Yandex browser does not open youtube. Why video does not play in Yandex.Browser

Yandex browser does not open youtube. Why video does not play in Yandex.Browser


The largest site for watching videos is YouTube.

You can watch a variety of videos on it, from films and cartoons to short videos.

Therefore, we will consider the problems with watching videos on YouTube.

Youtube is the most popular and largest video hosting service. Therefore, a large number of professional workers monitor its performance, often arranging checks to identify errors.

But despite all these caveats, the site can be malfunctioning. Users of the Yandex browser most often encounter the fact that YouTube simply stops opening (the Internet site does not load). In order to solve the problem, you need to understand why it appeared.

  • First you need to check your internet connection. You need a good internet connection to watch videos. Even if you are sure that everything is fine with him, it will not be superfluous to check again, since anything can happen (the limit has expired, the lights turned off, which made Wi-Fi stop working). If the device is still connected to the Internet, check its speed. Usually, when its operation is excessively slow, the device notifies about it.
  • Check the Yandex browser. Often, the video cannot be viewed due to malfunctions in Yandex. If the reason for the error is in it, reinstall the browser.
  • Videos may not work due to antivirus software. Since some of them are composed of built-in firewalls that have access to overlap any sites and file documents. Check if YouTube is there. It is possible that he happened to be there.
  • Find out if the ISP is blocking access. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, but it does happen. This is usually done only with an order from a superior supervisor. To find out if the provider was involved in the blocking, call him and describe the problem.
  • If the site is working properly, but the video does not open, then the reason is most likely a YouTube malfunction. The video you want to watch may be overloading.

Can a YouTube video not work in a Yandex browser due to viruses?

It is possible that the video is not working due to viruses. By surfing the internet, you could easily pick them up. Viruses automatically modify the hots file (hosts), which has domain names that are used to translate into network addresses of nodes.

The problem is that due to these viruses, domain names change. Trying to go to YouTube, you may find yourself in a completely Internet resource that is not working at the moment. For this reason, Yandex users see a blank page when they go to view the video.

To get rid of this problem, you need to get into the hosts file and remove all the data that appears under the line After that, you need to close the hots and save the changes made, check the device for viruses using antivirus. Restart your computer if possible.

Why is YouTube video loading slowly?

If you cannot watch the video normally from Yandex (that is, each picture requires downloading), then the reason may be:

  • slow internet speed (restart the device, turn the internet off and on again);
  • insufficient amount of RAM (make the work of RAM easier, close unnecessary tabs and currently unused applications and file documents);
  • old version of Adobe Flash Player (update Yandex browser and flash player will update itself).

YouTube is considered the most popular and convenient video hosting, one of the most visited sites in the world. On this resource, you can watch interesting films, new clips, news releases, programs, amateur videos and much more.
The main difference between YouTube video hosting and similar resources is its smooth operation, as well as fast loading of any videos. But, despite this, there are times when it is impossible to open a given video hosting or watch videos on it.
What reasons can cause interruptions in the work of YouTube and how to deal with them? If YouTube does not open, first make sure that you have the current version Adobe flash player, because without it, you will not be able to view any video. The outdated version needs to be updated. If the cause of the problems in Adobe Flash Player is after this manipulation, YouTube should work.
If YouTube does not open, you can try to access this video hosting from another browser. If everything worked out, it means that there were some errors with the first browser. In this case, you need to clear the cache and check the browser settings. If this does not help, it is better to reinstall it.
Another reason why you cannot go to YouTube is the incorrect operation of the video card driver. In such a case, the problem can be fixed by updating it to the latest version.
If, after these steps, you cannot go to YouTube, there are free anonymizers, one of which you can use. More and more often, there are situations when the provider or network administrator blocks access to certain sites by blocking. In this case, the anonymizer will help you to successfully bypass the ban. To continue using YouTube without restrictions - make a call to the provider.
The problem with downloading YouTube can also be associated with the antics of viruses. To identify this fact, you need to check the folder at C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc. After all, some viruses can redirect the official version of YouTube to another location.
In rare cases, YouTube cannot be opened as a result of possible server crashes, hacker attacks, or the resource was included in the list of prohibited connections. In this case, panic is not appropriate - you need to wait a little and try again in a couple of hours.
If, after carrying out all the described manipulations, YouTube still does not open, contact the YouTube user support service, where you can report your problem directly to the official representatives of this video hosting.

YouTube doesn't work in Yandex browser? Some users have problems using the service. It is necessary to understand the possible causes, and only then suggest ways to troubleshoot.

YouTube is by far the most popular video hosting. Why has it become so popular in our country?

  • The main thing is that YouTube is an alternative to television and offers completely new formats.
  • You can access various content.
  • YouTube is a relatively free platform where you can express your opinion.
  • Hosting is free for users and content creators.
  • He has no worthy alternatives. YouTube has already taken over the market and all popular bloggers use it.
  • Hosting provides a dedicated client for mobile devices.
  • It is gradually developing, renewing and getting better.

You can use different browsers to view videos on your computer. Some people use Yandex browser. In fact, it is a modification of Chrome, and even created on its engine.

But Yandex specialists have developed their own design and added a few tricks. Yandex browser is in no way inferior to Chrome. It provides the same capabilities and has a number of additional features.

But why does YouTube not work in Yandex browser, a white screen appears, etc.? There can be many causes of problems, but we will list the most common ones:

  1. The content is too heavy for your device.
  2. The cache is full.
  3. There is malware on the computer.
  4. Problems with the hosts file.
  5. Service failures.
  6. No internet access.
  7. Browser issues, etc.

YouTube does not work in Yandex browser - what to do?

If YouTube stops working, the video does not start and does not load, then you need to look for the reason. Typically, the user has to consistently check different versions of the problem in order to finally fix the problem.

Overflowed cache

Problems with YouTube in Yandex browser? A full cache could be the cause. In the internal memory, the application saves various files that it may need in the future.

As a result, the cache gets clogged, it can disrupt the functioning of the program. It is recommended that you clean up and remove junk files from your computer. You need:

  • Open the section with settings.
  • Find the item "Clear download history".
  • Select the cache to be deleted.
  • Confirm the operation.
  • Restart the application.

Delete the cookie

Cookies are files that are used to store information about a user. They are widely used on websites and facilitate human interaction with the portal. But cookies can also disrupt the functioning of the browser.

For cleaning you need:

  1. Open the menu.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Find the "Clear download history" section.
  4. Mark cookies with a tick.
  5. Confirm deletion.
  6. Restart the program.

Important! Cookies are used by many sites to keep active user sessions. Therefore, after cleaning, you will have to re-login to various portals.


Virus problems are especially true for Windows. Not to say that there are none at all on other platforms. It's just that Windows is the most popular operating system, so most viruses are written for it.

Malicious software can disrupt the functioning of the browser and block various functions. You need to follow these steps:

  • Download any anti-virus application.
  • Enable startup scan in the program.
  • Restart your computer.
  • After starting, a system scan is activated.
  • Wait until the end of the procedure, it may take several hours. But at startup, you can perform a deep scan of the PC.
  • After scanning is complete, information about the infected objects detected is displayed. You can delete or quarantine them.

Hosts file

YouTube videos not playing? Perhaps errors in hosts prevent you from watching videos. To fix the situation, you will need:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Go to the section along the path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc.
  3. Find a file in the list and right-click on it.
  4. In the menu that appears, select the "Open with" item.
  5. A list of suitable applications is displayed. Click on Notepad.
  6. Remove all entries below line localhost.
  7. If there is a line :: 1 localhost under it, then you do not need to erase it. But delete what's underneath.
  8. Confirm saving the changes and restart the browser.

Low internet speed

Doesn't load Youtube in Yandex browser? Perhaps the reason is the low speed of the Internet. There is not enough network bandwidth to stream video at the specified quality. What can you do:

  • Connect a tariff with a higher speed provider.
  • If the parameters are lower than those stated, then it is worth contacting the support service of your operator.
  • You can lower the quality of the video by clicking on the gear icon.

It is possible that the video is too "heavy" for your computer. For example, you have chosen 4K quality, and the device simply cannot handle it due to insufficient performance.

Of course, you can change the components in the computer and improve its performance. But it's better to lower the bitrate by choosing the optimal setting for your device.

Other problems

Let's list other causes of the problem:

  1. Service failures. It is necessary to wait until they are eliminated.
  2. Installed extensions break the program. You can disable plugins in the "Additional" - "Additional tools" section.
  3. You have opened too many tabs at the same time, the RAM is full.
  4. Problems with the browser directly. Try updating or reinstalling it.
  5. The site is blocked on your network. In offices, access to social services is often limited in order to encourage employees to do their direct tasks.
  6. No internet connection. To check, try opening any other site in a new tab.
  7. An ad blocker restricts access to videos.

Video hosting YouTube is breaking all attendance records today. You can hardly find a person who has not heard of him. However, even such a popular site is not ideal and sometimes fails. The video does not load or, for example, the site refuses to load. Incorrect settings on your computer may also be the cause of the problem. How to fix this unpleasant situation? Let's consider everything in order.

Videos won't start. What to do?

First, check if a special plug-in is installed on your device, which is responsible for the correct loading and subsequent playback of all videos, as well as audio files on the World Wide Web. We're talking about Flash Player, without it you won't be able to enjoy watching videos on YouTube. Before proceeding with the next steps, check if this plug-in is installed on your computer. Perhaps its version is outdated and needs to be updated. If you do not have Flash Player, install it through the developer's site - Adobe and watch the video for fun.

Checking browsers

The most common cause of problems while watching videos on YouTube is due to incorrect settings on your browser. Let's analyze each of them in order and try to change the settings. If this was the case, then the problems will disappear immediately.

Internet Explorer

The good old browser has long lost its status and increasingly fails its users. Cases when videos on You Tube through this browser refuse to be loaded happen all the time. In order to fix this situation, you need:

  • go to the "Service" panel;
  • find there an item signed as "Internet Options";
  • click "Advanced";
  • then go to the item "Multimedia";
  • check if you have activated the functions of displaying images and playing videos. If not, do it by checking the boxes where you want.


To configure this browser, you need to go to the special "Settings" panel, then click on "General settings" and go to the "Advanced" section, then "Content". Here you need to activate special plugins and configure the playback of video files. To do this, click "Enable Animation".

After the performed manipulations, be sure to restart the computer, then check if the video has started to start. If this does not help, the problem persists, then try clearing the cache. It is recommended to do this regularly, such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the speed of the Internet.

Mozilla FireFox

With this browser, although less often, problems still occur. Videos on YouTube suddenly stop loading. In order to remedy this situation and continue watching videos, try to resort to cleaning the cache, mentioned a little above.

This can be done by clicking on "Settings" and going to the "Advanced" tab. Next, you need to find the "Network" item, set the settings there, adjust the cache size, it is advisable to set the indicator at least 150 megabytes. Then click "Clear now". Such simple manipulations can solve your problem.


In addition to all of the above, videos on YouTube may not be uploaded for other reasons. These include the infection of your working device with a virus program or the failure of the operating system. To get started, try doing a simple action - just restart your computer, it is quite possible that this will be enough. Then check the device with the installed antivirus program to be sure that everything is clean.

Another reason for poor YouTube performance is poor internet connection. In this case, you need to contact your provider and agree on this issue, perhaps you should switch to a different tariff.

You can always set the video for downloading in advance by clicking on "Play", then use the pause and wait until the video is fully loaded. This is not always convenient, but sometimes very effective.

What if YouTube won't load?

We figured out how to act if the video refuses to load, but here's what to do if the video hosting itself refuses to start. There may be several reasons:

  • the site has been blocked by your ISP or network admin. In order to check whether this is really the cause of the problem, try to go to YouTube through an anonymizer - this will help you quickly and quietly bypass the ban;
  • it is possible that your computer is infected with a virus. Check the device with your antivirus program;
  • take a look at your firewall, because it could happen that YouTube was mistakenly included in the list of disconnected connections;
  • rarely, but still there are accidents on the video hosting itself and the site stops working due to hacker attacks, accidents, or, for example, the installation of new updates.

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Unfortunately, problems with showing videos, and the YouTube site itself, often happen. In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, but to try to apply all the tips described above. With strict adherence to the recommendations, everything will work instantly.

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They turned to me for help to solve the problem. And the problem was that YouTube does not work in the Yandex browser. When opening this service, there were error messages.

Although in other browsers everything was fine. Opened in order Opera, Google Chrome, Mazilu, everywhere YouTube is loaded normally. What is the cause of this problem?

I decided to check everything in order, at the same time to tell you what to do if YouTube does not work for you in the Yandex browser.

Although, in fairness, I want to note that this situation can happen with any browser, and the troubleshooting steps will be the same.

So if YouTube does not work for you in other browsers, read the article further, it will be useful in all cases.

The reason when the YouTube channel does not work, the video does not load, is not necessarily related to any particular browser.

First of all, you need to figure out what exactly your problem is - videos on YouTube are not loading, or is the service itself not loading?

The plug-in Adobe Flash Player is responsible for downloading and playing videos on the Internet. If it has not been updated to the latest version, then there may be problems with downloading, watching video clips.

If there are no problems with playing video clips on the Internet, but there are problems with only one or two browsers, then we can assume that a new version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in is installed on the computer itself.

And since in Yandex Browser, Google Chrome this player is built-in, Adobe Flash Player is not always updated automatically, sometimes this procedure needs to be done manually.

Even if the browser is updated, the player may not be updated. Let's look at how to update Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser and Google Chrome.

Browser Refresh

The easiest way is to remove the problematic browser, download a new one, but this does not always help, since even a new browser may have an old version of the plugin.

Yes, delete the working browser, in which various working settings, extensions, add-ons are saved, this means configuring everything anew for yourself.

I will advise you the following, if you do not have any special settings, necessary extensions, other necessary things, then you can safely delete such a browser, download a new one from the official website.

If this option does not suit you, or if the problem persists after updating the browser, then consider the next method - manually updating the Adobe Flash Player plug-in in the Yandex browser.

We update Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser manually

Launch Yandex browser, in a new tab, enter the address in the search bar: browser: // plugins

Before us is a page for the settings of plugins installed in the browser by default, they help it work quickly and efficiently.

Look at the installed plugin number. If it is outdated, an update will be required.

How to update Adobe Flash Player plugin files in a browser

If the plug-in has not been updated when reinstalling the browser, then you can change it forcibly, manually.

First of all, close your browser and you can turn off the Internet. Open show hidden system folders and files.

This can be done by opening any folder, at the top click on "view", then at the top right "folder settings", the "view" tab and in the "Advanced settings" uncheck the line "hide protected system files", then check the box next to "Show hidden folders, files disks ".

  • NPSWF ***. Dll (instead of *** - the version number is indicated);
  • plugin.vch.

Instead, copy the same files from the Windows \ System32 \ Macromed \ Flash folder, install them in place of the deleted files. Next, restart your browser.

For some users, the necessary files may be in other folders, you can see the path to them on the browser settings page, I already wrote about this above.

For what reasons is YouTube still not working in Yandex browser?

This can be either a problem with the browser's allocated memory (the cache is full), or an internal conflict between installed plugins / updates for the browser.

Disable all applications, plugins you installed, see if the problem is gone?

If YouTube appears and works fine, then reconnect the extensions, see after each connection which of the installed applications or plugins interferes with the operation of the YouTube channel.

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