minute. Payment is made in dollars.

In addition to making money on their website, today many start a business by running a simple blog. You don't need to be a great programmer to create one. It is enough to go to one of the proposed portals: blogun.ru or livejournal.com (in fact, there are much more of them). And then you start filling your blog with interesting or just fun information. After the blog gains good popularity, you can start making money on advertising.

Other options

Various options for making money online are presented in this video:

Earnings Vkontakte



Free events are constantly organized at Muzeon, from film screenings to concerts. You can also attend numerous lectures and music festivals (especially many of them are held in the summer). In addition, the park is one of the largest open-air sculpture museums in Russia, with over a thousand sculptures in its collection.

st. Krymsky Val, ow. 2

Sculptures in the courtyard of the Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka 6+

In the courtyard of the museum (you can get there for free) there is a monument to the heroes of the film "Mimino", a cycle of monuments "Citizens", monuments to Andrei Sakharov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Joseph Brodsky, Niko Pirosmani and Theodor Russo. However, the set of sculptures is unstable: from time to time they are transferred or new ones are exhibited. Some of the monuments exactly repeat the statues installed in front of Tsereteli's workshop on Gruzinskaya Square.

st. Petrovka, 25

In the Metro gallery, which is located in the lobby of the Vystavochnaya station, you can always see interesting expositions. The area along the pedestrian balcony built above the station tracks appeared here at the end of December 2005 and is still in operation. The exhibits are updated several times a year. The first photographer whose photographs were exhibited in the underground gallery was the famous photographer and journalist Yuri Rost. He presented a series of photographic landscapes "Presentation of the World". Then, at different times, a joint project of the RIA Novosti agency and the Moscow Metro, Young and Famous, appeared here, photographs of the Paris Metro of the early twentieth century, documentary images of the tundra, and much more. A great idea how to while away a few minutes while waiting for the train.

metro station "Vystavochnaya"

Cultural centers at the library. Rudomino

The library itself constantly hosts free exhibitions and concerts. It also created centers for foreign culture, where you can attend interesting lectures and all kinds of events related to a particular country free of charge. They offer to study foreign languages ​​only for money, but you can use the language laboratory for free.

st. Nikoloyamskaya, 1

Center for Contemporary Art "Winzavod" 6+

Winzavod became the first art-territory in the industrial zone of Moscow. The schedule of its galleries and exhibition halls always includes events that are free for everyone. Guests can listen to lectures on various topics close to art for free, visit exhibitions.

per. 4th Syromyatnichesky, 1/8

ZIL Cultural Center 6+

ZIL pleasantly surprises with a variety of free educational projects: in the lecture hall you can learn about architecture and modern painting, in the lecture hall you can attend lectures by HSE teachers or representatives of the SNOP, schoolchildren can attend educational circles and prepare for exams. Sometimes the cultural center hosts free performances and master classes.

st. Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1

Center for Creative Industries "Fabrika"

In the Fabrika center, which unites exhibition spaces, theater stages, film and music workshops, free exhibitions of contemporary artists of various trends and formations, theater performances and concerts are held regularly and practically without interruption. Festivals are held in the "Assembly Hall" space, discussions are held in the "Arthouse", and visual arts and theater await you in "Olivier".

per. Perevedenovskiy, 18

Library-reading room named after Turgenev

Modern libraries in Moscow are becoming full-fledged cultural centers: interesting, fashionable and, most importantly, free. In particular, Turgenevka constantly hosts exhibitions, concerts, lectures and film screenings. Some of them can only be accessed with a library card, but registration will take five minutes and will, of course, be free.

Bobrov per., D. 6, bldg. 1, 2

Design-quarter Flacon 0+

In its loft spaces, Flacon brings together representatives of the creative industry. Here you can find showrooms, studios and workshops, cafes and restaurants, training grounds, concert and theater spaces and much more. There are over 250 tenants in the district. Free admission here usually happens to music festivals and film club screenings.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36

Gary Tatintsian Gallery 12+

Korean modernism, Belgian conceptualism, American fashion photography - Gary Tatintsian's gallery always organizes outstanding exhibitions that all of Moscow speaks about. Free admission is not the main reason to come here, but it is a nice bonus.

emb. Serebryanicheskaya, 19

Lenin's mausoleum

If you have never been to the Mausoleum, you probably don’t know that the entrance there is free. You can treat the activities of Vladimir Ilyich as you like, but the Mausoleum is a historical place, and therefore we could not bypass it on our list.

pl. Red

Cathedral of Christ the Savior 0+

The entrance to the most famous Orthodox church in the country is free (unlike, for example, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg), but if you need the services of a guide, you will have to pay for them. This temple is the largest in the country and can accommodate 10,000 people at a time. Its total height reaches 103 meters, and the interior painting occupies almost 22,000 m², 9,000 of which are covered with gold leaf. Interestingly, under the building there is also a two-level underground parking for 305 cars and even a car wash.

st. Volkhonka, 15

Main department store - GUM 0+

You may be surprised, but there is something to see in GUM, and these are not new collections in boutiques. In the Main Universal, interesting events are constantly arranged. The Rodin exhibition, Porsche cars, Russian folk crafts, food for astronauts, Olympic torches - this is just a small part of the expositions that have been here.

Krasnaya Sq., 3

Museum of radio and amateur radio named after Krenkel

The museum will be of interest to both radio amateurs and everyone interested in history. Professional radio equipment is presented here: for example, walkie-talkies from the times of the war, household appliances - television and audio equipment. Open from Tuesday to Thursday, but access to the museum is only possible by prior arrangement.

ave. Ryazansky, 8, bldg. 2

Water Museum 12+

Simultaneously a museum and an environmental center created by Mosvodokanal. You can find out what kind of water we drink today, and trace the history of Moscow's water supply using existing models of structures, electric maps and water purification technology diagrams. The building of the museum - the former Main Pumping Station, built in the 19th century - is a monument of industrial architecture.

Sarynskiy proezd, 13

Club "Propaganda" 18+
The oldest and most famous club in Moscow

The good old Propka is still popular and hospitable for free. During the day, you can drop by for a business lunch (from morning to evening, the institution operates in cafe mode), and after nine in the evening - join one of the parties that take place here all week. The poster is usually scheduled for several days (or even weeks) in advance. There is face control.

Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky per., 7

Department store "Tsvetnoy"

Tsvetnoy regularly hosts interesting exhibitions, presentations, film screenings, parties and promotions. For example, here they organized an autograph session with the producers and artists of the film "Blockbuster", showed a very personal monologue of David Lynch about an idyllic childhood, arranged an exposition "Kurt Cobain: The Last Photo Shoot", and a super-grand event Vogue Fashion's Night Out with collaborations of world and Russian brands, gifts, treats and pleasant surprises. So the Tsvetnoy department store is not just shopping.

Tsvetnoy blvd., 15, building 1

"Bad apartment" Mikhail Bulgakov 12+

Here, a museum, a theater and a cafe are united in one room. Every third Sunday of the month, in accordance with the program of the Department of Culture, the museum is open for free, unless the date has been changed due to citywide events such as "Night at the Museum" or "Night of the Arts". Also, full-time students, Moscow schoolchildren, children under seven and privileged groups of citizens can visit the "Bad Apartment" free of charge. Entrance to theatrical performances and excursions - for a fee.

st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, (passage through the arch), apt. 50

More and more people are making money online. This means that they can no longer live in dirty, noisy, cold and overly expensive metropolitan areas. If your job is to sit at the computer all day, then you most likely no longer need to live and work where you have achieved some success.

There is a fussy and stifling atmosphere in Moscow, in Kiev it is now unsafe, in New York or London it is very expensive. Ideal places to live are usually found where they are not looked for at all. Here are ten heavenly places on earth that are perfect for starting a new life. A life in which you will work on the Internet and relax in an incredibly beautiful and cozy environment.

Avarua, Cook Islands

2. The locals are Polynesian aborigines, and they are not at all spoiled by tourists. No more than 100 thousand foreigners come here annually. For comparison: Hawaii attracts 8 million tourists a year.

3. What can you do here? Whale watching, hiking, and incredible scenery.

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

5. This fabulous town is located in the Czech province of Bohemia. The whole city is like one huge medieval castle. All streets in it are cobbled. It regularly hosts Renaissance-style fairs, as well as the incomparable Rose Festival. A three-course lunch for two here costs $ 20 all year round, and an apartment can be rented for $ 400 a month. And then there is the Vltava River - an ideal playground for rafting lovers.

The only catch is that for a normal life here you will have to learn at least a little Czech.

Koh Tonsai, Cambodia

Here you can relax on the beach or explore the local jungle cave. For five bucks, local fishermen will cook a delicious dinner from the crab they have caught right in front of you. And any other seafood here costs a dollar or two.

7. What's the catch? Well, this is not a "childish" clean beach island where you will lie under an umbrella all day long. The wild local beach is sometimes decorated with packs of stray dogs or other forest dwellers. But only here you can feel how far you are from civilization.

Guanajuato, Mexico

Pearl Islands, Panama

10. 30 kilometers west of mainland Panama lies an amazing archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Once upon a time, a huge amount of pearls were mined here. There was a time when the most powerful pirates hid from the authorities on these islands. Now this place is home to great resorts for the locals.

Agonda beaches, Goa, India

13. The southern part of the Goa coast is a place that allows you to ride elephants right on the beach. You can buy a bottle of wine here for $ 0.5, get a haircut for $ 0.6, and rent a shack on the seashore for $ 120 a month. Seriously, what else do you want?

14. This part of Goa is quite deserted, and the locals are not as spoiled by tourists as in the other part of the Indian coast. And in Agonda, there are almost no hippies with their goofy plastic glasses. But there are a large number of temples and places for yoga classes.

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Ho Coc Beach, Vietnam

17. The southeast coast of Vietnam is famous for having 11 thousand hectares of rainforest. And this is perhaps the best place in Asia for diving and spearfishing: there is a huge barrier reef here. And here it is free from tourists even on weekends.

Couchsurfing and 7 of its analogues, legal ways to "take away" a house for a while and settle there, housing for work not on a farm.


On the Delhi-Gai train, I met a Czech who, without flights, crossed the entire Middle East (including such difficult countries as Iran and Pakistan) using couchsurfing. Leaving some money or gifts, he lived for several weeks in one place, studying the culture and modern society of the Middle East. This was his theme scientific work and he decided to collect material outside the library).

Couchsurfing is deservedly popular and is based on trust and generosity. You host new friends for free and travel around the world enjoying the hospitality of others. Some only travel, while others are so generous and hospitable that they only accept. You need to register on the site, find a hospitable host, read reviews about him and write to him. It's free, the site is in English.

Insurance may be asked at the border ...

Apply for travel insurance online, here the minimum costs 6 euros.

Couchsurfing analogs

If you haven't found the dates and dwellings you need on the couchsurfing site, try:

  • www.hospitalityclub.org is a somewhat self-made and completely non-commercial site;
  • globalfreeloaders.com is a similar site;
  • www.staydu.com housing for free, for money or for work on the spot - you can choose;
  • servas.org is a community to help each other travel, founded a long time ago by students who wanted to travel and stay with each other. You can stop for 1-2 days;
  • warmshowers.org is a 100% hospitality site. Designed for cycling travelers;
  • pitchplace.org find a place for your tent around the world;
  • bewelcome.org is a site where you can find housing, work, friends.

Look after the house and live in it

This style of travel is suitable for those who want to live longer. Your responsibilities are usually: keeping the house clean, watering the plants, and walking with the animals. Here are the sites where you can find a home:

  • mindmyhouse 11,044 registered homeowners and 5,746 caretakers. Registration cost - $ 20;
  • housecarers - annual registration cost - $ 50;
  • luxuryhousesitting most of the proposals in the USA, but there is also Europe, mainly England. Annual registration fee is $ 10.

It's good if you can show the owner of the house your financial stability, indicate your profession, income, as well as photos “in my house”, where clean and comfortable will be available on Facebook.

Work wherever you want

Since I found out about these sites, any nagging "I want to see the world, but no money", "I hate my job" I cut off by instantly sending these links. If a person really dreamed of traveling, then he will definitely find something for himself, and if not, he will stop whining, at least to me))

  • www.workaway.info - Find housing and food jobs around the world. Projects from smart to dung However, in order to get contacts of employers, you need to issue paid subscription for $ 20 per year;
  • helpx.net - a similar site, but free;
  • sopotra.com is a site where you can transport a parcel and earn money along the way.

Here are the sites where you can check how much your skills and experience are in demand in a particular place and find a job in any city in the world. To do this, go to the site, enter the locality from your trip, the specialty in which you are looking for work, and you will receive a list of current vacancies, payment terms and contacts of employers:

  • site tailored for travelers. Many temporary work opportunities. There is information about embassies, hostels, vacancies for volunteers;
  • craigslist on this site, in addition to job opportunities in Europe and America, there are communities of interest where you can;
  • indeed site provides very broad and accurate job search opportunities around the world. There is a version in Russian;

Rent for a penny

If you are traveling with a company, the easiest way is to visit the AirBNB website. Here you get a clean and ready-to-live apartment or house with a kitchen, bathroom and your own keys. Check out these prices!

Extreme hotel discounts

There is such a sport: finding a good hotel for a penny. The best results are shown by this search engine. It finds discounts in hotels, for this you need to filter the results by the size of the discount.

it 8 nights for 2 in Prague.

Earn 700 euros per month renting an apartment in Kiev

There is such a website AirBNB, here foreigners rent apartments in Ukraine, and prices in Kiev are quite high.

Set the price lower first, get good feedback and raise up to 25-30 euros. Even if the site itself recommends that you bet 17 or 19, do not obey, it is interested in loading all 30 days in a month at any price, and you - to make the most of it.

If you have a two-room apartment, rent each room separately, this almost doubles your income.

On the plus side: you learn English (you can start from scratch) and earn in dollars.

For Ukrainians - free

The editorial office opens the site hotline traveler.

We select low-cost tickets and budget accommodation for Ukrainians for free. Need help - write here

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