Where are cookies in Yandex browser. Turn on cookies in Yandex browser

Where are cookies in Yandex browser. Turn on cookies in Yandex browser


During the period of operation of the Yandex browser, there may be such a need as deleting cookies. Cookies are text files that enter data about visits to sites. In the Yandex browser, it is possible to clear cookies using a specific function for this. There are several ways to find this parameter in the browser.

After launching Yandex browser, you need to enter the settings menu. It's in the upper right corner. In the drop-down menu, look for the "Advanced" item, located at the very end of the menu. By pointing at it with the cursor, a submenu will drop out, in which you need to find the "Clear history" parameter. A new tab will open, with multiple browser settings options. A window will also pop up informing you what data can be deleted. In this window, uncheck unnecessary items, otherwise the browser will delete other information as well. In the Yandex browser, you can set a time period that allows you to erase data for a certain period of time. If you want to delete cookies for the entire period of using the browser, you must select the "For all time" option. When all the parameters are set, press the "Clear history" button. The uninstallation process will start, which will not take more than a few seconds. You can open the "Clear history" window in the Yandex browser using a slightly different method. To do this, launch the menu and select the "Settings" item. Yandex will open a new tab again, but this time you need to find the function of clearing cookies yourself. To do this, at the bottom of the page, click on the "Show advanced settings" button. A complete list of features that you can customize will expand. We are interested in the "Protection of personal data" block. To the right of the inscription, we are looking for the "Clear history" button. A window will open with information that you can clear. We put a tick next to the item "Cookies and other site data" and select the desired period of time. Press the button "Clear history". After that, it remains to wait for the process of clearing the cookies. The easiest way to maximize the cookie cleanup window is by using the Ctrl + Shift + Del key combination. These hotkeys are defined by the Yandex browser to quickly open the "Clear history" window. The rest of the actions are completely identical - a confirmation is put in front of the column for deleting cookies, and the time period is determined. After clicking the button, you need to wait for the uninstallation process to complete, which will not take much time. You can clear (or block) cookies for each site separately. To do this, open the desired site, and right-click anywhere on this site. In the submenu, look for View Page Information.

Cookies are temporary files that collect and store information about the settings and accounts of all visited sites. They facilitate the work, because they remember the username and password.

But sometimes, for security reasons or when the speed of the browser is slowing down, it becomes necessary to delete cookies.

First of all, the cookie function in the browser is for the convenience of users. However, these files have several negative consequences:

  • Increased vulnerability. Some malicious utilities can access the user's personal data through cookies.
  • Decreased browser speed. When too many files accumulate, it can cause the system to freeze.
  • The appearance of failures. Sometimes, through the clutter of information, autocomplete may work incorrectly and display the wrong data on the site.

The fastest way to clear cookies

To delete all temporary files, you can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Del. The method works in all browsers. After that, the following window will open:

With this option, you can clear cookies, cache, download history, views, passwords and other data in the Yandex browser. The disadvantage of this method is that all cookies are completely deleted and there is no way to select specific sites.

Standard way

To clear the cache or cookies in the browser, you need to go to the settings. Follow the step by step instructions.

First you need to press the button on the Yandex browser control panel. It is located just to the left of the "minimize / close" buttons. In the window that appears, select the "Settings" item.

In the settings menu, look for the "Show advanced settings" button and click on it.

In the "Protection of personal data" section, left-click on "Clear download history".

In the pop-up window, put a tick in front of the column "Cookies and other site data" and click on "Clear" to confirm your action.

Clearing through history manager

There is an alternative way to delete unnecessary data in Yandex.

  • Go to the control panel as described above.
  • Select the "History" item in the list.
  • In the window that appears, click on the "History Manager" column. A quick way to get to this section is to press the key combination Ctrl + H.
  • A window will appear containing data on the last visited sites. Click on the "Clear" button in the upper right corner.

Selective cleaning

If you only need to delete individual cookie files, use this option.

In a known way, go to the Settings> Show advanced settings section, and then select "Content settings".

In the menu that appears, select "Show cookies and site data". A list of all sites where temporary files are saved will open. They can be cleaned selectively.

Also, the Yandex browser has the ability to add exceptions. For example, disallow or allow the storage of cookies in the browser. In addition, you can only allow cookies for a single session. This can be configured in the "Manage Exceptions" item.

That's all, now you know several ways how to easily clear cookies in Yandex browser.

Cookies in any browser are an essential element. If a user uses a computer exclusively for work, say, with text documents using the help, and does not go to the Internet very often, then he does not even suspect the existence of cookies. Another question is, if the world wide web is an important part of a person's life, then cookies make it easier to use the Internet. In this article, I would like to figure out where to find cookies in Yandex browser, as well as how to delete cookies in Yandex browser.

What are cookies

So what exactly are cookies? In fact, this is a text file that is required to identify a user. An illustrative example: if you have accounts in social networks, blogs, etc., to enter them, you do not need to enter your username and password every time, thanks to cookies, the login occurs automatically. It is noteworthy that at the request of the user, the cookie settings can be changed. For example, you can prevent the Yandex browser from saving data, or, on the contrary, allow it. In addition, you can block data from various third-party sites.

However, cookies pose a hidden threat to your computer. With their help, you can send spam or malware on your behalf without you even guessing about it. By the way, to avoid problems with malware, you should have a.

How to clear cookies in Yandex browser

To destroy traces of your stay in the Yandex browser, you need to follow the following tips. Go to the settings, where at the very bottom you will see "Show advanced settings". There you will see a button "Clear history", click on it.

Now you need to select the period of time for which you want to delete cookies. Next, make sure that the box next to "cookies and other file data" is checked. Then click "Clear history". That's it, the cookies are erased.

There is another way to get to the history in which you can clear the cookies. Go to "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Clear history". Next, do the same manipulations as described above.

By the way, you can use the key combination with which you delete data in the browser. Just click Ctrl + Shift + Del.

As you can see, getting rid of cookies in the Yandex browser is very easy! Moreover, this can be done not in one, but in several ways. Choose any one you like and remove your traces of being in the web browser, because even inexperienced users can easily cope with this, and the whole process will take no more than a minute.

Video to help

Cookies (aka cookies or cookies) are small files containing information about the websites you visit. The browser records and remembers them. Cookies are overwritten every time you open and close sites.

Purpose of cookies

By saving the username and password to your personal account, cookies save us from having to enter them again. They also remember information about the user entered on the site (data, search queries, filters, etc.). Their merit is also in the fact that the goods in the shopping cart of the online store remain lying if you have not completed the purchase. Since these files track the behavior of site visitors and store statistics of visits, they are indispensable in the marketing analysis of user preferences. Cookies also speed up the loading of sites that the user has already visited.

Are cookies harmful?

By themselves, these files are not harmful, but are directly related to the anonymity and privacy of users on the network. Attackers can use them to access the personal data of site visitors. The analysis of human behavior through cookies is also convenient for special services to track illegal activities on the Internet. With active Internet surfing, a lot of cookies accumulate on the hard disk, and therefore the browser starts to slow down noticeably. Therefore, it is worth periodically cleaning the browser from these files. Another option is to completely disable them in the browser. We will consider the last option below, providing instructions on how to disable cookies in the browser from Yandex.

Disabling cookies in Yandex Browser

Method number 1

By disabling cookies, you need to delete the rest from your computer. This can be done using special cleaning programs or by deleting the history in the browser.

Method number 2

How to delete any number of cookies

With a large accumulation of cookies in the browser from Yandex, it is inconvenient to delete them using the above methods. In this case, you need to act like this:

Disabling cookies will increase the privacy and anonymity of the user's online activities. If you know how to disable cookies in your browser from Yandex, you can avoid loss or theft of personal data, as well as prevent viral and advertising mailings. Deleting data will positively affect the speed of the browser and the PC itself. However, after disabling this function, a number of sites may not work correctly. You also need to be prepared to re-enter logins and passwords on those Internet platforms where cookies were previously responsible for storing this data.

It happens that a PC user while using the Internet pops up a window notifying about the full memory of the cache or cookies (cookies). Cookies are temporary files that are used to store the user's personal data... When the Internet pages start to display incorrectly, it may be necessary to clear the cookies, that is, delete this stored temporary data.

Moreover, not every user can find the first time where they are and how to remove them. In this article, we will analyze in detail why you need to clear the cache in the browser and how to do it.

Data storage location in Yandex Browser

To find out where cookies are stored in Yandex Browser and see the saved files, you need to enter the settings menu. To do this, in the upper right corner, click the "Menu" button (located in front of the "Minimize window" button). Then select the "Settings" column, then go down below and click on the "Show advanced settings" button. Additional options for customization will open, in the "Personal data" item we go to "Content settings". In the window that opens, you need to select "Show cookies and site data", Yandex will give you a list of all saved files from sites.

How to disable and enable cookies

To disable cookies, you need to check the box in the above settings section on "Do not allow sites to save data" and put a check mark on "Block data and cookies". With this setting, files will not be saved.

You can control the data using the "Manage Exceptions" option, the button of which is located below the "Block data and cookies" line. To add an exception, you need to click on the corresponding button, add the site URL in the pop-up window and select the required condition from the proposed options ("Allow", "For one session", "Block").

To enable cookies in your browser, you need to check the box "Allow the storage of local data" and uncheck the box next to "Block data and cookies". You can also put a small restriction on their saving by checking the box "Allow saving data only for the current site" or refer to "Exclusion settings", where you can block or give a one-time permission to save the necessary files.

Individual settings

How to configure the automatic operation of cookies is described above. In the column "Content settings" going down, you can customize how cookies work for yourself by following the descriptions provided by the Yandex system itself. This will help you adjust both the storage fill rate and the operating speed. The fewer files are stored in storage, the faster your browser works, and the more resources you have to work with.

It is advisable to prohibit pop-ups, ads with shocking content and viral sites. Basically, they are the ones who most of all eat up the storage memory, since in their shell they have many third-party links to various sites with a lot of advertising.

Do not forget to take care of protecting yourself on the Internet, or rather, from stealing information stored in the cache. Do not forget to configure the "Protect" protection system in Yandex Browser.

Ways to clear browser cookies

You can clear saved cookies and cache files in the same "Content settings" menu by clicking on the "Clear download history" button. In the new menu, choose how long it takes to delete the information. Check the boxes "Files stored in the cache" and "Cookies and other data of sites and modules" and remove unnecessary checkboxes if you do not need them.

There is another way of cleaning - through the "History". This requires:

  1. Enter the "Menu" (the button in the upper right corner before the "Minimize window" button).
  2. Select the "History" item.
  3. In the window that opens, in the right field under the search box, click "Clear history".
  4. And you can also check the boxes for cleaning the components we need.
  5. Click "Delete".

In addition, clearing cookies and cache can be done using third-party programs (for example, CCleaner).

After cleaning, the browser speeds up a little in its work. Temporary files take up a lot of space on your computer and interfere with normal operation. Some IT pros advise that you clean your PC of temporary files at least once a week to keep your device running fast.

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